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Contextual Web Accessibility - Maximizing the Benefit of Accessibility Guidelines Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK UKOLN is supported by: dmag (Digital Media Access Group) is hosted by  the  University of Dundee Co-Authors: Andy Heath, Helen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton & Lawrie Phipps David Sloan DMAG University of Dundee Dundee, UK This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
W4A 2005: Reprise At W4A 2005 we presented “ Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity… ”: The practical difficulties of using a “standard” to encapsulate design requirements to accommodate a diverse set of needs under a diverse set of circumstances The achievements and limitations of WCAG in supporting this The resultant difficulties (and absurdities) from legislation and policy – that makes inappropriate reference to WCAG Using the example of the e-learning sector we pointed the way to a more holistic view of Web accessibility We received many positive comments on the ideas we presented
One Year On – Where are We? WCAG 2.0 is ever closer The “baseline” concept introduced with WCAG 2.0 is an excellent development  But – are we still trying to promote a “universally accessible Web” at the expense of “optimally accessible information, communication, education, entertainment, services…”?
Limitations of the WAI Model WAI model relies on conformant Web sites, conformant authoring tools, conformant user agents … and conformant users! A common complaint of “standardistas” – “ the user needs to take responsibility… ” There is value in this argument – but there are practical shortcomings And user technophobia/laziness/lethargy is only one obstacle How many users know they are “disabled”?

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From Web Accessibility 2.0 to Web Adaptability (1.0)

Slides for the opening plenary talk on "From Web Accessibility 2.0 to Web Adaptability (1.0)" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the OzeWAI 2009 conference held in Melbourne, Australia on 21-23 January 2009. See

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Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

The Importance of Context We argue Web accessibility is about supporting users achieve real world goals From Beyer & Holzblatt (1998) – the more you know about  your target audience  the more you can design to support them So the goal of “universal accessibility” has changed to supporting a defined set of users in the best possible way… How can we use WCAG to achieve this? DS  BK
The Challenges To summarise: WAI has been a great political success The underlying principles are widely accepted However The WAI model has its limitations Accessibility of digital resources can be provided in a variety of ways Blended approaches may be relevant in some areas Other areas may have differing views and definitions of "accessibility" and disability (cf IMS AccessForAll) The challenges: Do we ignore such complexities? Do we abandon the WAI approach and look for alternatives?  Do we look for an approach which can leverage WAI's successes whilst allowing for a diversity of solutions?
Holistic Approach Kelly, Phipps & Swift developed  a blended approach to  e-learning accessibility This approach: Focusses on the needs  of the learner Requires accessible  learning outcomes ,  not necessarily e-learning  resources Follow-up work awarded prize for Best Research Paper at ALT-C 2005 E-learning conference This approach reflects emphasis in  UK on  blended learning   (rather than e-learning)
Accessibility in Context A framework has been developed which places accessibility & usability within a wider context: The context A range of policies A compliance regime  Purpose Sector Funding Resources Context Accessibility/Usability Privacy Policies … Finance External Self-assessment Penalties Learning Compliance Digital Library Programme Broken Standards Research … External factors:  Institutional issues (funds, expertise, policies, security…) External factors:  Legal issues; cultural factors; … This approach embraces  relativism  and  context   rather than the current  absolute  approach Accessibility guidelines should be usable in wider context

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This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.

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The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university initially focused on using its virtual learning environment (VLE) to distribute course materials but has since recognized the importance of social technologies. The strategy updates the IT strategy to support emerging technologies like blogs and wikis and become a more agile service. It also discusses the technical, teaching, marketing, and legal challenges of implementing this new approach.

Articulating the Approach The "Tangram Metaphor" developed to avoid checklist / automated approach: W3C model has limitations Jigsaw model implies  single solution Tangram model seeks to  avoid such problems This approach: Encourages developers to think about a diversity of solutions Focus on 'pleasure' it provides to user
Tangram Model Model allows us to: Focuses on end solution rather than individual components Provided solutions tailored for end user Doesn't limit scope (can you  do better than WAI AAA?) Make use of automated checking – but ensures emphasis is on user satisfaction Guidelines/standards for/from: WAI Usability Organisational Dyslexic  Learning difficulties Legal Management (resources, …) Interoperability Accessibility metadata Mobile Web …
Tangram Model & Testability "WCAG 2.0 success criteria are written as testable statements …" (nb. automated & human testing   ) Issues: What about WCAG principles that don't have defined success criteria (e.g. "content must be understandable")? What about 'baselines' – context only known locally What about differing models or / definitions of  'accessibility'? Note vendors of accessibility testing services will market WCAG tools e.g. see posting on BSI PAS 78 Tangram model can be used within WCAG Distinguish between testable (ALT tags)  and subjective (content understandable) Supports baselines Baseline 1 Testable
The Cathedral & The Bazaar WAI Approach: Large-scale  and ambitious –but slow-moving External dependencies (e.g. on legal systems) Based on single approach ("you must …") Web-centric approach  Cathedral approach to development Holistic Approach: Modular & can be more rapid-moving & responsive Based on diversity of approaches - "seek to …"  Covers Web, other IT and real-world accessibility Bazaar approach to development " I don't claim people should do 100% of what I say “ J Neilson WCAG 2.0’s ‘baseline’ seems to recognise a contextual view  

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The Legal Framework This approach is well-suited for the UK legal framework: SENDA/DDA legislation requires " organisations to take reasonable measures to ensure people with disabilities are not discriminated against unfairly " Note that the legislation is: Technologically neutral Backwards and forwards compatible Avoids version control complexities … The legislation also covers usability, as well as accessibility
Conclusions To conclude: WAI has provided a valuable starting point Need to develop a richer underlying model  Need for Web accessibility to be placed in wider content Contextual approach & tangram metaphor aim to help inform such developments Should the WAI approach be more open about contextualisation or should this be applied externally?  There's a need to an evidence-based approach and less ideology
Questions Questions are welcome Note resources cited in the talk are bookmarked in using tag '' w4a-2006-sloan-kelly "

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Contextual Web Accessibility - Maximizing the Benefit of Accessibility Guidelines

  • 1. Contextual Web Accessibility - Maximizing the Benefit of Accessibility Guidelines Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK UKOLN is supported by: dmag (Digital Media Access Group) is hosted by the University of Dundee Co-Authors: Andy Heath, Helen Petrie, Fraser Hamilton & Lawrie Phipps David Sloan DMAG University of Dundee Dundee, UK This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
  • 2. W4A 2005: Reprise At W4A 2005 we presented “ Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity… ”: The practical difficulties of using a “standard” to encapsulate design requirements to accommodate a diverse set of needs under a diverse set of circumstances The achievements and limitations of WCAG in supporting this The resultant difficulties (and absurdities) from legislation and policy – that makes inappropriate reference to WCAG Using the example of the e-learning sector we pointed the way to a more holistic view of Web accessibility We received many positive comments on the ideas we presented
  • 3. One Year On – Where are We? WCAG 2.0 is ever closer The “baseline” concept introduced with WCAG 2.0 is an excellent development But – are we still trying to promote a “universally accessible Web” at the expense of “optimally accessible information, communication, education, entertainment, services…”?
  • 4. Limitations of the WAI Model WAI model relies on conformant Web sites, conformant authoring tools, conformant user agents … and conformant users! A common complaint of “standardistas” – “ the user needs to take responsibility… ” There is value in this argument – but there are practical shortcomings And user technophobia/laziness/lethargy is only one obstacle How many users know they are “disabled”?
  • 5. The Importance of Context We argue Web accessibility is about supporting users achieve real world goals From Beyer & Holzblatt (1998) – the more you know about your target audience the more you can design to support them So the goal of “universal accessibility” has changed to supporting a defined set of users in the best possible way… How can we use WCAG to achieve this? DS  BK
  • 6. The Challenges To summarise: WAI has been a great political success The underlying principles are widely accepted However The WAI model has its limitations Accessibility of digital resources can be provided in a variety of ways Blended approaches may be relevant in some areas Other areas may have differing views and definitions of "accessibility" and disability (cf IMS AccessForAll) The challenges: Do we ignore such complexities? Do we abandon the WAI approach and look for alternatives? Do we look for an approach which can leverage WAI's successes whilst allowing for a diversity of solutions?
  • 7. Holistic Approach Kelly, Phipps & Swift developed a blended approach to e-learning accessibility This approach: Focusses on the needs of the learner Requires accessible learning outcomes , not necessarily e-learning resources Follow-up work awarded prize for Best Research Paper at ALT-C 2005 E-learning conference This approach reflects emphasis in UK on blended learning (rather than e-learning)
  • 8. Accessibility in Context A framework has been developed which places accessibility & usability within a wider context: The context A range of policies A compliance regime Purpose Sector Funding Resources Context Accessibility/Usability Privacy Policies … Finance External Self-assessment Penalties Learning Compliance Digital Library Programme Broken Standards Research … External factors: Institutional issues (funds, expertise, policies, security…) External factors: Legal issues; cultural factors; … This approach embraces relativism and context rather than the current absolute approach Accessibility guidelines should be usable in wider context
  • 9. Articulating the Approach The "Tangram Metaphor" developed to avoid checklist / automated approach: W3C model has limitations Jigsaw model implies single solution Tangram model seeks to avoid such problems This approach: Encourages developers to think about a diversity of solutions Focus on 'pleasure' it provides to user
  • 10. Tangram Model Model allows us to: Focuses on end solution rather than individual components Provided solutions tailored for end user Doesn't limit scope (can you do better than WAI AAA?) Make use of automated checking – but ensures emphasis is on user satisfaction Guidelines/standards for/from: WAI Usability Organisational Dyslexic Learning difficulties Legal Management (resources, …) Interoperability Accessibility metadata Mobile Web …
  • 11. Tangram Model & Testability "WCAG 2.0 success criteria are written as testable statements …" (nb. automated & human testing  ) Issues: What about WCAG principles that don't have defined success criteria (e.g. "content must be understandable")? What about 'baselines' – context only known locally What about differing models or / definitions of 'accessibility'? Note vendors of accessibility testing services will market WCAG tools e.g. see posting on BSI PAS 78 Tangram model can be used within WCAG Distinguish between testable (ALT tags) and subjective (content understandable) Supports baselines Baseline 1 Testable
  • 12. The Cathedral & The Bazaar WAI Approach: Large-scale and ambitious –but slow-moving External dependencies (e.g. on legal systems) Based on single approach ("you must …") Web-centric approach Cathedral approach to development Holistic Approach: Modular & can be more rapid-moving & responsive Based on diversity of approaches - "seek to …" Covers Web, other IT and real-world accessibility Bazaar approach to development " I don't claim people should do 100% of what I say “ J Neilson WCAG 2.0’s ‘baseline’ seems to recognise a contextual view 
  • 13. The Legal Framework This approach is well-suited for the UK legal framework: SENDA/DDA legislation requires " organisations to take reasonable measures to ensure people with disabilities are not discriminated against unfairly " Note that the legislation is: Technologically neutral Backwards and forwards compatible Avoids version control complexities … The legislation also covers usability, as well as accessibility
  • 14. Conclusions To conclude: WAI has provided a valuable starting point Need to develop a richer underlying model Need for Web accessibility to be placed in wider content Contextual approach & tangram metaphor aim to help inform such developments Should the WAI approach be more open about contextualisation or should this be applied externally? There's a need to an evidence-based approach and less ideology
  • 15. Questions Questions are welcome Note resources cited in the talk are bookmarked in using tag '' w4a-2006-sloan-kelly "