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Simplify integrations-final-pdf
Simplify Enterprise Integration
Apache Camel and Fuse
Christian Posta
Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect
•  What is Integration?
•  Camel… what?
•  Honestly… Camel Rox!
•  Demo time!
•  Questions? Yah… over beer J
Your speaker
Christian Posta
Twitter: @christianposta
•  Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect
•  Based in Phoenix, AZ
•  Committer on Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Apollo
•  Author: Essential Camel Components DZone Refcard
What is Integration?
•  Off the shelf? Home Grown? Acquisition?
•  Platforms
•  Protocols / Data Formats
•  Data Formats
•  Timing
•  Organizational mismatch
Integration L
•  Common language!!!!!
•  Specific context
•  Forces at work
•  Concrete solution
•  Guidance
•  65 patterns
Patterns FTW!
•  Protocol mediation
•  Routing, Transformation, EIPs
•  Start small, build up, ESB if needed
•  Open Source
•  Community driven
Lightweight integration, right?
Consume XML doc from file system, put onto
messaging queue, separately consume from queue,
do some routing, archive to file system.
Logging, tracing, debugging. Also implement
flexibility, HA messaging, scalability.
•  Clearly cannot be done
•  A few months
•  A few weeks
•  A few Days
•  < 1 day10
Camel… right?
Apache Camel
Apache Camel is an open-source,
light-weight, integration library.
Use Camel to integrate disparate systems
that speak different protocols and data formats
•  Light-weight integration library
•  Domain Specific Language
•  Enterprise Integration Patterns
•  Components
•  Routing and Mediation (like an ESB?)
•  Runs in any container (or stand alone)
What is Apache Camel?
Quick Example
File System Message Oriented Middleware
Quick Example
From A Send to B
Quick Example
from(A) to(B)filter(predicate)
Quick Example
from(A) .to(B).filter(isWidget)
Quick Example
isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = ‘widget’”);
from(A) .filter(isWidget). to(B)
Honestly! Camel Rox!
•  Defined in Java, XML, Scala, Groovy DSL
•  Step by step processing of a message:
•  Consumer – Listen for incoming message
•  Zero or more “filters” or Processors
•  Producer – Send outgoing message
•  Pipeline of “filters” or “processors”
•  EIPs
•  Tranformation
•  Expressions
•  Exceptions
Camel Routes
Domain Specific Language
•  Domain specific (integration)
•  Build and describe integration flows
•  Embedded within a general programming language
•  Java, Spring XML, Scala, Groovy
•  Take advantage of existing tools
•  Fluent builders (builder pattern…)
•  from(“..”).enrich(“…”).filter(“..”).to(“…”);
public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {	
public void configure() throws Exception {	
.log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”)	
<route id=“processOrders”>
<from uri=“activemq:orders”/>
<simple>${header.customer-rating} == ‘gold’</simple>
<to uri=“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”>
<to uri=“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers” />
<log message=“received new order ${body.orderId}”/>
<to uri=“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”/>
•  Message Routing
•  Transformation
•  Aggregation
•  Splitting
•  Resequencer
•  Routing Slip
•  Enricher
Enterprise Integration Patterns
•  ActiveMQ, Websphere, Weblogic (JMS)
•  ATOM feeds
•  AWS (S3, SQS, SNS, others)
•  Bean
•  Cache (EHCache)
•  EJB
•  Drools
•  File
•  FTP
•  Google App Engine
•  GMail
•  IRC
•  jclouds
•  Jetty
•  Twitter
•  MyBatis
•  JPA
•  Spring Integration
•  Spring Web Services
To see list of all
•  URI format:
•  scheme:localPart[?options]
•  scheme: identifies the “component”
•  localPart: specific to the component
•  options: is a list of name-value pairs
•  Creates endpoints based on configuration
•  Route endpoint “factories”
•  Integrate with Camel Routes by creating producer/
consumer endpoints
Another Example
public class MyExampleRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {	
public void configure() throws Exception {	
	 	.filter(simple(“${header.type} == ‘login’”)
Management with HawtIO
Developer Tooling Support
JBoss Fuse
Integrate Everything!
Fabric8 (JBoss Fuse + Fabric)
•  Simplifies deployments, management
•  Blurs the line of PaaS
•  Provides cluster capabilities, coordination
•  Containers and Profiles
•  Provides additional management tools for
centralized configuration and monitoring
Professional Training
Camel Development with Red Hat JBoss Fuse
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Development and Deployment
Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Camel Development
Dzone Refcardz
•  Camel Essential Components
•  Essential EIP with Apache Camel
Consume XML doc from file system, put
onto messaging queue,
Separately consume from queue, do
some routing, archive to file system.
Logging, tracing, debugging. Also
implement flexibility, HA messaging,

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  • 2. 2 2 Simplify Enterprise Integration With Apache Camel and Fuse Christian Posta Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect
  • 3. 3 •  What is Integration? •  Camel… what? •  Honestly… Camel Rox! •  Demo time! •  Questions? Yah… over beer J Agenda
  • 4. 4 Your speaker Christian Posta Blog: Twitter: @christianposta Email: •  Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect •  Based in Phoenix, AZ •  Committer on Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Apollo •  Author: Essential Camel Components DZone Refcard
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7 •  Off the shelf? Home Grown? Acquisition? •  Platforms •  Protocols / Data Formats •  Data Formats •  Timing •  Organizational mismatch Integration L
  • 8. 8 •  Common language!!!!! •  Specific context •  Forces at work •  Concrete solution •  Guidance •  65 patterns Patterns FTW!
  • 9. 9 •  Protocol mediation •  Routing, Transformation, EIPs •  Start small, build up, ESB if needed •  Open Source •  Community driven Lightweight integration, right?
  • 10. Consume XML doc from file system, put onto messaging queue, separately consume from queue, do some routing, archive to file system. Logging, tracing, debugging. Also implement flexibility, HA messaging, scalability. •  Clearly cannot be done •  A few months •  A few weeks •  A few Days •  < 1 day10
  • 12. 12 Apache Camel Apache Camel is an open-source, light-weight, integration library. Use Camel to integrate disparate systems that speak different protocols and data formats
  • 13. 13 •  Light-weight integration library •  Domain Specific Language •  Enterprise Integration Patterns •  Components •  Routing and Mediation (like an ESB?) •  Runs in any container (or stand alone) What is Apache Camel?
  • 14. 14 Quick Example File System Message Oriented Middleware
  • 15. 15 Quick Example From A Send to B Filter message
  • 18. 18 Quick Example isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = ‘widget’”); from(A) .filter(isWidget). to(B)
  • 20. 20 •  Defined in Java, XML, Scala, Groovy DSL •  Step by step processing of a message: •  Consumer – Listen for incoming message •  Zero or more “filters” or Processors •  Producer – Send outgoing message •  Pipeline of “filters” or “processors” •  EIPs •  Tranformation •  Expressions •  Exceptions Camel Routes
  • 21. 21 •  Domain Specific Language •  Domain specific (integration) •  Build and describe integration flows •  Embedded within a general programming language •  Java, Spring XML, Scala, Groovy •  Take advantage of existing tools •  Fluent builders (builder pattern…) •  from(“..”).enrich(“…”).filter(“..”).to(“…”);
  • 22. 22 public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(“activemq:orders”) .choice() .when(header(“customer-rating”).isEqualTo(“gold”)) .to(“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”) .otherwise() .to(“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers”) .end() .log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”) .to(“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”); } }
  • 23. 23 <route id=“processOrders”> <from uri=“activemq:orders”/> <choice> <when> <simple>${header.customer-rating} == ‘gold’</simple> <to uri=“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”> </when> <otherwise> <to uri=“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers” /> </otherwise> </choice> <log message=“received new order ${body.orderId}”/> <to uri=“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”/> </route>
  • 24. 24 •  Message Routing •  Transformation •  Aggregation •  Splitting •  Resequencer •  Routing Slip •  Enricher Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • 25. 25 Components •  ActiveMQ, Websphere, Weblogic (JMS) •  AMQP •  ATOM feeds •  AWS (S3, SQS, SNS, others) •  Bean •  Cache (EHCache) •  CXF (JAX-WS, JAX-RS) •  EJB •  Drools •  File •  FTP •  Google App Engine •  GMail •  HTTP •  IRC •  jclouds •  JDBC •  Jetty •  Twitter •  MQTT •  MyBatis •  JPA •  Spring Integration •  Spring Web Services To see list of all components!!
  • 26. 26 •  URI format: •  scheme:localPart[?options] •  scheme: identifies the “component” •  localPart: specific to the component •  options: is a list of name-value pairs •  Creates endpoints based on configuration •  Route endpoint “factories” •  Integrate with Camel Routes by creating producer/ consumer endpoints Components from(“aws-sqs://demo?defaultVisibilityTimeout=2”)
  • 27. 27 Another Example public class MyExampleRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(“aws-sqs://demo?defaultVisibilityTimeout=2”) .setHeader(“type”).jsonpath(“$[‘type’]”) .filter(simple(“${header.type} == ‘login’”) .to(“jms:quote”); } }
  • 31. Fabric8 (JBoss Fuse + Fabric) • •  Simplifies deployments, management •  Blurs the line of PaaS •  Provides cluster capabilities, coordination •  Containers and Profiles •  Provides additional management tools for centralized configuration and monitoring 31
  • 34. 34 Professional Training Camel Development with Red Hat JBoss Fuse Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Development and Deployment Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Camel Development
  • 36. 36 •  Dzone Refcardz •  Camel Essential Components • •  Essential EIP with Apache Camel • REFCARDZ
  • 38. Consume XML doc from file system, put onto messaging queue, 38
  • 39. Separately consume from queue, do some routing, archive to file system. 39
  • 40. Logging, tracing, debugging. Also implement flexibility, HA messaging, scalability. 40