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Reliable, ACID-compliant database for
transactional workloads.
PostgreSQL's Strengths:
Cloud-native scalability for massive datasets.
Elastic performance & pay-per-use model.
Built-in data warehousing & sharing.
Snowflake's Advantages:
Combine PostgreSQL's transactional power with
Snowflake's analytics capabilities.
The Synergy:
Unlock deeper insights, scalability, and cost-
efficiency by migrating your PostgreSQL data to
Key Takeaway:
Continuous data sync for up-
to-date insights.
Real-Time Replication:
Intuitive interface for quick
setup & minimal configuration.
Estuary Flow: The Solution: A leading data operations platform designed to
simplify PostgreSQL to Snowflake migration.
Lower TCO compared to
traditional ETL tools.
Handles large volumes of data
with ease.
Ease of Use:
Watch 80 Sec end-to-end
product demo
Create a free Estuary Flow account on their
web app.
Set up Estuary Flow Account:
Access to your PostgreSQL database instance
(local or cloud-hosted).
Enable public access and note endpoint details.
Enable logical replication.
Configure PostgreSQL Source
Install and connect to the remote PostgreSQL
Set up Local PostgreSQL Client:
Create a schema, table, and insert sample data
into PostgreSQL.
Create a Sample Table and Populate Data:

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Build smarter data pipelines with powerful logic, automatic retries and lossless recovery from failures.

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"Real-Time Analytics with Spark and MemSQL" by Neil Dahlke, engineer at MemSQL for Orange County Roadshow March 17, 2017.

Create a Snowflake account, database,
schema, user, and role with the necessary
Set up Snowflake Destination:
Specify the PostgreSQL source details and the
schema/table to capture.
Create a Capture in Estuary Flow:
Select Snowflake as the destination and choose
the captured PostgreSQL data to materialize.
Create a Materialization in Estuary Flow:
Confirm data transfer by inserting a new record in
PostgreSQL and verifying its presence in Snowflake.
Verify Data in Snowflake:
STEP 8 For detailed steps guide:
Postgres to Snowflake
Connect to any PostgreSQL instance (local, RDS, Azure, etc.).
Seamless Connection:
Intuitive interface guides you through configuration.
Simplified Setup:
Real-time capture of data changes ensures data consistency.
Logical Replication:
Estuary Flow seamlessly integrates with
Snowflake Integration:
Create database, schema, user, and role
with appropriate permissions.
Warehouse Configuration:
Configure Snowflake to receive and
efficiently process data from Estuary Flow.
Data Loading:
Instantly captures changes from
PostgreSQL and loads them into
Capture and Materialize:
Gain up-to-the-minute insights for data-
driven decisions.
Real-Time Insights:
Near-instantaneous updates ensure data
Minimal Latency:

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Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse that runs entirely on cloud infrastructure like AWS or Azure. It uses a shared-disk and shared-nothing architecture. Data is stored in an optimized columnar format in cloud storage. Queries are executed using virtual warehouses that are independent compute clusters. Snowflake provides a SQL interface and connectors to load, query, and analyze data without having to manage any hardware or software.

Exploring Microsoft Azure Infrastructures
Exploring Microsoft Azure InfrastructuresExploring Microsoft Azure Infrastructures
Exploring Microsoft Azure Infrastructures

This document provides an agenda and summary for a Data Analytics Meetup (DAM) on March 27, 2018. The agenda covers topics such as disruption opportunities in a changing data landscape, transitioning from traditional to modern BI architectures using Azure, Azure SQL Database vs Data Warehouse, data integration with Azure Data Factory and SSIS, Analysis Services, Power BI reporting, and a wrap-up. The document discusses challenges around data growth, digital transformation, and the shrinking time for companies to adapt to disruption. It provides overviews and comparisons of Azure SQL Database, Data Warehouse, and related Azure services to help modernize analytics architectures.

by CCG
Andriy Zrobok "MS SQL 2019 - new for Big Data Processing"
Andriy Zrobok "MS SQL 2019 - new for Big Data Processing"Andriy Zrobok "MS SQL 2019 - new for Big Data Processing"
Andriy Zrobok "MS SQL 2019 - new for Big Data Processing"

This document discusses MS SQL Server 2019's capabilities for big data processing through PolyBase and Big Data Clusters. PolyBase allows SQL queries to join data stored externally in sources like HDFS, Oracle and MongoDB. Big Data Clusters deploy SQL Server on Linux in Kubernetes containers with separate control, compute and storage planes to provide scalable analytics on large datasets. Examples of using these technologies include data virtualization across sources, building data lakes in HDFS, distributed data marts for analysis, and integrated AI/ML tasks on HDFS and SQL data.

Verify successful data transfer and data
integrity through automated checks.
Data Validation:
Track data flow, identify potential issues,
and ensure smooth operation.
Monitoring & Logging:
Robust solution for mission-critical data
migration with built-in error handling
and recovery.

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Seamless PostgreSQL to Snowflake Data Transfer in 8 Simple Steps

  • 2. WHY MOVE DATA FROM POSTGRESQL TO SNOWFLAKE? Reliable, ACID-compliant database for transactional workloads. PostgreSQL's Strengths: Cloud-native scalability for massive datasets. Elastic performance & pay-per-use model. Built-in data warehousing & sharing. Snowflake's Advantages: Combine PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's analytics capabilities. The Synergy: Unlock deeper insights, scalability, and cost- efficiency by migrating your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake. Key Takeaway:
  • 3. INTRODUCING ESTUARY FLOW: YOUR DATA OPERATIONS POWERHOUSE Continuous data sync for up- to-date insights. Real-Time Replication: Intuitive interface for quick setup & minimal configuration. Estuary Flow: The Solution: A leading data operations platform designed to simplify PostgreSQL to Snowflake migration. Lower TCO compared to traditional ETL tools. Cost-Effective: Handles large volumes of data with ease. Scalability: Ease of Use: Watch 80 Sec end-to-end product demo
  • 4. STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO MOVE DATA FROM POSTGRESQL TO SNOWFLAKE Create a free Estuary Flow account on their web app. Set up Estuary Flow Account: Access to your PostgreSQL database instance (local or cloud-hosted). Enable public access and note endpoint details. Enable logical replication. Configure PostgreSQL Source STEP 1 STEP 2 Install and connect to the remote PostgreSQL instance. Set up Local PostgreSQL Client: STEP 3 Create a schema, table, and insert sample data into PostgreSQL. Create a Sample Table and Populate Data: STEP 4
  • 5. STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO MOVE DATA FROM POSTGRESQL TO SNOWFLAKE Create a Snowflake account, database, schema, user, and role with the necessary permissions. Set up Snowflake Destination: Specify the PostgreSQL source details and the schema/table to capture. Create a Capture in Estuary Flow: STEP 5 STEP 6 Select Snowflake as the destination and choose the captured PostgreSQL data to materialize. Create a Materialization in Estuary Flow: STEP 7 Confirm data transfer by inserting a new record in PostgreSQL and verifying its presence in Snowflake. Verify Data in Snowflake: STEP 8 For detailed steps guide: Postgres to Snowflake
  • 6. POSTGRESQL SOURCE CONFIGURATION MADE EASY Connect to any PostgreSQL instance (local, RDS, Azure, etc.). Seamless Connection: Intuitive interface guides you through configuration. Simplified Setup: Real-time capture of data changes ensures data consistency. Logical Replication:
  • 7. PREPARING YOUR SNOWFLAKE DESTINATION Estuary Flow seamlessly integrates with Snowflake. Snowflake Integration: Create database, schema, user, and role with appropriate permissions. Warehouse Configuration: Configure Snowflake to receive and efficiently process data from Estuary Flow. Data Loading:
  • 8. REAL-TIME DATA STREAMING WITH ESTUARY FLOW Instantly captures changes from PostgreSQL and loads them into Snowflake. Capture and Materialize: Gain up-to-the-minute insights for data- driven decisions. Real-Time Insights: Near-instantaneous updates ensure data freshness. Minimal Latency:
  • 9. ENSURING DATA ACCURACY AND RELIABILITY Verify successful data transfer and data integrity through automated checks. Data Validation: Track data flow, identify potential issues, and ensure smooth operation. Monitoring & Logging: Robust solution for mission-critical data migration with built-in error handling and recovery. Reliability: