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The hardest part of microservices:
Calling your services
Christian Posta (@christianposta)
Chief Architect – Red Hat
Full slide deck here:
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
Christian Posta
Chief Architect, cloud application development
Twitter: @christianposta
• Author “Microservices for Java developers”
• Committer/contributor lots of open-source projects
• Worked with large Microservices, web-scale,
unicorn company
• Blogger, speaker

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Istio: solving challenges of hybrid cloud
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Istio: solving challenges of hybrid cloud

This document discusses Istio, an open-source service mesh that connects, secures, and manages microservices. Istio solves challenges of running hybrid cloud deployments by providing service communication and routing, observability through metric collection, and security through features like mTLS and workload identity. The document outlines Istio's capabilities and provides an architecture for running Istio across Kubernetes and virtual machine environments. A demo is presented to illustrate Istio's capabilities in hybrid deployments.

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A Microservice Journey
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A Microservice Journey

The document discusses Christian Posta's journey with microservices architectures. It begins by explaining why organizations are moving to microservices and defines microservices. It then covers related topics like cloud platforms, container technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift, benefits and drawbacks of microservices, and tools for developing microservices like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Camel.

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The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red HatThe Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Your Data - Christian Posta, Red Hat

Christian Posta, principal architect at Red Hat discusses how to manage your data within a microservices architecture at the 2017 Practitioner Summit.

red hatmicroservicesmicroservices data

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Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
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Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes

Building microservices requires more than just infrastructure, but infrastructure does have a role. In this talk we look at microservices from an enterprise perspective and talk about DDD, Docker, Kubernetes and how established open-source projects in the integration space fits a microservices architecture

Microservices and Integration: what's next with Istio service mesh
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Microservices and Integration: what's next with Istio service mesh

This document discusses microservices architectures and emerging technologies to support them. It introduces Envoy proxy as a sidecar proxy that implements common microservices patterns like circuit breaking and load balancing. It then introduces Istio as a control plane that manages Envoy proxies and provides higher-level capabilities like traffic management, security, and observability across microservices. The presentation argues that 2018 will be the year of service meshes, with Istio being a prominent example for managing microservices communication using Envoy proxies.

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SOA to Microservices
SOA to MicroservicesSOA to Microservices
SOA to Microservices

10 yrs ago, SOA promised a lot of the same things Microservices promise use today. So where did we go wrong? What makes microservices different? In this talk, we discussed from an architectural view how we went sideways with SOA, why we must embrace things like Domain Driven Design and scaled-out architectures, and how microservices can be built with enterprises in mind. We also cover a step-by-step, in-depth tutorial that covers these concepts.

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The network… does what it wants.

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PHX DevOps Days: Service Mesh Landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

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The document discusses continuous delivery of integration applications using JBoss Fuse and OpenShift. It covers the cost of change in software development, how JBoss Fuse can help with integration challenges, and how OpenShift enables continuous delivery through automation and a developer self-service platform as a service model. The presentation demonstrates how to build a continuous delivery pipeline using tools like Git, Jenkins, Fabric8, and OpenShift to deploy and test applications.

Microservices and APIs
Microservices and APIsMicroservices and APIs
Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

Microservices are…
distributed systems
As we move to services architectures,
we push the complexity to the space
between our services.
We need guiding “service principles”
• Services shall be resilient when communicating
• Failures should not jump boundaries (no cascading failures)
• New releases should not impact production
• Mean time to recover should approach zero
• Security as a first-class citizen
• Policies to eliminate unexpected usage
Service principles

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Making sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverless
Making sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverlessMaking sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverless
Making sense of microservices, service mesh, and serverless

As companies move to become digital, we can get sidetracked and distracted by some of the changes in the technology landscape. Ideally we will be harnessing technology to solve the problems we have and leverage it to deliver software faster and safer. In this talk, I'll we'll take a look at some new technology trends in the open-source communities and when and how to use them.

microservicesservice meshserverless
Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices
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Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices

This document discusses microservices with Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins. It provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts like pods, replication controllers, services and labels. It also discusses how Kubernetes can help manage containers across multiple hosts and address challenges of scaling, avoiding port conflicts and keeping containers running. The document promotes using Jenkins and Kubernetes for continuous integration and delivery of containerized microservices applications. It recommends Fabric8 as a tool that can help create and deploy microservices on Kubernetes.

Fuse integration-services
Fuse integration-servicesFuse integration-services
Fuse integration-services

Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!

Have we had to solve for this in the past?

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Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShiftReal-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift

What are and aren't microservices? Microservices is a validation of the open-source approach to integration and service implementation and a rebuff of the committee-driven SOA approach. In this

Cloud Native Camel Riding
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Cloud Native Camel Riding

Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

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Intro to Knative
Intro to KnativeIntro to Knative
Intro to Knative

Knative builds on Kubernetes and Istio to provide "PaaS-like abstractions" that raise the level of abstraction for specifying, running, and modifying applications. Knative includes building blocks like Knative Serving for autoscaling container workloads to zero, Knative Eventing for composing event-driven services, Knative Build for building containers from source, and Knative Pipelines for abstracting CI/CD pipelines. While Knative can run any type of container, its building blocks help enable serverless-style functions by allowing compute resources to scale to zero and be driven by event loads.

cloud nativeknativeserverless
• Highly centralized == centralized governance
• Inadvertently scattered business logic away from business
• Scalability issues?
• Not ideal for use in cloud environments
Some drawbacks to this approach?
• Netflix Hystrix (circuit breaking / bulk heading)
• Netflix Zuul (edge router)
• Netflix Ribbon (client-side service discovery / load balance)
• Netflix Eureka (service discovery registry)
• Brave / Zipkin (tracing)
• Netflix spectator / atlas (metrics)
“Microservices” patterns
Now we have “service hurdles”

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Topics covered: 1. Generating a new Remix project 2. Conventional files 3. Routes (including the nested variety) 4. Styling 5. Database interactions (via sqlite and prisma) 6. Mutations, Validation, and Authentication 7. Error handling 8. SEO with Meta Tags and much more

remixremix framework
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration TalkChicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk

This document discusses integration in the age of DevOps. It describes how microservices help solve the problem of decoupling services and teams to move quickly at scale. Apache Camel is presented as a solution for integration that allows for reliable and distributed integration through mechanisms like messaging. Kubernetes and Docker are discussed as platforms that help develop and run microservices locally and at scale by providing automation, configuration, isolation and service discovery capabilities.

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
API World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscapeAPI World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

service meshconsullinkerd
• Require specific language to bring in new services
• A single language doesn’t fit for all use cases
• How do you patch/upgrade/manage lifecycle?
• Need strict control over application library choices
Some drawbacks to this approach?
But I’m using Spring!
• spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix
• spring-cloud-netflix-zuul
• spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client
• spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon
• spring-cloud-netflix-atlas
• spring-cloud-netflix-spectator
• spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream
• …..
• ......
• @Enable....150differentThings
But I’m using Vert.x!
• vertx-circuit-breaker
• vertx-service-discovery
• vertx-dropwizard-metrics
• vertx-zipkin?
• …..
• ......
Screw Java - I’m using NodeJS!
JavaScript is for rookies, I use Go!
But python is so pretty!
I prefer unreadability… Perl for me!

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Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service meshEvolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh

Cloud-native describes a way of building applications on a cloud platform to iteratively discover and deliver business value. We now have access to a lot of similar technology that the large internet companies pioneered and used to their advantage to dominate their respective markets. What challenges arise when we start building applications to take advantage of this new technology? In this mini-conference, we'll cover what it means to build applications with microservices, how cloud-native integration and concepts like service mesh have evolved to solve some of those problems, and how the next iteration of application development with Functions as a Service (FaaS) and serverless computing fit into this landscape. You'll hear from industry experts Burr Sutter and Christian Posta who recently authored a book Introducing Istio Service Mesh for Microservices about these topics. Attendees should come away from this mini-conference with the following: Understanding of what cloud-native means and how to use it to influence positive business outcomes How integration has evolved to create, connect and manage cloud-native APIs How service-mesh technology like Istio can solve the challenges introduced with cloud-native applications How the next iteration of applications deliver with FaaS and serverless computing fits in with a world of monoliths, microservices, and APIs These talks will be of value for developers, architects, operators, platform directors, and technology leaders. After the presentations, please stay and join Christian, Burr and your peers for networking, food and drinks. All attendees will also receive a copy of Christian and Burr's new book: Introducing Istio Service Mesh for Microservices.

Role of Integration and Service Mesh in Cloud Native Architecture KubeCon 2108
Role of Integration and Service Mesh in Cloud Native Architecture KubeCon 2108Role of Integration and Service Mesh in Cloud Native Architecture KubeCon 2108
Role of Integration and Service Mesh in Cloud Native Architecture KubeCon 2108

Building useful services across our collection of existing applications, microservices, and now functions, we see a common theme: services must be able to communicate with each other, and solve problems like data mediation, routing, policy enforcement, security, and others. Service mesh is a technology that has emerged in container-based environments to help solve some of these problems; however, not all of them can be solved by pushing the problems to a different abstraction. Understanding the role and responsibility of service mesh and application-integration frameworks can help you successfully build useful business services on a cloud native platform. This talk will help you understand those roles and responsibilities and how service mesh and application integration co-exist to build cloud native applications.

Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service meshEvolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh

The document discusses the evolution of integration and microservice patterns with service mesh technologies like Istio. It describes how service meshes provide decentralized application networking infrastructure between services through a data plane and control plane. This includes features like advanced load balancing, traffic control, observability, and policy enforcement that help improve resilience, security, and reliability of distributed applications.

microservicesistiochristian posta
Things you must solve for because…
distributed systems
• Service discovery
• Retries
• Timeouts
• Load balancing
• Rate limiting
• Thread bulk heading
• Circuit breaking
• Routing between services (adaptive, zone-aware)
• Deadlines
• Back pressure
• Outlier detection
• Health checking
• Traffic shaping
• Request shadowing
• Edge/DMZ routing
• Surgical / fine / per-request routing
• A/B rollout
• Internal releases / dark launches
• Fault injection
• Stats, metric, collection
• Logging
• Tracing
An implementation of “service mess”
Now we have …

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Sidecars and a Microservices Mesh
Sidecars and a Microservices MeshSidecars and a Microservices Mesh
Sidecars and a Microservices Mesh

This document provides an overview of microservices from Christian Posta, a chief architect at Red Hat. It discusses what microservices are, reasons for using them, common microservices patterns and frameworks, decomposing monolithic applications into microservices, and ensuring resilience between services. The presentation also covers using Kubernetes and OpenShift for microservices and demonstrates sample applications.

red hatmicroservices
Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-ServicesConcurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services

Most large-scale web companies have evolved their system architecture from a monolithic application and monolithic database to a set of loosely coupled micro-services. Using examples from Google, eBay, and KIXEYE, this talk outlines the pros and cons of these different stages of evolution, and makes practical suggestions about when and how other organizations should consider migrating to micro-services. It concludes with some more advanced implications of a micro-services architecture, including SLAs, cost-allocation, and vendor-customer relationships within the organization.

Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)
Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)
Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)

Early Draft: Service Mesh allows developers to focus on business logic while the crosscutting network data layer code is handled by the Service Mesh. This is a boon because this code can be tricky to implement and hard to test all of the edge cases. Service Mesh takes this a few steps further than AOP or Servlet Filters or custom language-specific frameworks because it works regardless of the underlying programming language being used which is great for polyglot development shops. Thus standardizing how these layers work, while allowing teams to pick the best tools or languages for the job at hand. Kubernetes and Istio Service Mesh automate best practices for DevSecOps needs like: failover, scale-out, scalability, health checks, circuit breakers, rate limiters, metrics, observability, avoiding cascading failure, disaster recovery, and traffic routing; supporting CI/CD and microservices architecture. Istio’s ability to automate and maintaining zero trust networks is its most important feature. In the age of high-profile data breaches, security is paramount. Companies want to avoid major brand issues that impact the bottom line and shrink market capitalization in an instant. Istio allows a standard way to do mTLS and auto certificate rotation which helps prevent a breach and limits the blast radius if a breach occurs. Istio also takes the concern of mTLS from microservices deployments and makes it easy to use taking the burden off of application developers.

service meshistiokubernetes
Now we have …
• 30 different libraries for each of 5 languages, and each with 3
• How do we maintain, upgrade, retire
• classpath/namespace pollution
• increases operational complexity
• force specific languages
• inconsistency
• correctness
These are all horizontal concerns
and apply to all services regardless
of implementation.
Let’s abstract this functionality to a single
binary and apply to all services.
• Allow heterogeneous architectures
• Remove application-specific implementations of this
• Consistently enforce these properties
• Correctly enforce these properties
• Opt-in as well as safety nets

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Micro Services Architecture
Micro Services ArchitectureMicro Services Architecture
Micro Services Architecture

The evolution of micro services architecture. Mainframe, Midrange, Client Server, SOA. Best practices of microservices. Load balancing, BigData, design patterns. When and why to use microservices.

data miningbig datasoftware
QCon 2015 - Microservices Track Notes
QCon 2015 - Microservices Track Notes QCon 2015 - Microservices Track Notes
QCon 2015 - Microservices Track Notes

These are my summarized notes from all the microservices session I attended at QCon 2015. These sessions had tons of learning around how to scale microservices and avoid common pitfalls

Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolithStay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

The document discusses strategies for transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservice architectures. It outlines some of the challenges with maintaining large monolithic applications and reasons for modernizing, such as handling more data and needing faster changes. It then covers microservice design principles and best practices, including service decomposition, distributed systems strategies, and reactive design. Finally it introduces Lagom as a framework for building reactive microservices on the JVM and outlines its key components and development environment.

Evolution of application networking
Meet Envoy Proxy
Envoy is…
• service proxy
• written in C++, highly parallel, non-blocking
• L3/4 network filter
• out of the box L7 filters
• HTTP 2, including gRPC
• baked in service discovery/health checking
• advanced load balancing
• stats, metrics, tracing
• dynamic configuration through xDS

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3 DevOps teams are building high tech big data web applications in a private cloud environment to support police work. These teams use microservices architectures, with separate front-end and back-end components developed independently but integrated via service discovery. Testing includes unit, integration, and load testing across feature branches in a continuous integration environment before production deployment. Future work includes improving zero downtime deployments, modularizing the front-end, and automating security testing.

microservicescontinuous deliverydevops
Cloud-native Data: Every Microservice Needs a Cache
Cloud-native Data: Every Microservice Needs a CacheCloud-native Data: Every Microservice Needs a Cache
Cloud-native Data: Every Microservice Needs a Cache

Presented at the Pivotal Toronto Users Group, March 2017 Cloud-native applications form the foundation for modern, cloud-scale digital solutions, and the patterns and practices for cloud-native at the app tier are becoming widely understood – statelessness, service discovery, circuit breakers and more. But little has changed in the data tier. Our modern apps are often connected to monolithic shared databases that have monolithic practices wrapped around them. As a result, the autonomy promised by moving to a microservices application architecture is compromised. With lessons from the application tier to guide us, the industry is now figuring out what the cloud-native architectural patterns are at the data tier. Join us to explore some of these with Cornelia Davis, a five year Cloud Foundry veteran who is now focused on cloud-native data. As it happens, every microservice needs a cache and this evening will drill deep on that topic. She’ll cover a variety of caching patterns and use cases, and demonstrate how their use helps preserve the autonomy that is driving agile software delivery practices today.

cloud nativearchitecturecloud computing
JavaZone 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police
JavaZone 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National PoliceJavaZone 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police
JavaZone 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police

3 DevOps teams at the Dutch National Police are building big data applications in a private cloud using microservices architecture. They develop independently but coordinate planning. Testing includes unit, integration, end-to-end, load, and mutation tests. Features are developed on branches and deployed continuously to test and production after sprints. Challenges include balancing security and performance for stateless services and preventing monolithic frontends. They aim to improve with zero downtime deployments, product teams, and automated security testing.

microservicescontinuous deliverydevops
Envoy implements
• zone aware, least request load balancing
• circuit breaking
• outlier detection
• retries, retry policies
• timeout (including budgets)
• traffic shadowing
• rate limiting
• access logging, statistics collection
• Many other features!
As an edge proxy
As an shared proxy
As a service-instance proxy

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Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police
Microservices in action at the Dutch National PoliceMicroservices in action at the Dutch National Police
Microservices in action at the Dutch National Police

3 DevOps teams at the Dutch National Police are building big data applications in a private cloud using microservices architecture. They develop using techniques like continuous delivery, short feedback loops, and embrace of change. Challenges include balancing performance and security with stateless services, minimizing dependencies between teams, and preventing monolithic frontends. Future plans include zero downtime deployments, cross-functional product teams, and a modular frontend.

microservicesdevopscontinuous delivery
OpenValue meetup October 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National...
OpenValue meetup October 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National...OpenValue meetup October 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National...
OpenValue meetup October 2017 - Microservices in action at the Dutch National...

3 DevOps teams at the Dutch National Police are building big data applications in a private cloud using microservices architecture. They develop independently but coordinate planning. Testing includes unit, integration, end-to-end, load, and mutation tests. Features are developed on branches and merged/deployed continuously. Services register with Consul for service discovery. Challenges include balancing security and performance for stateless services and preventing monolithic frontends. Future plans include zero downtime deployments and cross-functional product teams.

microservicescontinuous deliverydevops
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical DebtFrom Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt
From Monoliths to Services: Paying Your Technical Debt

This document discusses transitioning from monolithic applications to microservices and serverless architectures. It begins by defining technical debt and explaining how microservices can help pay it down incrementally. It then covers different architectural styles like monoliths and microservices. The rest of the document discusses moving to cloud infrastructure, breaking apart monolithic applications into independent services, communication between services, leveraging third-party services, and security considerations for microservices.

software development
Service instance proxy AKA
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
Service mesh
“2018 is the year of the service mesh”
Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton)
Red Hat OpenShift Platform Architect

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Cloud native Continuous Delivery
Cloud native Continuous DeliveryCloud native Continuous Delivery
Cloud native Continuous Delivery

You know that adopting Continuous Delivery is key to a high-performance company. You’ve read the books and are ready to build microservices in the cloud. Great! Let’s go back to the principles and see how to apply them in a cloud native environment. What used to be about shipping code to static servers, is now about quickly creating decoupled pipelines for new services that are readily wired up into the platform, and everything is driven by code. This talk will give concrete guidance for a world where autonomous teams continuously deploy many independent services and containers into an infrastructure that is dynamically created via APIs. Release without staging environment, but with confidence. Learn how to apply cloud native concepts to the delivery pipeline itself and how the concepts of continuous delivery need to be adjusted for microservices in the cloud. Hear real world examples, including how to QA in production.

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Microservices Journey NYC
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Microservices Journey NYC

Christian Posta is a principal middleware specialist and architect who has worked with large microservices architectures. He discusses why companies are moving to microservices and cloud platforms like Kubernetes and OpenShift. He covers characteristics of microservices like small autonomous teams and decentralized decision making. Posta also discusses breaking applications into independent services, shedding dependencies between teams, and using contracts and APIs for communication between services.

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Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"
Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"
Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"

While service meshes may be the next "big thing" in microservices, the concept isn't new. Classical SOA attempted to implement similar technology for abstracting and managing all aspects of service-to-service communication, and this was often realized as the much-maligned Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Several years ago similar technology emerged from the microservice innovators, including Airbnb (SmartStack for service discovery), Netflix (Prana integration sidecars), and Twitter (Finagle for extensible RPC), and these technologies have now converged into the service meshes we are currently seeing being deployed. In this talk, Daniel Bryant will share with you what service meshes are, why they are (and sometimes are not) well-suited for microservice deployments, and how best to use a service mesh when you're deploying microservices. This presentation begins with a brief history of the development of service meshes, and the motivations of the unicorn organisations that developed them. From there, you'll learn about some of the currently available implementations that are targeting microservice deployments, such as Istio/Envoy, Linkerd, and NGINX Plus.

service meshmicroservicescloud native
How do we reason about a fleet of
these service proxies in a large cluster?
A service mesh is decentralized application-
networking infrastructure between your services
that provides resiliency, security, observability,
and routing control.
A service mesh is comprised of a data plane
and control plane.
Time for definitions:
All traffic between our applications flows
through these proxies. The proxies make
up the “data plane”
A control plane for service proxies

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The hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your dataThe hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your data

Microservices architecture is a very powerful way to build scalable systems optimized for speed of change. To do this, we need to build independent, autonomous services which by definition tend to minimize dependencies on other systems. One of the tenants of microservices, and a way to minimize dependencies, is “a service should own its own database”. Unfortunately this is a lot easier said than done. Why? Because: your data. We’ve been dealing with data in information systems for 5 decades so isn’t this a solved problem? Yes and no. A lot of the lessons learned are still very relevant. Traditionally, we application developers have accepted the practice of using relational databases and relying on all of their safety guarantees without question. But as we build services architectures that span more than one database (by design, as with microservices), things get harder. If data about a customer changes in one database, how do we reconcile that with other databases (especially where the data storage may be heterogenous?). For developers focused on the traditional enterprise, not only do we have to try to build fast-changing systems that are surrounded by legacy systems, the domains (finance, insurance, retail, etc) are incredibly complicated. Just copying with Netflix does for microservices may or may not be useful. So how do we develop and reason about the boundaries in our system to reduce complexity in the domain? In this talk, we’ll explore these problems and see how Domain Driven Design helps grapple with the domain complexity. We’ll see how DDD concepts like Entities and Aggregates help reason about boundaries based on use cases and how transactions are affected. Once we can identify our transactional boundaries we can more carefully adjust our needs from the CAP theorem to scale out and achieve truly autonomous systems with strictly ordered eventual consistency. We’ll see how technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Camel and can help build the backbone for these types of systems. We’ll even explore the details of a working example that brings all of this together.

domain driven designspring bootdistributed systems
Move Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform
Move Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the PlatformMove Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform
Move Auth, Policy, and Resilience to the Platform

Developer's time is the most crucial resource in an enterprise IT organization. Too much time is spent on undifferentiated heavy lifting and in the world of APIs and microservices much of that is spent on non-functional, cross-cutting networking requirements like security, observability, and resilience. As organizations reconcile their DevOps practices into Platform Engineering, tools like Istio help alleviate developer pain. In this talk we dig into what that pain looks like, how much it costs, and how Istio has solved these concerns by examining three real-life use cases. As this space continues to emerge, and innovation has not slowed, we will also discuss the recently announced Istio sidecar-less mode which significantly reduces the hurdles to adopt Istio within Kubernetes or outside Kubernetes.

platform engineeringistiokubernetes
Comparing Sidecar-less Service Mesh from Cilium and Istio
Comparing Sidecar-less Service Mesh from Cilium and IstioComparing Sidecar-less Service Mesh from Cilium and Istio
Comparing Sidecar-less Service Mesh from Cilium and Istio

Service mesh is a powerful pattern for implementing strong zero-trust networking practices, introducing better network observability, and allowing for more fine-grained traffic control. Up until now, the sidecar pattern was used to implement service-mesh capability but as the technology matures, a new pattern has emerged: sidecarless service mesh. Two prominent open-source networking projects, Cilium and Istio, have implemented a sidecar-free approach to service mesh but they both make interesting design decisions and tradeoffs. In this talk we review the architecture of both, focusing on the pros and cons of implementations such as mutual authentication, ingress, and observability.

The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
What higher-order clusters semantics
does Istio enable?
• Request-level control
• Graduated deployment and release
• Service observability
• Cluster reliability
• Chaos testing
• Policy enforcement

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Understanding Wireguard, TLS and Workload Identity
Understanding Wireguard, TLS and Workload IdentityUnderstanding Wireguard, TLS and Workload Identity
Understanding Wireguard, TLS and Workload Identity

Zero Trust Networking has become a standard marketing buzzword but the underlying principles are critical for modern microservice-style architectures. Authentication, authorizations, policy, etc. can be difficult to implement between services and do so in a maintainable way. Google invented their own transparent encryption and authorization protocol called "ALTS" back in 2007 to serve the application layer of Google's Borg workload scheduler, but we don't see others using it outside Google. In this webinar we look at existing technology like TLS and newcomer Wireguard and see how these technologies come together to provide a secure foundation for workload identity and modern service-to-service networking.

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Compliance and Zero Trust Ambient Mesh

Istio ambient mesh uses a sidecar-less data plane that focuses on ease of operations, incremental adoption, and separation of security boundaries for applications and mesh infrastructure. In this webinar, we'll explore: - The forces of modernization and compliance pressures, - How Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) can help, and - How Istio ambient mesh lowers the barrier for establishing the properties necessary to achieve Zero Trust and compliance

Cilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh
Cilium + Istio with Gloo MeshCilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh
Cilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh

The document discusses Cilium and Istio with Gloo Mesh. It provides an overview of Gloo Mesh, an enterprise service mesh for multi-cluster, cross-cluster and hybrid environments based on upstream Istio. Gloo Mesh focuses on ease of use, powerful best practices built in, security, and extensibility. It allows for consistent API for multi-cluster north-south and east-west policy, team tenancy with service mesh as a service, and driving everything through GitOps.

BTW: Hand drawn diagrams made with Paper by 
Twitter: @christianposta
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The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services

  • 1. The hardest part of microservices: Calling your services Christian Posta (@christianposta) Chief Architect – Red Hat
  • 2. Full slide deck here:
  • 4. Christian Posta Chief Architect, cloud application development Twitter: @christianposta Blog: Email: Slides: • Author “Microservices for Java developers” • Committer/contributor lots of open-source projects • Worked with large Microservices, web-scale, unicorn company • Blogger, speaker
  • 12. The network… does what it wants. @christianposta
  • 14. As we move to services architectures, we push the complexity to the space between our services. @christianposta
  • 15. We need guiding “service principles” @christianposta
  • 16. • Services shall be resilient when communicating • Failures should not jump boundaries (no cascading failures) • New releases should not impact production • Mean time to recover should approach zero • Security as a first-class citizen • Policies to eliminate unexpected usage Service principles
  • 17. Have we had to solve for this in the past? @christianposta
  • 21. • Highly centralized == centralized governance • Inadvertently scattered business logic away from business apps/services • Scalability issues? • Not ideal for use in cloud environments Some drawbacks to this approach?
  • 22. • Netflix Hystrix (circuit breaking / bulk heading) • Netflix Zuul (edge router) • Netflix Ribbon (client-side service discovery / load balance) • Netflix Eureka (service discovery registry) • Brave / Zipkin (tracing) • Netflix spectator / atlas (metrics) “Microservices” patterns
  • 24. Now we have “service hurdles” @christianposta
  • 25. • Require specific language to bring in new services • A single language doesn’t fit for all use cases • How do you patch/upgrade/manage lifecycle? • Need strict control over application library choices Some drawbacks to this approach?
  • 26. But I’m using Spring! • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix • spring-cloud-netflix-zuul • spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client • spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon • spring-cloud-netflix-atlas • spring-cloud-netflix-spectator • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream • ….. • ...... • @Enable....150differentThings
  • 27. But I’m using Vert.x! • vertx-circuit-breaker • vertx-service-discovery • vertx-dropwizard-metrics • vertx-zipkin? • ….. • ...... @christianposta
  • 28. Screw Java - I’m using NodeJS! JavaScript is for rookies, I use Go! But python is so pretty! I prefer unreadability… Perl for me! @christianposta
  • 29. Things you must solve for because… distributed systems • Service discovery • Retries • Timeouts • Load balancing • Rate limiting • Thread bulk heading • Circuit breaking @christianposta
  • 30. …continued • Routing between services (adaptive, zone-aware) • Deadlines • Back pressure • Outlier detection • Health checking • Traffic shaping • Request shadowing @christianposta
  • 31. …continued • Edge/DMZ routing • Surgical / fine / per-request routing • A/B rollout • Internal releases / dark launches • Fault injection • Stats, metric, collection • Logging • Tracing
  • 32. An implementation of “service mess” @christianposta Now we have …
  • 33. Now we have … • 30 different libraries for each of 5 languages, and each with 3 frameworks • How do we maintain, upgrade, retire • classpath/namespace pollution • increases operational complexity • force specific languages • inconsistency • correctness
  • 34. These are all horizontal concerns and apply to all services regardless of implementation. @christianposta
  • 35. Let’s abstract this functionality to a single binary and apply to all services. • Allow heterogeneous architectures • Remove application-specific implementations of this functionality • Consistently enforce these properties • Correctly enforce these properties • Opt-in as well as safety nets @christianposta
  • 39. Envoy is… • service proxy • written in C++, highly parallel, non-blocking • L3/4 network filter • out of the box L7 filters • HTTP 2, including gRPC • baked in service discovery/health checking • advanced load balancing • stats, metrics, tracing • dynamic configuration through xDS
  • 41. Envoy implements • zone aware, least request load balancing • circuit breaking • outlier detection • retries, retry policies • timeout (including budgets) • traffic shadowing • rate limiting • access logging, statistics collection • Many other features!
  • 42. As an edge proxy
  • 43. As an shared proxy
  • 45. Service instance proxy AKA Sidecar
  • 48. “2018 is the year of the service mesh” Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton) Red Hat OpenShift Platform Architect @christianposta
  • 49. How do we reason about a fleet of these service proxies in a large cluster? @christianposta
  • 50. A service mesh is decentralized application- networking infrastructure between your services that provides resiliency, security, observability, and routing control. A service mesh is comprised of a data plane and control plane. @christianposta Time for definitions:
  • 51. All traffic between our applications flows through these proxies. The proxies make up the “data plane” @christianposta
  • 52. Meet A control plane for service proxies
  • 55. What higher-order clusters semantics does Istio enable? • Request-level control • Graduated deployment and release • Service observability • Cluster reliability • Chaos testing • Policy enforcement
  • 58. Thanks! BTW: Hand drawn diagrams made with Paper by  Twitter: @christianposta Blog: Email: Slides: up links: • • • • • • •

Editor's Notes

  1. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  2. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  3. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  4. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  5. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  6. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  7. One large database! We should focus on how we design our data models so that they can be sharded and distributed…. Focus on transactions, etc not 2PC
  8. The network is reliable. Latency is zero. Bandwidth is infinite. The network is secure. Topology doesn't change. There is one administrator. Transport cost is zero. The network is homogeneous.
  9. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  10. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  11. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  12. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  13. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  14. This concept of defining language, developing models to describe a domain, implementing those models, enforcing assertions, etc all happen within a certain context, and that context is vitally important in software. In common language, we are smart enough to resolve these types of language conflicts within a sentence because of its context. The computer doesn’t have this context. We have to make it explicit. And any context needs to have explicit boundaries. This model needs to be “useful” ie, it should be able to be implemented. Try to establish a model that’s both useful for discussion with the domain experts and is implementable. There are infinite ways to model/think about something. Balance both masters with the model you choose. Large complex domains may need multiple models. And really the only way to understand a language and model is within a certain context. That context should have boundaries so it doesn’t bleed or force others to bleed definitions and semantics. Bounded context: within this space, this is the context of the language. This is what it means and it’s not ambiguous. Central thing about a model is the language you create to express the prblem and solution very crisply. Need clear language and need boundaries. Anti corruption layers are translations between the different models that may exist in multiple bounded contexts. They keep an internal model consistent and pure without bleeding across the boundaries. Bounded contexts tend to be “self contained systems” themselves with a complete vertical stack of the software including UI, business logic, data models, and database. They tend to not share databases across multiple models.
  15. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  16. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  17. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  18. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  19. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  20. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  21. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  22. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  23. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  24. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  25. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  26. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  27. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  28. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  29. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  30. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  31. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  32. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  33. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  34. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  35. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.
  36. Get back to first principles. Focus on principles, patterns, methodologies. Tools will help, but you cannot start with tools.