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Play Framework and Activator 
Getting started with the Play Framework with Activator
Topics, goals, context 
• An introduction to Typesafe Activator 
• An introduction to the core features of Play 2.x 
• What is a Reactive application, and how do you build one with Play?
Introduction to Typesafe Activator
“Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps 
developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.”
Getting started with the Typesafe Activator UI 
• Download Typesafe Activator 
• Optional (Mac) 
• ~ $ rm -R .sbt 
• ~ $ rm -R .ivy 
• Unarchive and execute (Mac) 
• $ ./activator ui
Activator tutorials and seeds 
Activator Overview 
• Learn — In depth tutorials 
• Develop — Code, compile, test, 
run, inspect 
• Deliver — Monitoring 
integration with AppDynamics 
and New Relic
Code view 
• Activator 
• Browse code 
• Make small changes 
• IDE 
• Generate IDEA or Eclipse 
project files 
• Dig into the template in your 
favourite IDE
Development monitoring 
• Incoming requests 
• Controller 
• HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc) 
• Response code 
• Invocation time
Inspect — Development monitoring 
• Actor metrics 
• Throughput — messages/s 
• Max time — high watermark 
• Max size — mailbox
Monitoring and support 
• Application monitoring 
• Need production caliber monitoring? 
• AppDynamics or New Relic integration 
• Support 
• Ready to take your application to the 
next level? 
Contributing a template — tutorials vs seeds 
• Seed 
• Boilerplate code as a starting point 
• Tutorial 
• Teaching about a particular focused topic or integration 
• Components 
• Activator templates are just regular sbt projects with some additional components 
• Metadata (, license, sbt build file, tutorial (tutorial/index.html) 
• Contribute! 
The Typesafe Activator UI is a Play framework application. 
Peek behind the covers… 
Play 2.3 overview 
• Stateless MVC framework with routing, a template engine, REST support, etc 
• Dynamic class reloading 
• Support for Java 8 and Scala 2.1x 
• sbt-web to implement an asset pipeline 
• Akka interoperability for highly concurrent web applications 
• Built on Netty 3.9.x
Play application overview 
JSON Model 
Slick JPA WS 
Creating your first view
Simplified HTTP request 
renders views.html.admin HTML 
2. Browser fetches static assets served 
from outside of Play 
3. Ajax requests — Play serves JSON 
via a RESTful API 
Browser Play 
HTML for views.html.admin(...) 
JS, CSS, images, etc 
Example template with AngularJS 
@(customer: Customer)! 
<div class="wrapper">! 
<section id="body" ng-app="ngAdmin">! 
<div ng-view></div>! 
load async || fail whale 
• Scala template rendered by Twirl and returned by Play controller 
Play handles navigation 
• HTML inserted into ng-view by Angular controller after initial page render 
load async || omit 
Creating your first routes and controllers
GET !/admin!! ! ! ! controllers.AdminController.index! 
GET ! /admin/login! ! ! controllers.AdminController.login! 
GET ! /admin/*any! ! ! controllers.AdminController.angularWildcard(any: String)! 
GET ! /ws/some/service! ! controllers.ServiceController.service 
• Routes must be declared in order 
• /admin and /admin/login are used to render Scala view templates 
• /admin/*any will be intercepted by client-side routing in AngularJS 
• Client-side routes may hit the server if the URI has been bookmarked 
• Nothing special about web services aside from payload (JSON vs HTML)
Sample controller action 
* Renders the admin template.! 
def index = Action.async {! 
implicit request =>! 
val account = loggedIn! 
Ok(views.html.admin()).withCookies(Cookie(“…”, …, httpOnly = false))! 
• Controllers should stay thin and delegate the real work 
• Controllers actions should always be async 
• Controllers are stateless so context must be stored in cookies or cached
Asynchronous vs synchronous processing times 
Asynchronous - 200ms 
Process 1 
Process 2 
75 ms 
Process 3 
200 ms 
150 ms 
0 ms 425 ms 
Synchronous - 425ms 
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 
0 ms 425 ms 
• Staying async — and in the future — 
ensures that processing time is not 
bounded by IO 
• Async processing is limited by only 
the longest running process 
• Synchronous processing is limited by 
the combined processing times 
• Stay async!
Asset pipeline and sbt-web
An intro to sbt-web 
• sbt-web brings the notion of a highly configurable asset pipeline to build files 
pipelineStages := Seq(rjs, digest, gzip)! 
• The above will order the RequireJs optimizer (sbt-rjs), the digester (sbt-digest) and 
then compression (sbt-gzip) 
• These tasks will execute in the order declared, one after the other
Asset pipelines 
• Example asset pipeline 
• source file → 
• step 1: linting → 
• step 2: uglification/minification → 
• step 3: fingerprinting → 
• step 4: concatenation (optional)
Asset pipelines 
• Linting 
• Inspect source code for suspicious language usage 
• Uglification/minification 
• Mangle and compress source files, e.g, remove whitespace, etc 
• Fingerprinting 
• Change the filename to reflect the contents of the file for cache busting 
• Concatenation 
• Combine multiple source files to reduce browser load times
sbt-web and asset fingerprinting 
• Asset fingerprinting makes the name of a file dependent on the contents of the file 
• HTTP headers can be set to encourage caches to keep their own copy of the content 
• When the content is updated, the fingerprint will change 
• This will cause the remote clients to request a new copy of the content 
• Known as cache busting
Turning on asset fingerprinting 
• Turning on asset fingerprinting only requires one additional route 
GET /assets/*file! controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset) 
• Then request each asset as versioned 
<link rel="stylesheet" href=“@routes.Assets.versioned('assets/images/example.png')"> 
• A digest file and new file will be created based on MD5 
sbt-web plugins 
• sbt-coffeescript 
• sbt-concat 
• sbt-css-compress 
• sbt-digest 
• sbt-filter 
• sbt-gzip 
• sbt-handlebars 
• sbt-html-minifier 
• sbt-imagemin 
• sbt-jshint 
• sbt-jst 
• sbt-less 
• sbt-mocha 
• sbt-purescript 
• sbt-reactjs 
• sbt-rjs 
• sbt-stylus 
• sbt-uglify
Model-tier and data access
Model-tier considerations 
Think in verbs rather than nouns… 
• save(model) 
• SRP — save is likely a simple function that does a single thing 
• Violates SRP — tougher to test 
• Play makes it easy to implement your preferred solution to persistence 
• CRUD, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), etc
Scala — Slick example 
// This code:! 
coffees.filter(_.price < 10.0).map(! 
// Will produce a query equivalent to the following SQL:! 
select COF_NAME from COFFEES where PRICE < 10.0 
• Slick is a Functional Relational Mapping (FRM) library for Scala where you work with 
relational data in a type-safe and functional way 
• Developers benefit from the type-safety and composability of FRM as well as being 
able to reuse the typical Scala collection APIs like filter, map, foreach, etc 
• Can also use plain SQL for insertions, complex joins, etc 
Scala — JSON Writes example 
• Simply define a Writes in 
implicit scope before invoking 
implicit val locationWrites = new Writes[Location] {! 
def writes(location: Location) = Json.obj(! 
"lat" ->,! 
"long" -> location.long! 
val json = Json.toJson(location)
Scala — JSON Reads example 
• Also elegantly handles Reads 
• Build in validate using standard 
types (e.g, Double, Int, etc) or 
define your own validators 
implicit val locationReads: Reads[Location] = (! 
(JsPath  "lat").read[Double] and! 
(JsPath  "long").read[Double]! 
)(Location.apply _)! 
val json = { ... }! 
val locationResult: JsResult[Location] = ! 
! json.validate[Location]
Futures, Actors, and WebSockets
“If you want to parallelize a very deterministic algorithm, futures are the 
way to go.�� 
- Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency
def index = Action.async {! 
! val futureInt = scala.concurrent.Future { intensiveComputation() }! 
! => Ok("Got result: " + i))! 
• Great for handling immutable state 
• Intensive computations, reading from a database, pulling from web services, etc 
• Composition — futures guarantee order when chained 
• Parallelizing a deterministic algorithm
“Add behaviour to an algorithm by inserting actors into the message 
- Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency
• Great for handling mutable state 
• Easy for imperative developers to dive 
into quickly 
• Don't guarantee order 
• Easy to change behaviour by inserting 
new actors into the message flow 
• Messages are directed to a specific actor, 
avoiding callback hell 
package actors! 
object SomeActor {! 
! def props = Props(new GameActor)! 
class SomeActor extends Actor {! 
! def receive = {! 
! ! case request: SomeRequest => {! 
! ! ! sender ! SomeResponse(...) ! 
! ! }! 
! }! 
def websocketAction = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { request => channel =>! 
! SomeActor.props(channel)! 
• Play provides two different built in mechanisms for handling WebSockets 
• Actors — better for discreet messages 
• Iteratees — better for streams 
• Both of these mechanisms can be accessed using the builders provided on WebSocket
Test framework comparison 
• ScalaTest 
• Human readable output — in English 
• FeatureSpec 
• Matchers 
• Great writeup by Gilt 
Test framework comparison 
• Specs2 
• Enabled by default in Play 
• Good choice for international teams who gain less from English readability 
• Both Specs2 and ScalaTest are fantastic!
Coming soon to Play 2.4
Play 2.4 
• Built-in dependency injection support 
• Experimental support for running Play on akka-http 
• Experimental support for handling IO in Java and Scala using Reactive Streams 
• Slick over anorm, JPA over ebean 
• Pull anorm/ebean support out into separate modules in GitHub playframework repo
©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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Play Framework and Activator

  • 1. Play Framework and Activator Getting started with the Play Framework with Activator
  • 2. Topics, goals, context 2 • An introduction to Typesafe Activator • An introduction to the core features of Play 2.x • What is a Reactive application, and how do you build one with Play?
  • 4. “Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.”
  • 5. Getting started with the Typesafe Activator UI 5 • Download Typesafe Activator • • Optional (Mac) • ~ $ rm -R .sbt • ~ $ rm -R .ivy • Unarchive and execute (Mac) • $ ./activator ui
  • 7. Activator Overview 7 • Learn — In depth tutorials • Develop — Code, compile, test, run, inspect • Deliver — Monitoring integration with AppDynamics and New Relic
  • 8. Code view 8 • Activator • Browse code • Make small changes • IDE • Generate IDEA or Eclipse project files • Dig into the template in your favourite IDE
  • 9. Development monitoring 9 • Incoming requests • Controller • HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc) • Response code • Invocation time
  • 10. Inspect — Development monitoring 10 • Actor metrics • Throughput — messages/s • Max time — high watermark • Max size — mailbox
  • 11. Monitoring and support 11 • Application monitoring • Need production caliber monitoring? • AppDynamics or New Relic integration • Support • Ready to take your application to the next level? •
  • 12. Contributing a template — tutorials vs seeds 12 • Seed • Boilerplate code as a starting point • Tutorial • Teaching about a particular focused topic or integration • Components • Activator templates are just regular sbt projects with some additional components • Metadata (, license, sbt build file, tutorial (tutorial/index.html) • Contribute! •
  • 13. The Typesafe Activator UI is a Play framework application. ! Peek behind the covers… !
  • 14. Play 2.3 overview 14 • Stateless MVC framework with routing, a template engine, REST support, etc • Dynamic class reloading • Support for Java 8 and Scala 2.1x • sbt-web to implement an asset pipeline • Akka interoperability for highly concurrent web applications • Built on Netty 3.9.x
  • 15. Play application overview 15 View Controller JSON Model Slick JPA WS DB Akka Network
  • 17. 17 Simplified HTTP request 1. renders views.html.admin HTML 2. Browser fetches static assets served from outside of Play 3. Ajax requests — Play serves JSON via a RESTful API Browser Play HTTP GET ( HTML for views.html.admin(...) CDN JS, CSS, images, etc HTTP GET ( JSON
  • 18. Example template with AngularJS 18 @(customer: Customer)! ! <head>...</head>! <body>! <div class="wrapper">! <header>…</header>! <h1>Welcome!</h1>! <section id="body" ng-app="ngAdmin">! <div ng-view></div>! </section>! <footer>...</footer>! </div>! </body>! </html> load async || fail whale • Scala template rendered by Twirl and returned by Play controller Header Play handles navigation Footer • HTML inserted into ng-view by Angular controller after initial page render load async || omit AngularJS
  • 19. Creating your first routes and controllers
  • 20. routes 20 GET !/admin!! ! ! ! controllers.AdminController.index! GET ! /admin/login! ! ! controllers.AdminController.login! GET ! /admin/*any! ! ! controllers.AdminController.angularWildcard(any: String)! GET ! /ws/some/service! ! controllers.ServiceController.service • Routes must be declared in order • /admin and /admin/login are used to render Scala view templates • /admin/*any will be intercepted by client-side routing in AngularJS • Client-side routes may hit the server if the URI has been bookmarked • Nothing special about web services aside from payload (JSON vs HTML)
  • 21. Sample controller action 21 /**! * Renders the admin template.! */! def index = Action.async {! implicit request =>! val account = loggedIn! Ok(views.html.admin()).withCookies(Cookie(“…”, …, httpOnly = false))! } • Controllers should stay thin and delegate the real work • Controllers actions should always be async • Controllers are stateless so context must be stored in cookies or cached
  • 22. Asynchronous vs synchronous processing times 22 Asynchronous - 200ms Process 1 Process 2 75 ms Process 3 200 ms 150 ms 0 ms 425 ms Synchronous - 425ms Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 0 ms 425 ms • Staying async — and in the future — ensures that processing time is not bounded by IO • Async processing is limited by only the longest running process • Synchronous processing is limited by the combined processing times • Stay async!
  • 24. An intro to sbt-web 24 • sbt-web brings the notion of a highly configurable asset pipeline to build files pipelineStages := Seq(rjs, digest, gzip)! • The above will order the RequireJs optimizer (sbt-rjs), the digester (sbt-digest) and then compression (sbt-gzip) • These tasks will execute in the order declared, one after the other
  • 25. Asset pipelines 25 • Example asset pipeline • source file → • step 1: linting → • step 2: uglification/minification → • step 3: fingerprinting → • step 4: concatenation (optional)
  • 26. Asset pipelines 26 • Linting • Inspect source code for suspicious language usage • Uglification/minification • Mangle and compress source files, e.g, remove whitespace, etc • Fingerprinting • Change the filename to reflect the contents of the file for cache busting • Concatenation • Combine multiple source files to reduce browser load times
  • 27. sbt-web and asset fingerprinting 27 • Asset fingerprinting makes the name of a file dependent on the contents of the file • HTTP headers can be set to encourage caches to keep their own copy of the content • When the content is updated, the fingerprint will change • This will cause the remote clients to request a new copy of the content • Known as cache busting
  • 28. Turning on asset fingerprinting 28 • Turning on asset fingerprinting only requires one additional route GET /assets/*file! controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset) • Then request each asset as versioned <link rel="stylesheet" href=“@routes.Assets.versioned('assets/images/example.png')"> • A digest file and new file will be created based on MD5 ./target/web/digest/images/23dcc403b263f262692ac58437104acf-example.png! ./target/web/digest/images/example.png.md5
  • 29. sbt-web plugins 29 • sbt-coffeescript • sbt-concat • sbt-css-compress • sbt-digest • sbt-filter • sbt-gzip • sbt-handlebars • sbt-html-minifier • sbt-imagemin • sbt-jshint • sbt-jst • sbt-less • sbt-mocha • sbt-purescript • sbt-reactjs • sbt-rjs • sbt-stylus • sbt-uglify
  • 31. Model-tier considerations 31 Think in verbs rather than nouns… • save(model) • SRP — save is likely a simple function that does a single thing • • Violates SRP — tougher to test • Play makes it easy to implement your preferred solution to persistence • CRUD, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), etc
  • 32. Scala — Slick example 32 // This code:! coffees.filter(_.price < 10.0).map(! ! // Will produce a query equivalent to the following SQL:! select COF_NAME from COFFEES where PRICE < 10.0 • Slick is a Functional Relational Mapping (FRM) library for Scala where you work with relational data in a type-safe and functional way • Developers benefit from the type-safety and composability of FRM as well as being able to reuse the typical Scala collection APIs like filter, map, foreach, etc • Can also use plain SQL for insertions, complex joins, etc •
  • 33. Scala — JSON Writes example 33 • Simply define a Writes in implicit scope before invoking toJson implicit val locationWrites = new Writes[Location] {! def writes(location: Location) = Json.obj(! "lat" ->,! "long" -> location.long! )! }! ! val json = Json.toJson(location)
  • 34. Scala — JSON Reads example • Also elegantly handles Reads • Build in validate using standard types (e.g, Double, Int, etc) or define your own validators 34 implicit val locationReads: Reads[Location] = (! (JsPath "lat").read[Double] and! (JsPath "long").read[Double]! )(Location.apply _)! ! val json = { ... }! ! val locationResult: JsResult[Location] = ! ! json.validate[Location]
  • 35. Futures, Actors, and WebSockets
  • 36. “If you want to parallelize a very deterministic algorithm, futures are the way to go.” - Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency
  • 37. Futures 37 def index = Action.async {! ! val futureInt = scala.concurrent.Future { intensiveComputation() }! ! => Ok("Got result: " + i))! } • Great for handling immutable state • Intensive computations, reading from a database, pulling from web services, etc • Composition — futures guarantee order when chained • Parallelizing a deterministic algorithm
  • 38. “Add behaviour to an algorithm by inserting actors into the message flow.” - Derek Wyatt, Akka Concurrency
  • 39. Actors • Great for handling mutable state • Easy for imperative developers to dive into quickly • Don't guarantee order • Easy to change behaviour by inserting new actors into the message flow • Messages are directed to a specific actor, avoiding callback hell 39 package actors! ! import! ! object SomeActor {! ! def props = Props(new GameActor)! }! ! class SomeActor extends Actor {! ! def receive = {! ! ! case request: SomeRequest => {! ! ! ! sender ! SomeResponse(...) ! ! ! }! ! }! }!
  • 40. WebSockets def websocketAction = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { request => channel =>! ! SomeActor.props(channel)! }! 40 • Play provides two different built in mechanisms for handling WebSockets • Actors — better for discreet messages • Iteratees — better for streams • Both of these mechanisms can be accessed using the builders provided on WebSocket
  • 42. Test framework comparison 42 • ScalaTest • Human readable output — in English • FeatureSpec • Matchers • • Great writeup by Gilt •
  • 43. Test framework comparison 43 • Specs2 • Enabled by default in Play • Good choice for international teams who gain less from English readability • Both Specs2 and ScalaTest are fantastic!
  • 44. Coming soon to Play 2.4
  • 45. Play 2.4 45 • Built-in dependency injection support • Experimental support for running Play on akka-http • Experimental support for handling IO in Java and Scala using Reactive Streams • Slick over anorm, JPA over ebean • Pull anorm/ebean support out into separate modules in GitHub playframework repo
  • 47. ©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved