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Pre-Release Intro
Ortus Team
Codename: Jericho
Keynote Day 1
Starting 9:00am Central
Luis F. Majano
Day 1
Your Host
• CEO Ortus Solutions
• Computer Engineer
• Creator of all things box!
• Documentation Weirdo!
@lmajano @ortussolutions
Two most important
Facts to know…
Thank Our Sponsors
Thank Our Speakers
Eric Peterson
Gavin Pickin
Esme Acevedo
Brad Wood
Cristobal Escobar
Thank ITB Committee
Maria Jose Herrera
El Salvador
Jorge Reyes
Edgardo Cabezas
El Salvador
• Free access to all attendees
• 2-3 Weeks after ITB
• Tomorrow after the last session!
• Must be present to win!
• RaffleBox!
Don’t miss out!
• My name is Jericho, what’s yours?
The Social Minute
Today Is No Ordinary Day!
We have been keeping a se
Trailer Here
BoxLang is a modular dynamic language for the JVM, aiming to make your
development more productive, expressive, functional, and available
Goals & Vision
• A new evolution
• Be dynamic, modular, lightweight, and fast
• Be 100% interoperable with Java
• Be modern, functional, and
(Think mixing CFML, Node, Kotlin, Java, and
• Modularity at its core
• Take advantage of the modern JVM
• TDD: Fully tested source code
• Be able to support multiple runtimes
• Have multiple transpilers
CFML -> BoxLang,
Groovy -> BoxLang
X -> BoxLang
• IDE and Tools
• All of our libraries needed to run
• Compete in today’s language environments
Key Features
Multi-Runtime Architecture
Multi-Runtime Architecture
Strict Dependency Graph
Strict Dependency Graph
• Core to be small and focused
• Only add a third party if extremely necessary
• Rely on the JDK as much as possible
• Lower surface attack area
• Extremely small distribution
• Extend via Modules with their own dependencies
BoxLang Framework
BoxLang Framework
Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator
Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator
• Inspired by CacheBox
• Enterprise Caching Engine
• Extensible
• Custom providers
• Custom object stores
• Listeners
• Stats
• Powers all internal caching
Scheduling & Task Framework
Scheduling & Task Framework
• Inspired by ColdBox
• Schedulers are portable,
uent, and human
• Task & Completable Futures framework from the
• Access to any executor in Java
• Run schedules as cron jobs; no server is needed
• Write them in BoxLang or Java
Professional Open Source + Subscriptions
• BoxLang Community (Free & Open Source)
• Apache 2
• Two Commercial Subscriptions
• BoxLang +
• Support
• Enterprise Modules & Features
• BoxLang + +
• Increased Support
• Custom Builds
• Dedicated Engineer
Professional Open Source
With Brad Wood
Modern Dynamic Language
Modern Dynamic Language
• Dynamically typed just like CFML, but we go further…
• JDK21+ Minimum
• JSR-223 Compliant
• No re
ection, we use InvokeDynamic for everything
• DynamicObject: Any Object can be Dynamic!
• Type inference, auto-casting, type promotions
• Interface and superclass default method promotions
• Use all new JDK features and types
• Collection of Dynamic Casters and Helpers
Java Interop
Java Interop
• Interact with Java with no bridges
• It’s just part of the language; no more separation
• You can import, extend, implement, annotate, etc
• Execute BoxLang within Java and Java within BoxLang
• Concept of object resolvers: java, bx, custom
• New BoxLang Scripting: MyScript.bxs
• Components become Classes: MyClass.bx
• All bx/bxm/bxs are runnable via the OS
• Classes can have a main() convention
Java Interop
Pure Functions + Immutable Classes
• Support not only closures (=>) but pure functions (->)
• No side e
ects, no carry-over contexts, pure speed
• Especially for asynchronous programming
• New Immutable classes:
• Arrays, Structs, and Queries
• Great for async safety, read-only snapshots, speed and
Multi-Parsers : BoxLang + CFML + ???
• Our way to split with the old and bring in the new
• Transpile CFML into BoxLang
• BoxLang is a NEW clean slate
• Compat module for Adobe/Lucee
• Future > Groovy to BoxLang, ??? To BoxLang
• CFTranspiler CLI Tooling
• Feature Audit Tool
• Multi-Step Compiler
• BX -> Java -> ByteCode (DebugMode)
• Bx -> Bytecode (Almost done)
Choose your path wisely!
.cfc, .cfm
.bx, bxs, bxm
Event Driven Language
Event Driven Language
• Interceptors for the language, application, and request
• The best way to scale the language
• Listen to the entire or speci
c language life-cycles
• Modules can listen/collaborate events
Event Channels
Event Producers
Event Consumers
Tested & Documented
Tested & Documented
• TDD/BDD at the core of the language
• 3000+ Tests Already
• Test not only Java but BoxLang inline
• Native BoxLang Assert constructs built-in
• Fully Documented
• Generated API Docs
With Jacob Beers
Tooling Overview
• BoxLang IDE
• Language Debugger & LSP
• Executable scripts within the IDE
• Run Scripts and Servers
• Converters
• Visualizers
• CLI Tools
• BoxLang Unix Scripting
• Script, Module, and Schedule Runners
• Convert CFML to BoxLang
• BoxLang to Bytecode
• Package BoxLang apps & modules
Tooling - IDE
• Modern development
• Inline documentation
• Inline web server with debugging
• Run BL/CF code directly within VSCode
• Debugger
• Language Server
• Committed to ongoing support and development - new
features are on the way!
Tooling - Debugger
• Purpose built
• Integrates with VSCode via Microsoft’s DAP
• Can debug both the CLI runtime and web
• You’ll never use writeDump() again!
Tooling - Language Server
• Already powering the extension!
• The BoxLang runtime was built with the LSP in mind
• Full access to the BoxLang syntax parser/compiler
• Access to all BoxLang con
guration, datasources,
mappings, etc…
• Extensible via BoxLang modules
• Foundational for modern language tools
• Intellisense
• static analysis
• More coming soon…
Demo Time
Tooling - Roadmap
• Near future
• Communication between the debugger and language server
• Static code analysis/type hinting
• Extension based CommandBox + BoxLang Server management
• Community engagement!
• +,++ version of debugger
• Language server plugins
With Jon Clausen
Modular Needs
Modern Runtimes Have Various Needs!
( and CFML paradigms are outdated )
• Web Applications - HTTP Request/Response Data
• Tasks and Queues - Watchers, Event Handling, Async
• Lambda and CLI - fast start and blazing speeds!
• iOS/Android - Low resource footprint, event handling
• Web Assembly – Transpilation and Sandboxing
BoxLang Modules
• Inspired by ColdBox modules, NOT OSGI
• Core Runtime with lightest possible footprint
• Taps into the language life-cycle
• Write them in Java or BoxLang or Both!
• Executable as CLI packages
• Integrates with Maven/Gradle
BoxLang Modular By Design!
• Modular ecosystem, delivered by FORGEBOX
• Core modules for DBMS’, Alternate Runtimes ( e.g. Lambda ),
Mail, Encryption, CFML compatibility and more!
• Write your own functions, components ( tags ), schedulers, JDBC
Drivers, interceptions and more!
• Boundless potential for community contribution and
• Foment third-party vendors
• FORGEBOX eCommerce Marketplace later this year
BoxLang Extends BoxLang
uence core runtime behavior with BIFs,
Member Functions, Tags, Interceptors, and More!
BoxLang Modules
Take control of your own runtime,
in your own language!
Demo Time
With Gavin Pickin
Wanna play?
• Internet playground for BoxLang
• First Production BoxLang application
• Powered by our AWS Lambda Runtime
• Skinnable
• Embeddable on any Site
• +/++ More Features Coming Soon
How did we build Try BoxLang in under 48 Hours?
• I will be presenting a Secret Session looking at how Try BoxLang
was built…
nal session on Day 2
• Quick Rundown
• Monaco Editor (VSCode) Web Component
• But we had several architectural design decisions to make
• Should we spin up a docker container per request?
• Should we have 5, 10, 20 replicas on Docker Swarm?
• Do we pass the code to a Docker Image with the CLI running?
• Should we make an image with an API and return code from
the API?
AWS Lambda Runtime
• Every request can
re up its very own Lamba request
• That means:
• We never have to worry about how many instances we have
• We never have to worry about queueing
• We never have to worry about bad actors accessing other people’s
• We can easily update our Lambda runtime and all instances will be
running new code
• Scale up as big or as small as we want
What can you try?
• You can Try BoxLang code
• You can Try CF Code running in BoxLang
• You can see the evaluated results
• You can see the bu
er output
• Copy Paste URLs to load code
Coming Soon!
• You will be able to see the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for your code
• You will be able to see the console/system output
• Ability to load code from GIST links
• +/++ Features
• Ability to Save to ForgeBox
• Create Projects like
• Install Modules
TryBoxLang in the BoxLang IDE
• We want to make trying BoxLang even more accessible, so we’re working
on integrating it into the VSCode BoxLang IDE as a Window.
• Select code sections and use the command palette or shortcuts to open it
in instead of copying and pasting.
• Select code sections and save to ForgeBox
• The adventure has just started…
With Luis Majano
Key Features
• Open Beta Today!
• Final Release Fall 2024
• Need you to test and run!
• Limited Visionary Licenses
• One Price = Unlimited Licenses & Updates Forever
• For visionary companies/individuals that believe and
want to support the project
• We are committed to the future
• It’s time for a revolution!
What’s Next!

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ITB2024 - Keynote Day 1 - Ortus Solutions.pdf

  • 1. Pre-Release Intro LED BY Ortus Team Codename: Jericho
  • 2. Keynote Day 1 Starting 9:00am Central LED BY Luis F. Majano
  • 4. LUIS F. MAJANO Your Host • CEO Ortus Solutions • Computer Engineer • Creator of all things box! • Documentation Weirdo! @lmajano @ortussolutions
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  • 8. Eric Peterson USA Gavin Pickin USA Esme Acevedo USA Brad Wood USA Cristobal Escobar Spain Thank ITB Committee Maria Jose Herrera El Salvador Jorge Reyes Switzerland Edgardo Cabezas El Salvador
  • 9. Recordings • Free access to all attendees • 2-3 Weeks after ITB •
  • 11. • Tomorrow after the last session! • Must be present to win! • RaffleBox! Don’t miss out!
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  • 15. BoxLang is a modular dynamic language for the JVM, aiming to make your development more productive, expressive, functional, and available everywhere. DYNAMIC : MODULAR : PRODUCTIVE BETA
  • 16. Goals & Vision • A new evolution • Be dynamic, modular, lightweight, and fast • Be 100% interoperable with Java • Be modern, functional, and fl uent (Think mixing CFML, Node, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure) • Modularity at its core • Take advantage of the modern JVM • TDD: Fully tested source code • Be able to support multiple runtimes • Have multiple transpilers CFML -> BoxLang, Groovy -> BoxLang X -> BoxLang • IDE and Tools • All of our libraries needed to run • Compete in today’s language environments
  • 21. Strict Dependency Graph • Core to be small and focused • Only add a third party if extremely necessary • Rely on the JDK as much as possible • Lower surface attack area • Extremely small distribution • Extend via Modules with their own dependencies commons-io Antlr javaparser/asm commons-lang jackson-jr slf4j logback Hikari
  • 25. Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator • Inspired by CacheBox • Enterprise Caching Engine • Extensible • Custom providers • Custom object stores • Listeners • Stats • Powers all internal caching
  • 26. Scheduling & Task Framework
  • 27. Scheduling & Task Framework • Inspired by ColdBox • Schedulers are portable, fl uent, and human • Task & Completable Futures framework from the JDK • Access to any executor in Java • Run schedules as cron jobs; no server is needed • Write them in BoxLang or Java
  • 28. Professional Open Source + Subscriptions
  • 29. • BoxLang Community (Free & Open Source) • Apache 2 • Two Commercial Subscriptions • BoxLang + • Support • Enterprise Modules & Features • BoxLang + + • Increased Support • Custom Builds • Dedicated Engineer Professional Open Source
  • 32. Modern Dynamic Language • Dynamically typed just like CFML, but we go further… • JDK21+ Minimum • JSR-223 Compliant • No re fl ection, we use InvokeDynamic for everything • DynamicObject: Any Object can be Dynamic! • Type inference, auto-casting, type promotions • Interface and superclass default method promotions • Use all new JDK features and types • Collection of Dynamic Casters and Helpers
  • 34. Java Interop • Interact with Java with no bridges • It’s just part of the language; no more separation • You can import, extend, implement, annotate, etc • Execute BoxLang within Java and Java within BoxLang • Concept of object resolvers: java, bx, custom • New BoxLang Scripting: MyScript.bxs • Components become Classes: MyClass.bx • All bx/bxm/bxs are runnable via the OS • Classes can have a main() convention Java Interop
  • 35. Pure Functions + Immutable Classes • Support not only closures (=>) but pure functions (->) • No side e ff ects, no carry-over contexts, pure speed • Especially for asynchronous programming • New Immutable classes: • Arrays, Structs, and Queries • Great for async safety, read-only snapshots, speed and more.
  • 37. Multi-Parsers : BoxLang + CFML + ??? • Our way to split with the old and bring in the new • Transpile CFML into BoxLang • BoxLang is a NEW clean slate • Compat module for Adobe/Lucee • Future > Groovy to BoxLang, ??? To BoxLang • CFTranspiler CLI Tooling • Feature Audit Tool • Multi-Step Compiler • BX -> Java -> ByteCode (DebugMode) • Bx -> Bytecode (Almost done) Choose your path wisely! .cfc, .cfm .bx, bxs, bxm
  • 39. Event Driven Language • Interceptors for the language, application, and request • The best way to scale the language • Listen to the entire or speci fi c language life-cycles • Modules can listen/collaborate events Event Channels Event Producers Event Event Event Event Consumers Event Event Event
  • 41. Tested & Documented • TDD/BDD at the core of the language • 3000+ Tests Already • Test not only Java but BoxLang inline • Native BoxLang Assert constructs built-in • Fully Documented • Generated API Docs •
  • 43. Tooling Overview • BoxLang IDE • Language Debugger & LSP • Executable scripts within the IDE • Run Scripts and Servers • Converters • Visualizers • CLI Tools • REPL • BoxLang Unix Scripting • Script, Module, and Schedule Runners • Convert CFML to BoxLang • BoxLang to Bytecode • Package BoxLang apps & modules
  • 44. Tooling - IDE • Modern development fl ow • Inline documentation • Inline web server with debugging • Run BL/CF code directly within VSCode • Debugger • Language Server • Committed to ongoing support and development - new features are on the way!
  • 45. Tooling - Debugger • Purpose built • Integrates with VSCode via Microsoft’s DAP • Can debug both the CLI runtime and web server • You’ll never use writeDump() again!
  • 46. Tooling - Language Server • Already powering the extension! • The BoxLang runtime was built with the LSP in mind • Full access to the BoxLang syntax parser/compiler • Access to all BoxLang con fi guration, datasources, mappings, etc… • Extensible via BoxLang modules • Foundational for modern language tools • Intellisense • static analysis • More coming soon…
  • 48. Tooling - Roadmap • Near future • Communication between the debugger and language server • Static code analysis/type hinting • Extension based CommandBox + BoxLang Server management • Community engagement! • +,++ version of debugger • Language server plugins
  • 50. Modular Needs Modern Runtimes Have Various Needs! ( and CFML paradigms are outdated ) • Web Applications - HTTP Request/Response Data • Tasks and Queues - Watchers, Event Handling, Async • Lambda and CLI - fast start and blazing speeds! • iOS/Android - Low resource footprint, event handling • Web Assembly – Transpilation and Sandboxing
  • 51. BoxLang Modules • Inspired by ColdBox modules, NOT OSGI • Core Runtime with lightest possible footprint • Taps into the language life-cycle • Write them in Java or BoxLang or Both! • Executable as CLI packages • Integrates with Maven/Gradle
  • 52. BoxLang Modular By Design! • Modular ecosystem, delivered by FORGEBOX • Core modules for DBMS’, Alternate Runtimes ( e.g. Lambda ), Mail, Encryption, CFML compatibility and more! • Write your own functions, components ( tags ), schedulers, JDBC Drivers, interceptions and more! • Boundless potential for community contribution and engagement! • Foment third-party vendors • FORGEBOX eCommerce Marketplace later this year
  • 53. BoxLang Extends BoxLang In fl uence core runtime behavior with BIFs, Member Functions, Tags, Interceptors, and More!
  • 54. BoxLang Modules Take control of your own runtime, in your own language!
  • 57. Wanna play? • • Internet playground for BoxLang • First Production BoxLang application • Powered by our AWS Lambda Runtime • Skinnable • Embeddable on any Site • +/++ More Features Coming Soon
  • 58. How did we build Try BoxLang in under 48 Hours? • I will be presenting a Secret Session looking at how Try BoxLang was built… fi nal session on Day 2 • Quick Rundown • Monaco Editor (VSCode) Web Component • But we had several architectural design decisions to make • Should we spin up a docker container per request? • Should we have 5, 10, 20 replicas on Docker Swarm? • Do we pass the code to a Docker Image with the CLI running? • Should we make an image with an API and return code from the API?
  • 59. AWS Lambda Runtime • Every request can fi re up its very own Lamba request • That means: • We never have to worry about how many instances we have • We never have to worry about queueing • We never have to worry about bad actors accessing other people’s fi les • We can easily update our Lambda runtime and all instances will be running new code • Scale up as big or as small as we want
  • 60. What can you try? • You can Try BoxLang code • You can Try CF Code running in BoxLang • You can see the evaluated results • You can see the bu ff er output • Copy Paste URLs to load code
  • 61. Coming Soon! • You will be able to see the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for your code • You will be able to see the console/system output • Ability to load code from GIST links • +/++ Features • Ability to Save to ForgeBox • Create Projects like • Install Modules
  • 62. TryBoxLang in the BoxLang IDE • We want to make trying BoxLang even more accessible, so we’re working on integrating it into the VSCode BoxLang IDE as a Window. • Select code sections and use the command palette or shortcuts to open it in instead of copying and pasting. • Select code sections and save to ForgeBox • The adventure has just started…
  • 65. • Open Beta Today! • Final Release Fall 2024 • Need you to test and run! • Limited Visionary Licenses • One Price = Unlimited Licenses & Updates Forever • For visionary companies/individuals that believe and want to support the project • • We are committed to the future • It’s time for a revolution! What’s Next!