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Tutorial: How to Generate Customized Java 8
Code from Your Database
Per Minborg
CTO, Speedment, Inc
Emil Forslund
Developer, Speedment, Inc.
Every Decision a Developer Makes is a
The best code is
no code at all
Using Code Generation
• Makes the code efficient
and short
• Modifications are done
once and applied
• Minimizes errors
• “DRY” (Don’t Repeat
Yourself) vs. ”WET” (We
Enjoy Typing)
• “Code your code”
But how can we control the generated code?
About Us
Per Minborg
• Founder of several IT companies
• Lives in Palo Alto
• 20 years of Java experience
• 15+ US patents
• Speaker at Java events
• Blog: Minborg’s Java Pot
Emil Forslund
• Java Developer
• Lives in Palo Alto
• 8 years of Java
• Speaker at Java events
• Blog: Age of Java
• Speedment Open Source mascot
• Lives on GitHub
• 1.5 years of mascot experience

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Spring Framework 4.0 to 4.1
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Spring Framework 4.0 is the latest generation of the popular open source framework for Enterprise Java developers, focusing on the future with support for Java SE 8 and Java EE 7. In this presentation core Spring committer Sam Brannen will provide attendees an overview of the new enterprise features in the framework as well as new programming models made possible with the adoption of JDK 8 language features and APIs. Specifically, this talk will cover support for lambda expressions and method references against Spring callback interfaces, JSR-310 Date-Time value types for Spring data binding and formatting, Spring's new @Conditional mechanism for activation of bean definitions, and a new WebSocket endpoint model. The presentation also provides an overview of Spring 4.0's updated support for enterprise APIs such as JMS 2.0, JPA 2.1, Bean Validation 1.1, Servlet 3.1, and JCache. Last but not least, Sam will highlight some of the major themes for the upcoming Spring Framework 4.1 release such as support for JCache 1.0 annotations, annotation-driven JMS listeners, and testing improvements.

springspring frameworkjava
Building search app with ElasticSearch
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Lukas Vlcek built a search app for public mailing lists in 15 minutes using ElasticSearch. The app allows users to search mailing lists, filter results by facets like date and author, and view document previews with highlighted search terms. Key challenges included parsing email structure and content, normalizing complex email subjects, identifying conversation threads, and determining how to handle quoted content and author disambiguation. The search application and a monitoring tool for ElasticSearch called BigDesk will be made available on GitHub.

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• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
Do You Recognize This Code?
try (final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"password")) {
// Database Logic Here...
Why Creating DB-Apps is So Time
• Even trivial database operations require a
lot of boilerplate code
• Mixing SQL and Java is error-prone
• ORMs require you to write annotated
POJOs for every table
• Creating even a simple DB app can take

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Open-Source Project Speedment
• Stream ORM Java toolkit and
• Generate domain-model from the
• No need for complicated
configurations or setup
• All operations are type-safe
• Data is accessed using Java 8
• Business friendly Apache 2-
Speedment Workflow
Step 1: Generate
Step 2: Write Logic Step 3: Run
Step 4: Iterate
• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers

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JDK.IO 2016 ( Java EE 7 introduced a new batch processing API. This session will go over how to use the batch processing API introduced with Java EE 7. This API is makes it easy to implement long running data/compute intensive jobs which need to be scheduled or initiated on-demand. Basics of the API will be demonstrated via code samples. The API will also be compared to Spring Batching and Hadoop to provide context and guidance on when these technologies are appropriate.

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Spring framework
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This document provides an overview of the Spring framework. It discusses key Spring concepts such as dependency injection, inversion of control, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management. The document also summarizes Spring's main modules and how they can be used to build web applications that incorporate data access, web tiers, and other features.

• com.speedment:
• runtime
• generator
• tool
• speedment-maven-plugin
So How Do the Generated Code Work?
• Code is organized based on database structure
• Hash-sums make sure user changes are not overwritten
If the DB structure changes, the code is
updated with the press of a button
Entities, Managers and Applications
• An Entity represents a row in a table
• Is a POJO
• Customer
• CustomerImpl
• A Manager represents a table
• Responsible for the CRUD operations
• CustomerManager
• CustomerManagerImpl
• An Application represents the entire project
• Responsible for configuration and settings
• SalesApplication
• SalesApplicationBuilder
Querying the Database using Streams
• Queries are expressed
using Java 8 streams
• Streams are analyzed to
produce high-performance

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Expressing Queries as Streams
Standard Stream
Generated Enum
Only 1 value is loaded from
Full Type-Safety
SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer'
WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’
AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’;
Querying the Database using Streams
SELECT * FROM 'customer'
Querying the Database using Streams
SELECT * FROM 'customer'
WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’
Querying the Database using Streams
SELECT * FROM 'customer'
WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’
AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’;

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Tips for Building your First XPages Java Application
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XPages and Java go together like bicycles and great exercise. But much like you wouldn't attempt a hundred mile bicycle ride on your first day, Java is best learned by starting small and building on your accomplishments. Planning, preparation, and realistic goals are keys to becoming proficient at using Java in your XPages applications. Come learn as two long-time developers, Mike and Graham, share their experiences on their Java treks and demonstrate some of what they learned as they build a Java-based shopping cart in an XPages application.

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Querying the Database using Streams
SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer'
WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’
AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’;
Querying the Database using Streams
SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer'
WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’
AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’;
Expressing Queries as Streams
// Gets the second page of customers in North America
// sorted by name in the form of a JSON array
.limit(10) // JVM from here…
.collect(joining(“, ”))
Expressing Queries as Streams
// Supports parallelism on custom executors
// with full control of thread work item layout

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Java can be used to create both standalone applications and web applications like applets. It is compiled to bytecode that runs on any system with a Java Virtual Machine, making it cross-platform. The document discusses Java's usage, safety features, performance compared to C++, standard libraries and key packages like JDBC, RMI, Servlets, EJBs, and how to compile and run basic Java programs and applets.

How to generate customized java 8 code from your database
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How to generate customized java 8 code from your database

Did you know that database classes, that require many lines of Java and SQL code, may be replaced with a single line of Java 8 code? In this tutorial session you will learn how to use standard Java 8 Streams as an alternative to traditional Object Relational Mappers (ORM). We will use the open-source tool Speedment to show how development speed can be increased and how the application code can be more concise and run faster.

Application Example
• Total Count of Customers
• Located in North America
• Registered This Year
Step 1: Getting Speedment using Maven
Generate source files based on database
The JDBC connector to use
Step 2: Initializing Speedment
SalesApplication app = new SalesApplicationBuilder()
CustomerManager customers = app.getOrThrow(CustomerManager.class);
These classes are generated
Instance is configured using Builder-
A manager class is generated for every database table
Step 3: Querying
Region fromWhere = Region.NORTH_AMERICA;
Instant fromWhen = Instant.parse("2016-01-01");
long count =

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SenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes
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SenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes

Connecting your JavaScript application to a database is tedious. Back-end developers spend hours modeling the database, securing connections, writing SQL, optimizing queries, deploying to a server, and fixing bugs. In this session, you'll learn how Ext Speeder gives your front-end team a tool to automatically generate a full back-end. In minutes, a REST API between a Sencha Ext JS Grid application and a relational database is created. This will save you a huge amount of time and also minimizes the risk of human error. Application time-to-market has never been shorter.

Step 4: Output
"A total of %d customers from %s " +
"have registered this year.",
Full Application
public static void main(String… args) {
SalesApplication app = new SalesApplicationBuilder()
CustomerManager customers = app.getOrThrow(CustomerManager.class);
Region fromWhere = Region.NORTH_AMERICA;
Instant fromWhen = Instant.parse("2016-01-01");
long count =
"A total of %d customers from %s " +
"have registered this year.",
Pers-MacBook-Pro:~ pemi$ java –jar salesapplication.jar
A total of 354 customers from NORTH_AMERICA have registered this year.
Live Demo: Speedment
• Generate Domain Model
• Write Java Stream that:
• Determine the ID of a certain city
• Alphabetical list of last names of
salespersons in that city
• Execute

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SenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes
SenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in MinutesSenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes
SenchaCon 2016 - How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes

Connecting your JavaScript application to a database is tedious. Back-end developers spend hours modeling the database, securing connections, writing SQL, optimizing queries, deploying to a server, and fixing bugs. In this session, you'll learn how Ext Speeder gives your front-end team a tool to automatically generate a full back-end. In minutes, a REST API between a Sencha Ext JS Grid application and a relational database is created. This will save you a huge amount of time and also minimizes the risk of human error. Application time-to-market has never been shorter.

backendextspeederbig data
SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...
SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...
SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...

The document describes how Ext Speeder can auto-generate a complete backend in minutes by graphically connecting to a database, selecting tables and columns, and pressing "Generate". This generates code that provides a REST API and handles tasks like filtering, sorting, skipping, and caching data for high performance. Ext Speeder aims to reduce traditional backend development time from around 24 hours to under 1 hour.

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Web Development using Ruby on Rails
Web Development using Ruby on RailsWeb Development using Ruby on Rails
Web Development using Ruby on Rails

This document discusses technologies for creating and maintaining web applications. It covers Ruby and the Rails framework. Ruby is designed to be programmer-focused rather than machine-focused, helping create dynamic and self-explained code. Rails enables quickly building web servers through conventions, reuse, single responsibility principles, and features that provide quick setup, deployment, and built-in scalability. The document also discusses front-end architecture with client-side logic, and Rails features for development, deployment, databases, assets, and multi-environment configuration.

ruby on railsweb framework
• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
Controlling the Code Generation
• So far we have queried a
database with streams
• We have used code generation
to create entities and managers
• Can it be used for more?
What is Available out of the Box?
• MVC oriented code generation
• Modular design
• Database domain model
• JSON configuration (DSL)
• Java language namer
• Translator and TranslatorDecorator
• Maven goals
• Type mappers
MVC Oriented Code Generation
• Model
• File, Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method, Constructor,
Type, Generic, Annotation, …
• View
• Renders a model to Java (or another language)
• Set code style using custom views
• Control
• AutoImport, AutoEquals, AutoJavadoc, SetGetAdd, FinalParameters
• Write custom controllers to automate recurring tasks

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05 entity framework
05 entity framework05 entity framework
05 entity framework

The document discusses different workflows for using Entity Framework to access and manage data, including model first, database first, and code first approaches. It also covers using Entity Framework with WCF Data Services to expose data via OData endpoints. Key topics include entity data models, reverse engineering databases, defining mappings, and generating databases from code using migrations. Live demos are provided for database first and code first workflows as well as creating and consuming a WCF Data Services API.

JDD2015: Java Everywhere Again—with DukeScript - Jaroslav Tulach
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JDD2015: Java Everywhere Again—with DukeScript - Jaroslav Tulach

JAVA EVERYWHERE AGAIN—WITH DUKESCRIPT For a long time, Java was perfect for creating cross-platform applications, but the advent of iPhone, iPad, and Android devices changed everything, resulting in a totally fragmented world. Catering to all these platform is troublesome and expensive. That’s why DukeScript was created: to make it easy to create cross-platform Java applications again. The goal of this hands-on lab is to create a cross-platform application from scratch that will run on iOS, Android, desktop, browser, and embedded devices such as the Raspberry Pi. You’ll learn about the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture, which enables you to write and test business code totally independently of the view, and, finally, you’ll see it combined with a view to complete a working application. IMPORTANT Before conference, please follow the steps to prepare for the session: - perform the Maven repository initialization by creating the archetype and building it as described at DukeScript website - also download NetBeans IDE (either latest beta or at least 8.0.2) - Installing Android SDK rev. 19 or bringing own Mac Book with XCode installed can be also found beneficial

Masterin Large Scale Java Script Applications
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Masterin Large Scale Java Script Applications

Writing large desktop-like web applications is a challenge. Adapting such an application to different markets, languages or brands is even more of a challenge. This talk shows how the open source JavaScript framework qooxdoo can be leveraged to build such a rich internet application. As a real-life example the free web mail client is used. This talk discusses the development model, customization and deployment of such an application. Learn how JavaScript applications of this size and complexity are fundamentally different from classic web applications, and what issues come up when building fast, multi-language, multi-brand JavaScript applications.

MVC Oriented Code Generation
• Separation of concerns
• Code generation is type safe
• Catch errors compile time
• Discover methods directly in the IDE
• Reuse code segments and controllers
Modular Design
Database Domain Model
• Project
• Dbms
• Schema
• Table
• Column
• PrimaryKey
• ForeignKey
• Index
List<Table> tables = project.dbmses()
JSON Configuration (DSL)
"config" : {
"name" : "sales",
"dbmses" : [{
"name" : "db0",
"typeName" : "MySQL",
"ipAddress" : "",
"username" : "root",
"schemas" : [{
"name" : "sales",
"tables" : [
{ "name" : "city" },
{ "name" : "salesperson" }

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How to Contribute to Apache Usergrid
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How to Contribute to Apache Usergrid

Whether you are building a mobile app or a web app, Apache Usergrid (incubating) can provide you with a complete backend that supports authentication, persistence and social features like activities and followers all via a comprehensive REST API — and backed by Cassandra, giving you linear scalability. This session will tell you what you need to know to be a Usergrid contributor, starting with the basics of building and running Usergrid from source code. You’ll learn how to find your way around the Usergrid code base, how the code for the Stack, Portal and SDKs and how to use the test infrastructure to test your changes to Usergrid. You’ll learn the Usergrid contributor workflow, how the project uses JIRA and Github to manage change and how to contribute your changes to the project. The session will also cover the Usergrid roadmap and what the community is currently working on.

Quick start with AngularJS
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Quick start with AngularJS

- The document discusses AngularJS, a JavaScript framework for building web applications. It provides an overview of key AngularJS concepts like MVC architecture, data binding, directives, and services. - Tools like Yeoman and Grunt are recommended for scaffolding AngularJS projects and automating tasks. The document emphasizes writing test-driven code and following AngularJS best practices for modularity and performance. - Examples are provided to demonstrate how to write AngularJS controllers and compare simple versus more sophisticated applications built with the framework. Warnings are given about potential challenges like supporting older browsers and SEO.

Java script nirvana in netbeans [con5679]
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This document discusses using NetBeans as an IDE for JavaScript development. It provides an overview of NetBeans' features for JavaScript including syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging, support for frameworks like Angular and Node.js, and mobile development with Apache Cordova. It also demonstrates how to set up and configure NetBeans for common JavaScript tasks like adding libraries, using build tools like Grunt and Gulp, and setting up unit testing with Karma and Jasmine.

Java Language Namer
• Camel caser: converts from “some_db_name” to
• Java naming conventions: user, User and USER
• Detects keywords like “final”,”static” and escapes them
• Detects collisions
• Pluralizer: bag → bags, entity → entities, fish → fish
Translator and TranslatorDecorator
• Translator
• Renders a DB entity like a Table to a new Class or an Interface
• TranslatorDecorator
• Modifies an existing Class or Interface
Maven Goals
• speedment:tool
• Launches the graphical tool
• Allows customization of configuration model
• Code generation
• speedment:generate
• Code generation without launching the tool
• speedment:reload
• Reloads database metadata without launching the tool
• speedment:clear
• Removes all the generated classes (except manual changes) without launching the
Type Mappers
• Controls how columns are implemented
• Runtime conversion between Database and Java types
java.sql.Timestamp long

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Bringing DevOps to the Database
Bringing DevOps to the DatabaseBringing DevOps to the Database
Bringing DevOps to the Database

DevOps is changing today's software development world by helping us build better software, faster. However most of the knowledge and experience with DevOps is based around application software and ignores the database. We will examine how the concepts and principles of DevOps can be applied to database development by looking at both automated comparison analysis as well as migration script management. Automated building, testing, and deployment of database changes will be shown. About the Presenter Steve Jones is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and has been working with SQL Server since version 4.2 on OS/2. After working as a DBA and developer for a variety of companies, Steve co-founded the community website in 2001. Since 2004, Steve has been the full-time editor of the site, ensuring it continues to be a great resource for SQL Server professionals. Over the last decade, Steve has written hundreds of articles about SQL Server for, SQL Server Standard magazine, SQL Server Magazine, and Database Journal.

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Escaping the yellow bubble - rewriting Domino using MongoDb and Angular
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Escaping the yellow bubble - rewriting Domino using MongoDb and Angular

Slides from my ICON UK 2014 session held on September 13, 2014 at IBM Southbank, London. The session was an introduction to the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node).

MEAN Stack Warm-up
MEAN Stack Warm-upMEAN Stack Warm-up
MEAN Stack Warm-up

The MEAN stack allows you to build fast, responsive, and maintainable full-stack websites using JavaScript. The stack uses four innovative frameworks: MongoDB for rapid data access, Express for simplified web development, Angular for componentized and fluid UI, and Node for speed. Not sure if the MEAN stack is for you? Then come to this free warm-up session. We give you a quick tour of all of the pieces of the stack. How to get you machine ready. And show you what it is like to build a site using it. This session is for both front and backend developers. We'll show you how JavaScript, the world's most ubiquitous language, can help you to master the web.

Generation vs. Templates
• Separation of concerns
• Easily change code style
• Minimize maintenance
• Maximize reusability
Generate a New Custom Class
1. Create a new Translator
2. Model how the new class
should look
3. Define a Plugin Class
4. Include it in project pom.xml
Example: Generate a Point class
Step 1: Create a New Translator Class
public class PointTranslator extends
AbstractJavaClassTranslator<Project, Class> {
public final static TranslatorKey<Project, Class> POINT_KEY =
new TranslatorKey.of(“generated_point", Class.class);
public PointTranslator(Project document) { super(document, Class::of); }
protected Class makeCodeGenModel(File file) {
return newBuilder(file, getClassOrInterfaceName())
.forEveryProject((clazz, project) -> {
// Generate Content Here
protected String getClassOrInterfaceName() { return ”Point"; }
protected String getJavadocRepresentText() { return "A 2-dimensional coordinate."; }
Every translator is identified by a
Name of generated class
Called every time the translator is invoked
Step 2: The makeCodeGenModel -
.add(Field.of(“x”, int.class)
.add(Field.of(“y”, int.class)
.add(Field.of(“x”, int.class))
.add(Field.of(“y”, int.class))
.add(“this.x = x;”,
“this.y = y;”
.add(Method.of(“getX”, int.class).public_()
.add(“return x;”)
.add(Method.of(“getY”, int.class).public_()
.add(“return y;”)
.call(new AutoEquals<>())
.call(new AutoToString<>());

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This presentation is regarding on the Internship first industrial training at IJSE. This is a partial fulfillment of Industrial training module in Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.

SharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis - Robi Vončina
SharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis - Robi VončinaSharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis - Robi Vončina
SharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis - Robi Vončina

This session introduces tools that can help you analyze and troubleshoot performance with SharePoint 2013. This sessions presents tools like perfmon, Fiddler, Visual Round Trip Analyzer, IIS LogParser, Developer Dashboard and of course we create Web and Load Tests in Visual Studio 2013. At the end we also take a look at some of the tips and best practices to improve performance on SharePoint 2013.

AngularJS 1.x - your first application (problems and solutions)
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AngularJS 1.x - your first application (problems and solutions)

We will talk about all aspects of building a single page application with AngularJS, and we will discuss real examples from day-to-day work. We will also cover a large amount of theory about general web development, best practices, and today's client demands. We will focus on three (3) main points: architecture, security, and real time notification.

Step 3: Define a Plugin Class
public class PointPlugin {
protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) {
The key defined earlier
Will execute when Speedment is
being initialized
How the translator is constructed
Step 4: Include it in Project pom.xml
This tells Speedment to load the plugin
Make sure our plugin project is on the classpath
* A 2-dimensional coordinate.
* <p>
* This file is safe to edit. It will not be overwritten by
the code generator.
* @author company
public class Point {
private final int x;
private final int y;
public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
The following file is generated: public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = 31;
hashCode += 41 * x;
hashCode += 41 * y;
return hashCode;
public Boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) return true;
else if (other == null) return false;
else if (!(other instanceof Point)) {
return false;
final Point point = (Point) other;
return x == point.x && y == point.y;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder(“Point{”)
.append(“x: “).append(x).append(“, “)
.append(“y: “).append(y).append(“}”);
A More Concrete Example
1. Create a new Translator
2. Model how the new class
should look
3. Define a Plugin Class
4. Include it in project pom.xml
Example: Generate an Enum of
tables in the database

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This document introduces Node.js and provides an overview of its key features and use cases. Some main points: - Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows building scalable network applications easily. It is not a web framework but you can build web frameworks with Node.js modules. - Node.js is well-suited for building web servers, TCP servers, command line tools, and anything involving high I/O due to its non-blocking I/O model. It has over 15,000 modules and an active community for support. - Common use cases include building JSON APIs, single page apps, leveraging existing Unix tools via child processes, streaming

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Step 1: Create a New Translator Class
public class TableEnumTranslator extends
AbstractJavaClassTranslator<Project, Enum> {
public final static TranslatorKey<Project, Enum> TABLES_ENUM_KEY =
new TranslatorKey.of(“tables_enum", Enum.class);
public TableEnumTranslator(Project document) { super(document, Enum::of); }
protected Enum makeCodeGenModel(File file) {
return newBuilder(file, getClassOrInterfaceName())
.forEveryProject((clazz, project) -> {
// Generate Content Here
protected String getClassOrInterfaceName() { return ”Tables"; }
protected String getJavadocRepresentText() { return "An enumeration of tables in the database."; }
Every translator is identified by a
Name of generated class
Called every time the translator is invoked
Step 2: The makeCodeGenModel -
DocumentDbUtil.traverseOver(project, Table.class)
Step 3: Define a Plugin Class
public class TableEnumPlugin {
protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) {
Step 4: Include it in Project pom.xml
This tells Speedment to load the plugin
Make sure our plugin project is on the

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a11yaccessibilityalt text
* An enumeration of tables in the database.
* <p>
* This file is safe to edit. It will not be overwritten by the code generator.
* @author company
enum Tables {
The following file is generated:
Generate all the Things
• Gson Adapters
• Spring Configuration Files
• REST Controllers
• and much more…
• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
Add New Method to Existing Classes
• So far we have
• Queried a database with generated
• Generated a custom class
• How do we modify the existing
generation of classes?

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Add New Method to Existing Classes
• Fit Into Existing Class Hierarchy
• Change Naming Conventions
• Optimize Internal Implementations
• Add Custom Methods
Add New Method to Existing Classes
Example: Add a getColumnCount
method to generated managers
1. Create a new
TranslatorDecorator class
2. Write code generation logic
3. Add it to Speedment
Step 1: Creating a New Decorator Class
public class ColumnCountDecorator implements TranslatorDecorator<Table, Interface> {
public void apply(JavaClassTranslator<Table, Interface> translator) {
translator.onMake(builder -> {
builder.forEveryTable((intrf, table) -> {
// Code generation logic goes here
Step 2: Write Code Generation Logic
int columnCount = table.columns().count();
intrf.add(Method.of("getColumnCount", int.class)
.set(Javadoc.of("Returns the number of columns in this table.")
.add(RETURN.setValue("the column count"))
.add("return " + columnCount + ";")

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Step 3: Add it to Speedment
public final class TableEnumPlugin {
protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) {
new ColumnCountDecorator()
Modify an existing translator key
Our new decorator
The same plugin class as we
created earlier
When the project is
regenerated, a new method is
added to each manager
• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
Demo: Advanced Plugin
• Use the Speedment Spring
Plugin to generate a working

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Profile portofolio

• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
Additional Features
• Add GUI Tool components for
custom configuration
• Extend the JSON DSL
dynamically with plugins
• Automate your build
environment with Maven
• Add custom data type
Additional Features
• Plugin a custom namer
• Generate classes that are related to other domain models
• Generate classes for other languages
• Style the GUI Tool
Database Connectors
Open Source
• PostgreSQL
• MariaDB
• Oracle
• Microsoft SQL server
• dB2

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• Problem Description
• Code Generation in Database Applications
• How Does it Work?
• Hands on Demo
• Controlling the Code Generation
• Generate Custom Classes
• Add new Method to Existing Classes
• Hands on Demo
• Additional Features
• Real World Examples
• Questions & Answers
In-JVM-Memory Data Store
• Alternative stream source
• Uses code generation
• Optimized serializers for
offheap storage
• No changes to user-written
• 10-100x faster queries
Ext Speeder
In-JVM-Memory !
Per Minborg
Emil Forslund

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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How to JavaOne 2016 - Generate Customized Java 8 Code from Your Database [TUT4489]

  • 1. Tutorial: How to Generate Customized Java 8 Code from Your Database Per Minborg CTO, Speedment, Inc Emil Forslund Developer, Speedment, Inc.
  • 2. Every Decision a Developer Makes is a Trade-off The best code is no code at all
  • 3. Using Code Generation • Makes the code efficient and short • Modifications are done once and applied everywhere • Minimizes errors • “DRY” (Don’t Repeat Yourself) vs. ”WET” (We Enjoy Typing) • “Code your code” But how can we control the generated code?
  • 4. About Us Per Minborg • Founder of several IT companies • Lives in Palo Alto • 20 years of Java experience • 15+ US patents • Speaker at Java events • Blog: Minborg’s Java Pot Emil Forslund • Java Developer • Lives in Palo Alto • 8 years of Java experience • Speaker at Java events • Blog: Age of Java Spire • Speedment Open Source mascot • Lives on GitHub • 1.5 years of mascot experience
  • 5. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 6. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 7. Do You Recognize This Code? Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); try (final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:port/dbname", "username", "password")) { // Database Logic Here... }
  • 8. Why Creating DB-Apps is So Time Consuming • Even trivial database operations require a lot of boilerplate code • Mixing SQL and Java is error-prone • ORMs require you to write annotated POJOs for every table • Creating even a simple DB app can take hours
  • 9. Open-Source Project Speedment • Stream ORM Java toolkit and runtime • Generate domain-model from the database • No need for complicated configurations or setup • All operations are type-safe • Data is accessed using Java 8 Streams • Business friendly Apache 2- license
  • 10. Speedment Workflow .filter(…) .filter(…) .map(…) .collect(toList()); Step 1: Generate Code Step 2: Write Logic Step 3: Run Application Step 4: Iterate
  • 11. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 12. Tool
  • 13. Artifacts • com.speedment: • runtime • generator • tool • speedment-maven-plugin
  • 14. So How Do the Generated Code Work? • Code is organized based on database structure • Hash-sums make sure user changes are not overwritten If the DB structure changes, the code is updated with the press of a button
  • 15. Entities, Managers and Applications • An Entity represents a row in a table • Is a POJO • Customer • CustomerImpl • A Manager represents a table • Responsible for the CRUD operations • CustomerManager • CustomerManagerImpl • An Application represents the entire project • Responsible for configuration and settings • SalesApplication • SalesApplicationBuilder
  • 16. Querying the Database using Streams • Queries are expressed using Java 8 streams • Streams are analyzed to produce high-performance queries
  • 17. Expressing Queries as Streams .filter(Customer.REGION.equal(Region.NORTH_AMERICA)) .filter(Customer.REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(startOfYear)) .count(); Standard Stream API Generated Enum Constants Only 1 value is loaded from DB Full Type-Safety SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer' WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’ AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’;
  • 18. Querying the Database using Streams SELECT * FROM 'customer' REGION.equal(NORTH_AMERICA) REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(2016-01-01) count() Sourc e Filter Filter Term. Pipeline
  • 19. Querying the Database using Streams SELECT * FROM 'customer' WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’ REGION.equal(NORTH_AMERICA) REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(2016-01-01) count() Sourc e Filter Filter Term. Pipeline
  • 20. Querying the Database using Streams SELECT * FROM 'customer' WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’ AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’; REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(2016-01-01) count() Sourc e Filter Term. Pipeline
  • 21. Querying the Database using Streams SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer' WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’ AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’; count() Sourc e Term. Pipeline
  • 22. Querying the Database using Streams SELECT COUNT('id') FROM 'customer' WHERE 'customer'.'region' = ‘North America’ AND 'customer'.'registered' >= ‘2016-01-01’; Sourc e Pipeline
  • 23. Expressing Queries as Streams // Gets the second page of customers in North America // sorted by name in the form of a JSON array “[“+ .filter(REGION.equal(Region.NORTH_AMERICA)) .sorted(NAME.comparator()) .skip(10) .limit(10) // JVM from here… .map(JsonEncoder.allOf(customers)::apply) .collect(joining(“, ”)) +”]”;
  • 24. Expressing Queries as Streams // Supports parallelism on custom executors // with full control of thread work item layout .parallel() .filter(REGION.equal(Region.NORTH_AMERICA)) .forEach(expensiveOperatation());
  • 25. Application Example • Total Count of Customers • Located in North America • Registered This Year
  • 26. Step 1: Getting Speedment using Maven <plugin> <groupId>com.speedment</groupId> <artifactId>speedment-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0.0-EA</version> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.39</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin> Generate source files based on database The JDBC connector to use
  • 27. Step 2: Initializing Speedment SalesApplication app = new SalesApplicationBuilder() .withPassword("qwerty") .build(); CustomerManager customers = app.getOrThrow(CustomerManager.class); These classes are generated automatically Instance is configured using Builder- pattern A manager class is generated for every database table
  • 28. Step 3: Querying Region fromWhere = Region.NORTH_AMERICA; Instant fromWhen = Instant.parse("2016-01-01"); long count = .filter(Customer.REGION.equal(fromWhere)) .filter(Customer.REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(fromWhen)) .count();
  • 29. Step 4: Output System.out.println( "A total of %d customers from %s " + "have registered this year.", count, );
  • 30. Full Application public static void main(String… args) { SalesApplication app = new SalesApplicationBuilder() .withPassword("qwerty") .build(); CustomerManager customers = app.getOrThrow(CustomerManager.class); Region fromWhere = Region.NORTH_AMERICA; Instant fromWhen = Instant.parse("2016-01-01"); long count = .filter(Customer.REGION.equal(fromWhere)) .filter(Customer.REGISTERED.greaterOrEqual(fromWhen)) .count(); System.out.println( "A total of %d customers from %s " + "have registered this year.", count, ); }
  • 31. Output Pers-MacBook-Pro:~ pemi$ java –jar salesapplication.jar A total of 354 customers from NORTH_AMERICA have registered this year.
  • 32. Live Demo: Speedment • Generate Domain Model • Write Java Stream that: • Determine the ID of a certain city • Alphabetical list of last names of salespersons in that city • Execute
  • 33. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 34. Controlling the Code Generation • So far we have queried a database with streams • We have used code generation to create entities and managers • Can it be used for more?
  • 35. What is Available out of the Box? • MVC oriented code generation • Modular design • Database domain model • JSON configuration (DSL) • Java language namer • Translator and TranslatorDecorator • Maven goals • Type mappers
  • 36. MVC Oriented Code Generation • Model • File, Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method, Constructor, Type, Generic, Annotation, … • View • Renders a model to Java (or another language) • Set code style using custom views • Control • AutoImport, AutoEquals, AutoJavadoc, SetGetAdd, FinalParameters • Write custom controllers to automate recurring tasks
  • 37. MVC Oriented Code Generation • Separation of concerns • Code generation is type safe • Catch errors compile time • Discover methods directly in the IDE • Reuse code segments and controllers
  • 39. Database Domain Model • Project • Dbms • Schema • Table • Column • PrimaryKey • ForeignKey • Index List<Table> tables = project.dbmses() .flatMap(Dbms::schemas) .flatMap(Schema::tables) .collect(toList());
  • 40. JSON Configuration (DSL) { "config" : { "name" : "sales", "dbmses" : [{ "name" : "db0", "typeName" : "MySQL", "ipAddress" : "", "username" : "root", "schemas" : [{ "name" : "sales", "tables" : [ { "name" : "city" }, { "name" : "salesperson" } ] }] }] } }
  • 41. Java Language Namer • Camel caser: converts from “some_db_name” to “someDbName” • Java naming conventions: user, User and USER • Detects keywords like “final”,”static” and escapes them • Detects collisions • Pluralizer: bag → bags, entity → entities, fish → fish
  • 42. Translator and TranslatorDecorator • Translator • Renders a DB entity like a Table to a new Class or an Interface • TranslatorDecorator • Modifies an existing Class or Interface
  • 43. Maven Goals • speedment:tool • Launches the graphical tool • Allows customization of configuration model • Code generation • speedment:generate • Code generation without launching the tool • speedment:reload • Reloads database metadata without launching the tool • speedment:clear • Removes all the generated classes (except manual changes) without launching the tool
  • 44. Type Mappers • Controls how columns are implemented • Runtime conversion between Database and Java types java.sql.Timestamp long
  • 45. Generation vs. Templates • Separation of concerns • Easily change code style • Minimize maintenance • Maximize reusability
  • 46. Generate a New Custom Class 1. Create a new Translator 2. Model how the new class should look 3. Define a Plugin Class 4. Include it in project pom.xml Example: Generate a Point class
  • 47. Step 1: Create a New Translator Class public class PointTranslator extends AbstractJavaClassTranslator<Project, Class> { public final static TranslatorKey<Project, Class> POINT_KEY = new TranslatorKey.of(“generated_point", Class.class); public PointTranslator(Project document) { super(document, Class::of); } @Override protected Class makeCodeGenModel(File file) { return newBuilder(file, getClassOrInterfaceName()) .forEveryProject((clazz, project) -> { // Generate Content Here }).build(); } @Override protected String getClassOrInterfaceName() { return ”Point"; } @Override protected String getJavadocRepresentText() { return "A 2-dimensional coordinate."; } } Every translator is identified by a TranslatorKey Name of generated class Javadoc Called every time the translator is invoked forEvery(Project|Dbms|Schema|Table|Column| …)
  • 48. Step 2: The makeCodeGenModel - methodclazz.public_() .add(Field.of(“x”, int.class) .private_().final_() ) .add(Field.of(“y”, int.class) .private_().final_() ) .add(Constructor.of().public_() .add(Field.of(“x”, int.class)) .add(Field.of(“y”, int.class)) .add(“this.x = x;”, “this.y = y;” ) ) .add(Method.of(“getX”, int.class).public_() .add(“return x;”) ) .add(Method.of(“getY”, int.class).public_() .add(“return y;”) ) .call(new AutoEquals<>()) .call(new AutoToString<>());
  • 49. Step 3: Define a Plugin Class public class PointPlugin { @ExecuteBefore(RESOLVED) protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) { codeGen.put( Project.class, PointTranslator.POINT_KEY, PointTranslator::new ); } } The key defined earlier Will execute when Speedment is being initialized How the translator is constructed
  • 50. Step 4: Include it in Project pom.xml <plugin> <groupId>com.speedment</groupId> <artifactId>speedment-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0.0-EA</version> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.39</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.example</groupId> <artifactId>point-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <configuration> <components> <component>com.example.pointplugin.PointPlugin</component> </components> </configuration> </plugin> This tells Speedment to load the plugin Make sure our plugin project is on the classpath
  • 51. Execute /** * A 2-dimensional coordinate. * <p> * This file is safe to edit. It will not be overwritten by the code generator. * * @author company */ public class Point { private final int x; private final int y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } The following file is generated: public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 31; hashCode += 41 * x; hashCode += 41 * y; return hashCode; } public Boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; else if (other == null) return false; else if (!(other instanceof Point)) { return false; } final Point point = (Point) other; return x == point.x && y == point.y; } public String toString() { return new StringBuilder(“Point{”) .append(“x: “).append(x).append(“, “) .append(“y: “).append(y).append(“}”); } }
  • 52. A More Concrete Example 1. Create a new Translator 2. Model how the new class should look 3. Define a Plugin Class 4. Include it in project pom.xml Example: Generate an Enum of tables in the database
  • 53. Step 1: Create a New Translator Class public class TableEnumTranslator extends AbstractJavaClassTranslator<Project, Enum> { public final static TranslatorKey<Project, Enum> TABLES_ENUM_KEY = new TranslatorKey.of(“tables_enum", Enum.class); public TableEnumTranslator(Project document) { super(document, Enum::of); } @Override protected Enum makeCodeGenModel(File file) { return newBuilder(file, getClassOrInterfaceName()) .forEveryProject((clazz, project) -> { // Generate Content Here }).build(); } @Override protected String getClassOrInterfaceName() { return ”Tables"; } @Override protected String getJavadocRepresentText() { return "An enumeration of tables in the database."; } } Every translator is identified by a TranslatorKey Name of generated class Javadoc Called every time the translator is invoked forEvery(Project|Dbms|Schema|Table|Column| …)
  • 54. Step 2: The makeCodeGenModel - method DocumentDbUtil.traverseOver(project, Table.class) .map(Table::getJavaName) .map(getSupport().namer()::javaStaticFieldName) .sorted() .map(EnumConstant::of) .forEachOrdered(clazz::add);
  • 55. Step 3: Define a Plugin Class public class TableEnumPlugin { @ExecuteBefore(RESOLVED) protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) { codeGen.put( Project.class, TableEnumTranslator.TABLES_ENUM_KEY, TableEnumTranslator::new ); } }
  • 56. Step 4: Include it in Project pom.xml <plugin> <groupId>com.speedment</groupId> <artifactId>speedment-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0.0-EA</version> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.39</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.example</groupId> <artifactId>table-enum-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <configuration> <components> <component>com.example.tableenumplugin.TableEnumPlugin</component> </components> </configuration> </plugin> This tells Speedment to load the plugin Make sure our plugin project is on the classpath
  • 57. Execute /** * An enumeration of tables in the database. * <p> * This file is safe to edit. It will not be overwritten by the code generator. * * @author company */ enum Tables { CITY, SALESPERSON; } The following file is generated:
  • 58. Generate all the Things • Gson Adapters • Spring Configuration Files • REST Controllers • and much more…
  • 59. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 60. Add New Method to Existing Classes • So far we have • Queried a database with generated classes • Generated a custom class • How do we modify the existing generation of classes?
  • 61. Add New Method to Existing Classes • Fit Into Existing Class Hierarchy • Change Naming Conventions • Optimize Internal Implementations • Add Custom Methods
  • 62. Add New Method to Existing Classes Example: Add a getColumnCount method to generated managers 1. Create a new TranslatorDecorator class 2. Write code generation logic 3. Add it to Speedment
  • 63. Step 1: Creating a New Decorator Class public class ColumnCountDecorator implements TranslatorDecorator<Table, Interface> { @Override public void apply(JavaClassTranslator<Table, Interface> translator) { translator.onMake(builder -> { builder.forEveryTable((intrf, table) -> { // Code generation logic goes here }); }); } }
  • 64. Step 2: Write Code Generation Logic int columnCount = table.columns().count(); intrf.add(Method.of("getColumnCount", int.class) .default_() .set(Javadoc.of("Returns the number of columns in this table.") .add(RETURN.setValue("the column count")) ) .add("return " + columnCount + ";") );
  • 65. Step 3: Add it to Speedment public final class TableEnumPlugin { @ExecuteBefore(RESOLVED) protected void install(CodeGenerationComponent codeGen) { codeGen.put( Project.class, TableEnumTranslator.TABLES_ENUM_KEY, TableEnumTranslator::new ); codeGen.add( Table.class, StandardTranslatorKey.GENERATED_MANAGER, new ColumnCountDecorator() ); } } Modify an existing translator key Our new decorator The same plugin class as we created earlier
  • 66. Execute When the project is regenerated, a new method is added to each manager
  • 67. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 68. Demo: Advanced Plugin • Use the Speedment Spring Plugin to generate a working REST API
  • 69. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 70. Additional Features • Add GUI Tool components for custom configuration • Extend the JSON DSL dynamically with plugins • Automate your build environment with Maven • Add custom data type mappers
  • 71. Additional Features • Plugin a custom namer • Generate classes that are related to other domain models • Generate classes for other languages • Style the GUI Tool
  • 72. Database Connectors Open Source • MySQL • PostgreSQL • MariaDB Enterprise • Oracle • Microsoft SQL server • dB2
  • 73. Agenda • Problem Description • Code Generation in Database Applications • How Does it Work? • Hands on Demo • Controlling the Code Generation • Generate Custom Classes • Add new Method to Existing Classes • Hands on Demo • Additional Features • Real World Examples • Questions & Answers
  • 74. In-JVM-Memory Data Store • Alternative stream source • Uses code generation • Optimized serializers for offheap storage • No changes to user-written code • 10-100x faster queries

Editor's Notes

  1. What we are going to talk about today
  2. What we are going to talk about today
  3. Ice-breaker
  4. Negatives
  5. Positives
  6. Agile Workflow
  7. What we are going to talk about today
  8. Positives
  9. Positives
  10. Code Structure Let the database be the center of the iterative process
  11. What we are going to talk about today
  12. Pause before the fourth arrow ”Do you know what the coolest aspect of this paragraph is?”
  13. Positives
  14. Positives
  15. Output on next slide
  16. Output on next slide
  17. Output on next slide
  18. Next: Emil Live Demo #1
  19. What we are going to talk about today
  20. Stop here
  21. Mention problem before showing the solutions
  22. @ExecuteBefore says this class must be configured before use Dependency injection is used to get access to the code generation component
  23. @ExecuteBefore says this class must be configured before use Dependency injection is used to get access to the code generation component
  24. Now that you have seen all this, how do you think code generation can solve your challenges? Do you have ideas what you can generate?
  25. What we are going to talk about today
  26. Entities, Managers, Application
  27. Why add methods? You know your own domain model best!
  28. For every table! Like 100 tables!
  29. What we are going to talk about today
  30. Live Demo, then Q&A
  31. What we are going to talk about today
  32. Live Demo, then Q&A
  33. Live Demo, then Q&A
  34. What we are going to talk about today
  35. Live Demo, then Q&A