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How we built Try
in under 48 hours
● Software Consultant for Ortus
● Work with ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox
APIs and VueJS every day!
● Working with Coldfusion since 1999 - V4
● Love learning and sharing the lessons learned
● From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca
● Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
I am sharing this story because:
- We dogfooded our own technology
- We used some cool technology
- The journey to the destination is just as
- It surprised even us what we could do, and
how fast
I am sharing this story because:
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- We dogfooded our own technology
- We used some cool technology
- The journey to the destination is just as
- It surprised even us what we could do, and
how fast

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Our Goals
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Give users a way to try BoxLang in the
browser with no download or installation
- Give users a comfortable dev experience
- Have an easy way to Embed it in multiple
- Have a way to theme our editor
- Handle the load of our successful marketing
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- What are we going to build the website with?
- What editor were we going to use?
- How can we make it Embeddable?
- How can we make it themeable?
- How to go from Code > Response?
What are we building the Website with?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- MVP - Simple HTML Page
- Next level - CFML Website with index.cfm
- Ultimate Goal - BoxLang site with index.bxm
- No ColdBox
- No ContentBox
What editor are we going to use
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- The Monaco Editor is the code editor that
powers VS Code.
- It is licensed under the MIT License and
supports Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and

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What can Monaco do?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Lots!!!!!
What can’t Monaco do?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- It cannot run the background services
powered by Node in VS Code
- Lose some themes
- Some extensions with LSPs, Debuggers etc
BUT its still awesome!!!
How can we make it Embeddable?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Should we Build it in React - NO!
- Should we build it in VueJS - Probably not
- AlpineJS - Maybe
We should use Web Components!!!!
How can we make it Embeddable?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
There is an existing Monaco Web Component
already out there.
Plug it in, and we’re DONE!!!!

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How can we make it Embeddable?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Plug it in
- Choose Settings
- Default Code
… and we’re DONE!!!!
How do we make it Themeable?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Web Components supports attributes
- Web Components encapsulates your Styles
We will build some theme options and an
attribute to handle it
How do we go from Code > Response
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Editor will have code
- When the user clicks a button
- We’ll send this code somewhere via Ajax
- When we get a response, we will update the
UI to show the response
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
We haven’t build the WASM BoxLang Runtime
yet, so we can’t run it in the browser :(

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We can build an API endpoint that we can call
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
What API?
ColdBox API?
GoLang API?
Python API?
Node API? (sssh don’t tell Brad)
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- We have the BoxLang OS runtime
- Should we call it with CFExecute
- Deal with Std-in and std-out
- Feels a little icky
- Will it scale?
How will we compile BoxLang Code
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
Maybe we could use Docker?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

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ContentBox is an open-source CMS built on ColdBox that allows for quick installation, easy integration of modules from ForgeBox, and powering of various websites and applications from a single content repository. The document outlines what ContentBox is, why one should use it, how to set up a first site, customize themes, build modules, and power apps from one content repository. Setup involves using the CommandBox CLI to install ContentBox and start a local server.

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Bobby is a Consultant DevOps Engineer who currently works with UK Cloud’s clients to help them understand DevOps, how to improve their automation and migrate to a cloud-native environment. Bobby has over twenty years of experience working with the web and has most recently been working with public sector clients on their latest projects.

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An overview of building a production-ready fully-scalable Docker Swarm using Terraform & Packer on OpenStack.

Where’s the Docker image?
- We didn’t have a docker image yet
- Jon was busy working on real deep BoxLang
stuff, so I decided, I could handle that
- Build a CLI, and a Web Docker Image
- Let’s deploy our docker image
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
Ssssh, Secret Squirrel
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Jon Setup ECR
- Jon Setup IAM Permissions
Let’s store them on AWS ECR
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- After editing IAM permissions for 2
- Finally I got the images built and
Let’s store them on AWS ECR
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

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Run BoxLang CLI in Docker?
We can run
docker run boxlang-cli $codeToRun
- Docker start is not instant… will it be fast enough?
- Will it scale?
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
Run BoxLang in Docker Swarm?
- How do we know how many swarm nodes
are running?
docker service ls | wc - c | maybe
- How do we send the code to a less busy
swarm node?
docker service ls | grep | headache
Where are we going to send it?
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
Easy Button
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Handles startup
- Handles isolation
- Handles speed
- Handles scaling
- Handles the server (serverless)
AWS Lambda solves
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

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Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

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Discover BoxLang, the innovative JVM programming language developed by Ortus Solutions. Designed to harness the power of the Java Virtual Machine, BoxLang offers a modern approach to application development with robust performance and scalability. Join us as we explore the capabilities of BoxLang, its syntax, and how it enhances productivity in software development.

How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
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Unlock the secrets of seamless ColdFusion error troubleshooting! Join us to explore the potent capabilities of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and ColdFusion Builder (CF Builder) in debugging. This hands-on session guides you through practical techniques tailored for local setups, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience.

- Luis said ok I’m on it.
- 2 hours later, he said “DONE”
- I said “done with what?”
- He said, Lambda Runtime, boom!
Now we need an AWS Lambda Runtime (2 hours)
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- So after I spent too many hours
rebuilding all the stuff Luis had
already built - I threw all that in a
branch just in case it wasn’t a
complete waste, then I got to work.
Get the Lamba Runtime Compiling BoxLang (3 hours)
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Jon made me a user
- I tried to login but I couldn’t
- He reset my password
- I still couldn’t login
- He set my password, and I was in
AWS Lambda IAM Permissions (3 hours)
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
- Install the AWS Cli
- Install the AWS SAM Cli
Testing the AWS Lambda
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

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CommandBox was highlighted as a powerful web hosting solution, perfect for developers and businesses alike. Featuring a built-in server and command-line interface, CommandBox simplified web application management. Developers could deploy multiple application instances simultaneously, optimizing development workflows. CommandBox's efficient deployment processes ensured reliable web hosting, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows for scalability and feature enhancements.

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Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
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Join me for an insightful journey into task scheduling within the ColdBox framework. In this session, we explored how to effortlessly create and manage scheduled tasks directly in your code, enhancing control and efficiency in applications and modules. Attendees experienced a user-friendly dashboard for seamless task management and monitoring. Whether you're experienced with ColdBox or new to it, this session provided practical knowledge and tips to streamline your development workflow.

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- lets see the code
Tap into the BoxLang core
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

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How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

  • 1. ROOM B PRESENTED BY GAVIN PICKIN How we built Try in under 48 hours
  • 2. GAVIN PICKIN SPEAKER AT ITB 2024 ● Software Consultant for Ortus ● Work with ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox APIs and VueJS every day! ● Working with Coldfusion since 1999 - V4 ● Love learning and sharing the lessons learned ● From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca ● Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters
  • 3. INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours I am sharing this story because: - We dogfooded our own technology - We used some cool technology - The journey to the destination is just as important - It surprised even us what we could do, and how fast
  • 4. I am sharing this story because: INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - We dogfooded our own technology - We used some cool technology - The journey to the destination is just as important - It surprised even us what we could do, and how fast
  • 5. Our Goals INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Give users a way to try BoxLang in the browser with no download or installation - Give users a comfortable dev experience - Have an easy way to Embed it in multiple sites - Have a way to theme our editor - Handle the load of our successful marketing
  • 6. Parts INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - What are we going to build the website with? - What editor were we going to use? - How can we make it Embeddable? - How can we make it themeable? - How to go from Code > Response?
  • 7. What are we building the Website with? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - MVP - Simple HTML Page - Next level - CFML Website with index.cfm - Ultimate Goal - BoxLang site with index.bxm - No ColdBox - No ContentBox
  • 8. What editor are we going to use INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. - It is licensed under the MIT License and supports Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
  • 9. What can Monaco do? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Lots!!!!! ingevolved
  • 10. What can’t Monaco do? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - It cannot run the background services powered by Node in VS Code - Lose some themes - Some extensions with LSPs, Debuggers etc BUT its still awesome!!!
  • 11. How can we make it Embeddable? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Should we Build it in React - NO! - Should we build it in VueJS - Probably not - AlpineJS - Maybe We should use Web Components!!!!
  • 12. How can we make it Embeddable? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours There is an existing Monaco Web Component already out there. Plug it in, and we’re DONE!!!!
  • 13. How can we make it Embeddable? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Plug it in - Choose Settings - Default Code … and we’re DONE!!!!
  • 14. How do we make it Themeable? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Web Components supports attributes - Web Components encapsulates your Styles We will build some theme options and an attribute to handle it
  • 15. How do we go from Code > Response INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours - Editor will have code - When the user clicks a button - We’ll send this code somewhere via Ajax - When we get a response, we will update the UI to show the response
  • 16. Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours WASM We haven’t build the WASM BoxLang Runtime yet, so we can’t run it in the browser :( Yet!!!!!
  • 17. API We can build an API endpoint that we can call Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 18. What API? ColdBox API? GoLang API? Python API? Node API? (sssh don’t tell Brad) Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 19. - We have the BoxLang OS runtime - Should we call it with CFExecute - Deal with Std-in and std-out - Feels a little icky - Will it scale? How will we compile BoxLang Code INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 20. Maybe we could use Docker? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 21. Where’s the Docker image? - We didn’t have a docker image yet - Jon was busy working on real deep BoxLang stuff, so I decided, I could handle that - Build a CLI, and a Web Docker Image - Let’s deploy our docker image Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 22. Ssssh, Secret Squirrel INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 23. - Jon Setup ECR - Jon Setup IAM Permissions Let’s store them on AWS ECR INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 24. - After editing IAM permissions for 2 hours - Finally I got the images built and uploaded Let’s store them on AWS ECR INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 25. Run BoxLang CLI in Docker? We can run docker run boxlang-cli $codeToRun - Docker start is not instant… will it be fast enough? - Will it scale? Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 26. Run BoxLang in Docker Swarm? - How do we know how many swarm nodes are running? docker service ls | wc - c | maybe - How do we send the code to a less busy swarm node? docker service ls | grep | headache Where are we going to send it? INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 27. Easy Button INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 28. - Handles startup - Handles isolation - Handles speed - Handles scaling - Handles the server (serverless) AWS Lambda solves INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 29. - Luis said ok I’m on it. - 2 hours later, he said “DONE” - I said “done with what?” - He said, Lambda Runtime, boom! Now we need an AWS Lambda Runtime (2 hours) INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 30. - So after I spent too many hours rebuilding all the stuff Luis had already built - I threw all that in a branch just in case it wasn’t a complete waste, then I got to work. Get the Lamba Runtime Compiling BoxLang (3 hours) INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 31. - Jon made me a user - I tried to login but I couldn’t - He reset my password - I still couldn’t login - He set my password, and I was in AWS Lambda IAM Permissions (3 hours) INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 32. - Install the AWS Cli - Install the AWS SAM Cli Testing the AWS Lambda INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
  • 33. - lets see the code Tap into the BoxLang core INTO THE BOX 2024 How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours