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Friday, May 18, 12

    • Robin            Howlett

    • Senior Architect         at Silver Chalice (Boulder, CO)

    • Lead           for Advanced Media Platform

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Work           with sports and media entities to build digital businesses

    • Focus  on mobile, digital sales, video, social and digital
        networks, and new media technologies

    • Backed          by Chicago White Sox ownership

    • Clients        are major media and sports companies

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Startup: small      team, big project, quick deadline

    • Existing       products in market; needed to scale on day 1

    • Complex       data ecosystem; variety of providers, data formats
         and distribution methods

    • Needed         expressive, powerful integration framework

Friday, May 18, 12

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Scalability Availabilty and Management of WSO2 Carbon
Scalability Availabilty and Management of WSO2 CarbonScalability Availabilty and Management of WSO2 Carbon
Scalability Availabilty and Management of WSO2 Carbon

1. The document discusses strategies for scaling, availability, and managing the WSO2 Carbon platform, including clustering for scalability and availability, the WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer, separating management and worker nodes, deployment synchronization, and lazy loading. 2. It provides an overview of membership types and modes for Carbon clustering, configurations for clustering, and strategies for HTTP session replication. 3. The WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer 2.0 is introduced which provides tenant-aware load balancing, private jet mode to dedicate clusters for tenants, and an improved auto-scaler.

by WSO2
Enterprise Integration with the WSO2 ESB
Enterprise Integration with the WSO2 ESB Enterprise Integration with the WSO2 ESB
Enterprise Integration with the WSO2 ESB

This document provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). It discusses the role of an ESB in service-oriented architecture and integration. It describes key components of the WSO2 ESB like mediators, sequences, endpoints and proxies. The document explains how the WSO2 ESB uses Apache Synapse as its mediation engine and is built on the WSO2 Carbon framework. It also provides an overview of how the ESB is configured using XML files and tools.

by WSO2
Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices
Java one   kubernetes, jenkins and microservicesJava one   kubernetes, jenkins and microservices
Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices

This document discusses microservices with Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins. It provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts like pods, replication controllers, services and labels. It also discusses how Kubernetes can help manage containers across multiple hosts and address challenges of scaling, avoiding port conflicts and keeping containers running. The document promotes using Jenkins and Kubernetes for continuous integration and delivery of containerized microservices applications. It recommends Fabric8 as a tool that can help create and deploy microservices on Kubernetes.


    • Brief          overviews for context

    • Technical          detail over broad descriptions

    • Code-first           approach; fewer slides

    • Increasing         complexity

    • Personal          experience

    • Q&A            best for business and management questions

Friday, May 18, 12
    •   Introduction to Amazon Web Services

    •   Details of selected AWS products and architectures

    •   Overview of AWS SDK for Java and AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

    •   Demo: Camel’s AWS components

    •   Scaling Demo: Camel and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    •   Cloud Routing Demo: Camel and AWS Simple Workflow (SWF)

    •   Q&A

Friday, May 18, 12
    •   Pay-as-you-go

    •   Scalable-on-demand resources

    •   HA

    •   Global

    •   Computing, Storage, Middleware, Database, Networking, CDN, Security, DevOps

    •   Open source technologies prominent

    •   Web service APIs and SDKs

    •   IaaS, PaaS, ?aaS

Friday, May 18, 12
Friday, May 18, 12

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Fuse integration-services
Fuse integration-servicesFuse integration-services
Fuse integration-services

Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!

Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and KubernetesMicroservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes

Building microservices requires more than just infrastructure, but infrastructure does have a role. In this talk we look at microservices from an enterprise perspective and talk about DDD, Docker, Kubernetes and how established open-source projects in the integration space fits a microservices architecture

Better Enterprise Integration With the WSO2 ESB 4.5.1
Better Enterprise Integration With the WSO2 ESB 4.5.1Better Enterprise Integration With the WSO2 ESB 4.5.1
Better Enterprise Integration With the WSO2 ESB 4.5.1

The document summarizes new features and enhancements in WSO2 ESB 4.5.1. Key points include: - WSO2 ESB is a lightweight, high performance and standards compliant ESB with support for routing, orchestration, filtering, transformation and other capabilities. - New features in 4.5.1 include an EJB mediator, improved XSLT and JSON support, an MSMQ transport, and built-in multi-tenant support. - The product now uses the WSO2 Carbon platform 4 for its core functionality, providing enhancements like management and worker node separation and improved deployment synchronization.

by WSO2
   •   Rapid engineering

   •   Smaller teams with greater scope

   •   Budgeting

   •   SLAs

   •   Security

   •   Non-traditional engineering

   •   Complexity

Friday, May 18, 12
    •   EC2 & EBS                  •   Elastic Beanstalk

    •   S3 & CloudFront            •   ELB & Auto-Scaling

    •   RDS, SimpleDB & DynamoDB   •   Route 53

    •   SQS                        •   ElastiCache

    •   SNS                        •   CloudSearch

    •   SWF                        •   CloudFormation

    •   IAM                        •   VPC

    •   EMR                        •   CloudWatch

    •   SES                        •   AMIs

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Micro-instances            to high-computing clusters

    • On-demand, spot              or reserved pricing options

    • EBS            vs Instance Stores: implications

    • Templating            with AMIs and CloudFormation

    • Security: IAM           users, key pairs and security groups

    • Load            Balancing and Elastic IPs

Friday, May 18, 12

    • What’s          cooler than a trillion objects?

    • Buckets          of objects, uniquely identified

    • REST           & SOAP interfaces; HTTP and BitTorrent

    • SLA: 99.9% “uptime”; 99.999999%               durability

    • Static         content, publicly accessible

    • Combine            with CloudFront for an instant global CDN

Friday, May 18, 12

Recommended for you

How to build a custom stack with WSO2 carbon
How to build a custom stack with WSO2 carbon How to build a custom stack with WSO2 carbon
How to build a custom stack with WSO2 carbon

This document discusses how to build custom products using the WSO2 Carbon platform. It covers key Carbon concepts like features and components, and how to develop a custom component, create a corresponding feature, and install it into a Carbon-based product. It provides steps for building the backend and frontend of a component using Maven, as well as configuring deployment, clustering, and more.

by WSO2
Red Hat Open Day JBoss Fuse
Red Hat Open Day JBoss FuseRed Hat Open Day JBoss Fuse
Red Hat Open Day JBoss Fuse

This document provides an overview of Apache Camel, an open source framework for integration. It discusses key Camel concepts like routes, endpoints, components, messages and integration patterns. It provides examples of routing messages between different endpoints using the Java and XML domain specific languages.

redhat jboss fuse esb
Managing ESB artifacts with the WSO2 Governance Registry
Managing ESB artifacts with the WSO2 Governance Registry Managing ESB artifacts with the WSO2 Governance Registry
Managing ESB artifacts with the WSO2 Governance Registry

This document discusses how WSO2 Governance Registry can be used to manage ESB artifacts through their lifecycle. It defines customizable lifecycle models to control the transition of artifacts between development, QA, and production environments. Checklists ensure artifacts meet requirements before moving to the next stage. The registry tracks the location and state of each artifact as it progresses from one environment to another. A demo then illustrates how a sample artifact moves from development to QA to production while being managed by the registry.

by WSO2
    •   RDS: MySQL or Oracle relational databases

    •   RDS: Invisible, auto-sharding, multi-AZ deployment, read replicas

    •   SimpleDB: non-relational (NoSQL) key-value-based data store; basically giant

    •   SimpleDB: automatically replicated and geographically distributed

    •   DynamoDB: NoSQL database service; columns of key-values like SimpleDB; non-
        binary data

    •   DynamoDB: SSDs! Only 64KB limit on item/row however and complex pricing

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Hosted, distributed    queue

    • Ordering, idempotency       and approximations

    • Consumers       control message lifecycle with visibility timeouts

    • Unlimited      number of messages can be processed (64KB of
        text max)

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Pub-Sub          web service

    • Notification         protocols include HTTP(S), SQS, email, SMS

    • Subscribers         must opt-in (SQS is automatic)

    • Great          for monitoring and mobile

Friday, May 18, 12


    • Apache         2.0 License; some Apache Commons dependencies

    • Almost         all products and services supported

    • Samples        included

Friday, May 18, 12

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Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CDManaging your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD

Developing integration microservices using CI/CD with apache camel, open shift,, jenkins, et al.

Keynote-Service Orientation – Why is it good for your business
Keynote-Service Orientation – Why is it good for your businessKeynote-Service Orientation – Why is it good for your business
Keynote-Service Orientation – Why is it good for your business

Service orientation provides benefits for businesses by enabling them to move from brittle, hardwired application silos to shared, reusable business and infrastructure components. This eliminates application redundancy and complexity, enabling business agility, innovation and operational excellence. The document discusses service orientation at eBay, where over 300 services have been developed to organize the enterprise as reusable business functions and reduce costs of new features and applications. Challenges of service orientation include technical issues like latency and security as well as ensuring developer adoption and effective governance processes.

by WSO2
wso2wso2 bamebay
A Microservice Journey
A Microservice JourneyA Microservice Journey
A Microservice Journey

The document discusses Christian Posta's journey with microservices architectures. It begins by explaining why organizations are moving to microservices and defines microservices. It then covers related topics like cloud platforms, container technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift, benefits and drawbacks of microservices, and tools for developing microservices like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Camel.

microservicesspring bootopenshift

    • Includes AWS               SDK for Java

    • AWS             Explorer GUI administration tool

    • Go             through couple of AWS samples

    • Demo             toolkit

Friday, May 18, 12

    • AWS-SQS          (2.6.0)

    • AWS-SNS          (2.8.0)

    • AWS-S3         (2.8.0)

    • AWS-SES         (2.8.4)

    • AWS-SDB          (2.8.4)

    • AWS-DDB          (2.10.0*)

Friday, May 18, 12

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Platform-as-a-Service

    • Provisioning, deployment, auto-scaling       policies, load balancing,

    • Leverages         EC2, S3, SNS, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto-Scaling

    • Linux AMI, Apache Tomcat          (6/7, 32- or 64-bit), Apache Web
        Server, Java EE

    • Demo           with AWS Toolkit

Friday, May 18, 12

Recommended for you

How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs
How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needsHow to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs
How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs

WSO2 Carbon provides extension points that allow customization. Sam is evaluating WSO2 middleware for PhotographersRUs and has several questions. WSO2 products can be configured to support single sign-on through the authenticators.xml file. User stores can also be customized or replaced to support PhotographersRUs' multiple user stores. Deployments can be synchronized across a cluster using the repository deployment directory. Monitoring is supported through valves, ESB mediators, and WSO2's Business Activity Monitor. The ESB can integrate new retail POS systems using transports, formats, listeners and builders.

by WSO2
WSO2 ESB Integration with REST
WSO2 ESB Integration with RESTWSO2 ESB Integration with REST
WSO2 ESB Integration with REST

WSO2 provides an open source integration platform that enables organizations to expose existing services and applications through RESTful APIs. The platform uses the Apache Synapse ESB at its core to provide mediation capabilities. RESTful APIs in WSO2 ESB allow resources to be exposed over HTTP and dispatched based on URL patterns and HTTP verbs. This allows for building and consuming RESTful services and integrations.

by WSO2
ESB Evaluation Framework
ESB Evaluation FrameworkESB Evaluation Framework
ESB Evaluation Framework

This document provides an evaluation framework for enterprise service buses (ESBs). It outlines key architectural considerations, required and optional ESB features, strategic criteria for evaluation, and categories for comparing ESB vendors. Some of the main comparison categories discussed are support for integration patterns, delivered features, governance support, development tools, performance, security, and business model openness. Examples are provided of mediators and features available in the WSO2 ESB.

by WSO2

Friday, May 18, 12

    •   Simple Workflow Service

    •   Distributed coordination hub web service

    •   Manages state, tasks, execution dependencies, scheduling, monitoring
        and history

    •   Console provided

    •   Tasks, Workers and Deciders

    •   Camel complements it

Friday, May 18, 12
Activity workers are independent
                                                    task processors. They can do a
                                                   variety of different tasks e.g. poll,
                                                  store and converts providers’ data
                         Activity                    to our reference data models

                         Workers                      Different workers can be
                                                   responsible for each processing
                                                  step, and can be combined in any
                                                     way, so they are extremely

                       The workflow engine is
                        the coordination and
                        orchestration system.

                           It is capable of
                        controlling clusters of
                       workers, load balancing,
                         handling distributed
                       exceptions and tracking
                         workflow progress.

                      workers decide
                     the order, timing   Workflow                                             The workflow
                                                                                              scheduler is
                     and concurrency
                       of tasks the      Workers                       Scheduler
                                                                                            responsible for
                                                                                           when workflows
                     activity workers
                                                                                           should be started
                         work on

Friday, May 18, 12

    • Java           programming framework for SWF

    • Translates          method calls into schedule decisions; assigns tasks to

    • Long            running workflows, large media processing

    • @Workflow              and @Activities (show simple example)

Friday, May 18, 12

Recommended for you

Cloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel RidingCloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel Riding

Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

camelfabric8distributed systems
Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes
Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes
Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes

Spring Cloud/Netflix OSS way of building microservices on Kubernetes -- preso from Spring One Platform 2016

spring cloudmicroservicesspring boot
DAT201 Migrating Databases to AWS - AWS re: Invent 2012
DAT201 Migrating Databases to AWS - AWS re: Invent 2012DAT201 Migrating Databases to AWS - AWS re: Invent 2012
DAT201 Migrating Databases to AWS - AWS re: Invent 2012

In this session, learn how to move your existing database applications to the cloud. We cover the best practices for planning your migrations, moving your data over, sizing your AWS deployment appropriately, and minimizing downtime. You also hear from some of our customers who have successfully migrated their applications about the techniques they used and the reasons they moved onto the cloud.

aws cloudreinvent-databases-trackreinvent
                     CAMEL & SWF

Friday, May 18, 12

Friday, May 18, 12

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Cloud Development with Camel and Amazon Web Services

  • 2. ABOUT ME • Robin Howlett • Senior Architect at Silver Chalice (Boulder, CO) • Lead for Advanced Media Platform Friday, May 18, 12
  • 3. ABOUT SILVER CHALICE • Work with sports and media entities to build digital businesses • Focus on mobile, digital sales, video, social and digital networks, and new media technologies • Backed by Chicago White Sox ownership • Clients are major media and sports companies Friday, May 18, 12
  • 4. WHY CAMEL + AWS? • Startup: small team, big project, quick deadline • Existing products in market; needed to scale on day 1 • Complex data ecosystem; variety of providers, data formats and distribution methods • Needed expressive, powerful integration framework Friday, May 18, 12
  • 5. STYLE • Brief overviews for context • Technical detail over broad descriptions • Code-first approach; fewer slides • Increasing complexity • Personal experience • Q&A best for business and management questions Friday, May 18, 12
  • 6. AGENDA • Introduction to Amazon Web Services • Details of selected AWS products and architectures • Overview of AWS SDK for Java and AWS Toolkit for Eclipse • Demo: Camel’s AWS components • Scaling Demo: Camel and AWS Elastic Beanstalk • Cloud Routing Demo: Camel and AWS Simple Workflow (SWF) • Q&A Friday, May 18, 12
  • 7. AMAZON WEB SERVICES • Pay-as-you-go • Scalable-on-demand resources • HA • Global • Computing, Storage, Middleware, Database, Networking, CDN, Security, DevOps • Open source technologies prominent • Web service APIs and SDKs • IaaS, PaaS, ?aaS Friday, May 18, 12
  • 9. IMPLICATIONS • Rapid engineering • Smaller teams with greater scope • Budgeting • SLAs • Security • Non-traditional engineering • Complexity Friday, May 18, 12
  • 10. AWS PRODUCTS & SERVICES • EC2 & EBS • Elastic Beanstalk • S3 & CloudFront • ELB & Auto-Scaling • RDS, SimpleDB & DynamoDB • Route 53 • SQS • ElastiCache • SNS • CloudSearch • SWF • CloudFormation • IAM • VPC • EMR • CloudWatch • SES • AMIs Friday, May 18, 12
  • 11. EC2 • Micro-instances to high-computing clusters • On-demand, spot or reserved pricing options • EBS vs Instance Stores: implications • Templating with AMIs and CloudFormation • Security: IAM users, key pairs and security groups • Load Balancing and Elastic IPs Friday, May 18, 12
  • 12. S3 • What’s cooler than a trillion objects? • Buckets of objects, uniquely identified • REST & SOAP interfaces; HTTP and BitTorrent • SLA: 99.9% “uptime”; 99.999999% durability • Static content, publicly accessible • Combine with CloudFront for an instant global CDN Friday, May 18, 12
  • 13. RDS, SIMPLEDB & DYNAMODB • RDS: MySQL or Oracle relational databases • RDS: Invisible, auto-sharding, multi-AZ deployment, read replicas • SimpleDB: non-relational (NoSQL) key-value-based data store; basically giant tables • SimpleDB: automatically replicated and geographically distributed • DynamoDB: NoSQL database service; columns of key-values like SimpleDB; non- binary data • DynamoDB: SSDs! Only 64KB limit on item/row however and complex pricing arrangement Friday, May 18, 12
  • 14. SQS • Hosted, distributed queue • Ordering, idempotency and approximations • Consumers control message lifecycle with visibility timeouts • Unlimited number of messages can be processed (64KB of text max) Friday, May 18, 12
  • 15. SNS • Pub-Sub web service • Notification protocols include HTTP(S), SQS, email, SMS • Subscribers must opt-in (SQS is automatic) • Great for monitoring and mobile Friday, May 18, 12
  • 16. AWS SDK FOR JAVA • • Apache 2.0 License; some Apache Commons dependencies • Almost all products and services supported • Samples included Friday, May 18, 12
  • 17. AWS TOOLKIT FOR ECLIPSE • Includes AWS SDK for Java • AWS Explorer GUI administration tool • Go through couple of AWS samples • Demo toolkit Friday, May 18, 12
  • 18. CAMEL-AWS • AWS-SQS (2.6.0) • AWS-SNS (2.8.0) • AWS-S3 (2.8.0) • AWS-SES (2.8.4) • AWS-SDB (2.8.4) • AWS-DDB (2.10.0*) Friday, May 18, 12
  • 19. DEMO: CAMEL-AWS COMPONENTS Friday, May 18, 12
  • 20. AWS ELASTIC BEANSTALK • Platform-as-a-Service • Provisioning, deployment, auto-scaling policies, load balancing, monitoring • Leverages EC2, S3, SNS, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto-Scaling • Linux AMI, Apache Tomcat (6/7, 32- or 64-bit), Apache Web Server, Java EE • Demo with AWS Toolkit Friday, May 18, 12
  • 22. SWF • Simple Workflow Service • Distributed coordination hub web service • Manages state, tasks, execution dependencies, scheduling, monitoring and history • Console provided • Tasks, Workers and Deciders • Camel complements it Friday, May 18, 12
  • 23. Activity workers are independent task processors. They can do a variety of different tasks e.g. poll, store and converts providers’ data Activity to our reference data models Workers Different workers can be responsible for each processing step, and can be combined in any way, so they are extremely scaleable The workflow engine is the coordination and orchestration system. It is capable of Workflow controlling clusters of workers, load balancing, Engine handling distributed exceptions and tracking workflow progress. Workflow workers decide the order, timing Workflow The workflow scheduler is Workflow and concurrency of tasks the Workers Scheduler responsible for when workflows activity workers should be started work on Friday, May 18, 12
  • 24. AWS FLOW FRAMEWORK • Java programming framework for SWF • Translates method calls into schedule decisions; assigns tasks to workers • Long running workflows, large media processing • @Workflow and @Activities (show simple example) Friday, May 18, 12
  • 25. CLOUD ROUTING DEMO: CAMEL & SWF Friday, May 18, 12