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How to Break Your App
With Playwright Tests
What we will talk about today.
● What is cbPlaywright
● How to get cbPlaywright working on a Coldbox
and none Coldbox apps
● How to use cbPlaywrights basic features
● How to use some of cbPlaywrights more
advanced features
Who am I?
● Part time student at BC working toward a BS
in Industrial automation
● Favorite thing to do is go on Mission trips
● Learned basic C++ on YouTube
● Got hired to work for Scott at UTS
What is Playwright?
Playwright is a Java library made by Microsoft.
cbPlaywright is a ColdFusion wrapper for this Java library.
We can use it to do end-to-end testing!

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Continuous Delivery w projekcie Open Source - Marcin Stachniuk - DevCrowd 2017

This document discusses continuous delivery in an open source project. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and then discusses various tools used in the continuous delivery process like Travis CI for continuous integration. It outlines the build pipeline for the project including deploying to Bintray and updating GitHub pages. It also covers code quality tools like Codecov and promoting the project on the internet through blogs, conferences and other forums.

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How to write Testable Javascript
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How to write Testable Javascript

Everyone who wasn't writing JavaScript, probably is now. Atwood's Law: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. That's great, but how do we test it? In ColdFusion we have CFCs, most languages have classes... but JavaScript doesn't have classes (yet). So how do I write unit tests, what units are there, and how do I make my code look like that? JavaScript is a flexible language, and with great flexibility comes great complexity and responsibility. Take your JavaScript spaghetti and make it unit testable. Attendees should have some exposure to JavaScript, but this is for the Professional Newbie... who always needs to learn and adapt.

Why not just use the Java library
Because it’s harder and I’m lazy
So what is end-to-end testing?
Normal Testing
End-to-end testing
Setting up cbPlaywright
Run the following in CommandBox
● install testbox
● install cbplaywright
Setting up cbPlaywright
Add the following to tests/Application.cfc
this.mappings[ "/cbPlaywright" ] = rootPath & "/modules/cbPlaywright";
this.javaSettings = {
loadPaths: directoryList(
rootPath & "modules/cbPlaywright/lib"
: true,
reloadOnChange: false

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Everyone who wasn't writing JavaScript, probably is now. Atwood's Law: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. That's great, but how do we test it? In ColdFusion we have CFCs, most languages have classes... but JavaScript doesn't have classes (yet). So how do I write unit tests, what units are there, and how do I make my code look like that? JavaScript is a flexible language, and with great flexibility comes great complexity and responsibility. Take your JavaScript spaghetti and make it unit testable. Attendees should have some exposure to JavaScript, but this is for the Professional Newbie... who always needs to learn and adapt.


The document outlines 15 ways to optimize Spring Boot applications for the cloud. It recommends using services provided by cloud platforms for monitoring, Spring Cloud Sleuth for request tracing, Spring Boot Actuator for metrics and health checks, and circuit breakers to prevent failures from cascading. It also suggests keeping dependencies up-to-date, using Eclipse OpenJ9 to reduce memory usage, enabling zero-downtime configuration changes, and introducing chaos testing into production environments.

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As a Front End Web Developer, experimenting with new tools to add to your workflow (and going down the rabbit hole with them!) is all part and parcel of refining your craft. Chris Eccles, Technical Manager at Building Blocks has been doing just this and has some invaluable insight into CSS Visual Regression using Backstop.JS. CSS Visual Regression testing is the process of running automated visual test comparisons on pages or elements in your projects. Using Backstop.JS, Chris has discovered that this tool is intuitive, allowing quick configuration to allow you to get up and rolling quickly. Backstop.JS serves your tests via a webpage which gives you the visual feedback needed for targeting bugs caused from CSS related issues. These comparisons can uncover bugs you’d otherwise not learn about until it’s too late. A very useful tool to have in your Front End arsenal, wouldn’t you agree? Chris has been sharing his insights with the BB team and wanted to share with our blog readers also. So, sit back and enjoy the ride through the wonderful world of Backstop.JS.

web developmentbackstop.jsvisual regression testing
Setting up cbPlaywright
Run the following in CommandBox
● playwright-cli
● playwright install {{browser}}
Browsers that can be installed are:
chromium, firefox, webkit, msedge
Setting up cbPlaywright
Explicitly set the port
If cbPlaywright is not running
You may get this error on newer Macs:
bad CPU type in executable: node
To fix this run the following command:
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Making a cbPlaywright test
component extends="cbPlaywright.models.
ColdBoxPlaywrightTestCase" {
function run() {
describe( "Description", () => {
it( "can do something", () => {
Tests go here!
Go to tests/specs/integration and create a cfc

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Creating a browser, context, and page
var browser = launchInteractiveBrowser
var context = browser.newContext();
var page = context.newPage();
var browser = launchBrowser(variables.playwright.chromium());
//This method is a shortcut for creating a browser and a context.
var page = browser.newPage();
navigate( page, "#variables.baseUrl#/auth/index" );
waitForLoadState( page );
Now that cbPlaywright is on the page
Their is three main things we will be doing
● Selecting elements
● Interacting with elements
● Getting the value from elements
Some of the methods for selecting are…
locateElement(page, "input[name=username]"
getByRole(page, "link", {name: "Hello"})
.nth(3)//zero indexed
<div data-testid="TestID">Text</div>

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Recorded at the London Microservices Meetup: - Date: 05/08/2020 - Event page: Follow us on Twitter! --- Services interpreted at runtime often suffer from slow startup times when components are intitialized at runtime. Ahead of time compilation allows condensing down an application by stripping down unused dependencies and pre-initializing components for a short time to first request served. This is explored by the example of GraalVM and native images. Key takeaways: - Be aware what your service contains - Approaches to improve startup time of a service - Reduction of resource requirements for a service Tobias works at as a senior software engineer extending it's microservice architecture and turning it more event-driven.

Some of the methods for interacting are…
element.fill("Fill Text")
Some of the methods for Getting values are…
expect(page.getByTestId("title").innerText()).toBe("Hello World!" );
expect(page.getByTestId("random_shmamdom" ).isVisible()).toBeTrue();
Other useful cbPlaywright methods
page.waitForFunction( "() => app.totalRows == 1" );
navigate( page, "#variables.baseUrl#/auth/index" );
Fancy features
● Taking screenshots
● Recording video
● Tracing a context

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Taking a screenshot
screenshotPage(page, "/tests/specs/screenshots/name.png"
Recording a context
newRecordedContextForBrowser (
browser, "/tests/specs/recordings ", function(context){
Tracing a context
traceContext(context, "/tests/specs/traces/"
, function(){

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Thank You!

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How to Break Your App with Playwright Tests

  • 1. How to Break Your App With Playwright Tests 1
  • 2. What we will talk about today. ● What is cbPlaywright ● How to get cbPlaywright working on a Coldbox and none Coldbox apps ● How to use cbPlaywrights basic features ● How to use some of cbPlaywrights more advanced features 2
  • 3. Who am I? 3 ● Part time student at BC working toward a BS in Industrial automation ● Favorite thing to do is go on Mission trips ● Learned basic C++ on YouTube ● Got hired to work for Scott at UTS
  • 4. What is Playwright? Playwright is a Java library made by Microsoft. cbPlaywright is a ColdFusion wrapper for this Java library. We can use it to do end-to-end testing! 4
  • 5. Why not just use the Java library Because it’s harder and I’m lazy 5
  • 6. So what is end-to-end testing? Normal Testing End-to-end testing 6
  • 7. Setting up cbPlaywright Run the following in CommandBox ● install testbox ● install cbplaywright 7
  • 8. Setting up cbPlaywright Add the following to tests/Application.cfc this.mappings[ "/cbPlaywright" ] = rootPath & "/modules/cbPlaywright"; this.javaSettings = { loadPaths: directoryList( rootPath & "modules/cbPlaywright/lib" , True, "Array", "*jar" ), loadColdFusionClassPath : true, reloadOnChange: false }; 8
  • 9. Setting up cbPlaywright Run the following in CommandBox ● playwright-cli ● playwright install {{browser}} Browsers that can be installed are: chromium, firefox, webkit, msedge 9
  • 11. If cbPlaywright is not running You may get this error on newer Macs: bad CPU type in executable: node To fix this run the following command: softwareupdate --install-rosetta 11
  • 12. Making a cbPlaywright test component extends="cbPlaywright.models. ColdBoxPlaywrightTestCase" { function run() { describe( "Description", () => { it( "can do something", () => { Tests go here! } } } } Go to tests/specs/integration and create a cfc 12
  • 13. Creating a browser, context, and page Browser Context Page var browser = launchInteractiveBrowser (variables.playwright.chromium()); var context = browser.newContext(); var page = context.newPage(); var browser = launchBrowser(variables.playwright.chromium()); //This method is a shortcut for creating a browser and a context. var page = browser.newPage(); 13
  • 15. Now that cbPlaywright is on the page Their is three main things we will be doing ● Selecting elements ● Interacting with elements ● Getting the value from elements 15
  • 16. Some of the methods for selecting are… page.getByAltText("AltText") page.getByLabel("Label") page.getByPlaceholder("Placeholder") page.getByText("Text") page.getByTitle("Title") page.getByTestId("TestID") locateElement(page, "input[name=username]" ) getByRole(page, "link", {name: "Hello"}) page.title() .first() .last() .nth(3)//zero indexed 16 <div data-testid="TestID">Text</div>
  • 17. Some of the methods for interacting are… element.fill("Fill Text") element.selectOption("Option") element.dblclick()"ArrowLeft") element.setChecked(true) 17
  • 18. Some of the methods for Getting values are… element.innerText() element.inputValue() element.isChecked() element.isVisible() expect(page.getByTestId("title").innerText()).toBe("Hello World!" ); expect(page.getByTestId("random_shmamdom" ).isVisible()).toBeTrue(); 18
  • 19. Other useful cbPlaywright methods page.waitForTimeout(1000); page.waitForLoadState(); page.waitForFunction( "() => app.totalRows == 1" ); Waits navigate( page, "#variables.baseUrl#/auth/index" ); page.reload(); Navigate 19
  • 20. Fancy features ● Taking screenshots ● Recording video ● Tracing a context 20
  • 21. Taking a screenshot screenshotPage(page, "/tests/specs/screenshots/name.png" ); 21
  • 22. Recording a context newRecordedContextForBrowser ( browser, "/tests/specs/recordings ", function(context){ }); 22
  • 23. Tracing a context traceContext(context, "/tests/specs/traces/" , function(){ }); 23