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Integration in the Age of DevOps
Albert Wong
Cloud Native Architectures
• Trying to incorporate new technology?
• Trying to copy what others (Netflix, Amazon) are
• Tactical automation?
• Created a “DevOps” team?
• Exploring cloud services?
• Build/deploy automation?
• OpenSource?
• Piecemeal integration?
How are you keeping up with change?
Cloud Native Architectures
Cloud Native Architectures
• Faster software delivery
• Own database (data)
• Faster innovation
• Scalability
• Right technology for the
• Test individual services
• Isolation
• Individual deployments
Microservices helps solve the problem
of “how do we decouple our services
and teams to move quickly at scale to
deliver business value”

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[2015-05월 세미나] Network Bottlenecks Mutiply with NFV Don't Forget Performance ...
[2015-05월 세미나] Network Bottlenecks Mutiply with NFV Don't Forget Performance ...[2015-05월 세미나] Network Bottlenecks Mutiply with NFV Don't Forget Performance ...
[2015-05월 세미나] Network Bottlenecks Mutiply with NFV Don't Forget Performance ...

6wind 솔루션의 특징은 l Linux 베어메탈 및 가상화 환경에서 최고의 패킷처리 성능을 제공 합니다. l 다양한 멀티프로세서(Intel, Cavium, Broadcom, EZchip/Tilera 등)와 최적화된 고성능의 L2/L3/L4 네트워크 프로토콜 스택을 제공 합니다. l Linux OS, Hypervisor, OVS, Openflow, Openstack 등과 투명하게 동작 합니다. l 개발기간 단축 등으로 비용절감이 가능 합니다. 고객은 용도에 따라 소스코드(제품명: 6WINDGate) 또는 바이너리 솔루션의 라���선스가 가능하며, 통신/네트워크/보안/클라우드 솔루션의 성능 업그레이드 또는 고성능의 신규 솔루션 개발에 사용이 가능 합니다. 클라우드 사업자의 경우 가상스위치 가속솔루션(Virtual Accelerator)을 이용하면 서버당 운용 가능한 가상머신의 수를 증가시킬 수 있으며, 또한 각 가상머신에 더 높은 네트워크 대역폭 제공이 가능 합니다. 이를 통하여 고품질의 서비스 제공 및 경쟁력 확보가 가능하며, TCO 절감 및 ROI 극대화가 가능 합니다. 일부 클라우드 사업자의 경우 소스코드(6WINDGate)를 라이선스 하여 자사의 서비스에 필요한 다양한 솔루션들을 직접 개발하여 사용하기도 합니다. l 소스코드 솔루션 (6WINDGate) n 기능별로 모듈화된 76여개의 소스코드 모듈로 구성이 되어 있으며, 용도에 따라 고객이 필요한 모듈을 선택하여 라이선스 가능 합니다. n 통신/네트웍/보안/클라우드 솔루션의 성능향상 또는 고성능 신규 솔루션 개발을 위해 사용가능 합니다. l 바이너리 솔루션: 6WINDGate 및 DPDK를 기반으로 제작됨. n Virtual Accelerator: 가상화 환경에서 KVM hypervisor의 네트워킹 성능가속 솔루션이며 리눅스 기반의 OVS에 비해 월등한 처리 성능 갖으며, Fast path 기반의 IP forwarding, VRF, Filtering, NAT, VXLAN, GRE 등의 부가 기능을 포함하고 있습니다. n Turbo Router: 리눅스 베어메탈 및 가상화 환경에서 사용 가능한 고성능의 소프트웨어 기반 라우터(vRouter) 입니다. n Turbo IPsec gateway: 리눅스 베어메탈 및 가상화 환경에서 사용 가능한 고성능의 소프트웨어 기반 IPsec 게이트웨이(vIPsec GW)이며 Turbo Router를 포함하고 있습니다.

Introduction to MANTL Data Platform
Introduction to MANTL Data PlatformIntroduction to MANTL Data Platform
Introduction to MANTL Data Platform

A session in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live, Berlin. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are two of the hottest categories in information technology today, yet there are significant challenges when trying to create an end-to-end solution. The worlds of "IT" and “IoT" differ in terms of programming interfaces, protocols, security frameworks, and application lifecycle management. In this talk we will describe proven ways to overcome challenges when deploying a complete “device to datacenter” system, including how to stream IoT telemetry into big data repositories; how to perform real-time analytics on machine data; and how to close the loop with reliable, secure command and control back out to remote control systems and other devices.

Windows 2019
Windows 2019Windows 2019
Windows 2019

Windows Server 2019 provides new features for migration of clusters between domains, Kubernetes support, access control policies, enhanced WinRM, and Storage Replica in standard edition. It uses a per-core licensing model requiring a minimum of 16 cores. Installation options include a core-only 8GB installation or a standard desktop experience installation. New features include improvements to shielded VMs, encrypted replication in Hyper-V, and Windows Subsystem for Linux support for both Windows and Linux containers on the same host.

windowswindows 2019windows 2016
• If my services are isolated at the process
level, I’m doing #microservices
I’m doing microservices if…
• If I use REST/Thrift/ProtoBuf instead of
SOAP, I’m doing #microservices
• If I use JSON, I’m doing #microservices
• If I use Docker / SpringBoot / Dropwizard /
embedded Jetty, I’m doing #microservices
Integration in the age of DevOps
Cloud Native Architectures
Fallacies of distributed computing
• Reliable networking
• Latency is zero
• Bandwidth is infinite
• Network is secure
• Topology doesn’t change
• Single administrator
• Transport cost is zero
• Network is homogenous
Cloud Native Architectures
If we have to take into account the network,
do we still need integration?

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Rhev overview-doc
Rhev overview-docRhev overview-doc
Rhev overview-doc

The document outlines the prerequisites for installing Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization including the minimum and recommended system requirements for the manager and hypervisor components. It describes that the manager provides a graphical interface to manage physical and virtual resources from Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers acting as hypervisor hosts. Storage can be provided by NFS, iSCSI or FCP and networking requirements include static IP addresses, DNS and DHCP.

Cloud Foundry BOSH CPI for OpenStack
Cloud Foundry BOSH CPI for OpenStackCloud Foundry BOSH CPI for OpenStack
Cloud Foundry BOSH CPI for OpenStack

This document summarizes a design session on integrating Cloud Foundry with OpenStack at the OpenStack Summit in Paris. Key points discussed include requirements for the integration like static/floating IPs and security groups. The BOSH deployment process and Cloud Provider Interface for OpenStack were outlined. Ideas were proposed to query OpenStack from BOSH and generate Cloud Foundry manifest files, with the goal of discussing these proposals further on an Etherpad.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

What's new? Build your future on a stable, highperforming platform that can scale to meet the needs of your organisation today and tomorrow.

open sourcered hatrhel
Cloud Native ArchitecturesWe’ll just do reactive, event-driven
distributed systems… still need
Cloud Native Architectures
Yes; we need reliable integration!
• Messaging (ActiveMQ, JMS, AMQP, STOMP, Kafka, etc)
• Legacy (SOAP, mainframe, file processing, proprietary)
• Managed file processing
• Streaming
• Message transformation
• EIPs
Heavy Lifting: Apache Camel for
Cloud Native Architectures
Apache Camel to the rescue!
• Small Java library
• Distributed-system swiss-army knife!
• Powerful EIPs
• Declarative DSL
• Embeddable into any JVM (EAP, Karaf, Tomcat, Spring
Boot, Dropwizard, Wildfly Swarm, no container, etc)
• Very popular (200+ components for “dumb pipes”)

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6_OPEN17_SUSE Enterprise Storage 4
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6_OPEN17_SUSE Enterprise Storage 4

The evolution in storage. Why an open source initiative like Ceph found its way into the enterprise storage world. Traditional storage solutions are expensive and you will probably need a forklift getting it in your datacenter. Meanwhile you have an ever growing demand for storage capacity by adopting new technologies like IoT, video for marketing & surveillance now in 4k, expanding user data with the adoption of BYOD and increasing backup requirements. This demand created the opportunity for Ceph, a Scale-out Software Defined Storage solution, driven by one of the best open source communities worldwide. Standardize on Industry Standard Servers and grow your storage estate at YOUR rate. In this session we will introduce you to the enterprise adoption of Ceph, give you a technical deep dive of Ceph and how erasure coding is improving your level of data protection.

open sourcedatastorage
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Keynote 5 - The evolution of OpenStack Networking
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Keynote 5 - The evolution of OpenStack Networking[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Keynote 5 - The evolution of OpenStack Networking
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Keynote 5 - The evolution of OpenStack Networking

OpenStack Day in Korea 2015 - Keynote 5 The evolution of OpenStack Networking Guido Appenzeller - Chief Technology Strategy Officer, Networking & Security, VMWare

OpenStack + Nano Server + Hyper-V + S2D
OpenStack + Nano Server + Hyper-V + S2DOpenStack + Nano Server + Hyper-V + S2D
OpenStack + Nano Server + Hyper-V + S2D

Hyper-C is OpenStack on Windows Server 2016, based on Nano Server, Hyper-V, Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) and Open vSwitch for Windows. Bare metal deployment features Cloudbase Solutions Juju charms and MAAS.

• “Smart endpoints, dumb pipes”
• Endpoint does one thing well
• Metadata used for further routing
• Really “dynamic” with rules engine (eg,
Apache Camel features easy to use visual editor
Dynamic Routing
Apache Camel features easy to understand config
public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.description(“New Order for pair of socks”)
.log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”)
Cloud Native Architectures
Cloud Native Architectures
Typical problems developing microservices
• How to run them all locally?
• How to package them (dependency management)
• How to test?
• Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs?
• Specify configuration
• Process isolation
• Service discovery
• Multiple versions?

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Windows Server 2016 y Azure
Windows Server 2016 y AzureWindows Server 2016 y Azure
Windows Server 2016 y Azure

Windows Server 2016 y Azure, sesión donde veremos lo nuevo que trae Windows Server 2016 enfocada a Azure.

windows azureazurewindows server 2016
Containerized Cloud Computing - Redhat
Containerized Cloud Computing - RedhatContainerized Cloud Computing - Redhat
Containerized Cloud Computing - Redhat

This document discusses containerized cloud computing and provides an overview of Linux containers. It begins by explaining that containers package applications and dependencies to make them portable, isolated, and easy to deploy. It then discusses how major companies like Google use containers to run all their services and applications. The document covers some common misconceptions about containers and how they differ from traditional virtualization. It also discusses the need for open standards around containers and Red Hat's role in driving standards. Finally, it provides an overview of the OpenShift platform for developing, deploying and managing container-based applications on premises or in the cloud.

Developing Enterprise Applications for the Cloud, from Monolith to Microservices
Developing Enterprise Applications for the Cloud,from Monolith to MicroservicesDeveloping Enterprise Applications for the Cloud,from Monolith to Microservices
Developing Enterprise Applications for the Cloud, from Monolith to Microservices

Presented at IBM InterConnect 2105. Is your next enterprise application ready for the cloud? Do you know how to build the kind of low-latency, highly available, highly scalable, omni-channel, micro-service modern-day application that customers expect? This introductory presentation will cover what it takes to build such an application using the multiple language runtimes and composing services offered on IBM Bluemix cloud.

cloud microservices bluemix
Cloud Native Architectures
Shared infrastructure platforms headaches
• Different teams
• Different rates of change
• VM sprawl
• Configuration drift
• Isolation / multi-tenancy
• Performance
• Real-time vs batch
• Compliance
• Security
• Technology choices
Integration in the age of DevOps
Cloud Native Architectures
Immutable infrastructure/deploys
• “we’ll just put it back in Ansible”
• Avoid chucking binaries / configs together and hope!
• Cattle vs Pets
• Don’t change it; replace it
• System created fully from automation; avoid drift
• Eliminate manual configuration/intervention
Docker / Linux Containers

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Red hat enterprise_virtualization_load
Red hat enterprise_virtualization_loadRed hat enterprise_virtualization_load
Red hat enterprise_virtualization_load

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization provides an enterprise-grade platform for server and desktop virtualization with centralized management. It offers high performance, scalability, and security. RHEV leverages the Linux kernel and KVM for virtualization and has an ecosystem of thousands of partners. It offers lower costs than other solutions at 50-70% savings.

Openshift Container Platform
Openshift Container PlatformOpenshift Container Platform
Openshift Container Platform

This document discusses OpenShift Container Platform, a platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a full development and deployment platform for applications. It allows developers to easily manage application dependencies and development environments across basic infrastructure, public clouds, and production servers. OpenShift provides container orchestration using Kubernetes along with developer tools and a user experience to support DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

red hatopenshiftdlt solutions
클라우드 관리와 오픈스택, 그리고 컨테이너 기술
클라우드 관리와 오픈스택, 그리고 컨테이너 기술클라우드 관리와 오픈스택, 그리고 컨테이너 기술
클라우드 관리와 오픈스택, 그리고 컨테이너 기술

This document provides a disclaimer for information presented about the Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4. It states that the information is preliminary and may change before the final release. Features and functionality discussed could be different in the final version. The document is for informational purposes only.

• Developer focused workflow
• Enterprise ready
• Higher level abstraction above containers for
delivering technology and business value
• Build/deployment triggers
• Software Defined Networking (SDN)
• Docker native format/packaging
• CLI/Web based tooling
Cloud Native Architectures
Fuse Integration Services for OpenShift
• Set of tools for integration developers
• Build/package your Fuse/Camel services
as Docker images
• Run locally on CDK
• Deploy on top of OpenShift
• Plugs-in to your existing build/release
• Manage them with Kubernetes/OpenShift
• Flat class loader JVMs
• Take advantage of existing investment into
Karaf with additional options like “just
enough app server” deployments
• Supports Spring, CDI, Blueprint
• Small VM run locally by
• Full access to Docker,
Kubernetes, OpenShift
• Deploy your suite of
microservices with ease!
• Uses Vagrant/VirtualBox
• Getting Started on Linux,
Mac or Windows!
Cloud Native Architectures

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Practical PaaS presentation
Practical PaaS presentationPractical PaaS presentation
Practical PaaS presentation

This document discusses the evolution of Intalio's software deployment approach from bare metal servers to Platform as a Service (PaaS). It describes how Intalio initially deployed software on their own servers (DIY), which led to scaling issues. They then moved to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on AWS, but still faced complexity issues. Intalio then adopted PaaS using Cloud Foundry for "NoOps", allowing them to focus on development instead of operations. The document examines deploying applications to PaaS and how distributed architectures can be built on a PaaS.

paas cloudfoundry devops iaas
Modern Elastic Datacenter Architecture
Modern Elastic Datacenter ArchitectureModern Elastic Datacenter Architecture
Modern Elastic Datacenter Architecture

The document discusses modern elastic datacenter architecture using Apache Mesos and DC/OS. It provides an introduction to Mesos and DC/OS, explaining how they allow building scalable, fault-tolerant distributed systems. It outlines the benefits of using Mesos and DC/OS, and describes how the speakers have implemented a solution using tools like Packer, Terraform, Ansible, and DC/OS to achieve scalability, automation, and high availability. Demos are presented on deploying and managing applications with DC/OS tools like Marathon and running Spark frameworks.

Red hat enterprise linux 7 (rhel 7)
Red hat enterprise linux 7 (rhel 7)Red hat enterprise linux 7 (rhel 7)
Red hat enterprise linux 7 (rhel 7)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) is the latest version of RHEL from Red Hat, the world's most recognized provider of Linux and open source technology. RHEL 7 supports containers for application isolation and deployment flexibility. It features the XFS file system by default and supports EXT4 and Btrfs as well. RHEL 7 also introduces the ability to easily create, install, and manage custom machine images for physical, virtual, and cloud deployments. Additional features include an improved Network Manager, strengthened security with firewalld, and choice of GNOME, GNOME Shell, or KDE desktop environments.

Development and tooling
Develop, test, debug, refine,
JBoss Developer Studio
Web services framework
Web services standards, SOAP,
Integration framework
Transformation, mediation, enterprise
integration patterns
Management and
System and web services metrics,
automated discovery, container
status, automatic updates
JBoss Operations Network
JBoss Fabric Management
Apache CXF Apache Camel
Reliable Messaging
JMS/STOMP/NMS/MQTT, publishing-subscribe/point-2-point, store and forward
Apache ActiveMQ
Life cycle management, resource management, dynamic deployment,
security and provisioning
Apache Karaf + Fuse Fabric
Windows, UNIX, and other Linux
Cloud Native Architectures
Typical problems developing microservices
• How to run them all locally?
• How to package them
• How to test?
• Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs?
• Specify configuration
• Process isolation
• Service discovery
• Multiple versions?
Cloud Native Architectures
Cloud Native Architectures
Quick Demo?

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The document describes Project Phoenix, a project to develop an integrated assessment model to analyze global warming impacts, mitigation, and adaptation. The model will be multi-region and multi-sector, and include an economic model integrated with an energy flow model. It will assess climate change impacts on areas like food and water resources. The project will develop scenarios using a cross-impact method to consistently incorporate key social and technological factors. Preliminary model simulations assess economic impacts of carbon emission policies under different scenarios.

• Trying to incorporate new technology?
• Trying to copy what others (Netflix, Amazon) are
• Tactical automation?
• Created a “DevOps” team?
• Exploring cloud services?
• Build/deploy automation?
• OpenSource?
• Piecemeal integration?
How are you keeping up with change?
Cloud Native Architectures
• 100% open source, ASL 2.0
• Technology agnostic (java,
nodejs, python, golang, etc)
• Built upon decades of
industry practices
• 1-click automation
• Cloud native (on premise,
public cloud, hybrid)
• Complex build/deploy
pipelines (human workflows,
approvals, chatops, etc)
• Comprehensive integration
inside/outside the platform
What if you could do all of this right now
with an open-source platform?
• Docker native, built on top of
Kubernetes API
• Out of the box CI/CD,
management UI
• Logging, Metrics
• ChatOps
• API Management
• iPaaS/Integration
• Chaos Monkey
• Lots and lots of
tooling/libraries to make
developing cloud-native
applications easier
Cloud Native Architectures
Quick Demo?

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Optimizing dynamic websites like and isn't an easy task! Speeding up a site requires a "war plan" and having a clear vision, dedicated team, appropriate tools and most importantly speed comparison data with similar sites. Mehdi Ali, Optimisation Manager for the Times websites, will show us how this strategy was applied for The Times and Sunday Times sites with great results.

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A presentation from the BCS COnfiguration Management Special Interest Group conference 2009. It gives "the other side of the story from a Operation Manager\'s perspective.

Linux Training Center Pune
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Linux Training Center Pune

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Integration in the age of DevOps

  • 1. Integration in the Age of DevOps Albert Wong
  • 3. • Trying to incorporate new technology? • Trying to copy what others (Netflix, Amazon) are doing? • Tactical automation? • Created a “DevOps” team? • Exploring cloud services? • Build/deploy automation? • OpenSource? • Piecemeal integration? How are you keeping up with change? Cloud Native Architectures
  • 4. Cloud Native Architectures • Faster software delivery • Own database (data) • Faster innovation • Scalability • Right technology for the problem • Test individual services • Isolation • Individual deployments Microservices helps solve the problem of “how do we decouple our services and teams to move quickly at scale to deliver business value”
  • 5. • If my services are isolated at the process level, I’m doing #microservices I’m doing microservices if… • If I use REST/Thrift/ProtoBuf instead of SOAP, I’m doing #microservices • If I use JSON, I’m doing #microservices • If I use Docker / SpringBoot / Dropwizard / embedded Jetty, I’m doing #microservices
  • 7. Cloud Native Architectures Fallacies of distributed computing • Reliable networking • Latency is zero • Bandwidth is infinite • Network is secure • Topology doesn’t change • Single administrator • Transport cost is zero • Network is homogenous
  • 8. Cloud Native Architectures If we have to take into account the network, do we still need integration?
  • 9. Cloud Native ArchitecturesWe’ll just do reactive, event-driven distributed systems… still need integration?
  • 10. Cloud Native Architectures Yes; we need reliable integration! • REST, RPC • Messaging (ActiveMQ, JMS, AMQP, STOMP, Kafka, etc) • Legacy (SOAP, mainframe, file processing, proprietary) • Managed file processing • Streaming • Message transformation • EIPs
  • 11. Heavy Lifting: Apache Camel for Microservices
  • 12. Cloud Native Architectures Apache Camel to the rescue! • Small Java library • Distributed-system swiss-army knife! • Powerful EIPs • Declarative DSL • Embeddable into any JVM (EAP, Karaf, Tomcat, Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Wildfly Swarm, no container, etc) • Very popular (200+ components for “dumb pipes”)
  • 13. • “Smart endpoints, dumb pipes” • Endpoint does one thing well • Metadata used for further routing • Really “dynamic” with rules engine (eg, Drools/BRMS) Apache Camel features easy to use visual editor Dynamic Routing
  • 14. Apache Camel features easy to understand config REST DSL public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { rest().post(“/order/socks”) .description(“New Order for pair of socks”) .consumes(“application/json”) .route() .to(“activemq:topic:newOrder”) .log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”) .to(“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”); } }
  • 16. Cloud Native Architectures Typical problems developing microservices • How to run them all locally? • How to package them (dependency management) • How to test? • Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs? • Specify configuration • Process isolation • Service discovery • Multiple versions?
  • 17. Cloud Native Architectures Shared infrastructure platforms headaches • Different teams • Different rates of change • VM sprawl • Configuration drift • Isolation / multi-tenancy • Performance • Real-time vs batch • Compliance • Security • Technology choices
  • 19. Cloud Native Architectures Immutable infrastructure/deploys • “we’ll just put it back in Ansible” • Avoid chucking binaries / configs together and hope! • Cattle vs Pets • Don’t change it; replace it • System created fully from automation; avoid drift • Eliminate manual configuration/intervention
  • 20. Docker / Linux Containers
  • 22. • Developer focused workflow • Enterprise ready • Higher level abstraction above containers for delivering technology and business value • Build/deployment triggers • Software Defined Networking (SDN) • Docker native format/packaging • CLI/Web based tooling OpenShift
  • 23. Cloud Native Architectures Fuse Integration Services for OpenShift • Set of tools for integration developers • Build/package your Fuse/Camel services as Docker images • Run locally on CDK • Deploy on top of OpenShift • Plugs-in to your existing build/release ecosystem (Jenkins/Maven/Nexus/Gitlab,etc) • Manage them with Kubernetes/OpenShift • Flat class loader JVMs • Take advantage of existing investment into Karaf with additional options like “just enough app server” deployments • Supports Spring, CDI, Blueprint • Small VM run locally by developers • Full access to Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift • Deploy your suite of microservices with ease! • Uses Vagrant/VirtualBox • Getting Started on Linux, Mac or Windows!
  • 25. RED HAT JBOSS FUSE Development and tooling Develop, test, debug, refine, deploy JBoss Developer Studio Web services framework Web services standards, SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP Integration framework Transformation, mediation, enterprise integration patterns Management and monitoring System and web services metrics, automated discovery, container status, automatic updates JBoss Operations Network + JBoss Fabric Management Console (hawtio) Apache CXF Apache Camel Reliable Messaging JMS/STOMP/NMS/MQTT, publishing-subscribe/point-2-point, store and forward Apache ActiveMQ Container Life cycle management, resource management, dynamic deployment, security and provisioning Apache Karaf + Fuse Fabric RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX Windows, UNIX, and other Linux
  • 26. Cloud Native Architectures Typical problems developing microservices • How to run them all locally? • How to package them • How to test? • Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs? • Specify configuration • Process isolation • Service discovery • Multiple versions?
  • 29. • Trying to incorporate new technology? • Trying to copy what others (Netflix, Amazon) are doing? • Tactical automation? • Created a “DevOps” team? • Exploring cloud services? • Build/deploy automation? • OpenSource? • Piecemeal integration? How are you keeping up with change? Cloud Native Architectures
  • 30. • 100% open source, ASL 2.0 • Technology agnostic (java, nodejs, python, golang, etc) • Built upon decades of industry practices • 1-click automation • Cloud native (on premise, public cloud, hybrid) • Complex build/deploy pipelines (human workflows, approvals, chatops, etc) • Comprehensive integration inside/outside the platform What if you could do all of this right now with an open-source platform?
  • 31. • Docker native, built on top of Kubernetes API • Out of the box CI/CD, management UI • Logging, Metrics • ChatOps • API Management • iPaaS/Integration • Chaos Monkey • Lots and lots of tooling/libraries to make developing cloud-native applications easier

Editor's Notes

  1. We need to discuss “change” in terms of scaling out our organizations. Devops and microservices is not a technology choice or a new team. DevOps is a re-org. All of these attempts to “keep up with change” without addressing the organization is not much help. When creating distributed systems, a lot of what’s old is new again. Just bringing in “new technology” does not solve problems; in fact it probably creates new ones. Trying to copy others’ technology choices is fools errand. People try to copy netflix/amazon/etc, but as Adrian Cockcroft says “you’re copying a point in time, not the process” We try to fight the organizational structure with piecemeal automation, creating more “teams” of silos (“devops” team?... Totally misses the point) or even saying we’ll just adopt “cloud” or adopting “opensource”
  2. Microservices is an approach to distributed systems that focus on scaling an organization’s IT systems and people. It doesn’t come without its drawbacks but it does allow us to make decisions quicker, implement functionality faster, and ultimately deliver on the business requirements faster to stay competitive. By breaking IT systems and teams down into smaller, autonomous components, we can test things easier, isolate them for failure properly, change them without impacting the entire systems, scale them where needed, etc. Teams should be small (6-8 people), focus on the service(s) they provide via APIs, be cross functional (ops/security/dba/release/devs all on one team or automate away the pieces where resources are lacking), be responsible for the systems the create (you build it, you own it).
  3. People claim to do microservices without regard for the system-thinking principles that undelie any successful microservice architecture. If we just “do X” or “use X” then we’ll be doing microservices. In the end, they end up developing the same brittle, constrained architectures they had before but this time with new tools.
  4. Ultimately, when we dig into the technology and how that aligns with our company structure, we’re talking about building and scaling distributed systems. Building and scaling these systems requires different ways of thinking and cannot ignore the past.
  5. Foremost on our minds when building distributed systems is how they interact with each other: over unrealiable networks. A strong corollary for this fact is that we must build our systems to interact with each other knowing things fail and will fail. Second, even if things do not fail, they may appear to fail.. Latency in distributed systems is not something we have to deal with in more-monolithic systems, but is easily one of the biggest issues. Did things fail? Are they just slow? Do we retry? What do we do?
  6. Given that systems will be communicating over lossy, unreliable networks… do we need integration? As we start to build non-trivial systems that interact with partner organizations (external and internal), use/consume/interact with “cloud” services, and require access to legacy applications/databases.. It’s clear and “by definition” that distributed systems will require integration. People consider integration in the form of legacy ESB or EAI solutions, but as we see in the following slides, integration does not imply those approaches… those approaches come because of our organizational structure. But as we explore microservices, integration, and organization further, we’ll see EAI/ESB are not pre-requisites.
  7. What about new-fangled “reactive” or event-driven systems? Do we need integration? YES. Consuming events and reacting to “what happened in time” requires us to not lose events, retry when networks are down, failover or retry other “possibly synchronous” systems in order to continue to delivery business value. Systems publishing events need access to queues/channels and some mechanism for interacting with them reliably.
  8. When we start to look at systems as disconnected, autonomous agents both from a technology and organizational aspect, we absolutely need reliable integration. Systems will communicate over may non-homogenous protocols and data formats: messaging (JMS, AMQP, proprietary), file transfer, HTTP (SOAP/REST/other), streaming, etc. These systems will need transformation, reliability, synchronous and asynchronous communication. Gregor Hophe’s book on integration lays out the patterns that may be useful in a disconnected environment like this.
  9. Apache Camel brings tried and true experience to the table to tackle some of these distributed-systems integration challenges.
  10. Apache Camel is very well suited for integration in a microservices environment. It’s not an ESB, doesn’t pre-suppose suites of software or servers. It’s a small, lightweight library that can be embedded in your choice of JVM runtime like Spring Boot, Dropwizard, WildFly/Swarm, EAP, Jetty, Tomcat, Karaf, or anything.
  11. Microservices architectures are built around autonomy and being able to make changes to a service without impacting other areas that must also change along with it. In this scenario a service is part of a set of “choreographed interaction scenario” where the service knows enough about what it provides and its surrounding members/services and can make its own decisions about what services to engage, when, and for what reason. Apache Camel allows us to build services with smart routing without regard for the technology or “pipes” that are used to communicate. We can leverage the Dynamic Router EIP or plug into existing rules engines or complementary rules engines like Jboss Drools to accomplish sophisticated routing requirements an decisions.
  12. Apache Camel can enable legacy backends to participate in a REST-based set of services by quickly exposing a REST service interface using its expressive DSL.. The DSL plugins right into the rest of the Apache Camel DSL allowing you to quickly expose a REST endpoint that can describe an API as well as integrate with backend services by mediating, routing, transforming and otherwise changing the shape of data or even content of a payload with enricher, resequence, and recipient list patterns.
  13. Even though Apache Camel brings some good solutions for implementing integration across distributed systems, why is my head still hurting with distributed systems? Maybe you already do use Camel, or you’ve already incorporated a light-weight integration framework… why are we still running into issues/pain when creating these types of systems?
  14. Developers experience this type of pain…
  15. Operations experiences another type of pain…
  16. When we move to smaller, isolated, autonomous systems at any kind of scale, we need to move away from the “pet” analoogy and to the “cattle” analogy where we build systems that can quickly be delivered and replaced as needed.
  17. Immutable delivery concepts help us reason about these problems. With immutable delivery, we try to reduce the number of moving pieces into pre-baked images as part of the build process. For example, imagine in your build process you could output a fully baked image with the operating system, the intended version of the JVM, any side-car applications, and all configuration? You could then deploy this in one environment, test it, and migrate it along a delivery pipeline toward production without worrying about "whether the environment or application is configured consistently." If you needed to make a change to your application, you rerun this pipeline which produces a new immutable image of your application and then do a rolling upgrade to deliver it. If it doesn't work, you can rollback by deploying the previous image. No more worrying about configuration or environment drift or whether things were properly restored on a rollback.
  18. Docker came along a few years ago with an elegant solution to immutable delivery. Docker allows us to package our applications with all of the dependencies it needs (OS, JVM, other application dependencies, etc) in a lightweight, layered, image format. Additionally, Docker uses these images to run instances which run our applications inside `Linux containers` with isolated CPU, memory, network, and disk usage. In a way, these containers are a form of "application virtualization" or "process virtualization." They allow a process to execute thinking it's the only thing running (ie, list processes with `ps` and you see only your application's process there), that it has full access to the CPUs, memory, disk, network and other resources when reality it doesn't. It can only use resources it's allocated. For example, I can start a Docker container with a slice of CPU, a segment of memory, and limits on how much network IO can be used. From outside the Linux container, on the Host, the application just looks like another process. No virtualization of device drivers, operating systems, network stacks, no special hypervisors, etc. It's just a process. This fact also means we can get even more applications running on a single set of hardware for higher density without the overhead of additional Operating Systems and other pieces of a VM which would be required to achieve similar isolation qualities.
  19. Back in 2013 when Docker rocked the technology industry, Google decided it was time to open-source their next-generation successor to Borg, which they named Kubernetes. Today, Kubernetes is a large, open, and rapidly growing community with contributions from Google, Red Hat, CoreOS and many others (including lots of independent individuals!). Kubernetes brings a lot of functionality for running clusters of microservices inside Linux containers at scale. Google has packaged over a decade of experience into Kubernetes, so being able to leverage this knowledge and functionality for our own microservices deployments is game changing. The web-scale companies have been doing this for years and a lot of them (Netflix, Amazon, etc) had to hand build a lot of the primitives that Kubernetes now has baked-in. Kubernetes has a handful of simple primitives that you should understand before we dig into examples. In this chapter, we'll introduce you to these concepts and in the following chapter we'll make use of them for managing a cluster of microservices.
  20. Red Hat OpenShift 3.x is a Apache v2 licensed open-source developer self-service platform (OpenShift Origin: that has been revamped to use Docker and Kubernetes. OpenShift at one point had its own cluster management and orchestration engine, but with the knowledge, simplicity, and power that Kubernetes brings to the world of container cluster management, it would have been silly to try and re-create yet another one. The broader community is converging around Kubernetes and Red Hat is all in with Kubernetes. OpenShift has many features, but of the most important is that it's still native Kubernetes under the covers and supports features many enterprises need role-based access control, out of the box software defined networking, security, logins, developer builds, and many other things.
  21. The RH CDK allows us to develop using the same technology as a world-class PaaS directly on our laptops locally. We can run our builds locally, test things out, wire up services, and when we’re comfortable, push to a CaaS or PaaS like OpenShift to handle the build pipeline/CI steps and perform validations/security checks and begin the application lifecycle management steps toward production. We can fit in with existing tooling like Git/Jenkins/and Nexus and integrate with the OpenShift Docker registry to do build promotions and so forth.
  22. Quick demo of rider-auto-openshift on CDK
  23. Keeping up with “change” and building an organization to be agile is a challenge in it’s own right. From a technology perspective we’d like to give service teams more autonomy, self-service, and responsibility.
  24. Previous versions of fabric8 were built specifically for Java developers and for specific flavors of the JVM. In fabric8 2.0 instead of rebuilding everything that the Docker and Kubernetes communities were building, we’ve rebased everything on top of the Kubernetes API and can take advantage of the out of the box features. We’ve also built things like CI/CD with visualization of environments, a Chaos Monkey to help prove out the resilience of our distributed systems, etc.
  25. Playback recording? Or do live demo of fabric8 CI/CD? Show and talk to this demo: