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Journey from monolith to microservices
Utilizing microservice patterns with monoliths
Chris Gianelloni @wolf31o2
In the beginning…
Applause had several ways to deploy and manage software.
• Custom system management tool (sysdeploy)
• Basically a SSH wrapper for manually created systems
• Custom Docker image management tool (Platypus)
• Standardized AMIs, built w/ Packer, including Docker daemon
• Services in Docker containers w/ configuration using SaltStack
• Provides A/B testing and health checks
• Packer + Chef + Terraform
• Packer + Chef to bake AMIs
• Terraform to deploy using ASGs
• Mesosphere DC/OS
• OSS orchestration for “Docker” containers
Typical “old school” configuration system, written completely
in-house, limited in capabilities, author has long-since
departed the company
• SSH wrapper to copy files and run commands
• No instance management
• No user management
• No rollback features
• No documentation
• Unfamiliar code base to everyone
• Unable to look up problems
In-house microservice deployment and service management
• Leverages CloudFormation for infrastructure
• Template-based system
• INI-style configuration files
• Output lookups
• Leverages SaltStack for some configuration management
• Uses roles for service management
• Services in Docker containers
• Supports health checking
• Supports A/B deployments
• Supports manual rollback
• Tied to AWS
• Lots of ELBs

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What's New for the Windows Azure Developer? Lots! (July 2013)

The document provides an overview of new features for various Microsoft Azure services, including: - Per-minute billing for virtual machines, web apps, and mobile services. - New VM images like SQL Server 2014 and Windows Server 2012 R2. - Availability monitoring, alerts, and auto-scaling across Azure services. - Multi-factor authentication and single sign-on capabilities for Azure Active Directory. - MSDN subscription benefits like monthly monetary credits for Azure resources.

windows azure
From VMs to Containers: Introducing Docker Containers for Linux and Windows S...
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This document introduces Docker containers as an alternative to virtual machines for deploying applications. It discusses how containers provide a lightweight method of virtualization compared to VMs. The key Docker concepts of images, containers, registries and Dockerfiles are explained. Examples are provided of building and running containers on both Linux and Windows. The document also outlines how Docker can be used across the development, testing and production environments and integrated with continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

windows containersdocker
IaaS azure_vs_amazon
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IaaS azure_vs_amazon

This document compares IaaS cloud services from Azure and Amazon. It provides an overview of key virtual machine components, pricing models, networking, load balancing, and cross-premises connectivity options from each provider. While both offer compute, storage, and networking services, the document notes Azure has better developer tools while Amazon provides more configurable performance options like IOPS. It concludes that which cloud is better depends on the specific needs and priorities of each application.

Utilizes common, public, OSS tools
• Common tools with existing user bases and communities
• Basically “best of breed” tools
• Packer for AMIs
• Chef for installing and configuring software
• Terraform for deploying baked AMIs
• Plethora of documentation for each tool
• Chef Server optional
• Composable and reusable pieces
• Output lookups (Chef + Terraform)
Packer +
Chef +
Mesos, Marathon, and Metronome (and more)
• Consolidated and unified platform
• Leverages common OSS technologies
• Standardized application and service management
• Health checking for services
• Supports single-shot, or scheduled tasks
• Service discovery
• Metrics and log collection
• Integrated data services
• Configuration rollbacks
• Canary deployments
• Universe packages
Applause chose DC/OS to leverage previous work while
also moving to a scalable system using open source
components. This frees the Platform Delivery team to
provide new capabilities to the Applause Hosting
Platform which provide for our business needs.
• Open source with a vibrant and active community
• Strong feature set around an integrated platform
• Ability to colocate diverse workloads
• Microservices
• Data services
• AI / Machine learning / Analytics
• Simple interfaces using API, CLI, and GUI
• Enterprise features and support
• Appreciation for memes
Why DC/OS?
DC/OS Architecture
Software layer is where containers
execute to provide services. This
includes Marathon applications,
Metronome jobs, and Mesos
Platform layer is Mesosphere DC/OS
services execute, which run in the host
operating system.
Infrastructure layer provides the host
and operating system which hosts our
stack, such as Amazon Web Services.

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AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS service that allows users to deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. It automates the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources like EC2 instances, load balancers, auto-scaling etc. Developers can simply upload their code and Elastic Beanstalk handles deployment, capacity provisioning, scaling and health monitoring. It supports multiple programming languages and frameworks out of the box. Users pay only for the underlying AWS resources like EC2 instances and storage used.

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Introduction to Desired State Configuration (DSC)
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Introduction to Desired State Configuration (DSC)

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is the last major component of the Monad Manifesto which brought us Windows PowerShell. DSC will change the way you manage your datacenter. Instead of managing a server, you will manage its configuration. DSC is known as a “make it so” technology. You will define a desired server configuration and the server will make it happen. This session will provide an overview to DSC.

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With the Relational Database Service (RDS) Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a managed service for many database products (e.g. Oracle, Postges and MYSQL). AWS takes over many of the standard DBA tasks and has automated them. But what is missing, so that you really don't have to take care of anything anymore? Which topics are fully managed and where do you have to actively work on solutions yourself? In a world where an automatic backup is just a checkmark in a web interface, it is worth taking a closer look.

DC/OS Node Types
Master nodes host DC/OS services and
provide the orchestration layer, service
discovery, and administrative interfaces.
Public agent nodes are public facing
and contain API routing and load
balancing of incoming requests to
backend services. These are agent
nodes with a public role.
Private agent nodes are internal and
host all other services. Services
communicate via East-West load
packages +
Packages and services which provide base value to the
platform to be used by all Applause services:
• ecr-login - AWS Elastic Container Registry login process
• Provides and updates credentials for fetching images
• marathon-lb - North-South load balancer
• Provides ingress load balancing from public slaves to services
running in private slaves
• hdfs - Hadoop Distributed File System
• Provides shared storage for artifacts, logs, etc.
• Provides storage layer for AI/ML and analytics processes
• linkerd - HTTP proxy
• Provides service discovery and service mesh
• Provides East-West load balancing across private slaves
• kong - API gateway
• Provides API routing to specific endpoints
• spark - Data processing framework
• Provides processing framework for AI/ML and analytics
• Chef cookbook wrapping community cookbook:
• Custom recipes
• Monitoring agent
• Docker Engine installation and configuration
• Enhanced Networking (ena) driver
• Logging aggregation agent
• System users via data bag
• DC/OS volumes (volume0, etc)
• DC/OS workdir configuration
• Cookbook “bake_time”
• Packer templates to create “shared” images
• Start from “official” CentOS base images
• Patch
• Reboot
• Remove old kernels
• Run Chef
• Cleanup
How do we build DC/OS?

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This document summarizes key infrastructure topics for SharePoint 2013 including: - Software and hardware requirements have changed with the introduction of a new Distributed Cache service and changes to service applications. - High availability and disaster recovery options for SQL Server have improved with AlwaysOn Availability Groups. - Best practices for architecting farms include separating servers by role and having dedicated servers for service applications. - Data management techniques like remote blob storage and SQL optimization help improve performance and scalability.

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Lessons learned on azure billing, learning how services work and their limitations, cloud architecture, and user stories

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Disable some Chef resources by modifying resources at
converge time:
# These are resources which need to be modified in the upstream dcos
# cookbook to prevent them from executing at bake time
{ template: '/usr/src/dcos/genconf/config.yaml' },
{ execute: 'dcos-genconf' },
{ file: '/usr/src/dcos/genconf/serve/' },
{ execute: 'preflight-check' },
{ execute: 'dcos_install' },
].each do |res|
ruby_block "action-nothing-#{res.keys.first}[#{res.values.first}]" do
block do
r = resources(res)
only_if { node['chef-applause-dcos']['bake_time'] }
Runs Chef wrapper cookbook to produce a shared AMI:
"type": "chef-solo",
"version": "13.8.5",
"run_list": ["recipe[chef-applause-base]", "recipe[chef-applause-dcos]"],
"json": {
"chef-applause-dcos": {
"bake_time": true,
"chef_config_actions": ["nothing"]
"dcos": {
"dcos_enterprise": "{{user `dcos_enterprise`}}",
"dcos_role": "nil",
"dcos_version": "{{user `dcos_version`}}"
"cookbook_paths": [ "chef/cookbooks" ],
"data_bags_path": "chef/pubkeys/data_bags"
• Terraform
• Derived from Mesosphere’s AWS CloudFormation templates
• Originally a 1:1 translation
• Evolved over time, more customizations
• VPC per cluster
• Masters have public addresses / ELB for discovery
• Private slaves have only internal addresses
• Public slaves are behind ALB
• Autoscaling Groups + Launch Configs
• One group per DC/OS role
• Launch Configs write out node-specific Chef configuration
• Executes Chef client in cloud-init at boot
• IAM instance profiles used
• One profile per DC/OS role
How do we deploy DC/OS?
Provide outputs from terraform to Chef client:
- content: |
"dcos": {
"config": {
"aws_region": "${region}",
"cluster_name": "${stack_name}",
"exhibitor_address": "${internal_elb_dns_name}",
"master_external_loadbalancer": "${public_elb_dns_name}",
"num_masters": "${num_masters}",
"s3_bucket": "${exhibitor_s3_bucket}",
"superuser_username": "${superuser_username}",
"superuser_password_hash": "${superuser_password_hash}"
"dcos_enterprise": ${dcos_enterprise},
"dcos_role": "${dcos_role}",
"dcos_version": "${dcos_version}"
path: |-

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SQL Server 2016 provides for unprecedented high availability and disaster recovery options for SharePoint farms in the form of AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Using this new technology, SharePoint architects can provide for near-instant failover at the data tier, without the risk of any data loss. In addition, the latest version of this technology, available with SQL Server 2016, allows for replicas of SharePoint databases to be stored in the cloud in Microsoft’s Azure cloud offering. This technology, which will be demonstrated live, completely changes the data tier design options for SharePoint and revolutionises high availability options for a farm. This session covers in step-by-step detail the exact configuration required to enable this functionality for a SharePoint 2013 farm, based on the best practices, tips and tricks, and real-world experience of the presenter in deploying this technology in production. Understand the differences between SQL AlwaysOn options, and determine the requirements to deploy the technologies Examine how SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability Groups can provide aggressive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of zero and a Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of a few seconds. See the exact steps required to enable SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability Groups for a SharePoint 2013 On-Premises environment, including options for storing replicas in Microsoft’s Azure cloud service.

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Building SharePoint farms for development and testing is easy. But building highly available farms to meet enterprise service level agreements that are fault tolerant, scalable and fully recoverable? Not so simple. Learn how to plan, design and implement a highly available on-premises farm architecture for 2016 and 2019 using proven, field-tested techniques and practical guidance.

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• Chef wrapper changes
• Pull Request made
• Tested with ChefDK and Test Kitchen
• Merged to master
• Tested again
• Pushed to Chef server
• Packer job executed
• Creates AMIs in AWS accounts
• Terraform job executed
• Creates AWS resources
• IAM accounts, profiles, instance profiles
• VPC, subnets, security groups
• Creates terraform outputs
Development to deployment workflow for DC/OS
• Application terraform updated
• Databases, caches, storage buckets, etc
• Service repository updated
• Pull Request made
• Unit tests, integration tests
• Merge to master (or deployment branch)
• Unit tests
• Docker image
• Integration tests
• Code coverage
• Push image
• Service deployment / promotion to DC/OS
• Metronome
• Marathon
• Kong
Development to deployment workflow for Applause services
• Migrate more workloads from legacy hosting
• Data science
• Analytics
• Build and test
• Other products
• Integrate services with in-cluster resources
• Data services
• Migrate scheduled jobs to Metronome
• Chronos
• cron
• Applause platform
• Migrate long-running tasks to Metronome
• Kubernetes in-cluster
What now?
Check out our careers page:’re hiring

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Azure PaaS databases

This document provides an overview of Azure SQL database and related services including: - Azure SQL Database which provides single database and elastic pool models for predictable or shared workloads. - Azure SQL Managed Instance which provides high compatibility with SQL Server in a PaaS model. - Related Azure data and analytics services for ingestion, storage, preparation, modeling and serving of data. - Key capabilities of Azure SQL Database around data migration, programmability, security and operations.

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What’s New with SSIS in ADF
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What’s New with SSIS in ADF

See the latest features of SSIS in ADF. We will show you how to join your Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) to an ARM VNet, so you can use Azure SQL Managed Instance to host your SSISDB and access data on premises. You will learn how to select Enterprise Edition for your IR, enabling you to use advanced/premium features, e.g. Oracle/Teradata/SAP BW connectors, CDC components, Fuzzy Grouping/Lookup transformations, etc. You will also learn how to customize your IR via a custom setup interface to modify system configurations/install additional components, e.g. (un)licensed 3rd party/Open Source extensions, assemblies, drivers, tools, APIs, etc. Finally, we will show you how to trigger/schedule/orchestrate SSIS package executions as first-class activities in ADF pipelines.

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This session focuses on the deeper integration of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in Azure Data Factory (ADF) and the broad extensibility of Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR). We will first show you how to provision Azure-SSIS IR – dedicated ADF servers for lifting & shifting SSIS packages – and extend it with custom/3rd party components. Preserving your skillsets, you can then use the familiar SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)/SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to design/deploy/configure/execute/monitor your SSIS packages in the cloud just like you do on premises. Next, we will guide you to trigger/schedule SSIS package executions as first-class activities in ADF pipelines and combine/chain them with other activities, allowing you to inject/splice built-in/custom/3rd party tasks/data transformations in your ETL/ELT workflows, automatically provision Azure-SSIS IR on demand/just in time, etc. And finally, you will learn about the licensing model for ISVs to develop paid components/extensions and join the growing 3rd party ecosystem for SSIS in ADF with a few examples from our partners.

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  • 1. Journey from monolith to microservices Utilizing microservice patterns with monoliths Chris Gianelloni @wolf31o2 1
  • 2. In the beginning… Applause had several ways to deploy and manage software. • Custom system management tool (sysdeploy) • Basically a SSH wrapper for manually created systems • Custom Docker image management tool (Platypus) • Standardized AMIs, built w/ Packer, including Docker daemon • Services in Docker containers w/ configuration using SaltStack • Provides A/B testing and health checks • Packer + Chef + Terraform • Packer + Chef to bake AMIs • Terraform to deploy using ASGs • Mesosphere DC/OS • OSS orchestration for “Docker” containers 2
  • 3. Typical “old school” configuration system, written completely in-house, limited in capabilities, author has long-since departed the company • SSH wrapper to copy files and run commands • No instance management • No user management • No rollback features • No documentation • Unfamiliar code base to everyone • Unable to look up problems sysdeploy 3
  • 4. In-house microservice deployment and service management • Leverages CloudFormation for infrastructure • Template-based system • INI-style configuration files • Output lookups • Leverages SaltStack for some configuration management • Uses roles for service management • Services in Docker containers • Supports health checking • Supports A/B deployments • Supports manual rollback • Tied to AWS • Lots of ELBs Platypus 4
  • 5. Utilizes common, public, OSS tools • Common tools with existing user bases and communities • Basically “best of breed” tools • Packer for AMIs • Chef for installing and configuring software • Terraform for deploying baked AMIs • Plethora of documentation for each tool • Chef Server optional • Composable and reusable pieces • Output lookups (Chef + Terraform) Packer + Chef + Terraform 5
  • 6. Mesos, Marathon, and Metronome (and more) • Consolidated and unified platform • Leverages common OSS technologies • Standardized application and service management • Health checking for services • Supports single-shot, or scheduled tasks • Service discovery • Metrics and log collection • Integrated data services • Configuration rollbacks • Canary deployments • Universe packages Mesosphere DC/OS 6
  • 7. 7 Applause chose DC/OS to leverage previous work while also moving to a scalable system using open source components. This frees the Platform Delivery team to provide new capabilities to the Applause Hosting Platform which provide for our business needs. • Open source with a vibrant and active community • Strong feature set around an integrated platform • Ability to colocate diverse workloads • Microservices • Data services • AI / Machine learning / Analytics • Simple interfaces using API, CLI, and GUI • Enterprise features and support • Appreciation for memes Why DC/OS?
  • 8. 8 DC/OS Architecture Software layer is where containers execute to provide services. This includes Marathon applications, Metronome jobs, and Mesos frameworks. Platform layer is Mesosphere DC/OS services execute, which run in the host operating system. Infrastructure layer provides the host and operating system which hosts our stack, such as Amazon Web Services.
  • 9. 9 DC/OS Node Types Master nodes host DC/OS services and provide the orchestration layer, service discovery, and administrative interfaces. Public agent nodes are public facing and contain API routing and load balancing of incoming requests to backend services. These are agent nodes with a public role. Private agent nodes are internal and host all other services. Services communicate via East-West load balancing.
  • 11. Mesosphere Universe packages + Application services 11 Packages and services which provide base value to the platform to be used by all Applause services: • ecr-login - AWS Elastic Container Registry login process • Provides and updates credentials for fetching images • marathon-lb - North-South load balancer • Provides ingress load balancing from public slaves to services running in private slaves • hdfs - Hadoop Distributed File System • Provides shared storage for artifacts, logs, etc. • Provides storage layer for AI/ML and analytics processes • linkerd - HTTP proxy • Provides service discovery and service mesh • Provides East-West load balancing across private slaves • kong - API gateway • Provides API routing to specific endpoints • spark - Data processing framework • Provides processing framework for AI/ML and analytics
  • 12. • Chef cookbook wrapping community cookbook: • Custom recipes • Monitoring agent • Docker Engine installation and configuration • Enhanced Networking (ena) driver • Logging aggregation agent • System users via data bag • DC/OS volumes (volume0, etc) • DC/OS workdir configuration • Cookbook “bake_time” • Packer templates to create “shared” images • Start from “official” CentOS base images • Patch • Reboot • Remove old kernels • Run Chef • Cleanup How do we build DC/OS? 12
  • 13. Chef wrapper “secret sauce” 13 Disable some Chef resources by modifying resources at converge time: # These are resources which need to be modified in the upstream dcos # cookbook to prevent them from executing at bake time [ { template: '/usr/src/dcos/genconf/config.yaml' }, { execute: 'dcos-genconf' }, { file: '/usr/src/dcos/genconf/serve/' }, { execute: 'preflight-check' }, { execute: 'dcos_install' }, ].each do |res| ruby_block "action-nothing-#{res.keys.first}[#{res.values.first}]" do block do r = resources(res) r.action([:nothing]) end only_if { node['chef-applause-dcos']['bake_time'] } end end
  • 14. Packer template 14 Runs Chef wrapper cookbook to produce a shared AMI: { "type": "chef-solo", "version": "13.8.5", "run_list": ["recipe[chef-applause-base]", "recipe[chef-applause-dcos]"], "json": { "chef-applause-dcos": { "bake_time": true, "chef_config_actions": ["nothing"] }, "dcos": { "dcos_enterprise": "{{user `dcos_enterprise`}}", "dcos_role": "nil", "dcos_version": "{{user `dcos_version`}}" } }, "cookbook_paths": [ "chef/cookbooks" ], "data_bags_path": "chef/pubkeys/data_bags" },
  • 15. • Terraform • Derived from Mesosphere’s AWS CloudFormation templates • Originally a 1:1 translation • Evolved over time, more customizations • VPC per cluster • Masters have public addresses / ELB for discovery • Private slaves have only internal addresses • Public slaves are behind ALB • Autoscaling Groups + Launch Configs • One group per DC/OS role • Launch Configs write out node-specific Chef configuration • Executes Chef client in cloud-init at boot • IAM instance profiles used • One profile per DC/OS role How do we deploy DC/OS? 15
  • 16. Launch Configs template 16 Provide outputs from terraform to Chef client: #cloud-config write_files: - content: | { "dcos": { "config": { "aws_region": "${region}", "cluster_name": "${stack_name}", "exhibitor_address": "${internal_elb_dns_name}", "master_external_loadbalancer": "${public_elb_dns_name}", "num_masters": "${num_masters}", "s3_bucket": "${exhibitor_s3_bucket}", "superuser_username": "${superuser_username}", "superuser_password_hash": "${superuser_password_hash}" }, "dcos_enterprise": ${dcos_enterprise}, "dcos_role": "${dcos_role}", "dcos_version": "${dcos_version}" } } path: |- /etc/chef/client-config.json
  • 17. • Chef wrapper changes • Pull Request made • Tested with ChefDK and Test Kitchen • Merged to master • Tested again • Pushed to Chef server • Packer job executed • Creates AMIs in AWS accounts • Terraform job executed • Creates AWS resources • IAM accounts, profiles, instance profiles • VPC, subnets, security groups • ASGs, ELBs/ALBs • Creates terraform outputs Development to deployment workflow for DC/OS 17
  • 18. • Application terraform updated • Databases, caches, storage buckets, etc • Service repository updated • Pull Request made • Unit tests, integration tests • Merge to master (or deployment branch) • Unit tests • Docker image • Integration tests • Code coverage • Push image • Service deployment / promotion to DC/OS • Metronome • Marathon • Kong Development to deployment workflow for Applause services 18
  • 19. • Migrate more workloads from legacy hosting • Data science • Analytics • Build and test • Other products • Integrate services with in-cluster resources • Data services • Migrate scheduled jobs to Metronome • Chronos • cron • Applause platform • Migrate long-running tasks to Metronome • Kubernetes in-cluster What now? 19
  • 20. Check out our careers page:’re hiring 20