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The Future is
Luis F. Majano
Your Host
• CEO Ortus Solutions
• Computer Engineer
• Creator of all things box!
• Documentation Weirdo!
@lmajano @ortussolutions
We had a secret!!

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Stackato v2
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Stackato v2

Presentation of ActiveState Stackato to Copenhagen Ruby Brigade More information available at:

Stackato v5
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Stackato v5

Stackato presentation done at the Nordic Perl Workshop 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden More information available at:

OOP - Lecture02 - Introduction to Java.pptx
OOP - Lecture02 - Introduction to Java.pptxOOP - Lecture02 - Introduction to Java.pptx
OOP - Lecture02 - Introduction to Java.pptx

It is introduction of java for beginners

oopjavajava framework
BoxLang is a modular dynamic language for the JVM, aiming
to make your development more productive, expressive,
functional, and available everywhere.
Why not just fork or collaborate?
Why build a new language?
Why now?
State of BoxLang
• Started on July 2023
• Open Beta on May 16 (< 1 Month)
• Pull Requests: 55
• Downloads: 3000+
• Repositories: 30
• Modules Completed: 20
• Modules in Development: 4
• Modules in Planning: 15
• Commits: 500+
• Contributors: 15+

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Intro to Crystal Programming Language
Intro to Crystal Programming LanguageIntro to Crystal Programming Language
Intro to Crystal Programming Language

A brief introduction to Crystal programming language that covers its syntax and macros system briefly. This talk is given on 12/02/2016 at RubyConf Taiwan.

CI/CD for core apps using Docker
CI/CD for core apps using DockerCI/CD for core apps using Docker
CI/CD for core apps using Docker

Presentation used in dotnet Bangalore Meetup held on Nov 26, 2016. Intro to Docker, Docker-compose and tools available for performing CI/CD for apps targeting Docker containers

azure container core on docker
Web technologies for desktop development @ berlinjs apps
Web technologies for desktop development @ berlinjs appsWeb technologies for desktop development @ berlinjs apps
Web technologies for desktop development @ berlinjs apps

This document discusses using web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for desktop application development using frameworks like node-webkit. Node-webkit allows creating desktop apps with web technologies by wrapping them in a native application shell using Chromium and node.js. It summarizes several frameworks for hybrid desktop apps including Adobe Air, QT, Chrome Apps, and node-webkit. Node-webkit is highlighted as a good option because it allows leveraging existing web development skills and has good support for native desktop capabilities and debugging tools. Examples are given of companies using node-webkit for kiosk apps, desktop programs, and hardware integration.

node.jshtml5web development
• Modules in Development
• bx-encryption
• bx-orm
• bx-pdf
• bx-zip
• Modules in Planning
• bx-charts
• bx-legacy-ui
• bx-login
• bx-feeds
• bx-forms
• BoxLang +/++ Modules in Dev/Plannnig
• bx-couchbase
• bx-exchange
• bx-ftp
• bx-ldap
• bx-mongodb
• bx-redis
• bx-search
• bx-spreadsheet
• bx-elasticsearch
• bx-websockets
✓Modules Completed
✓ bx-compat
✓ bx-derby
✓ bx-esapi
✓ bx-hypersql
✓ bx-image
✓ bx-mail
✓ bx-mariadb
✓ bx-mssql
✓ bx-mysql
✓ bx-oracle
✓ bx-postgresql
✓ bx-unsafe-evaluate
✓ bx-wddx
State of BoxLang
CFML Compatibility
• Dual Parser: 98%
• Core BIFS: 96% (404/420)
• Core Tags: 100% (60/60)
• Target Core Completion: July 2024
1.0.0 Release -> Fall 2024
Goals & Vision

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Into The Box 2015 Keynote
Into The Box 2015 KeynoteInto The Box 2015 Keynote
Into The Box 2015 Keynote

This document provides an overview of various Box frameworks and projects, including ColdBox 4, ContentBox 2.1, CommandBox 2.0, and ForgeBox 2.0. Key updates and roadmaps are outlined for each project, with a focus on improved modularity, performance, tooling, and documentation. Release timelines target versions through fall 2015.

ITB2015 - Keynote by Ortus Solutions
ITB2015 - Keynote by Ortus SolutionsITB2015 - Keynote by Ortus Solutions
ITB2015 - Keynote by Ortus Solutions

This document provides an overview of Luis Majano and his company Ortus Solutions. It summarizes upcoming releases and roadmaps for ColdBox, ContentBox, CommandBox, and ForgeBox. Key points include streamlining ColdBox, adding tools like CLI and package management to CommandBox, and redesigned admin interfaces for ContentBox 3. Release dates target summer/fall 2015 for many new features and versions.

angularinto the boxsoftware
Container Orchestration for .NET Developers
Container Orchestration for .NET DevelopersContainer Orchestration for .NET Developers
Container Orchestration for .NET Developers

Slides from the 01/22/2020 monthly meetup for Philly.NET at Microsoft (second half of the presentation coming sometime at same location in March 2020)

Goals & Vision
• Be dynamic, modular, lightweight, and fast
• Be 100% interoperable with Java
• Be modern, functional, and
(Think mixing CFML, Node, Kotlin, Java, and
• Modularity at its core
• Take advantage of the modern JVM
• TDD: Fully tested source code
• Be able to support multiple runtimes
• Have multiple transpilers
CFML -> BoxLang,
Groovy -> BoxLang
X -> BoxLang
• IDE and Tools
• All of our libraries needed to run
• Compete in today’s language environments
Key Features
Multi-Runtime Architecture
Multi-Runtime Architecture
Any OS
Docker MiniServer CommandBox Servlet Lambda Azure Android WebAssembly
Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon
6 MB
9 MB 6 MB
15 MB
15 MB
160 MB

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DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games
DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile GamesDevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games
DevOpsCon 2015 - DevOps in Mobile Games

I'm explaining the tech stack we're using at Chimera Entertainment to serve millions of players every day.

dockerdevopsmobile games
Why ruby and rails
Why ruby and railsWhy ruby and rails
Why ruby and rails

Reuven Lerner's first talk from Open Ruby Day, at Hi-Tech College in Herzliya, Israel, on June 27th 2010. An overview of what makes Rails a powerful framework for Web development -- what attracted Reuven to it, what are the components that most speak to him, and why others should consider Rails for their Web applications.

ITB2015 - Go Commando with CommandBox CLI
ITB2015 - Go Commando with CommandBox CLIITB2015 - Go Commando with CommandBox CLI
ITB2015 - Go Commando with CommandBox CLI

CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that will provide you with a Command Line Interface (CLI) for developer productivity, tool interaction, package management, embedded CFML server, application scaffolding, and some sweet ASCII art. It seamlessly integrate to work with any ColdFusion (CFML) project as it is also written in ColdFusion (CFML) using our concepts of CommandBox Commands.

luceepackage managementnpm
AWS Lambda Runtime
Wanna play?
• Internet playground for BoxLang
• First Production BoxLang application
• Powered by our AWS Lambda Runtime
• Skinnable
• Embeddable on any Site (Soon)
AWS Lambda Runtime
• Every request can
re up its very own Lambda request
• That means:
• We never have to worry about how many instances we have
• We never have to worry about queueing
• We never have to worry about bad actors accessing other people’s
• We can easily update our Lambda runtime and all instances will be
running new code
• Lambdas have tiers too (staging, production, development)
• Scale up as big or as small as we want

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Why Kotlin?
Why Kotlin?Why Kotlin?
Why Kotlin?

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM and is fully interoperable with Java. It aims to combine object-oriented and functional programming in a concise syntax that reduces boilerplate code. Kotlin was developed by JetBrains in 2010 and became an officially supported language for Android development by Google in 2017. It features improvements like type inference, data classes, default function parameters, null safety checks, and higher-order functions that allow developers to write safer, more concise code compared to Java.

Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?
Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?
Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Aarti Parikh goes over the Go language design and talks about why Go matters in the age of multicores and cloud-native computing. Filmed at Aarti Parikh is a software engineering manager with a decade of experience building teams and products for the Internet, IoT and now Fintech. Currently, she works at PayPal.

aarti parikhinfoqqcon
Modern ClojureScript
Modern ClojureScriptModern ClojureScript
Modern ClojureScript

This document summarizes Modern ClojureScript and provides an overview of ClojureScript features. It discusses what ClojureScript is, why Clojure and JavaScript were chosen, data types, functions, macros, immutability, laziness, interactive development with REPL, core.async for concurrency, interoperability with JavaScript, Google Closure Tools, libraries like Figwheel and Devcards, shadow-cljs, and interfaces to React like Om, Reagent and Rum. It also briefly mentions desktop, mobile, Lumo and Planck.

Coming Soon!
• You will be able to see the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for your code
• You will be able to see the console/system output
• Ability to load code from GIST links
• +/++ Features
• Ability to Save to ForgeBox
• Create Projects like
• Install Modules
Strict Dependency Graph
Strict Dependency Graph
• Core to be small and focused
• Only add third-party libs if extremely necessary
• Rely on the JDK as much as possible
• Lower surface attack area
• Extremely small distribution (6MB)
• Extend via Modules with their dependencies
BoxLang Framework

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Hidden Treasure - TestComplete Script Extensions
Hidden Treasure - TestComplete Script ExtensionsHidden Treasure - TestComplete Script Extensions
Hidden Treasure - TestComplete Script Extensions

This document discusses script extensions in TestComplete, which allow users to extend the functionality of the software. Script extensions can create custom record/design time actions, test operations, results operations, and script objects. Script objects are useful for encapsulating code into reusable libraries. Extensions help solve problems like maintaining modularized code across projects and providing building blocks for rapid test development. The document demonstrates how to create a script object extension.

testcompletetestingsoftware testing
Shift Remote: JS - Javascript Build Tools: Past & Beyond - Shedrack Akintayo
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Shift Remote: JS - Javascript Build Tools: Past & Beyond - Shedrack Akintayo

In this talk, I'd go through the Evolution of JavaScript build tools, their features of most javascript build tools and what we should be expecting in the future from build tools.

shift conferenceshift devshift remote
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AIIntro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI

Sami provided a beginner-friendly introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), covering essential terms, products, and services for cloud deployment. Participants explored AWS' latest Gen AI offerings, making it accessible for those starting their cloud journey or integrating AI into coding practices.

BoxLang Framework
Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator
Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator
• Inspired by CacheBox
• Enterprise Caching Engine
• Extensible
• Custom providers
• Custom object stores
• Listeners
• Stats
• Powers all internal caching
Scheduling & Task Framework

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How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hoursHow we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

Explore the rapid development journey of TryBoxLang, completed in just 48 hours. This session delves into the innovative process behind creating TryBoxLang, a platform designed to showcase the capabilities of BoxLang by Ortus Solutions. Discover the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this accelerated development effort, highlighting how TryBoxLang provides a practical introduction to BoxLang's features and benefits.

Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS CloudMigrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud

Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger
BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and DebuggerBoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger
BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger

Discover BoxLang, the innovative JVM programming language developed by Ortus Solutions. Designed to harness the power of the Java Virtual Machine, BoxLang offers a modern approach to application development with robust performance and scalability. Join us as we explore the capabilities of BoxLang, its syntax, and how it enhances productivity in software development.

Scheduling & Task Framework
• Inspired by ColdBox Async
• Schedulers are portable,
uent, and human
• Write them in BoxLang or Java
• Task & Completable Futures framework from the JDK
• Access to any executor in Java
• Run schedules at the OS
• Importer from Adobe/Lucee (Soon)
• Task Visualizer (BoxLang Admin, BoxLang Debugger)
BoxLang Admin
BoxLang Admin (In Development)
• Quasar Administrator
• Progressive Web App
• Desktop Version
• Android/iOS
• Works locally or can be deployed on a server
• Manages your OS install
• Manages your Multi-Site via CommandBox
• Tons of features coming…

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How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...

Unlock the secrets of seamless ColdFusion error troubleshooting! Join us to explore the potent capabilities of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and ColdFusion Builder (CF Builder) in debugging. This hands-on session guides you through practical techniques tailored for local setups, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience.

Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro
Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox ProWeb Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro
Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro

CommandBox was highlighted as a powerful web hosting solution, perfect for developers and businesses alike. Featuring a built-in server and command-line interface, CommandBox simplified web application management. Developers could deploy multiple application instances simultaneously, optimizing development workflows. CommandBox's efficient deployment processes ensured reliable web hosting, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows for scalability and feature enhancements.

commandboxcommandbox procfml
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBoxRevolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox

Join me for an insightful journey into task scheduling within the ColdBox framework. In this session, we explored how to effortlessly create and manage scheduled tasks directly in your code, enhancing control and efficiency in applications and modules. Attendees experienced a user-friendly dashboard for seamless task management and monitoring. Whether you're experienced with ColdBox or new to it, this session provided practical knowledge and tips to streamline your development workflow.

BoxLang Tooling
Tooling Overview
Tooling Overview
• BoxLang IDE
• Language Debugger & LSP
• Run classes with a main()
• Run Scripts
• Run / Manage Servers
• Code Converters, Code Formatters
• Code Quality
• Visualizers

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Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFSDisk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS

In this session, we explored how the cbfs module empowers developers to abstract and manage file systems seamlessly across their lifecycle. From local development to S3 deployment and customized media providers requiring authentication, cbfs offers flexible solutions. We discussed how cbfs simplifies file handling with enhanced workflow efficiency compared to native methods, along with practical tips to accelerate complex file operations in your projects.

How to Break Your App with Playwright Tests
How to Break Your App with Playwright TestsHow to Break Your App with Playwright Tests
How to Break Your App with Playwright Tests

In this session, we explored setting up Playwright, an end-to-end testing tool for simulating browser interactions and running TestBox tests. Participants learned to configure Playwright for applications, simulate user interactions to stress-test forms, and handle scenarios like taking screenshots, recording sessions, capturing Chrome dev tools traces, testing login failures, and managing broken JavaScript. The session also covered using Playwright with non-ColdBox sites, providing practical insights into enhancing testing capabilities.

Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity
Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecuritySecuring Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity
Securing Your Application with Passkeys and cbSecurity

Discover Passkeys, the next evolution in secure login methods that eliminate traditional password vulnerabilities. Learn about the CBSecurity Passkeys module's installation, configuration, and integration into your application to enhance security.

Tooling Overview
• CLI Tools
• REPL: CLI code execution
• Shebang Scripts: #!/usr/bin/env boxlang
• File Runner: Run
• Schedule Runner: Run schedulers
• Transpiler: Convert CFML to BoxLang
• Compiler: BoxLang to Bytecode
• Feature Audit: BIF and Tag report usage
• Packager: Compile and package your modules or BoxLang apps
Tooling - BoxLang IDE
• Modern development
• Inline documentation
• Webservers panel
• Works for BL and CFML
• Run BL/CF code directly within VSCode
• Debugger & Language Server
• Committed to ongoing support and development -
new features are on the way!
Tooling - BoxLang Debugger
• Purpose built
• Integrates with VSCode via Microsoft’s DAP
• Can debug both the CLI runtime and web
• You’ll never use writeDump() again!
Tooling - BoxLang Language Server
• Built with BoxLang!
• The BoxLang runtime was built with the LSP in mind
• Full access to the BoxLang syntax parser/compiler
• Access to all BoxLang con
guration, datasources,
mappings, etc…
• Extensible via BoxLang modules
• Foundational for modern language toolchains
• Intellisense
• Static analysis
• More coming soon…

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Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?
Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?
Schrodinger’s Backup: Is Your Backup Really a Backup?

In this session, we discussed the critical need for comprehensive backups across all aspects of our industry—from code and databases to webservers, file servers, and network configurations. Emphasizing the importance of proactive measures, attendees were urged to ensure their backup systems were tested through restoration processes. The session underscored the risk of discovering backup issues only during crises, highlighting the necessity of verifying backup integrity through restoration tests.

Design system: The basis for a consistent design
Design system: The basis for a consistent designDesign system: The basis for a consistent design
Design system: The basis for a consistent design

Participants explored how visual and functional coherence strengthened brand identity and streamlined development in this session. They learned to maintain consistency across platforms and enhance user experiences using Design Systems. Ideal for brand designers, UI/UX designers, developers, and product managers who sought to optimize efficiency and ensure consistency across projects.

ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...
ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...
ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0: Unveiling Advanced Debugging Techniques for ColdBox ...

Explore the latest in ColdBox Debugger v4.2.0, featuring the Hyper Collector for HTTP/S request tracking, Lucee SQL Collector for query profiling, and Heap Dump Support for memory leak debugging. Enhancements like the revamped Request Dock and improved SQL/JSON formatting streamline debugging for optimal ColdBox application performance and stability. Ideal for developers familiar with ColdBox, this session focuses on leveraging advanced debugging tools to enhance development efficiency.

Demo Time
Tooling - Roadmap
• v0.9.17 = Current Release
• Near future
• Communication between the debugger and language server
• Static code analysis/type hinting (Experimental)
• BoxLang Server management (Experimental)
• Incorporate CommandBox VSCode extension
• +,++ version of debugger
• Language server plugins
With Brad Wood
Modern Dynamic Language

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How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?
How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?
How to Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?

Thinking about freelancing? It's not just about coding solo and avoiding coworkers. Join me as I share insights from my 15-year freelance journey, covering everything from managing invoices to client communication styles. This session blends ColdFusion-specific tips with general freelance and consulting advice, with time for audience Q&A.

What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf
What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdfWhat’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf
What’s New in ContentBox 6 by Ortus Solutions.pdf

Content templates, CBFS, Redirects, and Coldbox 7, oh my! ContentBox 6 is the game-changing new release for the ContentBox CMS platform. In this session, we'll discuss all of the new goodness added in the release, as well as show the many ways in which your single or multi-site ContentBox instance just became more powerful and flexible.

cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus
cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortuscbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus
cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background by Ortus

Almost every application has tasks or jobs that are better suited to the background, and cbqmakes it easier and traceable to manage those jobs. cbq can scale from simple background tasks to a database to any message queue provider. Come learn how to get started with background tasks in your application.

Modern Dynamic Language
• Dynamically typed just like CFML, but we go further…
• JDK21+ Minimum
• Fully JSR-223 Compliant
• Clojure + BoxLang in development by Sean Cor
• No re
ection, we use InvokeDynamic for everything
• DynamicObject: Any Object can be Dynamic!
• All OO Constructs
• Interfaces, superinterfaces and default method implementations
• Abstract classes and methods
• Static scope and methods on classes and interfaces
• Use all-new JDK features and types
• Collection of Dynamic Casters and Helpers
Java Interop
Java Interop
• Interact with Java naturally
• It’s just part of the language; no more
• Type inference, auto-casting, type
promotions and coercion
• Long -> Doubles, Doubles ->Longs, etc
• BoxLang Function -> Java Lambdas
• You can import, extend, implement, annotate
from Java
Java Interop
Java Interop
• Concept of object resolvers: java, bx, custom
• New BoxLang Scripting: MyScript.bxs
• Components become Classes: MyClass.bx
• All bx/bxm/bxs are runnable via the OS
• Classes can have a main() runnable
• BoxLang annotations
Runnable Classes

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Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee
Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and LuceeDemonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee
Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee

Building on his 2021 ITB presentation, "Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee," Charlie now focuses on practical demonstrations of these tools. Discover key observations and metrics for troubleshooting, tuning, and receiving alerts. Gain insights into the evolution of these tools since the last talk, drawn from Charlie's extensive experience assisting users with server, container, and CommandBox environments.

Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!
Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!
Ortus Solutions - Headless Content for the Win!

we delve into the power of headless CMS—a versatile solution separating content creation from presentation. Explore its benefits: multi-channel delivery, accelerated time-to-market, content reusability, scalability, technology flexibility, and enhanced security. Discover how headless CMS transforms digital content management, empowering efficient and flexible content delivery across diverse platforms.

Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBoxBuild a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox
Build a Complex Web Form with RuleBox and TestBox

Learn to manage your web form's question flow with RuleBox in this session. Simplify complex conditional statements by structuring logic in a readable and testable Given-When-Then format. Discussion covers prototyping tips, writing test cases, integrating external data, and managing multiple form versions with a single set of rules. Ideal for ColdFusion web developers exploring TestBox and/or RuleBox, with a demo featuring ColdBox and cborm, though not required.

Pure Functions + Immutable Classes
• Support not only closures (=>) but pure functions (->)
• No side e
ects, no carry-over contexts, pure speed
• Especially for asynchronous programming
• New Immutable classes:
• Arrays, Structs, and Queries
• Great for async safety, read-only snapshots, speed and
Multi-Parsers : BoxLang + CFML + ???
• Our way to split with the old and bring in the new
• Transpile CFML into BoxLang
• BoxLang is a NEW clean slate
• Compat module for Adobe/Lucee
• Multi-Step Compiler
• Bx -> Java Source -> ByteCode (DebugMode)
• Bx -> Bytecode (Almost done)
• In Planning
• Groovy to BoxLang
• ??? To BoxLang
Choose your path wisely!
.cfc, .cfm
.bx, bxs, bxm

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Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions
Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus SolutionsReactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions
Reactive CFML with CBWIRE v4 by Ortus Solutions

In this session, developers explored CBWIRE, a ColdBox module that simplifies modern, reactive CFML app development without JavaScript frameworks like Vue or React. Attendees learned its usage, benefits, and the new features introduced in CBWIRE version 4, designed based on community feedback. The session catered to developers familiar with ColdBox and CFML, offering practical insights and guidance for leveraging CBWIRE effectively in their projects.

Cisco Live Announcements: New ThousandEyes Release Highlights - July 2024
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Cisco Live Announcements: New ThousandEyes Release Highlights - July 2024

WEBINAR SLIDES: CCX for Cloud Service Providers
WEBINAR SLIDES: CCX for Cloud Service ProvidersWEBINAR SLIDES: CCX for Cloud Service Providers
WEBINAR SLIDES: CCX for Cloud Service Providers

Browse the slides from our recent webinar hosted by Divine Odazie, our tech evangelist.

cloudccxcloud services
• AST Visitors for custom tooling
• Feature Audits
• Transpiler
• Pretty Printer
• Code Quality
• getClassMetadata()
Event-Driven Language
Event-Driven Language
• Interceptors for the language, application, and request
• The best way to scale the language
• Listen to the entire or speci
c language life-cycles
• Modules can listen/collaborate events
• boxAnnounce(), boxAnnounceAsync() : CompletableFuture
Event Channels
Event Producers
Event Consumers
Tested & Documented

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Seamless PostgreSQL to Snowflake Data Transfer in 8 Simple Steps
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Seamless PostgreSQL to Snowflake Data Transfer in 8 Simple Steps

Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

postgresqlsnowflakepostgres to snowflake
NYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdf
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Explore the craft of program and project management, hearing from Atlassian Program Managers, local thought leaders, and more.

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Cultural Shifts: Embracing DevOps for Organizational Transformation
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Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

devops servicesdevops consulting servicesexpertise devops
Tested & Documented
• TDD/BDD at the core of the language
• 3500+ Tests Already
• Test not only Java but BoxLang
• Native BoxLang Assert constructs built-in
• Fully Documented
• Generated API Docs
Modular Since Birth
Modular Needs
Modern Runtimes Have Various Needs!
( and CFML/PHP/Python/Ruby/Etc paradigms are outdated )
• Web Applications - HTTP Request/Response Data
• Tasks and Queues - Watchers, Event Handling, Async
• Lambda and CLI - fast start and blazing speeds!
• iOS/Android - Low resource footprint, event handling
• Web Assembly – Transpilation and Sandboxing
BoxLang Modules
• Inspired by ColdBox modules, NOT OSGI
• Core Runtime with lightest possible footprint
• Taps into the language life-cycle
• Write them in Java or BoxLang or Both!
• Executable as CLI packages
• Integrates with Maven/Gradle

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BoxLang Modular By Design!
• Modular ecosystem, delivered by FORGEBOX
• Core modules for DBMS’, Alternate Runtimes ( e.g. Lambda ), Mail,
Encryption, CFML compatibility and more!
• Write your own functions, components ( tags ), schedulers, JDBC
Drivers, interceptions and more!
• Module has an isolated class loading machinery
• Boundless potential for community contribution and engagement!
• Foment third-party vendors
• FORGEBOX eCommerce Marketplace later this year
BoxLang Extends BoxLang
uence core runtime behavior with BIFs,
Member Functions, Tags, Interceptors, and More!
BoxLang Modules
Take control of your own runtime,
in your own language!
With Jorge Reyes

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

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In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

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• July 2023 - We started Project Jericho
• 4 Team Members
• Part-time development
• 4 on-site workshops
• Less than a year later BoxLang Beta
• We did not want to do something halfway; we went all in
A Story of Focus
The BoxLang Engineering Team
Luis Majano Gavin Pickin Brad Wood Alan Quinlan Dan Card Daniel Garcia Eric Peterson Esme Acevedo
Grant Copley Javier Quintero Michael Born Jon Clausen Jaime Ramirez Jacob Beers
The BoxLang Marketing + Business Team
Cristobal Escobar
Maria Jose Herrera
El Salvador
Jorge Reyes
Edgardo Cabezas
El Salvador
Veronica Monedero
Jonathan Lainez
El Salvador
• Because it’s hard and we love the challenge!
• Because our customers needed it
• Because we needed it
• We wanted to go places that we could not go
• No bug we can’t
• No feature we can’t deliver
• No performance we can’t tune
Why BoxLang?

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

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An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mobile application is a streamlined version of a mobile app that includes only the core features necessary to address the primary needs of its users. The purpose of an MVP is to validate the app concept with minimal resources, gather user feedback, and identify any areas for improvement before investing in a full-scale development. This approach allows businesses to quickly launch their app, test its market viability, and make data-driven decisions for future enhancements, ensuring a higher likelihood of success and user satisfaction.

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Free ad-supported streaming takes off! Dive into the projected surge of FAST channels & market size from 2024 to 2027.

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BoxLang Roadmap
Visionary Licenses
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• Limited number available
A Revolution is Coming…Join us now!
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This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. It covers the fundamental concepts, benefits, and key functionalities of ERP software, illustrating how it integrates various business processes into a unified system. From finance and HR to supply chain and customer relationship management, ERP facilitates efficient data management and decision-making across organizations. Whether you're new to ERP or looking to deepen your understanding, this presentation offers valuable insights into leveraging ERP for business success.

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CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

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  • 1. The Future is Dynamic LED BY Luis F. Majano
  • 2. LUIS F. MAJANO Your Host • CEO Ortus Solutions • Computer Engineer • Creator of all things box! • Documentation Weirdo! @lmajano @ortussolutions
  • 3. We had a secret!!
  • 5. BoxLang is a modular dynamic language for the JVM, aiming to make your development more productive, expressive, functional, and available everywhere. DYNAMIC : MODULAR : PRODUCTIVE
  • 7. Why not just fork or collaborate? Why build a new language? Why now?
  • 8. State of BoxLang • Started on July 2023 • Open Beta on May 16 (< 1 Month) • Pull Requests: 55 • Downloads: 3000+ • Repositories: 30 • Modules Completed: 20 • Modules in Development: 4 • Modules in Planning: 15 • Commits: 500+ • Contributors: 15+
  • 9. • Modules in Development • bx-encryption • bx-orm • bx-pdf • bx-zip • Modules in Planning • bx-charts • bx-legacy-ui • bx-login • bx-feeds • bx-forms • BoxLang +/++ Modules in Dev/Plannnig • bx-couchbase • bx-exchange • bx-ftp • bx-ldap • bx-mongodb • bx-redis • bx-search • bx-spreadsheet • bx-elasticsearch • bx-websockets ✓Modules Completed ✓ bx-compat ✓ bx-derby ✓ bx-esapi ✓ bx-hypersql ✓ bx-image ✓ bx-mail ✓ bx-mariadb ✓ bx-mssql ✓ bx-mysql ✓ bx-oracle ✓ bx-postgresql ✓ bx-unsafe-evaluate ✓ bx-wddx State of BoxLang
  • 10. CFML Compatibility • Dual Parser: 98% • Core BIFS: 96% (404/420) • Core Tags: 100% (60/60) • Target Core Completion: July 2024 BIFS Tags
  • 11. 1.0.0 Release -> Fall 2024 DYNAMIC : MODULAR : PRODUCTIVE
  • 13. Goals & Vision • Be dynamic, modular, lightweight, and fast • Be 100% interoperable with Java • Be modern, functional, and fl uent (Think mixing CFML, Node, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure) • Modularity at its core • Take advantage of the modern JVM • TDD: Fully tested source code • Be able to support multiple runtimes • Have multiple transpilers CFML -> BoxLang, Groovy -> BoxLang X -> BoxLang • IDE and Tools • All of our libraries needed to run • Compete in today’s language environments
  • 16. Multi-Runtime Architecture Any OS Docker MiniServer CommandBox Servlet Lambda Azure Android WebAssembly Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon 6 MB 9 MB 6 MB 15 MB 15 MB 160 MB
  • 19. Wanna play? • • Internet playground for BoxLang • First Production BoxLang application • Powered by our AWS Lambda Runtime • Skinnable • Embeddable on any Site (Soon)
  • 20. AWS Lambda Runtime • Every request can fi re up its very own Lambda request • That means: • We never have to worry about how many instances we have • We never have to worry about queueing • We never have to worry about bad actors accessing other people’s fi les • We can easily update our Lambda runtime and all instances will be running new code • Lambdas have tiers too (staging, production, development) • Scale up as big or as small as we want
  • 21. Coming Soon! • You will be able to see the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for your code • You will be able to see the console/system output • Ability to load code from GIST links • +/++ Features • Ability to Save to ForgeBox • Create Projects like • Install Modules
  • 23. Strict Dependency Graph • Core to be small and focused • Only add third-party libs if extremely necessary • Rely on the JDK as much as possible • Lower surface attack area • Extremely small distribution (6MB) • Extend via Modules with their dependencies commons-io Antlr javaparser/asm commons-lang jackson-jr slf4j logback Hikari
  • 27. Enterprise Caching Engine & Aggregator • Inspired by CacheBox • Enterprise Caching Engine • Extensible • Custom providers • Custom object stores • Listeners • Stats • Powers all internal caching
  • 28. Scheduling & Task Framework
  • 29. Scheduling & Task Framework • Inspired by ColdBox Async • Schedulers are portable, fl uent, and human • Write them in BoxLang or Java • Task & Completable Futures framework from the JDK • Access to any executor in Java • Run schedules at the OS • Importer from Adobe/Lucee (Soon) • Task Visualizer (BoxLang Admin, BoxLang Debugger)
  • 31. BoxLang Admin (In Development) • Quasar Administrator • Progressive Web App • Desktop Version • Android/iOS • Works locally or can be deployed on a server • Manages your OS install • Manages your Multi-Site via CommandBox • Tons of features coming…
  • 36. Tooling Overview • BoxLang IDE • Language Debugger & LSP • Run classes with a main() • Run Scripts • Run / Manage Servers • Code Converters, Code Formatters • Code Quality • Visualizers
  • 37. Tooling Overview • CLI Tools • REPL: CLI code execution • Shebang Scripts: #!/usr/bin/env boxlang • File Runner: Run fi les • Schedule Runner: Run schedulers • Transpiler: Convert CFML to BoxLang • Compiler: BoxLang to Bytecode • Feature Audit: BIF and Tag report usage • Packager: Compile and package your modules or BoxLang apps
  • 38. Tooling - BoxLang IDE • Modern development fl ow • Inline documentation • Webservers panel • Works for BL and CFML • Run BL/CF code directly within VSCode • Debugger & Language Server • Committed to ongoing support and development - new features are on the way!
  • 39. Tooling - BoxLang Debugger • Purpose built • Integrates with VSCode via Microsoft’s DAP • Can debug both the CLI runtime and web server • You’ll never use writeDump() again!
  • 40. Tooling - BoxLang Language Server • Built with BoxLang! • The BoxLang runtime was built with the LSP in mind • Full access to the BoxLang syntax parser/compiler • Access to all BoxLang con fi guration, datasources, mappings, etc… • Extensible via BoxLang modules • Foundational for modern language toolchains • Intellisense • Static analysis • More coming soon…
  • 42. Tooling - Roadmap • v0.9.17 = Current Release • Near future • Communication between the debugger and language server • Static code analysis/type hinting (Experimental) • BoxLang Server management (Experimental) • Incorporate CommandBox VSCode extension • +,++ version of debugger • Language server plugins
  • 45. Modern Dynamic Language • Dynamically typed just like CFML, but we go further… • JDK21+ Minimum • Fully JSR-223 Compliant • Clojure + BoxLang in development by Sean Cor fi eld • No re fl ection, we use InvokeDynamic for everything • DynamicObject: Any Object can be Dynamic! • All OO Constructs • Interfaces, superinterfaces and default method implementations • Abstract classes and methods • Static scope and methods on classes and interfaces • Use all-new JDK features and types • Collection of Dynamic Casters and Helpers
  • 47. Java Interop • Interact with Java naturally • It’s just part of the language; no more separation • Type inference, auto-casting, type promotions and coercion • Long -> Doubles, Doubles ->Longs, etc • BoxLang Function -> Java Lambdas • You can import, extend, implement, annotate from Java Java Interop
  • 48. Java Interop • Concept of object resolvers: java, bx, custom • New BoxLang Scripting: MyScript.bxs • Components become Classes: MyClass.bx • All bx/bxm/bxs are runnable via the OS • Classes can have a main() runnable convention • BoxLang annotations Runnable Classes
  • 49. Pure Functions + Immutable Classes • Support not only closures (=>) but pure functions (->) • No side e ff ects, no carry-over contexts, pure speed • Especially for asynchronous programming • New Immutable classes: • Arrays, Structs, and Queries • Great for async safety, read-only snapshots, speed and more.
  • 51. Multi-Parsers : BoxLang + CFML + ??? • Our way to split with the old and bring in the new • Transpile CFML into BoxLang • BoxLang is a NEW clean slate • Compat module for Adobe/Lucee • Multi-Step Compiler • Bx -> Java Source -> ByteCode (DebugMode) • Bx -> Bytecode (Almost done) • In Planning • Groovy to BoxLang • ??? To BoxLang Choose your path wisely! .cfc, .cfm .bx, bxs, bxm
  • 53. BL-AST • AST Visitors for custom tooling • Feature Audits • Transpiler • Pretty Printer • Code Quality • getClassMetadata()
  • 55. Event-Driven Language • Interceptors for the language, application, and request • The best way to scale the language • Listen to the entire or speci fi c language life-cycles • Modules can listen/collaborate events • boxAnnounce(), boxAnnounceAsync() : CompletableFuture Event Channels Event Producers Event Event Event Event Consumers Event Event Event
  • 57. Tested & Documented • TDD/BDD at the core of the language • 3500+ Tests Already • Test not only Java but BoxLang • Native BoxLang Assert constructs built-in • Fully Documented • Generated API Docs •
  • 59. Modular Needs Modern Runtimes Have Various Needs! ( and CFML/PHP/Python/Ruby/Etc paradigms are outdated ) • Web Applications - HTTP Request/Response Data • Tasks and Queues - Watchers, Event Handling, Async • Lambda and CLI - fast start and blazing speeds! • iOS/Android - Low resource footprint, event handling • Web Assembly – Transpilation and Sandboxing
  • 60. BoxLang Modules • Inspired by ColdBox modules, NOT OSGI • Core Runtime with lightest possible footprint • Taps into the language life-cycle • Write them in Java or BoxLang or Both! • Executable as CLI packages • Integrates with Maven/Gradle
  • 61. BoxLang Modular By Design! • Modular ecosystem, delivered by FORGEBOX • Core modules for DBMS’, Alternate Runtimes ( e.g. Lambda ), Mail, Encryption, CFML compatibility and more! • Write your own functions, components ( tags ), schedulers, JDBC Drivers, interceptions and more! • Module has an isolated class loading machinery • Boundless potential for community contribution and engagement! • Foment third-party vendors • FORGEBOX eCommerce Marketplace later this year
  • 62. BoxLang Extends BoxLang In fl uence core runtime behavior with BIFs, Member Functions, Tags, Interceptors, and More!
  • 63. BoxLang Modules Take control of your own runtime, in your own language!
  • 65. • July 2023 - We started Project Jericho • 4 Team Members • Part-time development • 4 on-site workshops • Less than a year later BoxLang Beta • We did not want to do something halfway; we went all in A Story of Focus
  • 66. The BoxLang Engineering Team Luis Majano Gavin Pickin Brad Wood Alan Quinlan Dan Card Daniel Garcia Eric Peterson Esme Acevedo Grant Copley Javier Quintero Michael Born Jon Clausen Jaime Ramirez Jacob Beers
  • 67. The BoxLang Marketing + Business Team Cristobal Escobar Spain Maria Jose Herrera El Salvador Jorge Reyes Switzerland Edgardo Cabezas El Salvador Veronica Monedero USA Jonathan Lainez El Salvador
  • 68. • Because it’s hard and we love the challenge! • Because our customers needed it • Because we needed it • We wanted to go places that we could not go • No bug we can’t fi x • No feature we can’t deliver • No performance we can’t tune • THE FUTURE IS OURS Why BoxLang?
  • 69. • BoxLang Community (Free & Open Source) Apache 2 • Two Commercial Subscriptions • BoxLang + • Professional Support (SLA) • Enterprise Modules & Features • BoxLang + + • Everything in + • Premium Support • Custom Builds Professional Open Source
  • 71. Visionary Licenses • One-time purchase -> Unlimited Licenses -> 10 years • Support for 10 years included • Long-term peace of mind • Invest in the future • Limited number available
  • 72. A Revolution is Coming…Join us now! Backdrop AI-generated by DALL-E “Mad scientist in lab experiencing Eureka moment”