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Flexible & Repeatable
Permissions Management
with ACL Templates
Jeff Potts
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Alfresco is missing a feature: ACL Templates
• Many projects start with a spreadsheet that organizes folder structure
• The next step is often defining the permissions that go with that structure
• Usually, permissions are applied in a consistent, predictable way
according to business rules
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Don’t Repeat Yourself
• When you programmatically create nodes and set permissions, it is
tempting to just make a bunch of API calls and be done
• What happens when you need to set permissions in different places?
– JavaScript versus Java
– Actions versus Behaviors
– Workflows
– Yes, you can centralize this logic in a common “service” class, but…
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
If it might change, why is it in code?
• What happens when the business rules change and a power user wants to
change how permissions are set?
• Build and deploy just because an entry in an ACL is changing from
“Collaborator” to “Consumer”?
• Yuck

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Simplify integrations-final-pdf

The document discusses Apache Camel, an open-source integration library that can be used to integrate disparate systems that use different protocols and data formats. It provides an overview of what integration is, describes how Camel works using a domain-specific language and components, and demonstrates how to define simple routes using Java or XML. The presentation concludes with information on management and tooling support for Camel.

Alfresco Devcon 2019 - Lightning Talk - Not-so-smart folders made smart(er)
Alfresco Devcon 2019 - Lightning Talk - Not-so-smart folders made smart(er)Alfresco Devcon 2019 - Lightning Talk - Not-so-smart folders made smart(er)
Alfresco Devcon 2019 - Lightning Talk - Not-so-smart folders made smart(er)

This is the slide deck of my lightning talk at Alfresco Devcon 2019 in Edinburgh. The talk was held in a slot with 4 other presenters, and the recording should be available on YouTube sometime in February.

Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2

My talk from Red Hat Summit 2015 about the pros/cons of microservices, how integration is a strong requirement for doing distributed systems designs, and how open source projects like Apache Camel, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift and Fabric8 can help simplify and manage microservice environments

microservicesapache cameldevops
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
How Does Everyone Else Do It?
• Many ECM systems allow permission sets to be declared, then applied
when needed
• Now you can do that with Alfresco
• I give you Alfresco ACL Templates!
• Dun dun DUN!!!
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example: Folders that hold files related to client
• /Project 1 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 2 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 3 for Client B
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Collaborator
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
I see a pattern!
• /Project 1 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 2 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 3 for Client B
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Collaborator
There is a group for a
project that is always the
There is a group for the
client that is a Collaborator
on some folders and a
Consumer on other
That’s potentially two
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
A Wrinkle: Group can’t be determined at design-time
• /Project 1 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 2 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 3 for Client B
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Collaborator
Uh-oh, variability!

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ember dataember.jsember
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Another Wrinkle: Time
• /Project 1 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 2 for Client A
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
• /Project 3 for Client B
– /Design Discussion
– /Final Deliverables
– /Status Reports
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 1 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Collaborator
Client A Team: Collaborator
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Collaborator
Client B Team: Collaborator
Project 1 Team: Consumer
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Consumer
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 1 Team: Consumer
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 2 Team: Consumer
Client A Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Consumer
Client B Team: Consumer
Project 3 Team: Consumer
Client B Team: Consumer
Active Projects Completed Projects
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Alfresco ACL Templates Add-On
• Open source project sponsored by a client called Conexiam
– I maintain it on their behalf at Github
• Allows you to declare ACL templates as JSON
– ACL Templates live in the Data Dictionary
• Provides an “ACL Template Service” that you can call from JavaScript or
Java to “apply” a template to a node
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example #1: Static ACL Template
"inherit": false,
"permissions": [
"authority": ”GROUP_Project 1 Team",
"permission": "Collaborator”
"authority": ”GROUP_Client A Team",
"permission": "Collaborator”
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example #2: Applying an ACL Template
import com.conexiam.acl.templates.service.AclTemplateService;
AclTemplateService aclTemplateService;
aclTemplateService.apply("test-template-2.json", testFolder);

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Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example #3: An ACL template with placeholders
"inherit": false,
"permissions": [
"authorityTemplate": ”project-team",
"permission": "Collaborator”
"authorityTemplate": ”client-team",
"permission": "Collaborator”
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
How do those placeholders work?
• Can specify an authorityTemplate instead of a hard-coded authority
• An authorityTemplate is just a Spring Bean that resolves an authority
template to an actual authority
• Examples:
– What is the correct “project group” for this site?
– What is the correct “client group” for this site?
– Basically anything that can use the nodeRef to resolve the template
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Add-on ships with one sample authority template
• Site role group resolver
• Returns the site group for a given role
• Example: Always give the Site Collaborator group for this site Consumer
• Making your own authority template resolvers is easy
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Implementing your own authority resolver
• Create a Java class that implements AuthorityResolver
• Inject your dependencies
• Implement public String resolve(NodeRef nodeRef)
• Config in Spring context XML
• Add to authorityResolvers map

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Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

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Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example: Site Role Group Authority Resolver
<property name="siteService">
<ref bean="SiteService" />
<property name="role" value="SiteManager" />
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Example: Site Role Group Authority Resolver
public String resolve(NodeRef nodeRef) {
SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(nodeRef);
if (siteInfo == null) {
return null;
String siteId = siteInfo.getShortName();
String siteRoleGroup = siteService.getSiteRoleGroup(siteId,
return siteRoleGroup;
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
• ACL Templates Add-on
• Declare permissions in JSON, store in Data Dictionary
• Apply permissions using ACL Template Service
• Removes permission logic from code
• Makes it easier for non-technical people to change the permissions your
code sets on nodes it creates
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
• ACL Templates can have hard-coded authorities, authority templates, or a
mix of both
• Authority templates are resolved with the help of an authority template
resolver class
– Can use properties on the node, or other services to help determine the right

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The document discusses different API technologies including gRPC, GraphQL, and REST. It provides overviews of each technology, describing their origins, key concepts, pros, and cons. gRPC was developed by Google and uses protocol buffers for messages and HTTP/2 for transport. GraphQL was created by Facebook and uses a query language for clients to specify the exact data they need. REST is the more established standard based on HTTP and uses URIs for identification of resources.

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Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Support the Community!
• This add-on was funded by a Metaversant client called Conexiam
• Per their request, we did all of their Alfresco customizations in the open
• Check out the other related repositories at
• Let me know if you have any questions!
• @jeffpotts01
Flexible & Repeatable
Permissions Management
with ACL Templates
Thank you!

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Flexible Permissions Management with ACL Templates

  • 1. Flexible & Repeatable Permissions Management with ACL Templates Jeff Potts
  • 2. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Alfresco is missing a feature: ACL Templates • Many projects start with a spreadsheet that organizes folder structure • The next step is often defining the permissions that go with that structure • Usually, permissions are applied in a consistent, predictable way according to business rules
  • 3. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Don’t Repeat Yourself • When you programmatically create nodes and set permissions, it is tempting to just make a bunch of API calls and be done • What happens when you need to set permissions in different places? – JavaScript versus Java – Actions versus Behaviors – Workflows – Yes, you can centralize this logic in a common “service” class, but…
  • 4. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. If it might change, why is it in code? • What happens when the business rules change and a power user wants to change how permissions are set? • Build and deploy just because an entry in an ACL is changing from “Collaborator” to “Consumer”? • Yuck
  • 5. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. How Does Everyone Else Do It? • Many ECM systems allow permission sets to be declared, then applied when needed • Now you can do that with Alfresco • I give you Alfresco ACL Templates! – • Dun dun DUN!!! 1
  • 6. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example: Folders that hold files related to client projects • /Project 1 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 2 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 3 for Client B – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Collaborator
  • 7. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. I see a pattern! • /Project 1 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 2 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 3 for Client B – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Collaborator There is a group for a project that is always the collaborator. There is a group for the client that is a Collaborator on some folders and a Consumer on other folders. That’s potentially two “templates”
  • 8. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. A Wrinkle: Group can’t be determined at design-time • /Project 1 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 2 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 3 for Client B – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Collaborator Uh-oh, variability!
  • 9. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Another Wrinkle: Time 2 • /Project 1 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 2 for Client A – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports • /Project 3 for Client B – /Design Discussion – /Final Deliverables – /Status Reports Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 1 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Collaborator Client A Team: Collaborator Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Collaborator Client B Team: Collaborator Project 1 Team: Consumer Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Consumer Client A Team: Consumer Project 1 Team: Consumer Client A Team: Consumer Project 2 Team: Consumer Client A Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Consumer Client B Team: Consumer Project 3 Team: Consumer Client B Team: Consumer Active Projects Completed Projects
  • 10. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Alfresco ACL Templates Add-On • Open source project sponsored by a client called Conexiam – I maintain it on their behalf at Github • Allows you to declare ACL templates as JSON – ACL Templates live in the Data Dictionary • Provides an “ACL Template Service” that you can call from JavaScript or Java to “apply” a template to a node
  • 11. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example #1: Static ACL Template { "inherit": false, "permissions": [ { "authority": ”GROUP_Project 1 Team", "permission": "Collaborator” }, { "authority": ”GROUP_Client A Team", "permission": "Collaborator” } ] }
  • 12. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example #2: Applying an ACL Template import com.conexiam.acl.templates.service.AclTemplateService; …SNIP… AclTemplateService aclTemplateService; …SNIP… aclTemplateService.apply("test-template-2.json", testFolder);
  • 13. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example #3: An ACL template with placeholders 3 { "inherit": false, "permissions": [ { "authorityTemplate": ”project-team", "permission": "Collaborator” }, { "authorityTemplate": ”client-team", "permission": "Collaborator” } ] }
  • 14. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. How do those placeholders work? • Can specify an authorityTemplate instead of a hard-coded authority • An authorityTemplate is just a Spring Bean that resolves an authority template to an actual authority • Examples: – What is the correct “project group” for this site? – What is the correct “client group” for this site? – Basically anything that can use the nodeRef to resolve the template
  • 15. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Add-on ships with one sample authority template resolver • Site role group resolver • Returns the site group for a given role • Example: Always give the Site Collaborator group for this site Consumer access • Making your own authority template resolvers is easy
  • 16. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Implementing your own authority resolver • Create a Java class that implements AuthorityResolver • Inject your dependencies • Implement public String resolve(NodeRef nodeRef) • Config in Spring context XML • Add to authorityResolvers map
  • 17. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example: Site Role Group Authority Resolver 4 <bean id="” class="com.conexiam.acl.templates.authority.resolvers.SiteRole GroupResolver"> <property name="siteService"> <ref bean="SiteService" /> </property> <property name="role" value="SiteManager" /> </bean>
  • 18. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Example: Site Role Group Authority Resolver public String resolve(NodeRef nodeRef) { SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(nodeRef); if (siteInfo == null) { return null; } String siteId = siteInfo.getShortName(); String siteRoleGroup = siteService.getSiteRoleGroup(siteId, role); return siteRoleGroup; }
  • 19. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Summary • ACL Templates Add-on • Declare permissions in JSON, store in Data Dictionary • Apply permissions using ACL Template Service • Removes permission logic from code • Makes it easier for non-technical people to change the permissions your code sets on nodes it creates
  • 20. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Summary • ACL Templates can have hard-coded authorities, authority templates, or a mix of both • Authority templates are resolved with the help of an authority template resolver class – Can use properties on the node, or other services to help determine the right authority
  • 21. Learn. Connect. Collaborate. Support the Community! • This add-on was funded by a Metaversant client called Conexiam • Per their request, we did all of their Alfresco customizations in the open • Check out the other related repositories at • Let me know if you have any questions! • @jeffpotts01
  • 22. Flexible & Repeatable Permissions Management with ACL Templates Thank you! @jeffpotts01