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Simplify Enterprise Integration
Apache Camel
Christian Posta

Principal Consultant and Architect



What is Integration?
What is Apache Camel
Why Apache Camel?
Your speaker
Christian Posta
Twitter: @christianposta

• Principal Consultant and Architect at Red Hat (FuseSource)
• Based in Phoenix, AZ
• Committer on Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Apollo
• PMC on ActiveMQ
• Author: Essential Camel Components DZone Refcard
Poll: Estimate how long to implement the following
Consume XML messages from a queue, call a SOAP
webservice if the message is an “alert” message,
store data to the file system
• Less than 1 day
• A few Days
• A few weeks
• A few months
• Cannot be done

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Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel
Integrating Microservices with Apache CamelIntegrating Microservices with Apache Camel
Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel

This document provides an overview of integrating microservices with Apache Camel and JBoss Fuse. It introduces Apache Camel as a lightweight integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns and domain-specific languages to define integration "flows" and "routes". It describes how Camel supports features like dynamic routing, REST APIs, backpressure, load balancing, and circuit breakers that are useful for building microservices. The document also introduces JBoss Fuse as a development and runtime platform for microservices that provides tooling, frameworks, management capabilities and container support using technologies like Apache Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ and Karaf.

jboss fuseapache camelmicroservices
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen
Apache Camel K - CopenhagenApache Camel K - Copenhagen
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen

2 hour session where I cover what is Apache Camel, latest news on the upcoming Camel v3, and then the main topic of the talk is the new Camel K sub-project for running integrations natively on the cloud with kubernetes. The last part of the talk is about running Camel with GraalVM / Quarkus to archive native compiled binaries that has impressive startup and footprint.

apache camelserverlesskubernetes
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containersDeveloping Java based microservices ready for the world of containers
Developing Java based microservices ready for the world of containers

The so-called experts are saying microservices and containers will change the way we build, maintain, operate, and integrate applications. This talk is intended for Java developers who wants to hear and see how you can develop Java microservices that are ready to run in containers. In this talk we will build a set of Java based Microservices that uses a mix of technologies with Apache Camel, Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm. You will see how we can build small discrete microservices with these Java technologies and build and deploy on the Kubernets container platform. We will discuss practices how to build distributed and fault tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Camel EIPs, and Netflixx Hysterix. And the self healing and fault tolerant aspects of the Kubernetes platform is also discussed and demoed when we let the chaos monkeys loose killing containers. This talk is a 50/50 mix between slides and demo. The talk was presented at JDKIO on September 13th 2016.

kubernetesdockeropen source
What is Integration?




Just use one computer.
No integration needed.


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State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)
State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)
State of integration with Apache Camel (ApacheCon 2019)

Apache Camel is the leading open source integration framework, which has been around for over a decade. In this talk we will look back in history, to understand how the integration landscape has evolved from EAI, SOA, and ESB architectures up to microservices, and now with modern serverless and cloud native platforms. Apache Camel has been along for the ride. And we will look to the future and see how the latest release v3 of Apache Camel, is aimed for running modern cloud native workloads with Camel K. In this talk you will: Learn from history software integration, and why you should rely on existing, proven fully featured integration frameworks instead of rolling out your own DIY solutions. See how software integration is (still) important in today’s modern architectures and what role does Camel have in the new cloud native world. What is new and noteworthy in Apache Camel version 3

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
Apache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source Integration
Apache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source IntegrationApache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source Integration
Apache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source Integration

The Camel project from Apache(, is a very popular, light weight, open source integration framework. This presentation shows some interesting features of Camel and the unique advantages that Camel brings to your integration projects. Some business use cases are shown to explain how Camel makes open source integration a cakewalk. Table of contents: 1. An overview of Apache Camel 2. Integration architecture explained 3. Using Camel in different integration architectures 3.a. In the Securities domain 3.b. In the Travel domain 4. High Availability and Load Balancing with Camel

enterprise integration patternsapache camelopen source
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2
Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2

2 hour session where I cover what is Apache Camel, latest news on the upcoming Camel v3, and then the main topic of the talk is the new Camel K sub-project for running integrations natively on the cloud with kubernetes. The last part of the talk is about running Camel with GraalVM / Quarkus to archive native compiled binaries that has impressive startup and footprint.

apache camelserverlessknative
Why is integration hard?
• Off the shelf? Home Grown? Acquisition?
• Platforms
• Protocols / Data Formats
• Data Formats
• Timing
• Organizational mismatch

Commercial Solutions?

Enterprise Service Bus?

Enterprise Service Bus…


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Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...
Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...
Red Hat Nordics 2020 - Apache Camel 3 the next generation of enterprise integ...

In this session, we'll focus on: Camel 3: Demos of how Camel 3, Camel K and Camel Quarkus all work together, and will provide insights into Camel’s role in the next major release of Red Hat Integration products. Camel K: This serverless integration platform provides low-code/no-code capabilities, where integrations can be snapped together quickly using the powers from integration patterns and Camel’s extensive set of connectors. Camel Quarkus: Using Knative (the fast runtime of Quarkus) and Camel K brings awesome serverless features, such as auto-scaling, scaling to zero, and event-based communication, with great integration capabilities from Apache Camel. You will also hear about the latest Camel sub-project Camel Kafka Connectors which makes it possible to use all the Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors. Finally we bring details of the roadmap for what is coming up in the Camel projects.

apache camelknativequarkus
Sun Web Server Brief
Sun Web Server BriefSun Web Server Brief
Sun Web Server Brief

Sun Web Server 7 is a high-performance, scalable web server with built-in clustering, security, and management features. It has seen widespread adoption serving sites with high traffic like The presentation discusses Sun Web Server 7's architecture, performance benchmarks, new features like regular expressions and URL rewriting, security enhancements, and its role in the Sun GlassFish application server portfolio.

Best Practices for Middleware and Integration Architecture Modernization with...
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Best Practices for Middleware and Integration Architecture Modernization with...

This document discusses best practices for middleware and integration architecture modernization using Apache Camel. It provides an overview of Apache Camel, including what it is, how it works through routes, and the different Camel projects. It then covers trends in integration architecture like microservices, cloud native, and serverless. Key aspects of Camel K and Camel Quarkus are summarized. The document concludes with a brief discussion of the Camel Kafka Connector and pointers to additional resources.

apache camelkubernetesknative
Extract the heart of ESB
• Protocol mediation
• Routing
• Transformation
• EIPs
• Start small, build up
• Open Source
• Community driven

Patterns FTW!
• Common language!!!!!
• Specific context
• Forces at work
• Concrete solution
• Guidance
• Other patterns…
• 65 patterns

What is Apache Camel?

Proud parents of Camel


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Moving Gigantic Files Into and Out of the Alfresco RepositoryMoving Gigantic Files Into and Out of the Alfresco Repository
Moving Gigantic Files Into and Out of the Alfresco Repository

This talk is a technical case study showing show Metaversant solved a problem for one of their clients, Noble Research Institute. Researchers at Noble deal with very large files which are often difficult to move into and out of the Alfresco repository.

alfrescocase studydevcon 2018
Using Apache Camel as AKKA
Using Apache Camel as AKKAUsing Apache Camel as AKKA
Using Apache Camel as AKKA

The document discusses using Apache Camel and Apache Karaf to build distributed, asynchronous systems in a similar way to AKKA. It provides examples of building a dynamic routing system using Camel routing and JMS, as well as a modular ETL system for processing CSV files using a configurable, hot-deployable mutation framework. The examples demonstrate how to achieve scalability, modularity, and asynchronous behavior without deep knowledge of the underlying technologies through an event-driven architecture based on messaging.

apache camel akka routing dynamic
Apache Camel - FUSE community day London 2010 presentation
Apache Camel - FUSE community day London 2010 presentationApache Camel - FUSE community day London 2010 presentation
Apache Camel - FUSE community day London 2010 presentation

My Apache Camel presentation from the FUSE community day event, London June 2010. A video/audio/transcript of the presentation is in the works and will later be published at the fusesource ( website.

apache camel fuse esb routing open source integrat
Apache Camel
Apache Camel is an open-source,
light-weight, integration library.

Use Camel to integrate disparate systems
that speak different protocols and data formats
Why the name Camel?
• Can carry more weight that other

• James fancied cigarettes?
• A horse designed by committee?

What is Apache Camel?
• Light-weight integration library
• Enterprise Integration Patterns
• Components
• Domain Specific Language
• Routing and Mediation (like an ESB?)
• Runs in any container (or stand alone)

Not an ESB…per-se…
• An integration library

Routing (content-based, dynamic, rules-engine…)
Mediation (xformations, protocols, wire transports…)

• Can build an ESB (real ESB.. Not just box in the
• Many options based on Camel!

Fuse ESB / JBoss Fuse
Apache ServiceMix (Karaf + Camel)
Talend, wso2, others…
Not tied to vendor lock-in and commercial licenses!

Recommended for you

Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013
Getting Started with Apache Camel - Devconf Conference - February 2013

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup a new project from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. At the end we demonstrate how to build custom components, allowing you to build custom adapters if not already provided by Camel. Before opening up for QA, we will share useful links where you can dive into learning more about Camel.

System Integration with Akka and Apache Camel
System Integration with Akka and Apache CamelSystem Integration with Akka and Apache Camel
System Integration with Akka and Apache Camel

This document summarizes the Apache Camel integration framework and how it can be used with Akka actors. Camel provides a domain-specific language and components for integration patterns and protocols. Akka actors handle asynchronous message processing and can be used as Camel consumers and producers through Akka-Camel integration. Consumer actors receive messages from Camel endpoints, while producer actors send messages to endpoints. Actor components allow actors to be used directly in Camel routes.

Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes
Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on KubernetesServerless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes
Serverless integration with Knative and Apache Camel on Kubernetes

This presentation will introduce Knative, an open source project that adds serverless capabilities on top of Kubernetes, and present Camel K, a lightweight platform that brings Apache Camel integrations in the serverless world. Camel K allows running Camel routes on top of any Kubernetes cluster, leveraging Knative serverless capabilities such as “scaling to zero”. We will demo how Camel K can connect cloud services or enterprise applications using its 250+ components and how it can intelligently route events within the Knative environment via enterprise integration patterns (EIP). Target Group: Developers, architects and other technical people - a basic understanding of Kubernetes is an advantage

apache camelknativekubernetes
Very popular

Used at top companies in finance, shipping,
retail/e-retail, health care, airline
reservations, etc






Open source

Apache Software Foundation
ASL v 2.0 Licensed
Vibrant community



Jira, mailing list, github

Lots of contributions! Check out the components!
Quick Example

Quick Example

File System


Message Oriented Middleware

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Blaine Carter Developer Advocate for Open Source for Oracle All Things Open October 26-27, 2016 Raleigh, North Carolina

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Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015
Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015
Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015

Apache Camel is an integration framework that allows you to define routing and mediation rules in a number of domain-specific languages. This presentation shows how I used Apache Camel to replace IBM Message Broker on a project. It includes information on how routes were developed using Camel’s Java API and how Camel can be integrated with Spring Boot. It also covers unit, integration and load testing (using Gatling) of these services. Finally, it touches on monitoring with hawtio and New Relic.

spring-bootenterprise integrationtesting
Microservices with Apache Camel
Microservices with Apache CamelMicroservices with Apache Camel
Microservices with Apache Camel

Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as micro services which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console. The second part of this talk is about running Camel in the cloud. We start by showing you how you can use the Maven Docker Plugin to create a docker image of your Camel application and run it using docker on a single host. Then kubernetes enters the stage and we take a look at how you can deploy your docker images on a kubernetes cloud platform, and how thenfabric8 tooling can make this much easier for the Java developers. At the end of this talk you will have learned about and seen in practice how to take a Java Camel project from scratch, turn that into a docker image, and how you can deploy those docker images in a scalable cloud platform based on Google's kubernetes.

apache camelcamelintegration
Quick Example

From A



Send to B
Quick Example




Quick Example




Quick Example

isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = ‘widget’”);
from(A) .filter(isWidget). to(B)


Recommended for you

Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks - DevNation 2014
Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks - DevNation 2014Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks - DevNation 2014
Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks - DevNation 2014

This document discusses the Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook. It contains over 100 recipes with instructions and explanations for common Camel tasks. Published in December 2013, the cookbook covers Camel version 2.12.2 and includes recipes for route design, routing messages, transactions, unit testing, monitoring, and calling Camel routes. The GitHub repository for the cookbook contains over 100 recipes organized into chapters.

apache camel devnation 2014
Polyglot Messaging with Apache ActiveMQ
Polyglot Messaging with Apache ActiveMQPolyglot Messaging with Apache ActiveMQ
Polyglot Messaging with Apache ActiveMQ

Messaging is the backbone of many top enterprises. It affords reliable, asynchronous data passing to achieve loosely coupled, highly scalable distributed systems. As enterprises large and small become more interconnected, demand for remote and limited devices to be integrated with enterprise systems is surging. Come see how the most widely used, open-source messaging broker, Apache ActiveMQ, fits nicely and how it supports polyglot messaging.

Getting started with Apache Camel presentation at BarcelonaJUG, january 2014
Getting started with Apache Camel presentation at BarcelonaJUG, january 2014Getting started with Apache Camel presentation at BarcelonaJUG, january 2014
Getting started with Apache Camel presentation at BarcelonaJUG, january 2014

This session will teach you how to get a good start with Apache Camel. We will introduce you to Apache Camel and how Camel its related to Enterprise Integration Patterns. And how you go about using these patterns in Camel routes, written in Java code or XML files. We will then discuss how you can get started developing with Camel, and how to setup new projects from scratch using Maven and Eclipse tooling. This session includes live demos that show how to build Camel applications in Java, Spring, OSGi Blueprint and alternative languages such as Scala and Groovy. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. We also take a moment to look at web console tooling that allows you to get insight into your running Apache Camel applications, which has among others visual route diagrams with tracing/debugging and profiling capabilities.

integrationeipapache camel
Using Camel

Pipes and Filters

• Step by Step – “Processors” in Camel terminology
• Complex processing – “Routes”
• Flexible
• Testing
• Reuse

Camel Routes
• Defined in Java, XML, Scala, Groovy
• Step by step processing of a message:
• Consumer – Listen for incoming message
• Zero or more “filters” or Processors
• Producer – Send outgoing message
• Number of processing filters, or “Processors” in
• EIPs
• Tranform, redirect, enrich
Domain Specific Language
• Domain specific (integration)
• Used to build and describe Camel Routes
• Embedded within a general programming language
• Java, Spring XML, Scala, Groovy
• Take advantage of existing tools
• Fluent builders (builder pattern…)



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Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2

My talk from Red Hat Summit 2015 about the pros/cons of microservices, how integration is a strong requirement for doing distributed systems designs, and how open source projects like Apache Camel, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift and Fabric8 can help simplify and manage microservice environments

microservicesapache cameldevops
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache CamelSolving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel

Talk given at Phoenix Desert Code Camp on enterprise integration, enterprise service bus, and Apache Camel

integrationenterprise architectureopensource
SAP Integration with Red Hat JBoss Technologies
SAP Integration with Red Hat JBoss TechnologiesSAP Integration with Red Hat JBoss Technologies
SAP Integration with Red Hat JBoss Technologies

SAP ERP provides different approaches to integrate Java applications with business logic written in ABAP. With JBoss Fuse, the SOA Platform, and Data Services Platform, Red Hat offers flexible middleware solutions for service-oriented integration and orchestration. As a leading provider of integrated solutions and longtime Premier Partner, akquinet has a long history of projects integrating individual applications based on JBoss with standard ERP software such as SAP or Navision. Based on various real world examples, we will show different ways to integrate SAP ABAP backends with JBoss Middleware. We will discuss the pros and cons of integrating Java EE applications using (a) the REST based approach with NetWeaver Gateway, (b) JBoss Data Services Platform with NetWeaver Gateway (c) SOAP based Web Services and (d) Remote Function Calls with the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) and the SAP Java Connector (JCo) library

Java DSL
public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {



.log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”)

Spring XML DSL
<route id=“processOrders”>
<from uri=“activemq:orders”/>
<simple>${header.customer-rating} == ‘gold’</simple>
<to uri=“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”>
<to uri=“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers” />
<log message=“received new order ${body.orderId}”/>
<to uri=“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”/>
Enterprise Integration Patterns

Message Routing










Routing Slip



• All 65 from the book!
• Prepackaged bits of code
• Highly configurable
• Maximum interoperability
• Used to build “Adapters” to existing systems
• Don’t reinvent the wheel and end up with a box


Recommended for you

Get Cooking with Apache Camel
Get Cooking with Apache CamelGet Cooking with Apache Camel
Get Cooking with Apache Camel

This document summarizes Scott Cranton's presentation on the Apache Camel integration framework. It discusses Camel concepts like connecting routes, wire taps, throttling, XSLT transformations, mock endpoints for testing, and using POJOs with Camel. The presentation promotes Cranton's Camel Cookbook, which contains over 110 recipes on common Camel tasks organized by topic. It is intended to help beginner and intermediate Camel users get productive quickly through examples and references.

camelone apache camel
EIP In Practice
EIP In PracticeEIP In Practice
EIP In Practice

This document provides an overview of enterprise integration patterns (EIPs) and how they are implemented using Apache Camel and Project Fuji frameworks. It discusses core EIP principles like asynchronous messaging for integration. It also describes various EIP implementations like content-based routing, dead letter channels, and message transformation patterns. Code examples are shown using the Java and Spring DSLs for Apache Camel and the DSL and web UI for Project Fuji.

eip integration java apache camel
Integration with Camel
Integration with CamelIntegration with Camel
Integration with Camel

This document discusses integrating legacy applications using Apache Camel. Camel provides abstractions that make it easy to integrate applications that use different protocols and technologies. It allows defining retry and transaction policies for integrations. While Camel is good for integration, very large projects may be better broken into microservices and APIs. Writing unit tests for Camel integrations can also be challenging. The document provides further reading resources on integration patterns, the Camel cookbook, and Camel components.


ActiveMQ, Websphere, Weblogic (JMS)








ATOM feeds




AWS (S3, SQS, SNS, others)








Cache (EHCache)






















Spring Integration


Google App Engine


Spring Web Services


To see list of all
• URI format:



scheme: identifies the “component”


localPart: specific to the component


options: is a list of name-value pairs

• Creates endpoints based on configuration
• Route endpoint “factories”
• Integrate with Camel Routes by creating
producer/consumer endpoints
Another Example
public class MyExampleRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.filter(simple(“${header.type} == ‘login’”)




Test Framework
• Powerful way to test your Camel routes

• Uses Mocks
• Mocks vs Stubs?

• Provides declarative testing mechanism
• Declare
• Test
• Assert


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Enterprise Integration Patterns with ActiveMQ
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Enterprise Integration Patterns with ActiveMQ

This document discusses enterprise integration patterns and deployments using Apache ActiveMQ. It provides an overview of key integration concepts like message channels, routing, types of messages, push and pull integration models, request/reply patterns, and job processing. It also covers deployment patterns such as hub and spoke and failover between data centers. Finally, it introduces Apache Camel as a powerful integration framework that supports these patterns and can be used with ActiveMQ.

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The document discusses creating a simple form module in Oracle Apps using form builder wizards. It describes using the data block wizard to create a data block and the layout wizard to design the form's presentation. It also covers creating a control block, setting data block properties, establishing master-detail relationships between blocks, and configuring block coordination and deletion behavior.

oracle apps trainingsoracle forms
Management with HawtIO

Developer Tooling Support
Fuse IDE

JBoss Fuse (aka Fuse ESB)
Integrate Everything!

More info on JBoss Fuse…


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Integrating Apache Camel with Apache Syncope
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Integrating Apache Camel with Apache Syncope

Apache Syncope is a powerful and flexible open-source Identity Management solution. Apache Camel is an integration framework that comes with a huge list of messaging components. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to plug in an integration framework like Camel into an Identity Management solution like Syncope, so that you can easily write custom routing and mediation rules for Identity provisioning? Well with Syncope 2.0.0 you can do just this with the new Apache Camel provisioning manager! In this talk, we will provide an overview of the exciting new features available in the Apache Syncope 2.0.0 release. In particular, we will focus on how it integrates with Apache Camel. We will go through some practical use-cases to illustrate how to exploit this new feature.

Developing Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus Ibsen
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus IbsenDeveloping Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus Ibsen
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel, by Claus Ibsen

Claus Ibsen's presentation during Red Hat's "Microservices Journey with Apache Camel" events that took place in Atlanta on Oct 4th and Minneapolis on Oct 6th.

red hatmicroservicesapache camel
Continuous Delivery & Integration with JBoss Fuse on Openshift
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Continuous Delivery & Integration with JBoss Fuse on Openshift

This talk presented by myself and Christian Posta present the technology developed around JBoss Fuse and opensource Fabric8 project to simplify the setup/creation of a DevOps environment supporting continuous delivery and integration strategy using Jenkins DSL Jobs, Gerrit and Gogs as Git Reviewing and Management platform like also Nexus to publish the code compiled.

devopsjbossfusecontinuous integration
Live Demo


Presentation Resources

Professional Training
Camel Development
with Red Hat JBoss Fuse (Online Training)
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ
Development and Deployment (Online Training)
Red Hat Certificate of
Expertise in Camel Development

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Atlanta JUG - Integrating Spring Batch and Spring Integration
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Atlanta JUG - Integrating Spring Batch and Spring Integration

This document provides an overview and introduction to Spring Batch, Spring Integration, and Spring XD. It discusses key concepts and features of Spring Batch for batch processing and Spring Integration for enterprise integration. It also demonstrates how Spring Batch and Spring Integration can be used together for batch integration use cases. Finally, it introduces Spring XD for unified data ingestion, analytics, and export capabilities using existing Spring projects. The presentation includes code samples and links to documentation and GitHub repositories for further information.

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Spring Web Service, Spring Integration and Spring Batch
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Spring Web Service, Spring Integration and Spring Batch

This presentation shows Spring Web Services, Spring Integration and Spring Batch applied to a typical scenario. It walks through the advantages of the technologies and their sweet spots.

springspring integrationspring batch
Apache camel
Apache camelApache camel
Apache camel

Apache Camel is swiss knife for integration architectural problems. A full implementation of EIP and Loaded with hundreds of components it is the de-facto standard in solving Integration problems.

integration architectureintegration patternsenterprise integration patterns
Dzone Refcardz

• Camel Essential Components

• Essential EIP with Apache Camel

Apache Community
• Mailing list:
• Nabble Archive:


• Source code:
• Blogs, Articles, Examples






Apache Camel Books

Apache Camel Books


Recommended for you

S2GX 2012 - Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring Batch
S2GX 2012 - Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring BatchS2GX 2012 - Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring Batch
S2GX 2012 - Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring Batch

In this session you will learn what Spring Integration and Spring Batch are all about, how they differ, their commonalities, and how you can use Spring Batch and Spring Integration together. We will provide a short overview of the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) as described in the highly influential book of the same name. Based on these patterns, we will then see how Spring Integration enables the development of Message-driven applications. This allows you to not only modularize new or existing applications but also makes it easy to integrate with external systems. This session will also introduce Spring Batch. Spring Batch addresses the needs of any batch process, be it complex calculations in large financial institutions or simple data migration tasks as they exist in many software development projects. We will cover what Spring Batch is, how Spring approaches the concepts of batch and how Spring handles scaling batch processes to be able to handle any volume of data. You will also see how Spring Integration and Spring Batch maximize the reuse of the integration support provided by the core Spring Framework. In addition to providing a robust, proven foundation, this also flattens the learning curve considerably to all developers already familiar with Spring.

s2gx 2012
Simplify integrations-final-pdf
Simplify integrations-final-pdfSimplify integrations-final-pdf
Simplify integrations-final-pdf

The document discusses Apache Camel, an open-source integration library that can be used to integrate disparate systems that use different protocols and data formats. It provides an overview of what integration is, describes how Camel works using a domain-specific language and components, and demonstrates how to define simple routes using Java or XML. The presentation concludes with information on management and tooling support for Camel.

Real world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShiftReal world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift

What are, or aren't, microservices? There's a lot of hype and buzz, but microservices emerged organically vs how some of the other distributed architectural styles were "handed down to us", so I believe there's some good things once you cut through the hype. In this talk I discussed what are and are NOT microservices, introduced some concepts, and discussed some concrete open-source libraries and frameworks that can help you develop and manage microservice style deployments.

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Simplify your integrations with Apache Camel

  • 1. Simplify Enterprise Integration With Apache Camel Christian Posta Principal Consultant and Architect 12/16/13 1
  • 2. Agenda • • • • • 2 What is Integration? What is Apache Camel Why Apache Camel? Example Questions?
  • 3. Your speaker Christian Posta Blog: Twitter: @christianposta Email: • Principal Consultant and Architect at Red Hat (FuseSource) • Based in Phoenix, AZ • Committer on Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Apollo • PMC on ActiveMQ • Author: Essential Camel Components DZone Refcard 3
  • 4. Poll: Estimate how long to implement the following usecase: Consume XML messages from a queue, call a SOAP webservice if the message is an “alert” message, store data to the file system Options: • Less than 1 day • A few Days • A few weeks • A few months • Cannot be done 4
  • 8. Just use one computer. No integration needed. 8
  • 9. Why is integration hard? • Off the shelf? Home Grown? Acquisition? • Platforms • Protocols / Data Formats • Data Formats • Timing • Organizational mismatch 9
  • 13. Extract the heart of ESB • Protocol mediation • Routing • Transformation • EIPs • Start small, build up • Open Source • Community driven 13
  • 14. Patterns FTW! • Common language!!!!! • Specific context • Forces at work • Concrete solution • Guidance • Other patterns… • 65 patterns 14
  • 15. What is Apache Camel? 15 15
  • 16. Proud parents of Camel 16
  • 17. Apache Camel Apache Camel is an open-source, light-weight, integration library. Use Camel to integrate disparate systems that speak different protocols and data formats 17
  • 18. Why the name Camel? • Can carry more weight that other beasts? • James fancied cigarettes? • A horse designed by committee? 18 Concise Application Messaging Exchange Language
  • 19. What is Apache Camel? • Light-weight integration library • Enterprise Integration Patterns • Components • Domain Specific Language • Routing and Mediation (like an ESB?) • Runs in any container (or stand alone) 19
  • 20. Not an ESB…per-se… • An integration library • • • Routing (content-based, dynamic, rules-engine…) Mediation (xformations, protocols, wire transports…) DSL • Can build an ESB (real ESB.. Not just box in the middle) • Many options based on Camel! • • • • 20 Fuse ESB / JBoss Fuse Apache ServiceMix (Karaf + Camel) Talend, wso2, others… Not tied to vendor lock-in and commercial licenses!
  • 21. Very popular • Used at top companies in finance, shipping, retail/e-retail, health care, airline reservations, etc • E*Trade: • • Sabre: 21 CERN:
  • 22. Open source • • • Apache Software Foundation ASL v 2.0 Licensed Vibrant community • • 22 Jira, mailing list, github Lots of contributions! Check out the components!
  • 28. Quick Example isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = ‘widget’”); from(A) .filter(isWidget). to(B) 28
  • 30. Pipes and Filters • Step by Step – “Processors” in Camel terminology • Complex processing – “Routes” • Flexible • Testing • Reuse 30
  • 31. Camel Routes • Defined in Java, XML, Scala, Groovy • Step by step processing of a message: • Consumer – Listen for incoming message • Zero or more “filters” or Processors • Producer – Send outgoing message • Number of processing filters, or “Processors” in Camel-speak • EIPs • Tranform, redirect, enrich 31
  • 32. Domain Specific Language • Domain specific (integration) • Used to build and describe Camel Routes • Embedded within a general programming language • Java, Spring XML, Scala, Groovy • Take advantage of existing tools • Fluent builders (builder pattern…) • 32 from(“..”).enrich(“…”).filter(“..”).to(“…”);
  • 33. Java DSL public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { } } from(“activemq:orders”) .choice() .when(header(“customer-rating”).isEqualTo(“gold”)) .to(“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”) .otherwise() .to(“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers”) .end() .log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”) .to(“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”); 33
  • 34. Spring XML DSL <route id=“processOrders”> <from uri=“activemq:orders”/> <choice> <when> <simple>${header.customer-rating} == ‘gold’</simple> <to uri=“ibmmq:topic:specialCustomer”> </when> <otherwise> <to uri=“ftp://user@host/orders/regularCustomers” /> </otherwise> </choice> <log message=“received new order ${body.orderId}”/> <to uri=“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”/> </route> 34
  • 35. Enterprise Integration Patterns • Message Routing • Transformation • Aggregation • Splitting • Resequencer • Routing Slip • Enricher • All 65 from the book! 35
  • 36. Components • Prepackaged bits of code • Highly configurable • Maximum interoperability • Used to build “Adapters” to existing systems • Don’t reinvent the wheel and end up with a box 36
  • 37. Components • ActiveMQ, Websphere, Weblogic (JMS) • GMail • AMQP • HTTP • ATOM feeds • IRC • AWS (S3, SQS, SNS, others) • jclouds • Bean • JDBC • Cache (EHCache) • Jetty • CXF (JAX-WS, JAX-RS) • Twitter • EJB • MQTT • Drools • MyBatis • File • JPA • FTP • Spring Integration • Google App Engine • Spring Web Services 37 To see list of all components!!
  • 38. Components • URI format: • scheme:localPart[?options] from(“aws-sqs://demo?defaultVisibilityTimeout=2”) • scheme: identifies the “component” • localPart: specific to the component • options: is a list of name-value pairs • Creates endpoints based on configuration • Route endpoint “factories” • Integrate with Camel Routes by creating producer/consumer endpoints 38
  • 39. Another Example public class MyExampleRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(“aws-sqs://demo?defaultVisibilityTimeout=2”) .setHeader(“type”).jsonpath(“$[‘type’]”) .filter(simple(“${header.type} == ‘login’”) } .to(“jms:quote”); } 39
  • 40. Test Framework • Powerful way to test your Camel routes • • Uses Mocks • Mocks vs Stubs? • • Provides declarative testing mechanism • Declare • Test • Assert 40
  • 43. JBoss Fuse (aka Fuse ESB) Integrate Everything! 43
  • 44. More info on JBoss Fuse… 44
  • 48. Professional Training Camel Development with Red Hat JBoss Fuse (Online Training) Red Hat JBoss A-MQ Development and Deployment (Online Training) Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Camel Development 48
  • 49. Dzone Refcardz REFCARDZ • Camel Essential Components • • Essential EIP with Apache Camel • 49
  • 50. Apache Community • • Mailing list: • Nabble Archive: f465428.html • Source code: • Blogs, Articles, Examples • • • • • • 50

Editor's Notes

  1. Main points about “who I am and what I do” I am active in the open-source community, committer/PMC I work as a consultant @ Red Hat after the FuseSource aqcuisition. FS – founded by James, Rob, Hiram, etc. FuseSource was the commercial support company behind Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, CXF, and ServiceMix. Companies don’t usually like to base their middleware stack around software that does not have a commercial backing… mailing lists are not their preferred mode of support  We have since been merged in with the Jboss middleware group, and for the most part our integration technology has not only been kept in tact and continued as it is (because it’s so awesome) but it’s even been adopted by other parts of the middleware stack. Merge this slide and next slide… Say some things about FuseSource + Red Hat here… and what I do… So I started out working for FuseSource about a year and a half ago. Fuse Source was a open-source subscription company built around the integration projects at Apache, specifically Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, ServiceMix, and CXF. Basically these projects are best-of-breed and highly adopted freely by community users and used for mission critical infrastructures when building out SOA and other distributed integrations. The thing is, big companies who invest millions of dollars into their businesses aren’t willing to accept using a mailing list and irc for production support, aka when shit hits the fan, they need to be able to rely on some strong partners who would be able to help them out. That’s were fuse source, fit into that picture. It was started by the guys that co-founded the projects, and they were able to build up an amazing set of support engineers and consultancy teams. Along the way, they hired up a lot of the committers on each of the respective projects, and put together professional documentation, on-site and virtual training, an annual conference devoted specifically to these technologies, as well as and most importantly support subscriptions for both production and dev support. We were officially welcomed into the Jboss Redhat family almost exactly a year ago and the spirit of open-source itnegration and SOA lives on under the RedHat umbrella and in complement of the existing Jboss offerings including EAP, Drools/BRMS, and jBPM, etc.
  2. Integration is about getting multiple disparate systems, pieces of software to be able to work together to achieve some business function. Kinda like putting a puzzle together, Blue pieces, red pieces, ec.. To make a beautiful collage of puzzle pieces…. Well, actually that would be too nice. A puzzle has pieces that are desinged to fit together. Disparate software systems are usually not designed specifically for integration or to work together. But never the less, business base a lot of their cash flow and profitability on integration. These systems need to be able to work together, be agile, loosly coupled, and reliable.
  3. Really, It’s like taking a heaping pile of broken glass, throwing some glue in there, and hoping to create a window. That’s what integration is…
  4. Integration would be easy if there was just ONE machine. And actually… back in the 60s/70s, that’s kinda what you had… a mainframe that did everything. Transactions, databases, virtualizations, security, etc, etc… all lived on the mainframe… problem with that is how do you scale up one box? Sure IBM will sell you whatever you have the money for, and that’s the problem. Only companies will huge reserves of capital can afford to use these machines. Even though the drawbacks of scalability and integration still exist…. But with the advent of the PC or commodity machines, distributed systems are now used to solve the scalability issue.. and these systems are supposed to work together to achieve some common business function
  5. Made up of different systems, different vintages, platforms… .NET, Java, Mainframe, Corba, EJB,Web Services, etc, etc.
  6. Hexagon! Expensive… commercial… at the time (late 90sish) no opensource options….
  7. Rectangle! Gartner… CPU, memory controller, front side bus, disk IO,.. Etc… like that right?? Not really… still a rectangle box….
  8. More organic, distributed, life of it’s own… but still coordinated…and reliable.. Controlled chaos? But camel IS NOT AN ESB… camel is not the previous picture… it’s not this picture.. It actually would live on one of these nodes let’s say… or on the client.. Or both…
  9. A few years latter, James Strachan who had already been working on solutions in the integration space, went out drinking one night and James came up with this idea to create a library that implements the patterns. And this was fairly unique to be able to “componentize” or package up a “design pattern”… you don’t see libraries of “observer” pattern or “strategy” pattern from the GoF book… but in this case the model worked out to lend itself to this… The reason being the composition model…. GoF wrote OO patterns.. OO is a much richer compisitional model…pipes and filters is VERY simple… so much more straight forwrad way of componentizing… Excluse the typos.. Gotta little wine in me….
  10. ASF: will always be around… very community driven, will never be taken over by one company, etc, etc. ASL is one of the most liberal licenses.. Yoy can use in commercial projects w/out contribuing back, or disclosing source, etc, etc.
  11. Make the use case more engaging
  12. The model it’s built on and that is exposed to the developers is the pipes and filters model…
  13. Show a quick example…