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Managing User Experience
During Cloud Migrations
Service-Oriented Monitoring
and Disruptive Change
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Natalie Tomko
Digital Marketing Manager
eG Innovations
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Today’s Presenter
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• John Worthington, Director Product Marketing
• 201.826.1374
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Disruptive Change, Customer Expectations
and Cloud Migrations
Cloud Migrations and Service-Oriented Monitoring
Service Assurance, Monitoring and Cultural Change
Conclusion All attendees will be sent a copy of the White Paper,
Best Practices for Assuring Performance in Cloud Migrations
after the webinar!
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
About eG Innovations
Worldwide Locations
Global Headquarters: Singapore
US Headquarters: New Jersey
Founded in 2001
eG Innovations is a provider of enterprise-class application and IT infrastructure performance
management software that delivers end-to-end monitoring, diagnosis, reporting and analytics
across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid IT environments.
Faster diagnosis and resolution of performance problems
Enhanced service delivery and user satisfaction
Maximum business productivity and cost savings
Accelerated IT deployments and production rollouts
Improved user experience and customer satisfaction
Transform IT Service Delivery into Business Advantage
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
What we do...
eG Enterprise takes measurements at every layer of every component of an end-to-end IT service, learns
the norms of all measurements, and through patented analytics automatically isolates which layer of
which component is the source of an anomaly.
Today we do this across any cloud deployment model and from code to bare metal.
Thorough coverage, across
every layer and every tier.
Immediate, actionable insights
across dynamic and distributed
Rapid troubleshooting and
remediation via automated
problem diagnosis
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Disruptive Change,
Customer Expectations
and Cloud Migrations
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Disruptive change
• Disruptive innovation is an
innovation that creates a new
market and value network and
eventually disrupts an existing
market and value network,
displacing established market-
leading firms, products, and
alliances 1
• These ‘strategic wake-up calls’
increase the urgency and pressure
for change
1 Wikipedia
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Cloud migration is an
element of disruptive change
• Gartner forecasts worldwide public cloud
revenue to grow 21.4 percent in 2018
• By the end of 2018, more than half of
global enterprises will rely on at least one
public cloud platform for digital
transformation, Forrester predicts.
• The 2018 State of the CIO survey results
from list cloud computing as
ranking third (28 percent), behind
enterprise applications (35 percent), and
data/business analytics (33 percent).
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Customer expectations
• Customers want successful outcomes
Moments of Truth are everywhere the
customer touches your business process, or
your business process touches the customer.
Digital disruption can radically change or
eliminate these ’touch points’.
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Utility, warranty and the digital user experience
“58% reported that monitoring IT performance from
user perspective as a strategic goal for IT
transformation” – Digital Enterprise Journal
Customer experience is the new
competitive battlefield
What the service does
How the service works
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Importance of service-oriented monitoring
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Cloud Resource Pools
Business processes are
increasingly digital and
underpinned by technology.
What the service does
How the service works
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Importance of service-oriented monitoring
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Cloud Resource Pools
“there are still a lot of enterprise workloads -- 44% by
IBM's estimate -- that will remain on dedicated servers,
said Arvind Krishna, senior vice president for hybrid
cloud at IBM and director of IBM Research. For many
businesses, it's too disruptive to refactor applications
for cloud computing.” -- TechTarget
The reality is that each segment of a
digital service can have different
applications, ecosystems and multiple
devices and providers
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Cloud Migrations and
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Cloud migration and digital transformation
Transformation Goals
• Wake-up calls
• Changes in mindsets, culture
• Greatest degree of uncertainty
Transition Objectives
• Programs / Implementation (business & human objectives met)
• Boundaries may be uncertain
• Significant stakeholder management
Developmental Plans i.e., projects:
• Projects / Installation (on-time, on-budget, technical objectives met)
• Process adaptation & improvement
Cloud Migrations and Digital Transformation
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Cloud migration and monitoring
• Cloud migration paths have many workstreams
– Governance, cost management, security, etc.
• Lack of a monitoring workstream results in:
– Ineffective baselines of existing end user experience
– Fragmented monitoring portfolios and lack of an
end-to-end view of performance
– Increased re-work, costs and cycle time
Pre-Migration Planning Migration Post-Migration
Initiate Discover Design Migrate Integrate Validate Operate Optimize
Generic Cloud Migration Path
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Managing End User Performance in Cloud Migrations
Pre-Migration Migration Post-Migration
1. Establish an end-to-end
monitoring strategy
2. Identify & understand
3. Capture current
performance baselines
4. Ensure organizational
5. Verify targets and
perform migration
6. Validate
7. Compile post-migration
performance summary
8. Feedback/agree on
9. Establish continual
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Monitoring and
Pre-Migration Planning
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Establishing a service-oriented monitoring strategy
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Private IaaS PaaS SaaS
Managed Provider
In a cloud, you release control of so many
areas that it’s important to retain
simplicity in the areas you can still
control. Whether you move your on-
premises infrastructure to the cloud or
create new solutions there, make sure
you do the availability math ... and are
prepared for the chaos.
- Cloud Native Infrastructure, O’Reilly Media
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
APM-only solutions leave visibility gaps
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Private IaaS PaaS SaaS
Managed Provider
APM-only solutions still leave performance visibility
gaps. Issues associated with the underlying
application ecosystems, whether they are on-
premises or in the cloud, are not included in any
performance correlation.
End User Experience Monitoring
Business Transaction Tracing
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Monitoring portfolio optimization
IT teams
• Investigate every infrastructure tier
• Get into a war room; engage problem
management resources
IT service manager or helpdesk staff
• Looks at centralized dashboard
• Gets performance visibility of all infrastructure tiers
• Pinpoints the problematic tier quickly
• And, informs the right personnel for
• Get end-to-end visibility from one console
• Provide insights to pinpoint the root cause of problems
• Automated discovery, monitoring, and script-based actions
for self-healing
• Provide proactive, trustworthy alerts
• Simple interface allows (non-experts) to use the tool for
problem triage
• Needed only when there is expertise required to solve a
complex problem
• Non-performance monitoring requirements
• Highly specific to technical domains and subject matter
• Point solutions
Specialized Tools Service-Oriented Monitor
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
• Seek to optimize your monitoring portfolio over time, based on
feedback and business-driven performance requirements
Perform an audit of existing tools
• Find overlapping, unused, and redundant tools
• Decommission tools contributing to shelf-ware
Build a monitoring strategy
• Use the single-pane-of glass as your go-to solution for monitoring &
• Domain experts can use their point solutions for deeper analysis
You cannot replace all your point solutions
Monitoring portfolio optimization
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Identifying and understanding workloads
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Digital User Experience
Workload 1
Workload 2 Workload 3 Workload 4
Whether an existing workload is
suitable for migration to a cloud is very
much dependent on the application
and its supporting ecosystem.
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Identifying and understanding workloads
App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4
End-to-End Digital Business Service
App Segment 1
Digital User Experience
Workload 1
Workload 2 Workload 3 Workload 4
The ability to map software to the physical and logical
runtime architecture needed to run the workload,
commonly called a topology... essential for assessing the feasibility of a workload
for migration to the cloud.
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Capture current performance baselines
Business Transaction Health
Application Health
Infrastructure Health
Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product
Digital Business Service
Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing
Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service
Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud
Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation
Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing
Digital User Experience
 User
 Business
 Application
 Infrastructure
A comprehensive baseline of current
performance will significantly reduce
migration risk.
This requires baseline information at every
level, and across all tiers of the application
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Capture current performance baselines
 User
 Business
 Application
 Infrastructure
Baselining must not be a ‘once-and-done’
Continuous monitoring and baselining is
required to maintain performance, reduce
risk and manage costs.
Using multiple toolsets is expensive and
Diagnosing performance issues in pre-production
and production environments requires significant
efforts from multiple teams and can result in delays
in the rollout and delivery of new projects.
- Cloud Standards Customer Council
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Pre-Migration Planning
1. Establish an end-to-end
monitoring strategy
2. Identify & understand
3. Capture current
performance baselines
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Monitoring During
Cloud Migration
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Ensuring organizational readiness
• Cloud migrations drive operating model change
• Total performance visibility is critical to improving
organizational transparency and trust
Process & Service Owners
Plan &
Release Operate
DevOps organizations will seek to structure around capabilities and is more
dynamic; i.e., ‘Team of Teams’
ITIL structures emphasizes cross-functional processes and services
Business Capability Teams
Owner Designer
Shared Services Teams
Deployment Staff
IT Operations
Control /
DeskService Management for the Digital Age
The most important part of the VeriSMTM approach is accepting that service management is part of
everyone’s role and an essential organizational capability.
There isn’t a VeriSMTM team, or a department locked away behind a closed door. Everyone at every level
of the organization has a role to play.
Operating Models
IaaS PaaS SaaS
Waterfall | Agile | ITSM / DevOps | Continuous Delivery
Physical Infrastructure | Virtualization | SDDC | Cloud Native
Multi-Mode Operating Models
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Importance of maintaining a service orientation
• A service orientation keeps all stakeholders aligned to value
Businesses must empower employees at all
levels of the organization to act in direct
alignment with strategy, where that
strategy enables the meeting of customer
expectations—without exception.”
– Customer Expectation Management 2013 Revised Edition
Business Transaction Health
Application Health
Infrastructure Health
Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product
Digital Business Service
Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing
Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service
Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud
Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation
Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing
Digital User Experience
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Verify targets and perform migration
Process & Service Owners
Plan &
Release Operate
DevOps organizations will seek to structure around capabilities and is more
dynamic; i.e., ‘Team of Teams’
ITIL structures emphasizes cross-functional processes and services
Business Capability Teams
Owner Designer
Shared Services Teams
Deployment Staff
IT Operations
Control /
Verification and
validation testing apply
regardless of whether
you are using waterfall
or iterative
development (i.e., agile)
App Segment 2
App Segment 4
Front-end ‘systems of innovation’
may leverage agile techniques...
...while back-end ‘systems of record’
may require traditional waterfall
Software Engineering Institute
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Verification and validation testing
End-to-End Digital Business Service
Digital User Experience
End-User Experience
Topology Discovery
& Visualization
Application Component
Deep Dive
Analytics &
Detection &
change Tracking
and Correlation
and Thresholding
Reporting & Trending
Testing requires a much
deeper view of how things
• End-User Experience Monitoring
• Deep-Dive Performance Monitoring of Application Components
• Analysis of Multi-Step Transactions
• Transaction-Based Troubleshooting
• Root Cause Analysis
• SLAs and Metrics for Business Managers
• Analytics and Reporting
• Addressing the Role of the Internet in an Application's Infrastructure
• Mobile User Issues
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Verification and validation testing in the cloud
• Auto-diagnosis of performance within and between all
components, regardless of cloud deployment model,
accelerates verification and validation testing
Consistent, layered views of performance
across all digital business services
• Both legacy and cloud deployments
• Auto-baseline services, segments and
• Auto-correlate across tiers and layers
• Personalized, role-based views and
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Overall AWS Cloud health
Monitor health,
performance/ availability and
demand/consumption of
AWS services
Consistency in performance analysis
• Is web-based (HTTP/HTTPS) access to the
cloud available?
• Does it take an unreasonably long time to
establish contact with the cloud?
• How many regions does the cloud support?
What are they?
• Is any region unavailable?
• Were any connectivity issues experienced
while attempting to connect to a region? If
so, which region is this?
• How many availability zones exist in each
region? What are they?
• Is any availability zone currently unavailable?
Cloud Model
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
AWS Region/Zone/Instance health
Consistency in performance analysis
AWS Region Model
• Is web-based (HTTP/HTTPS) access to the
region available?
• Does it take an unreasonably long time to
establish contact with the region?
• How many availability zones exist in the
monitored region? What are they?
• Is any availability zone currently unavailable?
If so, which one is it?
• Are all instances launched in the region
accessible over the network?
• Are any instances powered off currently?
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
4. Ensure organizational
5. Verify targets and
perform migration
6. Validate
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Post-Migration and
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Post-migration performance analysis
Business Transaction Health
Application Health
Infrastructure Health
Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product
Digital Business Service
Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing
Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service
Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud
Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation
Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing
Digital User Experience
 User
 Business
 Application
 Infrastructure
End User Experience Dashboards
Real User Monitoring
Business Topologies and
Transaction Tracing
Code-Level Correlation
The Devil’s
in the
Capacity Planning & Optimization
Dynamic Baselining
Migration Analysis
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Feedback loops and agreeing on findings
• Value to customer (Utility/Warranty objectives met)
• Cost/Benefit (business case objectives met)
• Organizational development (cultural change objectives met)
• Implementation (stakeholder objectives met)
• Operating model (process objectives met)
• Program (road map objectives met)
• Installation (technical objectives met)
• Training (knowledge transfer objectives met)
• Project (budget and schedule objectives met)
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
7. Compile post-migration
performance summary
8. Feedback/agree on
9. Establish continual
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Service Assurance,
Monitoring and
Cultural Change
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
The heavy lifting of cloud migrations: driving cultural change
• Service oriented monitoring can improve transparency
Converged Application/Infrastructure Health
Workload 1 Workload 2 Workload 3
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
End-to-End Digital Business Service
Business Transaction Health
Digital User Experience
Cloud Resource Pools
Segment 4
C-Level Exec
Application Owner,
IT Service Manager
Support Staff
IT Admins:
(Network, Systems, etc.)
IT Ops Lead,
IT Manager/Director
IT Architects,
IT Consultants
• High-level reports of
overall service health
• Service-level view
• User impact
• Application slowdowns
• Performance assessment
• Migration reports
• Infra right-sizing and
• Validate user experience problems in
real time
• Identify the source of problem, involve
the right experts
• Overall IT infra health
• Resource usage
• Capacity planning
• Quickly identify which tier is causing a
• Eliminate blame game
• Get deep insights for troubleshooting
“...many large IT
implementations fail because
they require a mindset and
culture change that does not
occur, i.e., the new systems
require people to share
information across strongly
held boundaries or put the
needs of the enterprise over
their own turf agendas.”
Linda Ackerman Anderson; Dean Anderson. The Change Leader's
Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization's Transformation (J-B O-
D (Organizational Development)) (Kindle Location 142). Kindle Edition.
Organizational Capability/Maturity
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Converged APM/IPM and cloud migration
1. Establish an end-to-end
monitoring strategy
2. Identify & understand
3. Capture current
performance baselines
4. Ensure organizational
5. Verify targets and
perform migration
6. Validate
7. Compile post-migration
performance summary
8. Feedback/agree on
9. Establish continual
Pre-Migration Migration Post-Migration
Continuous Monitoring as a Program of Work
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
Establishing continuous monitoring
A Single Pane of Glass View of Performance
for the entire Service Team
A transparent, single pane of glass view of end-to-
end performance can help staff develop the skills
needed for the Digital Age
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
 Monitoring can help with the heavy lifting of cloud
migrations (people), and can optimize your
monitoring portfolio over time
 You cannot manage customer expectations if you
cannot manage performance; monitoring must be
a program of work
 Service-oriented monitoring can help before,
during and after cloud migration
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
© eG Innovations, Inc. |
+1 (866) 526 6700
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Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations

  • 1. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations Service-Oriented Monitoring and Disruptive Change
  • 2. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Moderator Natalie Tomko Digital Marketing Manager eG Innovations
  • 3. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Logistics Please submit your questions at any time during the webinar using the questions panel on the GoToWebinar client. This webinar is being recorded. You will receive a link to the recording in a few days. A copy of this presentation is posted on Slideshare:
  • 4. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Today’s Presenter Copyright eG Innovations 4 • John Worthington, Director Product Marketing • • 201.826.1374
  • 5. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Agenda Introduction Disruptive Change, Customer Expectations and Cloud Migrations Cloud Migrations and Service-Oriented Monitoring Service Assurance, Monitoring and Cultural Change Conclusion All attendees will be sent a copy of the White Paper, Best Practices for Assuring Performance in Cloud Migrations after the webinar!
  • 6. © eG Innovations, Inc. | About eG Innovations Worldwide Locations Global Headquarters: Singapore US Headquarters: New Jersey Founded in 2001 eG Innovations is a provider of enterprise-class application and IT infrastructure performance management software that delivers end-to-end monitoring, diagnosis, reporting and analytics across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid IT environments. Faster diagnosis and resolution of performance problems Enhanced service delivery and user satisfaction Maximum business productivity and cost savings Accelerated IT deployments and production rollouts Improved user experience and customer satisfaction Transform IT Service Delivery into Business Advantage
  • 7. © eG Innovations, Inc. | What we do... eG Enterprise takes measurements at every layer of every component of an end-to-end IT service, learns the norms of all measurements, and through patented analytics automatically isolates which layer of which component is the source of an anomaly. Today we do this across any cloud deployment model and from code to bare metal. Thorough coverage, across every layer and every tier. Immediate, actionable insights across dynamic and distributed infrastructures Rapid troubleshooting and remediation via automated problem diagnosis
  • 8. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Disruptive Change, Customer Expectations and Cloud Migrations
  • 9. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Disruptive change • Disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market- leading firms, products, and alliances 1 • These ‘strategic wake-up calls’ increase the urgency and pressure for change 1 Wikipedia
  • 10. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Cloud migration is an element of disruptive change • Gartner forecasts worldwide public cloud revenue to grow 21.4 percent in 2018 • By the end of 2018, more than half of global enterprises will rely on at least one public cloud platform for digital transformation, Forrester predicts. • The 2018 State of the CIO survey results from list cloud computing as ranking third (28 percent), behind enterprise applications (35 percent), and data/business analytics (33 percent).
  • 11. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Customer expectations • Customers want successful outcomes SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME MOT MOT MOT Moments of Truth are everywhere the customer touches your business process, or your business process touches the customer. Digital disruption can radically change or eliminate these ’touch points’.
  • 12. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Utility, warranty and the digital user experience SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME MOT MOT MOT Value Created “58% reported that monitoring IT performance from user perspective as a strategic goal for IT transformation” – Digital Enterprise Journal Customer experience is the new competitive battlefield What the service does How the service works
  • 13. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Importance of service-oriented monitoring MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 Legacy Cloud Resource Pools APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE INNOVATION Business processes are increasingly digital and underpinned by technology. What the service does How the service works
  • 14. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Importance of service-oriented monitoring MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 Legacy Cloud Resource Pools APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME “there are still a lot of enterprise workloads -- 44% by IBM's estimate -- that will remain on dedicated servers, said Arvind Krishna, senior vice president for hybrid cloud at IBM and director of IBM Research. For many businesses, it's too disruptive to refactor applications for cloud computing.” -- TechTarget The reality is that each segment of a digital service can have different applications, ecosystems and multiple devices and providers
  • 15. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Cloud Migrations and Service-Oriented Monitoring
  • 16. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Cloud migration and digital transformation Transformation Goals • Wake-up calls • Changes in mindsets, culture • Greatest degree of uncertainty Transition Objectives • Programs / Implementation (business & human objectives met) • Boundaries may be uncertain • Significant stakeholder management Developmental Plans i.e., projects: • Projects / Installation (on-time, on-budget, technical objectives met) • Process adaptation & improvement Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis Cloud Migrations and Digital Transformation
  • 17. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Cloud migration and monitoring • Cloud migration paths have many workstreams – Governance, cost management, security, etc. • Lack of a monitoring workstream results in: – Ineffective baselines of existing end user experience – Fragmented monitoring portfolios and lack of an end-to-end view of performance – Increased re-work, costs and cycle time Pre-Migration Planning Migration Post-Migration Initiate Discover Design Migrate Integrate Validate Operate Optimize Generic Cloud Migration Path
  • 18. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Managing End User Performance in Cloud Migrations Pre-Migration Migration Post-Migration 1. Establish an end-to-end monitoring strategy 2. Identify & understand workloads 3. Capture current performance baselines 4. Ensure organizational readiness 5. Verify targets and perform migration 6. Validate performance norms 7. Compile post-migration performance summary 8. Feedback/agree on findings 9. Establish continual improvement
  • 19. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Monitoring and Pre-Migration Planning
  • 20. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Establishing a service-oriented monitoring strategy MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Private IaaS PaaS SaaS Client Managed Provider Managed In a cloud, you release control of so many areas that it’s important to retain simplicity in the areas you can still control. Whether you move your on- premises infrastructure to the cloud or create new solutions there, make sure you do the availability math ... and are prepared for the chaos. - Cloud Native Infrastructure, O’Reilly Media
  • 21. © eG Innovations, Inc. | APM-only solutions leave visibility gaps MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Network Storage Servers Virtualization OS Middleware Runtime Data Applications Private IaaS PaaS SaaS Client Managed Provider Managed APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE APM-only solutions still leave performance visibility gaps. Issues associated with the underlying application ecosystems, whether they are on- premises or in the cloud, are not included in any performance correlation. End User Experience Monitoring Business Transaction Tracing
  • 22. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Monitoring portfolio optimization IT teams • Investigate every infrastructure tier • Get into a war room; engage problem management resources IT service manager or helpdesk staff • Looks at centralized dashboard • Gets performance visibility of all infrastructure tiers • Pinpoints the problematic tier quickly • And, informs the right personnel for troubleshooting • Get end-to-end visibility from one console • Provide insights to pinpoint the root cause of problems • Automated discovery, monitoring, and script-based actions for self-healing • Provide proactive, trustworthy alerts • Simple interface allows (non-experts) to use the tool for problem triage • Needed only when there is expertise required to solve a complex problem • Non-performance monitoring requirements • Highly specific to technical domains and subject matter experts • Point solutions Specialized Tools Service-Oriented Monitor
  • 23. © eG Innovations, Inc. | • Seek to optimize your monitoring portfolio over time, based on feedback and business-driven performance requirements Perform an audit of existing tools • Find overlapping, unused, and redundant tools • Decommission tools contributing to shelf-ware Build a monitoring strategy • Use the single-pane-of glass as your go-to solution for monitoring & diagnosis • Domain experts can use their point solutions for deeper analysis You cannot replace all your point solutions Monitoring portfolio optimization
  • 24. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Identifying and understanding workloads SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 Digital User Experience APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE Workload 1 Workload 2 Workload 3 Workload 4 Whether an existing workload is suitable for migration to a cloud is very much dependent on the application and its supporting ecosystem.
  • 25. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Identifying and understanding workloads SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME MOT MOT MOT App Segment 2 App Segment 3 App Segment 4 End-to-End Digital Business Service App Segment 1 Digital User Experience APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE Workload 1 Workload 2 Workload 3 Workload 4 The ability to map software to the physical and logical runtime architecture needed to run the workload, commonly called a topology... essential for assessing the feasibility of a workload for migration to the cloud.
  • 26. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Capture current performance baselines Business Transaction Health Application Health Infrastructure Health Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product Digital Business Service Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing Digital User Experience  User experience  Business transactions  Application performance  Infrastructure performance A comprehensive baseline of current performance will significantly reduce migration risk. This requires baseline information at every level, and across all tiers of the application architecture.
  • 27. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Capture current performance baselines  User experience  Business transactions  Application performance  Infrastructure performance Baselining must not be a ‘once-and-done’ activity! Continuous monitoring and baselining is required to maintain performance, reduce risk and manage costs. Using multiple toolsets is expensive and ineffective. Diagnosing performance issues in pre-production and production environments requires significant efforts from multiple teams and can result in delays in the rollout and delivery of new projects. - Cloud Standards Customer Council
  • 28. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Pre-Migration Planning 1. Establish an end-to-end monitoring strategy 2. Identify & understand workloads 3. Capture current performance baselines
  • 29. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Monitoring During Cloud Migration
  • 30. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Ensuring organizational readiness • Cloud migrations drive operating model change • Total performance visibility is critical to improving organizational transparency and trust Process & Service Owners Managers Practitioners Service Design Service Transition Service Operation Plan & Build Release Operate ITIL© DevOps DevOps organizations will seek to structure around capabilities and is more dynamic; i.e., ‘Team of Teams’ ITIL structures emphasizes cross-functional processes and services Business Capability Teams Product Owner Designer Developers Testers Shared Services Teams Service Owner Deployment Staff Testers Engineers IT Operations Management Application Management Infrastructure Management Ops Control / Facilities Mgt Service DeskService Management for the Digital Age The most important part of the VeriSMTM approach is accepting that service management is part of everyone’s role and an essential organizational capability. There isn’t a VeriSMTM team, or a department locked away behind a closed door. Everyone at every level of the organization has a role to play. Operating Models IaaS PaaS SaaS Waterfall | Agile | ITSM / DevOps | Continuous Delivery Physical Infrastructure | Virtualization | SDDC | Cloud Native Multi-Mode Operating Models
  • 31. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Importance of maintaining a service orientation • A service orientation keeps all stakeholders aligned to value Businesses must empower employees at all levels of the organization to act in direct alignment with strategy, where that strategy enables the meeting of customer expectations—without exception.” – Customer Expectation Management 2013 Revised Edition Business Transaction Health Application Health Infrastructure Health Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product Digital Business Service Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing Digital User Experience
  • 32. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Verify targets and perform migration Process & Service Owners Managers Practitioners Service Design Service Transition Service Operation Plan & Build Release Operate ITIL© DevOps DevOps organizations will seek to structure around capabilities and is more dynamic; i.e., ‘Team of Teams’ ITIL structures emphasizes cross-functional processes and services Business Capability Teams Product Owner Designer Developers Testers Shared Services Teams Service Owner Deployment Staff Testers Engineers IT Operations Management Application Management Infrastructure Management Ops Control / Facilities Mgt Service Desk Verification and validation testing apply regardless of whether you are using waterfall or iterative development (i.e., agile) approaches. App Segment 2 App Segment 4 Front-end ‘systems of innovation’ may leverage agile techniques... ...while back-end ‘systems of record’ may require traditional waterfall development. Software Engineering Institute
  • 33. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Verification and validation testing SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER OUTCOME MOT MOT MOT End-to-End Digital Business Service Digital User Experience APPLICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE End-User Experience Monitoring User-Defined Transaction Profiling Application Topology Discovery & Visualization Application Component Deep Dive Analytics & Reporting End-to-End Infrastructure Visibility Automatic, Cross-Tier Diagnosis Preemptive Detection & Alerting Configuration change Tracking and Correlation Auto-Baselining and Thresholding Comprehensive Reporting & Trending Automatic Topology/Dependency Mapping Testing requires a much deeper view of how things work • End-User Experience Monitoring • Deep-Dive Performance Monitoring of Application Components • Analysis of Multi-Step Transactions • Transaction-Based Troubleshooting • Root Cause Analysis • SLAs and Metrics for Business Managers • Analytics and Reporting • Addressing the Role of the Internet in an Application's Infrastructure • Mobile User Issues
  • 34. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Verification and validation testing in the cloud • Auto-diagnosis of performance within and between all components, regardless of cloud deployment model, accelerates verification and validation testing Consistent, layered views of performance across all digital business services • Both legacy and cloud deployments • Auto-baseline services, segments and components • Auto-correlate across tiers and layers • Personalized, role-based views and dashboards
  • 35. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Overall AWS Cloud health Monitor health, performance/ availability and demand/consumption of AWS services Consistency in performance analysis • Is web-based (HTTP/HTTPS) access to the cloud available? • Does it take an unreasonably long time to establish contact with the cloud? • How many regions does the cloud support? What are they? • Is any region unavailable? • Were any connectivity issues experienced while attempting to connect to a region? If so, which region is this? • How many availability zones exist in each region? What are they? • Is any availability zone currently unavailable? ... Cloud Model
  • 36. © eG Innovations, Inc. | AWS Region/Zone/Instance health Consistency in performance analysis AWS Region Model • Is web-based (HTTP/HTTPS) access to the region available? • Does it take an unreasonably long time to establish contact with the region? • How many availability zones exist in the monitored region? What are they? • Is any availability zone currently unavailable? If so, which one is it? • Are all instances launched in the region accessible over the network? • Are any instances powered off currently? ...
  • 37. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Migration 4. Ensure organizational readiness 5. Verify targets and perform migration 6. Validate performance norms
  • 38. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Post-Migration and Monitoring
  • 39. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Post-migration performance analysis Business Transaction Health Application Health Infrastructure Health Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product Digital Business Service Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing Digital User Experience  User experience  Business transactions  Application performance  Infrastructure performance End User Experience Dashboards Real User Monitoring Business Topologies and Transaction Tracing Code-Level Correlation The Devil’s in the Details! Capacity Planning & Optimization Dynamic Baselining Migration Analysis
  • 40. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Feedback loops and agreeing on findings • Value to customer (Utility/Warranty objectives met) • Cost/Benefit (business case objectives met) • Organizational development (cultural change objectives met) • Implementation (stakeholder objectives met) • Operating model (process objectives met) • Program (road map objectives met) • Installation (technical objectives met) • Training (knowledge transfer objectives met) • Project (budget and schedule objectives met) Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis Pre- Migration Planning Migration Post- Migration Analysis
  • 41. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Post-Migration 7. Compile post-migration performance summary 8. Feedback/agree on findings 9. Establish continual improvement
  • 42. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Service Assurance, Monitoring and Cultural Change
  • 43. © eG Innovations, Inc. | The heavy lifting of cloud migrations: driving cultural change • Service oriented monitoring can improve transparency MOT MOT MOT Converged Application/Infrastructure Health Legacy Private/ Hybrid Public Order App Invoice App Logistics App Workload 1 Workload 2 Workload 3 Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 End-to-End Digital Business Service Business Transaction Health Digital User Experience Cloud Resource Pools Segment 4 C-Level Exec Application Owner, IT Service Manager Helpdesk, Support Staff IT Admins: (Network, Systems, etc.) IT Ops Lead, IT Manager/Director IT Architects, IT Consultants • High-level reports of overall service health • Service-level view • User impact • Application slowdowns • Performance assessment • Migration reports • Infra right-sizing and optimization • Validate user experience problems in real time • Identify the source of problem, involve the right experts • Overall IT infra health • Resource usage patterns • Capacity planning • Quickly identify which tier is causing a problem • Eliminate blame game • Get deep insights for troubleshooting “...many large IT implementations fail because they require a mindset and culture change that does not occur, i.e., the new systems require people to share information across strongly held boundaries or put the needs of the enterprise over their own turf agendas.” Linda Ackerman Anderson; Dean Anderson. The Change Leader's Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization's Transformation (J-B O- D (Organizational Development)) (Kindle Location 142). Kindle Edition. Organizational Capability/Maturity
  • 44. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Converged APM/IPM and cloud migration 1. Establish an end-to-end monitoring strategy 2. Identify & understand workloads 3. Capture current performance baselines 4. Ensure organizational readiness 5. Verify targets and perform migration 6. Validate performance norms 7. Compile post-migration performance summary 8. Feedback/agree on findings 9. Establish continual improvement Pre-Migration Migration Post-Migration Continuous Monitoring as a Program of Work
  • 45. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Establishing continuous monitoring Developers Systems Engineers A Single Pane of Glass View of Performance for the entire Service Team Observability Monitoring A transparent, single pane of glass view of end-to- end performance can help staff develop the skills needed for the Digital Age
  • 46. © eG Innovations, Inc. | Summary  Monitoring can help with the heavy lifting of cloud migrations (people), and can optimize your monitoring portfolio over time  You cannot manage customer expectations if you cannot manage performance; monitoring must be a program of work  Service-oriented monitoring can help before, during and after cloud migration
  • 47. © eG Innovations, Inc. |
  • 48. © eG Innovations, Inc. | +1 (866) 526 6700 Thank You

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome to today’s webinar, Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations....Service-Oriented Monitoring and Disruptive Change
  2. As usual we’ll give you a brief introduction to eG Innovations, and then get right into our agenda today.... ....first we’ll talk about disruptive changes ... how customer expectations are changing and how cloud migrations can present challenges to meeting these expectations.... ...then we’ll get into some of the specifics of migrating workloads to the cloud, and how monitoring...and specifically service-oriented a critical element for cloud migrations ...then we’ll talk about how you can leverage service oriented monitoring during cloud migrations to optimize your monitoring portfolio, establish performance monitoring as a program of work before, during and after cloud migrations and how you can use service oriented monitoring to drive cultural change....which is really where the “heavy lifting” of cloud migrations is... We’ll take some questions along the way and show you what a service-oriented monitor looks like with a brief demo as well
  3. eG Innovations has been a provider of enterprise class performance management solutions for over a decade.... Managing the performance of digital business services today is putting performance management front and center...and this is particularly true with respect to cloud migrations....
  4. .....what we do is take measurements at every layer of every component of an end-to-end IT service...learn the norms of all measurements....and through patented analytics automatically isolates which layer of which component is the source of an anomaly. Today we do this across any cloud deployment model and from code to bare metal.
  5. What we’re going to do today is talk about managing performance as part of a cloud migration....I want to start off by talking a little bit about disruptive change....something we’re hearing a lot about right now....
  6. ...disruptive innovation creates new business models...which eventually disrupts entire markets...the typical examples you hear include companies like Uber and Netflix....when an industry faces this kind of change this is often when management hears a ‘wake-up call’ and the pressure to do something ramps up...sometimes very quickly....
  7. ...migrating applications to the cloud is an example of disruptive computing is changing the way IT works and the way IT services are designed, built, and run... And it’s happening fast and everywhere.... ....Garter’s forecasting more than 20% growth this year...Forrester’s saying that more than half of global enterprises will use at least one public cloud platform by the end of this year, and’s recent State of the CIO Report showed that cloud was in the top 3 priorities of CIOs...right behind enterprise applications and analytics...
  8. ...but customers have always wanted successful outcomes...they don’t really care about business models and business processes...but they’ll switch to a competitor in a heartbeat if they can get a successful outcome easier, cheaper or with less risk if they can... ...<CLICK> Moments of truth are used in business process analysis, and represent anywhere the customer touches your process or your process touches the customer.... so these moments of truth ...or customer touch points begin to change....sometimes dramatically...during periods of disruption.
  9. <CLICK> Utility is what the service does—and it has to either increase the performance of a customer’s asset or eliminate a customer constraint. This is what ITIL means by ‘fit for purpose’, and it’s an important element of value. Utility is usually the major focus of design/development. <CLICK> Warranty is how the service works --- and it must assure that the service meets all its requirements. This includes availability, capacity(performance), continuity and security. .... <CLICK> but as all this disruption changes what we do and how we work, the value equation doesn’t still need utility and warranty to deliver value. Security is assumed by most customers...until a breach happens...and we’re way past availability today.... <CLICK> performance is the new down time and customer experience is the new competitive battlefield.
  10. ...The 2018 State of the CIO Report also confirmed that CIOs are still struggling more than ever with balancing innovation and operational excellence.... the one hand IT is under pressure to do things faster...and on the other hand customer expectations continue to rise... ...<CLICK> business processes are increasingly digital and underpinned by, DIGITAL business services continue to become more important to the customer experience...
  11. ....and this is one reason why service-oriented monitoring is so critical....customers don’t care about business models and clouds....they still want successful customer outcomes. <CLICK> But the reality is that each segment of a digital service can have different applications, ecosystems and multiple devices and suppliers.... <CLICK> ...and not all of these will be suitable for migration to the cloud....IBM’s estimate is that as much as 44% may not be migrated to the least not any time soon...
  12. What we’d like to explore today is how service-oriented monitoring can help you manage end user experience before, during and after a cloud migration....
  13. migrations are part of the digital transformation we keep hearing about.... ...these start with that wake-up call, which spawns organizational change programs that in turn spawn many different projects... ...linking these developmental projects with their programs and to transformational change objectives involves a constant cycle of feedback across many diverse stakeholders up and down the organization
  14. This generic path shows high-level activities in the Pre-Migration, Migration and Post-Migration phases of a cloud migration. A cloud migration will include many activities other than monitoring. So, it’s common that you’d see workstreams around cost management, security, governance and other related activities. ... because of the operational nature of monitoring and its broad technical and organizational scope it���s easy to delay it or attempt to consolidate it into other workstreams.... This perpetuates the status quo and results in ineffective baselines of performance, no end-to-end view of performance and increased re-work and cycle times... Keep in mind that the cloud is an operating model, and for many enterprises migrating to the cloud is not yet business as usual....and this is particularly true from a performance monitoring standpoint....
  15. So your cloud migration and digital transformation paths really need a stream of work dedicated to performance monitoring.... Here’s a generic outline for service-oriented monitoring as a program of work within a digital transformation that includes migrating applications to the cloud.... It starts with establishing a strategy for performance monitoring, identifying and understanding workloads and capturing performance baselines....this pre-migration work will provide inputs needed for other work streams like costing and governance.... continues with ensuring the organization is ready to support the migrated applications and then verification and validation testing to ensure that performance will be equal to or better in the cloud than it is right now.... ...and it ends with an analysis of performance, agreeing on findings and establishing improvement actions.... ...the truth is, these cycles of monitoring instrumentation are ongoing, are executed at every level of change and should encourage continual improvement... ...this approach also lends itself to other IT transformation paths such as ITSM and DevOps....but today we’ll be looking at it from a cloud migration perspective.
  16. Ok, let’s begin at the beginning....monitoring and pre-migration planning....
  17. Establishing a service-oriented monitoring strategy does not necessarily suggest you need to limit yourself to a single monitoring tool, but you do need to understand what it is you have to monitor... ...and this does NOT start with technology.... As you move workloads into the cloud, don’t assume that any performance issues cannot be the result of some lower-level component within the cloud service... You will still be accountable for the end-to-end service, so a service-oriented approach to monitoring is more critical than ever!
  18. Many customers are simply focusing on APM tools that are very specifically focused on application performance... ...and this is important--- you will definitely need the ability to monitor end user experience and trace transactions.... but many APM-only solutions leave performance visibility gaps... ...issues with the underlying ecosystems are often not included in any correlation or, while you may get a dashboard with lots of information, it will still be up to you to manually correlate this data to isolate performance issues...either within a single tool or using multiple toolsets
  19. While you’re still likely to need some specialized tools, keep in mind that from a performance monitoring perspective you need to quickly pinpoint the cause of performance issues....hopefully before users notice and early in the service lifecycle....
  20. ....but don’t attempt to optimize your monitoring portfolio all at once....use the service oriented monitoring tool as your primary tool for monitoring and diagnosing performance issues...and specialized tools if needed for deeper analysis.... ....over time, as the service-oriented monitor becomes more familiar to staff you can begin to optimize your portfolio of monitoring tools, in many cases with direct feedback from stakeholders .... so, while there will always be some overlap between monitoring tools, remember from a performance monitoring perspective what it is you need to be able to monitor... ...end-to-end digital business services!
  21. Another key activity associated with pre-migration planning is identifying and understanding workloads... ...a workload includes an application and its supporting ecosystem... Whether an existing workload is suitable for migration to a cloud is very much dependent on the application and its supporting ecosystem. For example, metrics that apply for SAP may not apply for a .NET-based web application. Performance monitoring of a database would be entirely different from a VDI application (such as Citrix).
  22. The ability to map software to the physical and logical runtime architecture needed to run the workload, commonly called a topology... essential for assessing the feasibility of a workload for migration to the cloud. ...for customers who have had difficulty achieving a services orientation, the process of mapping these topologies can be very useful in understanding IT services as well...and since the value your delivering to customers today is based on your existing services, establishing service-oriented monitoring can provide immediate benefits even before migrating applications to the cloud.... ...but you will need to understand the workloads in order to make critical decisions about design, cost, performance and other migration issues....
  23. Of course there are different approaches to capturing a baseline, from spreadsheets to specialized modeling tools....part of the challenge is the most effective baseline will combine information from every level of every tier of a particular workload.... ...but the bottom line is that the more comprehensive your baseline, the lower your risk and the higher your probability of success.
  24. ....keep in mind that baselining is not really a ‘once-and-done’ activity anyway... If you want to monitor your cloud costs, risks and performance over time you will need to monitor continuously.... addition, diagnosing performance issues in pre-production and production environments across multiple, hybrid cloud deployments can involve many different stakeholders....using multiple toolsets can result in a lot of hidden costs, delays and re-work....
  25. So, let’s take a look at a services oriented monitor from a cloud migration perspective.... Remember in the pre-migration phase we need to be able to identify and understand workloads and get an end-to-end baseline of performance.... QUESTIONS (AFTER DEMO) Can eG monitor the availability along with performance metrics of the AWS Cloud Service or any cloud service? Yes - eG can monitor the availability of the AWS Cloud Service using synthetic monitoring and performance metrics using appropriate methodology available in the cloud service. eg., API’s and CloudWatch for AWS Cloud Service. Can eG monitor other Cloud Services like Microsoft Azure, Citrix Cloud Service or AWS Virtual Workspace besides AWS Cloud Service? Yes - eG can monitor private, hybrid and public cloud including Microsoft Azure, Citrix Cloud Service, AWS Virtual Workspace, AWS Cloud and VMware vCloud Director. Does eG support agent-based or agentless monitoring for AWS cloud service? eG uses agentless monitoring approach hence, you need to install and configure eG Remote Agent software with internet connectivity for remote monitoring of the AWS cloud.
  26. Ok the next phase is the actual migration to the cloud.... Let’s talk about how services---which we said were the means of delivering the outcomes customers want to achieve– are an essential element of successful cloud migration
  27. Ok, we said that the migration to the cloud is really part of an IT transformation, since clouds drive changes to existing operating models.....this is why we hear so much about DevOps and Continual Deployment.... ...a critical element of these kind of change efforts is building trust within the organization....and visibility and transparency is essential for establishing that kind of trust... ....service management for the digital age is definitely a team effort, and requires rapid feedback both across and up & down the organization
  28. It is the concept of a service that is the ‘glue’ that can help tie these different levels of change together.... ...again, services are the means of delivering on the outcomes customers to meet customer expectations all stakeholders must stay aligned to a customer-driven strategy.... This is why your approach to monitoring should be service-oriented....silo-based monitoring portfolios are not enabling IT organizations to consistently meet customer expectations... This is why establishing a services-oriented monitoring strategy is so important...and you’ll need to carefully plan how you will introduce this into your organization
  29. As you begin to use the monitor in pre-production and production environments, verification and validation testing will be performed... this point the services targeted for migration are identified and prepared for migration...this may include operational testing of any monitoring integrations needed ...and it really doesn’t matter whether you’re using agile or waterfall development techniques....verification and validation testing still takes place...
  30. ....this is where a much deeper view of how services work is needed...we need to be able to test the performance of applications before, during and after we’ve migrated to the cloud.... this might include some preliminary testing in the cloud...testing key connection points and making sure we have visibility to what we’ll need in the new cloud-based environment.... ...this is where the visibility across not only the applications but the supporting ecosystems becomes increasingly critical... ...things like auto-baselining and thresholding as well as automatic, cross-tier diagnostics can really help reduce re-work and increase flow across the service lifecycle....
  31. ...having a consistent, layered view of performance across all tiers--- in the cloud and on premises– not only provides a more complete baseline but analytics that can go well beyond aggregating information into a dashboard.... By automatically correlating performance data end-to-end across every layer of every component we can provide all stakeholders with a consistent, easy to understand view of performance...
  32. ....for example, in AWS there are two components....a Cloud model that shows you the overall health of the this case AWS... This helps answer questions like... ...can I access the cloud? long does accessing the cloud take? ...what regions are supported? Are any unavailable? What about availability zones? <CLICK> these metrics enable you to manage the health, performance/availability and demand/consumption of AWS (or other) cloud services
  33. the monitor pinpoints performance issues, the region component provides a similar layer model where information about each region, zone and instance are provided.... Questions here might include.... the region accessible? Does it take a long time to access? many zones are in each region? Which ones are they? Are they available? instance information like whether any are powered on... were any removed? ... Are any instances taking up too much CPU? Disk i/o and so on... If the performance issue with a service is caused by a layer in one of the Regions, the embedded analytics will isolate it just like any other component
  34. So as we enter the migration phase verification and validation testing using cloud services begins in earnest...let’s take a quick look at this QUESTIONS (AFTER DEMO) Do I need AWS CloudWatch service to be enabled for monitoring AWS Cloud? Yes. AWS CloudWatch service is required for monitoring. Does eG monitor different AWS services in the Cloud? Yes. eG supports monitoring of 30+ AWS Cloud Services out of the box like CloudSearch, Simple Storage Services, CloudTrail, Workspaces, etc.,
  35. Let’s talk about post-migration monitoring now and then wrap it up for today
  36. Ok, now that everything’s been successfully migrated, we’re still not done yet.... is critical to sustaining a post migration performance analysis must be conducted... ...this will compare pre- and post-migration baseline data at every level, end-to-end, and take a look at trends as well... This is often where you get lots of feedback form stakeholders and must prioritize improvement actions
  37. ...once you’ve obtained all the feedback, a governance process established in the planning phase ensures that feedback is heard and acted upon... ...changes to the road map and strategy will happen, but they need to be communicated so everyone keeps pulling the rope in the same direction.... ...making these monitoring instrumentation cycles a program of work can help re-enforce other transformational change requirements, whether they’re driven by IT service management, devops or both
  38. Ok, let’s take one more quick look at a few other things before we finish today QUESTIONS (AFTER DEMO) Do you offer professional services? YES. We have standard installation and implementation services, and we also can tailor these to specific circumstances like cloud migrations. These can be delivered directly or through one of our Authorized partners. ... We also have some platinum administration and maintenance services...which we call SMART services...that can help accelerate training and knowledge transfer around the monitoring platform as you build up your in-house performance monitoring capabilities. What if we have something that the monitor doesn’t support out-of-the-box? First, I’d be sure and do an assessment of your end-to-end IT services and business priorities...once customers have completed this, we often find that a new component or cloud service may be needed and typically make this part of the road map....if the requirement is significant or complex, we’ll let you know and help you understand many cases the initial levels of monitoring needed early in the road map allow us to move forward as additional tests and measurements are being built and tested ... It really depends on each customer circumstances, but the easiest thing to do is first prioritize your monitoring road map and then see where we’re at. A common example we run into all the time is stabilizing a digital workspace service....either Citrix or Vmware....and establishing a path forward that gradually incorporates the applications or desktops being delivered to move towards end-to-end monitoring...this enables rapid ROI along your transformation path and gives people time to come up to speed on the new digital service environment
  39. OK, now that we’ve seen how a service-oriented monitoring solution can help with cloud migrations, remind you about the heavy lifting ...driving cultural change
  40. In most cases it’s not the technology that’s the’s people.... ...changing cultures and the way people work is not this is why I like to call this the heavy lifting of cloud migrations... ..the needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the few here...and service-oriented monitoring can help...the silo-based approach to monitoring is not as effective or efficient as adding a service oriented monitor to your portfolio of monitoring tools....
  41. We believe our unique convergence of application and infrastructure monitoring can ensure that you have total performance visibility before, during and after your cloud migration.... ....this can allow you to increase the levels of automation in your operations and manage end user experience effectively.... ...and that’s the name of the game in the digital services world.
  42. ...a transparent, single pane of glass view of end-to-end performance can help your staff develop the skills they need for the digital age and establish continuous monitoring as a key organizational capability... ...this not only lets you monitor the user experience effectively...but includes ‘softer’ benefits associated with changing people’s behavior and culture...and while these benefits happen over time, they are exactly what’s needed as you migrate to the cloud
  43. Ok, before we take some questions let’s net things out.... Service-oriented monitoring can help with the heavy lifting of cloud migrations....which may be more about people than technologies ...service oriented monitoring can help you before, during and after cloud migrations won’t be able to manage customer expectations and deliver value unless you can effectively manage performance...monitoring must be a specific program of work, not an afterthought
  44. If no other questions, we’ll wrap it up! can get a deep dive demo by simply giving us a call and letting us know what your primary concerns are...
  45. Thanks for joining us today