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How to Ensure High-Performing
Microsoft .NET Applications
An eG Innovations Webinar
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Natalie Tomko
Digital Marketing Manager
eG Innovations
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Today’s presenter
John Worthington
Director, Product Marketing
eG Innovations
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• Introduction to .NET Framework
• Full Stack .NET Monitoring
– User Experience Monitoring
– Business Transaction Monitoring
– .NET Application Monitoring
– Infrastructure Performance Monitoring
• Converged APM/IPM for .NET Environments
• Conclusion
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About eG Innovations
Worldwide Locations
Faster diagnosis and resolution
of performance problems
Enhanced service delivery and
user satisfaction
Maximum business productivity
and cost savings
Accelerated IT deployments and
production rollouts
Transform IT Service Delivery
into Business Advantage
eG Innovations is a provider of enterprise-class application and IT infrastructure
performance management software that delivers end-to-end monitoring, diagnosis,
reporting and analytics across physical, virtual, cloud, and hybrid IT environments.
Global Headquarters: Singapore
US Headquarters: New Jersey
Founded in 2001
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Why customers come to us...
• 75% of IT organizations are suffering
from degraded business applications
– IDC Research
• 70% of the time, IT organizations learn
about performance problems from
- Gartner
• 31% of performance issues take more
than a month to resolve or are never
- Forrester
Why is my
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Microsoft .NET – One of the most popular
web technologies
Most Popular Programming Languages – 2016
C# and Microsoft .NET
framework are used by
millions of people for
• Windows client
• XML Web services
• Distributed
• Client-server
• Database applications
and more…
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The Microsoft .NET architecture
Web sites, web services and web
applications built on .NET using
programming languages such as C#, VB, etc.
ASP.NET – open source server-side web
application framework for web
CLR – runtime environment that manages
the execution of .NET code and provides
services such as memory management,
debugging and profiling, and security
IIS – web server that is used to host the
ASP.NET web application. IIS has it's own
ASP.NET Process Engine to handle the
ASP.NET request.Windows Server – operating system used to host IIS
A problem in any of these layers will affect performance of .NET applications
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Why Monitoring is so important?
• Average total cost of unplanned application downtime
per year is $1.25–2.5 billion
• Average cost of a critical application failure per hour is
$500,000 to $1 million
The Most Dreaded ‘Application Downtime’
• 73% of businesses are experiencing productivity losses
due to slow application performance
‘Slow’ is the New Down
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What to monitor?
• Focus on digital user experience
– Identify web application issues before end-users are affected
– Is the web site is slow to respond, content not downloading
properly, or site is down/unreachable?
– Which users are affected and where?
• Diagnose what is causing slowdown
– Is it a front-end browser issue?
– Is the network connectivity slow? Bandwidth throttling? DNS
resolution issues?
– Is it an issue with content download (document download,
processing, page rendering)?
– Is server-side processing in the .NET application layer taking
excessive time?
User Experience
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What to monitor?
• Isolate the cause of slow server-side processing
– Trace .NET business transactions and identify why a
transaction is slow
• Application code?
• Slow database query execution?
• External calls (HTTP, WCF, Web Services, etc.) taking high
processing time?
• Drill down and get code-level visibility
– What part of the application code is taking high
processing time?
– Is any database query not written correctly, or has errors?
Frequent performance issues appear mostly in application code (43%) and databases (27%)
Business Transactions
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What to monitor?
• Identify performance issues in the .NET Framework
– .NET Application
– Worker process
• Identify performance issues in Microsoft IIS Web Server
– IIS web site
– Cache
– Application pool
– IIS Server cache
– IIS events, services, error log
.NET Application
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What to monitor?
• Detect performance bottlenecks in the infrastructure
supporting the .NET framework
– A problem in the physical server or virtual machine hosting IIS
and the database
– Operating system issues
– Hypervisor issues
– Network connectivity faults
– Active Directory errors
– Storage bottlenecks
• Correlate all aspects of application performance and the
supporting infrastructure to identify the root cause
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On-Premises Cloud
End-User Experience
.NET Business Transactions
Microsoft IIS
Windows Server OS
Server Infrastructure
Full stack .NET monitoring
Using an end-to-end application
performance monitoring (APM)
solution with correlated visibility
across the entire .NET stack
 User experience
 Business transactions
 .NET application
 Infrastructure performance
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Full Stack Monitoring for
Microsoft .NET Environments
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Monitor user experience for .NET applications
– Real user monitoring (RUM):
• Agentless, passive monitoring
• Identify which user, location, transaction is slow, and why
• Diagnose if application slowdown is due to the client, browser,
network, server, or content download
– Synthetic transaction monitoring:
• Using simulated user transactions, proactively test and detect
issues, establish benchmarks, compare pre- and post-deployment
• Monitor digital user experience as
users interact with the front end
of .NET applications:
User Experience
© eG Innovations, Inc |
What RUM does...
Visibility into user experience; prove that you met SLA targets;
understand impact of changes
Early Problem Detection - Resolve issues before they surface and
Fault Domain Isolation & Troubleshooting - Reduce Mean Time-To-
Resolve. Insight into third-party providers accountable in real-time and
with SLAs.
Improved Communication with the Business – Interactive Visualization
and Dashboards. KPIs. Quantitative mapping of results.
Service Improvement - Locate Areas of Chronic Poor Performance and
improve. Understand usage patterns and trends.
© eG Innovations, Inc |
RUM limitations...
• RUM indicates server-side processing is slow
• But DOES NOT explain why
User Experience
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.NET business transaction monitoring
• Picks up where RUM stops, and provides visibility of
business transactions across the server-side tiers of
the .NET application
• Trace transactions using a tag-and-follow method
across different .NET CLRs all the way to a database and
• Identify transactions that are slow, stalled, and having
• Get response time split by each .NET tier for distributed
web applications, and understand which tier in the
server-side architecture is causing slowness
Business Transactions
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How .NET transaction tracing works
(Hosted on IIS)
User Accessing
Website or Web
The injected code observes and
reports the execution time for each
step of the transaction flow across
the application architecture
The injected code adds GUID to
each unique transaction to tag,
follow and trace the transaction
throughout its path
Multi-Tiered CLRs
(Hosted on IIS)
(Hosted on IIS)
(Hosted on IIS)
The eG .NET Profiler uses byte code
injection in the CLR during runtime
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Simple deployment
• .NET transaction monitoring using eG Enterprise is
simple to deploy and non-intrusive
• It does not require any special database access
privileges, application topology configuration, or
code changes to trace transactions
Business Transactions
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Monitoring the .NET framework and CLR
• Monitor the .NET framework as a layer within the IIS
.NET Application
.NET application
Cache, compilation, request processing, errors, sessions,
SQL connections, state server connections, and more
Worker Process
Application (running/restarts), requests (current/queued,
rejected), request wait time, request execution time,
worker process (running/restarts)
CLR exceptions, garbage collections, heap memory usage,
classes loaded, load failures, appdomains, threads
(logical/physical/recognized), current queue length, stack
walk depth, link time checks and runtime checks
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Monitoring Microsoft IIS web server
• Use purpose-built monitoring model for Microsoft IIS and
get out-of-the-box performance metrics about:
.NET Application
.NET application Connection, requests, errors
Worker Process
Availability, TCP connection time, server response time,
data transfer time, content validity
IIS web cache File cache hits, misses, URIs cached, memory
Application pool
Pool status, CPU, memory, page faults, read and write
IOPS, running threads, worker process failures
Types of HTTP
errors encountered
Application offline, busy app pool process, bad request,
connection reset by client, connection dropped/refused/
abandoned, internal errors, URL processing errors, etc.
© eG Innovations, Inc |
What transaction tracing does...
• Identifies and diagnoses server-side
processing slowness in websites and web
– Defects in business logic
– Poorly written database queries
– Slow third-party or external service calls
Transaction has been executed within the slow threshold of 4 secs
Transaction execution has exceeded the slow threshold of 4 secs
Transaction execution has exceeded the stalled threshold of 60 secs
There were exceptions found while processing the Java code. View the stack trace to identify
where it has happened in the code.
Note: All out-of-the-box transaction response time thresholds can be modified to meet custom criteria.
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Infrastructure issues also affect application
– Database root blockers, index fragmentation, bad design
– Network connectivity and bandwidth issues
– Storage hotspots in SAN arrays
– Virtualization issues such as under-allocated VMs,
memory ballooning, co-stop,
– Server hardware faults
– Corrupt services in the OS, runaway processes hogging
CPU and slowing down the application
• Bottlenecks in the underlying IT infrastructure have direct
impact on application performance:
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Only infrastructure monitoring helps
diagnose the root-cause
– If the backend
database is slow due
to insufficient
memory, all queries
will report slowness
– Only direct visibility of the
database health, availability,
performance and configuration
will help isolate the root cause
and troubleshoot the problem
• Business transaction monitoring tells you if there is a
slow query that is affecting application performance
• But DOES NOT reveal the root cause
IT teams need unified visibility of application
performance in context of infrastructure health
to determine the root cause
App Infra
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Understand application dependencies with
the underlying infrastructure
A database bottleneck is
affecting SharePoint
application performance
eG Enterprise identifies the root
blocker query in the SQL Server
database (which is the root
cause of SharePoint slowdown)
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Out-of-the-box recommendations for
infrastructure performance tuning
• Improve the performance of .NET web applications by optimizing
underlying physical and virtual infrastructure
– Know when your servers will run out of capacity
– Plan intelligently for capacity expansion
• Built-in and customizable reports provide actionable insights to
right-size your infrastructure
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Other capabilities
Performance-Oriented Configuration Tracking
Knowledge Sharing Self-Healing Correlation
Role-Based Dashboards and Reports
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Simple data collection
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Easy integrations and extensions
180+ applications | 10+ operating systems | 10+ virtualization platforms | 20+ storage devices
eG Admin/Developer
Monitor Users
or SaaS
eG Universal Monitor
Measurement results
New tests, thresholds
Configure tests,
measurements and
Metric Aggregation,
eG Enterprise for Unified Monitoring & Observability of
.NET Environments
Cloud Tool Chains Chat ITSM / Ticketing
Auto Deployment | Orchestration | Integration | Data Export
Tests and Measurements Library | Observability | Self-Healing Correlation
Configure tests,
measurements and
Environment(s) | Public | Private | Hybrid
Multi-tenancy & Personalized Views
Dev Test Stage Prod
Unified Monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Flexible deployment options
Business Requirement On-Premise License eG On-Tap (SaaS) Option
Real User Monitoring
• Requires one license for each
website monitored
• Unlimited users
• 1, 2, 3 year terms
• Unlimited users
Business Transaction
• Requires one license for each
Windows OS instance on which
.NET websites/web
applications (IIS servers) are
• 1, 2, 3 year terms
• Unlimited users
Full Stack .NET Application
and Infrastructure
• Flexible data collection options
• Requires one license for every
agent/data collector per target
• Embedded analytics across
end-to-end digital business
• 1, 2, 3 year terms
• Unlimited users
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Full Stack .NET monitoring
On-Premises Cloud
End-User Experience
.NET Business Transactions
Microsoft IIS
Windows Server OS
Server Infrastructure
 User
 Business
 .NET
 Infrastructure
Business Transaction Health
Application Health
Infrastructure Health
Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product
Digital Business Service
Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing
Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service
Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud
Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation
Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing
Digital User Experience
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Key benefits
 Get correlated visibility of user experience, application
performance and infrastructure health
 Reduce downtime and increase application and service availability
 Proactive problem detection enables quicker debugging and code
 Faster MTTR leads to increased business productivity
 Optimized infrastructure delivers enhanced application
performance and user experience
 Unified solution for service owners, applications managers, IT
Ops, DevOps, developers and support team
© eG Innovations, Inc |
© eG Innovations, Inc |
Thank You! +1 (866) 526 6700

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How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications

  • 1. © eG Innovations, Inc | How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications An eG Innovations Webinar
  • 2. © eG Innovations, Inc | Moderator Natalie Tomko Digital Marketing Manager eG Innovations
  • 3. © eG Innovations, Inc | Logistics  Please submit your questions at any time during the webinar using the questions panel on the GoToWebinar client.  This webinar is being recorded. You will receive a link to the recording in a few days.  A copy of this presentation is posted on Slideshare:
  • 4. © eG Innovations, Inc | Today’s presenter John Worthington Director, Product Marketing eG Innovations
  • 5. © eG Innovations, Inc | Agenda • Introduction to .NET Framework • Full Stack .NET Monitoring – User Experience Monitoring – Business Transaction Monitoring – .NET Application Monitoring – Infrastructure Performance Monitoring • Converged APM/IPM for .NET Environments • Conclusion
  • 6. © eG Innovations, Inc | About eG Innovations Worldwide Locations Faster diagnosis and resolution of performance problems Enhanced service delivery and user satisfaction Maximum business productivity and cost savings Accelerated IT deployments and production rollouts Transform IT Service Delivery into Business Advantage eG Innovations is a provider of enterprise-class application and IT infrastructure performance management software that delivers end-to-end monitoring, diagnosis, reporting and analytics across physical, virtual, cloud, and hybrid IT environments. Global Headquarters: Singapore US Headquarters: New Jersey Founded in 2001
  • 7. © eG Innovations, Inc | Why customers come to us... • 75% of IT organizations are suffering from degraded business applications – IDC Research • 70% of the time, IT organizations learn about performance problems from end-users - Gartner • 31% of performance issues take more than a month to resolve or are never resolved - Forrester Why is my application slow?!!!
  • 8. © eG Innovations, Inc | Microsoft .NET – One of the most popular web technologies Most Popular Programming Languages – 2016 C# and Microsoft .NET framework are used by millions of people for developing: • Windows client applications • XML Web services • Distributed components • Client-server applications • Database applications and more…
  • 9. © eG Innovations, Inc | The Microsoft .NET architecture Web sites, web services and web applications built on .NET using programming languages such as C#, VB, etc. ASP.NET – open source server-side web application framework for web development CLR – runtime environment that manages the execution of .NET code and provides services such as memory management, debugging and profiling, and security IIS – web server that is used to host the ASP.NET web application. IIS has it's own ASP.NET Process Engine to handle the ASP.NET request.Windows Server – operating system used to host IIS A problem in any of these layers will affect performance of .NET applications
  • 10. © eG Innovations, Inc | Why Monitoring is so important? • Average total cost of unplanned application downtime per year is $1.25–2.5 billion • Average cost of a critical application failure per hour is $500,000 to $1 million The Most Dreaded ‘Application Downtime’ • 73% of businesses are experiencing productivity losses due to slow application performance ‘Slow’ is the New Down
  • 11. © eG Innovations, Inc | What to monitor? • Focus on digital user experience – Identify web application issues before end-users are affected – Is the web site is slow to respond, content not downloading properly, or site is down/unreachable? – Which users are affected and where? • Diagnose what is causing slowdown – Is it a front-end browser issue? – Is the network connectivity slow? Bandwidth throttling? DNS resolution issues? – Is it an issue with content download (document download, processing, page rendering)? – Is server-side processing in the .NET application layer taking excessive time? User Experience
  • 12. © eG Innovations, Inc | What to monitor? • Isolate the cause of slow server-side processing – Trace .NET business transactions and identify why a transaction is slow • Application code? • Slow database query execution? • External calls (HTTP, WCF, Web Services, etc.) taking high processing time? • Drill down and get code-level visibility – What part of the application code is taking high processing time? – Is any database query not written correctly, or has errors? Frequent performance issues appear mostly in application code (43%) and databases (27%) Business Transactions
  • 13. © eG Innovations, Inc | What to monitor? • Identify performance issues in the .NET Framework – .NET Application – Worker process – CLR • Identify performance issues in Microsoft IIS Web Server – IIS web site – Cache – Application pool – IIS Server cache – IIS events, services, error log .NET Application
  • 14. © eG Innovations, Inc | What to monitor? • Detect performance bottlenecks in the infrastructure supporting the .NET framework – A problem in the physical server or virtual machine hosting IIS and the database – Operating system issues – Hypervisor issues – Network connectivity faults – Active Directory errors – Storage bottlenecks • Correlate all aspects of application performance and the supporting infrastructure to identify the root cause Infrastructure
  • 15. © eG Innovations, Inc | On-Premises Cloud End-User Experience .NET Business Transactions ASP.NET CLR Microsoft IIS Windows Server OS Server Infrastructure .NETApplicationStack Full stack .NET monitoring Using an end-to-end application performance monitoring (APM) solution with correlated visibility across the entire .NET stack  User experience  Business transactions  .NET application  Infrastructure performance
  • 16. © eG Innovations, Inc | Full Stack Monitoring for Microsoft .NET Environments
  • 17. © eG Innovations, Inc | Monitor user experience for .NET applications – Real user monitoring (RUM): • Agentless, passive monitoring • Identify which user, location, transaction is slow, and why • Diagnose if application slowdown is due to the client, browser, network, server, or content download – Synthetic transaction monitoring: • Using simulated user transactions, proactively test and detect issues, establish benchmarks, compare pre- and post-deployment performance • Monitor digital user experience as users interact with the front end of .NET applications: User Experience
  • 18. © eG Innovations, Inc | What RUM does... Visibility into user experience; prove that you met SLA targets; understand impact of changes Early Problem Detection - Resolve issues before they surface and escalate. Fault Domain Isolation & Troubleshooting - Reduce Mean Time-To- Resolve. Insight into third-party providers accountable in real-time and with SLAs. Improved Communication with the Business – Interactive Visualization and Dashboards. KPIs. Quantitative mapping of results. Service Improvement - Locate Areas of Chronic Poor Performance and improve. Understand usage patterns and trends.
  • 19. © eG Innovations, Inc | RUM limitations... • RUM indicates server-side processing is slow • But DOES NOT explain why User Experience
  • 20. © eG Innovations, Inc | .NET business transaction monitoring • Picks up where RUM stops, and provides visibility of business transactions across the server-side tiers of the .NET application • Trace transactions using a tag-and-follow method across different .NET CLRs all the way to a database and back • Identify transactions that are slow, stalled, and having errors • Get response time split by each .NET tier for distributed web applications, and understand which tier in the server-side architecture is causing slowness Business Transactions
  • 21. © eG Innovations, Inc | How .NET transaction tracing works Website (Hosted on IIS) Database Database Load Balancer N e t w o r k User Accessing Website or Web Application The injected code observes and reports the execution time for each step of the transaction flow across the application architecture The injected code adds GUID to each unique transaction to tag, follow and trace the transaction throughout its path Multi-Tiered CLRs CLR CLR CLRCLR Website (Hosted on IIS) Website (Hosted on IIS) Website (Hosted on IIS) The eG .NET Profiler uses byte code injection in the CLR during runtime
  • 22. © eG Innovations, Inc | Simple deployment • .NET transaction monitoring using eG Enterprise is simple to deploy and non-intrusive • It does not require any special database access privileges, application topology configuration, or code changes to trace transactions Business Transactions
  • 23. © eG Innovations, Inc | Monitoring the .NET framework and CLR • Monitor the .NET framework as a layer within the IIS component .NET Application .NET application Cache, compilation, request processing, errors, sessions, SQL connections, state server connections, and more Worker Process Application (running/restarts), requests (current/queued, rejected), request wait time, request execution time, worker process (running/restarts) .NET CLR CLR exceptions, garbage collections, heap memory usage, classes loaded, load failures, appdomains, threads (logical/physical/recognized), current queue length, stack walk depth, link time checks and runtime checks
  • 24. © eG Innovations, Inc | Monitoring Microsoft IIS web server • Use purpose-built monitoring model for Microsoft IIS and get out-of-the-box performance metrics about: .NET Application .NET application Connection, requests, errors Worker Process Availability, TCP connection time, server response time, data transfer time, content validity IIS web cache File cache hits, misses, URIs cached, memory Application pool Pool status, CPU, memory, page faults, read and write IOPS, running threads, worker process failures Types of HTTP errors encountered Application offline, busy app pool process, bad request, connection reset by client, connection dropped/refused/ abandoned, internal errors, URL processing errors, etc.
  • 25. © eG Innovations, Inc | What transaction tracing does... • Identifies and diagnoses server-side processing slowness in websites and web applications – Defects in business logic – Poorly written database queries – Slow third-party or external service calls Transaction has been executed within the slow threshold of 4 secs Transaction execution has exceeded the slow threshold of 4 secs Transaction execution has exceeded the stalled threshold of 60 secs There were exceptions found while processing the Java code. View the stack trace to identify where it has happened in the code. Note: All out-of-the-box transaction response time thresholds can be modified to meet custom criteria.
  • 26. © eG Innovations, Inc | Infrastructure issues also affect application performance – Database root blockers, index fragmentation, bad design – Network connectivity and bandwidth issues – Storage hotspots in SAN arrays – Virtualization issues such as under-allocated VMs, memory ballooning, co-stop, – Server hardware faults – Corrupt services in the OS, runaway processes hogging CPU and slowing down the application Infrastructure • Bottlenecks in the underlying IT infrastructure have direct impact on application performance:
  • 27. © eG Innovations, Inc | Only infrastructure monitoring helps diagnose the root-cause Infrastructure – If the backend database is slow due to insufficient memory, all queries will report slowness – Only direct visibility of the database health, availability, performance and configuration will help isolate the root cause and troubleshoot the problem • Business transaction monitoring tells you if there is a slow query that is affecting application performance • But DOES NOT reveal the root cause IT teams need unified visibility of application performance in context of infrastructure health to determine the root cause App Infra
  • 28. © eG Innovations, Inc | Understand application dependencies with the underlying infrastructure Infrastructure A database bottleneck is affecting SharePoint application performance eG Enterprise identifies the root blocker query in the SQL Server database (which is the root cause of SharePoint slowdown)
  • 29. © eG Innovations, Inc | Out-of-the-box recommendations for infrastructure performance tuning • Improve the performance of .NET web applications by optimizing underlying physical and virtual infrastructure – Know when your servers will run out of capacity – Plan intelligently for capacity expansion • Built-in and customizable reports provide actionable insights to right-size your infrastructure Infrastructure
  • 30. © eG Innovations, Inc | Other capabilities Performance-Oriented Configuration Tracking Knowledge Sharing Self-Healing Correlation Role-Based Dashboards and Reports
  • 31. © eG Innovations, Inc | Simple data collection
  • 32. © eG Innovations, Inc | Easy integrations and extensions 180+ applications | 10+ operating systems | 10+ virtualization platforms | 20+ storage devices eG Admin/Developer Business/IT Monitor Users HTTP/S On-Premise or SaaS eG Universal Monitor (Agent/Agentless) Measurement results New tests, thresholds Configure tests, measurements and integrations API, CLI Scalability eG SuperManager Metric Aggregation, Consolidation eG Enterprise for Unified Monitoring & Observability of .NET Environments Cloud Tool Chains Chat ITSM / Ticketing . API, CLI Auto Deployment | Orchestration | Integration | Data Export Tests and Measurements Library | Observability | Self-Healing Correlation Configure tests, measurements and integrations Environment(s) | Public | Private | Hybrid Multi-tenancy & Personalized Views Dev Test Stage Prod Unified Monitoring
  • 33. © eG Innovations, Inc | Flexible deployment options Business Requirement On-Premise License eG On-Tap (SaaS) Option Real User Monitoring • Requires one license for each website monitored • Unlimited users • 1, 2, 3 year terms • Unlimited users Business Transaction Monitoring • Requires one license for each Windows OS instance on which .NET websites/web applications (IIS servers) are monitored • 1, 2, 3 year terms • Unlimited users Full Stack .NET Application and Infrastructure Monitoring • Flexible data collection options • Requires one license for every agent/data collector per target server • Embedded analytics across end-to-end digital business services • 1, 2, 3 year terms • Unlimited users
  • 34. © eG Innovations, Inc | Full Stack .NET monitoring On-Premises Cloud End-User Experience .NET Business Transactions ASP.NET CLR Microsoft IIS Windows Server OS Server Infrastructure .NETApplicationStack  User experience  Business transactions  .NET application  Infrastructure performance Business Transaction Health Application Health Infrastructure Health Create Order Create Invoice Ship Product Digital Business Service Real User Monitoring | Synthetic Monitoring | Business Transaction Tracing Order Service Invoice Service Logistics Service Legacy Data Ctr Private Cloud Public Cloud Topology Discovery | Code-Level Correlation Pre-Emptive Alerting | Automated Diagnostics | Capacity Planning | Right Sizing Digital User Experience
  • 35. © eG Innovations, Inc | Key benefits  Get correlated visibility of user experience, application performance and infrastructure health  Reduce downtime and increase application and service availability  Proactive problem detection enables quicker debugging and code optimization  Faster MTTR leads to increased business productivity  Optimized infrastructure delivers enhanced application performance and user experience  Unified solution for service owners, applications managers, IT Ops, DevOps, developers and support team
  • 36. © eG Innovations, Inc | Questions?
  • 37. © eG Innovations, Inc | Thank You! +1 (866) 526 6700

Editor's Notes

  1. My name’s Natalie Tomko and I’ll be your moderator today...
  2.’s a few logistics before we begin...
  3. Our speaker today is John Worthington, Director of Product Marketing for eG at this point I’ll hand the ball off to him...welcome John...
  4. Thanks Natalie and welcome’s our agenda. We’ll do a quick introduction to eG Innovations and an overview of the .NET framework to set the stage, and then we’ll get into a discussion of the why, what and how of full stack .NET monitoring...we’ll also give you a quick demonstration and take a few questions along the way.... ...and then I’ll summarize how converged application and infrastructure performance monitoring can help improve your ability to monitor .NET environments ... Then we’ll answer any final questions and wrap it up for today.
  5. eG Innovations has been providing performance monitoring solutions for over a decade...our patented data flow and dependency-based analytics are at the heart of the product, and automate the diagnosis of performance issues at any layer of any tier of a digital business service– from code to bare metal and across any deployment model, public private or hybrid.
  6. ...and this is why people come to us.... ........... So, let’s dive into how .NET fits into this picture.
  7. Microsoft .NET is one of the most popular web technologies....millions of people use it to develop Windows client applications, web services, distributed components, client-server applications and database applications...
  8. So, let’s quickly break down the Microsoft .NET architecture.... ...web sites, services and applications use .NET languages ...using ASP.NET framework to build the application and services. The common language runtime environment manages the execution of .NET code, including things like memory management and debugging... ...and the IIS is a web server that’s used to host the ASP.NET applications. <CLICK> the bottom line is that an issue in any one of these layers can effect the performance of a .NET application or service
  9. ...and this is pretty important, since slow is the new down and end user experience has become the new basis of competitive advantage...
  10. Monitoring the user experience is the guidepost for performance monitoring for this reason...IT must remain focused on the digital user experience... ...and diagnose what is causing a slowdown, hopefully before it’s noticeable to the user... ...remember, the user will not know or care whether it’s due to the front-end, network, download or server....that’s NOT their’s YOURS... So user experience is key.
  11. An important part of the digital user experience are those digital business transactions.... This is where transaction tracing comes into play.... ....we need to be able to quickly drill down and get visibility into the application code and/or a database query, identify the cause and get it fixed monitoring business transactions is important as well
  12. ...of course performance issues can be in other parts of the .NET stack.... ....they could also arise in the .NET framework or in the web server..., of course we need to monitor the .NET application too
  13. ...and finally, the .NET framework and web servers are supported by infrastructure...and issues here can also create performance problems... So we can’t ignore this layer either...
  14. Full stack .NET monitoring needs to correlate end to end at every layer of the .NET stack and include... User experience, business transactions, .NET application and infrastructure performance layers....
  15. Let’s take a look at each of these layers in a little more detail...
  16. OK, at the top we have user experience....we can monitor this based on real users or we can perform synthetic user monitoring... A best practice is to use a combination of both of these approaches... ...let’s take a quick look at what real user monitoring looks like.... DEMO 1
  17. So, there’s a lot that real user monitoring can do for you.. ...the visibility into the user experience can help you detect problems early and improve mean-time-to-resolve performance issues...the visualization and dashboards can help improve communication with business users and the alignment of technology performance KPIs with business critical-to-quality indicators.... ...the net result is that monitoring the end user experience can be a trigger for improving the quality of your digital business services....
  18. ...but while we can see that RUM will show us that server-side processing is slow, <CLICK> it won’t tell us why....and effective application performance management is all about getting to actionable information, right?
  19. ...the next layer we said was the business transaction layer... ...this picks up where real user monitoring stops .... Transaction tracing provides visibility across the server-side tiers of the .NET application. We trace transactions using a tag-and-follow approach all the way to the database and back, and it allows us to identify slow or stalled transactions ...or transactions that are having errors... ..we can also get the response time along each tier of a distributed .NET transaction so we know where the slowness is originating from....
  20. Here’s how we do transaction tracing.... ...we use byte code injection....<CLICK> the injected code reports the execution time for each step of a transaction across the application architecture......<CLICK> and adds a globally unique identifier....this tag-and-trace approach allows us to follow the transaction across the entire path... We can trace through multi-tiered IIS servers and CLRs, support horizontal and vertical scaling...and we can also trace across hybrid .NET and Java architectures
  21. I should also mention that this is easy to deploy and doesn’t require and special access or configuration....or any changes to your application code in order to trace transactions
  22. By monitoring the .NET framework as a layer within an IIS web server component, including the .NET applications, worker processes and the .NET CLR... can determine whether, cache, sessions, requests, wait times, garbage collection, heap memory....and so on...could be the source of a performance problem....
  23. ... Monitoring the IIS web server includes... ...requests, TCP connection time, cache hits or misses, CPU, bad requests....any of these could effect the performance of a .NET application or service ...let’s take a look at this... DEMO 2
  24. So if poor performance is caused by defects in the application code, a poorly designed query or slowness in remote calls... ...transaction tracing will identify the cause... Let’s pause and take a few questions.... How do I know if there is a problem in the ASP.NET framework or in the underlying IIS server infrastructure? The layer model we saw in the demonstration helps you easily distinguish between performance issues at different layers of the .NET stack.... Remember the pre-built monitoring model for IIS --- and the embedded analytics provided by eG Enterprise --- provides deep visibility into CLR exceptions, garbage collections, heap memory usage, worker process and application pool issues, IIS web cache, HTTP errors, and more. We have Java servers communicating to some .NET custom applications. Can eG Enterprise understand the dependencies between our Java and .NET architectures and trace transactions through both? Yes, we support tracing distributed business transactions through cross-platform .NET and Java applications. You instrument eG Enterprise in JVMs the same way you do it in .NET CLRs, and you can trace the entire transaction .... hop by hop across the Java and .NET server-side tiers... What machine learning and AIOps technologies does eG Enterprise support? We’ve used machine learning to automatically baseline any environment and pinpoint performance deviations for more than a decade now. The embedded analytics include a patented dependency-based performance correlation technology to discover dependencies between applications and infrastructure, automatically isolating the root cause of performance problems. What’s also nice is that the analytics are reflected in the built-in reports for capacity planning, forecasting and infrastructure right-sizing and in the dashboards, which provide what I like to call situational awareness... Every stakeholder has a real time, personalized view of what’s happening from a performance standpoint. Ok, let’s continue the webinar and take more questions before we wrap it up today...
  25. ...but infrastructure issues also affect application performance, so in these cases transaction tracing will only point the finger there.... ...your IIS server and everything it supports could depend on physical and logical components....operating systems, hypervisors and other systems like active directory or storage.... order to manage the performance of .NET based services, you need total performance visibility and the ability to automatically correlate all aspects of application performance...
  26. in order to be confident that you’ve identified the root-cause of a performance issue, you will need to monitor the infrastructure as well as the application.... ...if a backend is slow due to a lack of memory, then all queries are going to be slow.... <CLICK>transaction tracing may tell you that a query is causing slowness but it does not reveal the root-cause....<CLICK> you will need unified visibility of application performance in the context of infrastructure health --- in real time --- to isolate to an actionable root-cause....
  27. I added this just to save us some time...if we had a database bottleneck in an SQL server, <CLICK> ...we could drill down directly to the root-cause, which in this case is a blocker query in the SQL server database... ...the point is, whatever stakeholder you are in the organization--- from a .NET developer to a server admin to a service owner--- you can get personalized dashboards, reports and alarm windows that are situationally aware of what’s happening in real time... ...and automatically diagnose where action needs to be taken and why.
  28. Our embedded domain knowledge is useful in other ways besides automated diagnosis too....since we collect measurements at every layer of every component and automatically baseline every measurement, we provide a number of out-of-the-box and customizable reports that allow various stakeholders to optimize performance over time... ...this includes how trends associated with digital business services impact the physical and virtual it’s very useful for getting end-to-end service baselines that can provide actionable insights to help you right-size the supporting ecosystems....
  29. Other capabilities of eG Enterprise are also made available to the .NET environment as well, including built-in knowledge sharing, performance-oriented configuration tracking, the ability to create self-healing correlation and autonomous operation.... ...and of course personalized dashboards and reports.
  30. ...the Universal Agent enables simple data collection that provides flexibility in design...agent-based or agentless, active or passive....all with a single data collector that can be auto-deployed easily...
  31. ...eG Enterprise also provides both a <CLICK> command line and API interface for integration with tool chains, chat or ITSM tools.... ...and the ability <CLICK> for Admins and Developers to add additional tests and measurements or configure monitoring for custom applications... ...which lets the <CLICK> .NET environment be seamlessly integrated into a unified monitoring environment.
  32. ....everything we’ve discussed today can be deployed on your premises or using eG On-Tap, which is our cloud or SaaS-based option... ...this allows rapid return on investment, easy installation and the ability to exploit additional capabilities over time and fully leverage your monitoring investment as you build in-house capabilities around the platform
  33. So, this is what we mean when we say “full-stack” .NET monitoring.... ...monitoring every layer...user experience, business transactions, .NET applications and infrastructure performance...and automatically isolating the specific layer of the specific component is the cause of the problem
  34. ...the benefits to IT and the business are clear... Total performance visibility of the user experience and automatic diagnosis ... ...this results in reduced downtime, leads to proactive management and rapid mean time to restore...and can help optimize the service infrastructure.... ...and of course having a unified view of performance for every service team member can accelerate IT transformation as well.
  35. Let’s see what other questions we have.... SEED QUESTIONS What is your differentiator compared to other .NET monitoring tools in the market? Well, the key difference between eG Enterprise and most other solutions is that we’re not just a .NET code monitoring tool...the ability to provide visibility of both .NET and non-.NET components...and automatically isolate performance issues from end user experience, to code, to infrastructure is pretty unique...and it can come at a fraction of the cost of many other APM tools such as AppDynamics and Dynatrace... Does eG Enterprise support monitoring cloud environments? Yes, eG Enterprise offers native support to monitor applications and infrastructures on public, private and hybrid cloud environments... ...for example there are out-of-the-box monitoring metrics and dashboard for AWS and Microsoft Azure platforms. Can you monitor APIs and 3rd party calls? YES...usually this is demonstrated when a customer’s interested in seeing our APM capabilities....and the embedded analytics will automatically isolate to an issue with an API or 3rd party call just like we do with other service components....measurements associated with APIs and 3rd party calls are also auto-baselined like all measurements we collect.... Can we get a free trial? can request a free trial right from our web site....I would say that in order to get a full view of the monitor’s capability that it would be to your advantage to identify a service....even if it’s SharePoint or something like that...the
  36. Just a reminder everyone will get a copy of the slides and a link to the recorded webinar from today’s session