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Total Performance Visibility
…Migrating to the Cloud….
Is Application Performance Monitoring
still required?
eG Innovations delivers pre-emptive, automated, and
integrated performance assurance solutions for business
critical IT environments – virtual, cloud, and physical. eG helps
customers quickly diagnose and resolve performance
bottlenecks, and right-size their infrastructure to deliver on the
promise of exceptional performance, user productivity, and
Singapore (HQ), Hong Kong, South Korea, Melbourne,
New York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas,
Austin, London, The Hague, Bonn, Brazil, Chennai
Customers Over 1,000 customers worldwide
About eG Innovations
Total Performance Visibility
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Customer Successes

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While business leaders might drive enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives, responsibility for managing connected devices and equipment, building infrastructure capacity, and securing data and applications usually falls on IT. Choosing the right IoT ecosystem architecture and technology enables you to minimize cost while ensuring security and dynamic, analytics-driven action. While some vendors advocate a one-size-fits-all approach, Dell uses a holistic, objective methodology to determine the right IoT ecosystem for your unique environment. Learn how Dell's IoT-specific gateways, edge analytics software and infrastructure solutions provide flexible architecture options for multiple IoT use cases.

dell iotiotinternet of things
Webinar: DataStax and Microsoft Azure: Empowering the Right-Now Enterprise wi...
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This document discusses the partnership between DataStax and Microsoft Azure to empower enterprises with real-time applications in the cloud. It outlines how hybrid cloud is a strategic imperative, and how the DataStax Enterprise platform combined with Azure provides a hybrid cloud data platform for always-on applications. Examples are given of Microsoft Office 365, Komatsu, and IHS Markit using this solution to power use cases and gain benefits like increased performance, scalability, and cost savings.

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Cloudera Data Impact Awards 2021 - Finalists
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Cloudera Data Impact Awards 2021 - Finalists

The document outlines the 2021 finalists for the annual Data Impact Awards program, which recognizes organizations using Cloudera's platform and the impactful applications they have developed. It provides details on the challenges, solutions, and outcomes for each finalist project in the categories of Data Lifecycle Connection, Cloud Innovation, Data for Enterprise AI, Security & Governance Leadership, Industry Transformation, People First, and Data for Good. There are multiple finalists highlighted in each category demonstrating innovative uses of data and analytics.

clouderacloud computingdata science
Cloud APM / Cloud Performance Monitoring
How to avoid common mistakes in Application Performance Monitor
during cloud migration
Top Requirements of Cloud Monitoring Tools
Live Demo
Cloud Performance Monitoring?
Track the performance of applications
delivered from the cloud.
Cloud Migration Race
Cloud only On-premises
and Cloud
Happy with cloud provider’s monitoring
Unhappy with cloud provider’s
monitoring tools
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Happiness Quotient
Happy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools
Unhappy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools
Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
Cloud Performance Monitoring?
• User experience monitoring
• Detailed application and
infrastructure monitoring
• Analyze key performance
indicators for all the services used
by a cloud application
• Resource utilization monitoring is
not enough
Cloud Performance Monitoring?
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Exec. Mgmt more concerned about app
performance issues
Proactive Monitoring of UX has become more
Auditing & Securing apps
Troubleshooting problems remotely became
Had to support more users and new apps at short
Handle more complaints from app users than in the
Asked to provide usage reports of different apps
None of the above
Top changes in organizations relating to APM
• Root cause analysis
for cloud application
• Take actions on
resolved issues
• Have enough tools?
• Is the native
monitoring enough?
Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021

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3 Things to Learn About:
 -How the Customer Insights Solution helped - How customer insights can improve customer loyalty, reduce customer churn, and increase upsell opportunities - Which real-world use cases are ideal for using big data analytics on customer data

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Channel Partners: Lead with Dell Software Solutions
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This document provides an overview of Dell's software solutions for endpoint management, data protection, Windows management, and security. It highlights key challenges customers face in these areas and how Dell solutions address them. For each solution area, the document outlines Dell's portfolio of products, key benefits, and opportunities for partners to sell and profit from these solutions through various margin and promotion programs. The overall aim is to help partners build compelling practices around Dell's software offerings.

Become an data driven organization through unified metadata using ODPi Egeria
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Data Con LA 2020 Description Learn how ODPi Egeria uses its distributed virtual graph to connect metadata about an enterprise's data and IT services from many different tools and then apply governance across this landscape. In this talk we will describe the principles behind the distributed virtual graph and how different technologies can connect in. We will also cover how the JanusGraph technology can be used to fill in the gaps between the tools to ensure the metadata is linked together. Speaker Mandy Chessell, IBM, ODPi TSC Chairperson and ODPi Egeria project chairperson. IBM Distinguished Engineer

data con ladata con la 2020dcla
Expectation Vs Reality
Increased agility
high availability
OPEX purchases
Outsourced managed
It is easier to manage
the apps
Provider tools will help
them greatly
Cloud migration does not remove
the need for performance monitoring
• Detection and diagnosis of issues in
the application code, SQL queries is
still your responsibility
• Changes to the underlying cloud
infrastructure can also affect
application performance
• Know whether the cloud infrastructure
configured is insufficient for the
Cloud migration does not remove
the need for performance monitoring
Fact: Even after moving
to the cloud, performance
monitoring is required
• to ensure the optimal
functioning of the
• to assist with diagnosis
when problems occur.
logs traces metrics
configuration Workload
Third party
Auto scaling does not guarantee the
application performance
• A malfunction of an application may make it appear as if it is
under pressure.
• Are you happy in incurring high cost due to an issue in the

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Modern apps and services are leveraging data to change the way we engage with users in a more personalized way. Skyla Loomis talks big data, analytics, NoSQL, SQL and how IBM Cloud is open for data. Learn more by visiting our Bluemix Hybrid page:

by IBM
Hybrid Cloud Essential for Success
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Hybrid Cloud Essential for Success

Even as enterprise IT shops are deploying private clouds to increase agility and reduce costs, they are also increasing the number of workloads being run in public clouds in order to meet the dynamic needs of the business. This means that the role of “cloud broker” is now part of the CIO’s strategic posture as a partner with the business.

storage for business critical applicationsnetapp cloudhybrid cloud
Auto scaling does not guarantee the
application performance
• 48% of respondents to a recent
survey reported that they were
using containers in the cloud.
• The growing adoption of cloud and
container technologies is
introducing new blind spots that
APM tools need to handle.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Cloud, Virtual Servers
On-premises, Virtual Servers
On-premises, Physical Servers
Cloud, Containers
PaaS with auto-scaling
On-premises, Containers
Top platforms used to host applications
Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
Fact: Performance monitoring is
required to keep tabs of how auto
scaling is working and to alert IT
operations teams if excessive scale-
outs are happening or if a scale-out
is triggered by a problem with an
The cloud can go down.
HA can be challenged
• Cloud migration will protect you
from normal hardware failures and
other unexpected outages within an
availability zone
• Managed service (Amazon RDS or
Azure Database) will reduce the
burden on your team
• The cloud service provider is not
responsible for any faults in your
application logic
• Like any other large organization,
cloud providers also experience
downtime and regional disasters
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Database Query Slowness
High CPU Usage Issues
Application Memory Leaks
Traffic Spikes
Improper Configuration/Sizing of Application
Front-end Slowness
Deadlocks & Synchronization issues
Database Connection leaks
Issues with Application Code Logic
Third-party Service Slowness
Top reasons for application code problems
Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
The cloud can go down.
HA can be challenged
Fact: Just deploying your applications in the cloud does not
guarantee high availability.
You need to incorporate additional mechanisms to ensure
high availability. Depending on the criticality of the
application, your SLAs, and your cost budget, you can
choose the appropriate HA configuration to ensure high
Corrective Actions
Total Performance Visibility
Poll Time

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This document discusses considerations for building an enterprise data lake. It begins by introducing the presenters and stating that the session will not focus on SQL. It then discusses how the traditional "crab" model of data delivery does not scale and how organizations have shifted to industrialized data publishing. The rest of the document discusses important aspects of data lake architecture, including how different types of data like sensor data require new approaches. It emphasizes that the data lake requires a distributed service architecture rather than a monolithic structure. It also stresses that the data lake consists of three core subsystems for acquisition, management, and access, and that these depend on underlying platform services.

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Bapak Frannata Suryanto's Presentation Material for An Easy Way to Adopt Hybrid Cloud Seminar on May 23rd 2017.

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The vortex of change continues all around us – inside the company, with our customers and partners. A new norm is upon us. Business models are being turned upside down – the hunters now the hunted, global equalization – size is no longer a guarantee of success. The innovative survive and thrive…the nervous and slow go under...what does all this change means for you? Find out how does Intel’s strengths help our customers in this world of change.

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Cloud-native monitoring tool
is not the single medicine for all diseases
Top concerns with cloud provider's monitoring service
Doesn’t Monitor On-prem apps
Gaps in capabilities
Only provides basic functionality and is insufficient
Are specific to only one cloud provider; doesn’t monitor across public clouds
Is expensive
• In a recent survey of IT professionals by eG
Innovations and DevOps Institute, 71% of
respondents indicated that the built-in cloud
monitoring tools were not sufficient for their
• Built-in cloud monitoring tools require
elaborate set-up and are time-consuming to
operate. They also lack all the capabilities
of a complete application and infrastructure
monitoring tool.
A best on-prem monitoring tool
is not a best cloud monitoring tool
• To some extent, this approach works.
• Complexity arises when you are using cloud-
native technologies
• Monitoring tools need to be cloud-aware
• Deployment & configuration models are different
• Security is a key consideration.
• Monitoring of utilization levels and billing.
• Capacity monitoring considerations are different
Auto Deploy
Auto Manage
Auto Configure
Auto Baseline
Auto Correlate
Auto Remedies
A best on-prem monitoring tool
is not a best cloud monitoring tool
Fact: It may not be possible to directly reuse your on-
premises monitoring tool in a cloud environment. Look for
monitoring tools that have capabilities that are well
integrated with cloud environments.
Avoiding common mistakes!
• Cloud migration does not remove the need for performance
• Auto scaling does not guarantee the application performance
• The cloud can go down. HA can be challenged
• Cloud-native monitoring tool is not the single medicine for all
• A best on-prem monitoring tool is not a best cloud monitoring tool
• Monitoring cloud application performance is complex

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Did you know that 22% of data center outages are caused by human error? Or that 10% are caused by weather incidents? The impact of an unexpected outage for just a few hours or even days could be catastrophic to your business. How would you like to minimize or even eliminate these business interruptions, and more? Join us to discover: • Useful and simple measures to use that can help you keep the lights on • How to quickly recover when the worst-case scenario occurs • How to achieve zero downtime and high availability

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The document discusses how cloud computing can provide new tools for innovation in quality assurance and testing. It provides an overview of cloud computing topologies and implications of testing in the cloud. Key benefits of cloud computing include flexible pricing models, elastic scaling, rapid provisioning, and increased efficiency. While some workloads are well-suited for cloud delivery, others may not be ready due to security, regulatory compliance, or customization needs. Case studies demonstrate significant cost savings and returns on investment from cloud adoption.

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Although AI/ML has made rapid progress over the past decade, it has not yet overcome technological limitations. With the unique features of quantum computing, obstacles to achieve AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) can be eliminated. Quantum computing can be used for the rapid training of machine learning models and to create optimized algorithms. This is what we call Master Systems Integration (MSI). An optimized and stable AI provided by quantum computing can complete years of analysis in a short time and lead to advances in technology. Neuromorphic cognitive models, adaptive machine learning, or reasoning under uncertainty are some fundamental challenges of today’s AI. Quantum AI (Q-AI) is one of the most likely solutions for next-generation AI and is where our teams of SMEs excel

artificial intelligencemachine learningquantum
Top Requirements of
Cloud Monitoring Tools
1. Multi-cloud support
2. Support for hybrid cloud deployments
3. Monitor all the cloud services your organization uses
4. Provide detailed insights into the usage of cloud services by your organization
5. Monitor the digital user experience for different workloads
6. Provide clear demarcation of problems
7. Support cloud technologies like auto-scaling and dynamic microservices with auto-deployment,
auto-discovery and auto-configuration capabilities
8. Ensure data security, compliance, and governance
9. Provide a predictable billing model for monitoring
10. Monitor cloud billing costs and provide cost optimization analysis
Total Performance Visibility
Live Demonstration
eG Enterprise Suite
Unified Cloud Application Performance Monitor
+65 9009 0833
Thank You
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Migrating to the Cloud – Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?

  • 1. Total Performance Visibility …Migrating to the Cloud…. Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?
  • 2. eG Innovations delivers pre-emptive, automated, and integrated performance assurance solutions for business critical IT environments – virtual, cloud, and physical. eG helps customers quickly diagnose and resolve performance bottlenecks, and right-size their infrastructure to deliver on the promise of exceptional performance, user productivity, and ROI. Worldwide Locations Singapore (HQ), Hong Kong, South Korea, Melbourne, New York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Austin, London, The Hague, Bonn, Brazil, Chennai Customers Over 1,000 customers worldwide Recognitions About eG Innovations Total Performance Visibility
  • 5. Agenda Cloud APM / Cloud Performance Monitoring How to avoid common mistakes in Application Performance Monitor during cloud migration Top Requirements of Cloud Monitoring Tools Live Demo Q&A
  • 6. Cloud Performance Monitoring? Track the performance of applications delivered from the cloud. 12 21 67 Cloud Migration Race On-premises only Cloud only On-premises and Cloud 29 71 Happy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools Unhappy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Happiness Quotient Happy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools Unhappy with cloud provider’s monitoring tools Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
  • 7. Cloud Performance Monitoring? • User experience monitoring • Detailed application and infrastructure monitoring • Analyze key performance indicators for all the services used by a cloud application • Resource utilization monitoring is not enough
  • 8. Cloud Performance Monitoring? 40 38 38 33 27 25 22 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Exec. Mgmt more concerned about app performance issues Proactive Monitoring of UX has become more important Auditing & Securing apps Troubleshooting problems remotely became tougher Had to support more users and new apps at short notice Handle more complaints from app users than in the past Asked to provide usage reports of different apps None of the above Top changes in organizations relating to APM • Root cause analysis for cloud application • Take actions on resolved issues • Have enough tools? • Is the native monitoring enough? Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
  • 9. Expectation Vs Reality Technical Increased agility Scaling high availability Commercial OPEX purchases Outsourced managed services Myths It is easier to manage the apps Provider tools will help them greatly
  • 10. Cloud migration does not remove the need for performance monitoring • Detection and diagnosis of issues in the application code, SQL queries is still your responsibility • Changes to the underlying cloud infrastructure can also affect application performance • Know whether the cloud infrastructure configured is insufficient for the workload
  • 11. Cloud migration does not remove the need for performance monitoring Fact: Even after moving to the cloud, performance monitoring is required • to ensure the optimal functioning of the application • to assist with diagnosis when problems occur. logs traces metrics configuration Workload Security attacks Third party services
  • 12. Auto scaling does not guarantee the application performance • A malfunction of an application may make it appear as if it is under pressure. • Are you happy in incurring high cost due to an issue in the application?
  • 13. Auto scaling does not guarantee the application performance • 48% of respondents to a recent survey reported that they were using containers in the cloud. • The growing adoption of cloud and container technologies is introducing new blind spots that APM tools need to handle. 64 62 49 48 40 32 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Cloud, Virtual Servers On-premises, Virtual Servers On-premises, Physical Servers Cloud, Containers PaaS with auto-scaling On-premises, Containers Others Top platforms used to host applications Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021 Fact: Performance monitoring is required to keep tabs of how auto scaling is working and to alert IT operations teams if excessive scale- outs are happening or if a scale-out is triggered by a problem with an application.
  • 14. The cloud can go down. HA can be challenged • Cloud migration will protect you from normal hardware failures and other unexpected outages within an availability zone • Managed service (Amazon RDS or Azure Database) will reduce the burden on your team • The cloud service provider is not responsible for any faults in your application logic • Like any other large organization, cloud providers also experience downtime and regional disasters 48 46 42 37 34 28 27 26 24 23 22 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Database Query Slowness High CPU Usage Issues Application Memory Leaks Exceptions/Errors Traffic Spikes Improper Configuration/Sizing of Application Front-end Slowness Deadlocks & Synchronization issues Database Connection leaks Issues with Application Code Logic Third-party Service Slowness Top reasons for application code problems Source: eG Innovations and DevOps Institute APM Survey 2021
  • 15. The cloud can go down. HA can be challenged Fact: Just deploying your applications in the cloud does not guarantee high availability. You need to incorporate additional mechanisms to ensure high availability. Depending on the criticality of the application, your SLAs, and your cost budget, you can choose the appropriate HA configuration to ensure high availability. Corrective Actions
  • 17. Cloud-native monitoring tool is not the single medicine for all diseases 38 32 27 25 24 Top concerns with cloud provider's monitoring service Doesn’t Monitor On-prem apps Gaps in capabilities Only provides basic functionality and is insufficient Are specific to only one cloud provider; doesn’t monitor across public clouds Is expensive Fact: • In a recent survey of IT professionals by eG Innovations and DevOps Institute, 71% of respondents indicated that the built-in cloud monitoring tools were not sufficient for their needs. • Built-in cloud monitoring tools require elaborate set-up and are time-consuming to operate. They also lack all the capabilities of a complete application and infrastructure monitoring tool.
  • 18. A best on-prem monitoring tool is not a best cloud monitoring tool • To some extent, this approach works. • Complexity arises when you are using cloud- native technologies • Monitoring tools need to be cloud-aware • Deployment & configuration models are different • Security is a key consideration. • Monitoring of utilization levels and billing. • Capacity monitoring considerations are different Auto Deploy Auto Manage Auto Configure Auto Baseline Auto Correlate Auto Remedies
  • 19. A best on-prem monitoring tool is not a best cloud monitoring tool Fact: It may not be possible to directly reuse your on- premises monitoring tool in a cloud environment. Look for monitoring tools that have capabilities that are well integrated with cloud environments.
  • 20. Avoiding common mistakes! • Cloud migration does not remove the need for performance monitoring • Auto scaling does not guarantee the application performance • The cloud can go down. HA can be challenged • Cloud-native monitoring tool is not the single medicine for all diseases • A best on-prem monitoring tool is not a best cloud monitoring tool • Monitoring cloud application performance is complex
  • 21. Top Requirements of Cloud Monitoring Tools 1. Multi-cloud support 2. Support for hybrid cloud deployments 3. Monitor all the cloud services your organization uses 4. Provide detailed insights into the usage of cloud services by your organization 5. Monitor the digital user experience for different workloads 6. Provide clear demarcation of problems 7. Support cloud technologies like auto-scaling and dynamic microservices with auto-deployment, auto-discovery and auto-configuration capabilities 8. Ensure data security, compliance, and governance 9. Provide a predictable billing model for monitoring 10. Monitor cloud billing costs and provide cost optimization analysis
  • 22. Total Performance Visibility Live Demonstration eG Enterprise Suite Unified Cloud Application Performance Monitor
  • 23. +65 9009 0833 singapore-sales Thank You Signup for free trial:

Editor's Notes

  1. RICK
  2. For our webinar today, we shall discuss about Cloud APM, the ways to avoid the common mistakes about APM during your cloud journey. When you look into a cloud monitoring solution, what you may need to look at.
  3. Cloud adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. IDC estimates that global end-user spending on cloud services will exceed $1.3 trillion within the next five years. The organizations increasingly rely on cloud services to operate their business. So it is important to monitor and manage the performance of applications deployed on the cloud. This is where cloud performance monitoring comes in. Cloud performance monitoring or cloud APM is the process of tracking the performance of applications delivered from the cloud. We use different offering from cloud providers like Infrastructure as a service or platform or software as a service. We tailor all together to offer our business services to our customer. Does the application perform well, as we expect? We need to track its performance to answer ourselves. <CLICK> Our recent survey with DevOps institute says that 67% of the users were using hybrid infrastructure. 21% of them were moved to cloud completely. This migration does not happen in a day. Different trials and testing were involved behind this migration. <CLICK> Surprisingly 71% of them were unhappy with the native performance capability of cloud providers. <why people are not happy? Does not monitor onprem/have gaps in functionality/only provides basic functionality/multi-cloud support not available/expensive?> Let’s talk about some interesting perceptions later. So this is where cloud APM becomes prevalent.
  4. <click> User experience metrics are important for cloud performance monitoring as they provide an indication of how well an application is performing. At the same time, detailed application and infrastructure metrics are required if performance slowdowns are detected and additional diagnosis is necessary for troubleshooting. There are hundreds of cloud services offered by service providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and others. Cloud performance monitoring must collect and analyze key performance indicators for all the services used by an application – e.g., if an EC2 instance is used to host an application, is the CPU credit balance of the instance sufficient? Or, could the application be slowing down because of insufficient CPU credit balance? Infrastructure metrics in a cloud environment usually focus on usage. At the same time, they should also include indicators that highlight whether the resources allocated are under-provisioned.
  5. <CLICK> Cloud migration provides you different challenges. 25% of the respondents said that they need to handle more complaints from app users than in the past. 38% of them says, monitoring the user experience is very important. 40% of them realized that executive management is concerned about application performance problems. <CLICK> The monitored metrics are to be analyzed and correlated with each other. Then only you can determine the root cause of a problem. You may have nginx to load balance the requests. The application may be running in number of containers, which then connect to the database in paas. How quickly the operations team arrive at root cause is a key for successful cloud migration. <CLICK> Cloud performance monitoring also includes the ability to take actions to resolve issues and get the applications operating well. Learn from the lessons! <CLICK> But do you have analytics screen do achieve this? <CLICK> Does the native monitoring metrics enough? You may need to validate; do they give silo views or end to end view? How many of you realized that you take data from cloud - native monitoring tools and correlate them manually? In this case, a unified cloud APM will reduce your burden.
  6. <Click> Cloud migration happens for different reasons technically and commercially. Engineers migrate hoping that they can get increased agility. Their scalability will improve. And they can get high availability easily. Commercially management feels comfortable in paying OPEX. As the services are outsourced, they think there are less things to manage. Some of them think that it is easier to manage the apps. They do not need the tools and expertise of on-prem to manage the apps on the cloud. Yes, you are solving some of your problems here. You may believe the cloud provider’s native tools will help them for all problems. Is it real? Does it help to identify all blackspots? May not be.
  7. <Click> You do not have visibility to entire infrastructure when you move to cloud. We know that. Underlying infrastructure is hidden. Shared among different clients. We are happy as they provide SLAs. <CLICK> SLA is for the cloud service availability. Not for your applications. Because identifying the problems in your applications is your responsibility. Right? The buggy application code, slow SQL queries, SAML authentication, payment gateway problems… you have good probability of problems occurrences. <CLICK> Changes to the underlying cloud infrastructure will influence the application’s performance <CLICK> Your cloud application may serve more load than it is initially designed for. So you should know when cloud resources are insufficient.
  8. <CLICK> If you think you can get rid of the tools when you move to cloud, you may need to plan in a better way because… The environment is dynamically changing. <CLICK> Your logs, trace files, KPIs, configuration changes etc are dynamically scaling in and out. You need to open your eyes wider. <CLICK> So even after you move to cloud, you need a unified cloud APM to have a better control among your applications. It will help you to be proactive in finding out the problems. When the problem happens, the tool should help you in a better way to find out the root cause.
  9. Many of us use auto-scaling. That is a great selling point for public cloud providers. <CLICK> You may spawn additional instances of your web/app/database servers when the load goes high. Interestingly we have observed it is not the user load that forces you to multiply always. Application bottlenecks gives a false alarm to cloud platform, as if the application is loaded. For example, the application may be consuming too much of CPU because it is running unnecessary threads. It may be leaking memory. So It may be taking high amount of RAM. If the auto-scaling spawn new instances because of this kind of problems, are ready to pay a high subscription cost every month?
  10. 48% of respondents to our APM survey reported that they are using containers in the cloud. The same ratio is 32% for on-prem. So, containers are growing. Container technology is introducing new blind spots that APM tools need to handle. Your user may be complaining about slowness. You may not know which nginx container, which SpringBoot application or Azure App services, which RDS supported his transaction. Then how will you identify the root cause of the slowness? Having cloud native resources monitoring or disjoined user experience and application monitoring provided by your cloud providers for additional cost may lead you to manual correlation. <Click> So Auto-scaling does not guarantee the application performance always. A Cloud APM is required to know of how auto scaling is working and to alert IT staff if excessive scale-outs are happening or if a scale-out is triggered by a problem with in an application.
  11. Cloud migration will protect you from normal hardware failures and other unexpected outages within an availability zone. You don’t need to maintain load balancers, firewalls and servers in your data center. Managed service (Amazon RDS or Azure Database) will reduce the burden on your team. At the same time you need to realize that the cloud service provider is not responsible for any faults in your application logic. Like any other large organization, cloud providers also experience downtime and regional disasters.
  12. <Enter> Just deploying your applications in the cloud does not guarantee high availability. A cloud APM may help you to achieve High availability because …… <have visibility when application crashes due to application problems> <that tracks the outage in your cloud region or availability zone> <it give you better visibility and proactiveness. It helps you to diagnose your application quickly> <helps to manage your SLA> <risk of downtime is lower> You need to incorporate additional mechanisms to ensure high availability. Depending on the criticality of the application, your SLAs, and your cost budget, you can choose the appropriate HA configuration to ensure high availability. Cloud native tools may not help much during this scenario. You may need to have a DR environment, where multi-cloud technology can help you. <Enter> You may have scripts to redirect your users to your DR site. Such scripts can be invoked by your cloud APM as a corrective action or self-healing.
  13. Fact: In our survey, 71% of respondents indicated that the built-in cloud monitoring tools were not sufficient for their needs. It is natural. <relate with customers, give example>Some of them are using multi-cloud. Some of them have on-prem workload as well. Unfortunately, they can view only one sight with their two eyes! I mean, there are so many consoles to track. Each cloud provider gives their own monitoring console. On-prem has different console. Finally correlation becomes manual! Built-in cloud monitoring tools require elaborate set-up and are time-consuming to operate. We are not talking about resource utilization metrics like CPU or Memory consumption. When it comes to application monitoring, the scope becomes complex. Those tools also lack all the capabilities of a complete application and infrastructure monitoring tool.
  14. Some of us try to replicate our on-prem success story to cloud. <CLICK> To some extent this works. You can monitor the EC2 VMs, databases etc. <CLICK> But the problem comes when you start using more and more cloud native technologies like RDS, beanstack, app services etc. <CLICK> Your monitoring tools should be cloud-aware. <CLICK> They should support auto-deployment of monitoring agents, auto-discovering your cloud subscriptions, auto-managing them. It should apply machine learning techniques to do the auto baselining and auto correlation. When the problem happens, it should do the self-healing. <CLICK> When you move to cloud, the monitoring tool should support high support. <CLICK> Capacity computation for on-prem workload and cloud work loads are different. So your on-prem monitoring techniques may not be work for cloud.
  15. So ladies and gentlemen, a best on-prem monitoring tool may not be a best cloud monitoring tool. For a cloud success story, you need to prepare well to choose a monitoring solution, that are well integrated with multiple clouds. It should also help you to bring your on-premise work load. It will help you to achive the ONE SCREEN – that is unified monitoring.
  16. So as a summary – <CLICK>We shall avoid common mistakes while we move to cloud. <CLICK>Cloud migration does not remove the monitoring responsibility from you. <CLICK>Auto scaling does not guarantee the performance. A faulty code with auto-scaling can have adverse effect on your cloud cost. So monitoring your production application is super important. <CLICK>Your cloud can go down. You may need to think about multi-region, multi-cloud techniques to succeed. <CLICK>Monitoring cpu and memory is not enough. The additional app monitoring techniques provided by your cloud operator may give you silo view. So prepare for unified Cloud APM with auto-correlation. <CLICK>A best on-prem monitoring tool may not yield you similar success in cloud. <CLICK>Monitoring the dynamically changing cloud application is really complex. Unified view will save your MTTR.
  17. While choosing cloud monitoring tools, here is my checklist. Ensure it offers unified view among multi-cloud <Recall single medicine slide> Ensure it can include your on-prem work load as well. Else, you may need to run behind different consoles. It should support most of the cloud-native platforms like RDS, beanstalk, app services, Office 365 etc It should have inbuilt analytics of cloud usage It should monitor user experience. It is important. It should provide automated root cause analysis to isolate the problems easily. It should support cloud native features like auto-scaling, auto-deployment, auto-discovery, auto-configuration. It should be secured. It should cost you more. You should not be surprise you at the end of the month. It should monitor the cloud billing cost and predict your monthly cost.