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© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved.
Migrating to
Cloud Native Solutions
- Alfie Chen
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
What is Cloud Native?
How to Go Cloud Native?
Common Challenges
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
What is Cloud Native?
Speed, scalability, resilience
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
“Cloud-native is an approach to building and running applications that
exploits the advantages of the cloud computing delivery model.”
- Pivotal
HW Servers
On Premises
HW Servers
HW Servers
HW Servers
HW Servers
HW Servers

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stackconf 2021 | Stretching the Service Mesh Beyond the Clouds
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stackconf 2021 | Stretching the Service Mesh Beyond the Clouds

We hear a lot about using service mesh with Kubernetes and public clouds, but what about outside the clouds? In this talk, you’ll learn creative ways to apply a service mesh across different platforms and environments to automate canary deployments, facilitate cloud migrations, and more. By combining HashiCorp Consul’s service mesh and Terraform’s infrastructure as code, you can build a more seamless operational experience across multiple environments.

Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog
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Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog

Join Datadog for a webinar on monitoring Kubernetes with a focus on Amazon EKS. You'll learn how to get the most out of Datadog's intuitive platform and EKS's unique capabilities, including: How to monitor metrics, logs and traces from your EKS environment How to test the usability of your environment with features such as adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring How to find and fix user-facing issues with synthetic monitoring features like adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring

Patterns and Pains of Migrating Legacy Applications to Kubernetes
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Patterns and Pains of Migrating Legacy Applications to Kubernetes

Running applications on Kubernetes can provide a lot of benefits: more dev speed, lower ops costs, and a higher elasticity & resiliency in production. Kubernetes is the place to be for cloud native apps. But what to do if you’ve no shiny new cloud native apps but a whole bunch of JEE legacy systems? No chance to leverage the advantages of Kubernetes? Yes you can! We’re facing the challenge of migrating hundreds of JEE legacy applications of a German blue chip company onto a Kubernetes cluster within one year. The talk will be about the lessons we've learned - the best practices and pitfalls we've discovered along our way.

kubernetes migration legacy
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
“Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable
applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private,
and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable
infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.
These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient,
manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow
engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably
with minimal toil.”
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
• Technically pay nothing with open source solutions
• Dispose unnecessary features/components whenever
• Know how much it costs to scale up
• Make positive changes frequently and quickly
Add more
Don’t need
this anymore.
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
Anyone can start cloud-native at relatively low cost.
HW Servers
HW Servers
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
How to Go Cloud Native?
Cross the Chasm!!!

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'Cloud-Native' Ecosystem - Aug 2015
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'Cloud-Native' Ecosystem - Aug 2015

The document discusses the emerging "cloud-native" ecosystem centered around containers. It identifies key characteristics like containers as modular compute units and microservices architectures. Popular early solutions are mentioned like Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes, and Mesosphere, but the ecosystem remains immature with issues around persistence, security, and lack of best practices. Standards are emerging that may drive further innovation, and containers still lack a "killer app" business case like virtualization had with consolidation. The document provides a taxonomy of the technology stack and lists many active companies and projects in different layers.

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Dynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD Pipelines
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Dynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD Pipelines

An important use-case for Vault is to provide short lived and least privileged Cloud credentials. In this webinar we will review specifically how Vault's Azure Secrets Engine can provide dynamic Azure credentials. We will cover details on how to configure the Azure Secrets Engine in Vault and use it in an application. If you are using Azure now or in the near future, join us for some patterns on maintaining a high security posture with Vault's dynamic credentials model!

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Cloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CD
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Cloud-Native Operations with Kubernetes and CI/CD

Operations practices have historically lagged behind development. Agile and Extreme Programming have become common practice for development teams. In the last decade, the DevOps and SRE movements have brought these concepts to operations, borrowing heavily from Lean principles such as Kanban and Value Stream Mapping. So, how does all of this play out if we’re using Kubernetes? In this class, Paul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist at Pivotal, will explain how Kubernetes enables a new cloud-native way of operating software. Attend to learn: ● what cloud-native operations are; ● how to build a cloud-native CI/CD stack; and ● how to deploy and upgrade an application from source to production on Kubernetes. Presenter: Paul Czarkowski, Principal Technologist, Pivotal Software

kubernetescloudcloud adoption
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
CNCF Ecosystem
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
Crossing the Chasm
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
The Trail Map to Cloud Native
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
Common Challenges
…and solutions, perhaps.

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9 - Making Sense of Containers in the Microsoft Cloud
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9 - Making Sense of Containers in the Microsoft Cloud

Everyone is talking about Containers, but what is this really about what are the benefits of Containers for your customers? You probably think you know, but there is more! And did you know you can run and manage Containers in the Microsoft Cloud? This session will go in to the benefits of Containers for your customers and what Microsoft is offering to facilitate in all your needs. We will touch on technologies like Kubernetes, Docker and we will elaborate on the strong partnerships Microsoft has built with true Open Source companies like Red Hat.

openshiftred hatazure
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Migrating Hundreds of Legacy Applications ...
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Migrating Hundreds of Legacy Applications ...

Running applications on Kubernetes can provide a lot of benefits: more dev speed, lower ops costs, and a higher elasticity & resiliency in production. Kubernetes is the place to be for cloud native apps. But what to do if you’ve no shiny new cloud native apps but a whole bunch of JEE legacy systems? No chance to leverage the advantages of Kubernetes? Yes you can! We’re facing the challenge of migrating hundreds of JEE legacy applications of a major German insurance company onto a Kubernetes cluster within one year. We're now close to the finish line and it worked pretty well so far. The talk will be about the lessons we've learned - the best practices and pitfalls we've discovered along our way. We'll provide our answers to life, the universe and a cloud native journey like: - What technical constraints of Kubernetes can be obstacles for applications and how to tackle these? - How to architect a landscape of hundreds of containerized applications with their surrounding infrastructure like DBs MQs and IAM and heavy requirements on security? - How to industrialize and govern the migration process? - How to leverage the possibilities of a cloud native platform like Kubernetes without challenging the tight timeline?

Journey from on prem to the cloud with kubernetes
Journey from on prem to the cloud with kubernetesJourney from on prem to the cloud with kubernetes
Journey from on prem to the cloud with kubernetes

Broadridge migrated their DevOps tools from an on-premise installation to AWS using Kubernetes. They prepared by gaining Kubernetes expertise, setting expectations that it would take time, and building a minimal viable product. Their process involved documenting and testing the architecture, using infrastructure as code, and leveraging third party expertise. Results included reusable Kubernetes and Helm configurations. Going forward, they will migrate more customers to the new platform and automate testing.

© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
Technical Stack Dept
“Technical debt is a concept in software development that reflects the implied
cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using
a better approach that would take longer.”
- Wikipedia
Simplify• Change the whole game; rebuild the system.
• Follow the trail map.
• Inject skilled op and sec into dev.
• Inject skilled dev into op and/or sec.
• Monitor everything you have.
• Automate everything you can.
• Simplify before the next step.
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
CI/CD Disappointment
“87% of attendees surveyed during Gartner conferences between 2015 and 2016
admitted that DevOps had not delivered on their expectations.”
– Simon Horrocks
Essential Question: What is your company-wide workflow?
• What have you promised to deliver your customer?
• What is the objective for each company, organization, department, team,
• Use the objectives gathered to identify the data you need.
• Instrument for depth, not breadth.
• Codify alert states; automation is important.
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
Start now or basically never…
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
A Cloud Native Solution helps you focus on your business values.

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Microservices at Scale: How to Reduce Overhead and Increase Developer Product...
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Microservices at Scale: How to Reduce Overhead and Increase Developer Product...

As a cloud native application grows in size—more microservices, more dependencies, more teams—there’s a corresponding increase in… Complexity: Over time, the application becomes a lot harder for a single developer to reason about and contribute to. Staying on top of READMEs and managing cross-team communication is practically a full-time job. Scaling challenges: The reality of building, deploying, and testing a 100+ service distributed application means developers are going to spend a lot of time sitting around waiting. But it doesn’t have to end up this way, and there are concrete steps that DevOps engineers can take to keep their developers moving quickly even as an application grows. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to use open source products to: Make it easy for your developers to code and run on-demand tests against a production-like environment—without having to constantly deal with the complexity that comes with a large application Codify the relationship between all your services and tests, making your system self-documented and easy to understand Keep your integration tests running fast so that devs can more easily write and debug their tests and get the quick feedback loops they need Facilitate remote, in-cluster development and give every developer their own isolated namespace—and never again ask a developer to deploy the application on their laptop

The good, the bad, and the ugly of migrating hundreds of legacy applications ...
The good, the bad, and the ugly of migrating hundreds of legacy applications ...The good, the bad, and the ugly of migrating hundreds of legacy applications ...
The good, the bad, and the ugly of migrating hundreds of legacy applications ...

This document discusses Syncier's approach to migrating 152 legacy applications from a traditional platform to a cloud native platform within 17 months. Key aspects included: 1) All applications were containerized using a 12-factor app approach and migrated to production on the cloud platform. 2) The applications were modernized and security hardened during the migration process. 3) The migration provided benefits like higher availability, more agile development teams, and a strong business case. The document then discusses perspectives from an architect, project manager, and developer on the migration process. It emphasizes an emergent design approach, industrialization of the migration through training and support, and transparency throughout the project.

cloud nativekuberneteskubernetes migration legacy
Istio service mesh: past, present, future (TLV meetup)
Istio service mesh: past, present, future (TLV meetup)Istio service mesh: past, present, future (TLV meetup)
Istio service mesh: past, present, future (TLV meetup)

Introduction to Istio service mesh (e.g., history, context, features and roadmap) Presented at the Tel Aviv cloud meetup

istioservice meshmeetup
© 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL
The information contained in this document
is confidential, privileged and only for the
intended recipient and may not be used,
published or redistributed without the prior
written consent of inwinSTACK Inc.
The End

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Train.IO 【第六期-OpenStack 二三事】
inwin stack
inwin stack
以 Kubernetes 部屬 Spark 大數據計算環境
以 Kubernetes 部屬 Spark 大數據計算環境以 Kubernetes 部屬 Spark 大數據計算環境
以 Kubernetes 部屬 Spark 大數據計算環境
inwin stack
Setup Hybrid Clusters Using Kubernetes Federation
Setup Hybrid Clusters Using Kubernetes FederationSetup Hybrid Clusters Using Kubernetes Federation
Setup Hybrid Clusters Using Kubernetes Federation
inwin stack
基於 K8S 開發的 FaaS 專案 - riff
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基於 K8S 開發的 FaaS 專案 - riff
inwin stack
使用 Prometheus 監控 Kubernetes Cluster
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使用 Prometheus 監控 Kubernetes Cluster
inwin stack
Extend the Kubernetes API with CRD and Custom API Server
Extend the Kubernetes API with CRD and Custom API ServerExtend the Kubernetes API with CRD and Custom API Server
Extend the Kubernetes API with CRD and Custom API Server
inwin stack
inwin stack
Integrate Kubernetes into CORD(Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)
Integrate Kubernetes into CORD(Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)Integrate Kubernetes into CORD(Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)
Integrate Kubernetes into CORD(Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)
inwin stack
Distributed tensorflow on kubernetes
Distributed tensorflow on kubernetesDistributed tensorflow on kubernetes
Distributed tensorflow on kubernetes
inwin stack
Build your own kubernetes apiserver and resource type
Build your own kubernetes apiserver and resource typeBuild your own kubernetes apiserver and resource type
Build your own kubernetes apiserver and resource type
inwin stack
Virtualization inside kubernetes
Virtualization inside kubernetesVirtualization inside kubernetes
Virtualization inside kubernetes
inwin stack
inwin stack
Build the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on Kubernetes
Build the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on KubernetesBuild the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on Kubernetes
Build the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on Kubernetes
inwin stack
How to integrate Kubernetes in OpenStack: You need to know these project
How to integrate Kubernetes in OpenStack: You need to know these projectHow to integrate Kubernetes in OpenStack: You need to know these project
How to integrate Kubernetes in OpenStack: You need to know these project
inwin stack

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Train.IO 【第六期-OpenStack 二三事】
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Train.IO 【第六期-OpenStack 二三事】
以 Kubernetes 部屬 Spark 大數據計算環境
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Setup Hybrid Clusters Using Kubernetes Federation
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基於 K8S 開發的 FaaS 專案 - riff
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使用 Prometheus 監控 Kubernetes Cluster
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Extend the Kubernetes API with CRD and Custom API Server
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Integrate Kubernetes into CORD(Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)
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Build your own kubernetes apiserver and resource type
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Virtualization inside kubernetes
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Build the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on Kubernetes
Build the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on KubernetesBuild the Blockchain as service (BaaS) Using Ethereum on Kubernetes
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How to integrate Kubernetes in OpenStack: You need to know these project
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Migrating to Cloud Native Solutions

  • 1. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. Migrating to Cloud Native Solutions - Alfie Chen
  • 2. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Agenda What is Cloud Native? How to Go Cloud Native? Common Challenges
  • 3. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL What is Cloud Native? Speed, scalability, resilience
  • 4. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Definition “Cloud-native is an approach to building and running applications that exploits the advantages of the cloud computing delivery model.” - Pivotal Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization O/S Middleware Runtime Data Application On Premises Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization O/S Middleware Runtime Data Application IaaS Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization Orchestration Bin/Lib Runtime Data Application CaaS Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization O/S Middleware Runtime Data Application PaaS Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization O/S Middleware Runtime Data Application SaaS Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization Bin/Lib Runtime Data Scalability Functions FaaS YouManage
  • 5. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Definition “Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach. These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.”
  • 6. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Definition • Technically pay nothing with open source solutions • Dispose unnecessary features/components whenever • Know how much it costs to scale up • Make positive changes frequently and quickly Add more resources!!! OldApp Don’t need this anymore.
  • 7. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Anyone can start cloud-native at relatively low cost. Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization O/S Middleware Runtime Data Application IaaS Networking Storage HW Servers Virtualization Orchestration Bin/Lib Runtime Data Application CaaS
  • 8. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL How to Go Cloud Native? Cross the Chasm!!!
  • 9. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL CNCF Ecosystem
  • 10. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Crossing the Chasm
  • 11. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL The Trail Map to Cloud Native
  • 12. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Common Challenges …and solutions, perhaps.
  • 13. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Technical Stack Dept “Technical debt is a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.” - Wikipedia AutomateMonitor Standardize Simplify• Change the whole game; rebuild the system. • Follow the trail map. • Inject skilled op and sec into dev. • Inject skilled dev into op and/or sec. • Monitor everything you have. • Automate everything you can. • Simplify before the next step.
  • 14. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL CI/CD Disappointment “87% of attendees surveyed during Gartner conferences between 2015 and 2016 admitted that DevOps had not delivered on their expectations.” – Simon Horrocks Essential Question: What is your company-wide workflow? • What have you promised to deliver your customer? • What is the objective for each company, organization, department, team, engineer? • Use the objectives gathered to identify the data you need. • Instrument for depth, not breadth. • Codify alert states; automation is important.
  • 15. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Conclusions Start now or basically never…
  • 16. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL A Cloud Native Solution helps you focus on your business values.
  • 17. © 2018 inwinSTACK Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL The information contained in this document is confidential, privileged and only for the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of inwinSTACK Inc. The End