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Synthetic Monitoring – Beyond Logon
Enhancements and New Capabilities in eG Enterprise 7.1
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Rachel Berry
Technical Product Marketing
The Team Today
Thyagarajan UdayaKumar
Lead Technical Consultant
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• What is synthetic monitoring and what are the 4 key types of
synthetic monitoring
• Protocol monitoring (HTML, FTP, SQL, POP3, SMTP….)
• Logon Simulation
• The new eG Enterprise Web Application simulator
• How to synthetically test thick apps (SAP) and full client
• Recent product updates and changes

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Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations
Managing User Experience During Cloud MigrationsManaging User Experience During Cloud Migrations
Managing User Experience During Cloud Migrations

Competition in the digital services world is about managing the customer experience. The cloud is an operating model, and migrating workloads to the cloud involves much more than ‘lift & shift’. In fact, the heavy lifting of cloud migrations may be much more about people than technologies. Managing customer expectations requires that the user experience be at least as good—if not better—after a cloud migration than it was before the migration took place. Customers really don’t care about the ‘cloud’ per se, they care about the outcomes that cloud-based services can provide. Learn how you can manage customer expectations and leverage services-oriented monitoring as a program of work within a cloud migration.

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How to Deliver an Exceptional End User Experience in your Citrix Environment
How to Deliver an Exceptional End User Experience in your Citrix EnvironmentHow to Deliver an Exceptional End User Experience in your Citrix Environment
How to Deliver an Exceptional End User Experience in your Citrix Environment

Citrix Cloud services simplify the delivery and management of Citrix solutions, helping our users to extend their existing on-premises software deployments or even move one hundred percent to the cloud. Citrix Cloud services deploy secure digital workspaces in hours, placing the sensitive app, desktop and data resources on any cloud or hybrid cloud. Accessing the apps, desktops and any data has become easy than ever with Citrix Workspace. Citrix Workspace fully aggregates all apps, data, and files across all applications, and it offers a user-centric experience where everything you need to work is in one unified app, with conditional access and performance made simple based on user context and IT-designed policies. Citrix Cloud services support the integration with different technologies that vary significantly from one organization to another. The first step for users is to access their provisioned desktops, applications, and files, which is why monitoring the logon performance has become critical for Citrix solutions. That's why eG Innovations provides a free login simulator for Citrix Workspace, through their eG Enterprise solution which is verified as Citrix Ready. One of the primary requirements by organisations is to achieve exceptional Citrix user experience and service quality. eG Enterprise helps to proactively monitor all aspects of Citrix user experience - login times, application launch times, screen refresh latencies, virtual channel bandwidth usage, etc., and more importantly helps to identify underlying infrastructure tiers to help determine where the root cause of a problem lies; whether it is network, database, application, Citrix, or storage. Discover how Citrix and eG Innovations combine to provide you with end-to-end performance management and learn how to: • Deliver a secure digital workspace, and to improve business productivity with a fully integrated digital workspace from any cloud or hybrid cloud. • Ensure the success of new deployments and migration to Citrix Cloud with pre-built migration reports • End-to-end monitoring of Citrix services across user experience, session performance, connectivity, licensing, infrastructure health and capacity • Monitor Citrix services on physical, virtual and cloud infrastructures from Single pane of glass.

citrixdigital workspaceuser experience
How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications
How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET ApplicationsHow to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications
How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications

This document discusses a webinar presented by eG Innovations on ensuring high-performing Microsoft .NET applications. The webinar covered full stack .NET monitoring including user experience monitoring, business transaction monitoring, .NET application monitoring, and infrastructure performance monitoring. It emphasized the importance of monitoring across the entire .NET stack from the user to infrastructure to identify performance issues and their root causes. The presentation recommended eG Enterprise as a solution to provide converged APM/IPM for unified monitoring of .NET environments.

.netmicrosoftmicrosoft .net
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
What is Synthetic Monitoring?
• Synthetic monitoring uses software robots to actively simulate
user transactions to IT applications and measure their
availability and responsiveness.
• Continuous simulation helps detect application availability and
response time problems proactively and allows administrators
to correct them before users notice.
• Logon Simulation alone doesn’t tell you is Excel or Word is
available, let alone if and why it’s slow.
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The Four Key Use Cases
• eG Enterprise includes a wide range of synthetic monitoring
capabilities that cater to a number of use cases:
• Protocol simulation: This is ideal for simple simulation of protocol requests
(HTTP, SMTP, ICA, SQL etc.) to target systems and applications, and observing their
• Purpose-built logon simulators: eG Enterprise embeds purpose-built simulators
for digital workspace environments (Citrix, VMware Horizon, AWS WorkSpaces,
Microsoft AVD etc.) that simulate user logons without the need for a separate
recording step.
• Web app simulation: To support multiple step transactions that include form
fills, mouse clicks, etc., eG Enterprise includes a web app transaction recording and
replay tool.
• Full, client session simulation: Ideal for simulating multi-step transactions to any
type of application - thin client or thick client, this uses a simulation engine that
works based on optical character recognition technology. Used for VDI and thick
apps (e.g. SAP).
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What is Protocol Simulation?
• This approach uses different protocols to perform simulation:
– HTTP protocol’s GET method is used to test whether a website is available and
how fast it responds to a user request
– ICMP echo (aka ping) is used to assess whether a server was reachable or not
– SMTP and POP3 protocols can be used to determine the performance of email
– FTP, SQL, IMAP, ICA, and other protocols and applications that support them can
be monitored with this approach
Protocol simulation works for single-step transactions only.
Can be used for end-to-end monitoring and for individual tiers of an infrastructure.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Demo 1 – Protocol Simulation
• A problem it solves: Is your company website available and
• Proactive alerting
• Built in UI dashboards
• Out-of-the-box reports to assess SLAs, give management

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Managing Citrix Digital Business Services Performance - Make your first Impre...

Citrix enables secure, remote access to Microsoft Windows® applications and desktops as well as Linux® web and SaaS applications from any device, over any network. This is more than VDI; digital business services encompass and support many different technologies that vary significantly from one organization to another. Users getting access to their desktops and applications is the first step, and which is why monitoring the logon performance has become critical for Citrix-based IT services. That's why eG Innovations recently announced a Free Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop. But that's only a first impression. To make a lasting impact on user experience, the applications and desktops being delivered on top of the Citrix service must also perform, and these digital business services will be comprised of many different components from any number of suppliers. View these slides where John Worthington, Director of Product Marketing at eG innovations, discusses how Citrix and eG Enterprise can combine to provide you with end-to-end performance management that can make a lasting impression your users will love.

citrixcitrix performance managementcitrix monitoring
How to Get the Fastest Possible Citrix Logon Times?
How to Get the Fastest Possible Citrix Logon Times?How to Get the Fastest Possible Citrix Logon Times?
How to Get the Fastest Possible Citrix Logon Times?

Logon is a user's first interaction with the Citrix digital workspace service, and hence, a slow logon can influence a user's opinion of the service in a way that no other metric can. Therefore, logon time is the #1 key performance indicator (KPI) in Citrix environments. Slow logons have an impact not just on user perception, but also on productivity. When each logon takes minutes — maybe on multiple systems — it results in lost work time and costs the business. So, it is imperative that logons be as quick and non-intrusive as possible. But how can we make this happen? Learn some of the best practices for Citrix Logon time optimization.

citrix performance managementcitrix monitoringcitrix xenapp
Citrix troubleshooting 101
Citrix troubleshooting 101Citrix troubleshooting 101
Citrix troubleshooting 101

This document provides a summary of a webinar about troubleshooting Citrix performance problems. It discusses the impact of poor Citrix performance, including lost productivity and costs. It outlines a 3-step process for troubleshooting Citrix problems: 1) determine the scope of the problem, 2) determine the magnitude of the problem, and 3) determine the source of the problem. Specific tips are provided for troubleshooting common Citrix problems like slow logons, slow application launches, session disconnects, and frozen sessions. The role of monitoring, automation, and keeping systems updated is also discussed.

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Synthetic Monitoring of Web Performance: New UI in 7.1
Monitor web page availability and
response time using the HTTP
Access simulation capability
Click on the Detailed
Diagnosis icon to see the
response time break-up on
an intuitive visualization
Provides a breakdown of
response time to identify
where the bottleneck lies.
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New Reports Available for Protocol Simulation
New reports available for
protocol simulation
Monitor simulates transaction
availability over time and plot trends to
understand simulation trends
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Logon Simulator
• Supported for digital workspaces including:
– Citrix
– VMware
– Amazon WorkSpaces
– Microsoft AVD
• Standalone FREE Logon simulator available for VMware and
Citrix from
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Update: Logon Simulation Supported on More Gateways
In addition to Citrix StoreFront and
Gateway, now OKTA, Azure AD,
AD FS, Web Interface or F5 Load
Balancer are also supported

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Microsoft, Citrix and SCOM:  EOL or a New Beginning ?Microsoft, Citrix and SCOM:  EOL or a New Beginning ?
Microsoft, Citrix and SCOM: EOL or a New Beginning ?

The SCOM management packs for Citrix are reaching End Of Life this month. You can move to a standalone monitoring solution like Citrix Director, but this means you will no longer be able to use Microsoft SCOM as the single unified monitoring console for your organization. You now have a chance to convert the EOL into a new beginning. The eG Universal management pack for SCOM provides you with the best Citrix monitoring solution integrated tightly with your SCOM environment. What is more, you can also monitor other non-Microsoft technologies without needing additional management packs. Learn more on, how you can make End Of Life for your Citrix SCOM management packs bring new life into your SCOM environment: •Learn how to augment SCOM with logon simulation and deep Citrix domain expertise •Leverage patented analytics for all your applications, Azure cloud services, and infrastructure •Get code-level correlation for .NET applications and quickly isolate performance issues

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The "One Monitor": Tranform MS SCOM into an End-to-End Monitoring & Diagnosis...
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The "One Monitor": Tranform MS SCOM into an End-to-End Monitoring & Diagnosis...

Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a leading monitoring platform for Microsoft applications. However, SCOM is limited in its support for non-Microsoft systems and applications (e.g., Citrix, SAP, Siebel, VMware, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Java, etc.). To extend SCOM for heterogeneous environments, multiple management packs are often deployed - one for each non-Microsoft platform. But the lack of integration between management packs leads to long problem identification and diagnosis cycles, resulting in poor user experience and loss in productivity. This is where eG Enterprise Microsoft SCOM Universal Management Pack comes in. View this presentation to see how to escape siloed monitoring and leverage your SCOM environment to gain real-time insight into every factor that affects your end users’ experience, across your entire infrastructure.

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End to-End Monitoring for ITSM and DevOps
End to-End Monitoring for ITSM and DevOpsEnd to-End Monitoring for ITSM and DevOps
End to-End Monitoring for ITSM and DevOps

The modern IT stack has become diverse and distributed, and it’s increasingly challenging to manage heterogeneous platforms and multi-vendor devices. Customers are looking to the cloud and APM to help address these hurdles, as well as accelerate IT transformation. But migrating to the cloud will take time, it won’t make infrastructure ‘just disappear’, and legacy workloads are going to remain part of the enterprise reality for many. In addition, while APM will continue to be increasingly important, all applications are not the same and an application is still not equal to a digital business service. Watch this webinar as John Worthington, a service management expert and Director of Product Marketing for eG Innovations, continues our Shift-Left series. You can learn: • Why domain expertise is important when defining monitoring requirements • What analytics are useful from a monitoring and observability context • How end-to-end monitoring with converged application and infrastructure performance can drive ITSM and DevOps integration

itsmdevopsit monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Demo 2 – Logon Simulation
• The problems it solves: Can users logon to their digital
WorkSpaces Citrix/Vmware/Microsoft AVD/Amazon
WorkSpaces? Are logon times acceptable or degrading? If
logon fails or is slow – why?
• Detailed insights and logon time breakdowns to allow you to
identify the cause of slow logon times.
• Identify issues before real users encounter them.
• Best used in conjunction with Real User Monitoring (RUM)
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New Synthetic Monitoring Capabilities in eG Enterprise 7.1
• New: Web App Simulator
• New UI for Client Session Simulation (Thick
Client) via AppsMon/Itexis
• Screenshot Capture Capability for Citrix and
VMware Horizon Logon Simulator
• Enhancements to Protocol Simulation
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What Tools Exist in eG Enterprise for Synthetic Monitoring?
• For App/Desktop Virtualization:
– Logon simulator for Citrix and
VMware Horizon
– Client session simulator (using
• For Web Applications:
– Client session simulator
(using Itexis/AppsMon)
• We have developed a new in-house tool called
Web Application Simulator that will be used in
place of Itexis/AppsMon
─ Itexis/AppsMon is a general-purpose tool and
not HTML-aware
─ Requires a level of scripting
─ Requires additional license
• Web App Simulator overcomes these challenges
and is purpose-built for web apps
• We will continue to use Itexis/AppsMon for
synthetic monitoring in VDI and thick client
• For Web Applications:
– Client session simulator
(using Itexis/AppsMon)
• For Thick Client Apps (SAP, etc.):
– Client session simulator (using
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
The All New
Web App Simulator

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The Complete User Experience Monitoring Solution - eG Enterprise v7
The Complete User Experience Monitoring Solution - eG Enterprise v7The Complete User Experience Monitoring Solution - eG Enterprise v7
The Complete User Experience Monitoring Solution - eG Enterprise v7

Introducing eG Enterprise v7: The industry's most advanced user experience monitoring solution. eG Innovations application performance monitoring solutions simplify and accelerate discovery, diagnosis, and resolution of application performance problems in virtual, physical, and cloud environments.

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eG Enterprise Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop
eG Enterprise Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp & XenDesktopeG Enterprise Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop
eG Enterprise Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop

eG Enterprise Citrix logon simulator helps you fix XenApp & XenDesktop issues before users are affected. Proactively monitor Citrix XenApp logon slowdowns. In this presentation, you will discover how to: - Proactively monitor logon performance by simulating and testing XenApp and XenDesktop logon sessions from various locations - Identify why logon is slow and which step in the logon process takes more processing time: is it authentication, enumeration, HDX session establishment, application launch? - Test and ensure if the entire Citrix delivery infrastructure (XenApp, XenDesktop, NetScaler, StoreFront, PVS, license server, AD, etc.) is working as expected to support user logon - Leverage deep Citrix monitoring capabilities of eG Enterprise to identify real user logon issues in real time and provide speedy resolution

eg enterpriselogon simulatorcitrix
eG Innovations
eG InnovationseG Innovations
eG Innovations

The eG Enterprise Suite provides real-time monitoring and proactive infrastructure management to help customers rapidly diagnose IT performance issues. It uses automated root cause analysis to identify the underlying problem instead of just surface symptoms. This helps reduce troubleshooting time from hours to minutes. The single-agent monitoring solution provides visibility across applications, databases, networks and more to eliminate finger-pointing between teams. Customers have reported resolving issues 4-9 minutes faster and impacting 4,512 fewer customers per problem since using the eG Suite.

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Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction
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What is the Web App Simulator?
• Proactively monitoring user experience of web apps is essential in today’s age
of digital transformation and cloud-native deployments
– Slowness or downtime of web apps will lead to degraded user experience and affect
business productivity, revenues and even the company brand
– Especially in competitive businesses such as eCommerce, when faced with a slow
experience, a user would immediately switch to a different site
• Web App Simulator is purpose-built tool for synthetic simulation of web apps
• Easy-to-use record and playback tool, which can be used from any remote
location to simulate web application access
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Records simulated transactions for
the web app and generates a script
(Part of eG Agent)
How the Web App Simulator Works
eG Enterprise
Web Console
eG Manager
Script is exported
Script can be imported back for any
changes and can be reuploaded
eG Agent with Playback Engine is downloaded and installed on the target system
Script is downloaded
on to the target
system for playback
eG Agent pushes all
metrics collected from
simulation playback
Real-time and historical data accessed
Simulation Playback Stations
Location 1
Location 3
Location 2
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4 Key Components of the Web App Simulator
1. Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder
2. Web App Simulation Playback Engine
3. Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard
4. Web App Simulation Report

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Digital Workspace Deployment and Performance Monitoring in the New Normal - S...
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Digital Workspace Deployment and Performance Monitoring in the New Normal - S...

The last year has been tumultuous for everyone. For the end-user computing community, it was an extraordinary time with everyone having to deal with new requirements from their businesses at short notice. Over the last 3 months, xenappblog and eG Innovations conducted a survey to learn how organizations have adapted their digital workspaces to the new normal. For this webinar titled Digital Workspace Deployment and Performance Monitoring in the New Normal, we have invited three EUC experts to analyze and share their thoughts on the key findings of this survey of over 1050 digital workspace professionals. Join this webinar and learn answers to several key questions, such as how many organizations adopted digital workspaces for the first time, how many are using cloud workspaces, how popular are different workspace technologies, how many monitoring tools are being needed to get a complete view of the digital workspace environment, and many more. #digitalworkspace

4 Best Practices for Delivering Exceptional VDI User Experience
4 Best Practices for Delivering Exceptional VDI User Experience4 Best Practices for Delivering Exceptional VDI User Experience
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This document discusses best practices for monitoring VMware Horizon virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environments. It recommends: 1) Measuring all aspects of the user experience, including logins, application launches, and session performance, using both synthetic and real user monitoring. 2) Monitoring every layer of the Horizon infrastructure and supporting systems like Active Directory, storage, and networking to pinpoint where problems originate. 3) Correlating performance across layers to determine the root cause of issues affecting user experience.

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How to Achieve Great Citrix User Experience
How to Achieve Great Citrix User ExperienceHow to Achieve Great Citrix User Experience
How to Achieve Great Citrix User Experience

Users expect - and demand – that the performance of their virtual applications and desktops match, if not exceed, the performance of their physical applications and desktops. So, when virtualizing Citrix applications or desktops, a great user experience is the key for success. Slow logons, session disconnects and screen freezes are just some of the performance issues that might affect user experience when virtualizing Citrix environments. To avoid these potential issues and ensure the success of Citrix-based IT transformation initiatives, IT managers must be able to monitor and manage the user experience to ensure optimal user satisfaction and productivity. View these slides from our most recent webinar where Bala Vaidhinathan, CTO of eG Innovations, discusses how you can monitor and manage the experience of your Citrix users to guarantee Citrix virtualization success

citrix performance managementcitrix monitoringcitrix performance monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Demo 3 – The Web App Simulator
• The problem it solves: Is your company eCommerce site
available and are full transactions being completed?
• The problem it solves: Are key third-party web-based SaaS
apps really working for employees?
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How is Web App Simulator Licensed?
• Web App Simulator is licensed based on the number of playback stations
from where simulations are executed
– One eG External Agent is needed for each playback station
• Licensing is not restricted to the number of web applications or number of
transactions being simulated.
– Multiple web apps can be simulated
– Multiple simulations (scripts) of the same web app can be executed
• Multiple simulations from one playback station are possible, but they will
have to happen sequentially and not in parallel
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New UI for
Client Session Simulation
(for Thick Clients) via
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
New UI for Transaction Flow Visualization
• The same transaction flow visualization screen used
for Web App Simulation is being incorporated for
Client Session Simulation.
• Reporting has also been enhanced. Now, Client
Session Simulation reports follow the same report
pattern as Web App Simulation.
Client Session Simulation is used to simulate a full
desktop session including application access.
Primarily used for VDI and thick client simulation.

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Unix Performance Monitoring Made Easy
Unix Performance Monitoring Made EasyUnix Performance Monitoring Made Easy
Unix Performance Monitoring Made Easy

Many of today's business-critical applications and services are running on heterogeneous server platforms. Most enterprise have a mix of UNIX servers running Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, Red Hat Linux, HPUX, Novell SuSE Linux, CentOS or Free BSD and Microsoft Windows servers. As applications and IT infrastructures are getting more complex and interconnected, performance issues anywhere in the IT infrastructure can quickly cascade and negatively impact end user experience. Watch this webinar to see how next-generation performance monitoring & analytics provides deep visibility into UNIX and Windows environments to accelerate the diagnosis of application and server performance issues, and quickly restore user experience. During the live demonstration, we will show you how to: • Have a single unified monitoring solution that addresses your server & application monitoring, diagnosis, analytics, and reporting needs; • Use intelligent analytics to analyze and correlate performance inside the server and across the tiers of your IT environment to provide unparalleled speed & ease of proactive alerting, diagnosis & analysis; • View best-in-class customizable dashboards that integrate server performance metrics to provide real-time role-based and domain-based views on user experience, system and service health, resource consumption, capacity and more; • Report on historical performance and trends and analyze usage patterns to right-size and optimize your IT infrastructure for maximum ROI;

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What's New in eG Enterprise v6 - Unified performance monitoring, diagnosis, a...
What's New in eG Enterprise v6 - Unified performance monitoring, diagnosis, a...What's New in eG Enterprise v6 - Unified performance monitoring, diagnosis, a...
What's New in eG Enterprise v6 - Unified performance monitoring, diagnosis, a...

See live the brand-new release of eG Enterprise v6 – the first intelligent performance monitoring solution designed to simplify the management of today’s complex and distributed IT environments. Find out how eG Enterprise helps you make IT Operations more productive, reduce IT support cost & complexity, and keep your end users happy & productive. During the demonstration, we will show how you can: - Have a single unified solution that addresses your application monitoring, database monitoring, server monitoring, network monitoring, virtualization monitoring, service monitoring and even mobile device monitoring needs; - Use intelligent analytics to analyze and correlate performance across the tiers to provide unparalleled speed & ease of proactive alerting, diagnosis & analysis; - View best-in-class customizable dashboards that integrate performance metrics to provide real-time role-based and domain-based views on user experience, system and service health, resource consumption, capacity and more; - Report on historical performance and trends and analyze usage patterns to right-size and optimize your IT infrastructure for maximum ROI; - Address gaps in your current monitoring for Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop, virtual desktop infrastructures (VDI), multi-tier Java applications and heavily virtualized IT environments – in the cloud or on-premise;

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Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...
Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...
Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...

Slow logon is one of the most common complaints faced by Citrix administrators. It is not easy to uncover the cause of the slowdown, as the XenApp/ XenDesktop logon depends on so many factors: client-side connectivity, Active Directory authentication, StoreFront connection, Citrix server-side processing, user profile load, GPO processing, and more. In this presentation,John Worthington, Director of Product Marketing at eG Innovations, shares some best practices for easily diagnosing and troubleshooting Citrix logon problems. Check out this presentation to learn: • Why the combination of synthetic and real user logon monitoring techniques helps remediate logon issues and ensure exceptional user experience. • How to baseline logon performance and get alerted to deviations proactively. • How to intelligently detect and solve Citrix logon issues before your users notice any slowness and complain.

citrix logoncitrix performance managementlogon simulator
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions
performed by a user inside a virtual desktop
and the status and response time
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Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation
View the captured
screenshot of a failed
transaction to analyze further
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Web App Simulation
Synthetic user experience monitoring during
web application access
Logon Simulation
Simulate and monitor logon performance for
digital workspaces and SaaS applications
eG Enterprise: The Only Solution That Offers 4 Approaches to
Synthetic Monitoring
Protocol Simulation
Test availability of applications with single-step
transaction (HTTP access, network access, etc.)
Client Session Simulation
Synthetic simulation of application access in a
thick client (physical/virtual desktop)
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
+1 (866) 526 6700
Thank You

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Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...
Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...
Best Practices for Troubleshooting Slow Citrix Logon and Ensuring Excellent U...

Slow logon is one of the most common complaints faced by Citrix administrators. It is not easy to uncover the cause of the slowdown as the XenApp/ XenDesktop logon depends on so many factors: client-side connectivity, Active Directory authentication, StoreFront connection, Citrix server-side processing, user profile load, GPO processing, and more. Check out this SlideShare presentation to learn some best practices for easily diagnosing and troubleshooting Citrix logon problems: • Find out how the combination of synthetic and real user logon monitoring techniques helps remediate logon issues and ensure exceptional user experience. • You will also understand how to baseline logon performance and get alerted to deviations proactively.

citrix monitoringcitrix logonlogon simulator
eG Citrix Performance Management & Analytics IBM Webinar 040815
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eG Citrix Performance Management & Analytics IBM Webinar 040815

This document discusses maximizing performance and end user experience in Citrix Workspace projects. It emphasizes the need for end-to-end visibility across all layers and tiers, from the user experience down to infrastructure, to quickly diagnose and resolve issues. eG Innovations provides a unified performance management solution that monitors every component to reliably deliver business services and optimize the user experience.

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Why does Citrix use eG Enterprise for End-to-End Monitoring at Citrix Summit ...
Why does Citrix use eG Enterprise for End-to-End Monitoring at Citrix Summit ...Why does Citrix use eG Enterprise for End-to-End Monitoring at Citrix Summit ...
Why does Citrix use eG Enterprise for End-to-End Monitoring at Citrix Summit ...

This document discusses Citrix's use of eG Enterprise for end-to-end monitoring of their user conferences. It provides an overview of eG Innovations and its monitoring capabilities. Citrix requires a monitoring solution that provides unified visibility across all Citrix tiers from a single console, with insights to pinpoint root causes. eG Enterprise meets these needs through its end-to-end, scalable, and proactive monitoring of Citrix infrastructure, supporting faster issue resolution. The presentation also covers new features in eG 6.3 like expanded XenApp/XenDesktop monitoring and support for technologies like Citrix Adaptive Transport and Linux VDAs.

citrixeg innovationscitrix synergy
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
The All New
Web App Simulator
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Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction
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What is the Web App Simulator?
• Proactively monitoring user experience of web apps is essential in today’s age
of digital transformation and cloud-native deployments
– Slowness or downtime of web apps will lead to degraded user experience and affect
business productivity, revenues and even the company brand
– Especially in competitive businesses such as eCommerce, when faced with a slow
experience, a user would immediately switch to a different site
• Web App Simulator is purpose-built tool for synthetic simulation of web apps
• Easy-to-use record and playback tool, which can be used from any remote
location to simulate web application access
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Records simulated transactions for
the web app and generates a script
(Part of eG Agent)
How the Web App Simulator Works
eG Enterprise
Web Console
eG Manager
Script is exported
Script can be imported back for any
changes and can be reuploaded
eG Agent with Playback Engine is downloaded and installed on the target system
Script is downloaded
on to the target
system for playback
eG Agent pushes all
metrics collected from
simulation playback
Real-time and historical data accessed
Simulation Playback Stations
Location 1
Location 3
Location 2

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Proactive Citrix Logon Monitoring with Free Citrix Logon Simulator
Proactive Citrix Logon Monitoring with Free Citrix Logon SimulatorProactive Citrix Logon Monitoring with Free Citrix Logon Simulator
Proactive Citrix Logon Monitoring with Free Citrix Logon Simulator

eG Enterprise Express FREE Logon Simulator for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop is a fully SaaS-based tool that helps you proactively catch Citrix logon performance issues. Run synthetic simulations of XenApp/XenDesktop logons, and pinpoint the exact step of the logon process that is causing slowness. Get the free Citrix logon simulator here:

citrix monitoringcitrix performance managementcitrix performance monitoring
How to Extend SCOM to Achieve Single-Pane-of-Glass Monitoring into Your Micro...
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As Office 365 gains traction Microsoft is moving best-in-class apps like Exchange and SharePoint, along with powerful cloud services like OneDrive and Teams, into the public cloud and providing other powerful alternative services like Azure. Managing the end-user experience for these cloud-based services has become mission-critical, and IT must be able to proactively isolate performance issues regardless of where they originate. The traditional silo-based approach to performance monitoring will not keep pace with the newer demands and challenges of Office 365 and other Azure based services. In this presentation, you will: • Learn how to proactively monitor across hybrid on-premises, Office 365, and Azure ecosystems and services • Understand how eG Enterprise can help unify digital service performance management and deliver total performance visibility into SCOM • Understand how converged application and infrastructure performance monitoring can help accelerate your cloud migration

How to Extend Microsoft SCOM to Monitor & Diagnose the Performance of Citrix,...
How to Extend Microsoft SCOM to Monitor & Diagnose the Performance of Citrix,...How to Extend Microsoft SCOM to Monitor & Diagnose the Performance of Citrix,...
How to Extend Microsoft SCOM to Monitor & Diagnose the Performance of Citrix,...

Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a leading platform for performance monitoring and management of Microsoft applications (such as Active Directory, Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange Server, IIS and SharePoint). However, SCOM does not have extensive capabilities to monitor non-Microsoft systems and applications (like Citrix, SAP, Oracle, Java, Sybase, etc.), nor does SCOM have virtualization-awareness for platforms like VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, AIX LPARs and Solaris LDOMs, or virtual desktops (VDI). To extend the scope of Microsoft SCOM to manage these environments, enterprises have to look at multiple third party products that provide individual management packs, one for each specific non-Microsoft platform. This traditional "multi-pack approach" creates complexity and only provides a fragmented view of the IT infrastructure. This approach leads to slow problem isolation and diagnosis, and often results in poor user experience and loss of user productivity. Join performance monitoring expert Srinivas Ramanathan (CEO, eG Innovations) to learn about eG Enterprise for SCOM, a new universal management pack that fills this gap and provides a single, integrated solution with SCOM to address the performance management needs of today's enterprises. This webinar presentation will show you how to: • Monitor and troubleshoot the entire IT service infrastructure end to end from the SCOM console • Monitor applications and platforms not natively supported by System Center Operations Manager • Instantly diagnose and get actionable insight into IT service health and performance • Provide automatic, rapid root cause diagnosis for even the most complex performance problems • Receive proactive problem detection and alerting before users call • Maximize the return on your investment in System Center Operations Manager

© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
4 Key Components of the Web App Simulator
1. Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder
2. Web App Simulation Playback Engine
3. Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard
4. Web App Simulation Report
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
#1 Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder
o This is a standalone desktop tool that is packaged with the
eG Agent and is installed on the computer/VM from where
the simulation will happen
o This is used to simulate the required web transactions and
record the entire simulation to be played back at custom
intervals later on for synthetic monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Note: Web app simulation is
only supported on Chrome
as of now.
How the Transaction Recorder Works
Enter the URL
(with http/s) to
be simulated
Press the Record button
to start recording the
The simulation will begin by
opening the web app URL in
a Chrome browser
Each URL hit on the web app is
captured as a Transaction. And
every action (mouse-click, keystroke,
etc.) is captured as an Activity
A recorded transaction
Activities comprising the
recorded transaction
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction
Access the ACME
Telcom portal
Sign into the
View plans
Select a plan
Update the plan
Review the plan
Buy the plan
Make payment
Payment successful

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How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise
How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG EnterpriseHow to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise
How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise

Troubleshooting application problems is never easy. There’s always a blame game going on between App Dev, IT Ops and DevOps teams to decide where an application problem originated and who owns it. There could be a code-level issue in the application, a long-running query can slow application processing, slow third-party calls are another common problem in the application framework. In the latest update of our IT monitoring solution, eG Enterprise version 6.3, we’ve introduced new application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities to deliver code-level and query-level visibility for Java and .NET environments. Join this session and learn how the new capabilities will help you extend performance monitoring to solve more complex IT problems. Key topics to be covered in the webinar: Real User Monitoring: Track user experience issues in real time Business Transaction Tracing: Analyze application transactions and identify code-level issues Converged App & Infra Monitoring: Get correlated insight to pinpoint the root cause of problems: Network? Database? Virtualization? App code?

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From pilot to production, eG Enterprise empowers enterprise organizations to deliver a better user experience and increased ROI by delivering comprehensive, converged performance management of Java application services. With optimized Java platforms delivered through Zing, Azul Systems enables Java-based businesses to focus on functionality and long-term lower operating costs rather than daily firefighting. Together, eG Enterprise and Azul Systems offer a proven Java environment designed to optimize the deployment, management, and scale of Java application services. View these slides from this webinar where Bala Vaidhinathan, CTO of eG Innovations and Simon Ritter, Deputy CTO of Azul Systems discuss how: • Java Application Service Management can be simplified and made more cost-effective, while delivering a better user experience • eG Enterprise enhancements provide insights into Java applications running on the Zing runtime • eG Enterprise and Azul Zing working together in a production Java installation can reduce costs, optimize deployments and deliver optimum user satisfaction

user experiencejavaapplication performance monitoring
How to consolidate Citrix Monitoring in a Single Pane of Glass
How to consolidate Citrix Monitoring in a Single Pane of GlassHow to consolidate Citrix Monitoring in a Single Pane of Glass
How to consolidate Citrix Monitoring in a Single Pane of Glass

A recent survey by eG Innovations and xenappblog found that 68% of organizations are using 2-5 different tools for monitoring and managing their Citrix infrastructure. Multiple monitoring tools make it expensive to operate and troubleshoot IT infrastructure issues. Furthermore, a lot of manual effort is required to diagnose and fix performance issues. Join Richard Faulkner, Enterprise Solutions Architect and CTP from Conversant Group, and John Worthington, Director of Customer Success at eG Innovations, and learn how you can get a single-pane-of-glass view of your Citrix infrastructure – from the client end to the virtual desktops/apps and even the backend applications. See how you can: --Monitor and get proactive alerts on the experience seen by Citrix users --Track the performance of every layer and every tier of your Citrix infrastructure: NetScalers, StoreFronts, Virtual apps and desktops, WEM, PVS, License servers, etc. --Troubleshoot in a single click and identify where the root-cause of a problem is: network, or storage, or virtualization, or the Citrix stack? --Get insights to right-size and optimize your Citrix deployment

© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
How to Modify Recorded Transactions
Right-click on an Activity
to edit/modify its
Right-click on a
Transaction to edit/modify
its properties
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Configuring The Simulation Playback
• Once the simulation is recorded, a
script gets generated and saved locally
in the system where the Recorder is
• The script can easily be exported to
the eG Manager from the Recorder
• The exported script can even be
imported back to any remote system
where the Recorder is running for any
changes and be exported back to the
eG Manager
Enter a name for the script and
the eG Manager credentials to
export the script
On the Test Config Page on the eG Manager’s
Admin console, you can view the exported
script, where playback frequency can be
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
#2 Web App Simulation Playback Engine
• The playback engine is an executable that is bundled as part of the eG Agent
and is installed on remote locations (playback stations) from where the
simulation playback happens
• The playback engine runs the script and executes the simulation playback
based on the frequency configured in the eG Manager
• Only Chrome browser is supported for simulation playback
– Uses a Selenium driver for record and playback operation
• The playback station needs to be a dedicated PC/VM which should not be
locked while the simulation happens
– Windows desktop OS and server OS are supported for playback
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Pre-requisite Checker
A pre-requisite checker executable is bundled with the eG Agent and
the playback engine. This needs to be run first on the playback station
to ensure the necessary pre-requisites are met for the Agent to
function and simulation playback to happen.

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This document discusses transaction tracing in unified monitoring environments. It provides an overview of application performance management (APM) and why it is needed to monitor application performance and user experience. It discusses how real user monitoring (RUM) can provide insight into the user experience, but transaction tracing is also needed to diagnose server-side processing issues. The presentation demonstrates how eG Innovations provides both RUM and transaction tracing capabilities across Java and .NET applications in a unified manner. It provides licensing and deployment details and shows how transaction tracing can help identify code-level issues and troubleshoot application performance problems.

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Choosing a Citrix Monitoring Strategy: Key Capabilities and Pitfalls to Avoid
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Choosing a Citrix Monitoring Strategy: Key Capabilities and Pitfalls to Avoid

Citrix performance monitoring has been gaining a lot of attention and interest. In this presentation, we outline key requirements that any Citrix monitoring solution should support. We analyze the built-in Citrix monitoring tools: Citrix Director, Citrix NetScaler Insight and the Microsoft SCOM management packs and discuss their capabilities and limitations. The need to have at least three different consoles for monitoring a Citrix infrastructure makes monitoring and diagnosis very inefficient. We discuss how the eG Enterprise solution integrates with the built-in Citrix tools and provides 360 degree unified monitoring for a Citrix infrastructure with automated root-cause diagnosis.

citrix performance monitoringcitrix xenapp monitoringcitrix director
Java Application Performance and Analytics
Java Application Performance and AnalyticsJava Application Performance and Analytics
Java Application Performance and Analytics

This webinar highlights how next-generation application performance monitoring & analytics provides deep visibility into the Java stack to accelerate the diagnosis of application performance issues and quickly restore user experience. During the live demonstration, we will show how to: - Have a single unified monitoring solution that addresses your application monitoring, diagnosis, analytics, and reporting needs; - Use intelligent analytics to analyze and correlate performance inside the Java stack and across the tiers of your IT environment to provide unparalleled speed & ease of proactive alerting, diagnosis & analysis; - View best-in-class customizable dashboards that integrate Java application performance metrics to provide real-time role-based and domain-based views on user experience, system and service health, resource consumption, capacity and more; - Report on historical performance and trends and analyze usage patterns to right-size and optimize your IT infrastructure for maximum ROI;

java performancejava monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
#3 Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard
• A new component type called ‘Web App Simulation’ is now introduced to
monitor the simulated web app user experience
Open the new Synthetic Monitoring Dashboard Select Web App Simulation
This will have all key
synthetic and external
monitoring dashboards
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
The New Synthetic Monitoring Dashboard
Click on any of the
components to drill down
and view the simulated
transaction performance
This dashboard shows high-level status, availability and processing time metrics of all the synthetic simulations recorded for web applications
Shows the number of successful transactions. If there is a red X
in Transaction availability column, it means that the simulation
failed after these number of successful transactions.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Visualize the step-by-step flow of
transactions and their status and
response time
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Click on the camera icon to view the
screenshot of the last transaction,
which was successful

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My Application is Slow | Best Practices for Troubleshooting and Prevention
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My Application is Slow | Best Practices for Troubleshooting and Prevention

IT performance management isn’t about monitoring CPU, memory or disk space any more. One of the toughest application performance challenges for any IT administrator is when a user says "my application is slow". You have to be able to quickly determine what the real cause of the problem is - is it in the network, the database, the application, storage? The fact that applications are using multi-tier architectures and being deployed in cloud and virtualized infrastructures only adds to the challenge. View these slides from our webinar where Frank Ohlhorst, Enterprise IT Analyst & Consultant and Srinivas Ramanathan, CEO of eG Innovations, discussed the best practices for troubleshooting and prevention so even before a user complains their application is slow, you can pinpoint exactly where the cause of a problem lies – ensuring quick resolution and a positive user experience.

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How to Make Citrix Logons Faster?
How to Make Citrix Logons Faster?How to Make Citrix Logons Faster?
How to Make Citrix Logons Faster?

Slow logon is one of the most common user complaints faced by Citrix admins. When logon is slow, it affects the end-user experience and business productivity. Because XenApp and XenDesktop logon comprises many steps and depends on various parts of the infrastructure, it is often difficult to know what is causing logon slowness. The biggest question every Citrix admin has is “How do I make Citrix logons faster”? Here are some best practices from George Spiers, CTP, based on his real-world experience to optimize your Citrix infrastructure to make logons up to 75% faster. • Understand what factors are involved in Citrix login processing • Learn optimization techniques to make logon faster including profile management and image optimization • Learn how to improve logon times using new Citrix technologies such as App Layering and WEM • Pick up tips, tricks and tools to proactively detect logon slowdowns

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Enterprise Monitoring 2018: Converged Application & Infrastructure Monitoring...
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Enterprise Monitoring 2018: Converged Application & Infrastructure Monitoring...

Application architectures have become more distributed, heterogeneous, and reliant on supporting infrastructure tiers. In 2018, we are seeing customers beginning to realize they need to expand their application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities to provide visibility of these supporting IT infrastructure components. Application managers and IT teams are realizing that they need contextual visibility into how an infrastructure problem affects application performance, and seek APM solutions that can cross-correlate code-level and transaction-level performance with the health of the supporting physical, virtual, container and cloud infrastructures. Watch this on-demand webinar and learn why this cross-correlation is so important and what's required to achieve it: • Why monitoring applications in isolation will not be enough to monitor digital business service performance • What's required for the enterprise to achieve total performance visibility • How you can build an incremental plan for achieving transparency in digital service performance monitoring

apmconverged apminfrastructure monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Click on the activity icon if you prefer to change
the icon to suit the nature of the activity.
A pre-built set of icon options are available.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Click on the graph icon to see the
performance trends for this
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Click on any green tick mark either on
the individual transaction or on the
overall transaction availability to view
the layer model for this simulation
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard
New component type:
Web App Simulation
Click on this icon to switch
views and open up the
Transaction Flow
For each transaction, track the
number of successful and failed
activities and total time taken for
transaction processing.
Layer model view of a
single transaction

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Learn some best practices and valuable tips to help you ensure an effective user experience management strategy for VMware Horizon environments.

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ThousandEyes has released several new features and enhancements in February 2024, including a new API monitoring test type, platform innovations like dashboard filters, and improvements to endpoint monitoring. The presentation provides demonstrations of the new API test type, AWS API Gateway recommendations, Cisco Secure Access experience insights integration, enhanced endpoint test creation workflow, and event detection capabilities.

A Deep Dive Into Comprehensive Citrix & VDI Monitoring with eG Enterprise
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A Deep Dive Into Comprehensive Citrix & VDI Monitoring with eG Enterprise

Performance management of Citrix technologies has always been a challenge. Determining if user complaints of Citrix logon slowness, session disconnects, screen freezes, etc. are caused by the Citrix stack or by one of the supporting tiers has often been a time consuming and knowledge intensive process. Virtualization of Citrix applications has only added to the challenge. View this presentation to learn how eG Innovations, one of the earliest Citrix-focused monitoring software vendors, has been adapting its eG Enterprise solution to keep pace with Citrix technology evolution.

vdicitrixcitrix performance monitoring
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard
Layer model view of the
overall transaction (aggregate
view of all transactions)
Screenshot of transaction success can be
viewed from here. This will be the
screenshot of the last transaction which
was successfully competed, marking the
success of the entire simulation.
Screenshot of a successful transaction will only be visible on the layer model
from the “Total” transaction descriptor. Screenshot is not available on the
transaction flow UI.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation
Visualize the step-by-step flow of
transactions and the status and response
time of each transaction
The red X denotes a failed transaction
in the simulation. The simulation
could not proceed further.
Click on this camera icon to see
the screenshot of the failed
transaction in the simulation
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard
For each transaction, track the
number of successful and failed
activities and total time taken for
transaction processing
Screenshot of transaction
failure can also be viewed
from here.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
#4 Web App Simulation Report
View historical trends of simulated
transactions. Drill down into successful/failed
simulation for further details
• New report for Web App Simulation enables monitoring historical user
experience trends based on synthetic monitoring metrics

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Citrix XenMobile and ShareFile are at the heart of the mobility strategies for many enterprises and service providers. As you embark on your mobility initiatives, you will need to ensure that users receive reliable and high performing service. Performance monitoring, diagnosis and reporting is a key to ensuring the success of your Citrix mobility initiatives. Watch this webinar "Performance Monitoring and Analytics for Citrix XenMobile and ShareFile" and see first-hand how to address performance-related challenges of Citrix mobile infrastructures. During this webinar Citrix virtualization expert Bala Vaidinathan (CTO, eG Innovations) will demonstrate how eG Innovations' new performance monitoring solution for Citrix XenMobile and ShareFile allows you to: • Monitor every layer, every tier of your Citrix mobile infrastructure • Be alerted to performance problems proactively before your users notice and complain • Identify exactly where the root-cause of any problems in the Citrix mobile infrastructure lie, so you can initiate remedial action quickly • Gain a holistic end-to-end view of the Citrix infrastructure (including XenApp and XenDesktop), understand usage trends and bottlenecks and plan effectively for growth • Customize real-time dashboards and create targeted reports to deliver timely, concise information that is relevant and valuable to each technical and management team member

compliancecitrix xenmobileperformance
How to simplify the monitoring of multi-cloud environments
How to simplify the monitoring of multi-cloud environmentsHow to simplify the monitoring of multi-cloud environments
How to simplify the monitoring of multi-cloud environments

This document discusses monitoring applications deployed across multiple cloud platforms. It notes that 92% of organizations have a multi-cloud strategy and that operational complexity increases in these environments. A demo application is described that is deployed across AWS and Azure to showcase issues that can occur. The presentation emphasizes that traditional monitoring tools are insufficient for multi-cloud and that capabilities like auto-discovery, intelligent alerting, visualizations and root cause analysis are needed to effectively monitor applications in these environments.

Migrating to the Cloud – Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?
Migrating to the Cloud – Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?Migrating to the Cloud – Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?
Migrating to the Cloud – Is Application Performance Monitoring still required?

As more businesses adopt cloud technologies for their various benefits it must be noted that not all cloud offerings are the same and provide different services or infra SLA. Do you know that not all SLA from cloud providers mean your application will be ensured similar availability? Depending on whether you are leveraging Saas, Paas, Iaas, etc to deliver your applications, you will have a different level of visibility and control of how you manage performance and deliver the user experience expected by your users. Join the session and find out what remains within your responsibility and how you can monitor the various cloud infrastructure/services to give yourself the needed visibility to deliver the expected user experience without over-provisioning to ensure better performance.

© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Historical Analytics and Trends
Availability trend for a
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Historical Analytics and Trends
View the distribution
of transaction by
processing time
View the trend of
transaction processing
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
How is Web App Simulator Licensed?
• Web App Simulator is licensed based on the number of playback stations
from where simulations are executed
– One eG External Agent is needed for each playback station
• Licensing is not restricted to the number of web applications or number of
transactions being simulated.
– Multiple web apps can be simulated
– Multiple simulations (scripts) of the same web app can be executed
• Multiple simulations from one playback station are possible, but they will
have to happen sequentially and not in parallel
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
New UI for
Client Session Simulation
(for Thick Clients) via

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Historically, Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools have mainly been focused on providing code level visibility for web applications. IT managers have had to deploy these solutions to complement infrastructure monitoring solutions to get end-to-end visibility across applications and services. To understand how the APM needs of organizations have evolved in the next normal, eG Innovations and DevOps Institute conducted a survey. Over 900 software professionals - DevOps engineers, SREs, ITOps teams and system admins – shared their knowledge and thinking. We’ve invited Eveline Oehrlich, Chief Research Officer at DevOps Institute and ex-Forrester VP and Research Director to join us to dissect the results of this survey. Eveline will share her experiences and knowledge within the APM space, discuss trends and will discuss what the future of APM should look like. Also joining the discussion will be Arun Aravamudhan, Head of Java APM and Web Products and web products at eG Innovations. We are looking forward to you joining this webinar. Here are some highlights on what we will cover: - Why APM is no longer just about code-level analysis - The need for converged application and infrastructure monitoring - The strategy for Kubernetes and cloud monitoring in the next normal - The challenges with native cloud monitoring options - Application performance management has gained management attention Register now and learn the current state of APM adoption and how business needs in the next normal will change how APM should be leveraged.

Troubleshooting the Most Common Citrix Complaints for Remote Workers
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Troubleshooting the Most Common Citrix Complaints for Remote Workers

When remote workers complain that Citrix is slow, where do you initially focus your investigations? What do you analyze and how do you triage now that there are remote working factors to consider? Join us as George Spiers, Citrix CTP, and Barry Schiffer, Citrix CTP, share their real-world experience to provide you with tips on troubleshooting in the new normal. In this webinar you'll learn how to: • Understand the most common issues and how to troubleshoot them like slow logons, slow app/desktop sessions, connectivity issues, and more • Methodically go about finding the scope, magnitude of impact, and source of the problem • Investigate issues in the supporting infrastructure (network, AD, virtualization, etc.) • Troubleshoot with automated and built-for-Citrix monitoring tools

#citrix #troubleshooting
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The document discusses how organizations can improve their digital workspace experience. It outlines three main topics: 1) How to greatly improve the virtual workspace experience through fast logins, proactive problem identification and quick issue resolution. 2) How to reduce service desk tickets by up to 50% through visibility insights that identify the root causes of issues. 3) How to prevent ticket escalation delays ("hot potato") and reduce troubleshooting times through a holistic monitoring solution that provides expertise to optimize systems and processes. The presentation promotes the Deptive Visibility Insights product to help organizations achieve these goals.

digital workspacedeptive
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
New UI for Transaction Flow Visualization
• The same transaction flow visualization screen used
for Web App Simulation is being incorporated for
Client Session Simulation.
• Reporting has also been enhanced. Now, Client
Session Simulation reports follow the same report
pattern as Web App Simulation.
Client Session Simulation is used to simulate a full
desktop session including application access.
Primarily used for VDI and thick client simulation.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation
Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions
performed by a user inside a virtual desktop
and the status and response time
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation
View the captured
screenshot of a failed
transaction to analyze further
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Screenshot Capture
for Citrix Logon Simulator

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Digital Workspaces and the Customer ExperienceDigital Workspaces and the Customer Experience
Digital Workspaces and the Customer Experience

Customer experience is driving the digital age, and with the number of digital workers exploding the bar for assuring the digital user experience is quickly being raised — and not every enterprise is ready. Fragmented monitoring approaches can make it all but impossible to connect the dots between complex, heterogeneous technical ecosystems, and the customer’s digital journey. The digital workspace can be a logical first step towards digital transformation but connecting the dots between ‘X-data’ (experience or XLA data) and ‘O-data’ (operational or SLA data) is not trivial. In this webinar, John Worthington, Director of Customer Success at eG Innovations and an XLA Master, shows us: -What role the Experience Level Agreement plays in the digital workspace -The importance of unified, end-user-oriented views of digital workspace performance -How converged APM/IPM can accelerate your customer experience journey

How to Get the​ Fastest Possible ​Citrix Logon Times​? Optimization Tips for ...
How to Get the​ Fastest Possible ​Citrix Logon Times​? Optimization Tips for ...How to Get the​ Fastest Possible ​Citrix Logon Times​? Optimization Tips for ...
How to Get the​ Fastest Possible ​Citrix Logon Times​? Optimization Tips for ...

Logon is a user's first interaction with the Citrix digital workspace service, and hence, a slow logon can influence a user's opinion of the service in a way that no other metric can. Therefore, logon time is the #1 key performance indicator (KPI) in Citrix environments. Slow logons have an impact not just on user perception, but also productivity. When each logon takes minutes — maybe on multiple systems — it results in lost work time and costs the business. So, it is imperative that logons be as quick and non-intrusive as possible. But how can we make this happen? Learn some of the best practices for Citrix logon time optimization.

citrixcitrix performance monitoringcitrix xenapp
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Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Successful Simulation
Click on the new image icon
to view the screenshot of
simulation success
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Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation
Click on the new image icon
to view the screenshot of
simulation failure
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Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation
Screenshot can also be
viewed from the layer model
for a failed simulation
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Logon Simulation Supported on More Gateways
In addition to Citrix StoreFront and
Gateway, now OKTA, Azure AD,
AD FS, Web Interface or F5 Load
Balancer are also supported

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Citrix Cloud is a new offering from Citrix that enables you to deliver Virtual Apps and Desktops as a service. Citrix Cloud uses a hybrid model: while the control plane of your Citrix site resides in the cloud, you can have the resource plane either on-premises or in the cloud. Because the Citrix Delivery Controller, StoreFront, Gateway, and SQL database are all hosted and managed by Citrix, Citrix Cloud eases deployment and maintenance for administrators. Citrix administration teams would continue to run their Citrix Virtual Apps servers and Citrix Virtual Desktops VMs from their on-premises infrastructure. With a heavy push from Citrix towards upgrading customers to Citrix Cloud, a question that every organization has is “Is Citrix Cloud Enterprise ready? Should we move to the cloud?” Check out this presentation and understand: • The basics of Citrix Cloud: architecture, features and benefits • What’s new in the latest release of Citrix Cloud • Is Citrix Cloud enterprise ready? • Key considerations for deploying Citrix Cloud • Monitoring best practices for performance assurance

citrix cloudcitrixcitrix monitoring
20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024
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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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New Metrics for Citrix Logon Simulator
For the simulated session, you
can view HDX channel details
including screen refresh latency,
frames sent/received, etc.
These are obtained using Citrix APIs
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Screenshot Capture
for VMware Horizon
Logon Simulator
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Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Successful Simulation
Click on the new image icon
to view the screenshot of
simulation success
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation
Click on the new image icon
to view the screenshot of
simulation failure

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation
Screenshot can also be
viewed from the layer model
for a failed simulation
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Enhancements to
Protocol Simulation
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What is Protocol Simulation?
• This approach uses different protocols to perform simulation:
– HTTP protocol’s GET method is used to test whether a website is available and
how fast it responds to a user request
– ICMP echo (aka ping) is used to assess whether a server was reachable or not
– SMTP and POP3 protocols can be used to determine the performance of email
– FTP, SQL, IMAP, ICA, and other protocols and applications that support them can
be monitored with this approach
Protocol simulation works for single-step transactions only.
Can be used for end-to-end monitoring and for individual tiers of an infrastructure.
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Synthetic Monitoring of Web Performance: New UI in 7.1
Monitor web page availability and
response time using the HTTP
Access simulation capability
Click on the Detailed
Diagnosis icon to see the
response time break-up on
an intuitive visualization
Provides a breakdown of
response time to identify
where the bottleneck lies.

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Invited Remote Lecture to SC21 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis St. Louis, Missouri November 18, 2021

distributed supercomputerdistributed machine learning
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Synthetic Monitoring of Network Availability: New UI in 7.1
Monitor network availability
using Network Access
simulation capability
Monitor network delay and
packet loss metrics for all
simulations on a single
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
New Reports Available for Protocol Simulation
New reports available for
protocol simulation
Monitor simulates transaction
availability over time and plot trends to
understand simulation trends
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
Web App Simulation
Synthetic user experience monitoring during
web application access
Logon Simulation
Simulate and monitor logon performance for
digital workspaces and SaaS applications
eG Enterprise: The Only Solution That Offers 4 Approaches to
Synthetic Monitoring
Protocol Simulation
Test availability of applications with single-step
transaction (HTTP access, network access, etc.)
Client Session Simulation
Synthetic simulation of application access in a
thick client (physical/virtual desktop)
© eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential
When to Use What Synthetic Monitoring Approach
Requirement What Simulation Approach to Use?
• Check individual tier performance and
• Check single-step transactions
Protocol simulation
• Check user experience for multi-step web
Web app simulation
• Check performance of logons for VDI,
application virtualization, SaaS, cloud desktops
Logon simulation
• Simulate full user sessions for non-web
applications (VDI, thick clients, etc.)
Client session simulation
eG Enterprise: The only complete synthetic monitoring solution in the market, supporting all simulation approaches

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real worldImplementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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Make synthetic monitoring a critical part of your IT monitoring strategy: Why and How?

  • 1. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Synthetic Monitoring – Beyond Logon Enhancements and New Capabilities in eG Enterprise 7.1 This document is strictly private, confidential and personal to its recipients and should not be copied, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any third party. DISCLAIMER:
  • 2. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Webinar Logistics Please submit your questions at any time during the webinar via the questions panel on the GoToWebinar client. We will be answering questions throughout the presentation. This webinar is being recorded and you will receive a link to the recording in a few days. Be sure to download solution brief in the Handout section of your GoToWebinar client.
  • 3. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Rachel Berry Technical Product Marketing The Team Today Thyagarajan UdayaKumar Lead Technical Consultant @rhbbse
  • 4. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Agenda • What is synthetic monitoring and what are the 4 key types of synthetic monitoring • Protocol monitoring (HTML, FTP, SQL, POP3, SMTP….) • Logon Simulation • The new eG Enterprise Web Application simulator • How to synthetically test thick apps (SAP) and full client sessions • Recent product updates and changes
  • 5. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What is Synthetic Monitoring? • Synthetic monitoring uses software robots to actively simulate user transactions to IT applications and measure their availability and responsiveness. • Continuous simulation helps detect application availability and response time problems proactively and allows administrators to correct them before users notice. • Logon Simulation alone doesn’t tell you is Excel or Word is available, let alone if and why it’s slow.
  • 6. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential The Four Key Use Cases • eG Enterprise includes a wide range of synthetic monitoring capabilities that cater to a number of use cases: • Protocol simulation: This is ideal for simple simulation of protocol requests (HTTP, SMTP, ICA, SQL etc.) to target systems and applications, and observing their responses. • Purpose-built logon simulators: eG Enterprise embeds purpose-built simulators for digital workspace environments (Citrix, VMware Horizon, AWS WorkSpaces, Microsoft AVD etc.) that simulate user logons without the need for a separate recording step. • Web app simulation: To support multiple step transactions that include form fills, mouse clicks, etc., eG Enterprise includes a web app transaction recording and replay tool. • Full, client session simulation: Ideal for simulating multi-step transactions to any type of application - thin client or thick client, this uses a simulation engine that works based on optical character recognition technology. Used for VDI and thick apps (e.g. SAP).
  • 7. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What is Protocol Simulation? • This approach uses different protocols to perform simulation: – HTTP protocol’s GET method is used to test whether a website is available and how fast it responds to a user request – ICMP echo (aka ping) is used to assess whether a server was reachable or not – SMTP and POP3 protocols can be used to determine the performance of email applications – FTP, SQL, IMAP, ICA, and other protocols and applications that support them can be monitored with this approach Protocol simulation works for single-step transactions only. Can be used for end-to-end monitoring and for individual tiers of an infrastructure.
  • 8. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Demo 1 – Protocol Simulation • A problem it solves: Is your company website available and fast? • Proactive alerting • Built in UI dashboards • Out-of-the-box reports to assess SLAs, give management reports
  • 9. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Synthetic Monitoring of Web Performance: New UI in 7.1 Monitor web page availability and response time using the HTTP Access simulation capability Click on the Detailed Diagnosis icon to see the response time break-up on an intuitive visualization Provides a breakdown of response time to identify where the bottleneck lies.
  • 10. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New Reports Available for Protocol Simulation New reports available for protocol simulation Monitor simulates transaction availability over time and plot trends to understand simulation trends
  • 11. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Logon Simulator • Supported for digital workspaces including: – Citrix – VMware – Amazon WorkSpaces – Microsoft AVD • Standalone FREE Logon simulator available for VMware and Citrix from
  • 12. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Update: Logon Simulation Supported on More Gateways 1 In addition to Citrix StoreFront and Gateway, now OKTA, Azure AD, AD FS, Web Interface or F5 Load Balancer are also supported
  • 13. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Demo 2 – Logon Simulation • The problems it solves: Can users logon to their digital WorkSpaces Citrix/Vmware/Microsoft AVD/Amazon WorkSpaces? Are logon times acceptable or degrading? If logon fails or is slow – why? • Detailed insights and logon time breakdowns to allow you to identify the cause of slow logon times. • Identify issues before real users encounter them. • Best used in conjunction with Real User Monitoring (RUM)
  • 14. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New Synthetic Monitoring Capabilities in eG Enterprise 7.1 • New: Web App Simulator • New UI for Client Session Simulation (Thick Client) via AppsMon/Itexis • Screenshot Capture Capability for Citrix and VMware Horizon Logon Simulator • Enhancements to Protocol Simulation
  • 15. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What Tools Exist in eG Enterprise for Synthetic Monitoring? • For App/Desktop Virtualization: – Logon simulator for Citrix and VMware Horizon – Client session simulator (using Itexis/AppsMon) • For Web Applications: – Client session simulator (using Itexis/AppsMon) • We have developed a new in-house tool called Web Application Simulator that will be used in place of Itexis/AppsMon ─ Itexis/AppsMon is a general-purpose tool and not HTML-aware ─ Requires a level of scripting ─ Requires additional license • Web App Simulator overcomes these challenges and is purpose-built for web apps • We will continue to use Itexis/AppsMon for synthetic monitoring in VDI and thick client environments • For Web Applications: – Client session simulator (using Itexis/AppsMon) • For Thick Client Apps (SAP, etc.): – Client session simulator (using Itexis/AppsMon)
  • 16. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential The All New Web App Simulator
  • 17. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction Access the ACME Telcom portal Sign into the portal View plans Select a plan Update the plan Review the plan Buy the plan Make payment Payment successful
  • 18. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What is the Web App Simulator? • Proactively monitoring user experience of web apps is essential in today’s age of digital transformation and cloud-native deployments – Slowness or downtime of web apps will lead to degraded user experience and affect business productivity, revenues and even the company brand – Especially in competitive businesses such as eCommerce, when faced with a slow experience, a user would immediately switch to a different site • Web App Simulator is purpose-built tool for synthetic simulation of web apps • Easy-to-use record and playback tool, which can be used from any remote location to simulate web application access
  • 19. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Records simulated transactions for the web app and generates a script (Part of eG Agent) How the Web App Simulator Works eG Enterprise Web Console eG Manager Script is exported Script can be imported back for any changes and can be reuploaded eG Agent with Playback Engine is downloaded and installed on the target system Script is downloaded on to the target system for playback eG Agent pushes all metrics collected from simulation playback Real-time and historical data accessed Monitoring Alerting Reporting Transaction Recorder Simulation Playback Stations Location 1 Location 3 Location 2
  • 20. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential 4 Key Components of the Web App Simulator 1. Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder 2. Web App Simulation Playback Engine 3. Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard 4. Web App Simulation Report
  • 21. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Demo 3 – The Web App Simulator • The problem it solves: Is your company eCommerce site available and are full transactions being completed? • The problem it solves: Are key third-party web-based SaaS apps really working for employees?
  • 22. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential How is Web App Simulator Licensed? • Web App Simulator is licensed based on the number of playback stations from where simulations are executed – One eG External Agent is needed for each playback station • Licensing is not restricted to the number of web applications or number of transactions being simulated. – Multiple web apps can be simulated – Multiple simulations (scripts) of the same web app can be executed • Multiple simulations from one playback station are possible, but they will have to happen sequentially and not in parallel
  • 23. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New UI for Client Session Simulation (for Thick Clients) via AppsMon/Itexis
  • 24. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New UI for Transaction Flow Visualization • The same transaction flow visualization screen used for Web App Simulation is being incorporated for Client Session Simulation. • Reporting has also been enhanced. Now, Client Session Simulation reports follow the same report pattern as Web App Simulation. Client Session Simulation is used to simulate a full desktop session including application access. Primarily used for VDI and thick client simulation.
  • 25. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions performed by a user inside a virtual desktop and the status and response time
  • 26. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation View the captured screenshot of a failed transaction to analyze further
  • 27. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Web App Simulation Synthetic user experience monitoring during web application access Logon Simulation Simulate and monitor logon performance for digital workspaces and SaaS applications eG Enterprise: The Only Solution That Offers 4 Approaches to Synthetic Monitoring Protocol Simulation Test availability of applications with single-step transaction (HTTP access, network access, etc.) Client Session Simulation Synthetic simulation of application access in a thick client (physical/virtual desktop)
  • 28. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential +1 (866) 526 6700 Thank You
  • 29. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential The All New Web App Simulator
  • 30. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction Access the ACME Telcom portal Sign into the portal View plans Select a plan Update the plan Review the plan Buy the plan Make payment Payment successful
  • 31. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What is the Web App Simulator? • Proactively monitoring user experience of web apps is essential in today’s age of digital transformation and cloud-native deployments – Slowness or downtime of web apps will lead to degraded user experience and affect business productivity, revenues and even the company brand – Especially in competitive businesses such as eCommerce, when faced with a slow experience, a user would immediately switch to a different site • Web App Simulator is purpose-built tool for synthetic simulation of web apps • Easy-to-use record and playback tool, which can be used from any remote location to simulate web application access
  • 32. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Records simulated transactions for the web app and generates a script (Part of eG Agent) How the Web App Simulator Works eG Enterprise Web Console eG Manager Script is exported Script can be imported back for any changes and can be reuploaded eG Agent with Playback Engine is downloaded and installed on the target system Script is downloaded on to the target system for playback eG Agent pushes all metrics collected from simulation playback Real-time and historical data accessed Monitoring Alerting Reporting Transaction Recorder Simulation Playback Stations Location 1 Location 3 Location 2
  • 33. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential 4 Key Components of the Web App Simulator 1. Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder 2. Web App Simulation Playback Engine 3. Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard 4. Web App Simulation Report
  • 34. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential #1 Web App Simulation Transaction Recorder o This is a standalone desktop tool that is packaged with the eG Agent and is installed on the computer/VM from where the simulation will happen o This is used to simulate the required web transactions and record the entire simulation to be played back at custom intervals later on for synthetic monitoring
  • 35. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Note: Web app simulation is only supported on Chrome as of now. How the Transaction Recorder Works Enter the URL (with http/s) to be simulated Press the Record button to start recording the simulation The simulation will begin by opening the web app URL in a Chrome browser Each URL hit on the web app is captured as a Transaction. And every action (mouse-click, keystroke, etc.) is captured as an Activity A recorded transaction Activities comprising the recorded transaction
  • 36. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Simulating and Recording a Web App Transaction Access the ACME Telcom portal Sign into the portal View plans Select a plan Update the plan Review the plan Buy the plan Make payment Payment successful
  • 37. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential How to Modify Recorded Transactions Right-click on an Activity to edit/modify its properties Right-click on a Transaction to edit/modify its properties
  • 38. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Configuring The Simulation Playback • Once the simulation is recorded, a script gets generated and saved locally in the system where the Recorder is running • The script can easily be exported to the eG Manager from the Recorder itself • The exported script can even be imported back to any remote system where the Recorder is running for any changes and be exported back to the eG Manager Enter a name for the script and the eG Manager credentials to export the script On the Test Config Page on the eG Manager’s Admin console, you can view the exported script, where playback frequency can be configured
  • 39. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential #2 Web App Simulation Playback Engine • The playback engine is an executable that is bundled as part of the eG Agent and is installed on remote locations (playback stations) from where the simulation playback happens • The playback engine runs the script and executes the simulation playback based on the frequency configured in the eG Manager • Only Chrome browser is supported for simulation playback – Uses a Selenium driver for record and playback operation • The playback station needs to be a dedicated PC/VM which should not be locked while the simulation happens – Windows desktop OS and server OS are supported for playback
  • 40. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Pre-requisite Checker A pre-requisite checker executable is bundled with the eG Agent and the playback engine. This needs to be run first on the playback station to ensure the necessary pre-requisites are met for the Agent to function and simulation playback to happen.
  • 41. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential #3 Web App Simulation Monitoring Dashboard • A new component type called ‘Web App Simulation’ is now introduced to monitor the simulated web app user experience Open the new Synthetic Monitoring Dashboard Select Web App Simulation This will have all key synthetic and external monitoring dashboards
  • 42. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential The New Synthetic Monitoring Dashboard Click on any of the components to drill down and view the simulated transaction performance This dashboard shows high-level status, availability and processing time metrics of all the synthetic simulations recorded for web applications Shows the number of successful transactions. If there is a red X in Transaction availability column, it means that the simulation failed after these number of successful transactions.
  • 43. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions and their status and response time
  • 44. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Click on the camera icon to view the screenshot of the last transaction, which was successful
  • 45. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Click on the activity icon if you prefer to change the icon to suit the nature of the activity. A pre-built set of icon options are available.
  • 46. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Click on the graph icon to see the performance trends for this simulation
  • 47. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Click on any green tick mark either on the individual transaction or on the overall transaction availability to view the layer model for this simulation
  • 48. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard New component type: Web App Simulation Click on this icon to switch views and open up the Transaction Flow Visualization For each transaction, track the number of successful and failed activities and total time taken for transaction processing. Layer model view of a single transaction
  • 49. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard Layer model view of the overall transaction (aggregate view of all transactions) Screenshot of transaction success can be viewed from here. This will be the screenshot of the last transaction which was successfully competed, marking the success of the entire simulation. Screenshot of a successful transaction will only be visible on the layer model from the “Total” transaction descriptor. Screenshot is not available on the transaction flow UI.
  • 50. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions and the status and response time of each transaction The red X denotes a failed transaction in the simulation. The simulation could not proceed further. Click on this camera icon to see the screenshot of the failed transaction in the simulation
  • 51. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Exploring the Layer Model Dashboard For each transaction, track the number of successful and failed activities and total time taken for transaction processing Screenshot of transaction failure can also be viewed from here.
  • 52. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential #4 Web App Simulation Report View historical trends of simulated transactions. Drill down into successful/failed simulation for further details SCRIPTS • New report for Web App Simulation enables monitoring historical user experience trends based on synthetic monitoring metrics
  • 53. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Historical Analytics and Trends Availability trend for a transaction
  • 54. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Historical Analytics and Trends View the distribution of transaction by processing time View the trend of transaction processing time
  • 55. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential How is Web App Simulator Licensed? • Web App Simulator is licensed based on the number of playback stations from where simulations are executed – One eG External Agent is needed for each playback station • Licensing is not restricted to the number of web applications or number of transactions being simulated. – Multiple web apps can be simulated – Multiple simulations (scripts) of the same web app can be executed • Multiple simulations from one playback station are possible, but they will have to happen sequentially and not in parallel
  • 56. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New UI for Client Session Simulation (for Thick Clients) via AppsMon/Itexis
  • 57. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New UI for Transaction Flow Visualization • The same transaction flow visualization screen used for Web App Simulation is being incorporated for Client Session Simulation. • Reporting has also been enhanced. Now, Client Session Simulation reports follow the same report pattern as Web App Simulation. Client Session Simulation is used to simulate a full desktop session including application access. Primarily used for VDI and thick client simulation.
  • 58. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Successful Simulation Visualize the step-by-step flow of transactions performed by a user inside a virtual desktop and the status and response time
  • 59. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Transaction Flow Visualization: A Failed Simulation View the captured screenshot of a failed transaction to analyze further
  • 60. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Screenshot Capture Capability for Citrix Logon Simulator
  • 61. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Successful Simulation Click on the new image icon to view the screenshot of simulation success
  • 62. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation Click on the new image icon to view the screenshot of simulation failure
  • 63. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Citrix Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation Screenshot can also be viewed from the layer model for a failed simulation
  • 64. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Logon Simulation Supported on More Gateways 1 In addition to Citrix StoreFront and Gateway, now OKTA, Azure AD, AD FS, Web Interface or F5 Load Balancer are also supported
  • 65. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New Metrics for Citrix Logon Simulator 1 For the simulated session, you can view HDX channel details including screen refresh latency, frames sent/received, etc. These are obtained using Citrix APIs
  • 66. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Screenshot Capture Capability for VMware Horizon Logon Simulator
  • 67. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Successful Simulation Click on the new image icon to view the screenshot of simulation success
  • 68. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation Click on the new image icon to view the screenshot of simulation failure
  • 69. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Horizon Logon Simulator: Screenshot of Failed Simulation Screenshot can also be viewed from the layer model for a failed simulation
  • 70. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Enhancements to Protocol Simulation
  • 71. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential What is Protocol Simulation? • This approach uses different protocols to perform simulation: – HTTP protocol’s GET method is used to test whether a website is available and how fast it responds to a user request – ICMP echo (aka ping) is used to assess whether a server was reachable or not – SMTP and POP3 protocols can be used to determine the performance of email applications – FTP, SQL, IMAP, ICA, and other protocols and applications that support them can be monitored with this approach Protocol simulation works for single-step transactions only. Can be used for end-to-end monitoring and for individual tiers of an infrastructure.
  • 72. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Synthetic Monitoring of Web Performance: New UI in 7.1 Monitor web page availability and response time using the HTTP Access simulation capability Click on the Detailed Diagnosis icon to see the response time break-up on an intuitive visualization Provides a breakdown of response time to identify where the bottleneck lies.
  • 73. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Synthetic Monitoring of Network Availability: New UI in 7.1 Monitor network availability using Network Access simulation capability Monitor network delay and packet loss metrics for all simulations on a single console
  • 74. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential New Reports Available for Protocol Simulation New reports available for protocol simulation Monitor simulates transaction availability over time and plot trends to understand simulation trends
  • 75. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential Web App Simulation Synthetic user experience monitoring during web application access Logon Simulation Simulate and monitor logon performance for digital workspaces and SaaS applications eG Enterprise: The Only Solution That Offers 4 Approaches to Synthetic Monitoring Protocol Simulation Test availability of applications with single-step transaction (HTTP access, network access, etc.) Client Session Simulation Synthetic simulation of application access in a thick client (physical/virtual desktop)
  • 76. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential When to Use What Synthetic Monitoring Approach Requirement What Simulation Approach to Use? • Check individual tier performance and availability • Check single-step transactions Protocol simulation • Check user experience for multi-step web applications Web app simulation • Check performance of logons for VDI, application virtualization, SaaS, cloud desktops Logon simulation • Simulate full user sessions for non-web applications (VDI, thick clients, etc.) Client session simulation eG Enterprise: The only complete synthetic monitoring solution in the market, supporting all simulation approaches
  • 77. © eG Innovations, Inc. | | Confidential +1 (866) 526 6700 Thank You This document is strictly private, confidential and personal to its recipients and should not be copied, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any third party. DISCLAIMER:

Editor's Notes

  1. Today we’re going to focus on the story of an organization that I started independent consulting work for and how following what we discuss today has brought them from a point where employees were LITERALLY quitting because the systems were so bad and they couldn’t work. For them, their compensation is tied to how much they can process. So when they made the decision to consolidate their operations and most importantly their data to a central datacenter from 16 branch locations… they chose Citrix to deliver. I’d love to say it went well, but when I started working with them it was disorganized. I’ll tell you right now this story has a happy ending. Citrix is now transparent to the users (or in many cases they are glad it is there because it was working better than their branch servers were). The company is saving a few hundred thousands of dollars each year – which given their sub 500 employee size- is a HUGE deal! Today I’m going to show you how applying these principals made the difference.
  2. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  3. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  4. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  5. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  6. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  7. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization
  8. Now that we understand the impact of logons, and the process, let us look at some best practices to drive logon times down, starting off with Windows Optimization