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Why Golang?
Settling the
Debate Once
and For All
w w w . b a c a n c y t e c h n o l o g y . c o m
We all have experienced the blissful feeling
at the initial stage of the greenfield project.
For every single decision, you have endless
possibilities to choose from, and when you
encounter how to get started, the first
question that you have to deal with is which
programming language I should choose my
Whether I should I go with a new fancy
language or should I stick to the most
popular language? Fortunately, at Bacancy
Technology, our experts are familiar with
these questions as we have worked with all
the shapes and sizes of clients, and we always
make a choice considering a common
possibility that the programming language
should be suitable for server-side application
development. That’s why we give Golang
special importance.
Today majority of the tech founder is using
the Go language. It has aroused a lot of
curiosity about why a decade old language is
successfully replacing Java that came about
in 1991 and other programming languages,
which are way older than Golang. To validate
the popularity of I checked TIOBE Index –
TIOBE is a programming community index
that measures the popularity of
programming languages, As per the TOIBE,
there’s a significant and steady rise in the
usage as well as adoption in Go programing
language. Go is a serious language with a
proven track record of lifting enterprise-level
Back to the
Why Golang?
Imagine you are a Golang programmer and
attending an event in a completely different
city. You decide to share some knowledge
person next to you about microservice
architecture in Golang; it’s a single binary,
Golang is comparatively quite stable, mature,
and fast. Your knowledge grabs the attention
of others, and one of them straight away you
what makes you think that Golang is better
than Rust, another one also curiously asks Is
Golang going to overpower Python?
Unfortunately, you don’t feel good, as you
could only answer about the Go that makes
Golang the best programming language for
web application development, but it won’t be
a satisfactory answer. Suddenly you start
feeling bad that you choose Go language over
other programming languages because you
were told that Go is fairly fast and
syntactically similar to C but with CSP-style
Concurrency, Garbage Collection, and
Memory Safety.
You have chosen Go as a promising language,
but the other has a completely different
opinion on Golang and you have a made a
choice a long back and now you are pleased
to join the circles as you want to settle the
debate for once and all for.
So, Let’s Join
the Discussion:
Why Golang is
better than
Go, and Python, both of them, present
themselves as simplicity-oriented languages.
The code is easy to read and understand in
both the languages.
In the comparison of Python, Golang offers a
smoother debugging process. Python is
dynamically-typed; it signals bugs at the run
time, whereas Go is statically-typed. It signals
errors at the compile-time, not at the
Go provides built-in support for web
application development; therefore, Gophers
indicates that there is no need to use a
framework; however, Python provides the
base as per your convenience.
The performance of both these programming
languages can be tested easily by including several
factors, such as memory management,
functionality, and speed. Both the programming
languages performed remarkably.
Golang vs. Python: Performance
Golang vs. Python: Scalability
In this day and age, having an application building
process that is scalable is one of the most
important things to consider for a development
company. Golang as a language was created,
keeping this parameter in check. For a Golang
Development company like Google, the support
and ideas of concurrent process channeling
proved to be a significant factor.
However, when it comes to Python, the language
surely showed some problems in the case of
concurrency but had fantastic results when it
came to parallelism. Python provided consistent
results when it came to splitting up the tasks in
order to provide better scalability for the
programming language.
And someone
curiously asked
what’s your
opinion on,
Well, go vs. Rust has been a hot topic of
discussion because they were both launched
approximately at the same time. Both Rust
and Golang are competent languages that
work well when you are designing a web
application. Either of the languages is
capable of handling high volume traffic and
is also capable of scaling both vertically and
horizontally. Neither Rust nor Golang
languages tolerate unsafe memory access.
Golang vs. Rust
Contrariwise, industry experts suggest, Go is a
superior language compared to Rust in every
possible manner. It is entirely secure when
compared to other programming languages. Both
languages are on the rise and gaining popularity in
the developer’s community. Why is Go better than
Rust? Because of its simplicity and ease of usability.
It is also faster to learn, providing developers a
more effortless programming experience. Thus, Go
is a more preferred language by the developer’s
team. Go language focuses on simplicity and
uniformity. It makes the team more efficient by
providing a rigid application of simplicity.
Rust as a programming language provides
developer teams with great controlling ability at a
granular level, also controlling the threads and
their behavior with the rest of the system. Yet, Rust
is not widely preferred due to its complexity and
difficulty in learning and adaptation. Furthermore,
Rust is not readily adaptable with other languages
like Python and is competing to find its significance
with languages like C++ and D.
And then I
asked, what’s
your opinion
on Golang vs.
In the comparison of Node.js, Golang is very
lightweight, and its performance
characteristics are similar to the C/C++.
When it comes to real-life performance, both
the technologies, demonstrate similar
results. When database interaction or net
network communication are involved, Node.js
and Go are often equal, and they work at
similar speeds.
Go’s performance is consistent, but Node.js
performance is either high or terrible,
depending on the type of application you are
Golang Vs. NodeJS:
When it comes to compile-time and run-time
errors, it is definitely raising problems for
the Go developers. The creators of Golang
have also started performing on the further
error handling functionality to shorten
development time. Whereas error handling
mechanism of Node.js is quite popular with
the conventional approach as the errors are
fixed immediately right before executing the
further operation. However, Node.js is
inconsistent at times.
Golang Vs. NodeJS: Error
In the comparison of Nodejs, Golang does not
have excessive libraries and packages. Go
requires to perform research on manual
configuration, whereas Node.js has a wide
array of tools, frameworks, libraries, and a
huge community that provides extended
support for all the kinds of development
tools. In the development tool Go loses battle
to the Node.js
Go vs. Node JS: Development
How does
Golang stack
up against
Golang is fundamentally better due to its
ability and scalability to work smoothly in all
the tasks. When it comes to machine learning,
IoT, cloud coding, and backend, it is superior
– a clear winner as it saves loads of time. This
is bringing brings us to its strong suit and its
use cases.
If you are planning to build a web application
considering cross-platform support, with full
use of concurrency and codebase, then
without a doubt, you should hire golang
developer. Go is a brilliant language
initiative by Google, and migrating to the
Golang may help you in shaping your
software strategy and is also beneficial in the
delivery of the near future.
When Should
You Migrate
Your App to
In a short span of time, Netflix has expanded
its services worldwide, and Netflix makes use
of Golang for optimized server loading, and
efficient data processing on servers as
Golang enables non-disruptive background
If your business demands modern
functionalities to implement, such as new
eCommerce features and on-demand
services, then migrating to Golang is, without
a doubt, a viable choice. When the app
expands, and new features are added, it
becomes a little tough to write the code by
their predecessors. Because it can lead to
increase response time in maintenance and
troubleshooting. So if there is a surge is a
demand and your existing application is
unable to deal with the capacity, then Golang
is a sure shot choice for the quick server
response and predictable business growth.
Thank you

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Why Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For All

  • 1. Why Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For All w w w . b a c a n c y t e c h n o l o g y . c o m
  • 2. We all have experienced the blissful feeling at the initial stage of the greenfield project. For every single decision, you have endless possibilities to choose from, and when you encounter how to get started, the first question that you have to deal with is which programming language I should choose my project? Whether I should I go with a new fancy language or should I stick to the most popular language? Fortunately, at Bacancy Technology, our experts are familiar with these questions as we have worked with all the shapes and sizes of clients, and we always make a choice considering a common possibility that the programming language should be suitable for server-side application development. That’s why we give Golang special importance.
  • 3. Today majority of the tech founder is using the Go language. It has aroused a lot of curiosity about why a decade old language is successfully replacing Java that came about in 1991 and other programming languages, which are way older than Golang. To validate the popularity of I checked TIOBE Index – TIOBE is a programming community index that measures the popularity of programming languages, As per the TOIBE, there’s a significant and steady rise in the usage as well as adoption in Go programing language. Go is a serious language with a proven track record of lifting enterprise-level projects.
  • 5. Imagine you are a Golang programmer and attending an event in a completely different city. You decide to share some knowledge person next to you about microservice architecture in Golang; it’s a single binary, Golang is comparatively quite stable, mature, and fast. Your knowledge grabs the attention of others, and one of them straight away you what makes you think that Golang is better than Rust, another one also curiously asks Is Golang going to overpower Python?
  • 6. Unfortunately, you don’t feel good, as you could only answer about the Go that makes Golang the best programming language for web application development, but it won’t be a satisfactory answer. Suddenly you start feeling bad that you choose Go language over other programming languages because you were told that Go is fairly fast and syntactically similar to C but with CSP-style Concurrency, Garbage Collection, and Memory Safety. You have chosen Go as a promising language, but the other has a completely different opinion on Golang and you have a made a choice a long back and now you are pleased to join the circles as you want to settle the debate for once and all for.
  • 7. So, Let’s Join the Discussion: Why Golang is better than Python?
  • 8. Go, and Python, both of them, present themselves as simplicity-oriented languages. The code is easy to read and understand in both the languages. In the comparison of Python, Golang offers a smoother debugging process. Python is dynamically-typed; it signals bugs at the run time, whereas Go is statically-typed. It signals errors at the compile-time, not at the execution. Go provides built-in support for web application development; therefore, Gophers indicates that there is no need to use a framework; however, Python provides the base as per your convenience.
  • 9. The performance of both these programming languages can be tested easily by including several factors, such as memory management, functionality, and speed. Both the programming languages performed remarkably. Golang vs. Python: Performance Golang vs. Python: Scalability In this day and age, having an application building process that is scalable is one of the most important things to consider for a development company. Golang as a language was created, keeping this parameter in check. For a Golang Development company like Google, the support and ideas of concurrent process channeling proved to be a significant factor. However, when it comes to Python, the language surely showed some problems in the case of concurrency but had fantastic results when it came to parallelism. Python provided consistent results when it came to splitting up the tasks in order to provide better scalability for the programming language.
  • 11. Well, go vs. Rust has been a hot topic of discussion because they were both launched approximately at the same time. Both Rust and Golang are competent languages that work well when you are designing a web application. Either of the languages is capable of handling high volume traffic and is also capable of scaling both vertically and horizontally. Neither Rust nor Golang languages tolerate unsafe memory access. Golang vs. Rust
  • 12. Contrariwise, industry experts suggest, Go is a superior language compared to Rust in every possible manner. It is entirely secure when compared to other programming languages. Both languages are on the rise and gaining popularity in the developer’s community. Why is Go better than Rust? Because of its simplicity and ease of usability. It is also faster to learn, providing developers a more effortless programming experience. Thus, Go is a more preferred language by the developer’s team. Go language focuses on simplicity and uniformity. It makes the team more efficient by providing a rigid application of simplicity. Rust as a programming language provides developer teams with great controlling ability at a granular level, also controlling the threads and their behavior with the rest of the system. Yet, Rust is not widely preferred due to its complexity and difficulty in learning and adaptation. Furthermore, Rust is not readily adaptable with other languages like Python and is competing to find its significance with languages like C++ and D.
  • 13. And then I asked, what’s your opinion on Golang vs. Node.js?
  • 14. In the comparison of Node.js, Golang is very lightweight, and its performance characteristics are similar to the C/C++. When it comes to real-life performance, both the technologies, demonstrate similar results. When database interaction or net network communication are involved, Node.js and Go are often equal, and they work at similar speeds. Go’s performance is consistent, but Node.js performance is either high or terrible, depending on the type of application you are building. Golang Vs. NodeJS: Performance
  • 15. When it comes to compile-time and run-time errors, it is definitely raising problems for the Go developers. The creators of Golang have also started performing on the further error handling functionality to shorten development time. Whereas error handling mechanism of Node.js is quite popular with the conventional approach as the errors are fixed immediately right before executing the further operation. However, Node.js is inconsistent at times. Golang Vs. NodeJS: Error Handling
  • 16. In the comparison of Nodejs, Golang does not have excessive libraries and packages. Go requires to perform research on manual configuration, whereas Node.js has a wide array of tools, frameworks, libraries, and a huge community that provides extended support for all the kinds of development tools. In the development tool Go loses battle to the Node.js Go vs. Node JS: Development Tools
  • 17. How does Golang stack up against other programming languages?
  • 18. Golang is fundamentally better due to its ability and scalability to work smoothly in all the tasks. When it comes to machine learning, IoT, cloud coding, and backend, it is superior – a clear winner as it saves loads of time. This is bringing brings us to its strong suit and its use cases. If you are planning to build a web application considering cross-platform support, with full use of concurrency and codebase, then without a doubt, you should hire golang developer. Go is a brilliant language initiative by Google, and migrating to the Golang may help you in shaping your software strategy and is also beneficial in the delivery of the near future.
  • 20. In a short span of time, Netflix has expanded its services worldwide, and Netflix makes use of Golang for optimized server loading, and efficient data processing on servers as Golang enables non-disruptive background loading. If your business demands modern functionalities to implement, such as new eCommerce features and on-demand services, then migrating to Golang is, without a doubt, a viable choice. When the app expands, and new features are added, it becomes a little tough to write the code by their predecessors. Because it can lead to increase response time in maintenance and troubleshooting. So if there is a surge is a demand and your existing application is unable to deal with the capacity, then Golang is a sure shot choice for the quick server response and predictable business growth.