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Google’s Go
Introduction to the next “C” language!
S G Ganesh
 Introduction to Go (What is “Go”?)
 “Hello world” in Go
 Examples for “getting a hang of” Go
 Examples using some novel features
 Implementation status
 Resources
 Let’s Go!
First things first: Setting the stage
 It’s not possible to cover all details of a new language in a
45-mins presentation
 We’ll quickly cover most important aspects of Go
 Can’t drink ocean in a day – let alone in an hour!
 No one is an “expert” in Go yet
 Creators of the language are the only experts right now
 I am an early adopter and got hooked-on to the
 I am making this presentation based on my experience
 For many questions, there are no right or wrong answers:
 Go is still an evolving language and answers might
So, what’s all the buzz about?
 Go: new programming language announced by Google (Sep 09)
 Created lots of excitement in the programming community
 Many tout it as the next C language
 ‘C’ evolved from ‘B’; many languages are named as ‘D’, or
want to be the ‘D’ language
 But nothing has made the cut so far; “Go” might (or will it be
“Gone” in a few years ;-) )
 Is there substance behind hype?
 Yes, a lot! Most system programmers find it very good
 Go won Tiobe’s ‘language of the year award 2009’
 Tiobe is a programming language popularity index:
 Latest status (march 2010)

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The document provides an overview of the Go programming language. It discusses that Go was designed by Google to help solve their large-scale programming problems. It then summarizes Go's history, purpose, features, and syntax elements such as data types, operators, functions, concurrency using goroutines and channels. The document also provides examples of Go code and concludes that Go has emerged as a popular language for cloud infrastructure due to its simplicity, concurrency, and performance.

Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) LanguageGolang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. Some key points: - Go is natively compiled and uses static typing with type inference. It is targeted for system programming and server-side applications. - It was created at Google in 2007 to address issues with other languages like dependency management, garbage collection, and support for concurrency. - Popular users include Google, Docker, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and MongoDB. Domains it is used include distributed systems, cloud, web development, and systems programming. - Key features include built-in concurrency and networking support, a rich standard library, and fast compilation. It aims to be

Golang from Scala developer’s perspective
Golang from Scala developer’s perspectiveGolang from Scala developer’s perspective
Golang from Scala developer’s perspective

My talk from Functional Vilnius MeetUp #6. Golang is becoming more and more popular. Most likely many of you have heard of its upgraded garbage collector and possibilities to work with lightweight threads – goroutines. Obviously, Golang is quite a good choice for server-side software oriented on a huge load. As Scala backend developer, I am a big fan of functional programming and actor model. Golang seems very promising, but from the first glance, its a totally imperative language. In my speech I’m going to tell about my experiments with Golang and attempt to use it as a functional language.

Okay, so what’s Go?
 Go is a new, experimental, concurrent, garbage-collected,
systems-programming language.
 New & Experimental: Go is still at experimental stage
 with tools, packages etc. still in development.
 No production system implemented using Go till now
 Concurrent: Supports 'communication channels’ for
concurrency - Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP).
 Garbage-collected: The memory is automatically garbage
 For systems-programming: Intended for writing things like
compilers, web servers…
Still, we can use it as a general purpose language.
Who’s behind Go?
 Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson (of Unix
fame), and Rob Pike are the creators of the
 All three are well-known in programming community
 This is how things fell in place:
 Go project was started around May 2007. Ken Thompson
wrote a Go compiler and runtime from scratch.
 By mid of 2008, working compiler and runtime was ready.
 Ian Lance Taylor and Russ Cox joined Go team in 2008. Ian
Taylor implemented GCC front-end for Go.
Why a new language?
 This description is as given by the creators
 No major sys. programming language came-up in last
decade. But much has changed during the last decade(s)
 Libraries becoming bigger with lots of dependencies
 Internet and networking is becoming pervasive
 Client/server systems, massive clusters used today
 Multi-core processors becoming mainstream.
 Systems programming languages were not designed with
these in mind.
 Other reasons
 construction (enterprise software) has become very slow
 OOP using inheritance hierarchies not effective
Goals of the language
 Efficiency and ease of use:
 Efficiency of C, but ease like Ruby.
 Performance: within 10%-20% of equivalent C
 Safe to use:
 Both type-safe as well as memory-safe.
 Concurrency:
 Good support for concurrency and communication
 Garbage Collected:
 "Attempts" to build an efficient, and latency-free Garbage
Collection mechanism.
 High-speed builds:
 Fast compilation & linking

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Go is a compiled, concurrent, garbage-collected, statically typed language developed at Google in 2007 to address issues with large software systems. It was created to facilitate easy memory management, enable rapid compilation, and handle concurrency through built-in goroutines and channels. Many large companies now use Go for its improved developer productivity compared to other languages.

Go Lang
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Go Lang

Go is a compiled, garbage-collected programming language that supports concurrent programming through lightweight threads called goroutines and communication between goroutines via channels. It aims to provide both high-level and low-level programming with a clean syntax and minimal features. The document discusses Go's concurrency model, syntax, goroutines, channels, and use cases including cloud infrastructure, mobile development, and audio synthesis.

concurrentgo langgoogle go
Some important capabilities of Go
 Simplicity: GO has a clean and concise syntax
 Characteristic of Google products
 For example, light-weight type system
 Use it to believe it
 Separation of interface and the implementation
 I know it’s often misused statement, but Go has it!
 Arguably a novel feature of Go
 Goroutines
 Is based on CSP: much safer than lock-based, like Java
 And more:
 E.g. Reflection (yes! but this is systems prog. lang!)
Enough theory, lets see examples!
 All programs in Go should be in a package, its “main”
 We import “fmt” package for using Printf function
 Execution starts with ‘main.main()’ function
 Functions have “func” keyword
 Printf is in fmt package
Now we’ll find factorial of a number
 Lack of declarations
 “fact” and “i” inferred as “ints” from init value 1 because of :=
 “for” loop is the only loop construct supported in Go
 Others like “while” are variations of “for”
 An example of minimal features
 Note the lack of semi-colons
 Have to use only if “necessary”
Looks like C, but not C!
 Go has elegant declaration syntax
 See how arguments are passed and returned
 Not like C: it is infamous for its declaration syntax
 Can return multiple values from functions
 See swap for similar functionality in = operator
 Example for “orthogonal” language features

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This document summarizes some key features and benefits of the Go programming language. It discusses Go's support for concurrency with lightweight goroutines and channels for communication between goroutines. It also covers Go's syntax which is similar to C but with memory safety due to garbage collection, and its standard library and tools. Finally it provides an example of Go's use at a large company for building high throughput low latency network services.

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Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...
Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...

Go is presented as an alternative to C and C++ for system programming, distributed systems, and cloud workloads. It has performance characteristics of C/C++ but also flexibility of modern languages. Go is well-suited for web development with various frameworks and is supported on cloud platforms like Google Cloud and AWS. The document argues that Go will emerge as a strong alternative to C/C++ in these areas.

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Ready, set, go! An introduction to the Go programming language
Ready, set, go! An introduction to the Go programming languageReady, set, go! An introduction to the Go programming language
Ready, set, go! An introduction to the Go programming language

A brief primer on Go - it's origins, its features, and why you may want to use it in your next software project

golang go software programming
Built-in support for features like maps
 Maps are built-in, so no need to import
 Initialized with pair separated by “:”
 “range” keyword is useful for traversal
 Using a for loop
 Works for slices, strings etc. (“orthogonal” feature)
Functions as first class objects
 Functions are first
class objects in Go
 We can have
“function literals”
(similar to
“closures” in
languages) for
 Structs are declared with type keyword
 We can have struct literals
 Created in heap
 And print struct members using %v in Printf
 Methods are implemented by specifying the struct
name before the method name

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Join us to learn the basics of Go, a Google created language with strong concurrent features, and build a Discord bot!


GoLang is an open source programming language created by Google in 2009. It has a large community and was designed for scalability and concurrency. Some key features include being statically typed, compiled, and having built-in support for concurrency through goroutines and channels. Google uses GoLang extensively to build systems that scale to thousands of machines.

golanggo language
GoLang Introduction
GoLang IntroductionGoLang Introduction
GoLang Introduction

Go is a statically-typed, compiled programming language developed by Google. It aims for fast build times and single binary deployments. Go emphasizes concurrency through lightweight goroutines and channels for communication between them. While it lacks some object-oriented features like inheritance, it provides built-in support for concurrency and parallelism which makes it well-suited for backend services, network applications, and processing large amounts of data.

Interfaces: A novel feature
 Interfaces specified with
‘interface’ keyword
 Not same as in C#/Java
 The structs doesn’t have to
say it implements an
 Any struct that implements
the methods as specified
by any interface satisfies
that interface
 Strict static type checking &
“duck typing”!
Goroutines: easy & safe multithreading
 Goroutines are functions executing in parallel
 in the same address space in stack
 They communicate using “channels” (based on CSP)
 Cleaner, simpler and less-bug prone than using locks
 This shows an example* of how a Sort on big list can be done in
parallel with some other computation
We haven’t covered a lot!
 Important features not covered because of limited time
 reflection, embedding structs (aka inheritance), package
construction etc.
 Lots of libraries already implemented
 math, crypto, networking, regex, OS, testing, html gen….
 Garbage collection & Go runtime capabilities
 Currently mark-and-sweep collector, but better ones under
 Small runtime: GC, channels, stack allocation, goroutines
Implementation status
 Currently compiler tool-chain available for Mac & Linux
 No “official” windows port; “unofficial” old ports exist
 Compilers: GCC implementation and a stand-alone implementation
 You can download the compilers/tools from this website & try it
 It’s open source (BSD license): We can contribute!
 Lots of work going on in libraries and improving the existing
tool chain
 Frequent builds & releases, quick response times etc.
 Many features & tools still lacking in Go
 For example, generics and debugger tool

Recommended for you


Go is an open source programming language designed by Google to be concurrent, garbage collected, and efficient. It has a simple syntax and is used by Google and others to build large distributed systems. Key features include garbage collection, concurrency with goroutines and channels, interfaces without inheritance, and a large standard library.

Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language

This document introduces the Go programming language, which was announced by Google in 2009. It summarizes Go's key features, including being a concurrent, garbage-collected systems programming language. It also provides instructions on installing Go and a simple "Hello World" program example. The document argues that Go has substantial features for systems programming in today's networked, multi-core world.

programming languagesprogramminggoogle
Golang #5: To Go or not to Go
Golang #5: To Go or not to GoGolang #5: To Go or not to Go
Golang #5: To Go or not to Go

This document discusses the Go programming language and why it has become popular. It notes that Go is an optional language released in 2012 that does not force developers to use it for certain applications like Java does for Android. The document states that the one main reason Go has become popular is that "It just works" - Go makes development simpler by handling things like concurrency and deployment automatically while still exposing lower-level functionality. It recommends using Go for distributed systems, portable command line tools, and situations where team productivity is important.

 Go websites:
 Official: (web server implemented in Go!)
 Unofficial:
 Want to learn Go?
 No “books” yet
 Read "Effective Go” (
 tutorials available online
 Tech talk (
 Join go-nuts mailing list
 You can try (compile & run) Go programs online!
 This is really useful:
Q & A time
So what are you waiting for?
 Lets Go!

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A First Look at Google's Go Programming Language

  • 1. Google’s Go Introduction to the next “C” language! S G Ganesh
  • 2. Agenda  Introduction to Go (What is “Go”?)  “Hello world” in Go  Examples for “getting a hang of” Go  Examples using some novel features  Implementation status  Resources  Let’s Go!
  • 3. First things first: Setting the stage  It’s not possible to cover all details of a new language in a 45-mins presentation  We’ll quickly cover most important aspects of Go  Can’t drink ocean in a day – let alone in an hour!  No one is an “expert” in Go yet  Creators of the language are the only experts right now  I am an early adopter and got hooked-on to the language  I am making this presentation based on my experience  For many questions, there are no right or wrong answers:  Go is still an evolving language and answers might change!
  • 4. So, what’s all the buzz about?  Go: new programming language announced by Google (Sep 09)  Created lots of excitement in the programming community  Many tout it as the next C language  ‘C’ evolved from ‘B’; many languages are named as ‘D’, or want to be the ‘D’ language  But nothing has made the cut so far; “Go” might (or will it be “Gone” in a few years ;-) )  Is there substance behind hype?  Yes, a lot! Most system programmers find it very good  Go won Tiobe’s ‘language of the year award 2009’  Tiobe is a programming language popularity index:  Latest status (march 2010)
  • 5. Okay, so what’s Go?  Go is a new, experimental, concurrent, garbage-collected, systems-programming language.  New & Experimental: Go is still at experimental stage  with tools, packages etc. still in development.  No production system implemented using Go till now  Concurrent: Supports 'communication channels’ for concurrency - Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP).  Garbage-collected: The memory is automatically garbage collected  For systems-programming: Intended for writing things like compilers, web servers…  Still, we can use it as a general purpose language.
  • 6. Who’s behind Go?  Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson (of Unix fame), and Rob Pike are the creators of the language.  All three are well-known in programming community  This is how things fell in place:  Go project was started around May 2007. Ken Thompson wrote a Go compiler and runtime from scratch.  By mid of 2008, working compiler and runtime was ready.  Ian Lance Taylor and Russ Cox joined Go team in 2008. Ian Taylor implemented GCC front-end for Go.
  • 7. Why a new language?  This description is as given by the creators  No major sys. programming language came-up in last decade. But much has changed during the last decade(s)  Libraries becoming bigger with lots of dependencies  Internet and networking is becoming pervasive  Client/server systems, massive clusters used today  Multi-core processors becoming mainstream.  Systems programming languages were not designed with these in mind.  Other reasons  construction (enterprise software) has become very slow  OOP using inheritance hierarchies not effective
  • 8. Goals of the language  Efficiency and ease of use:  Efficiency of C, but ease like Ruby.  Performance: within 10%-20% of equivalent C  Safe to use:  Both type-safe as well as memory-safe.  Concurrency:  Good support for concurrency and communication  Garbage Collected:  "Attempts" to build an efficient, and latency-free Garbage Collection mechanism.  High-speed builds:  Fast compilation & linking
  • 9. Some important capabilities of Go  Simplicity: GO has a clean and concise syntax  Characteristic of Google products  For example, light-weight type system  Use it to believe it  Separation of interface and the implementation  I know it’s often misused statement, but Go has it!  Arguably a novel feature of Go  Goroutines  Is based on CSP: much safer than lock-based, like Java  And more:  E.g. Reflection (yes! but this is systems prog. lang!)
  • 10. Enough theory, lets see examples!  All programs in Go should be in a package, its “main” here  We import “fmt” package for using Printf function  Execution starts with ‘main.main()’ function  Functions have “func” keyword  Printf is in fmt package
  • 11. Now we’ll find factorial of a number  Lack of declarations  “fact” and “i” inferred as “ints” from init value 1 because of :=  “for” loop is the only loop construct supported in Go  Others like “while” are variations of “for”  An example of minimal features  Note the lack of semi-colons  Have to use only if “necessary”
  • 12. Looks like C, but not C!  Go has elegant declaration syntax  See how arguments are passed and returned  Not like C: it is infamous for its declaration syntax  Can return multiple values from functions  See swap for similar functionality in = operator  Example for “orthogonal” language features
  • 13. Built-in support for features like maps  Maps are built-in, so no need to import  Initialized with pair separated by “:”  “range” keyword is useful for traversal  Using a for loop  Works for slices, strings etc. (“orthogonal” feature)
  • 14. Functions as first class objects  Functions are first class objects in Go  We can have “function literals” (similar to “closures” in functional languages) for example
  • 15. Structures  Structs are declared with type keyword  We can have struct literals  Created in heap  And print struct members using %v in Printf
  • 16. Methods  Methods are implemented by specifying the struct name before the method name
  • 17. Interfaces: A novel feature  Interfaces specified with ‘interface’ keyword  Not same as in C#/Java  The structs doesn’t have to say it implements an interface  Any struct that implements the methods as specified by any interface satisfies that interface  Strict static type checking & “duck typing”!
  • 18. Goroutines: easy & safe multithreading  Goroutines are functions executing in parallel  in the same address space in stack  They communicate using “channels” (based on CSP)  Cleaner, simpler and less-bug prone than using locks  This shows an example* of how a Sort on big list can be done in parallel with some other computation
  • 19. We haven’t covered a lot!  Important features not covered because of limited time  reflection, embedding structs (aka inheritance), package construction etc.  Lots of libraries already implemented  math, crypto, networking, regex, OS, testing, html gen….  Garbage collection & Go runtime capabilities  Currently mark-and-sweep collector, but better ones under construction  Small runtime: GC, channels, stack allocation, goroutines etc.
  • 20. Implementation status  Currently compiler tool-chain available for Mac & Linux  No “official” windows port; “unofficial” old ports exist  Compilers: GCC implementation and a stand-alone implementation  You can download the compilers/tools from this website & try it  It’s open source (BSD license): We can contribute!  Lots of work going on in libraries and improving the existing tool chain  Frequent builds & releases, quick response times etc.  Many features & tools still lacking in Go  For example, generics and debugger tool
  • 21. Resources  Go websites:  Official: (web server implemented in Go!)  Unofficial:  Want to learn Go?  No “books” yet  Read "Effective Go” (  tutorials available online  Tech talk (  Join go-nuts mailing list  You can try (compile & run) Go programs online!  This is really useful:
  • 22. Q & A time
  • 23. So what are you waiting for?  Lets Go!