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Golang vs
Node Js 2022:
Which Is The
Choice For
Quick Summary:

Node.js and Go have always been on the
Internet battlefield for a long time now. I
have evaluated both these technologies
based on varied performance indices such
as scalability, performance, concurrency,
scalability, error handling, learning curve,
community, etc.

Read this comparative battle piece and
figure out the best choice for your web
development Golang Vs NodeJS 2022.
Golang VS
NodeJS: An
While building a web or mobile app, it is
important to understand that the front-end
UI is the only part of the equation. What is
more important is to get the back-end logic
accurate. More precisely, it means getting
the appropriate tools for server-side
development. Here is exactly where the
distinction between NodeJS and Golang
comes to play.
Although both Golang and NodeJS are
highly popular among the developer
community, the question is, who wins the
battle? To answer this, here is a brief stating
the major areas of distinction between the
two languages. Read on and decide which
will turn out to be the best fit for your
project Golang Vs Node js 2022!
Go VS Node
2022: An
Go is a statically typed programming language of
Google. Initially, Golang was created out of need.
To be more precise, the development team at
Google was discontent with their current
solutions. Hence, they developed a language that
would attain an excellent mix of the benefits of
other languages to perform better. However,
with time, Golang has undeniably won hearts.

Golang is an open-source programming
language. It has its core structure built on the
principles of Python for speed and C for safety.
At present, the latest version of the language is
Golang 1.14.

Golang deals in restricted garbage collection,
memory safety features, structural typing, and
additional key features, thus preventing tons of
features of modern programming languages.
However, this is another reason why Golang
makes the code writing procedure more easy and
Node JS

NodeJS is a dynamically typed(built on
JavaScript) runtime environment that helps
cover a whole web app development project
under a single programming language. It is an
open-source and cross-platform environment
built on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome.
NodeJS can run on multiple platforms,
including Linux, Windows, and Mac. In addition,
NodeJS provides a vast pool of libraries that
streamlines web app development.

Initially, NodeJS was built to run JavaScript
code. However, today NodeJS helps create code
for both backend and frontend development
and server-side development of web
applications, thus making it a revolutionary and
successful Web application programming
language. At Bacancy, we offer 360-degree
NodeJS development services to bring an
evolution to your project back-end.
Golang VS
Node JS:
As per a survey of Stack Overflow 2020,
Golang has obtained 5th rank among the
most loved programming languages.
Goroutines hold a rapid startup time as
compared to threads. This renders
power to Golang to maintain a neat and
clean source code.
As per Upwork, the hourly rate of
Golang developers is around $44.
Achievements of Golang so far:
If you are convinced to build scalable and
flexible Golang application and looking for
expertise in full-stack Golang development,
then Hire Golang Developer from us at your
terms and conditions with our transparent
pricing policy.

Back in 2017 and 2018, NodeJS secured
first place among being the most
regularly and commonly used language
in the Tools, Frameworks, and Library
category as per Tech Overflow Survey.
Upon adopting NodeJS, Netflix observed
a dramatic 70% reduction in startup
As per W3Techs, around 1.5% of every
well-known website uses NodeJS.
Achievements of NodeJS so far:
Go VS NodeJS:
What Is The
Many might consider Golang as the ideal
messiah for web development because it is
highly popular among web developers.
However, NodeJS is no less. Giving a tough
battle, both are ideal choices based on
personal preferences. To settle this debate,
let’s take a closer look at a few fields of
differences between the two technologies.
Learning Curve

NodeJS typically involves less learning
curve as JavaScript already enjoys huge
popularity. This makes it highly simple for
programmers to learn the language.
However, in the case of Golang,
programmers usually face a steep learning

Verdict: NodeJS is much easier to learn as
compared to Golang.

When it comes to performance and raw speed,
Golang performance has a little edge over Node
JS performance. Golang does not require any
interpreter and is directly assembled into the
machine code. This renders a similar level of
performance to Golang as low-level languages
such as C++. When it comes to IO operations,
Golang is as good as NodeJS.

NodeJS is marginally trailing Golang in terms of
performance. The optimized and improved
single-threaded NodeJS enhance the efficiency
and the V8 JavaScript engine makes sure that the
application runs without any assistance or
requirement of an interpreter.

Bonus: Both NodeJS and Golang feature excellent
garbage collector. This helps them prevent
potential memory leaks thus ensuring stability.
Verdict: Both Golang and NodeJS are at par
in Golang vs Node JS Performance.
Scalability & Concurrency
NodeJS manages Concurrency with APIs
such as clusters, child_process, and
worker_thread. These APIs make sure that
NodeJS processes all the incoming requests
reliably and seamlessly without moving
into the bottlenecks.

On the other hand, Golang is developed to
manage all concurrent tasks. Go developers
use GoRoutines to run their multi-threaded
functions. The bright side is, they do not
use-up much RAM. All of this makes Go a
better and reliable candidate in managing
processing-intense and complicated tasks
without harming and compromising on any
other functions.

Verdict: Golang wins the battle of Go vs
Node Js concurrency and scalability.
Error Handling
Ideally, maximum developers might be
familiar with the Error Handling method of
NodeJS. It implements the try-catch
exception where potential errors are
instantly trapped and handled at the

However, the process is slightly different
with Golang. Golang checks errors in a
distinct manner during runtime and
compilation. While Compilation errors are
usually syntax-related that can be corrected
in the code, runtime error calls for explicit
handling. You need to manually inspect the
return value of this function. Currently,
studies are being done to implement better
handling processes in the upcoming version
of Golang.

Verdict: Both NodeJS and Golang are similar
here. It’s a TIE.
Development Tools
The existence of ready-to-use tools
generally reduces the development time. In
fact, NodeJS developers have access to over
836,000 open-source libraries and tools
through NPM. While there is no shortage of
any tools for NodeJS, selecting the right
ones can be challenging.

Golang does not really enjoy a huge option
when it comes to tools, but it definitely has
a robust standard library. Golang tools are
generally restricted. However, each one of
them is built to make Golang programming
easier. For instance: Golang Test enables
developers to run a good series of tests on
the code while the Golang Vet filters out the
suspicious and unusual constructs.

Verdict: NodeJS wins in terms of quantity.
You May Also Like To Read: Nodejs the Next
Development Model


NodeJS boasts the support of the likes of
Microsoft, Intel, and IBM with the NodeJS
Foundation. Speaking of 2018, the quantity
of NodeJS downloads typically crossed over
1 billion. This is a clear indication of how
fast is the NodeJS community growing. The
widespread NodeJS community size
actively supports its usage.

There are mere signs that Golang has tried
to match, if not overcome, NodeJS in terms
of popularity. While NodeJS is at 83.5k,
Golang is at 93k stars on Github. In fact,
open pull requests for Golang and NodeJS
are quite similar. However, NodeJS has
24000 closed PR and Golang has 1200. Thus
the fan following of both technologies are
not equally distributed.
Verdict: NodeJS wins the battle in Node vs
Go community comparison.
Golang VS
Node JS:
When To Use
Considering our above discussion, it seems like
both NodeJS and Golang are growing at a great
rate. However, if we dig a bit deeper,
StackOverFlow states that JavaScript is the most
popular programming language. On the other
hand, Golang is marked at 5th rank in terms of
most loved programming languages as stated

Having created a thorough NodeJS VS Golang
comparison, it is definitely overwhelming to
declare anyone as a winner. Being robust, both
have their strengths and weaknesses. If we
consider from a performance perspective, Golang
definitely steals the show. On the other hand,
NodeJS excels in development tools, simplicity,
and richness of frontend development tools.

In conclusion, we state that there is no ideal
language when it comes to web development. It
entirely depends on the nature of your project, i.e,
the type of web application you wish to build.
Thank You

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Golang vs node js 2022 which is the better choice for web development (1)

  • 1. Golang vs Node Js 2022: Which Is The Better Choice For Web Development
  • 2. Quick Summary: Node.js and Go have always been on the Internet battlefield for a long time now. I have evaluated both these technologies based on varied performance indices such as scalability, performance, concurrency, scalability, error handling, learning curve, community, etc. Read this comparative battle piece and figure out the best choice for your web development Golang Vs NodeJS 2022.
  • 4. While building a web or mobile app, it is important to understand that the front-end UI is the only part of the equation. What is more important is to get the back-end logic accurate. More precisely, it means getting the appropriate tools for server-side development. Here is exactly where the distinction between NodeJS and Golang comes to play.
  • 5. Although both Golang and NodeJS are highly popular among the developer community, the question is, who wins the battle? To answer this, here is a brief stating the major areas of distinction between the two languages. Read on and decide which will turn out to be the best fit for your project Golang Vs Node js 2022!
  • 6. Go VS Node 2022: An Overview
  • 7. Golang Go is a statically typed programming language of Google. Initially, Golang was created out of need. To be more precise, the development team at Google was discontent with their current solutions. Hence, they developed a language that would attain an excellent mix of the benefits of other languages to perform better. However, with time, Golang has undeniably won hearts. Golang is an open-source programming language. It has its core structure built on the principles of Python for speed and C for safety. At present, the latest version of the language is Golang 1.14. Golang deals in restricted garbage collection, memory safety features, structural typing, and additional key features, thus preventing tons of features of modern programming languages. However, this is another reason why Golang makes the code writing procedure more easy and efficient.
  • 8. Node JS NodeJS is a dynamically typed(built on JavaScript) runtime environment that helps cover a whole web app development project under a single programming language. It is an open-source and cross-platform environment built on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome. NodeJS can run on multiple platforms, including Linux, Windows, and Mac. In addition, NodeJS provides a vast pool of libraries that streamlines web app development. Initially, NodeJS was built to run JavaScript code. However, today NodeJS helps create code for both backend and frontend development and server-side development of web applications, thus making it a revolutionary and successful Web application programming language. At Bacancy, we offer 360-degree NodeJS development services to bring an evolution to your project back-end.
  • 10. As per a survey of Stack Overflow 2020, Golang has obtained 5th rank among the most loved programming languages. Goroutines hold a rapid startup time as compared to threads. This renders power to Golang to maintain a neat and clean source code. As per Upwork, the hourly rate of Golang developers is around $44. Achievements of Golang so far:
  • 11. If you are convinced to build scalable and flexible Golang application and looking for expertise in full-stack Golang development, then Hire Golang Developer from us at your terms and conditions with our transparent pricing policy. Back in 2017 and 2018, NodeJS secured first place among being the most regularly and commonly used language in the Tools, Frameworks, and Library category as per Tech Overflow Survey. Upon adopting NodeJS, Netflix observed a dramatic 70% reduction in startup time. As per W3Techs, around 1.5% of every well-known website uses NodeJS. Achievements of NodeJS so far:
  • 12. Go VS NodeJS: What Is The Difference?
  • 13. Many might consider Golang as the ideal messiah for web development because it is highly popular among web developers. However, NodeJS is no less. Giving a tough battle, both are ideal choices based on personal preferences. To settle this debate, let’s take a closer look at a few fields of differences between the two technologies.
  • 14. Learning Curve NodeJS typically involves less learning curve as JavaScript already enjoys huge popularity. This makes it highly simple for programmers to learn the language. However, in the case of Golang, programmers usually face a steep learning curve. Verdict: NodeJS is much easier to learn as compared to Golang.
  • 15. Performance When it comes to performance and raw speed, Golang performance has a little edge over Node JS performance. Golang does not require any interpreter and is directly assembled into the machine code. This renders a similar level of performance to Golang as low-level languages such as C++. When it comes to IO operations, Golang is as good as NodeJS. NodeJS is marginally trailing Golang in terms of performance. The optimized and improved single-threaded NodeJS enhance the efficiency and the V8 JavaScript engine makes sure that the application runs without any assistance or requirement of an interpreter. Bonus: Both NodeJS and Golang feature excellent garbage collector. This helps them prevent potential memory leaks thus ensuring stability.
  • 16. Verdict: Both Golang and NodeJS are at par in Golang vs Node JS Performance. Scalability & Concurrency NodeJS manages Concurrency with APIs such as clusters, child_process, and worker_thread. These APIs make sure that NodeJS processes all the incoming requests reliably and seamlessly without moving into the bottlenecks. On the other hand, Golang is developed to manage all concurrent tasks. Go developers use GoRoutines to run their multi-threaded functions. The bright side is, they do not use-up much RAM. All of this makes Go a better and reliable candidate in managing processing-intense and complicated tasks without harming and compromising on any other functions. Verdict: Golang wins the battle of Go vs Node Js concurrency and scalability.
  • 17. Error Handling Ideally, maximum developers might be familiar with the Error Handling method of NodeJS. It implements the try-catch exception where potential errors are instantly trapped and handled at the runtime. However, the process is slightly different with Golang. Golang checks errors in a distinct manner during runtime and compilation. While Compilation errors are usually syntax-related that can be corrected in the code, runtime error calls for explicit handling. You need to manually inspect the return value of this function. Currently, studies are being done to implement better handling processes in the upcoming version of Golang. Verdict: Both NodeJS and Golang are similar here. It’s a TIE.
  • 18. Development Tools The existence of ready-to-use tools generally reduces the development time. In fact, NodeJS developers have access to over 836,000 open-source libraries and tools through NPM. While there is no shortage of any tools for NodeJS, selecting the right ones can be challenging. Golang does not really enjoy a huge option when it comes to tools, but it definitely has a robust standard library. Golang tools are generally restricted. However, each one of them is built to make Golang programming easier. For instance: Golang Test enables developers to run a good series of tests on the code while the Golang Vet filters out the suspicious and unusual constructs. Verdict: NodeJS wins in terms of quantity.
  • 19. You May Also Like To Read: Nodejs the Next Development Model Community NodeJS boasts the support of the likes of Microsoft, Intel, and IBM with the NodeJS Foundation. Speaking of 2018, the quantity of NodeJS downloads typically crossed over 1 billion. This is a clear indication of how fast is the NodeJS community growing. The widespread NodeJS community size actively supports its usage. There are mere signs that Golang has tried to match, if not overcome, NodeJS in terms of popularity. While NodeJS is at 83.5k, Golang is at 93k stars on Github. In fact, open pull requests for Golang and NodeJS are quite similar. However, NodeJS has 24000 closed PR and Golang has 1200. Thus the fan following of both technologies are not equally distributed.
  • 20. Verdict: NodeJS wins the battle in Node vs Go community comparison.
  • 21. Golang VS Node JS: When To Use Which?
  • 22. Considering our above discussion, it seems like both NodeJS and Golang are growing at a great rate. However, if we dig a bit deeper, StackOverFlow states that JavaScript is the most popular programming language. On the other hand, Golang is marked at 5th rank in terms of most loved programming languages as stated above. Having created a thorough NodeJS VS Golang comparison, it is definitely overwhelming to declare anyone as a winner. Being robust, both have their strengths and weaknesses. If we consider from a performance perspective, Golang definitely steals the show. On the other hand, NodeJS excels in development tools, simplicity, and richness of frontend development tools. In conclusion, we state that there is no ideal language when it comes to web development. It entirely depends on the nature of your project, i.e, the type of web application you wish to build.