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Data Science
Use Cases in
Retail &
Quick Summary:

Retail and healthcare were the two
major industries that looked after
our health and survival when we
were restricted to our homes during
the COVID pandemic. During this
period, they underwent a speedy
digital transformation and upgraded
their IT infrastructure to stay
prepared for the future. In this blog,
we will analyze data science use cases
in retail and healthcare to get a clear
vision of adopting the right approach
necessary to embrace data science.
As the post-pandemic world refuses to
be at the mercy of fate in dealing with
human suffering, data has emerged as
the most dependable way to alleviate
human suffering in almost all spheres
of life. It has become imperative for
enterprises to make informed
decisions across the industries. It is
possible when they have access to
accurate data, which no longer
remains about names, contacts,
addresses, etc. The enterprises need
to have the data which gives them the
razor-sharp insights into behavior
patterns, thought processes, culture,
social, political, and financial
background of their customers.
The inevitable after

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Data Science for Small Business: Make Your Business Smarter
Data Science for Small Business: Make Your Business SmarterData Science for Small Business: Make Your Business Smarter
Data Science for Small Business: Make Your Business Smarter SMEs or small and micro enterprises form an integral part of a country’s economy. In India alone, the sector is said to have employed around 111.4 million people in the year 2014, and in 2012 it contributed 37.5% to the GDP. But, the irony is that even after being such an important part of the economy, SMEs are not able to flourish as they should have. There is a major lack of strategic business planning and innovation that hinders their growth. In order for the SMEs to remain competitive both nationally and globally, it is imperative that every SME owner investigates the lacuna and starts working on it. Developing economies such as ours often find it difficult to foster innovation in the SME sector, because there are other factors that need the government’s attention. The major problems faced by SMEs include unskilled staff, irregular finances, poor infrastructure, old marketing strategies and lack of information. An SME owner tries to tackle all the issues but neglects an important one. This factor is “information”. Even after having skilled people, a good flow of money and good infrastructure the business may cease to flourish as expected by the owner.

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Data Science Process: Resolve Business Problems Smartly
Data Science Process: Resolve Business Problems SmartlyData Science Process: Resolve Business Problems Smartly
Data Science Process: Resolve Business Problems Smartly Whether you run an empire or a small enterprise, every business faces certain common problems and hitches. The questions like, How do I improve my sales? What is my organization lacking? What to do when old customers are not purchasing my product? What ought to be done with a specific end goal to pull in more clients? And much more such, often boggle a business owner’s mind. If this is the case with you as well, then there is definitely a path that can offer you a cutting edge over the others and it doesn’t take much effort in guessing what it is. Yes, I am talking about “data science” something that is taking over the corporate world with its capability to make complex things simple. To understand the applications in a better way, you may look at the working model of big tycoons like Amazon, Uber, Netflix, Starbucks, etc. They all utilize Big data analytics to refine their marketing, manage their finances, predict frauds, evaluate the viewing habits of millions of clients, etc. This is how Uber is able to provide the easy-to-book cab service and Starbucks does not suffer losses even after having three shops at the same location. Isn’t it mesmerizing as to what all data science can do? The next question coming to your mind would be how to incorporate the data science process into your particular business module? Or how is this prediction even possible? Do not worry, all your queries will be answered. But before moving ahead we must understand the basic concept of data science and the fields it merges together. A data scientist combines concepts of, statistics, analytics, data processing, machine learning, predictive analysis, basic mathematics and computer science, to bring out the desired outcome that can benefit your business. Do you run a business or work with the management closely? Have you ever thought about why sales numbers are going down? Is your operational cost going up? Why is it becoming harder day by day to retain clients? Why are customers flocking for competitors’ products? – In case you’ve ever been bothered with any of these types of questions, then you do understand the importance of data. With the technology revolution, the operational aspect of businesses has changed drastically. Data is the new gold. He who knows how to churn out the insights and intel will beat all the competition. Data Science is the methodology for retrieving valuable information from the stockpile of data.

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The big Ayan Chaterjee
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The presentation talk about how utilizing the big data can give marketers an edge over its competition, and win customers trust....credits google research

math of this acute consumer need is
the rise of data science practices,
methodologies, tools, technologies,
and data science jobs. As per the
salary report published by AIM
Research in June 2021 – “The median
salary of data scientists declined
6.9% to Rs. 13.4 lakhs compared to
the median salary of Rs. 14.4 lakhs in
2020 and in August 2021. However, it
again increased to Rs. 13.6 lakhs and
is expected to increase throughout
The data science use cases across the
industries reflect the growing
importance of data science,
increasing focus on MLOps, and the
need for automation within
different industries.
Why Do You
Need Data
Data science came into being with the
merging of computer science and
statistics. The products in many
industries that use data science reflect
how it can solve complex business pain
points and enhance customer
experiences. Every enterprise needs to
understand what can data science be
used for and how can data science help a
business. Let’s discuss it in details.
Data science enables organizations to
make strategic decisions that impact the
bottom line and enhance ROI.
Data science allows organizations to know
and delight the customer experience at
every stage of the consumer journey to
receive better customer gratification.
The data-driven insights made available by
data science empower organizations to
meet customer demands and design
products that appeal to consumers and add
Sentiment analysis is another aspect of
data science that helps organizations
understand customer mindsets.
Data science bridges the gap between
consumers and businesses by enabling
organizations to understand customer
demand and personalize their buying

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1) Big data is defined as large volumes of structured and unstructured data that is growing exponentially. It can be analyzed to provide more accurate insights and better decision making. 2) The key aspects of big data are volume, velocity, variety, and variability of data from multiple sources. 3) Companies that effectively analyze big data can improve marketing ROI by 15-20% and increase productivity and profits by 5-6% over peers.

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The document discusses how organizations can move from a risk-focused strategy to a more customer-centric strategy using data. It explains that with increased data from sources like social media, customers now have more choices and expect personalized experiences. It recommends that companies gain a multidimensional understanding of customers using data from various sources and statistical models to predict customer behaviors and segment customers. This allows companies to develop customized products and services tailored to individual customer needs and maximize customer satisfaction and profitability.

The Transformative Role of Data Analysis in Enhancing Customer Experience.pdf
The Transformative Role of Data Analysis in Enhancing Customer Experience.pdfThe Transformative Role of Data Analysis in Enhancing Customer Experience.pdf
The Transformative Role of Data Analysis in Enhancing Customer Experience.pdf

In today's highly competitive business landscape, delivering an exceptional customer experience is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. Customer expectations have risen to unprecedented levels, and companies that prioritize and enhance the customer experience gain a significant edge. One of the most potent tools for achieving this is data analysis. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into how data analysis can be harnessed to improve customer experience, from understanding customer needs to tailoring personalized experiences and optimizing business processes.

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Use Cases
People say that “Data is the new oil and
data science is the combustion engine.”
Data science for businesses focuses on
collecting, processing, analyzing, and data
visualization. The method or data science
applications usually depend on the
specific business domain. Therefore, it
would be better; if you plan on hiring data
scientists experienced in the particular
skill set.
Every industry, including health care,
finance, energy, media, etc., realizes the
importance of using data science to
streamline operations, enhance ROI, make
precise business decisions, and optimize
processes. We will be exploring data
science use cases in retail and data science
use cases in healthcare.
Let’s discuss the data science use cases in
Data Science Use Cases in Retail

Data science applications in retail
undoubtedly boosts operations such as
assortment; recommendation; logistics,
supply chain management, demand
forecasting, etc. Besides, it also plays a
significant role in optimizing prices for
products/services, predictive
maintenance, churn prediction, and data-
driven product management.
As per the IBM study, 62% of retailers
acknowledged having gained a significant
competitive advantage due to
applications of data science.
For example;
The analytics team of Target started
analyzing the buying trends of its
customers with the help of customized
data science applications
It allowed them to know the pregnancy
status of their customer in advance
before the customer knew it.
Furthermore, the predictive analytics
model they created was so powerful that
it could predict the likely due date. This
overwhelming information helped the
retail company target these customers for
selling their fetal items along with regular
products and coupons.
Let’s get into how data science is helping
the retail organizations get the best out of
accurate data:

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This document discusses the social issues related to data mining and consumer profiling. It begins by explaining how companies are increasingly collecting consumer data from online sources like web server logs. They then use data mining tools to analyze this data and develop complex customer profiles. Companies segment consumers into groups based on these profiles to implement targeted marketing strategies. However, this practice can negatively impact consumers by excluding some groups from opportunities or limiting their access to important information. The document calls for more ethical alternatives to unfettered use of data mining that considers its broader social impacts.

1. Recommendation Engines

Recommendation engines can be
considered one of the best data science
use cases in retail. It works by filtering
information and providing retailers
with consumer behavior patterns.
Based on this information, retailers
can customize their offers for target
customers interested in buying
products or services. The above
mentioned data science example of
Target, precisely represents the best
way to use recommendation engines
for better outcomes.
Collaborative, content-based, and
hybrid are the three major filters
used in recommendation engines.
The collaborative filter offers
recommendations based on user
preferences, while the content-based
filter takes a product-centric
approach, and the hybrid
recommendation uses both these
filters. If retailers can recommend
products/services based on customer
preferences, it will boost sales and
revenues. Therefore, retailers need to
get detailed data science knowledge
for the retail industry if they intend
to adopt data sciences
2. Fraud Detection
The immense growth in online
transactions across the industries has
resulted in serious fraud. The rule-based
approach to fraud detection no longer
works when so much data is involved,
even for committing the crime. The data
science applications are customized to
predict fraud by using data generated
during online transactions. Data Science
and Machine Learning techniques such as
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are also
used to detect business transaction fraud.
3. Personalized Marketing
As per the Accenture study, 73% of
consumers want to buy from retailers that
use their information to give them the
shopping experience they desire. Retailers
need to cater to this consumer demand by
using various data science tactics. One of
such tactics is the integration of
personalized recommendations. These
personalized recommendations take into
consideration users browsing history,
past purchases, likes, and dislikes. Many
eCommerce giants are using this one data
science use case in retail.
For example, Netflix.
Have you ever wondered how you get
recommendations for your favorite shows
without doing anything?

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Like in such countless enterprises, the utilization of information and computer based intelligence is changing publicizing at a quick speed. Purchasers are seeing these progressions in the customized promotions on their internet browsers, the chatbots that assist them with pursuing purchasing choices. Be that as it may, what precisely is artificial intelligence fueled publicizing? Simulated intelligence in publicizing alludes to the reenactment of human knowledge in machines that are modified to think like people and copy their activities in light of the data that is taken care of to them. They utilize authentic information to gain from previous encounters and use it to go with more astute choices later on. Publicists can utilize artificial intelligence to make more customized encounters, focus on the right crowd, and pursue choices quicker. What are the various pieces of artificial intelligence in publicizing? AI abilities Mental publicizing is driven by man-made intelligence, and includes PC calculations that dissect data - consequently further developing encounters. Gadgets that use AI can investigate ne

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Big data is playing an increasingly important role in the retail industry. The document discusses how retailers can use big data analytics to gain competitive advantages through improved marketing, merchandising, operations, supply chain management, and new business models. Specifically, big data enables retailers to better understand customer behavior, personalize offerings, optimize pricing and inventory, and process customer information in real-time to improve the shopping experience.

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The truth is Netflix has one of the best
data science applications. It accesses
and collects all the data related to the
viewing habits and content preferences
of its audiences across the globe. Using
ML algorithms and AI models, they
developed data sciences techniques
such as ranking algorithms and
interleaving to recommend the most
relevant content to its target audience.

4. Price Optimization
Price optimization is another significant
data science use case involving various
online tricks and customer approaches.
The data is obtained through multiple
sources and analyzed to pinpoint the
customer demographics, such as age,
gender, place,
buying attitude, buying season, and
price expectations (it involves
comparing prices of the same product
on different platforms). All the data
insights help them develop an ideal
price for the product or run a
personalized marketing campaign for
independent customers.
Let’s take the example of Netflix again.
Do you remember how Netflix changed
its pricing plans in India to increase its
subscriber base? Well, Netflix used data
science application to identify the
customer behavior patterns and
optimize the pricing plans suitable to
attract more customers and be more
profitable in terms of absolute revenue
in India than its competitors.
5. Cross-Selling and Upselling
Cross-selling is about recommending
complementary products to
customers for their purchases, while
upselling is about recommending
better products than the ones they
want to buy. Many retailers and
eCommerce giants have already
adopted this data science use case to
increase their revenue and enhance
customer experience.
For example, Amazon.

It gives you recommendations to buy
the chair while buying a table; it is
cross-selling. But, it is upselling when
it shows you a better table than the
one you considered buying. Amazon
it possible by accessing all of its
customers’ information, such as their
names, search histories, buying intent,
modes of payment, and addresses. This
data allows Amazon to provide
customized recommendations and to
cross-sell and upsell.

6. Customer Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis is one of the latest and
most advanced data science use cases. It
has replaced the time-consuming
traditional approach of focus groups and
customer pools to analyze customer
experience with the product. The retailers
now get data from social media, and the
feedback consumers leave on online
portals. They analyze this data to retrieve
actionable insights into customer
sentiments, like

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what they think of the product, their
satisfaction level, the possibility of
recommending it to others, will they
buy again?

This typical data science use case in
retail depends on natural language
processing and text analysis to
perform data analysis. The ratings
and reviews derived from this
technique help retailers customize
their products and services
according to consumer expectations
and sentiments. It results in better
customer retention and gratification.

During the Pandemic, when the
entire world was restricted to their
homes, the healthcare industry
worked day and night to save
people’s lives.
During this time the healthcare industry
became mature in technology use and
upgraded its IT infrastructure to prepare
for the future. Let’s explore the data
science use cases in healthcare.
Data Science
Use Cases in
There are numerous data science use
cases in healthcare. In fact, data science
played a pivotal role in tracking and
preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Although the Coronavirus is still
unpredictable, Janssen Pharmaceutical
Companies of Johnson & Johnson
realized that collecting the data and
analyzing it was imperative to make
informed decisions to save and protect
Janssen built a global COVID-19
surveillance dashboard to track the
virus by obtaining data from countries,
states, and counties. This dashboard
tracked how the virus impacted certain
geographies on an hourly basis.

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The document discusses various alternatives to the React JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It summarizes a tech talk where React experts discussed alternative frameworks. The main alternatives mentioned include Preact, Inferno JS, Backbone JS, Ember JS, and Vue JS. For each alternative, the document discusses pros and cons compared to React, including characteristics like size, performance, community support, and when each may be preferable to use over React. It provides a high-level overview of the considerations in choosing between React and its alternative frameworks.

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In collaboration with Dr. Dmitri
Bertsimas and his colleagues, the
company built machine learning-based
predictive models at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. The key role of
this entire exercise was to predict the
next wave of the pandemic. These
predictive models incorporated the
data obtained by the global
surveillance dashboard that included
information about local policies and
behaviors, traveling patterns of people,
mask-wearing habits of certain
geography, etc. The consolidation of
this data provided invaluable guidance
to the Janssen clinical teams in
planning and pursuing their vaccine

There are so many areas and
applications of data science
in healthcare industry that use data
science. Let’s explore some of them.
1. Data Science for Medical Imaging

Data science use cases in healthcare
have become an integral part of human
lives. The impact of data science has
revolutionized the entire healthcare
and pharmaceutical industry. For
example, various imaging techniques
like X-Ray, MRI, and CT Scan are
nothing but data science use cases in
everyday life.
Earlier, doctors or
healthcare professionals examined
these images manually to identify
deformities and irregularities and
reach a precise diagnosis. Yet, these
diagnoses were never accurate. Data
science introduced deep learning
technologies and machine learning
models, empowering healthcare
professionals to identify even the
microscopic irregularities within the
human body.
Apart from the image processing
techniques, several others like image
recognition, image enhancement,
reconstruction, edge detection, etc.,
are also part of the data science use
cases in healthcare. These techniques
are used to improve the quality of the
images and the accuracy of the data.
Besides, several open
brain imaging datasets encourage
young data scientists to gain practical
experience in image analysis. These
datasets include BrainWeb, IXI
Dataset, fastMRI, OASIS, etc.

2. Data Science for Genomics

The genomic study is one of the most
sought-after data science use cases in
healthcare. It deals with sequencing
and genome analysis to find any
irregularities in the human genome.
Before the Human Genome Project,
many healthcare companies spent a lot
of time and money analyzing gene
sequences. However, with advanced
data science use cases, the time and
cost of genome sequencing and
analysis have been drastically reduced.

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The document discusses the cost of hiring Golang developers. It begins by providing context on the rise of Golang due to the growth of IoT. The cost of hiring Golang developers depends on factors like experience, location, project size, and engagement model. Hourly rates range from $18-94 in different regions, with rates generally lowest in Asia and highest in North America. Common engagement models include time and materials, fixed price, and dedicated teams. The document aims to help understand the budget needed to hire Golang talent.

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Flutter 3 is now stable on macOS and Linux and supports Apple Silicon chips. Key updates include menu support for macOS, Material You design support, improved Firebase integration, foldable device support, and performance improvements for animations and image decoding. Flutter 3 also adds themes extensions and updated ad support while maintaining Flutter's mission of being an open-source, cross-platform framework.

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Also, the insights derived from these
data science use cases are much better
than the earlier methods. It has helped
scientists identify the disease more
accurately, find out the precise drug
for that disease and provide deeper
insights into the outcome of their
research findings.
The latest discipline in this field is
Bioinformatics which combines data
science and genetics. Additionally,
advanced data science use cases like
genetic risk prediction, gene
expression prediction, etc., are
extensively used by the healthcare
industry to improve human lives.
3. Data Science for Drug Discovery

The pharmaceutical industry used to
take a lot of effort, time, and money to
discover the right and most potent drug.
Data science and machine learning are
now easing the pain. Data science
simplifies the job by making available all
the necessary data and insights like
mutation profiles, disease, patient
history, treatments, and patient
metadata. These insights result in
finding the best drugs suitable for a
particular patient profile in a shorter
time at lower costs.
Moreover, deep learning data science
algorithms make researchers develop
methods that can predict the disease
and help
simulate the drug reaction in the human
body. Overall, you save a lot of time,
effort, costs, and tedious laboratory

4. Predictive Analyt

Johnson & Johnson’s global surveillance
dashboard, which we discussed earlier in
this post, is a great example of data
science in health analytics. Predictive
analytics is a specific data science use
case that involves using historical data,
learning from it, finding patterns, and
giving accurate predictions. This method
is important in improving the state of
patient care and chronic disease
During the Pandemic, when the entire
world was restricted to their homes,
the healthcare industry worked day
and night to save people’s lives. During
this time the healthcare industry
became mature in technology use and
upgraded its IT infrastructure to
prepare for the future. Let’s explore the
data science use cases in healthcare.

Also, monitoring the logistic supply of
hospitals and pharmaceutical
departments helps them increase the
efficiency of supply chains and
pharmaceutical logistics.
5. Tracking and Preventing Diseases
An AI platform developed by the
University of Campinas in Brazil to

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the Zika virus using metabolic markers and
machine learning tools used by companies
like IQuity to detect autoimmune diseases
are the best examples of data science and its
use cases in healthcare to track and prevent
It has become possible now to detect
chronic diseases early and prevent them
from worsening with the data science use in
healthcare. It helped the industry optimize
the prices of the drugs as the cost of curing
increases with the growth of the disease.
Additionally, early detection of the disease
accelerated the quality of life.
6. Data Science for Wearables

Wearables have immensely contributed
to making the lives of chronically ill
patients better. These devices use data
science to track the patients’ circadian
cycle, blood pressure, calorie intake,
heartbeat, temperature, and other
parameters prescribed by the doctors.
The data collected is constantly
monitored and helps take appropriate
action in case of irregularities in these
All the studies and the statistics prove
that data is indeed the queen that will
rule the world in the coming days.
Bacancy has geared up to serve
organizations interested in adopting
the data science approach. When our
trusted partners in retail and
healthcare hire data scientists from
Bacancy, we know that their data-
related pain points have finally got the
right solutions, and we are happy to
see them satisfied. Reach out to us to
make the most out of data science and
our experienced data scientists.

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Data Science Use Cases in Retail & Healthcare Industries.pdf

  • 1. Data Science Use Cases in Retail & Healthcare Industries
  • 2. Quick Summary: Retail and healthcare were the two major industries that looked after our health and survival when we were restricted to our homes during the COVID pandemic. During this period, they underwent a speedy digital transformation and upgraded their IT infrastructure to stay prepared for the future. In this blog, we will analyze data science use cases in retail and healthcare to get a clear vision of adopting the right approach necessary to embrace data science.
  • 4. As the post-pandemic world refuses to be at the mercy of fate in dealing with human suffering, data has emerged as the most dependable way to alleviate human suffering in almost all spheres of life. It has become imperative for enterprises to make informed decisions across the industries. It is possible when they have access to accurate data, which no longer remains about names, contacts, addresses, etc. The enterprises need to have the data which gives them the razor-sharp insights into behavior patterns, thought processes, culture, social, political, and financial background of their customers. The inevitable after
  • 5. math of this acute consumer need is the rise of data science practices, methodologies, tools, technologies, and data science jobs. As per the salary report published by AIM Research in June 2021 – “The median salary of data scientists declined 6.9% to Rs. 13.4 lakhs compared to the median salary of Rs. 14.4 lakhs in 2020 and in August 2021. However, it again increased to Rs. 13.6 lakhs and is expected to increase throughout 2022.” The data science use cases across the industries reflect the growing importance of data science, increasing focus on MLOps, and the need for automation within different industries.
  • 6. Why Do You Need Data Science?
  • 7. Data science came into being with the merging of computer science and statistics. The products in many industries that use data science reflect how it can solve complex business pain points and enhance customer experiences. Every enterprise needs to understand what can data science be used for and how can data science help a business. Let’s discuss it in details.
  • 8. Data science enables organizations to make strategic decisions that impact the bottom line and enhance ROI. Data science allows organizations to know and delight the customer experience at every stage of the consumer journey to receive better customer gratification. The data-driven insights made available by data science empower organizations to meet customer demands and design products that appeal to consumers and add value. Sentiment analysis is another aspect of data science that helps organizations understand customer mindsets. Data science bridges the gap between consumers and businesses by enabling organizations to understand customer demand and personalize their buying experience.
  • 10. People say that “Data is the new oil and data science is the combustion engine.” Data science for businesses focuses on collecting, processing, analyzing, and data visualization. The method or data science applications usually depend on the specific business domain. Therefore, it would be better; if you plan on hiring data scientists experienced in the particular skill set. Every industry, including health care, finance, energy, media, etc., realizes the importance of using data science to streamline operations, enhance ROI, make precise business decisions, and optimize processes. We will be exploring data science use cases in retail and data science use cases in healthcare. Let’s discuss the data science use cases in retail.
  • 11. Data Science Use Cases in Retail Data science applications in retail undoubtedly boosts operations such as assortment; recommendation; logistics, supply chain management, demand forecasting, etc. Besides, it also plays a significant role in optimizing prices for products/services, predictive maintenance, churn prediction, and data- driven product management. As per the IBM study, 62% of retailers acknowledged having gained a significant competitive advantage due to applications of data science. For example; The analytics team of Target started analyzing the buying trends of its customers with the help of customized data science applications
  • 12. It allowed them to know the pregnancy status of their customer in advance before the customer knew it. Furthermore, the predictive analytics model they created was so powerful that it could predict the likely due date. This overwhelming information helped the retail company target these customers for selling their fetal items along with regular products and coupons. Let’s get into how data science is helping the retail organizations get the best out of accurate data:
  • 13. 1. Recommendation Engines Recommendation engines can be considered one of the best data science use cases in retail. It works by filtering information and providing retailers with consumer behavior patterns. Based on this information, retailers can customize their offers for target customers interested in buying products or services. The above mentioned data science example of Target, precisely represents the best way to use recommendation engines for better outcomes.
  • 14. Collaborative, content-based, and hybrid are the three major filters used in recommendation engines. The collaborative filter offers recommendations based on user preferences, while the content-based filter takes a product-centric approach, and the hybrid recommendation uses both these filters. If retailers can recommend products/services based on customer preferences, it will boost sales and revenues. Therefore, retailers need to get detailed data science knowledge for the retail industry if they intend to adopt data sciences
  • 15. 2. Fraud Detection The immense growth in online transactions across the industries has resulted in serious fraud. The rule-based approach to fraud detection no longer works when so much data is involved, even for committing the crime. The data science applications are customized to predict fraud by using data generated during online transactions. Data Science and Machine Learning techniques such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are also used to detect business transaction fraud.
  • 16. 3. Personalized Marketing As per the Accenture study, 73% of consumers want to buy from retailers that use their information to give them the shopping experience they desire. Retailers need to cater to this consumer demand by using various data science tactics. One of such tactics is the integration of personalized recommendations. These personalized recommendations take into consideration users browsing history, past purchases, likes, and dislikes. Many eCommerce giants are using this one data science use case in retail. For example, Netflix. Have you ever wondered how you get recommendations for your favorite shows without doing anything?
  • 17. The truth is Netflix has one of the best data science applications. It accesses and collects all the data related to the viewing habits and content preferences of its audiences across the globe. Using ML algorithms and AI models, they developed data sciences techniques such as ranking algorithms and interleaving to recommend the most relevant content to its target audience. 4. Price Optimization Price optimization is another significant data science use case involving various online tricks and customer approaches. The data is obtained through multiple sources and analyzed to pinpoint the customer demographics, such as age, gender, place,
  • 18. buying attitude, buying season, and price expectations (it involves comparing prices of the same product on different platforms). All the data insights help them develop an ideal price for the product or run a personalized marketing campaign for independent customers. Let’s take the example of Netflix again. Do you remember how Netflix changed its pricing plans in India to increase its subscriber base? Well, Netflix used data science application to identify the customer behavior patterns and optimize the pricing plans suitable to attract more customers and be more profitable in terms of absolute revenue in India than its competitors.
  • 19. 5. Cross-Selling and Upselling Cross-selling is about recommending complementary products to customers for their purchases, while upselling is about recommending better products than the ones they want to buy. Many retailers and eCommerce giants have already adopted this data science use case to increase their revenue and enhance customer experience. For example, Amazon. It gives you recommendations to buy the chair while buying a table; it is cross-selling. But, it is upselling when it shows you a better table than the one you considered buying. Amazon made
  • 20. it possible by accessing all of its customers’ information, such as their names, search histories, buying intent, modes of payment, and addresses. This data allows Amazon to provide customized recommendations and to cross-sell and upsell. 6. Customer Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis is one of the latest and most advanced data science use cases. It has replaced the time-consuming traditional approach of focus groups and customer pools to analyze customer experience with the product. The retailers now get data from social media, and the feedback consumers leave on online portals. They analyze this data to retrieve actionable insights into customer sentiments, like
  • 21. what they think of the product, their satisfaction level, the possibility of recommending it to others, will they buy again? This typical data science use case in retail depends on natural language processing and text analysis to perform data analysis. The ratings and reviews derived from this technique help retailers customize their products and services according to consumer expectations and sentiments. It results in better customer retention and gratification. During the Pandemic, when the entire world was restricted to their homes, the healthcare industry worked day and night to save people’s lives.
  • 22. During this time the healthcare industry became mature in technology use and upgraded its IT infrastructure to prepare for the future. Let’s explore the data science use cases in healthcare.
  • 23. Data Science Use Cases in Healthcare
  • 24. There are numerous data science use cases in healthcare. In fact, data science played a pivotal role in tracking and preventing the spread of COVID-19. Although the Coronavirus is still unpredictable, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson realized that collecting the data and analyzing it was imperative to make informed decisions to save and protect lives. Janssen built a global COVID-19 surveillance dashboard to track the virus by obtaining data from countries, states, and counties. This dashboard tracked how the virus impacted certain geographies on an hourly basis.
  • 25. In collaboration with Dr. Dmitri Bertsimas and his colleagues, the company built machine learning-based predictive models at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The key role of this entire exercise was to predict the next wave of the pandemic. These predictive models incorporated the data obtained by the global surveillance dashboard that included information about local policies and behaviors, traveling patterns of people, mask-wearing habits of certain geography, etc. The consolidation of this data provided invaluable guidance to the Janssen clinical teams in planning and pursuing their vaccine execution. There are so many areas and applications of data science
  • 26. in healthcare industry that use data science. Let’s explore some of them. 1. Data Science for Medical Imaging Data science use cases in healthcare have become an integral part of human lives. The impact of data science has revolutionized the entire healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. For example, various imaging techniques like X-Ray, MRI, and CT Scan are nothing but data science use cases in everyday life. Earlier, doctors or
  • 27. healthcare professionals examined these images manually to identify deformities and irregularities and reach a precise diagnosis. Yet, these diagnoses were never accurate. Data science introduced deep learning technologies and machine learning models, empowering healthcare professionals to identify even the microscopic irregularities within the human body. Apart from the image processing techniques, several others like image recognition, image enhancement, reconstruction, edge detection, etc., are also part of the data science use cases in healthcare. These techniques are used to improve the quality of the images and the accuracy of the data. Besides, several open
  • 28. brain imaging datasets encourage young data scientists to gain practical experience in image analysis. These datasets include BrainWeb, IXI Dataset, fastMRI, OASIS, etc. 2. Data Science for Genomics The genomic study is one of the most sought-after data science use cases in healthcare. It deals with sequencing and genome analysis to find any irregularities in the human genome. Before the Human Genome Project, many healthcare companies spent a lot of time and money analyzing gene sequences. However, with advanced data science use cases, the time and cost of genome sequencing and analysis have been drastically reduced.
  • 29. Also, the insights derived from these data science use cases are much better than the earlier methods. It has helped scientists identify the disease more accurately, find out the precise drug for that disease and provide deeper insights into the outcome of their research findings. The latest discipline in this field is Bioinformatics which combines data science and genetics. Additionally, advanced data science use cases like genetic risk prediction, gene expression prediction, etc., are extensively used by the healthcare industry to improve human lives.
  • 30. 3. Data Science for Drug Discovery The pharmaceutical industry used to take a lot of effort, time, and money to discover the right and most potent drug. Data science and machine learning are now easing the pain. Data science simplifies the job by making available all the necessary data and insights like mutation profiles, disease, patient history, treatments, and patient metadata. These insights result in finding the best drugs suitable for a particular patient profile in a shorter time at lower costs. Moreover, deep learning data science algorithms make researchers develop methods that can predict the disease and help
  • 31. simulate the drug reaction in the human body. Overall, you save a lot of time, effort, costs, and tedious laboratory experiments. 4. Predictive Analyt Johnson & Johnson’s global surveillance dashboard, which we discussed earlier in this post, is a great example of data science in health analytics. Predictive analytics is a specific data science use case that involves using historical data, learning from it, finding patterns, and giving accurate predictions. This method is important in improving the state of patient care and chronic disease management.
  • 32. During the Pandemic, when the entire world was restricted to their homes, the healthcare industry worked day and night to save people’s lives. During this time the healthcare industry became mature in technology use and upgraded its IT infrastructure to prepare for the future. Let’s explore the data science use cases in healthcare. Also, monitoring the logistic supply of hospitals and pharmaceutical departments helps them increase the efficiency of supply chains and pharmaceutical logistics. 5. Tracking and Preventing Diseases An AI platform developed by the University of Campinas in Brazil to diagnose
  • 33. the Zika virus using metabolic markers and machine learning tools used by companies like IQuity to detect autoimmune diseases are the best examples of data science and its use cases in healthcare to track and prevent diseases. It has become possible now to detect chronic diseases early and prevent them from worsening with the data science use in healthcare. It helped the industry optimize the prices of the drugs as the cost of curing increases with the growth of the disease. Additionally, early detection of the disease accelerated the quality of life.
  • 34. 6. Data Science for Wearables Wearables have immensely contributed to making the lives of chronically ill patients better. These devices use data science to track the patients’ circadian cycle, blood pressure, calorie intake, heartbeat, temperature, and other parameters prescribed by the doctors. The data collected is constantly monitored and helps take appropriate action in case of irregularities in these parameters.
  • 36. All the studies and the statistics prove that data is indeed the queen that will rule the world in the coming days. Bacancy has geared up to serve organizations interested in adopting the data science approach. When our trusted partners in retail and healthcare hire data scientists from Bacancy, we know that their data- related pain points have finally got the right solutions, and we are happy to see them satisfied. Reach out to us to make the most out of data science and our experienced data scientists.