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Building Command
Line Tools
with Golang
Takaaki Mizuno
Innovatube TechTalk #3
Who Am I
Takaaki Mizuno
CEO of Innovatube Solutions
19 years experience as software developer
34 years experience in coding
Still coding
Based in Singapore
Japanese born in Japan
Published 20+ technical books in Japan
Golang Use Cases
Golang at Innovatube
We selected 2 primary languages for web/mobile-app back-end
Golang is used for non-HTML-Heavy Web development
API Server for Mobile Apps
Use React on Frontend and backend system only returns
structured data such as JSON

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Golang online courseGolang online course
Golang online course

Google has developed the programming language called Go. Go is a freedom-respecting and open source programming language and it is designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson in the year 2007. Go language was released in 2009. The syntax of the Go language resembles the C programming language and Go language is a statically typed programming language which is often called golang. Go language is detailed understood by golang online course.

golang coursego coursesgo training
Golang for PHP programmers: A practical introduction
Golang for PHP programmers: A practical introductionGolang for PHP programmers: A practical introduction
Golang for PHP programmers: A practical introduction

PHP and Golang complement each other in a great way. In this presentation you will first learn how Golang is different from PHP, then we will look at its use-cases with some examples, and finally we explore some important best practices. After this presentation you will know when Golang could be a suitable tool for the job.

Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) LanguageGolang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. Some key points: - Go is natively compiled and uses static typing with type inference. It is targeted for system programming and server-side applications. - It was created at Google in 2007 to address issues with other languages like dependency management, garbage collection, and support for concurrency. - Popular users include Google, Docker, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and MongoDB. Domains it is used include distributed systems, cloud, web development, and systems programming. - Key features include built-in concurrency and networking support, a rich standard library, and fast compilation. It aims to be

Golang Use Cases
Web Services
Mobile Applications ( Android [ver 1.4~] / iOS [ver 1.5~])
Game Backend
Daemon / Service
Command Line Tools
Golang and Command
Line Tools
Which Language Are You Using
For Writing Command Line Tools ?
Which language should we
use for command line tools?
It depends on the use case of the tool.
If the tool is dedicated for specific languages/framework, use that languages.
Ruby for rubygems
PHP for composer
Node.js for front-end task runners ( gulp / grunt )
It the tool is a part of a project, you should use same language
Java for Java project
Python for Python project
Other cases
Use Golang

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Golang start and tips
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Golang start and tips

Golang getting started & give up document outlines how to use gvm to easily manage Golang versions, glide to manage packages, and folder structures and makefiles for Golang projects. It recommends using gvm to install and switch Golang versions simply, glide to manage dependencies, and following standard folder structures. It also discusses using Visual Studio Code for Golang development and makefiles.

Why you should care about Go (Golang)
Why you should care about Go (Golang)Why you should care about Go (Golang)
Why you should care about Go (Golang)

The document discusses why the Go programming language is gaining popularity and why it is well-suited for cloud and microservices environments. Go provides efficient concurrency through goroutines and channels, which makes it productive for building scalable distributed systems. Its simple installation process and tooling also improve developer productivity. The document predicts that Go usage will continue growing as it becomes more widely adopted for cloud applications.

Dependency management in golang
Dependency management in golangDependency management in golang
Dependency management in golang

Having trouble managing dependencies with golang ? Here's how to resolve those issues using some of the best tools built by the community for the community.

Benefit for Command Line
Single Binary
Cross Platform ( Can support Windows easily )
No run-time dependencies
Many famous “command line”
tools are written in Golang
Terraform ( By Hashicorp)
hub ( by GitHub )
Write command line
tools in Golang
Many Libraries You Can Use
Standard CLI
Libraries for building standard or basic Command Line applications
cli - A feature-rich and easy to use command-line package based on golang tag
cli-init - The easy way to start building Golang command line application.
climax - An alternative CLI with "human face", in spirit of Go command
cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
codegangsta/cli - A small package for building command line apps in Go.
docopt.go - A command-line arguments parser that will make you smile.
go-flags - go command line option parser
kingpin - A command line and flag parser supporting sub commands.
liner - A Go readline-like library for command-line interfaces.
mitchellh/cli - A Go library for implementing command-line interfaces.
mow.cli - A Go library for building CLI applications with sophisticated flag and argument parsing and validation.
From: Awesome-go ( )

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Getting started with Go - Florin Patan - Codemotion Rome 2017
Getting started with Go - Florin Patan - Codemotion Rome 2017Getting started with Go - Florin Patan - Codemotion Rome 2017
Getting started with Go - Florin Patan - Codemotion Rome 2017

This talk focuses on people which are interested the Go programming language and want to learn it. In it I will present the various resources new gophers have to learn Go, what are the usual pitfalls and how to get help when they are stuck.

codemotion rome 2017

Go is an open source programming language designed for building simple, fast, and reliable software. It is concurrent and garbage collected, with tools to manage dependencies, support version control, and test code. The document discusses Go's philosophy, tools, web development capabilities using net/http, concurrency with goroutines, exception handling without exceptions, popular frameworks, organizations using Go, and references for learning more.

golangintro to go
A First Look at Google's Go Programming Language
A First Look at Google's Go Programming LanguageA First Look at Google's Go Programming Language
A First Look at Google's Go Programming Language

Go is a new systems programming language from Google. Go has many interesting features such as 'communication channels' that makes it suitable for use in multi-core machines, and network programming. With Ken Thompson (of Unix fame) as one of its designers, Go has elegant and minimal design that is appealing to most programmers. This talk gives a technical introduction to Go that is of interest to anyone working in system software. [Presentation I have in 2010 - I haven't updated it with recent changes to the Go language]

programming languagesprogrammingnew languages
You can use “gcli”
It generates a skeleton (codes and its directory
structure) you need to start building Command Line
Interface (CLI) tool
Easy To Use
gcli new -command=init -command=get -owner=takaaki-mizuno awesomecommand
% awesomecommand init
Support 4 CLI libraries
| mitchellh_cli | * | |
| codegangsta_cli | * | |
| go_cmd | * | |
| flag | | |
% gcli list

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13 practical tips for writing secure golang applications
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13 practical tips for writing secure golang applications

Writing secure applications in a new language is challenging. Here are some tips to help get you started for writing secure code in golang. Presented at Lascon 2015

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Go from PHP engineer's perspective
Go from PHP engineer's perspectiveGo from PHP engineer's perspective
Go from PHP engineer's perspective

Introduction to Go programming language from PHP engineer's perspective. The topic was presented at GetYourGuide’s internal tech talk. The original article can be found here:

Go lang
Go langGo lang
Go lang

Go is a programming language created by Google to help solve problems with large software and hardware systems. It was designed to facilitate development of large codebases by many engineers. Some key problems it aimed to address were slowness, clumsiness and lack of productivity in other languages like C++. Go provides features like garbage collection, concurrency with goroutines and channels, and a standard library, while remaining simple and compiled. It grew from a small project at Google into an open source language adopted by many organizations.

Some Tips For Golang
( command line tools )
Text Colorize
mgutz/ansi & mattn/go-colorable
mgutz/ansi is a library to create ANSI colored strings
and codes
mattn/go-colorable is an io.Writer wrapper to support
Windows DOS prompt colorize
Building Dashboard
Can build Text Base Dashboard with GUI Building-
Like APIs
Happy Coding!

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Introduction to Go-Lang
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Introduction to Go-Lang

Folio3 is a development partner that focuses on building custom enterprise, mobile, and social media applications. It was founded in 2005 and has over 200 employees across offices in the US, Canada, Bulgaria, and Pakistan. Go-Lang is a statically-typed, compiled programming language designed for building scalable network applications and facilitating concurrency. Key features include structs instead of classes, built-in concurrency through goroutines and channels, and static compilation to binary files.

The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure
The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventureThe Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure
The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure

The document discusses the Go programming language, providing information on its history, creators at Google, design goals, key characteristics like being statically typed and concurrent, benchmarking results, major companies using Go, and examples of using Go for web scraping and servers. It outlines pros and cons of Go and resources for learning more.

Introduction to go lang
Introduction to go langIntroduction to go lang
Introduction to go lang

Introduction to GoLang by Amal Mohan N. This presentation is an introduction to GoLang - it's history, features, syntax, importance etc. concurrency, go-routines, golang, google, gopher, introduction, programming

We are Hiring!
You want to write Golang ?
Join us !
Q & A

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Building Command Line Tools with Golang

  • 1. Building Command Line Tools with Golang Takaaki Mizuno Innovatube TechTalk #3
  • 2. Who Am I Takaaki Mizuno CEO of Innovatube Solutions 19 years experience as software developer 34 years experience in coding Still coding Based in Singapore Japanese born in Japan Published 20+ technical books in Japan
  • 4. Golang at Innovatube We selected 2 primary languages for web/mobile-app back-end development. PHP Golang Golang is used for non-HTML-Heavy Web development API Server for Mobile Apps Use React on Frontend and backend system only returns structured data such as JSON
  • 5. Golang Use Cases Web Services Mobile Applications ( Android [ver 1.4~] / iOS [ver 1.5~]) Game Backend Daemon / Service Command Line Tools
  • 7. Which Language Are You Using For Writing Command Line Tools ? Node.js Java Python Ruby C++ Golang
  • 8. Which language should we use for command line tools? It depends on the use case of the tool. If the tool is dedicated for specific languages/framework, use that languages. Ruby for rubygems PHP for composer Node.js for front-end task runners ( gulp / grunt ) It the tool is a part of a project, you should use same language Java for Java project Python for Python project Other cases Use Golang
  • 9. Benefit for Command Line Tools Single Binary Cross Platform ( Can support Windows easily ) No run-time dependencies Concurrency
  • 10. Many famous “command line” tools are written in Golang docker Terraform ( By Hashicorp) hub ( by GitHub )
  • 12. Many Libraries You Can Use Standard CLI Libraries for building standard or basic Command Line applications cli - A feature-rich and easy to use command-line package based on golang tag cli-init - The easy way to start building Golang command line application. climax - An alternative CLI with "human face", in spirit of Go command cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions codegangsta/cli - A small package for building command line apps in Go. docopt.go - A command-line arguments parser that will make you smile. go-flags - go command line option parser kingpin - A command line and flag parser supporting sub commands. liner - A Go readline-like library for command-line interfaces. mitchellh/cli - A Go library for implementing command-line interfaces. mow.cli - A Go library for building CLI applications with sophisticated flag and argument parsing and validation. From: Awesome-go ( )
  • 13. You can use “gcli” It generates a skeleton (codes and its directory structure) you need to start building Command Line Interface (CLI) tool
  • 14. Easy To Use gcli new -command=init -command=get -owner=takaaki-mizuno awesomecommand % awesomecommand init
  • 15. DEMO
  • 16. Support 4 CLI libraries +-----------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | NAME | COMMAND | URL | +-----------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | mitchellh_cli | * | | | codegangsta_cli | * | | | go_cmd | * | | | flag | | | +-----------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------+ % gcli list
  • 17. Some Tips For Golang ( command line tools )
  • 18. Text Colorize mgutz/ansi & mattn/go-colorable mgutz/ansi is a library to create ANSI colored strings and codes mattn/go-colorable is an io.Writer wrapper to support Windows DOS prompt colorize
  • 19. Building Dashboard gizak/termui Can build Text Base Dashboard with GUI Building- Like APIs
  • 21. We are Hiring! You want to write Golang ? Join us !
  • 22. Q & A