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Ruby On Rails
Tuning Guide
Quick Summary:

Ruby on Rails is a highly used framework
with 7.04% worldwide for web
applications development. However,
every framework used for development
requires optimization to get better
performance. Therefore, in this blog post,
we will discover the need for optimization
in ROR and the ultimate Ruby on Rails
performance tuning guide.
Why There is
Need to
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is a server-side web
application development framework
written and developed on Ruby
programming language. Ruby on Rails
works on MVC Architecture (Model View
Controller) with default database, web
services, and web pages.

At the time of product development, we
often make decisions that seem vital, but
later on, such choices prove to be decisive
to bring the application’s performance
down. Choosing RoR as your development
partner won’t mean your project will
succeed, proper care and attention are
required to run it efficiently.

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Concept learning and candidate elimination algorithm
Concept learning and candidate elimination algorithmConcept learning and candidate elimination algorithm
Concept learning and candidate elimination algorithm

This document discusses concept learning, which involves inferring a Boolean-valued function from training examples of its input and output. It describes a concept learning task where each hypothesis is a vector of six constraints specifying values for six attributes. The most general and most specific hypotheses are provided. It also discusses the FIND-S algorithm for finding a maximally specific hypothesis consistent with positive examples, and its limitations in dealing with noise or multiple consistent hypotheses. Finally, it introduces the candidate-elimination algorithm and version spaces as an improvement over FIND-S that can represent all consistent hypotheses.

machine learningconcept learningcandidate elimination algorithm
Pig Tutorial | Twitter Case Study | Apache Pig Script and Commands | Edureka
Pig Tutorial | Twitter Case Study | Apache Pig Script and Commands | EdurekaPig Tutorial | Twitter Case Study | Apache Pig Script and Commands | Edureka
Pig Tutorial | Twitter Case Study | Apache Pig Script and Commands | Edureka

This Edureka Pig Tutorial ( Pig Tutorial Blog Series: ) will help you understand the concepts of Apache Pig in depth. Check our complete Hadoop playlist here: Below are the topics covered in this Pig Tutorial: 1) Entry of Apache Pig 2) Pig vs MapReduce 3) Twitter Case Study on Apache Pig 4) Apache Pig Architecture 5) Pig Components 6) Pig Data Model 7) Running Pig Commands and Pig Scripts (Log Analysis)

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05 pig user defined functions (udfs)
05 pig user defined functions (udfs)05 pig user defined functions (udfs)
05 pig user defined functions (udfs)

This document discusses user defined functions (UDFs) in Apache Pig. It provides examples of different types of UDFs including EvalFunc, FilterFunc, and LoadFunc. For EvalFunc, it shows how to write a simple function to uppercase text and how to return complex types. For FilterFunc, it demonstrates an IsEmpty function. For LoadFunc, it outlines the key interfaces and methods needed to implement a custom loader using a regular expression example.

Slow page reloading
Slower server response
App crash problems
Usage of old code
To get better Ruby on Rails performance in
your web application, it is necessary to
optimize the application. Let’s look at the
reasons why there’s a need to optimize RoR
Tips to
Optimize the
of a Ruby on
Rails App
After getting an overview and benefits of
choosing Ruby on Rails, this part of the blog
will help you understand the quick tips to
increase performance in Ruby on Rails
Optimization of Server

The server plays an important role in the
performance of your application, and it
becomes mandatory to optimize server
performance to get overall faster results in
your existing product. Below are a few steps
for Ruby on Rails Performance

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The document describes the backpropagation algorithm for training multilayer neural networks. It discusses how backpropagation uses gradient descent to minimize error between network outputs and targets by calculating error gradients with respect to weights. The algorithm iterates over examples, calculates error, computes gradients to update weights. Momentum can be added to help escape local minima. Backpropagation can learn representations in hidden layers and is prone to overfitting without validation data to select the best model.

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Apache PIG
Apache PIGApache PIG
Apache PIG

Apache Pig is a high-level data flow platform for executing MapReduce programs on Hadoop. The language used for Pig is called Pig Latin. Pig scripts get converted into MapReduce jobs that are executed on data stored in HDFS. Pig can handle structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data and store results back in HDFS. Common Pig operations include joining, sorting, filtering, grouping, and using built-in and user-defined functions.

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Pyspark Tutorial | Introduction to Apache Spark with Python | PySpark Trainin...

** PySpark Certification Training:** This Edureka tutorial on PySpark Tutorial will provide you with a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of Pyspark, how it works, the reason why python works best with Apache Spark. You will also learn about RDDs, data frames and mllib.

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Expand RAM Capacity

Once users’ traffic increases, the
performance of your web application
decreases. To solve this issue, it would be
better if you expanded the capacity of RAM.
Also, you can go for a more powerful CPU or
start using SDD to get more improved
Use Balancing Method

If your application is getting high traffic on
a daily basis, it won’t be easy to manage
requests and solve the same in a minimal
time. For that, you can start using the load
balancing method to solve the request at an
appropriate time to boost your web
application performance.
Looking for a helping hand to fix
the bugs and fine-tune your Ruby
on Rails app?

Get in touch with us to hire Ruby on
Rails developer to eliminate the
bottlenecks and enhance the
performance of your existing RoR
Choosing Right Web

Choosing the right RoR hosting services is
very important because the whole
performance of any application is
dependent on web hosting. Therefore,
always use the correct service provider to
fulfill your application’s requirements.

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Rabin karp string matcher
Rabin karp string matcherRabin karp string matcher
Rabin karp string matcher

The document discusses the Rabin-Karp algorithm for string matching. It defines Rabin-Karp as a string search algorithm that compares hash values of strings rather than the strings themselves. It explains that Rabin-Karp works by calculating a hash value for the pattern and text subsequences to compare, and only does a brute force comparison when hash values match. The worst-case complexity is O(n-m+1)m but the average case is O(n+m) plus processing spurious hits. Real-life applications include bioinformatics to find protein similarities.

Mapreduce by examples
Mapreduce by examplesMapreduce by examples
Mapreduce by examples

Mapreduce examples starting from the basic WordCount to a more complex K-means algorithm. The code contained in these slides is available at

Hadoop technology
Hadoop technologyHadoop technology
Hadoop technology

Hadoop is the popular open source like Facebook, Twitter, RFID readers, sensors, and implementation of MapReduce, a powerful tool so on.Your management wants to derive designed for deep analysis and transformation of information from both the relational data and thevery large data sets. Hadoop enables you to unstructuredexplore complex data, using custom analyses data, and wants this information as soon astailored to your information and questions. possible.Hadoop is the system that allows unstructured What should you do? Hadoop may be the answer!data to be distributed across hundreds or Hadoop is an open source project of the Apachethousands of machines forming shared nothing Foundation.clusters, and the execution of Map/Reduce It is a framework written in Java originallyroutines to run on the data in that cluster. Hadoop developed by Doug Cutting who named it after hishas its own filesystem which replicates data to sons toy elephant.multiple nodes to ensure if one node holding data Hadoop uses Google’s MapReduce and Google Filegoes down, there are at least 2 other nodes from System technologies as its foundation.which to retrieve that piece of information. This It is optimized to handle massive quantities of dataprotects the data availability from node failure, which could be structured, unstructured orsomething which is critical when there are many semi-structured, using commodity hardware, thatnodes in a cluster (aka RAID at a server level). is, relatively inexpensive computers. This massive parallel processing is done with greatWhat is Hadoop? performance. However, it is a batch operation handling massive quantities of data, so theThe data are stored in a relational database in your response time is not immediate.desktop computer and this desktop computer As of Hadoop version 0.20.2, updates are nothas no problem handling this load. possible, but appends will be possible starting inThen your company starts growing very quickly, version 0.21.and that data grows to 10GB. Hadoop replicates its data across differentAnd then 100GB. computers, so that if one goes down, the data areAnd you start to reach the limits of your current processed on one of the replicated computers.desktop computer. Hadoop is not suitable for OnLine Transaction So you scale-up by investing in a larger computer, Processing workloads where data are randomly and you are then OK for a few more months. accessed on structured data like a relational When your data grows to 10TB, and then 100TB. database.Hadoop is not suitable for OnLineAnd you are fast approaching the limits of that Analytical Processing or Decision Support Systemcomputer. workloads where data are sequentially accessed onMoreover, you are now asked to feed your structured data like a relational database, to application with unstructured data coming from generate reports that provide business sources intelligence. Hadoop is used for Big Data. It complements OnLine Transaction Processing and OnLine Analytical Pro

Backend Rails

Backend optimization of your Rails
application is needed to boost the
performance of your existing web app.
Follow the below points to avoid
problems that may occur in the future.
Optimize your Ruby

Code used to develop Ruby on Rails web
application shouldn’t be complex to
understand. However, this is a very obvious
point, and every ruby on rails developer is
aware of using code that is easy to work

It is important to implement clean code
fundamentals to get the best performance
from Ruby code in your application.

One of the reasons behind the slow
performance in your Rails application is
inadequate indexing. Lesser proper
indexing increases server response.
Therefore, to solve this problem, try to
create indexing to cover required
information whenever possible.
Make use of Gems and

Among the number of listed ways to speed
up your RoR application, acquaint yourself
with gems and plugins. The growing RoR
community has fantastic Rails gems and
plugins out there to save a lot of your time.
Still, it is advisable to do some research on
the source before using a plugin for your
intended purpose. There are useful enough
gems and plugins to optimize your RoR

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This document provides an introduction to Apache Spark, including its architecture and programming model. Spark is a cluster computing framework that provides fast, in-memory processing of large datasets across multiple cores and nodes. It improves upon Hadoop MapReduce by allowing iterative algorithms and interactive querying of datasets through its use of resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) that can be cached in memory. RDDs act as immutable distributed collections that can be manipulated using transformations and actions to implement parallel operations.

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This Edureka Big Data Analytics Tutorial will help you to understand the basics of Big Data domain. Learn how to analyze Big Data in this tutorial. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Big Data Introduction 2) What is Big Data Analytics? 3) Why Big Data Analytics? 4) Stages in Big Data Analytics 5) Big Data Analytics Domains 6) Big Data Analytics Use Cases Subscribe to our channel to get updates. Check our complete Hadoop playlist here:

big data analytics coursebig data analytics trainingbig data training
Cache Data

Caching the data whenever the server
reloads by responding to new requests can
help in improving Rails performance.
However, one thing worth considering is
that it is required to cache the data of the
web page, which is decreasing the speed of
your Ruby on Rails web application.
Use Ruby on Rails GC
Optimization or Tuning

GC stands for Garbage Collection. It helps in
controlling the web application’s memory.
The usage of GC tuning will increase both
testing and application speed.
Use More Compressed

Large file data such as images or videos can
decrease the overall speed of the
application or any specific page where the
data is displayed. So to increase
performance in your Ruby on Rails
application, always use compressed images
and videos for faster reloading of web
Ruby On Rails
Tuning Guide

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Lower bound
Lower boundLower bound
Lower bound

This chapter discusses limitations on algorithmic power and methods for establishing lower bounds on algorithms. It introduces lower bounds as estimates of the minimum amount of work needed to solve a problem. Several methods are presented for establishing lower bounds, including trivial lower bounds based on input/output sizes, decision trees to model comparisons, adversary arguments, and reducing one problem to another with a known lower bound. Examples are given for sorting, searching, and matrix multiplication.

Design and analysis of Algorithm By Dr. B. J. Mohite
Design and analysis of Algorithm By Dr. B. J. MohiteDesign and analysis of Algorithm By Dr. B. J. Mohite
Design and analysis of Algorithm By Dr. B. J. Mohite

Algorithm Analysis, Table method to calculate time complexity, Big-O Notation, Omega Notation, theta notation, Heap types, Operations on Heap

daaalgorithmspace complexity
HDFS Architecture
HDFS ArchitectureHDFS Architecture
HDFS Architecture

The document summarizes Apache Hadoop, an open-source software framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of computers. It describes the key components of Hadoop including the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) which stores data reliably across commodity hardware, and the MapReduce programming model which allows distributed processing of large datasets in parallel. The document provides an overview of HDFS architecture, data flow, fault tolerance, and other aspects to enable reliable storage and access of very large files across clusters.

Ruby on Rails is among the top 20
highly preferred web app development
frameworks, and once your application
is developed, it becomes necessary to
maintain the Ruby on Rails
performance in your application.
Therefore the above blog has adequate
information that will be helpful for
business owners to understand how to
increase Rails performance. Being the
top Ruby on Rails development
company, we can lend a helping hand
to turbocharge your entrepreneurial
journey by resolving bugs,
incompatibilities, and security issues.
Thank You

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  • 1. Ruby On Rails Performance Tuning Guide
  • 2. Quick Summary: Ruby on Rails is a highly used framework with 7.04% worldwide for web applications development. However, every framework used for development requires optimization to get better performance. Therefore, in this blog post, we will discover the need for optimization in ROR and the ultimate Ruby on Rails performance tuning guide.
  • 3. Why There is Need to Optimize Ruby on Rails App?
  • 4. Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application development framework written and developed on Ruby programming language. Ruby on Rails works on MVC Architecture (Model View Controller) with default database, web services, and web pages. At the time of product development, we often make decisions that seem vital, but later on, such choices prove to be decisive to bring the application’s performance down. Choosing RoR as your development partner won’t mean your project will succeed, proper care and attention are required to run it efficiently.
  • 5. Slow page reloading Slower server response App crash problems Usage of old code To get better Ruby on Rails performance in your web application, it is necessary to optimize the application. Let’s look at the reasons why there’s a need to optimize RoR application:
  • 7. After getting an overview and benefits of choosing Ruby on Rails, this part of the blog will help you understand the quick tips to increase performance in Ruby on Rails application.
  • 8. Optimization of Server The server plays an important role in the performance of your application, and it becomes mandatory to optimize server performance to get overall faster results in your existing product. Below are a few steps for Ruby on Rails Performance optimization.
  • 9. Expand RAM Capacity Once users’ traffic increases, the performance of your web application decreases. To solve this issue, it would be better if you expanded the capacity of RAM. Also, you can go for a more powerful CPU or start using SDD to get more improved performance.
  • 10. Use Balancing Method If your application is getting high traffic on a daily basis, it won’t be easy to manage requests and solve the same in a minimal time. For that, you can start using the load balancing method to solve the request at an appropriate time to boost your web application performance.
  • 11. Looking for a helping hand to fix the bugs and fine-tune your Ruby on Rails app? Get in touch with us to hire Ruby on Rails developer to eliminate the bottlenecks and enhance the performance of your existing RoR application.
  • 12. Choosing Right Web Hosting Choosing the right RoR hosting services is very important because the whole performance of any application is dependent on web hosting. Therefore, always use the correct service provider to fulfill your application’s requirements.
  • 13. Backend Rails Performance Optimization Backend optimization of your Rails application is needed to boost the performance of your existing web app. Follow the below points to avoid problems that may occur in the future.
  • 14. Optimize your Ruby Code Code used to develop Ruby on Rails web application shouldn’t be complex to understand. However, this is a very obvious point, and every ruby on rails developer is aware of using code that is easy to work with. It is important to implement clean code fundamentals to get the best performance from Ruby code in your application.
  • 15. Indexing One of the reasons behind the slow performance in your Rails application is inadequate indexing. Lesser proper indexing increases server response. Therefore, to solve this problem, try to create indexing to cover required information whenever possible.
  • 16. Make use of Gems and Plugins Among the number of listed ways to speed up your RoR application, acquaint yourself with gems and plugins. The growing RoR community has fantastic Rails gems and plugins out there to save a lot of your time. Still, it is advisable to do some research on the source before using a plugin for your intended purpose. There are useful enough gems and plugins to optimize your RoR code.
  • 17. Cache Data Caching the data whenever the server reloads by responding to new requests can help in improving Rails performance. However, one thing worth considering is that it is required to cache the data of the web page, which is decreasing the speed of your Ruby on Rails web application.
  • 18. Use Ruby on Rails GC Optimization or Tuning GC stands for Garbage Collection. It helps in controlling the web application’s memory. The usage of GC tuning will increase both testing and application speed.
  • 19. Use More Compressed Files Large file data such as images or videos can decrease the overall speed of the application or any specific page where the data is displayed. So to increase performance in your Ruby on Rails application, always use compressed images and videos for faster reloading of web pages.
  • 21. Ruby on Rails is among the top 20 highly preferred web app development frameworks, and once your application is developed, it becomes necessary to maintain the Ruby on Rails performance in your application. Therefore the above blog has adequate information that will be helpful for business owners to understand how to increase Rails performance. Being the top Ruby on Rails development company, we can lend a helping hand to turbocharge your entrepreneurial journey by resolving bugs, incompatibilities, and security issues.