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The Go programming Language
Valéry BERNARD - CEO & Founder
(+33) - ! @mylitadventure
Sophia-Antipolis (06) - France
Why a new language?
The Go programming language
Go (often referred to as Golang) is a programming language designed
by Google engineers Robert Griesemer (Hotspot & JVM), Rob Pike (Unix
& UTF-8), and Ken Thompson (B, C, UTF-8).
Go was conceived in 2007 to improve programming productivity at
Google, in an era of multicore processors, computer networks,
and large codebases. 
The Go programming language

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Go is an open source programming language designed by Google to be concurrent, garbage collected, and efficient. It has a simple syntax and is used by Google and others to build large distributed systems. Key features include garbage collection, concurrency with goroutines and channels, interfaces without inheritance, and a large standard library.

Coding with golang
Coding with golangCoding with golang
Coding with golang

Join us to learn the basics of Go, a Google created language with strong concurrent features, and build a Discord bot!

Go language presentation
Go language presentationGo language presentation
Go language presentation

The document discusses the Go programming language and why it was created. It provides several key points: - Go was created over a decade since a new major systems language emerged, and the computing landscape has changed significantly in areas like software development speed, dependency management, type systems, garbage collection, and parallelism. - Go aims to address these changes with a compiled, garbage-collected language that provides fast compilation, easy dependency analysis, lightweight static types, built-in support for concurrency and communication on multicore systems. - Some of Go's guiding principles in design were to reduce typing, clutter, and complexity while avoiding forward declarations and header files everything is declared once without type hierarchies.

google languagestructured languagestatic language
The Go programming language
The Go programming language
Statically typed
Built-in HTTP / JSON / XML
No class
The Go programming language
Pro & Cons
Clean syntax
Powerful standard library
Garbage collected
Compile very quickly
Built-in unit testing
Fast learning
Backed by Google
Open Source
No manual Memory Mgt
Lack of Runtime safety
Few developers available
Pro Cons
The Go programming language

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Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google in 2007 to improve programming productivity for multicore and networked machines. It addresses criticisms of other languages used at Google while keeping useful characteristics like C's performance, Python's readability, and support for high-performance networking and multiprocessing. Go is syntactically similar to C but adds memory safety, garbage collection, and CSP-style concurrency. There are two major implementations that target multiple platforms including WebAssembly. Go aims to guarantee that code written for one version will continue to build and run with future versions.

golanggosoftware engineering
Introduction to Go programming language
Introduction to Go programming languageIntroduction to Go programming language
Introduction to Go programming language

This document provides an introduction to the Go programming language. It discusses Go's history, syntax, types, control structures, functions, interfaces, concurrency features using goroutines and channels, and some examples. Key points are that Go was created at Google in 2007 for ease of programming, type safety, memory safety, and concurrency. It has similarities to C syntax but is garbage collected and uses channels for communicating between goroutines.

Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) LanguageGolang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. Some key points: - Go is natively compiled and uses static typing with type inference. It is targeted for system programming and server-side applications. - It was created at Google in 2007 to address issues with other languages like dependency management, garbage collection, and support for concurrency. - Popular users include Google, Docker, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and MongoDB. Domains it is used include distributed systems, cloud, web development, and systems programming. - Key features include built-in concurrency and networking support, a rich standard library, and fast compilation. It aims to be

The Go programming language
Who is using it?
Algolia, Adobe, Basecamp,, CircleCI, Crème de la crème, Dailymotion,
Facebook, Github, Heetch, LeBonCoin, PSA, TF1, Zenly, Intel, Netflix, New york
Times, Pinterest, Reddit, Stripe, Tencent, Tumblr, Twitter, Heroku, Uber, Yahoo,
And many others
The Go programming language
The future - Go2
Package Management
Error handling
& MyLittleAdventure
The Go programming language
API, Web & Mobile, templating
Computing, Image processing, Scrappers,
Daemons, Messaging system, Database
management, Internal framework
Machine Learning
Live computing, Recommandation
engine, features scoring

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Write microservice in golang

* What are Microservices? * Why Microservices? * Golang Introduction * Golang Testing Tool * Golang Deployment with Docker

GoLang Introduction
GoLang IntroductionGoLang Introduction
GoLang Introduction

Go is a statically-typed, compiled programming language developed by Google. It aims for fast build times and single binary deployments. Go emphasizes concurrency through lightweight goroutines and channels for communication between them. While it lacks some object-oriented features like inheritance, it provides built-in support for concurrency and parallelism which makes it well-suited for backend services, network applications, and processing large amounts of data.

Go. Why it goes
Go. Why it goesGo. Why it goes
Go. Why it goes

New language from Google, static safe compiler, with GC and as fast as C++ or Java, syntax simpler then Python - 2 hour-long tutorial and you can start code. In this talk Serhii will talk about Go, also known as Golang – an open source language developed at Google and used in production by companies such as Docker, Dropbox, Facebook and Google itself. Go is now heavily used as a general-purpose programming language that’s a pleasure to use and maintain. This introductory talk contains many live demos of basic language concepts, concurrency model, simple HTTP-based endpoint implementation and, of course, tests using build-in framework. This presentation will be interesting for backend engineers and DevOps to understand why Go had become so popular and how it might help to build robust and maintanable services. Agenda of the presentation: 1. Go is not C, not Java, not anything 2. Rob Pike argument 3. Main ideas and basics 4. Concurrency model 5. Tools 6. Issues

The Go programming language
Quick batch computing

Live computing (x100)

Code fast

Software deployment (Docker)

Less dependencies

Improve team coordination

Better readability

Promising language
Less servers (cost)

Better scalability
In practice
The Go programming language website
The Go programming language
Scrapper / Server example
Display listing of hotel in Nice
from website
Create an http client

Create packages scrapping

Goquery library

Go routines / Channels
Get Hotel’s title / Thumbnail / Rating

HTML templating

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Golang getting started
Golang getting startedGolang getting started
Golang getting started

Go is a statically-typed, garbage-collected programming language that is fast, supports concurrency, and has built-in support for remote package management. It is well-suited for building network servers and applications with non-blocking I/O. The document provides examples of writing a simple "Hello World" program, building a basic HTTP server, and using goroutines for concurrency. It also outlines how to install Go, set up a development environment, and find additional learning resources.

GO programming language
GO programming languageGO programming language
GO programming language

This document provides an outline on learning the Go programming language. It discusses Go's history as a language developed by Google in 2007. Key features include being statically typed with garbage collection and support for concurrency. The document outlines disadvantages like Go still being a young language. It provides guidance on setting up a Go environment and learning basics like types, variables, functions, control structures, object orientation, and concurrency using goroutines and channels.

Go Programming Language (Golang)
Go Programming Language (Golang)Go Programming Language (Golang)
Go Programming Language (Golang)

This document provides an overview of the Go programming language. It discusses that Go was initially developed at Google in 2007 and is now an open source language used by many companies. The document then covers Why Go is useful, including its memory management, concurrency support, and cross-platform capabilities. It also summarizes some of Go's basic syntax like packages, functions, variables, types, and control structures. Finally, it discusses some key Go concepts like methods, interfaces, channels, and the net/http package.

programminggolangbasic go
The Go programming language
Entry point
The Go programming language
The Go programming language
Scrape function
The Go programming language
Server - HTML / API

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Go vs Python Comparison
Go vs Python ComparisonGo vs Python Comparison
Go vs Python Comparison

This document compares Golang and Python programming languages. It discusses what each language is, their key differences and paradigms. It also outlines the performance, scalability, applications, execution methods, libraries, readability, memory management and disadvantages of each language. Golang was designed by Google and is a statically-typed compiled language while Python is a dynamically-typed interpreted language. The document provides examples of benchmarks showing Golang generally has better performance than Python while Python has more libraries and is easier to read.

go vs pythonlearn codinggolang
Go Lang Tutorial
Go Lang TutorialGo Lang Tutorial
Go Lang Tutorial

- Go is a programming language created at Google. It is fast, statically typed, and has garbage collection. - The tutorial covers Go's history, why it was created, library support, and provides examples of variables, functions, flow control, methods, interfaces, and goroutines. - The document includes an outline, code examples throughout to demonstrate the concepts, and references additional resources for learning Go.

goprogramming language
An introduction to programming in Go
An introduction to programming in GoAn introduction to programming in Go
An introduction to programming in Go

Go is an open source programming language developed at Google to build simple, reliable and efficient software. It is a compiled, concurrent language that makes it easy to build scalable network and web applications. Some key features of Go include garbage collection, static typing, concurrency support with goroutines, and a large standard library. Go aims to combine the efficiency and speed of compiled languages like C with the simplicity and ease of dynamic languages.

The Go programming language
HTML Template
The Go programming language
Json result
The Go programming language
HTML page

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Concurrency With Go
Concurrency With GoConcurrency With Go
Concurrency With Go

A talk I gave at the Golang TO Meetup. Highlighting the beautiful powers of Go with respect to concurrency, and writing concurrent programs using it. Code at:

Golang workshop
Golang workshopGolang workshop
Golang workshop

The program uses a for loop to iterate from 1 to 100. Inside the loop, it uses if/else conditions to check if the number is divisible by 3, 5, or both and prints the corresponding string. If none of the conditions are met, it prints the number.

The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure
The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventureThe Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure
The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure

The document discusses the Go programming language, providing information on its history, characteristics, pros and cons, benchmarking, major companies using it, and the future of Go2. It then discusses how Go could be used by MyLittleAdventure for web development, APIs, software development, machine learning, and provides an example of scraping hotel data from to display on a server.

The Go programming language
Curated list of packages
Showcases of features
Golang official tour
MyLittleAdventure github

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The Go programming language - Intro by MyLittleAdventure

  • 1. The Go programming Language Valéry BERNARD - CEO & Founder (+33) - ! @mylitadventure Sophia-Antipolis (06) - France
  • 2. Golang Why a new language?
  • 3. The Go programming language History Go (often referred to as Golang) is a programming language designed by Google engineers Robert Griesemer (Hotspot & JVM), Rob Pike (Unix & UTF-8), and Ken Thompson (B, C, UTF-8). Go was conceived in 2007 to improve programming productivity at Google, in an era of multicore processors, computer networks, and large codebases. 
  • 4. The Go programming language Comparison
  • 5. The Go programming language Comparison
  • 6. The Go programming language Characteristics Statically typed Performant Multiple-cores Concurrency Compiled Network Built-in HTTP / JSON / XML No class
  • 7. The Go programming language Pro & Cons Clean syntax Powerful standard library Garbage collected Portable Compile very quickly Built-in unit testing Fast learning Backed by Google Open Source No manual Memory Mgt Lack of Runtime safety Interfaces Few developers available Pro Cons
  • 8. The Go programming language Benchmark
  • 9. The Go programming language Who is using it? Algolia, Adobe, Basecamp,, CircleCI, Crème de la crème, Dailymotion, Facebook, Github, Heetch, LeBonCoin, PSA, TF1, Zenly, Intel, Netflix, New york Times, Pinterest, Reddit, Stripe, Tencent, Tumblr, Twitter, Heroku, Uber, Yahoo, Zalando, And many others
  • 10. The Go programming language The future - Go2 Generics Package Management Error handling …
  • 12. The Go programming language Where? Web API, Web & Mobile, templating Softwares Computing, Image processing, Scrappers, Daemons, Messaging system, Database management, Internal framework Machine Learning Live computing, Recommandation engine, features scoring
  • 13. The Go programming language Why? Perfomance Quick batch computing Live computing (x100) Productivity Code fast Software deployment (Docker) Less dependencies Company Improve team coordination Better readability Promising language Efficiency Less servers (cost) Better scalability
  • 15. The Go programming language website
  • 16. The Go programming language Scrapper / Server example Display listing of hotel in Nice from website Create an http client Create packages scrapping Goquery library Go routines / Channels Get Hotel’s title / Thumbnail / Rating HTML templating
  • 17. The Go programming language Entry point
  • 18. The Go programming language Scraper
  • 19. The Go programming language Scrape function
  • 20. The Go programming language Server - HTML / API
  • 21. The Go programming language HTML Template
  • 22. The Go programming language Json result
  • 23. The Go programming language HTML page
  • 25. The Go programming language Resources Curated list of packages Showcases of features Golang official tour MyLittleAdventure github