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Hire Golang Developers
and Make the Shift to
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solution like these Big
The Golang programming language is
gradually hitting the chartbusters, being
accused as the most popular programming
language among the developer
communities. Go’s scalability, concurrency,
and superior reliability are the reason for
the language to be on GitHub’s fastest-
growing languages list for the last few years.
Web development, DevOps, and System
Programming have found the Go
programming language’s most eccentric
usage. Furthermore, Go is used in the
famous containerization platform, Docker.
Today, top-notch enterprises across several
industry sectors are using Go for complex
and scalable projects, which denotes the
power of this modern-day amazement.
Kubernetes, CoreOS, Hugo, and Lantern,
etc. are some of the languages using Golang
in their creation.

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 99 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 99 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 99 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 99 of 212

This document provides documentation on the Ring programming language, including examples of configuration files for Ring extensions, instructions for modifying configuration files and generating code, and an example of creating a simple Ring extension called RingBeep. It also contains frequently asked questions about Ring, answering questions about why Ring was created, why it is weakly typed, its advantages over other languages, its focus on UI creation, and differences from languages like Python, PHP, C++ and others.

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Kotlin vs flutter  which is better for doing business Kotlin vs flutter  which is better for doing business
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The comparative Kotlin vs Flutter is here to describe how they can provide immense help in building the your bussine application

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The Pros and Cons of Kotlin Language for Android App Development
The Pros and Cons of Kotlin Language for Android App DevelopmentThe Pros and Cons of Kotlin Language for Android App Development
The Pros and Cons of Kotlin Language for Android App Development

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. While the syntax is not compatible with Java, Kotlin is designed to interoperate with Java code and is reliant on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework.

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The experienced programmers at Google-
Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert
Griesemer wanted to create a simple
programming language, and they created
Go programming language in 2009. In the
same year, the TIOBE programming
community index ranked Go as the
language of the year, and after that, the
language has attained higher ranks for
every consecutive year. The next year,
TIOBE ranked it in the 13th position by
beating an established programming
language-Pascal. In the year 2013, the Go
programming language dropped off in the
list below 50 rank position, only to again get
distinction as the language of the year 2016.
In the upcoming years 2017 and 2018, Go
scaled up at 10th and 12th place respectively
as developers adopted the language.
Here is a
for the TIOBE
index Go
[Source: tiobe-index]
The StackOverflow survey was conducted
in February 2020, just before the world was
struck by the Covid-19 pandemic, where
nearly 65000 developers responded with
their votes and interests. In the list of most
loved language, Golang takes the fifth
position where developers using this
language wish to continue with the same
choice ahead.
[Source: StackOverflow Survey]
The survey also showed that the developers
who haven’t yet worked on Go
programming language are still keen to
learn the language and use it.

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The document provides an overview and instructions for localizing templates using Domino Global Workbench 8.5. It discusses installing DGW 8.5, creating a glossary database and tag file to extract terms, marking terms as "Do Not Translate", sending the glossary for translation, and building localized templates using the translated glossary. Steps are also provided for localizing templates using DGW's properties version, which extracts terms to properties files instead of a glossary database.

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Angular.js vs. vue.js – which one is the better choice in 2022

The document compares Angular and Vue frameworks. Angular is supported by Google and performs well, making it suitable for complex enterprise apps, but it can be verbose. Vue is lightweight, flexible, and easy to integrate progressively, though it may not scale as well as Angular and developing complex apps with it can be challenging. In conclusion, both frameworks have strengths for different use cases, and the best choice depends on the specific needs and scale of the application.

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 5 of 181
The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 5 of 181The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 5 of 181
The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 5 of 181

This document provides an overview of the Ring programming language. It discusses the motivation for creating Ring, which was to build a new version of Programming Without Coding Technology software from scratch using a single language. Ring aims to be innovative, practical, simple, small, flexible and fast. It supports multiple programming paradigms and can be used to create various application types. The document outlines Ring's features, which include its hybrid compiler/virtual machine implementation, declarative programming support, natural language programming, portability and more. It is open source under the MIT license.

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[Source: StackOverflow Insights]
Let us find out why there is a love for this
language amongst the developers and why
companies are using Golang? The
advantages of choosing the Go
programming language for your next-
generation project idea.
In this section, I’ve noted the Go
programming language’s prominent
features that will make you proud of
choosing it as your next project
development language.
1. Simple and Easy
Programming in Go is easy compared to
other languages because there are lesser
rules and concepts to obey. Writing and
reading code is utterly simple to
understand and grasp. Developers using Go
programming language find it to be a time-
savior. Those who want to learn the Go
language, there are numerous
documentation and guides available to
learn the language in a week. So, as you are
looking for Golange developers for your
next project, training them will be super-
Choosing the right programming language
for complex and substantial projects is
critical because it can cause you years of
development and the rework of errors and
interruptions. Golang is a perfect fit for
large-scale projects because it ensures
faster development times with reduced
risk-factor. Also, the removal of bugs is
speedy and accurate with the Go
programming language.
2. Open-source
Owing to Google’s heartfulness, Go is an
open-source language having a vast
community of Googlers. The open-source
character of a language encourages the
support of new solutions via various forms
and tutorials. You even get help when the
language is struck by erroneous code.
3. Useful in Large

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Paraminfo, it is an Ios and android app development company that caters to all your needs and helps you develop a customized app for your business growth.

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The document discusses native application development for Android. It covers using the Native Development Kit (NDK) to write parts of Android apps in native code like C/C++ for performance benefits. The key points are: - Native code can provide speed improvements for tasks like signal processing but also increases complexity. - Google's Bionic C library is used instead of glibc for size, speed and licensing reasons and has some differences like lacking C++ exceptions. - The NDK allows building native code libraries and combining them with Java code via the Java Native Interface (JNI). - Native code interfaces with Android via JNI and system headers while the build system handles toolchains.

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Ada distilled 2005 version
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This document provides an introduction to the Ada programming language for experienced programmers. It discusses Ada's goals of reliability, maintainability, and reuse. The document summarizes Ada's key syntax elements such as identifiers, statements, and scope. It notes Ada's emphasis on safety and error detection compared to other languages like C. Examples of Ada code are provided and explained throughout.

4. Single solution for a
There are as many solutions to a problem as
the number of programmers when it comes
to any other programming languages. Each
programmer has their way of solving errors
and problems. However, with the Golang
programming language, the ideology of
mostly one solution to one problem is best
definable. Hence, as you opt for Go
development for your project, your
development team finds it easy to
Those who are familiar with Go find it
similar to C minus the inefficiencies
because of its ease and clear coding
structure. Go, and C have the same syntax,
and hence programmers knowing C
language, find it easy to learn the Go
programming language.
5. Easily maintainable
Companies using the Go programming
language for their software development
can use several automatic code
maintenance tools, which makes it easy for
programmers. The one problem-one
solution concept of Go automates many of
the tasks that other languages have to
accomplish manually.
6. Same as C
programming language
Being one of the modern programming
languages, Go is multi-threaded, and it handles
parallel processing, unlike Java, C, Python,
Ruby, Javascript that are single-threaded.
Earlier when those programming languages
were developed, multi-core processors were
not very famous. However, today most of the
systems use multi-core processors for faster
programming, and hence Golang is an ideal
choice for developing modern applications.
7. Garbage Collection
Go very well handles all the memory objects
that are no longer in use and occupying
space. Golang has good support for
concurrency and collects garbage well. Go is
a lightweight programming language, and
you might be wondering How Golang Is An
Object-Oriented Language?
8. Ideal for multi-core
Go efficiently compiles coding for large
projects, and because of this reason, the
developer gets quick feedback on their
work. Although Java and C++ have an
excellent compilation speed, the fact that
Go is specially built for developing large
complex projects makes it the best option.
9. Developed for the
Like the above point, Go being a modern-
day programming language was developed,
keeping in mind the internet usage today’s
generation. Developers can make use of
classified web services without the need for
third-party libraries. Other programming
languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc.
have general network capabilities, whereas,
with Go, you can facilitate your work faster
and easier.
10. Quick Compilation

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The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 81 of 88
The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 81 of 88The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 81 of 88
The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 81 of 88

This document provides documentation for Ring version 1.3. It includes documentation for several Ring classes like QMdiSubWindow, QCursor, QListView, QAxObject, and QUuid. For each class, it lists the class name, a C++ reference link, parent class if applicable, and method signatures. It also includes a section on frequently asked questions about Ring that addresses questions about the motivation and advantages of Ring compared to other languages.

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Programming Project Part 6
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Programming Project Part 6

This document is a compilation of assignments from an Introduction to Computer Programming course. It covers the student's work in Python, Visual Basic, and Java. For the Python portion, the student created a menu-driven program incorporating 10 previous programs. For Visual Basic, the student reproduced a test average program and created a graphical user interface for a color mixer program. For Java, the student reproduced a GetInput program and created a program calculating automobile costs. Overall, the student found the project helpful for learning different languages and IDEs.

Java And Community Support
Java And Community SupportJava And Community Support
Java And Community Support

A talk given early in 2003 by William Grosso at CSU Sonoma. At the end of 2008, it stands up remarkably well.

To know more, read Golang Web
Development: Better Than Other
Programming Languages in 2020.
11. Small app size
The binary file made with Java is 10 times
heavier than that developed with Go. It
becomes prominent when you want to
deploy your Go application on multiple
servers; your loading time reduces
9 Big
using Golang
for Business
Google is the creator of Golang, and they
primarily launched it for their internal
projects and developers’ ease. The Googlers
created Google Chrome and Google Earth
using Go, and additionally, even YouTube
and Google App Engine use the Go
programming language natively. Several of
Google’s services were rewritten using Go,
and many smaller internal projects at
Google are using Go.
We saw why Golang is the most trusted
modern programming language for
entrepreneurs and developers. To ensure
your faith in Google’s Golang language, here
is a list of 7 big brand names that use Go for
their website or application development.
1. Google
Uber is the Go programming language’s
ideal case study remarking more than
hundreds of services written in Go. One of
the recent examples of Go services in Uber
is the geofence service, which matches the
user and the driver’s location. Golang is
used in writing most of the high GPS
services of Uber. Most of the developers at
Uber being well acquainted with C++, Java,
and Node can easily switch and learn Go
without much hassle, which increases the
performance at Uber.
2. Uber

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Programming language is the most important part of the computer science world. so if want to make your carrier in the world of computer science you must have to learn programming languages. By this slide m providing you some guidelines about top programming languages that are mostly used these time. the advantages and disadvantages of that programming languages and the applications of it. if you want learn programming language then visit the no. 1 website for programming language. website-

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To cope with the rise in resource utilization
and latencies, Uber uses well-executed Go
nodes to solve the issues. Uber refers to Go
as a highly reliable programming language,
and they have a positive experience of this
modern-day language.
3. Dailymotion
Dailymotion is a video-streaming platform
in France and is available across the world
in more than 25 languages. The website
improved the performance of its
Application Performance Interface APIs
using the Go programming language.
Golang is helpful for end-to-end tests on the
site, which otherwise causes heavy loading.
However, Go makes it sturdy and fast.
Golang’s static type checking, simplicity,
and performance have favored the company
The famous content publishing platform-
Medium uses Golang for its development.
GoSocial- one of the Go services manages
the Neo4j database. Other image processing
and backend services are also taken care of
by Go.
4. Medium
Another live video-streaming service uses
the Go programming language for its most
loaded systems. Golang solves all user-chat-
related issues and problems while live video
streaming with its amazing features like
efficiency, readability, simplicity, and
security. One of the most desirable
characteristics of Golang that helped Twitch
is the garbage collection factor, which
dynamically allocates memory.
5. Twitch
A cloud-based email transaction service-
SendGrid uses Go as its primary
programming language. Thanks to Go, the
company processes more than 500 million
messages in a day with asynchronous
programming, and it is by far one of the
largest companies using Golang. SendGrid’s
developers have mentioned that Go solved
all their concurrency-related problems and
helps reduce maintenance costs.
6. SendGrid

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The document is an industrial training report submitted by a student on Java programming language. It discusses the history of Java, introduces key Java concepts like the JDK, JRE, Java virtual machine. It also covers installing Java, setting environment variables, and validating the installation. The report aims to provide an overview of Java for students and discusses topics like the development process, garbage collection, and editions of Java.

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Lua is a lightweight scripting language designed in 1993 to meet the increasing demand for customization of software. It is embedded in many applications like Photoshop Lightroom, games like Angry Birds, and the World of Warcraft. Lua is useful for customizing applications by extending their functionality through a simple scripting language that is fast, lightweight, cross-platform, and embeddable in C/C++ and Java applications. It allows modifying application screens and themes as well as future extensions according to merchant requirements through its simple syntax.

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GSAI Job support has initiated innovative project support, job support, and technical training that help individual consultants, freshers, senior consultants, start-ups, small or big companies, and even MNCs across the Globe.

Fabric is a mobile application development
platform that uses Go for its analytics
engine. Users get real-time information
about their application’s health and
performance on this platform. Golang
serves the communication protocol of
Fabric because it is a highly scalable
7. Fabric
Along with Ruby on Rails, SoundCloud
engineers use the Go programming
language for their real-time status analysis.
As per these engineers, Go is a What-you-
see-is-what-you-get language that makes
their work easy and saves time because it’s
a one-solution language. Go has contributed
to over 12 repositories of SoundCloud and 6
8. SoundCloud
The cloud-computing major DropBox also
uses Golang for its efficiency and scalability.
Along with the Go in-built libraries,
DropBox has built its custom libraries.
Golang provides several advantages like
improved caching, standard error interface,
Memcache client libraries, and more.
9. DropBox
Apart from the companies mentioned
above, Netflix, Docker, and many other big
brand names use Go for their internal or
prime website development. As these
companies use the flawless services of
Golang for their business benefit
attainment, it’s time for your action of
selection. What are you waiting for now?
Hire Golang developers from the best
Golang development company which
provides the following Go services:

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Golang web development
Golang web developmentGolang web development
Golang web development

Golang emerged as a popular programming language in 2020 due to its advantages over other languages. It offers memory safety, concurrency, garbage collection, and helps manage objects efficiently. Golang sees high adoption rates due to its performance, speed of compilation/execution, portability, support for concurrency and static typing. It is well-suited for developing web, blockchain, AI and IoT applications. Businesses use Golang due to its flexibility with diverse apps, lower costs, improved performance and stability, and easy availability of Golang developers.

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Node.Js Vs Golang.pdf
Node.Js Vs Golang.pdfNode.Js Vs Golang.pdf
Node.Js Vs Golang.pdf

Node.Js Vs Golang, both are tremendous backend programming languages standing together on the battlefield. Here in this, we have provided you with the best information covering all important perspectives about both languages, also we have mentioned the companies using both languages for their applications which will help you pick the best one for your project.

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Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023
Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023
Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023

While building a mobile app, selecting the ideal backend language is usually a challenging task. Nowadays, Node.js and Golang are the two most used backend programming languages. So who will win the battle between Golang and Node.Js? Compare the many locations in this guide to determine which is the greatest option.

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Top-Notch Go
• Golang AI Development
With the incredible potential of Golang with
AI, we provide fantastic development
services so that you can build your next-
generation AI application with Go.
• Streamlined App Development
If you have a large project in mind, Go
streamlined app development is ideal for
you because that will assure concurrency
amongst your multi-regional teams.
• Compatible Cloud App Development
Get your users on the cloud and provide
excellent cloud-services with your Golang
application that is exceptionally well
suitable for the cloud.
• Concurrent Apps Development
Enable multi-threaded events on your
enterprise app with our Golang concurrent
app development service.
• Easy Cross-Platform Development
Build one app that is compatible with all the
platforms with our Golang developers who
speedily and easily develop your cross-
platform application.
• Full-Stack Golang Development
We have experienced developers working
on the Golang full-stack technologies,
including Golang + React.js, Golang +
Angular, and Golang + AWS. Avail scalable
web architecture for your upcoming big
project with us.
Leverage our best-in-class Golang
development services for mobile and web
application development and successfully
attain your aspired business heights.

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5 Reasons why Business Choose Go Program for Software Development
5 Reasons why Business Choose Go Program for Software Development5 Reasons why Business Choose Go Program for Software Development
5 Reasons why Business Choose Go Program for Software Development

Looking for golang mobile development, At AIS Technolabs, we practice Golang mobile app development to let you have an app, which is rich in all aspects. We use the best practices of cloud, Golang, and Big data analytics to help companies develop powerful and robust apps. Contact Us Now! Visit More Info:

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Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects
Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term ProjectsGolang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects
Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects

Two of the most popular languages that developers use for long term projects are Golang and NodeJS. In this blog post, we will compare these two languages to help you decide which one is the best option for your project. To know more visit at

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Features of go
Features of goFeatures of go
Features of go

This document discusses the features and benefits of the Go programming language. It outlines that Go generates self-contained binaries, has a simple yet powerful design, includes a standard library and supports concurrency and testing. It provides examples of companies and popular projects using Go like Google, Uber, Kubernetes and Docker. The document recommends books for learning Go and provides references for further reading.

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Golang is the perfect match for your
business application being the modern-day
programming language with one problem-
one solution ideology. So hire Golang
developers from us- the globally
renowned Golang development
company for cross-platform support, robust
development, comprehensive knowledge,
multi-threaded, and parallel processing.
You can start with a 15-day free trial to get
assured, and then you can select one of our
three hiring models- hourly, monthly, and a
dedicated model. Enquire now.
Thank You

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Hire golang developers and make the shift to brighter business future (build nex gen enterprise solution like these big companies)

  • 1. Hire Golang Developers and Make the Shift to Brighter Business Future (Build Nex-gen Enterprise solution like these Big Companies)
  • 3. The Golang programming language is gradually hitting the chartbusters, being accused as the most popular programming language among the developer communities. Go’s scalability, concurrency, and superior reliability are the reason for the language to be on GitHub’s fastest- growing languages list for the last few years. [Source:]
  • 4. Web development, DevOps, and System Programming have found the Go programming language’s most eccentric usage. Furthermore, Go is used in the famous containerization platform, Docker. Today, top-notch enterprises across several industry sectors are using Go for complex and scalable projects, which denotes the power of this modern-day amazement. Kubernetes, CoreOS, Hugo, and Lantern, etc. are some of the languages using Golang in their creation.
  • 5. The experienced programmers at Google- Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer wanted to create a simple programming language, and they created Go programming language in 2009. In the same year, the TIOBE programming community index ranked Go as the language of the year, and after that, the language has attained higher ranks for every consecutive year. The next year, TIOBE ranked it in the 13th position by beating an established programming language-Pascal. In the year 2013, the Go programming language dropped off in the list below 50 rank position, only to again get distinction as the language of the year 2016. In the upcoming years 2017 and 2018, Go scaled up at 10th and 12th place respectively as developers adopted the language.
  • 6. Here is a complete view-frame for the TIOBE index Go ranking.
  • 7. [Source: tiobe-index] The StackOverflow survey was conducted in February 2020, just before the world was struck by the Covid-19 pandemic, where nearly 65000 developers responded with their votes and interests. In the list of most loved language, Golang takes the fifth position where developers using this language wish to continue with the same choice ahead.
  • 8. [Source: StackOverflow Survey] The survey also showed that the developers who haven’t yet worked on Go programming language are still keen to learn the language and use it.
  • 9. [Source: StackOverflow Insights] Let us find out why there is a love for this language amongst the developers and why companies are using Golang? The advantages of choosing the Go programming language for your next- generation project idea.
  • 11. In this section, I’ve noted the Go programming language’s prominent features that will make you proud of choosing it as your next project development language. 1. Simple and Easy Programming in Go is easy compared to other languages because there are lesser rules and concepts to obey. Writing and reading code is utterly simple to understand and grasp. Developers using Go programming language find it to be a time- savior. Those who want to learn the Go language, there are numerous documentation and guides available to learn the language in a week. So, as you are looking for Golange developers for your next project, training them will be super- easy.
  • 12. Choosing the right programming language for complex and substantial projects is critical because it can cause you years of development and the rework of errors and interruptions. Golang is a perfect fit for large-scale projects because it ensures faster development times with reduced risk-factor. Also, the removal of bugs is speedy and accurate with the Go programming language. 2. Open-source Owing to Google’s heartfulness, Go is an open-source language having a vast community of Googlers. The open-source character of a language encourages the support of new solutions via various forms and tutorials. You even get help when the language is struck by erroneous code. 3. Useful in Large projects
  • 13. 4. Single solution for a problem There are as many solutions to a problem as the number of programmers when it comes to any other programming languages. Each programmer has their way of solving errors and problems. However, with the Golang programming language, the ideology of mostly one solution to one problem is best definable. Hence, as you opt for Go development for your project, your development team finds it easy to cooperate.
  • 14. Those who are familiar with Go find it similar to C minus the inefficiencies because of its ease and clear coding structure. Go, and C have the same syntax, and hence programmers knowing C language, find it easy to learn the Go programming language. 5. Easily maintainable Companies using the Go programming language for their software development can use several automatic code maintenance tools, which makes it easy for programmers. The one problem-one solution concept of Go automates many of the tasks that other languages have to accomplish manually. 6. Same as C programming language
  • 15. Being one of the modern programming languages, Go is multi-threaded, and it handles parallel processing, unlike Java, C, Python, Ruby, Javascript that are single-threaded. Earlier when those programming languages were developed, multi-core processors were not very famous. However, today most of the systems use multi-core processors for faster programming, and hence Golang is an ideal choice for developing modern applications. 7. Garbage Collection Go very well handles all the memory objects that are no longer in use and occupying space. Golang has good support for concurrency and collects garbage well. Go is a lightweight programming language, and you might be wondering How Golang Is An Object-Oriented Language? 8. Ideal for multi-core processors
  • 16. Go efficiently compiles coding for large projects, and because of this reason, the developer gets quick feedback on their work. Although Java and C++ have an excellent compilation speed, the fact that Go is specially built for developing large complex projects makes it the best option. 9. Developed for the Internet Like the above point, Go being a modern- day programming language was developed, keeping in mind the internet usage today’s generation. Developers can make use of classified web services without the need for third-party libraries. Other programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc. have general network capabilities, whereas, with Go, you can facilitate your work faster and easier. 10. Quick Compilation
  • 17. To know more, read Golang Web Development: Better Than Other Programming Languages in 2020. 11. Small app size The binary file made with Java is 10 times heavier than that developed with Go. It becomes prominent when you want to deploy your Go application on multiple servers; your loading time reduces drastically.
  • 19. Google is the creator of Golang, and they primarily launched it for their internal projects and developers’ ease. The Googlers created Google Chrome and Google Earth using Go, and additionally, even YouTube and Google App Engine use the Go programming language natively. Several of Google’s services were rewritten using Go, and many smaller internal projects at Google are using Go. We saw why Golang is the most trusted modern programming language for entrepreneurs and developers. To ensure your faith in Google’s Golang language, here is a list of 7 big brand names that use Go for their website or application development. 1. Google
  • 20. Uber is the Go programming language’s ideal case study remarking more than hundreds of services written in Go. One of the recent examples of Go services in Uber is the geofence service, which matches the user and the driver’s location. Golang is used in writing most of the high GPS services of Uber. Most of the developers at Uber being well acquainted with C++, Java, and Node can easily switch and learn Go without much hassle, which increases the performance at Uber. 2. Uber
  • 21. To cope with the rise in resource utilization and latencies, Uber uses well-executed Go nodes to solve the issues. Uber refers to Go as a highly reliable programming language, and they have a positive experience of this modern-day language. 3. Dailymotion Dailymotion is a video-streaming platform in France and is available across the world in more than 25 languages. The website improved the performance of its Application Performance Interface APIs using the Go programming language. Golang is helpful for end-to-end tests on the site, which otherwise causes heavy loading. However, Go makes it sturdy and fast.
  • 22. Golang’s static type checking, simplicity, and performance have favored the company well. The famous content publishing platform- Medium uses Golang for its development. GoSocial- one of the Go services manages the Neo4j database. Other image processing and backend services are also taken care of by Go. 4. Medium
  • 23. Another live video-streaming service uses the Go programming language for its most loaded systems. Golang solves all user-chat- related issues and problems while live video streaming with its amazing features like efficiency, readability, simplicity, and security. One of the most desirable characteristics of Golang that helped Twitch is the garbage collection factor, which dynamically allocates memory. 5. Twitch
  • 24. A cloud-based email transaction service- SendGrid uses Go as its primary programming language. Thanks to Go, the company processes more than 500 million messages in a day with asynchronous programming, and it is by far one of the largest companies using Golang. SendGrid’s developers have mentioned that Go solved all their concurrency-related problems and helps reduce maintenance costs. 6. SendGrid
  • 25. Fabric is a mobile application development platform that uses Go for its analytics engine. Users get real-time information about their application’s health and performance on this platform. Golang serves the communication protocol of Fabric because it is a highly scalable language. 7. Fabric
  • 26. Along with Ruby on Rails, SoundCloud engineers use the Go programming language for their real-time status analysis. As per these engineers, Go is a What-you- see-is-what-you-get language that makes their work easy and saves time because it’s a one-solution language. Go has contributed to over 12 repositories of SoundCloud and 6 services. 8. SoundCloud
  • 27. The cloud-computing major DropBox also uses Golang for its efficiency and scalability. Along with the Go in-built libraries, DropBox has built its custom libraries. Golang provides several advantages like improved caching, standard error interface, Memcache client libraries, and more. 9. DropBox
  • 28. Apart from the companies mentioned above, Netflix, Docker, and many other big brand names use Go for their internal or prime website development. As these companies use the flawless services of Golang for their business benefit attainment, it’s time for your action of selection. What are you waiting for now? Hire Golang developers from the best Golang development company which provides the following Go services:
  • 30. • Golang AI Development With the incredible potential of Golang with AI, we provide fantastic development services so that you can build your next- generation AI application with Go. • Streamlined App Development If you have a large project in mind, Go streamlined app development is ideal for you because that will assure concurrency amongst your multi-regional teams. • Compatible Cloud App Development Get your users on the cloud and provide excellent cloud-services with your Golang application that is exceptionally well suitable for the cloud.
  • 31. • Concurrent Apps Development Enable multi-threaded events on your enterprise app with our Golang concurrent app development service. • Easy Cross-Platform Development Build one app that is compatible with all the platforms with our Golang developers who speedily and easily develop your cross- platform application. • Full-Stack Golang Development We have experienced developers working on the Golang full-stack technologies, including Golang + React.js, Golang + Angular, and Golang + AWS. Avail scalable web architecture for your upcoming big project with us.
  • 32. Leverage our best-in-class Golang development services for mobile and web application development and successfully attain your aspired business heights.
  • 33. Golang is the perfect match for your business application being the modern-day programming language with one problem- one solution ideology. So hire Golang developers from us- the globally renowned Golang development company for cross-platform support, robust development, comprehensive knowledge, multi-threaded, and parallel processing. You can start with a 15-day free trial to get assured, and then you can select one of our three hiring models- hourly, monthly, and a dedicated model. Enquire now. Conclusion