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TechTalk #3
What	do	people	say
when	they	switch	to	Go?
Vũ Nguyễn
Go	is	an	optional	language	released	in	2012
(	It	does	not	force	you	to	use	it	like
Java	for	Android	or	Obj-C	for	iOS	)
Why	is	it	popular	today?
03/2015 04/2016
Who	are	using	Go?
Google,	Facebook,	Microsoft,	Amazon,	Mozilla,	
Yahoo,	eBay,	GitHub,	Twitter,	Dropbox,	Docker,	
MongoDB,	Couchbase,	Disqus,	Basecamp,	
CoreOS,	CloudFlare,	…

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Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language

This document introduces the Go programming language, which was announced by Google in 2009. It summarizes Go's key features, including being a concurrent, garbage-collected systems programming language. It also provides instructions on installing Go and a simple "Hello World" program example. The document argues that Go has substantial features for systems programming in today's networked, multi-core world.

programming languagesprogramminggoogle
Introduction to go lang
Introduction to go langIntroduction to go lang
Introduction to go lang

Introduction to GoLang by Amal Mohan N. This presentation is an introduction to GoLang - it's history, features, syntax, importance etc. concurrency, go-routines, golang, google, gopher, introduction, programming

Jumping in Jakarta Open Source Project Everything nobody tells you
Jumping in Jakarta Open Source Project  Everything nobody tells youJumping in Jakarta Open Source Project  Everything nobody tells you
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The document discusses open source software and how to contribute to open source projects like Jakarta EE. It defines open source licenses like GPL and EPL, and what Jakarta EE is. It outlines benefits of open source coding for careers and how to get started contributing, including choosing a project, signing contributor agreements, forking repositories, committing changes with sign-offs, and creating pull requests.

jakartaopen sourcenosql
Google	has	big	softwares and	big	problems.
The	hardware	is	big and	the	software	is	big.	
There	are	many	millions	of	lines	of	software,	
with	servers	mostly	in	C++	and	lots	of	Java	and	Python	
for	the	other	pieces.	
Thousands	of	engineers	work	on	the	code,	at	the	"head"	
of	a	single	tree	comprising	all	the	software.
The	goals	of	the	Go	project	were	to	eliminate	the	slowness	and	
clumsiness of	software	development	at	Google,	
and	thereby	to	make	the	process	more	productive	and	scalable.
The	language	was	designed	by	and	for	people	who	write—and	
read	and	debug	and	maintain—large	software	systems.
2011	We	started	with	Ruby	on	Rails,	quickly	build	first	version.
At	the	end	of	2012,	we	had	200	API	servers	which	serve	3000	
requests	per	second	for	60,000	mobile	apps.
When	our	API	traffic	started	growing	faster,	we	started	having	
to	rapidly	spin	up	more	database	machines.	
The	“one	process	per	request”	started	to	fall	apart.

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Go language presentation
Go language presentationGo language presentation
Go language presentation

The document discusses the Go programming language and why it was created. It provides several key points: - Go was created over a decade since a new major systems language emerged, and the computing landscape has changed significantly in areas like software development speed, dependency management, type systems, garbage collection, and parallelism. - Go aims to address these changes with a compiled, garbage-collected language that provides fast compilation, easy dependency analysis, lightweight static types, built-in support for concurrency and communication on multicore systems. - Some of Go's guiding principles in design were to reduce typing, clutter, and complexity while avoiding forward declarations and header files everything is declared once without type hierarchies.

google languagestructured languagestatic language
Go Lang
Go LangGo Lang
Go Lang

Go is a compiled, garbage-collected programming language that supports concurrent programming through lightweight threads called goroutines and communication between goroutines via channels. It aims to provide both high-level and low-level programming with a clean syntax and minimal features. The document discusses Go's concurrency model, syntax, goroutines, channels, and use cases including cloud infrastructure, mobile development, and audio synthesis.

concurrentgo langgoogle go
An introduction to go programming language
An introduction to go programming languageAn introduction to go programming language
An introduction to go programming language

Go is a new programming language developed by Google as a systems language for building network and cloud services. It was created to address the need for a modern language that supports concurrency and multicore processors. The design goals of Go included being fast, easy to use, and supporting features like garbage collection and parallelism. While the syntax is C-like and it is statically typed, Go also incorporates elements from dynamically typed languages for ease of programming.

computer scienceprogramming language
After	rewriting	the	EventMachine push	backend	to	Go	we	went	
from	250k	connections	per	node	to	1.5	million	connections	per	
The	time	it	takes	to	run	our	full	integration	test	suite
dropped	from	25	minutes	to	2	minutes.
The	time	to	do	a	full	API	server	deploy	with	rolling	restarts	
dropped	from	30	minutes	to	3	minutes.
“The	hardest	part	of	the	rewrite	was	dealing	with	
all	the	undocumented	behaviors	and	magical	
mystery	bits	that	you	get	with	Rails	middleware.”
“We	love	Go.	We've	found	it	really	fast	to	deploy,	
really	easy	to	instrument,	really	lightweight	and	
inexpensive	in	terms	of	resources.”
We	need	to	scale	a	company	
from	the	early	days	of	5	engineers	
to	200+	engineers	as	the business	grows.

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An Introduction to Go
An Introduction to GoAn Introduction to Go
An Introduction to Go

Google created Go because existing systems programming languages did not provide efficient compilation, execution, and ease of programming simultaneously. Go combines the ease of dynamically typed languages with the efficiency and safety of compiled, statically typed languages. It has features for concurrency and garbage collection that improve on C, as well as syntax inspired by Python, JavaScript, and Pascal.

Improving your code design using Java
Improving your code design using JavaImproving your code design using Java
Improving your code design using Java

The document discusses refactoring Java code to improve design quality. It describes various "code smells" that indicate deeper problems, such as long or complex methods, large classes, primitive obsessions, and conditional complexity. Refactoring helps address these issues by restructuring code without changing functionality to make it easier to understand and modify over time. This improves productivity by reducing duplicated code and complexity, making maintenance easier. The document provides examples of code smells and how to refactor code to eliminate them, following object-oriented and single responsibility principles to have high quality, maintainable code.

Developing for LinkedIn's Application Platform
Developing for LinkedIn's Application PlatformDeveloping for LinkedIn's Application Platform
Developing for LinkedIn's Application Platform

The bare basics. There's a lot more to know, but this is where it all begins. Learn OpenSocial with General Zod, Mr. Wizard & more.

[Scala	at	Gravity]
Several	of	us	started	investigating	and	were	able	to	track	the	
source	of	the	issue.
The	only	problem	was	we	had	no	idea	what	the	code	was	doing	
at	first.	
We	came	across	a	strange	symbol	we	hadn’t	seen	in	our	
projects	before.	The	spaceship	operator	<|*|> .	Someone	said	
out	loud	“what	the	hell	is	that?”.
While	you	can	have	very	high	performing	small	teams	going	
with	Scala,	trying	to	grow	and	engineering	organization	>	50 is	
an	uphill	battle.
One	of	Go’s	reasons	for	existence	is	to	make	developers	more	
productive.	[…] New	developers	we’ve	hired	are	ramped	up	in	
weeks	vs	months.
“Wow,	I	read	through	that	[Go]	library once	and	I	knew	exactly	
what	it	was	doing,	
I’ve	read	the	Scala version	of	that	library	four	times	and	I	still	
have	no	idea	what	it	does,	
I	can	see	why	you	guys	like	it	so	much”

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.1 book - Part 4 of 180

This document summarizes Ring, an innovative programming language designed to be simple, small, flexible and fast. Key features include a hybrid compiler and virtual machine, declarative and natural language programming, compact syntax without semicolons, first class variables, lists, objects and functions, automatic memory management, and cross-platform support. The language aims to provide high productivity for tasks like rapid application development, scripting, and building visual programming tools.

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These Big companies are using Golang, you should start using too. Hire Golang Developers to build next-gen enterprise solutions as per your business needs.

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Strategie di testing: Spring Boot loves Kotlin
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In questo workshop cercheremo di sviluppare from scratch un'applicazione scritta in Kotlin che si basa sul framework Spring Boot. Proveremo a seguire un approccio TDD e vedremo passo passo come scrivere acceptance test, integration test e unit test. Bonus: dovremo interagire con un servizio esterno per essere più vicini alla vita reale di un'applicazione web I partecipanti potranno apprendere i rudimenti di Kotlin e di Spring Boot ma sopratutto una panoramica di come e quando scrivere le varie tipologie di test.

agile software developmenttestingspringboot
About	a	year	ago,	we	decided	to	migrate	our	performance-
critical	backends from	Python	to	Go	to	leverage	better	
concurrency	support	and	faster	execution	speed.	
This	was	a	massive	effort–around	200,000	lines	of	Go	code–
undertaken	by	a	small	team	of	engineers.	At	this	point,	we	have	
successfully	moved	major	parts	of	our	infrastructure	to	Go.
Go's	library	is	extensive and	easy to	work	with.
Go	generates	a	single	executable	that	can	be	
distributed	to	our	clients.	There's	no	complex	
dependency	chain	or	layout	of	shared	libraries	to	
worry	about.
1. Static	compilation
2. It’s	not	C++,	not	Python,	not	Ruby,	not	Java
3. It’s	has	good	async,	low-level	interface,	
extensive	library
4. “go	doc”,	“go	get”,	“go	fmt”,	“go	test”,	“go	run”
5. Multi-arch	build
“Go	feels	perfect	for	Ops	work.	
The	error	handling	seems	to	fit	so	naturally	into	the	way	I	want	
to	write	systems	software.	
Deployment	is	really	simple	too,	where	I’d	have	to	think	about	
how	to	package	up	deps and	configure	Ruby	versions	I	can	now	
just	push	an	updated	binary.”

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Google GO
Google GOGoogle GO
Google GO

The document discusses the Go programming language. It provides a history of Go, noting it was created by Rob Pike and Ken Thompson in 2008 and officially launched in 2012. It then provides an overview of Go, describing it as an open source language suitable for modern systems and large scale programming. The rest of the document details Go's features, syntax, standard types, tools, popular users, approach to concurrency, and future outlook. It concludes Go is an easy to learn language well suited to solving real world problems.

Go Programming language, golang
Go Programming language, golangGo Programming language, golang
Go Programming language, golang

The document provides an overview of the Go programming language. It discusses that Go was designed by Google to help solve their large-scale programming problems. It then summarizes Go's history, purpose, features, and syntax elements such as data types, operators, functions, concurrency using goroutines and channels. The document also provides examples of Go code and concludes that Go has emerged as a popular language for cloud infrastructure due to its simplicity, concurrency, and performance.

ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language
ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming LanguageATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language
ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language

The document is a presentation about the Go programming language. It provides a brief history of Go, noting it was created in 2007 by Google employees and became open source in 2009. It discusses some of Go's key features like being statically typed, garbage collected, and having built-in concurrency support. The presentation aims to show examples of writing simple programs in Go.

programminggolangprogramming language
When	we	launched	the	CoreOS project	we	knew	from	the	very	
beginning	that	everything	we	built	would	be	written	in	Go.	
This	was	not	to	make	a	fashion	statement,	but	rather	Go	
happened	to	be	the	perfect	platform	for	reaching	our	goals	– to	
build	products	that	make	distributed	computing	as	easy	as	
installing	a	Linux	distro.
Go	is	amazingly	stable	and	awesome.
I	can't	begin	to	list	why	everything	about	it	is	just	great.
TechTalk #3
Thank	you
Vũ Nguyễn

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