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Programmers Yearning To
Homestead Our Noosphere.
- Sean McGrath
● What is Python ?
● Comparison
○ Python VS Java
○ Python VS C++
● When Python ?
● Who all are using Python ?
● Job opportunities in Python
○ Job opportunities in Python - Number of Python Jobs
○ Job opportunities in Python - Types of Python Jobs
● Future of Python
● Training @ Evolet Technologies 2
What is Python
● Created in the late 1980s
● Found by ‘Guido Van Rossum’
● Named after ‘Monty Python’ a writer
● General purpose programming language
● High level programming language
● Object oriented
● Interpreted language
● Used by thousands of people
● Very closely resembles the English language
● Has hundreds of existing third-party libraries.

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Python - the basics
Python - the basicsPython - the basics
Python - the basics

The document provides an introduction to Python programming by discussing statements and syntax. It covers assignment statements, expression statements, print operations, conditional statements like if/else, and loop statements like while and for. It explains how Python programs are composed of modules containing statements with expressions. Truth tests for conditionals and built-in functions like range, zip that can be used in loops are also overviewed.


This presentation educates you about Python and the reason for learning python, Key advantages of learning Python, Characteristics of Python, Hello World using Python syntax and Applications of Python. For more topics stay tuned with Learnbay.

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Intro to Python
Intro to PythonIntro to Python
Intro to Python

Python is an object-oriented programming language that allows programmers to reuse pre-existing code through objects. It has a simple syntax and is less verbose than other languages. Python code is written in source files with a .py extension and interpreted one line at a time. Source files contain libraries and main code and use comments and whitespace to organize code. The print function displays text on the screen.

● Python programs are generally expected to run slower than Java
programs, but they also take much less time to develop.
● Python programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java
programs. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in high-
level data types and its dynamic typing.
● Python is much better suited as a "glue" language, while Java is better
characterized as a low-level implementation language.
● Components can be developed in Java and combined to form
● Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so:
where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java
code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code
● Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish
in two months what two C++ programmers can't complete in a year.
● Python shines as a glue language, used to combine components
written in C++.
When Python ?

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Introduction to python programming, Why Python?, Applications of Python
Introduction to python programming, Why Python?, Applications of PythonIntroduction to python programming, Why Python?, Applications of Python
Introduction to python programming, Why Python?, Applications of Python

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language created in 1991. It is used for web development through frameworks like Django and Flask, game development using PySoy and PyGame, artificial intelligence and machine learning through various open-source libraries, and desktop GUI applications with toolkits like PyQt and PyGtk. Python code is often more concise and readable than other languages due to its simple English-like syntax and ability to run on many platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux and Raspberry Pi.

what is python?applications of python programming.why python?
Python PPT
Python PPTPython PPT
Python PPT

The Agenda for the Webinar: 1. Introduction to Python. 2. Python and Big Data. 3. Python and Data Science. 4. Key features of Python and their usage in Business Analytics. 5. Business Analytics with Python – Real world Use Cases.

python tutorial
Python Programming Language | Python Classes | Python Tutorial | Python Train...
Python Programming Language | Python Classes | Python Tutorial | Python Train...Python Programming Language | Python Classes | Python Tutorial | Python Train...
Python Programming Language | Python Classes | Python Tutorial | Python Train...

This Edureka Python Programming tutorial will help you learn python and understand the various basics of Python programming with examples in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1. Python Installation 2. Python Variables 3. Data types in Python 4. Operators in Python 5. Conditional Statements 6. Loops in Python 7. Functions in Python 8. Classes and Objects

python edurekapython installationpython training
When Python ?
● To build a web app
● To automate small task on the system
● To find the most common colors in an image
● Basically, when there is a need to code something and the
language doesn’t matter, use Python.
Who all are using Python ?
Who all are using Python ?
Job opportunities in Python

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Basic Python Programming: Part 01 and Part 02
Basic Python Programming: Part 01 and Part 02Basic Python Programming: Part 01 and Part 02
Basic Python Programming: Part 01 and Part 02

This document discusses basic Python programming concepts including strings, functions, conditionals, loops, imports and recursion. It begins with examples of printing strings, taking user input, and calculating areas of shapes. It then covers variables and data types, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, imports, strings, and recursion. Examples are provided throughout to demonstrate each concept.

Introduction to python
Introduction to pythonIntroduction to python
Introduction to python

This document provides an introduction and overview of Python including sections on syntax, lists and dictionaries, for loops, and implementation examples. The introduction covers that Python code is indented using whitespace rather than brackets, semicolons are optional, and data types do not need declaration. Lists are described as arrays that can hold different data types indexed by number, while dictionaries hold key-value pairs indexed by keys that can be numbers, strings, or other data types. For loops in Python iterate over each item in a list or dictionary without needing an explicit condition. The implementation section provides examples of using for loops over lists, creating and accessing a dictionary of fruits, and making lists of dictionaries to demonstrate Python concepts.

Basics of python
Basics of pythonBasics of python
Basics of python

Python is a popular programming language introduced in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. It can be used for web development, software development, mathematics, and system scripting. The document discusses basics of Python including flow charts, algorithms, installing Python IDLE, and using variables in Python to store data values.

engineeringfirst pptsurjeet singh
Job opportunities in Python - Number of Python Jobs
Job opportunities in Python - Types of python jobs
Future of Python
Future of Python

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Introduction to python
Introduction to pythonIntroduction to python
Introduction to python

This document provides an overview of the Python programming language. It discusses what Python is, its key features, who uses it, common applications, and how to download and install Python. It then covers Python syntax concepts like identifiers, keywords, multiline statements, docstrings, indentation, comments, and string formatting. The document also introduces Python data types like numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets and how to work with them. It describes how to convert between number types and access/update strings and lists. Finally, it discusses Python development environments like Anaconda and Spyder.

Introduction to-python
Introduction to-pythonIntroduction to-python
Introduction to-python

This document discusses an introduction to Python training provided by DataFlair. It covers what Python is as an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. It discusses the history of Python from its conception in 1980 to the end of life for Python 2.7 in 2020. It also outlines some of Python's key features and components like functions, modules, packages and classes. Finally, it discusses frameworks and flavors of Python like Django, Flask and Jython as well as uses of Python for tasks like website building, data analysis and machine learning.

pythondata scienceprogramming
Python by Rj
Python by RjPython by Rj
Python by Rj

This document discusses programming languages, compilers vs interpreters, and introduces Python. It explains that a programming language communicates instructions to a machine and can be used to create programs. An interpreter reads and executes code directly, while a compiler converts source code into machine code. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented language that is easy to learn yet powerful. It can be used for web, enterprise, and other applications. The document also provides basic information on Python syntax and data types.

Training @
● Learn to use Python professionally
● Learn advanced Python features
● Learn to use Object Oriented Programming
● Understand complex topics
● Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!
● We not only focuses on fundamentals of Python, but also helps one gain expertise
in Python
● The training is a step by step guide to with an extensive hands on
● The course is packed with several activity problems, assignments and scenarios
that help you gain practical experience
● You’ll learn how to build, deploy and scale programs in Python, with training that
covers everything from the fundamentals to deep-dive development
Training @
V Hamsa Bhavani
Technical Consultant and Trainer
Evolet Technologies

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Advantages of Python Learning | Why Python

  • 1. PYTHON Programmers Yearning To Homestead Our Noosphere. - Sean McGrath 1
  • 2. Agenda ● What is Python ? ● Comparison ○ Python VS Java ○ Python VS C++ ● When Python ? ● Who all are using Python ? ● Job opportunities in Python ○ Job opportunities in Python - Number of Python Jobs ○ Job opportunities in Python - Types of Python Jobs ● Future of Python ● Training @ Evolet Technologies 2
  • 3. What is Python ● Created in the late 1980s ● Found by ‘Guido Van Rossum’ ● Named after ‘Monty Python’ a writer ● General purpose programming language ● High level programming language ● Object oriented ● Interpreted language ● Used by thousands of people ● Very closely resembles the English language ● Has hundreds of existing third-party libraries. 3
  • 5. ● Python programs are generally expected to run slower than Java programs, but they also take much less time to develop. ● Python programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java programs. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in high- level data types and its dynamic typing. ● Python is much better suited as a "glue" language, while Java is better characterized as a low-level implementation language. ● Components can be developed in Java and combined to form VS 5
  • 6. VS ● Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so: where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code ● Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish in two months what two C++ programmers can't complete in a year. ● Python shines as a glue language, used to combine components written in C++. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 9. When Python ? ● To build a web app ● To automate small task on the system ● To find the most common colors in an image ● Basically, when there is a need to code something and the language doesn’t matter, use Python. 9
  • 10. Who all are using Python ? 10
  • 11. Who all are using Python ? 11
  • 12. Job opportunities in Python 12
  • 13. Job opportunities in Python - Number of Python Jobs 13
  • 14. Job opportunities in Python - Types of python jobs 14
  • 18. ● Learn to use Python professionally ● Learn advanced Python features ● Learn to use Object Oriented Programming ● Understand complex topics ● Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up! ● We not only focuses on fundamentals of Python, but also helps one gain expertise in Python ● The training is a step by step guide to with an extensive hands on ● The course is packed with several activity problems, assignments and scenarios that help you gain practical experience ● You’ll learn how to build, deploy and scale programs in Python, with training that covers everything from the fundamentals to deep-dive development Training @ 18
  • 19. 19 V Hamsa Bhavani Technical Consultant and Trainer Evolet Technologies