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Go Lang
Programming Model
Go concurrency motto:
"Do not communicate by sharing memory;
instead, share memory by communicating”
Quick Feature List
S Explicit support for concurrent programming.
S Compiled
S It is strongly typed and garbage-collected. Static typing
without too much keyboard typing
S High-level code when you want
S Low-level code when you want
Go Lang

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Join us to learn the basics of Go, a Google created language with strong concurrent features, and build a Discord bot!

Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...
Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...
Mphasis Digital - Use Go (gloang) for system programming, distributed systems...

Go is presented as an alternative to C and C++ for system programming, distributed systems, and cloud workloads. It has performance characteristics of C/C++ but also flexibility of modern languages. Go is well-suited for web development with various frameworks and is supported on cloud platforms like Google Cloud and AWS. The document argues that Go will emerge as a strong alternative to C/C++ in these areas.

distributed systemsgooglesystems programming
Introduction to Go-Lang
Introduction to Go-LangIntroduction to Go-Lang
Introduction to Go-Lang

Folio3 is a development partner that focuses on building custom enterprise, mobile, and social media applications. It was founded in 2005 and has over 200 employees across offices in the US, Canada, Bulgaria, and Pakistan. Go-Lang is a statically-typed, compiled programming language designed for building scalable network applications and facilitating concurrency. Key features include structs instead of classes, built-in concurrency through goroutines and channels, and static compilation to binary files.

Go Lang
Few Syntax
Concurrency + Parallelism

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Understanding how concurrency work in os
Understanding how concurrency work in osUnderstanding how concurrency work in os
Understanding how concurrency work in os

This document discusses concurrency in operating systems and different programming languages. It explains how concurrency works at the OS level using schedulers and threads/processes. It then compares implementations of concurrency in Python, Java, and Go. Python uses threads but is constrained by the GIL, Java uses native threads, and Go uses lightweight goroutines scheduled across OS threads. The document cautions that while goroutines make concurrency easy, there are still costs to consider. It concludes by noting languages evolve over time and no approach is inherently unable to handle high concurrency applications.

Wonders of Golang
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Wonders of Golang

This document summarizes some key features and benefits of the Go programming language. It discusses Go's support for concurrency with lightweight goroutines and channels for communication between goroutines. It also covers Go's syntax which is similar to C but with memory safety due to garbage collection, and its standard library and tools. Finally it provides an example of Go's use at a large company for building high throughput low latency network services.

golanggogoogle developer group
Golang from Scala developer’s perspective
Golang from Scala developer’s perspectiveGolang from Scala developer’s perspective
Golang from Scala developer’s perspective

My talk from Functional Vilnius MeetUp #6. Golang is becoming more and more popular. Most likely many of you have heard of its upgraded garbage collector and possibilities to work with lightweight threads – goroutines. Obviously, Golang is quite a good choice for server-side software oriented on a huge load. As Scala backend developer, I am a big fan of functional programming and actor model. Golang seems very promising, but from the first glance, its a totally imperative language. In my speech I’m going to tell about my experiments with Golang and attempt to use it as a functional language.

Go supports concurrency
S Go provides:
S concurrent execution (goroutines)
S synchronization and messaging (channels)
S multi-way concurrent control (select)
S “Lightweight”
S Starting 10,000 goroutines on MacBook Pro took 22ms
S Allocated memory increased by 3,014,000 bytes (301 bytes per
S Goroutines are multiplexed onto OS threads as required.
S When a goroutine blocks, that thread blocks but no other
goroutine blocks.
go foo()
go logger.Printf("Hello, %s!", who)
go func() {
logger.Printf("Hello, %s!", who)
Channels are typed values that allow goroutines to synchronize
and exchange information.
// synchronous chan of ints
c := make(chan int)
// buffered chan of pointers to Request
c := make(chan *Request, 100

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Go is an open source programming language designed for building simple, fast, and reliable software. It is concurrent and garbage collected, with tools to manage dependencies, support version control, and test code. The document discusses Go's philosophy, tools, web development capabilities using net/http, concurrency with goroutines, exception handling without exceptions, popular frameworks, organizations using Go, and references for learning more.

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GoLang Introduction
GoLang IntroductionGoLang Introduction
GoLang Introduction

Go is a statically-typed, compiled programming language developed by Google. It aims for fast build times and single binary deployments. Go emphasizes concurrency through lightweight goroutines and channels for communication between them. While it lacks some object-oriented features like inheritance, it provides built-in support for concurrency and parallelism which makes it well-suited for backend services, network applications, and processing large amounts of data.

ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language
ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming LanguageATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language
ATO 2014 - So You Think You Know 'Go'? The Go Programming Language

The document is a presentation about the Go programming language. It provides a brief history of Go, noting it was created in 2007 by Google employees and became open source in 2009. It discusses some of Go's key features like being statically typed, garbage collected, and having built-in concurrency support. The presentation aims to show examples of writing simple programs in Go.

programminggolangprogramming language
Quick syntax review
c := make(chan bool)– Makes an unbuffered channel of
c <- x – Sends a value on the channel
<- c – Waits to receive a value on the channel
x = <- c – Waits to receive a value and stores it inx
x, ok = <- c – Waits to receive a value;okwill be false if
channel is closed and empty.
Multiple goroutines can send
on the same channel
S Go's Concurrency
S Built-in! Lightweight threads, no callback hell
S Readable, top-down code
S So easy to write servers
S for { conn, err := listener.Accept() // check err go serve(conn)
S Goroutine-per-request can scale
Use Cases
S Cloud infrastructure
S Go: the emerging language of cloud infrastructure
S Docker, Packer
S CoreOS’s etcd and fleet
S Ubuntu Juju, Mozilla Heka, Apcera’s NATS, gnatsd

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Go Language presentation
Go Language presentationGo Language presentation
Go Language presentation

Go is a compiled, concurrent, garbage-collected, statically typed language developed at Google in 2007 to address issues with large software systems. It was created to facilitate easy memory management, enable rapid compilation, and handle concurrency through built-in goroutines and channels. Many large companies now use Go for its improved developer productivity compared to other languages.

Go Programming Language by Google
Go Programming Language by GoogleGo Programming Language by Google
Go Programming Language by Google

Go is a programming language created by Google that aims to be a simple, efficient, and concurrent language. The document provides an overview of the history and features of Go, including its support for garbage collection, concurrency, and ease of programming. Examples are given demonstrating how to write Go code, use interfaces and channels for concurrency, and connect to MongoDB. The document also lists several companies that use Go in production applications.

Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language
Lets Go - An introduction to Google's Go Programming Language

This document introduces the Go programming language, which was announced by Google in 2009. It summarizes Go's key features, including being a concurrent, garbage-collected systems programming language. It also provides instructions on installing Go and a simple "Hello World" program example. The document argues that Go has substantial features for systems programming in today's networked, multi-core world.

programming languagesprogramminggoogle
S Mobile
S Go runs on ARM
S minux's iOS port of Go
S Camlistore child process, goandroid
S Audio synthesis
S Language complexity
Java 8 language spec is a 780 page PDF (lol, seriously?).
Scala language spec is a 191 page PDF.
The Go language spec is webpage that prints as a 51 page PDF.
Defining a language is not the same as learning how to use a language,
but it is a proxy for how much there is to learn (or how much there is to
confuse you when reading someone else's code).

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Go Lang

  • 2. Programming Model Go concurrency motto: "Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating”
  • 3. Quick Feature List S Explicit support for concurrent programming. S Compiled S It is strongly typed and garbage-collected. Static typing without too much keyboard typing S High-level code when you want S Low-level code when you want
  • 9. Go supports concurrency S Go provides: S concurrent execution (goroutines) S synchronization and messaging (channels) S multi-way concurrent control (select) S “Lightweight” S Starting 10,000 goroutines on MacBook Pro took 22ms S Allocated memory increased by 3,014,000 bytes (301 bytes per goroutine)
  • 10. Goroutines S Goroutines are multiplexed onto OS threads as required. S When a goroutine blocks, that thread blocks but no other goroutine blocks. go foo() go logger.Printf("Hello, %s!", who) go func() { logger.Printf("Hello, %s!", who) ... }()
  • 11. Channels Channels are typed values that allow goroutines to synchronize and exchange information. // synchronous chan of ints c := make(chan int) // buffered chan of pointers to Request c := make(chan *Request, 100
  • 13. Quick syntax review c := make(chan bool)– Makes an unbuffered channel of bools c <- x – Sends a value on the channel <- c – Waits to receive a value on the channel x = <- c – Waits to receive a value and stores it inx x, ok = <- c – Waits to receive a value;okwill be false if channel is closed and empty.
  • 14. Multiple goroutines can send on the same channel
  • 15. S Go's Concurrency S Built-in! Lightweight threads, no callback hell S Readable, top-down code S So easy to write servers S for { conn, err := listener.Accept() // check err go serve(conn) } S Goroutine-per-request can scale
  • 16. Use Cases S Cloud infrastructure S Go: the emerging language of cloud infrastructure S Docker, Packer S CoreOS’s etcd and fleet S Ubuntu Juju, Mozilla Heka, Apcera’s NATS, gnatsd
  • 17. S Mobile S Go runs on ARM S minux's iOS port of Go S Camlistore child process, goandroid S Audio synthesis S
  • 18. S Language complexity Java 8 language spec is a 780 page PDF (lol, seriously?). Scala language spec is a 191 page PDF. The Go language spec is webpage that prints as a 51 page PDF. Defining a language is not the same as learning how to use a language, but it is a proxy for how much there is to learn (or how much there is to confuse you when reading someone else's code).

Editor's Notes
