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Programming Language
• What is Golang ?
• Why Golang ?
• Advantages and Limitations of Golang.
• Applications developed in Golang.
• Performance analysis for Golang.
• Golang vs Python
• Strength of Golang.
What is Golang ?
Go is a procedural programming language. It was developed in 2007 by
Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but
launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language. Programs
are assembled by using packages, for efficient management of

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Why Golang ?
Because Go language is an effort to combine the ease of programming of
an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and
safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be
modern, with support for networked and multicore computing.
• Go attempts to reduce the amount of typing in both senses of the
word. Throughout its design, developers tried to reduce clutter and
• There are no forward declarations and no header files; everything is
declared exactly once.
• Stuttering is reduced by simple type derivation using the := declare-
and-initialise construct.
• There is no type hierarchy: types just are, they don’t have to announce
their relationships.
Advantages of Golang

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This document introduces the Go programming language, which was announced by Google in 2009. It summarizes Go's key features, including being a concurrent, garbage-collected systems programming language. It also provides instructions on installing Go and a simple "Hello World" program example. The document argues that Go has substantial features for systems programming in today's networked, multi-core world.

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• Flexible- It is concise, simple and easy to read.
• Concurrency- It allows multiple process running simultaneously and
• Quick Outcome- Its compilation time is very fast.
• Library- It provide a rich standard library.
• Garbage collection- It is a key feature of go. Go excels in giving a lot of
control over memory allocation and has dramatically reduced latency in the
most recent versions of the garbage collector.
• It validates for the interface and type embedding.
Limitations of Golang
• It has no support for generics, even if there are many discussions
about it.
• The packages distributed with this programming language is quite
useful but Go is not so object-oriented in the conventional sense.
• There is absence of some libraries especially a UI tool kit.
Applications developed in Golang

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A First Look at Google's Go Programming Language
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Go is a new systems programming language from Google. Go has many interesting features such as 'communication channels' that makes it suitable for use in multi-core machines, and network programming. With Ken Thompson (of Unix fame) as one of its designers, Go has elegant and minimal design that is appealing to most programmers. This talk gives a technical introduction to Go that is of interest to anyone working in system software. [Presentation I have in 2010 - I haven't updated it with recent changes to the Go language]

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Golang, Future of Programming Language.
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[INNOVATUBE] Tech Talk #3: Golang - Vũ Nguyễn
[INNOVATUBE] Tech Talk #3: Golang - Vũ Nguyễn [INNOVATUBE] Tech Talk #3: Golang - Vũ Nguyễn
[INNOVATUBE] Tech Talk #3: Golang - Vũ Nguyễn

Go is a programming language created by Google in 2012 that has gained popularity for building scalable and performant backend systems. Many large tech companies including Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Dropbox use Go for services and APIs. Companies report benefits of using Go including improved productivity for engineers, faster deployment times, ability to easily scale to many engineers, and better performance and scalability compared to languages like Ruby and Python. Go's statically compiled binaries, concurrency features, and standard library make it well-suited for systems programming tasks like building servers, tools, and distributed systems.

Go lang
Go langGo lang
Go lang

Go is a programming language created by Google to help solve problems with large software and hardware systems. It was designed to facilitate development of large codebases by many engineers. Some key problems it aimed to address were slowness, clumsiness and lack of productivity in other languages like C++. Go provides features like garbage collection, concurrency with goroutines and channels, and a standard library, while remaining simple and compiled. It grew from a small project at Google into an open source language adopted by many organizations.

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 6 of 212

This document provides an overview and history of the Ring programming language. It discusses the motivations for creating Ring, which was to have a dynamic, small, and productive language for building applications and development environments. Ring draws influence from languages like Lua, Python, Ruby, C, C#, and BASIC. The document outlines the language's features, which include support for declarative and natural language programming, flexibility in syntax, portability across platforms, and automatic memory management.

ringring programmingring programming language
Go was composed by Google engineers and was really created to give quick reactions and advancement, much better help for present-day processing
methods, and a much clear human-unmistakable code than different frameworks languages like C or C++. In the event that you are a C or C++ developer,
at that point, you will presumably discover GO much superior to any semblance of it. Java basically being influenced by C language, derives most of its
syntax from C++ and C. However, Java features less low-level facilities than C or C++. C# is simply a multi-paradigm programming language.
Go is on a Trajectory to Become the Next Enterprise
Programming Language
• is based on real-world experience
• focuses on large-scale engineering
• focuses on maintainability
• keeps it simple and straightforward
• makes things explicit and obvious
• is easy to learn
• provides one way to do things
• allows easy, built-in concurrency
• provides compute-oriented language primitives
• uses OO — the good parts
• has a modern standard library
• enforces standardised formatting
• executes very fast
• requires a small memory footprint
• results in a small deployment size
• deploys completely self-contained
• vendors dependencies
• provides a compatibility guarantee
• encourages good documentation
• is built as commercially backed open source
• has an extremely fast compiler
• makes cross compilation easy
Strength of Golang

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Golang, Future of Programming Language.

  • 2. Agenda • What is Golang ? • Why Golang ? • Advantages and Limitations of Golang. • Applications developed in Golang. • Performance analysis for Golang. • Golang vs Python • Strength of Golang.
  • 4. Go is a procedural programming language. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language. Programs are assembled by using packages, for efficient management of dependencies.
  • 6. Because Go language is an effort to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be modern, with support for networked and multicore computing.
  • 7. • Go attempts to reduce the amount of typing in both senses of the word. Throughout its design, developers tried to reduce clutter and complexity. • There are no forward declarations and no header files; everything is declared exactly once. • Stuttering is reduced by simple type derivation using the := declare- and-initialise construct. • There is no type hierarchy: types just are, they don’t have to announce their relationships.
  • 9. • Flexible- It is concise, simple and easy to read. • Concurrency- It allows multiple process running simultaneously and effectively. • Quick Outcome- Its compilation time is very fast. • Library- It provide a rich standard library. • Garbage collection- It is a key feature of go. Go excels in giving a lot of control over memory allocation and has dramatically reduced latency in the most recent versions of the garbage collector. • It validates for the interface and type embedding.
  • 11. • It has no support for generics, even if there are many discussions about it. • The packages distributed with this programming language is quite useful but Go is not so object-oriented in the conventional sense. • There is absence of some libraries especially a UI tool kit.
  • 17. Go was composed by Google engineers and was really created to give quick reactions and advancement, much better help for present-day processing methods, and a much clear human-unmistakable code than different frameworks languages like C or C++. In the event that you are a C or C++ developer, at that point, you will presumably discover GO much superior to any semblance of it. Java basically being influenced by C language, derives most of its syntax from C++ and C. However, Java features less low-level facilities than C or C++. C# is simply a multi-paradigm programming language.
  • 18. Go is on a Trajectory to Become the Next Enterprise Programming Language
  • 19. • is based on real-world experience • focuses on large-scale engineering • focuses on maintainability • keeps it simple and straightforward • makes things explicit and obvious • is easy to learn • provides one way to do things • allows easy, built-in concurrency • provides compute-oriented language primitives • uses OO — the good parts • has a modern standard library • enforces standardised formatting • executes very fast • requires a small memory footprint • results in a small deployment size • deploys completely self-contained • vendors dependencies • provides a compatibility guarantee • encourages good documentation • is built as commercially backed open source • has an extremely fast compiler • makes cross compilation easy Strength of Golang