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Development with Go
- Manjitsing K. Valvi
Features of GO
● Binaries:
○ Go generates binaries for your applications with all the dependencies built-in.
○ removes the need for you to install necessary runtimes running your
○ Eases the task of deploying applications and providing necessary updates
across thousands of installations. (support for multiple OS and processor
● Language Design:
○ simple and easy to understand
○ “Do More with Less” is the mantra
Features of GO
● Powerful standard library:
○ Go comes with a powerful standard library, distributed as packages
● Static Typing:
○ Go is a statically typed language and the compiler works hard to ensure that
the code is not just able to compile correctly but other type conversions and
compatibility are taken care of.
● Concurrency Support:
○ Go Concurrency primitives via go routines and channels makes concurrent
programming easy. Its ability to take advantage of multi-core processor
architectures and efficient memory is one of the reasons while Go code is
today running some of the most heavily used applications that are able to
Features of GO
● Testing Support:
○ Go Language brings Unit Testing right into the language itself. It provides a
simple mechanism to write your unit tests in parallel with your code. The
tooling also provides support to understand code coverage by your tests,
benchmarking tests and writing example code that is used in generating your
code documentation.

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This document discusses various aspects of programming languages and the program development cycle. It begins by describing low-level languages like machine language and assembly language, and high-level procedural languages like BASIC, COBOL, and C. It then discusses object-oriented languages like C++ and Java, visual programming languages, and other languages and tools. The document also covers aspects of web page development like HTML, scripting languages, and authoring software. It concludes by outlining the typical six-step program development cycle.

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This document surveys alternative languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), including ported languages like JRuby and new languages like Groovy and Scala. It discusses why developers use these languages, noting they provide access to powerful Java platforms and libraries while allowing programming in more modern languages. Issues like performance and compatibility challenges are also outlined. Examples of code in several languages are provided.

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GO in go
● Between 2018 and 2019 the Go community has grown by 147% - Github
Some real life apps made using Go
● Golang banking app — Monzo
● Golang ecommerce app — Allegro
● Golang music app — SoundCloud
● Golang dating app — Badoo
● Golang ridesharing app — Uber
● Golang project management app — Timesheets
● Number of users increasing...
GO by famous companies
● Google : Used in internal projects
● Uber : In geofence service
● Twitch : Suitable for live videos and simultaneous chats
● Dailymotion : Automation APIs
● SendGrid : Simultaneous Asynchronous Programming
● Dropbox : Scaling in efficient manner
● SoundCloud : Static Analysis in real time
GO in go
● Some projects written in Go
○ Docker
○ Kubernetes
○ Fedora CoreOS
○ InfluxDB
○ Istio
○ Traefik
○ Hugo
○ Terraform
○ CockroachDB
○ Gravitational Teleport
Course Teaching & Exam scheme

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Features of go

  • 1. Development with Go - Manjitsing K. Valvi
  • 2. Features of GO ● Binaries: ○ Go generates binaries for your applications with all the dependencies built-in. ○ removes the need for you to install necessary runtimes running your application. ○ Eases the task of deploying applications and providing necessary updates across thousands of installations. (support for multiple OS and processor architectures) ● Language Design: ○ simple and easy to understand ○ “Do More with Less” is the mantra
  • 3. Features of GO ● Powerful standard library: ○ Go comes with a powerful standard library, distributed as packages ● Static Typing: ○ Go is a statically typed language and the compiler works hard to ensure that the code is not just able to compile correctly but other type conversions and compatibility are taken care of. ● Concurrency Support: ○ Go Concurrency primitives via go routines and channels makes concurrent programming easy. Its ability to take advantage of multi-core processor architectures and efficient memory is one of the reasons while Go code is today running some of the most heavily used applications that are able to scale.
  • 4. Features of GO ● Testing Support: ○ Go Language brings Unit Testing right into the language itself. It provides a simple mechanism to write your unit tests in parallel with your code. The tooling also provides support to understand code coverage by your tests, benchmarking tests and writing example code that is used in generating your code documentation.
  • 5. GO in go ● Between 2018 and 2019 the Go community has grown by 147% - Github Some real life apps made using Go ● Golang banking app — Monzo ● Golang ecommerce app — Allegro ● Golang music app — SoundCloud ● Golang dating app — Badoo ● Golang ridesharing app — Uber ● Golang project management app — Timesheets ● Number of users increasing...
  • 6. GO by famous companies ● Google : Used in internal projects ● Uber : In geofence service ● Twitch : Suitable for live videos and simultaneous chats ● Dailymotion : Automation APIs ● SendGrid : Simultaneous Asynchronous Programming ● Dropbox : Scaling in efficient manner ● SoundCloud : Static Analysis in real time
  • 7. GO in go ● Some projects written in Go ○ Docker ○ Kubernetes ○ Fedora CoreOS ○ InfluxDB ○ Istio ○ Traefik ○ Hugo ○ Terraform ○ CockroachDB ○ Gravitational Teleport
  • 8. Course Teaching & Exam scheme
  • 10. References ● ● ● ● e-go.html ●