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List Of
Golang Use
Cases And
That Use
Quick Summary:

Google’s reason behind creating a faster
programming language was technological
progress of the world and efficiency.
Companies using Golang result in increased
business productivity by introducing
modernization, developing faster mobile
apps, and their web development code has
higher efficiency.

This blog covers the varied domains that
have benefitted from the Go programming
language. Let’s check Golang use cases and
Golang usage in industry-wise domains and
find our top companies using Golang.
You don’t need much introduction
when the big lord Google itself is your
father. Google’s Go programming
language is an open-source, compiled,
modern computing language known for
its concurrency, scalability, and
phenomenal error check feature.

Ever since its creation, Golang has been
winning hearts. The combination of
flexibility, consistency, and
concurrency makes Golang web
development brilliant. Moreover, the
scalability that it provides is
unmatched. The best part is, Golang is
fast to develop, learn, and run.

Being the brainchild of Google, Golang
was facing potential challenges with
programming efficiency with several
programming languages.

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Career Planning ppt.ppt
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Career Planning ppt.ppt

Career planning involves exploring one's interests, abilities, and goals to develop a career path. It is a lifelong process that includes self-assessment, researching academic and career options, gaining relevant experience, and conducting a job search. Career planning is important for both individuals and organizations. For individuals, it provides direction, clarity, and motivation. For organizations, it aids retention, succession planning, and matching employees' goals with the company's vision. Effective career planning requires effort from both individuals to take initiative in their career development, and organizations to provide supportive resources and culture.

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Learn about the basic fundamentals of java and important for the different company's interview. Topics like JRE, JDK, Java Keywords, Primitive DataTypes, Types of Variables, Logical, Shift and Bitwise Operator working, Command Line Argument, Handling Arrays, Array Copy, and different programs and output based programs.

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Although most of the languages had
their advantages, there did not exist a
language that had all features to
build high computational applications.
Golang use cases have been threshold-
breakers in the market.

Welcome ‘Go projects’ that have the
caliber to excel. Golang is an
exceedingly scalable and concurrent
language with easy syntax. This
indicates that applications built using
Golang are hugely scalable and can
manage as many users entering
concurrent and simultaneous requests
Why Are Top
Companies Using
Golang use cases hold a major role
to play in industries. Go language
provides API bridging that enables
legacy workloads to run on the
cloud services. Industries that want
to leverage this special cloud
offering will automatically shift to
cloud-native application
development. That makes
Golang a clear and ideal choice.
When top companies like Google, Uber,
etc., choose languages, they ensure
considering each factor, benefits, and
drawbacks that the language can have
on their business. Golang has become
highly popular among web developers
and big players in distinct industries.

Are you convinced opting for Golang
over any other programming language
for your next project development?

Hire Golang developer from us and
leverage the perks of this modern
charismatic programming language.

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Freelancing getting started
Freelancing getting startedFreelancing getting started
Freelancing getting started

Freelancing involves working for different clients on various jobs rather than being a full-time employee of one company. As a freelancer, you can choose your own work and have better pay, but you must find jobs and manage your own finances. Some popular freelance jobs include web development, graphic design, content writing, online marketing, and video creation. The document introduces freelancing and provides tips on how to sell your skills as a freelancer.

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The document provides guidance on attending a seminar about writing CVs and cover letters, including an agenda that covers writing a good CV, writing a good cover letter, and a question period. It also includes tips on how to structure a CV, write a personal profile and work experience section, and how to prepare a targeted cover letter by researching the company and matching one's skills to the job description.

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Here are the 3 core reasons why are
these top companies using Golang
and have made it a popular choice.
Let’s start with why Golang is the
ideal choice for top companies.
Keeping cloud computing in mind,
Golang was created to leverage
parallelism and concurrency rendered by
the latest hardware. Its take on
concurrency is quite easy to work with.

Additionally, when comparing python
and java with Golang, running a
particular function on a goroutine
requires the least boilerplate code.
This channel-based and goroutine
concurrency make it extremely easy to
use all the available CPU cores besides
handling concurrent IO without
complicating development.

1. Created For Multi-core
With time, new and complicated systems
were created on top of the existing
foundational libraries/systems and
languages. Another vital part is, people,
skip the intensity of complex hidden

The truth here is that the code is read
10x times more than written. Team
velocity is essentially loaded with

Here, Go code is highly straightforward
besides being readable. This simple
nature boosts teams to collaborate in
brand new ways like never before.

2. Build For Large
The next to no layout and specifications of
Golang makes it extremely easy to use and
read. The best part is that beginners or
novices entirely new to programming face
zero problems reading the Golang.

However, one bonus point is, if you have
knowledge or background in Java or C, Go
can be highly easy to learn. Or, if you are
familiar with any other programming
language, learning Golang will hardly take
you around a week.

3. Easy Learning Curve

However, it will be easier to grasp the
language even as a beginner if you don’t.
Depending on your dedication, it will take
a few weeks to months.

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Steps for job application
Steps for job applicationSteps for job application
Steps for job application

CV/resume writing is the first step in the job search process. There are different types of resumes including chronological, functional, and targeted resumes. A chronological resume lists experience in reverse chronological order while a functional resume focuses on skills. Cover letters are also important and should highlight relevant achievements without mentioning salary. Interviews may take different forms such as stress, group, or lunch interviews. It is important to prepare for different types of questions and have good interview etiquette such as arriving on time. Follow up after interviews is also important through thank you letters or letters of inquiry.

Difference between a Career Vs Job
Difference between a Career Vs JobDifference between a Career Vs Job
Difference between a Career Vs Job

The document discusses the difference between a job and a career. It provides a framework called the "Back-2-Work Approach" to help individuals transition from job to career by understanding and marketing their value. The approach includes creating a value statement, assessing skills, and using resources to invest in one's career through continued education and experience.

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This document provides tips for job interviews. It discusses investing in your resume by tailoring it to each position and matching your skills to the job. Some statistics on resumes are presented, such as recruiters spending only 5-7 seconds reviewing each resume. Tips are provided for following up if not hearing back after applying, with suggestions to call back within a week and ask for the specific hiring person. The document also covers preparing for an interview through researching the company, practicing answers to common questions, proper interview attire, making a good first impression, questions to ask the interviewer, and responding to typical interview questions.

Best Golang Use Cases
The fastest growing industry is
eCommerce, where the transfer of
goods/services, data, and funds takes place
via electronic data. We have known and
have come across online shopping
platforms for customized niches to
everything all-in-one platform.

Golang in eCommerce
How Is Golang Helping The eCommerce

While noting Golang use cases in the
eCommerce industry, we can consider
many benefits. Ideally, eCommerce SMEs,
Startups, and huge enterprises all face
crucial challenges in terms of scalability,
page loading times, and website
availability, especially during chief
promotions. Here, Golang for eCommerce
is extensively used to eliminate these
Alibaba is one of the best eCommerce
Go projects

One of the features of the Alibaba Group -
the container engine “PouchContainer” is
written in Golang. The feature can easily
pack, deliver, and run all and any
application. It offers applications with a
lightweight runtime environment with
robust isolation and the least overhead.
PouchContainer runs 10000 nodes in
Alibaba stably and assists all online
transactions of Alibaba.

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Golang web development
Golang web developmentGolang web development
Golang web development

Golang emerged as a popular programming language in 2020 due to its advantages over other languages. It offers memory safety, concurrency, garbage collection, and helps manage objects efficiently. Golang sees high adoption rates due to its performance, speed of compilation/execution, portability, support for concurrency and static typing. It is well-suited for developing web, blockchain, AI and IoT applications. Businesses use Golang due to its flexibility with diverse apps, lower costs, improved performance and stability, and easy availability of Golang developers.

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Golang Development Companies
Golang Development CompaniesGolang Development Companies
Golang Development Companies

In this presentation, we are going to talk about the top 10 Golang web development companies which are worth hiring in 2021.

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Top 10 Golang Development Companies to Hire in 2021
Top 10 Golang Development Companies to Hire in 2021Top 10 Golang Development Companies to Hire in 2021
Top 10 Golang Development Companies to Hire in 2021

Are you looking for a Golang Development Company? If yes, in this presentation we are going to talk about the top 10 Golang web development companies which are worth hiring in 2021.

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The online booking system enables
hospitality & travel businesses to accept
and authorize bookings online and handle
personal and mobile bookings efficiently.
Online booking systems offer every
feature that a self-service portal should
have. Here, users book their services
depending on the dates suggested by the

How is Golang Helping The Online
Booking Sector?

Many considerations lead to Golang use
cases in the online booking system sector.
The system allows

Golang in Online Booking
ordering and paying right through the
Internet via mobile applications.

This helps businesses to scale their
operations. However, when these
processes occur now and then, it needs
to be highly scalable, reliable, and

Financial technology aka, Fintech
describes new tech that aims to enhance
and automate the ability, delivery, and use
of financial services in a better way.
Generally, companies, business owners,
and consumers use fintech to manage their
financial processes, operations,

Golang in Fintech
and lives by using a unique algorithm
and software implemented on
smartphones and computers.
How is Golang Helping The Fintech

To be quite clear, Fintech is a sector that
requires consistent and continuous
demand for financial data from
customers. This data must be available
24/7. When this sector uses Golang, it
turns out to be the best fit. One of the
best use cases of Golang is that Golang
accesses financial data and manages
transactions incredibly.
Capital One: Go application in the

Capital One is a gigantic technology-
driven financial organization. Golang is
used in one of their services- Credit
Offers API. The feature enables users to
affiliate partners with,
Credit Sesame, and Bankrate showcase,
and more available credit card options.

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When, how & why use golang in 2021 go benefits & use cases
When, how & why use golang in 2021  go benefits & use casesWhen, how & why use golang in 2021  go benefits & use cases
When, how & why use golang in 2021 go benefits & use cases

Learn how, when & why use Golang for your upcoming project. Of all the hype about the Go programming language, this blog is a straightaway answer.

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How Much Does It Cost To Hire Golang Developer.pdf
How Much Does It Cost To Hire Golang Developer.pdfHow Much Does It Cost To Hire Golang Developer.pdf
How Much Does It Cost To Hire Golang Developer.pdf

The document discusses the cost of hiring Golang developers. It begins by providing context on the rise of Golang due to the growth of IoT. The cost of hiring Golang developers depends on factors like experience, location, project size, and engagement model. Hourly rates range from $18-94 in different regions, with rates generally lowest in Asia and highest in North America. Common engagement models include time and materials, fixed price, and dedicated teams. The document aims to help understand the budget needed to hire Golang talent.

hire golang developer
Golang job support.pptx
Golang job support.pptxGolang job support.pptx
Golang job support.pptx

GSAI Job support has initiated innovative project support, job support, and technical training that help individual consultants, freshers, senior consultants, start-ups, small or big companies, and even MNCs across the Globe.

Golang in Payments
Processing Systems

Payment Processing is a system that
indicates how businesses complete
their debit and credit card
transactions. Payment processing
services accelerate card transactions,
and This entire process takes place in

The result involves a customer who
makes his purchase successfully and a
business that makes a sale securely.
If you have a new-sprung idea for your
next-gen business, Golang will be the
right modern programming language
to mold your vision into a reality.
Build flexible, secure, and super-fast
Web and Mobile Applications. Choose
the Top Golang Development Company
as our salient Gophers will amaze you
with their skills and expertise.
How is Golang Helping The Payment
Processing System Sector?
Golang usage in the industry of Payment
processing is quite remarkable. Before
executing the transaction, the
functionality runs the anti-fraud
mechanism to ensure the authenticity of
the details
It is known that this industry requires
hard SLAs and 24/7 global operations.
In short, it requires automatic
recovery and stability. Considering
the Golang use cases in this industry,
it delivers all. Golang delivers the
lowest possible latency to facilitate
smooth transactions, from stability to
Paypal: Golang excellence in Payment
Processing Systems

Once a pioneer, always a pioneer! Being at
the top in terms of online payment, PayPal
remains the top payment processor for a
vast range of auction sites, online vendors,
and many more commercial users around
the globe.

Currently, there are more than 100 Golang
developers at PayPal. While we cannot
ignore the fact that Golang may never
replace Node.js for specific applications,
Golang is the ideal and most preferred
language at PayPal.

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Ultimate golang performance optimization guide Ultimate golang performance optimization guide
Ultimate golang performance optimization guide

Check out how to optimize the Golang Performance of your Golang application with proven and tested performance tips. Also, know the best Performance Patterns.

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Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023
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Golang Vs NodeJS: Which One To Choose For Your 2023

While building a mobile app, selecting the ideal backend language is usually a challenging task. Nowadays, Node.js and Golang are the two most used backend programming languages. So who will win the battle between Golang and Node.Js? Compare the many locations in this guide to determine which is the greatest option.

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Hire golang developers and make the shift to brighter business future (build ...
Hire golang developers and make the shift to brighter business future (build ...Hire golang developers and make the shift to brighter business future (build ...
Hire golang developers and make the shift to brighter business future (build ...

These Big companies are using Golang, you should start using too. Hire Golang Developers to build next-gen enterprise solutions as per your business needs.

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Golang in Technology Platforms

Technology Platform denotes certain
platforms on which technical architecture
lays out and is made to run. Typically, these
platforms are a mix of both hardware and
software services.

How is Golang Helping The Technology
Platforms Sector?

Technology Platforms offer a common array
of functions that boost application
development. This is to facilitate the
deployment of solutions into businesses more
quickly. Here, Golang use cases offer
reliability, scalability, efficiency, and smooth
functioning of the processes.
DropBox- Go project for Tech
Dropbox shares a huge amount of its
success with Python, which is a
language that allows organizations to
iterate and develop swiftly. However,
with the rising user base, they began
exploring ways to scale up their systems
better and efficiently. This led them to
shift performance-critical backends
from Python to Golang for leveraging
faster execution speed and efficient
concurrency support.
Instant messaging (IM) is a platform
where text-based communication
occurs. It occurs between 2 persons
participating in a single conversation
over their mobile devices or PCs within
an Internet-based network chatroom.
Note that IM is quite different from
Chat. In Chat, the user participates in a
real-time public conversation within a
certain chat room where everyone
present on the channel can see
everything said by others.

Golang in Instant
Communication Platforms
How is Golang Helping the Instant
Communication Platforms Sector?
Chat servers must hold the ability to
perform distinct functions. Particularly,
the concurrency comes along with high
scalability that is used while building
messaging applications. Here, using
Golang application is excellent. When
messages are expected to be received and
sent simultaneously,
implementing Go projects or Go
programming language use cases turns
out to be advantageous.

Golang speed perfectly fits and supports
the projects in chat and messaging
platforms. For advanced and modern
applications, Golang AI development
might plate a crucial role.

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Node.Js Vs Golang.pdf
Node.Js Vs Golang.pdfNode.Js Vs Golang.pdf
Node.Js Vs Golang.pdf

Node.Js Vs Golang, both are tremendous backend programming languages standing together on the battlefield. Here in this, we have provided you with the best information covering all important perspectives about both languages, also we have mentioned the companies using both languages for their applications which will help you pick the best one for your project.

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Golang for Artificial Intelligence
Golang for Artificial IntelligenceGolang for Artificial Intelligence
Golang for Artificial Intelligence

Now -a day's artificial intelligence Applications are bringing massive changes in technology solutions. Artificial intelligence applications are making progress towards customer interaction, accessibility, purchase experience, user experience financial planning and many more. Features like self-correction, Machine learning, and Logical Reasoning are able to mimic human intelligence. Artificial intelligence applications also help businesses in various ways such as improve the use of their resources, with a visible effect on their bottom line.

golang for artificial intelligence
Why Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For All
Why Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For AllWhy Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For All
Why Golang? Settling the Debate Once and For All

Golang is a sure shot choice for the quick server response and predictable business growth let's see how golang is better than python, rust and node.js.

Stream: Golang’s power in Chat Apps

Stream is an activity feed and
enterprise-grade chart that helps
billions of end-users.
Implementing Golang, Stream is serving
customers phenomenally. Golang’s
combination of smooth onboarding for
new developers, excellent ecosystem,
robust support for concurrency, rapid
performance, and productive
programming environment makes it an
exceptional choice.
Go empowers Stream’s chats and feeds
to operate flawlessly for more than 500
million end-users.
Cyber security can be described as a
practice of safeguarding or defending
servers, networks, computers, electronic
systems, data, and mobile devices from
harmful and malicious attacks. In other
terms, we can also refer to this as
electronic information security or IT
security. Read about the Go best practices
to keep your application secure and

Golang in Cyber Security
How is Golang helping the Cyber
Security Sector?

Privacy and security keep gaining
interest continuously. The cyber
market is booming to implement the
same in companies, industries, and

Moreover, with its vast use in cloud
and server environments, the use of
Golang in the Industry has increased.
Opting for Golang web development
will be better if businesses expect
utmost security.
1Password uses Golang
Trusted by over 60,000
businesses globally, 1Password
protects data. Alongside, it gives
the user complete control over
sensitive and confidential
business information along with
protected passwords.

Golang holds a strong position in
the tech stack of 1Password. The
backend is written entirely in
Golang. The admin account can
hence manage the recovery and
security of the entire company.

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Golang The Go Programming Language by startelelogic
Golang The Go Programming Language by startelelogicGolang The Go Programming Language by startelelogic
Golang The Go Programming Language by startelelogic

Go, also known as Golang, is an open-source programming language created by Google. It's known for being easy to learn and use, with a focus on simplicity, readability, and efficiency. Go is well-suited for building various applications, from web services and cloud software to command-line tools and distributed systems.

Hire Golang App Developers in India
Hire Golang App Developers in IndiaHire Golang App Developers in India
Hire Golang App Developers in India

Read the full details here: Connect with us through: Contact us : Facebook : Twitter : LinkedIn : Instagram : Pinterest :

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Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects
Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term ProjectsGolang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects
Golang or NodeJs: Make Your Choice for Long Term Projects

Two of the most popular languages that developers use for long term projects are Golang and NodeJS. In this blog post, we will compare these two languages to help you decide which one is the best option for your project. To know more visit at

golang vs nodejs
Golang is an excellent default
language. It strikes a critical balance
between developer productivity and
performance. Golang projects are
perfect for servers, daemons, systems,
APIs, websites, tools, databases, etc.
Check out the power of Golang at our
best Go programming language

If we speak about Golang use cases,
we see a bright future in the long run.
Considering the rising usage of IoT
data, cloud solutions, and Brand new
technologies like 5G, Golang is all set
to lure more and more organizations.
This is because every organization
would want to reduce their market
time and operating costs besides
increasing security. And let’s accept
who can do it better than Golang
web development!
Thank You

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Case Study: Eldorado Streamlines Development with Rocket Aldon
Case Study: Eldorado Streamlines Development with Rocket AldonCase Study: Eldorado Streamlines Development with Rocket Aldon
Case Study: Eldorado Streamlines Development with Rocket Aldon

Eldorado Hotel Casino uses Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager to streamline its software development process and ensure compliance. Aldon provides point-and-click package promotion across Eldorado's RPG and PHP projects. This allows objects to be promoted through stages in a single package. Aldon also provides automated deployment, inventory management of all components, and simple installation. This allows Eldorado to develop applications more quickly while meeting regulatory requirements.

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Sfalma Pitch

Sfalma is an online service that collects and analyzes software errors from apps to help developers build better apps with fewer errors. It notifies developers immediately of new errors, provides a single dashboard to view errors across apps, and finds common errors and solutions from other sources. Sfalma charges subscription fees per month based on the number of tracked apps and features to provide this service.

Why golang
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Why golang

As a Golang development Company, Gowitek specialize in Golang development. We leverage Golang features such as concurrency, scalability, cross-platform support, garbage collection and more.

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List of golang use cases and top companies that use golang

  • 1. List Of Golang Use Cases And Top Companies That Use Golang
  • 2. Quick Summary: Google’s reason behind creating a faster programming language was technological progress of the world and efficiency. Companies using Golang result in increased business productivity by introducing modernization, developing faster mobile apps, and their web development code has higher efficiency. This blog covers the varied domains that have benefitted from the Go programming language. Let’s check Golang use cases and Golang usage in industry-wise domains and find our top companies using Golang.
  • 4. You don’t need much introduction when the big lord Google itself is your father. Google’s Go programming language is an open-source, compiled, modern computing language known for its concurrency, scalability, and phenomenal error check feature. Ever since its creation, Golang has been winning hearts. The combination of flexibility, consistency, and concurrency makes Golang web development brilliant. Moreover, the scalability that it provides is unmatched. The best part is, Golang is fast to develop, learn, and run. Being the brainchild of Google, Golang was facing potential challenges with programming efficiency with several programming languages.
  • 5. Although most of the languages had their advantages, there did not exist a single language that had all features to build high computational applications. Golang use cases have been threshold- breakers in the market. Welcome ‘Go projects’ that have the caliber to excel. Golang is an exceedingly scalable and concurrent language with easy syntax. This indicates that applications built using Golang are hugely scalable and can manage as many users entering concurrent and simultaneous requests
  • 6. Why Are Top Companies Using Golang?
  • 7. Golang use cases hold a major role to play in industries. Go language provides API bridging that enables legacy workloads to run on the cloud services. Industries that want to leverage this special cloud offering will automatically shift to cloud-native application development. That makes
  • 8. Golang a clear and ideal choice. When top companies like Google, Uber, etc., choose languages, they ensure considering each factor, benefits, and drawbacks that the language can have on their business. Golang has become highly popular among web developers and big players in distinct industries. Are you convinced opting for Golang over any other programming language for your next project development? Hire Golang developer from us and leverage the perks of this modern charismatic programming language.
  • 9. Here are the 3 core reasons why are these top companies using Golang and have made it a popular choice. Let’s start with why Golang is the ideal choice for top companies.
  • 10. Keeping cloud computing in mind, Golang was created to leverage parallelism and concurrency rendered by the latest hardware. Its take on concurrency is quite easy to work with. Additionally, when comparing python and java with Golang, running a particular function on a goroutine requires the least boilerplate code. This channel-based and goroutine concurrency make it extremely easy to use all the available CPU cores besides handling concurrent IO without complicating development. 1. Created For Multi-core Proessing
  • 11. With time, new and complicated systems were created on top of the existing foundational libraries/systems and languages. Another vital part is, people, skip the intensity of complex hidden costs. The truth here is that the code is read 10x times more than written. Team velocity is essentially loaded with complexities. Here, Go code is highly straightforward besides being readable. This simple nature boosts teams to collaborate in brand new ways like never before. 2. Build For Large Projects
  • 12. The next to no layout and specifications of Golang makes it extremely easy to use and read. The best part is that beginners or novices entirely new to programming face zero problems reading the Golang. However, one bonus point is, if you have knowledge or background in Java or C, Go can be highly easy to learn. Or, if you are familiar with any other programming language, learning Golang will hardly take you around a week. 3. Easy Learning Curve However, it will be easier to grasp the language even as a beginner if you don’t. Depending on your dedication, it will take a few weeks to months.
  • 13. Best Golang Use Cases (Industry-wise)
  • 14. The fastest growing industry is eCommerce, where the transfer of goods/services, data, and funds takes place via electronic data. We have known and have come across online shopping platforms for customized niches to everything all-in-one platform. Golang in eCommerce
  • 15. How Is Golang Helping The eCommerce Sector? While noting Golang use cases in the eCommerce industry, we can consider many benefits. Ideally, eCommerce SMEs, Startups, and huge enterprises all face crucial challenges in terms of scalability, page loading times, and website availability, especially during chief promotions. Here, Golang for eCommerce is extensively used to eliminate these problems.
  • 16. Alibaba is one of the best eCommerce Go projects One of the features of the Alibaba Group - the container engine “PouchContainer” is written in Golang. The feature can easily pack, deliver, and run all and any application. It offers applications with a lightweight runtime environment with robust isolation and the least overhead. PouchContainer runs 10000 nodes in Alibaba stably and assists all online transactions of Alibaba.
  • 17. The online booking system enables hospitality & travel businesses to accept and authorize bookings online and handle personal and mobile bookings efficiently. Online booking systems offer every feature that a self-service portal should have. Here, users book their services depending on the dates suggested by the system. How is Golang Helping The Online Booking Sector? Many considerations lead to Golang use cases in the online booking system sector. The system allows Golang in Online Booking Systems
  • 18. ordering and paying right through the Internet via mobile applications. This helps businesses to scale their operations. However, when these processes occur now and then, it needs to be highly scalable, reliable, and seamless. Financial technology aka, Fintech describes new tech that aims to enhance and automate the ability, delivery, and use of financial services in a better way. Generally, companies, business owners, and consumers use fintech to manage their financial processes, operations, Golang in Fintech
  • 19. and lives by using a unique algorithm and software implemented on smartphones and computers. How is Golang Helping The Fintech Sector? To be quite clear, Fintech is a sector that requires consistent and continuous demand for financial data from customers. This data must be available 24/7. When this sector uses Golang, it turns out to be the best fit. One of the best use cases of Golang is that Golang accesses financial data and manages transactions incredibly.
  • 20. Capital One: Go application in the Fintech Capital One is a gigantic technology- driven financial organization. Golang is used in one of their services- Credit Offers API. The feature enables users to affiliate partners with, Credit Sesame, and Bankrate showcase, and more available credit card options.
  • 21. Golang in Payments Processing Systems Payment Processing is a system that indicates how businesses complete their debit and credit card transactions. Payment processing services accelerate card transactions, and This entire process takes place in seconds. The result involves a customer who makes his purchase successfully and a business that makes a sale securely.
  • 22. If you have a new-sprung idea for your next-gen business, Golang will be the right modern programming language to mold your vision into a reality. Build flexible, secure, and super-fast Web and Mobile Applications. Choose the Top Golang Development Company as our salient Gophers will amaze you with their skills and expertise. How is Golang Helping The Payment Processing System Sector? Golang usage in the industry of Payment processing is quite remarkable. Before executing the transaction, the functionality runs the anti-fraud mechanism to ensure the authenticity of the details
  • 23. It is known that this industry requires hard SLAs and 24/7 global operations. In short, it requires automatic recovery and stability. Considering the Golang use cases in this industry, it delivers all. Golang delivers the lowest possible latency to facilitate smooth transactions, from stability to auto-recovery.
  • 24. Paypal: Golang excellence in Payment Processing Systems Once a pioneer, always a pioneer! Being at the top in terms of online payment, PayPal remains the top payment processor for a vast range of auction sites, online vendors, and many more commercial users around the globe. Currently, there are more than 100 Golang developers at PayPal. While we cannot ignore the fact that Golang may never replace Node.js for specific applications, Golang is the ideal and most preferred language at PayPal.
  • 25. Golang in Technology Platforms Technology Platform denotes certain platforms on which technical architecture lays out and is made to run. Typically, these platforms are a mix of both hardware and software services. How is Golang Helping The Technology Platforms Sector? Technology Platforms offer a common array of functions that boost application development. This is to facilitate the deployment of solutions into businesses more quickly. Here, Golang use cases offer reliability, scalability, efficiency, and smooth functioning of the processes.
  • 26. DropBox- Go project for Tech Dropbox shares a huge amount of its success with Python, which is a language that allows organizations to iterate and develop swiftly. However, with the rising user base, they began exploring ways to scale up their systems better and efficiently. This led them to shift performance-critical backends from Python to Golang for leveraging faster execution speed and efficient concurrency support.
  • 27. Instant messaging (IM) is a platform where text-based communication occurs. It occurs between 2 persons participating in a single conversation over their mobile devices or PCs within an Internet-based network chatroom. Note that IM is quite different from Chat. In Chat, the user participates in a real-time public conversation within a certain chat room where everyone present on the channel can see everything said by others. Golang in Instant Communication Platforms
  • 28. How is Golang Helping the Instant Communication Platforms Sector? Chat servers must hold the ability to perform distinct functions. Particularly, the concurrency comes along with high scalability that is used while building messaging applications. Here, using Golang application is excellent. When messages are expected to be received and sent simultaneously, implementing Go projects or Go programming language use cases turns out to be advantageous. Golang speed perfectly fits and supports the projects in chat and messaging platforms. For advanced and modern applications, Golang AI development might plate a crucial role.
  • 29. Stream: Golang’s power in Chat Apps Stream is an activity feed and enterprise-grade chart that helps billions of end-users. Implementing Golang, Stream is serving customers phenomenally. Golang’s combination of smooth onboarding for new developers, excellent ecosystem, robust support for concurrency, rapid performance, and productive programming environment makes it an exceptional choice. Go empowers Stream’s chats and feeds to operate flawlessly for more than 500 million end-users.
  • 30. Cyber security can be described as a practice of safeguarding or defending servers, networks, computers, electronic systems, data, and mobile devices from harmful and malicious attacks. In other terms, we can also refer to this as electronic information security or IT security. Read about the Go best practices to keep your application secure and performant. Golang in Cyber Security
  • 31. How is Golang helping the Cyber Security Sector? Privacy and security keep gaining interest continuously. The cyber market is booming to implement the same in companies, industries, and businesses. Moreover, with its vast use in cloud and server environments, the use of Golang in the Industry has increased. Opting for Golang web development will be better if businesses expect utmost security.
  • 32. 1Password uses Golang Trusted by over 60,000 businesses globally, 1Password protects data. Alongside, it gives the user complete control over sensitive and confidential business information along with protected passwords. Golang holds a strong position in the tech stack of 1Password. The backend is written entirely in Golang. The admin account can hence manage the recovery and security of the entire company.
  • 34. Golang is an excellent default language. It strikes a critical balance between developer productivity and performance. Golang projects are perfect for servers, daemons, systems, APIs, websites, tools, databases, etc. Check out the power of Golang at our best Go programming language tutorials. If we speak about Golang use cases, we see a bright future in the long run. Considering the rising usage of IoT data, cloud solutions, and Brand new technologies like 5G, Golang is all set to lure more and more organizations.
  • 35. This is because every organization would want to reduce their market time and operating costs besides increasing security. And let’s accept who can do it better than Golang web development!