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The Future of Service Mesh
2 | Copyright © 2022
VP, Global Field CTO,
3 | Copyright © 2022 Modern Application Networking
Private Cloud | Public Cloud | Kubernetes | Containers
Modernize API Management
Microservice Applications | DevSecOps | GitOps
Service Mesh Zero-Trust | Observability
Scale Microservices Multi-Clusters
Serverless | GraphQL
4 | Copyright © 2022 - The Next Step in Your Cloud Journey
Well Funded ($135M), $1B Valuation
Satisfied Customers (120% Renewals)
Cloud-native Technology Leadership
Cloud-native Education Leadership
The Service Mesh and API Platform
for Kubernetes | Zero-Trust | Microservices
5 | Copyright © 2022
Solo Gloo Platform - Enabling Cloud-Native 2.0
Private Cloud | Public Cloud | Kubernetes | Containers
Modernize API Management
Microservice Applications | DevSecOps | GitOps
Service Mesh Zero-Trust | Observability
Scale Microservices Multi-Clusters
Serverless | GraphQL
6 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Leadership
7 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
8 | Copyright © 2022
What is application networking?
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Timeouts
● Retry / Budgets
● Circuit breaking
● Tracing, observability
● Secure transport
● Extension
9 | Copyright © 2022
What is application networking?
● Example: when svc A calls svc B, svc A should retry up to 3 times, with 0.5s timeouts and total
up to 2.0s timeouts, but should not exceed retry budgets
● Example: when exposing svc A on the network, we should be able to quickly understand which
services call it and restrict callers to only svc B and svc C
● Example: when svc A calls svc B and svc B is failing, try another locality/zone/cluster
● Example: svc A can call svc B 100 times per hour, but if a customer representing a “platinum”
customer, then svc A can call svc B 1000 times per hour
● Example: when svc A calls svc B, and svc B exists in a different line of business, svc A’s
request must be re-authenticated/verified before proceeding
● Example: any untrusted traffic coming into a set of applications must be authenticated and
authorized at call time using potentially different types of auth before allowing to go upstream
10 | Copyright © 2022
What is application networking?
11 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
12 | Copyright © 2022
13 | Copyright © 2022
Network Hops
● Typically expensive load
● More single points of
● Difficult to trace/debug
● Additional expense (cloud
load balancers,
egress/ingress costs, etc)
● Not built for modern,
dynamic, ephemeral
● Typically overprovisioned,
bloated operational
● Does not fit into GitOps,
self-serve model
● Lack of isolation
mechanisms (noisy
neighbor problems)
● Central team, use tickets
to coordinate to make
Problems with current approaches
Outdated Technology Doesn’t Scale
14 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
15 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
16 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
17 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
18 | Copyright © 2022
Application Networking
19 | Copyright © 2022
Istio - Open Source Service Mesh
Istio Launched
Data Plane
7 New Community Releases
1000s Production Users
~ 1000 Community Contributors
20 | Copyright © 2022
Top Use Cases and Drivers for
Service Mesh
21 | Copyright © 2020
Business Drivers for Adopting Istio
Observability Resiliency
22 | Copyright © 2020
Network Security in Kubernetes
Default State
Desired State
“Zero Trust Security”
23 | Copyright © 2020
DIY … Whoops!
81% of companies experienced a certificate-related outage in the past two years
65% are concerned about the increased workload and risk of outages caused by
shorter SSL/TLS certificate lifespans.
Human error was a major contributing factor in 95% of breaches
24 | Copyright © 2020
Istio to the Rescue!
25 | Copyright © 2020
Observability - Insights That Drive Competitive Advantage
Building a Uniform Approach
● Understand traffic patterns
● Determine service health
● Anticipate outages
● Detect dangerous activity
● Audit access
26 | Copyright © 2020
Istio - Metrics and Access Logging
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1"
418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000"
"" inbound|8000||
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1"
418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000"
"" inbound|8000||
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1"
418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000"
"" inbound|8000||
27 | Copyright © 2020
Resiliency - There Will Be Failures
Common Mitigations
● Waiting indefinitely is bad
● Trying again is good
● Degrade gracefully when
services are overwhelmed
28 | Copyright © 2020
Timeouts - Don’t Wait Indefinitely
29 | Copyright © 2020
Retries - Trying Again Is Good
30 | Copyright © 2020
Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully when services are overwhelmed
31 | Copyright © 2020
Drive everything through GitOps!
32 | Copyright © 2022
Can this be improved?
33 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Data Plane
34 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Data Plane
35 | Copyright © 2022
Istio Data Plane
36 | Copyright © 2022
Introducing Istio Ambient Mesh
A new, open source contribution to the Istio project,
that defines a new sidecar-less data plane.
37 | Copyright © 2022
How does it work?
● Separate mesh capabilities into L4
and L7
● Adopt only the capabilities you need
● Remove the data plane from the
workload Pods
● Leverage more capabilities in the
● Reduce attack surface of data plane
38 | Copyright © 2022
How does it work?
39 | Copyright © 2022
How does it work?
40 | Copyright © 2022
● No more race conditions between workload
containers and sidecar/init-container, etc
● Don’t need to inject Pods / alter
deployment resources
● Upgrades/patching are out of band /
transparent from the application
● Limited risk profile for opting into mesh
● Reduced blast radius of application
● Cost savings with reduced data plane
● Maintain isolated tenancy, customization,
● Maintain the foundations of zero-trust
network security
● Improved performance
41 | Copyright © 2022
42 | Copyright © 2022
VP, Global Field CTO
Additional Resources
43 | Copyright © 2022
API Gateway | Kubernetes Ingress
Microservices, Security, Observability
Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy
Application Networking
Federation | GraphQL Server
Thank You!

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The Future of Service Mesh

  • 1. The Future of Service Mesh
  • 2. 2 | Copyright © 2022 CHRISTIAN POSTA VP, Global Field CTO, @christianposta
  • 3. 3 | Copyright © 2022 Modern Application Networking Cloud Native 1.0 Private Cloud | Public Cloud | Kubernetes | Containers Cloud Native 2.0 Modernize API Management Microservice Applications | DevSecOps | GitOps Service Mesh Zero-Trust | Observability Scale Microservices Multi-Clusters Serverless | GraphQL
  • 4. 4 | Copyright © 2022 - The Next Step in Your Cloud Journey Well Funded ($135M), $1B Valuation Satisfied Customers (120% Renewals) Cloud-native Technology Leadership Cloud-native Education Leadership The Service Mesh and API Platform for Kubernetes | Zero-Trust | Microservices
  • 5. 5 | Copyright © 2022 Solo Gloo Platform - Enabling Cloud-Native 2.0 Cloud Native 1.0 Private Cloud | Public Cloud | Kubernetes | Containers Cloud Native 2.0 Modernize API Management Microservice Applications | DevSecOps | GitOps Service Mesh Zero-Trust | Observability Scale Microservices Multi-Clusters Serverless | GraphQL
  • 6. 6 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Leadership
  • 7. 7 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 8. 8 | Copyright © 2022 What is application networking? Challenges ● Service discovery ● Load balancing ● Timeouts ● Retry / Budgets ● Circuit breaking ● Tracing, observability ● Secure transport ● Extension
  • 9. 9 | Copyright © 2022 What is application networking? ● Example: when svc A calls svc B, svc A should retry up to 3 times, with 0.5s timeouts and total up to 2.0s timeouts, but should not exceed retry budgets ● Example: when exposing svc A on the network, we should be able to quickly understand which services call it and restrict callers to only svc B and svc C ● Example: when svc A calls svc B and svc B is failing, try another locality/zone/cluster ● Example: svc A can call svc B 100 times per hour, but if a customer representing a “platinum” customer, then svc A can call svc B 1000 times per hour ● Example: when svc A calls svc B, and svc B exists in a different line of business, svc A’s request must be re-authenticated/verified before proceeding ● Example: any untrusted traffic coming into a set of applications must be authenticated and authorized at call time using potentially different types of auth before allowing to go upstream
  • 10. 10 | Copyright © 2022 What is application networking?
  • 11. 11 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 12. 12 | Copyright © 2022
  • 13. 13 | Copyright © 2022 Additional Network Hops ● Typically expensive load balancers ● More single points of failure ● Difficult to trace/debug ● Additional expense (cloud load balancers, egress/ingress costs, etc) ● Not built for modern, dynamic, ephemeral architectures ● Typically overprovisioned, bloated operational deployments ● Does not fit into GitOps, self-serve model ● Lack of isolation mechanisms (noisy neighbor problems) ● Central team, use tickets to coordinate to make changes Problems with current approaches Outdated Technology Doesn’t Scale
  • 14. 14 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 15. 15 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 16. 16 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 17. 17 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 18. 18 | Copyright © 2022 Application Networking
  • 19. 19 | Copyright © 2022 Istio - Open Source Service Mesh 2017 Istio Launched Data Plane Enhancements 2019-20 7 New Community Releases 1000s Production Users ~ 1000 Community Contributors 2022 CNCF 2019-2022
  • 20. 20 | Copyright © 2022 Top Use Cases and Drivers for Service Mesh
  • 21. 21 | Copyright © 2020 Business Drivers for Adopting Istio Observability Resiliency Security
  • 22. 22 | Copyright © 2020 Network Security in Kubernetes Default State !!! Desired State “Zero Trust Security”
  • 23. 23 | Copyright © 2020 DIY … Whoops! 81% of companies experienced a certificate-related outage in the past two years 65% are concerned about the increased workload and risk of outages caused by shorter SSL/TLS certificate lifespans. Human error was a major contributing factor in 95% of breaches
  • 24. 24 | Copyright © 2020 Istio to the Rescue!
  • 25. 25 | Copyright © 2020 Observability - Insights That Drive Competitive Advantage Building a Uniform Approach ● Understand traffic patterns ● Determine service health ● Anticipate outages ● Detect dangerous activity ● Audit access
  • 26. 26 | Copyright © 2020 Istio - Metrics and Access Logging [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| default [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| default [2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream - "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV" "84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" "" inbound|8000|| default metrics
  • 27. 27 | Copyright © 2020 Resiliency - There Will Be Failures Common Mitigations ● Waiting indefinitely is bad ● Trying again is good ● Degrade gracefully when services are overwhelmed
  • 28. 28 | Copyright © 2020 Timeouts - Don’t Wait Indefinitely
  • 29. 29 | Copyright © 2020 Retries - Trying Again Is Good 👍
  • 30. 30 | Copyright © 2020 Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully when services are overwhelmed
  • 31. 31 | Copyright © 2020 Drive everything through GitOps!
  • 32. 32 | Copyright © 2022 Can this be improved?
  • 33. 33 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Data Plane
  • 34. 34 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Data Plane
  • 35. 35 | Copyright © 2022 Istio Data Plane
  • 36. 36 | Copyright © 2022 Introducing Istio Ambient Mesh A new, open source contribution to the Istio project, that defines a new sidecar-less data plane. Improve Performance Simplify Operations Cost Reduction
  • 37. 37 | Copyright © 2022 How does it work? ● Separate mesh capabilities into L4 and L7 ● Adopt only the capabilities you need ● Remove the data plane from the workload Pods ● Leverage more capabilities in the CNI ● Reduce attack surface of data plane
  • 38. 38 | Copyright © 2022 How does it work?
  • 39. 39 | Copyright © 2022 How does it work?
  • 40. 40 | Copyright © 2022 Benefits ● No more race conditions between workload containers and sidecar/init-container, etc ● Don’t need to inject Pods / alter deployment resources ● Upgrades/patching are out of band / transparent from the application ● Limited risk profile for opting into mesh features ● Reduced blast radius of application vulnerabilities ● Cost savings with reduced data plane components ● Maintain isolated tenancy, customization, configuration ● Maintain the foundations of zero-trust network security ● Improved performance
  • 41. 41 | Copyright © 2022 Demo (link)
  • 42. 42 | Copyright © 2022 VP, Global Field CTO @christianposta Additional Resources ● ● ● ● ●
  • 43. 43 | Copyright © 2022 Manage APIs Data Access API Gateway | Kubernetes Ingress Microservices, Security, Observability Kubernetes CNI, Network Policy Application Networking Federation | GraphQL Server