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Polina Petriuk
Sr. Technical Trainer
Mirantis Inc.
PAGE 2Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
OpenStack Architecture
Provision a VM Request Flow
PAGE 3Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
VM Provisioning
• Is the most common and complex process in
• Involves interaction of most of OpenStack
PAGE 4Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Initial State
Assumes Project is created,
provisioning quota is available, user
has an access to Horizon/CLI
Cloud Operator, DevOp, etc.
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol

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Webinar "Introduction to OpenStack"
Webinar "Introduction to OpenStack"Webinar "Introduction to OpenStack"
Webinar "Introduction to OpenStack"

This webinar gives a brief introduction to the OpenStack cloud, covering the topics: - the OpenStack cloud platform, - the Open Source community, - OpenStack architecture and its main elements, - overview of the compute, networking, block-storage e object-storage services. If you want to know more about OpenStack, visit our website

cloud computingcoud architectureobject storage
OpenStack Neutron Tutorial
OpenStack Neutron TutorialOpenStack Neutron Tutorial
OpenStack Neutron Tutorial

This was a tutorial which Mark McClain and I led at ONUG, Spring 2015. It was well received and serves as a walk through of OpenStack Neutron and it's features and usage.

CNCF Meetup - OpenShift Overview
CNCF Meetup - OpenShift OverviewCNCF Meetup - OpenShift Overview
CNCF Meetup - OpenShift Overview

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 Overview Different Application Deployment methodologies on OpenShift though Web-console

open sourceopenshiftkubernetes
PAGE 5Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 1: Request Provisioning
– From UI
• Login to Horizon
• Specify parameters of VM
• VM Name
• Image (OS type)
• Flavor (specifies CPU, Memory, Disk)
• Network (required for Neutron)
• Optional (SSH Keys, Persistent volumes, comments, etc.)
• Select "Create" button
PAGE 6Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Dashboard
Horizon provides a
baseline user interface
for managing OpenStack services.
PAGE 7Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
• Is “stateless” — doesn’t require a database
• Delegates error handling to the back-end
• Doesn’t support all the API functions
• Can use memcached or database to store
• Gets updated via API polling
PAGE 8Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 1: Request VM
Provisioning via UI/CLI
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Cloud Operator, DevOp, etc.
User logs in to UI
Specifies VM params: name,
flavor, keys, etc. and hits
"Create" button

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This document provides an overview of OpenShift Container Platform. It describes OpenShift's architecture including containers, pods, services, routes and the master control plane. It also covers key OpenShift features like self-service administration, automation, security, logging, monitoring, networking and integration with external services.

Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...

This document discusses upgrading an Openstack network to SDN with Tungsten Fabric. It evaluates three solutions: 1) using the same database across regions, 2) hot-swapping Open vSwitch and virtual routers, and 3) using an ML2 plugin. The recommended solution is #3 as it provides minimum downtime. Key steps include installing the OpenContrail driver, synchronizing network resources between Openstack and Tungsten, and live migrating VMs. Topology 2 is also recommended as it requires minimum changes. The upgrade migrated 80 VMs and 16 compute nodes to the SDN network without downtime. Issues discussed include synchronizing resources and migrating VMs between Open vSwitch and virtual routers.

PAGE 9Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 1: Request Provisioning
– Under the Hood
• Form parameters are converted to POST data
• "Create" request initiates HTTP POST request
to back-end
• To Keystone if auth token is not cached – step 2
PAGE 10Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Identity
Service (Keystone)
Keystone provides
Identity, Token, Catalog and
Policy services
for use specifically by projects
in the OpenStack family.
PAGE 11Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Identity Management
• User
• Credentials
• Token
• Associated with a user, an arbitrary bit of text that is used to access
• Group of users
• Project
• Synonym to tenant
• Role
• Assigned to sers or groups for projects
• Domain
• Higher level of hierarchy – users and projects belong to domains
PAGE 12Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Service Catalog
• Service
• An OpenStack service, such as Compute (Nova), Object Storage
(Swift), or Image Service (Glance).
• Endpoint
• A network-accessible address, usually described by URL, from where
you access an OpenStack service
• Rule
• A set of requirements for performing an action over the endpoint.

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[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region

OpenStack Ceph & Neutron에 대한 설명을 담고 있습니다. 1. OpenStack 2. How to create instance 3. Ceph - Ceph - OpenStack with Ceph 4. Neutron - Neutron - How neutron works 5. OpenStack HA - controller - l3 agent 6. OpenStack multi-region

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

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An Introduction to OpenStack
An Introduction to OpenStackAn Introduction to OpenStack
An Introduction to OpenStack

I gave this presentation on 5/17 to the New Mexico VMUG in Santa Fe. The presentation provides an overview of OpenStack, what it is (and isn't), and some things you might learn to get started with OpenStack.

PAGE 13Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Keystone Architecture
Rule management
interface and rule-
based authorization
endpoint registry
Contains users
and groups
credentials, e.g.
EC2 tokens
Contains domains,
projects, roles and
role assignments
Deploys with its own DB but
can also be substituted with
LDAP or other EASKeystone API
PAGE 14Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Keystone:Role Based Access
Control (RBAC)
1. User gets Token from Keystone.
2. Token includes the list of user Projects and Roles in
3. User calls the Service specifying the Token.
4. Service interprets the Roles:
• Service consults its policy.json file.
• Policy.json specifies the list of available rules.
• "admin_required": [["role:admin"], ["is_admin:1"]],
• “owner" : [["project_id:%(project_id)s"]],
• "admin_or_owner": [["rule:admin_required"], ["rule:owner"]],
• Policy.json specifies which rules are enforced for operations and
• "volume:create": [["rule:admin_or_owner"]],
PAGE 15Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 2: Validate Auth Data
Horizon sends HTTP request to
Keystone. Auth info is specified
in HTTP headers.
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
PAGE 16Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 2: Validate Auth Data - Success
Keystone sends temporary token
back to Horizon via HTTP.
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol

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Issues of OpenStack multi-region mode
Issues of OpenStack multi-region modeIssues of OpenStack multi-region mode
Issues of OpenStack multi-region mode

This document discusses issues with running OpenStack in a multi-region mode and proposes Tricircle as a solution. It notes that in a multi-region OpenStack deployment, each region runs independently with separate instances of services like Nova, Cinder, Neutron, etc. Tricircle aims to integrate multiple OpenStack regions into a unified cloud by acting as a central API gateway and providing global views and replication of resources, tenants, and metering data across regions. It discusses how Tricircle could address issues around networking, quotas, resource utilization monitoring and more in a multi-region OpenStack deployment.

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[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track1 - Monasca를 이용한 Cloud 모니터링
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[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track1 - Monasca를 이용한 Cloud 모니터링

변상욱 부장 / HPE

infrastructure as code
infrastructure as codeinfrastructure as code
infrastructure as code

The document discusses infrastructure as code best practices on AWS. It provides an overview of using AWS CloudFormation to define infrastructure in code. AWS CloudFormation allows infrastructure to be provisioned in an automated and repeatable way using templates that are version controlled like code. The document outlines the key components of a CloudFormation template including parameters, mappings, resources, outputs and conditionals. It also discusses using CloudFormation to bootstrap applications on EC2 instances.

devopsaws cloudformationaws
PAGE 17Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 3: Send API Request to Nova API
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Horizon sends POST request to
Nova API (signed with given token).
PAGE 18Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Compute API
(Nova API)
Nova API is a
RESTful API web service
which is used to interact with Nova.
PAGE 19Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova API
• Exposes REST API via HTTP
• Provides system for managing multiple APIs on
different sub-domains:
• EC2-compatible—starting to be deprecated
• Compute API—all innovation happens here
• Is the only "allowed" way to interact with Nova
• Is “stateless”
PAGE 20Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 4: Validate API Token
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova API sends HTTP request to
validate API token to Keystone.

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Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
 Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference... Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...

Slide was presented at Dr. Dobb's Conference in Bangalore. Talks about Openstack Introduction in general Projects under Openstack. Contributing to Openstack. This was presented jointly by CB Ananth and Rahul at Dr. Dobb's Conference Bangalore on 12th Apr 2014.

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Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive

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Open shift 4 infra deep dive
Open shift 4    infra deep diveOpen shift 4    infra deep dive
Open shift 4 infra deep dive

The document provides an overview of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, including: - OpenShift provides a fully automated Kubernetes container platform for any infrastructure. - It offers integrated services like monitoring, logging, routing, and a container registry out of the box. - The architecture runs everything in pods on worker nodes, with masters managing the control plane using Kubernetes APIs and OpenShift services. - Key concepts include pods, services, routes, projects, configs and secrets that enable application deployment and management.

PAGE 21Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Auth Token Usage
PAGE 22Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Keystone /w PKI - Token
• User gets one-time-password on creation
• User uses it to establish a key-pair
• Public key is signed and stored on Keystone
• From this point user uses client certificate to login
• Nova API performs offline check of the validity of token using CA&Cert it has from Keystone
(meta, keystone_key)user/pass/tenant
CA&Cert from
PAGE 23Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 4: Validate API Token - Sucess
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Keystone validates API token and
sends HTTP response with token
acceptance/rejection info.
PAGE 24Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 5:
Process API Request
• Validate request parameters:
• Typographical errors are verified on code level
• Cloud-related parameters are validated via database
• If the request cannot be processed:
• Throw an exception
• If the request can be processed:
• Save initial state to the database

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CloudStack Architecture
CloudStack ArchitectureCloudStack Architecture
CloudStack Architecture

CloudStack is an open source cloud computing platform that allows users to manage their infrastructure as an automated system. It provides self-service access to computing resources like servers, storage, and networking via a web interface. CloudStack supports multiple hypervisors and public/private cloud deployment strategies. The core components include hosts, primary storage, clusters, pods, networks, secondary storage, and zones which are managed by CloudStack servers.

Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4
Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4
Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 4

Red Hat is a leading provider of open source solutions, founded in 1993. It was acquired by IBM in 2019 for $34 billion. Red Hat's flagship products are Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift, an enterprise Kubernetes platform. OpenShift provides a full platform for developing, hosting, and managing containerized applications, and includes additional services beyond just Kubernetes. It offers advantages for security, automation, and developer experience compared to managing raw Kubernetes. Operators are an innovative approach in OpenShift to package and automate application logic using Kubernetes as the automation engine.

OpenStack 2016: Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014
OpenStack 2016: Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014OpenStack 2016: Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014
OpenStack 2016: Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014

OpenStack 2016: Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel | CEO, Mirantis OpenStack is on a tear. Or so it seems. Yet critics are quick to point out the run-away success of public clouds and the small number of OpenStack deployments running big workloads. And how do application developers feel about OpenStack anyway? The talk offers a different way to look at OpenStack, along with a few ideas how to increase the odds for a landslide win.

PAGE 25Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Database
Nova Database stores current
state of all objects in compute
PAGE 26Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Database
• In theory, can be any relational database
• Most of the deployments are done with MySQL or
• Nova API talks to database via SQLAlchemy
(python ORM (Object Relational Mapper))
• Database HA should be done via external tools:
• Galera
• Multi-Master replication Model for MySQL (MMM)
PAGE 27Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 5: Process API Request
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova API parses request to
python object model and
validates it by fetching data from
Nova DB. If request is valid, it
saves initial db entry about VM to
the database.
PAGE 28Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 6:
Process API Request
• Validate request parameters
• Typographical errors are verified on code level.
• Cloud-related parameters are validated via database
• If request cannot be processed:
• Throw an exception.
• If request can be processed:
• Save initial state to the database.
• Send message with next actions to Message Queue

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Moving AWS workloads to OpenStack
Moving AWS workloads to OpenStackMoving AWS workloads to OpenStack
Moving AWS workloads to OpenStack

This document provides an overview of moving workloads from AWS to OpenStack. It discusses that the easiest approach is to design applications to be stateless and horizontally scalable so they can easily move between clouds. It also describes using orchestration tools like Heat, Cloudify and StackStorm to automate deploying applications across OpenStack and AWS. More complex migrations involve manually installing drivers and converting disk images, such as moving a Windows VM. Migrating Linux VMs involves listing packages, services and disk usage and recreating them in a new OpenStack instance. The document aims to help AWS users understand options for migrating applications to OpenStack.

Mirantis OpenStack-DC-Meetup 17 Sept 2014
Mirantis OpenStack-DC-Meetup 17 Sept 2014Mirantis OpenStack-DC-Meetup 17 Sept 2014
Mirantis OpenStack-DC-Meetup 17 Sept 2014

Agenda: ------------------------------------------------------------------ OpenStack 101: a Quick introduction to OpenStack & how it operates Paul Roberts, Principal Solutions Architect at Mirantis Abstract: Are you new to OpenStack? Are you looking to get a quick introduction to OpenStack and how it operates - then our session is a do not miss event! Mirantis will do a walk thru of OpenStack for those with little to no experience with OpenStack. Join us if you want to understand the purpose of OpenStack and its ecosystem, as well as if you want to learn more about the OpenStack architecture. Bio: Paul Roberts, lead speaker, has spent the last decade engineering and implementing large scale infrastructure and security architectures for organizations of all sizes - ranging from startup to Fortune 500. In the past, he was instrumental in architecting Carpathia Hosting's federal and commercial cloud offerings, while also playing a key role in the on–boarding of customer's applications. Today, Paul is a Principal Solutions Architect at Mirantis helping customers navigate through the cloud ecosystem by designing and architecting various OpenStack powered initiatives.

OpenStack Overview and History
OpenStack Overview and HistoryOpenStack Overview and History
OpenStack Overview and History

The document provides an overview of OpenStack, including its definition, history and initiatives. It describes OpenStack as an open source cloud computing platform that aims to be simple to implement and massively scalable. The overview outlines the core components of OpenStack including compute, networking, storage, identity management and a dashboard. It also discusses related programs in incubation and how the different components communicate and relate to each other.

openstackopenstack cloudcloud computing
PAGE 29Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Message Queue
Message Queue is a unified way for
collaboration between sub-
PAGE 30Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Messaging Process Example
• OpenStack uses two modes:
• rpc.cast—don't wait for result (fire and forget)
•—wait for result (when there is something to return)
Ex. Nova API Ex. Nova Scheduler
PAGE 31Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
OpenStack Messaging Notes
• Uses multiple queues within single RabbitMQ
• Used by services to build machine state
• Each compute node has a queue
• Message traffic is not intensive.
• Doesn't send broadcast messages.
• For example: monitoring uses API polling
• HA should be configured separately.
• For example: mirrored queues not handled by OpenStack
PAGE 32Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Step 6: Publish Provisioning Request
Nova API makes rpc.cast to
Scheduler. It publishes a
short message to scheduler
queue with VM info.
Request has been validated, but no
action has been taken yet, i.e. which
host, IP address, etc.

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The document discusses how the economy is becoming "software defined" as technology decisions are moving to the edges of businesses. It contrasts the old model where IT departments controlled technology with the new model where individuals want more choice and control over the technologies they use. It argues that virtualization was driven by IT departments while cloud computing is being driven by individual workers and businesses seeking more flexibility and control over their IT environments.

Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership through the Cloud
Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership through the CloudDigital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership through the Cloud
Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership through the Cloud

The document discusses four ways for companies to create customer value: information excellence, solution leadership, collective intimacy, and accelerated innovation. It provides examples of companies that exemplify each approach, such as how Ford achieves information excellence through digital-physical fusion, and how Netflix fosters collective intimacy by engaging customers to improve recommendations. The document advocates that companies can accelerate innovation by utilizing cloud-based networks and challenges to crowdsource solutions from customers.

cloudopenstack silicon valleydigital disciplines
PAGE 33Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 7: Pick up Provisioning Request
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Scheduler picks up the
message from MQ.
PAGE 34Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler
Nova Scheduler is a daemon, which
determines, on which compute
host the request should run.
• Only provisioning time component—not like VMware’s Distributed Resource
Scheduler (DRS)
• Typically co-located with the Cloud Controller
PAGE 35Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Available
Scheduler Description Behavior
Chance Picks a host that is up Random
Picks the best-suited
host which satisfies
selected filter(s)
Custom Prioritisation
PAGE 36Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filtering
Affinity, Anti-affinity,
inapplicable hosts

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OpenStack 2016 - Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014
OpenStack 2016 - Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014OpenStack 2016 - Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014
OpenStack 2016 - Boom or Bust? - Adrian Ionel, CEO, Mirantis - OpenStackSV 2014

The document discusses whether OpenStack will boom or bust in 2016. It notes that while OpenStack's mindshare has grown, AWS remains the runaway leader in cloud infrastructure. Alternative providers like Digital Ocean have seen meteoric rises in popularity among developers due to their ease of use and competitive pricing. The document suggests OpenStack needs to focus on API quality and usability, enable workload portability across platforms, and partner rather than attempt to control the entire stack in order to foster greater adoption among developers.

Nebula - Christopher Kemp, Founder, Nebula - OpenStackSV 2014
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Nebula - Christopher Kemp, Founder, Nebula - OpenStackSV 2014

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Lightning Talk by Harshal Pimpalkhute, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, A10 Networks, at OpenStack Silicon Valley (OpenStackSV), 9/16/14

PAGE 37Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• All Hosts
• AllHostsFilter
• All the available hosts, even non-active
• ComputeFilter
• All hosts that are operational and enabled
• Based on Host statically configured properties
• SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter
• Host within the specified IP range
• --hint build_near_host_ip=<1st IP in range> --hint cidr=<subnet
• AvailabilityZoneFilter
• Hosts that are in the desired Availability Zone
• --availability-zone <availability-zone>
PAGE 38Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• Based on already running individual VMs
• SameHostFilter
• Same host as another instance in a set of instances
• --hint same_host=<VM ID>
• DifferentHostFilter
• Different host from a set of instances
• --hint different_host=<VM ID>
• Collocate/Distribute group of VMs
• GroupAffinityFilter
• Each instance in a group is on the same host
• --hint group=<group name>
• GroupAntiAffinityFilter
• Each instance in a group is on a different host
• --hint group=<group name>
PAGE 39Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• Based on flavor used (“nova-manage instance_type
• ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
• Hosts with properties that match flavor extra specs (“nova
hypervisor-show <host name>”)
• AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
• Hosts from host aggregates with properties that match flavor extra
specs ( “nova aggregate-details <aggregate ID>”)
• TrustedFilter
• Hosts with integrity obtained from the Attestation service (Intel TXT)
that matches flavor extra specs (“nova hypervisor-show <host
• Based on Project (Tenant)
• AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation
• Hosts from host aggregates with filter_tenant_id property value
containing the Project (tenant) ID
PAGE 40Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• Based on Host resources left
• CoreFilter
• Hosts with sufficient CPU cores left, uses global
cpu_allocation_ratio setting to overcommit (16.0 by default)
• RamFilter
• Hosts with sufficient RAM left, uses global ram_allocation_ratio
setting to overcommit (1.5 by default)
• DiskFilter
• Hosts with sufficient disk space left for root and ephemeral storage,
uses global disk_allocation_ratio setting to overcommit (1.0 by
• AggregateCoreFilter
• Same as CoreFilter but uses cpu_allocation_ratio set for Host
• AggregateRAMFilter
• Same as RAMFilter but uses ram_allocation_ratio set for Host

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The document discusses policy in OpenStack and introduces Congress, an open policy framework for automated IT infrastructure. It describes how Congress allows humans to define policy declarations that are then compiled and enforced on systems. Congress stores all infrastructure data in tables and allows queries and policy declarations on that data. The document provides an example use case where an application developer, cloud operator, and compliance officer each provide policy ideas that are combined into a single policy enforced by Congress.

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The document discusses the need for product leadership in OpenStack. Currently, OpenStack lacks a clear strategic product vision and direction. While it has governance structures like a Board and Technical Committee, no single entity is responsible for the overall product strategy. The document suggests establishing an Architecture Review Board and appointing Product Managers to fill this gap. The Board would provide architectural guidance and help prioritize work, while Product Managers would own setting priorities and negotiating requirements across stakeholders. This would give OpenStack stronger leadership without requiring a "dictator," maintaining its democratic meritocracy approach.

PAGE 41Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• Based on Host load
• IoOpsFilter
• Hosts with less than max_io_ops_per_host concurrent I/O operations
(8 by default)
• NumInstancesFilter
• Hosts with less than max_instances_per_host instances (50 by
• Based on image used
• ImagePropertiesFilter
• Hosts that can support the specified image properties: architecture,
hypervisor type and virtual machine mode (hypervisor ABI)
• IsolatedHostsFilter
• Specific set of images and a specific set of hosts (from nova.conf)
PAGE 42Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Filters
• Scheduling history
• RetryFilter
• Hosts that haven’t been attempted for scheduling purposes
• Custom
• JsonFilter
• Hosts that pass a custom filter constructed by passing a scheduler
hint in JSON format
• Supported operators: =, <, >, in, <=, >=, not, or, and
• Supported variables: $free_ram_mb, $free_disk_mb,
$total_usable_ram_mb, $vcpus_total, $vcpus_used
• --hint query='[">=","$free_ram_mb",1024]‘
• Inherit from nova.scheduler.driver.Scheduler
• Override schedule_prep_resize and schedule_run_instance
PAGE 43Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Weighting
RAM, CPU, etc.
Integer values
PAGE 44Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Scheduler: Weights
• Weigher - host property of integer type
• Every weigher can have multiplier for it
• weight = sum(weigher_i * multiplier_i)
• The only currently available RamWeigher:
• Spread VMs across hosts evenly
• ram_weight_multiplier=1.0
• Stack VMs on the hosts (fill-up)
• ram_weight_multiplier=-1.0

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OpenStack Austin discussion from Spring, 2016, with Sean Collins, Niki Acosta, Nick Chase, Xiaoping Chen, Alexander Adamov discussing issues such as security, architecture, and other technical and social issues.

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Decomposing Lithium's Monolith with Kubernetes and OpenStack

Keynote by Lachlan Evenson, Team Lead of Cloud Platform Engineering at Lithium Technologies, at OpenStack Silicon Valley 2015. Application developers are rapidly moving to container-based models for dynamic service delivery and efficient cluster management. In this session, we will discuss a OpenStack production environment that is rapidly evolving to leverage a hybrid cloud platform to deliver containerized micro services in a SaaS Development/Continuous Integration environment. Kubernetes is being used to simplify and automate the service delivery model across the public/private (OpenStack, AWS, GCE) environments and is being introduced in a way that eliminates extra overhead and engineering effort. Lithium is actively contributing to key open source upstream projects and working closely with its engineering/development teams to optimize software efficiency with an elastic cloud architecture that delivers on the benefits of cloud automation.

PAGE 45Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 8a: Schedule Provisioning
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Scheduler fetches
information about the
whole cluster from
database, filters, selects
compute node and
updates DB with its ID
PAGE 46Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 8b: Provision Scheduled
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Scheduler publishes
message to the compute
queue (based on host ID) to
trigger VM provisioning
PAGE 47Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Step 9a: Start VM Provisioning
Nova Compute gets
message from MQ
PAGE 48Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
Nova Compute is a worker
daemon, which primarily creates
and terminates VMs via
Hypervisor API.

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PAGE 49Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute Drivers
Allows multiple hypervisor types per
cloud. Libvirt / KVM is most
commonly used in deployment
by Microsoft
by IBM
Naitive support
comes in IcehousePXETilera
by Citrix
PAGE 50Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute Notes
• Functionality provided by drivers is not 100%
• Exact "run_instance" flow depends on the
driver implementation.
• Most features are developed and tested on
PAGE 51Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
• Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database –
step 9
• Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex)
to allocate networking information – step 10
• Queries Cinder to allocate volume information
(optional step for persistent data) – step 11
• Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12-
• Passes all information about VM (in a single message)
to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an
instance – step 15
PAGE 52Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Step 9b: Start VM Provisioning
Nova Compute makes to
Nova Conductor for information on
VM from DB

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We tend to split the cloud world today into just two paradigms - public and private. Public works. Private doesn’t…. Or so says Gartner. Let’s compare side by side.

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APIs_ An Introduction.pptx
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APIs_ An Introduction.pptx

This document provides an introduction to APIs, including an overview of REST, authentication, authorization, and OpenAPI specifications. It discusses how REST uses HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to represent actions on resources. URLs represent endpoints and collections in a hierarchical structure. JSON is commonly used as the data format. Authentication uses access tokens obtained from API keys or credentials. Authorization verifies access to resources using scopes and user levels. OpenAPI documentation specifies how to interact with an API.

KeyRock and Wilma - Openstack-based Identity Management in FIWARE
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This document discusses KeyRock and Wilma, which provide identity management and authorization in FIWARE. KeyRock is based on OpenStack's Horizon and Keystone and provides user registration, authentication, and authorization. Wilma acts as a PEP proxy, enforcing access policies defined in AuthZForce. Together, they allow secure authentication of users and authorization of access to FIWARE services and applications.

PAGE 53Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Conductor
The Nova Conductor service is key
to completing no-db-compute
PAGE 54Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Conductor Notes
• Eliminites remote DB access (security)
• Horizontal scalability: spawn multiple worker threads operating in parallel (performance)
• Hides DB implementation/schema from the Nova Compute (upgrades)
• Possible offloading of long-running operations from other services, not just Nova Compute
• Beneficial for operations that cross multiple compute nodes (migration, resizes)
controller node
compute node
PAGE 55Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
• Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database –
step 9
• Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex)
to allocate networking information – step 10
• Queries Cinder to allocate volume information
(optional step for persistent data) – step 11
• Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12-
• Passes all information about VM (in a single message)
to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an
instance – step 15
PAGE 56Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Networking

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This document discusses factors for building production-ready applications on Kubernetes. It describes the original 12 factors for building scalable apps and identifies 7 additional missing factors. The missing factors are: XIII) Observable, XIV) Schedulable, XV) Upgradable, XVI) Least Privileged, XVII) Auditable, XVIII) Access Control (Identity, Network, Scope, Certificates), and XIX) Measurable. Addressing all factors throughout the development and deployment process is key to building truly production-grade applications.

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PAGE 57Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Neutron Notes
• Provides a flexible API (POST / GET) for service
providers or their tenants to manage OpenStack
network topologies.
• Create networks, associate VMs, set routers, etc.
• Presents a logical API and a corresponding plug-in
architecture that separates the description of
network connectivity from its implementation.
• In Icehouse, one can still choose to stay with nova-
network (Essex approach) or to go with Neutron.
PAGE 58Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 10: Configure Network
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute makes a call to
Neutron API to provision
network for the instance
PAGE 59Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 10: Configure Network (Continued)
Neutron configures IP, gateway,
DNS name, L2 connectivity, etc.
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
PAGE 60Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
• Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database –
step 9
• Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex)
to allocate networking information – step 10
• Queries Cinder to allocate volume information
(optional step for persistent data) – step 11
• Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12-
• Passes all information about VM (in a single message)
to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an
instance – step 15

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Federation Evolved: How Cloud, Mobile & APIs Change the Way We Broker Identity

Understanding how emerging standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect impact federation Federation is a critical technology for reconciling user identity across Web applications. Now that users consume the same data through cloud and mobile, federation infrastructure must adapt to enable these new channels while maintaining security and providing a consistent user experience. This webinar will examine the differences between identity federation across Web, cloud and mobile, look at API specific use cases and explore the impact of emerging federation standards. You Will Learn Best practices for federating identity across mobile and cloud How emerging identity federation standards will impact your infrastructure How to implement an identity-centric API security and management infrastructure Presenters Ehud Amiri Director, Product Management, CA Technologies Francois Lascelles Chief Architect, Layer 7

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Building IAM for OpenStack
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Building IAM for OpenStack, presented at CIS (Cloud Identity Summit) 2015. Discuss Identity Sources, Authentication, Managing Access and Federating Identities

Exploring Advanced Authentication Methods in Novell Access Manager
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Novell Access Manager provides many different levels of authentication beyond a simple user name and password. In this session, you will learn about its more advanced methods of authentication—from emerging standard like OpenID and CardSpace to tokens and certificates. Attendees will also see a demonstration of FreeRADIUS and the Vasco Digipass with Novell eDirectory, the Vasco NMAS method and an Access Manager plug-in that provides SSO to Web applications that expect a static password.

PAGE 61Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Open Stack Storage Concepts
• Ephemeral storage:
• Persists until VM is terminated
• Accessible from within VM as local file system
• Used to run operating system and/or scratch space
• Managed by Nova
• Block storage:
• Persists until specifically deleted by user
• Accessible from within VM as a block device (e.g. /dev/vdc)
• Used to add additional persistent storage to VM and/or run operating system
• Managed by Cinder
• Object storage:
• Persists until specifically deleted by user
• Accessible from anywhere
• Used to add store files, including VM images
• Managed by Swift
PAGE 62Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Block Storage
block storage as-a-service
PAGE 63Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Cinder Resources
• Volume:
• Is a persistent R/W block storage device
• Can be attached to VMs as secondary storage
• Can be root store to boot VMs
• Can be attached only to one instance at a time
• Keeps its state independent of an instance
• Snapshot:
• Is a read-only point in time copy of a volume
• Can then be used to create a new volume
• Backup:
• An archived copy of a volume
PAGE 64Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Cinder Architecture
Cinder DB
Cinder Volume
Cinder API
Cinder CLI NovaHorizon
Cinder Backup
Object Storage

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OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749/50) is a delegated authorization framework that makes requesting access for and authenticating as a client to an API as easy as getting a token and using a token. This session will explore the different OAuth flows in the spec as will as discuss extensions such as the JWT assertion flow and SAML bearer extension, and will also discuss security mitigations needed to use the protocol safely.

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#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Containers provide a consistent environment to run services. Kubernetes help us to manage and scale our container cluster. Good start for a loosely coupled microservices architecture but not enough. How do you control the flow of traffic & enforce policies between services? How do you visualize service dependencies & identify issues? How can you provide verifiable service identities, test for failures? You can implement your own custom solutions or you can rely on Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices.

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PAGE 65Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Cinder Volume Driver
• iSCSI:
• Dell EqualLogic
• Hitach HDS
• HP 3PAR (StoreServ)
• HP / Lefthand SAN (StoreVirtual)
• Huawei T/Dorado/HVS
• IBM Storwize family/SVC/XIV
• LVM (Reference Implementation)
• Nexenta
• NetApp
• SolidFire
• VMware VMDK
• Windows Server 2012
• Zadara
• GlusterFS NFS (volumes as sparse files)
• IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) (volumes as sparse
• ATA over Ethernet (AoE):
• Coraid
• Fibre Channel:
• NetApp
• HP 3PAR (StoreServ)
• Huawei T/Dorad/HVS
• IBM Storwize family/SVC/XIV
• VMware VMDK
• NFS (volumes as sparse files):
• Nexenta
• NetApp
• VMware VMDK
• Zadara
• XenAPI Storage Manager
• RADOS Block Devices (RBD):
• Ceph
• Shared SAS:
• VMware VMDK
• Scale Out File System (SOFS) (volumes as sparse files):
• Scality
• VirtIO (Local raw storage) (volumes as sparse files)
PAGE 66Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Cinder Backup Drivers
• Swift
• Ceph
• IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
PAGE 67Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Cinder Notes
• Functionality provided by drivers is not 100%
• Exact volume provisioning and attachment flow
depends on driver implementation and
Hypervisor used.
• Most features are developed and tested with
LVM over ISCSI and KVM.
PAGE 68Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 11: Request Volume
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
It is assumed a volume is
already created. Nova
Compute contacts Cinder to
get volume data. Can also
attach volumes after VM is

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Adding Identity Management and Access Control to your App
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Adding Identity Management and Access Control to your App presentation, by Alvaro Alonso & Cyril Dangerville. Security Chapter. 1st FIWARE Summit, Málaga Dec. 13-15, 2016.

Web API 2 Token Based Authentication
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Web API 2 Token Based Authentication

This document discusses token based authentication in ASP.NET Web API 2 projects. It covers the basic concepts of token authentication including the roles in OAuth 2.0 of resource owners, clients, authorization servers and resource servers. It also summarizes the different OAuth 2.0 client types, authorization grant types, and development options for implementing token authentication using OWIN middleware or DotNetOpenAuth. web apitoken authenticationoauth
Adding identity management and access control to your app
Adding identity management and access control to your appAdding identity management and access control to your app
Adding identity management and access control to your app

The document discusses OAuth 2.0 and authorization. It describes OAuth 2.0 as a mechanism for applications to access restricted resources without sharing credentials. It outlines the roles in OAuth 2.0 including resource owner, resource server, client, and authorization server. It also describes the different OAuth 2.0 grant types including authorization code, implicit, resource owner password credentials, and client credentials. The document then discusses using OAuth 2.0 and PEP proxies to secure web applications and backends as well as authenticating IoT devices. It also provides an overview of key FIWARE security generic enablers for identity management, authorization, and PEP proxy functionality.

PAGE 69Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 11: Request volume (Continued)
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute sets up the
host mount if needed &
instructs the Hypervisor to
use vol. as a new block
PAGE 70Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
• Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database –
step 9
• Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex)
to allocate networking information – step 10
• Queries Cinder to allocate volume information
(optional step for persistent data) – step 11
• Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12-
• Passes all information about VM (in a single message)
to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an
instance – step 15
PAGE 71Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
The OpenStack Image Service
Glance provides services for
discovering, registering, and
retrieving virtual machine images.
PAGE 72Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Definition of Image
• Copy of the entire contents of a storage device,
for example:
• hard drive
• other storage media
• Includes all the partition information, boot
sectors, the file allocation table, operating
system installation and application software.

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Cloud Foundry is a platform as a service that provides structure and opinions for software deployment. It uses BOSH to automate infrastructure provisioning and deployment. Applications are deployed through buildpacks that combine code with dependencies. Services can also be provisioned through service brokers and bound to applications. Logging and routing are standardized through components like Loggregator and the router.

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A set of Tips & Tricks in the resolution of the typical problems that you can find and the reason of them when you work with FIWARE IoT Agents and FIWARE Orion Context Broker

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ietf oauth proof-of-possession.ppt sdfsdfs
ietf oauth proof-of-possession.ppt sdfsdfsietf oauth proof-of-possession.ppt sdfsdfs
ietf oauth proof-of-possession.ppt sdfsdfs

This document discusses the IETF's work on Proof-of-Possession (PoP) for OAuth tokens. It provides an overview of the PoP architecture and key variants involving key distribution at access token issuance or client registration. It also describes building blocks for PoP like message integrity and channel binding. Open issues include authentication of the server to the client and handling intermediaries when clients interact with resource servers.

PAGE 73Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Custom Image Creation Steps
• Get Operating System installation ISO
• Create VM (qemu-img create)
• Install Operating System
• Start VM with ISO connected as CD-ROM
• Connect to VM via VNC console or SPICE
• Install Operating System as you normally do
• Install and configure cloud-init (Linux) or cloudbase-init (Windows)
• Install virtIO drivers (Windows only)
• Prepare and cleanup the image
• Remove the MAC address details, etc, with virt-sysprep (Linux) or
sysprep.exe (Windows)
• Install any additional applications (OpenSSH, Apache, MySQL, etc.)
• Convert image to a different format if desired (qemu-img convert)
PAGE 74Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
• Provides Images-as-a-Service.
• Can use multiple back-ends for image storage.
• Can store the same image in multiple locations.
• Supports multiple image formats.
PAGE 75Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Glance API
Glance CLI NovaHorizon
Glance Architecture
Glance Registry
Glance DB
Store Adapter
File System
Amazon S3
Ceph (RBD)
PAGE 76Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Glance Notes
• Functionality provided by backends is not 100%
• Exact Glance capabilities available depend on
the backend and Hypervisor used.
• Most of the features are developed and tested
with the file system or Swift.

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The document describes a session from the KubeCon EU 2023 conference on Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution. It provides an overview of the session which was presented by Alexander Schwartz from Red Hat and Yuuichi Nakamura from Hitachi and demonstrated how Keycloak can be used to securely authenticate users to applications like Grafana. It also discusses Keycloak's support for advanced security specifications like FAPI and efforts by the FAPI-SIG working group to promote features needed for compliance.

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The document discusses Hyperledger Fabric and the Hyperledger Fabric SDK. It provides an overview of the Fabric SDK and demonstrates how to use it to interact with a Hyperledger Fabric network, including enrollment, invoking chaincode to read and write to the ledger, and submitting transactions. It also discusses an IBM Food Trust use case for tracking food supply chains using Hyperledger Fabric.

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OpenStack Identity - Keystone (kilo) by Lorenzo Carnevale and Silvio Tavilla
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OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone) seminar. Distributed Systems course at Engineering and Computer Science (ECS), University of Messina. By Lorenzo Carnevale and Silvio Tavilla. Seminar’s topics ❖ OpenStack Identity - Keystone (kilo) ❖ Installation and first configuration of Keystone ❖ Workshop ❖ Identity service configuration ➢ Identity API protection with RBAC ➢ Use Trusts ➢ Certificates for PKI ❖ Hierarchical Projects ❖ Identity API v3 client example

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PAGE 77Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Glance Disk Formats
Disk Format Description
raw an unstructured (unrestricted) disk image format
vhd VHD disk format, a common disk format used by virtual machine monitors from VMWare, Xen,
Microsoft, VirtualBox, and others
vmdk Another common disk format supported by many common virtual machine monitors
vdi disk format supported by VirtualBox virtual machine monitor and the QEMU emulator
iso archive format for the data contents of an optical disc (e.g. CDROM)
qcow2 disk format supported by the QEMU emulator that can expand dynamically and supports Copy
on Write
aki indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon kernel image
ari indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon ramdisk image
ami indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon machine image
PAGE 78Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 12: Request VM Image from Glance
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute requests VM
image from Glance via Image ID
PAGE 79Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 13: Get Image URI from Glance
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
If image with given image ID
can be found - return URI –
PAGE 80Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 14: Direct Image File Copy
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute can download
image using URI, given by
Glance, directly from Swif

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Learn how to ease the burden of Kubernetes operational challenges with DevOpsCare, powered by Lens. Get seamless visibility into monitoring, managing and security your cloud native apps. Automate in CI/CD and find out policy-based best practices so developers can go back to building applications.

Kubernetes Security Workshop
Kubernetes Security WorkshopKubernetes Security Workshop
Kubernetes Security Workshop

This document summarizes a workshop on Kubernetes security presented by Avinash Desireddy and Anoop Kumar. The workshop covered Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to grant users access to Kubernetes resources, using Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Gatekeeper to enforce cluster-wide policies, and network policies to control traffic between pods. It provided demonstrations of creating RBAC roles, restricting node port usage and enforcing resource limits with OPA policies, and allowing traffic between applications with network policies. The key takeaways were to enforce policies, build an RBAC strategy, start with a zero-trust approach, and use network policies.

Using Kubernetes to make cellular data plans cheaper for 50M users
Using Kubernetes to make cellular data plans cheaper for 50M usersUsing Kubernetes to make cellular data plans cheaper for 50M users
Using Kubernetes to make cellular data plans cheaper for 50M users

Use case of Kubernetes based NFV infrastructure used in production to run an open source evolved packet core. Presented by Facebook Connectivity and Mirantis at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020.

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PAGE 81Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 14 alternative: Image Copy through Glance
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
To leaverage Glance Server caching
mechanism and additional access restriction,
the Image copy can go through Glance
PAGE 82Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Nova Compute
• Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database –
step 9
• Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex)
to allocate networking information – step 10
• Queries Cinder to allocate volume information
(optional step for persistent data) – step 11
• Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12-
• Passes all information about VM (in a single message)
to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an
instance – step 15
PAGE 83Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 15: Start VM Rendering via Hypervisor
In case of KVM / libvirtd this is
a single XML VM config file
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute creates a
command to Hypervisor and
delegates VM rendering to
PAGE 84Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 16: VM is UP
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Nova Compute sends a
message to Nova
Conductor to update
DB with VM state

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Slides from webinar about the latest Kubernetes release. Watch the webinar recording:

PAGE 85Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Step 17: User is Happy
Nova DB
Nova API
UI: Horizon or CLI
Object Store
Proxy Server
Keystone DB
Glance API
Glance DB
Neutron DB
Neutron API
Compute NodeCompute Node
Network Node
Block Storage
Cinder API
Cinder DB
Cinder Vol
Horizon polls Nova API
for VM status and power
state, which is taken
from Database.
PAGE 86Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
OpenStack Architecture
• Users log into Horizon and initiate a VM create
• Keystone authorizes
• Nova initiates provisioning and saves state to DB
• Nova Scheduler finds appropriate host
• Neutron configures networking
• Cinder provides block device
• Image URI is looked up through Glance
• Image is retrieved via Swift
• VM is rendered by Hypervisor
PAGE 87Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
PAGE 88Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved
Thank You!

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  • 1. PAGE 1Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reservedCopyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Release H2.0.3 OpenStack Architecture Polina Petriuk Sr. Technical Trainer Mirantis Inc.
  • 2. PAGE 2Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved OpenStack Architecture Provision a VM Request Flow
  • 3. PAGE 3Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved VM Provisioning • Is the most common and complex process in OpenStack • Involves interaction of most of OpenStack components
  • 4. PAGE 4Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Initial State Assumes Project is created, provisioning quota is available, user has an access to Horizon/CLI Cloud Operator, DevOp, etc. Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent
  • 5. PAGE 5Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 1: Request Provisioning – From UI • Login to Horizon • Specify parameters of VM • VM Name • Image (OS type) • Flavor (specifies CPU, Memory, Disk) • Network (required for Neutron) • Optional (SSH Keys, Persistent volumes, comments, etc.) • Select "Create" button
  • 6. PAGE 6Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Horizon provides a baseline user interface for managing OpenStack services.
  • 7. PAGE 7Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Horizon • Is “stateless” — doesn’t require a database • Delegates error handling to the back-end • Doesn’t support all the API functions • Can use memcached or database to store sessions • Gets updated via API polling
  • 8. PAGE 8Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 1: Request VM Provisioning via UI/CLI Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Cloud Operator, DevOp, etc. User logs in to UI Specifies VM params: name, flavor, keys, etc. and hits "Create" button
  • 9. PAGE 9Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 1: Request Provisioning – Under the Hood • Form parameters are converted to POST data • "Create" request initiates HTTP POST request to back-end • To Keystone if auth token is not cached – step 2
  • 10. PAGE 10Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone) Keystone provides Identity, Token, Catalog and Policy services for use specifically by projects in the OpenStack family.
  • 11. PAGE 11Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Keystone: Identity Management • User • Credentials • Token • Associated with a user, an arbitrary bit of text that is used to access resources • Group of users • Project • Synonym to tenant • Role • Assigned to sers or groups for projects • Domain • Higher level of hierarchy – users and projects belong to domains
  • 12. PAGE 12Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Keystone: Service Catalog • Service • An OpenStack service, such as Compute (Nova), Object Storage (Swift), or Image Service (Glance). • Endpoint • A network-accessible address, usually described by URL, from where you access an OpenStack service • Rule • A set of requirements for performing an action over the endpoint.
  • 13. PAGE 13Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Keystone Architecture OpenStack Services Catalog Backend Token Backend Policy Backend Assignments Backend Identity Backend Credentials Backend Rule management interface and rule- based authorization Contains temporary tokens Contains endpoint registry Contains users and groups Contains credentials, e.g. EC2 tokens Contains domains, projects, roles and role assignments Deploys with its own DB but can also be substituted with LDAP or other EASKeystone API
  • 14. PAGE 14Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Keystone:Role Based Access Control (RBAC) 1. User gets Token from Keystone. 2. Token includes the list of user Projects and Roles in them. 3. User calls the Service specifying the Token. 4. Service interprets the Roles: • Service consults its policy.json file. • Policy.json specifies the list of available rules. • "admin_required": [["role:admin"], ["is_admin:1"]], • “owner" : [["project_id:%(project_id)s"]], • "admin_or_owner": [["rule:admin_required"], ["rule:owner"]], • Policy.json specifies which rules are enforced for operations and resources. • "volume:create": [["rule:admin_or_owner"]],
  • 15. PAGE 15Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 2: Validate Auth Data Horizon sends HTTP request to Keystone. Auth info is specified in HTTP headers. Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent
  • 16. PAGE 16Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 2: Validate Auth Data - Success Keystone sends temporary token back to Horizon via HTTP. Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent
  • 17. PAGE 17Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 3: Send API Request to Nova API Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Horizon sends POST request to Nova API (signed with given token).
  • 18. PAGE 18Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Compute API (Nova API) Nova API is a RESTful API web service which is used to interact with Nova.
  • 19. PAGE 19Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova API • Exposes REST API via HTTP • Provides system for managing multiple APIs on different sub-domains: • EC2-compatible—starting to be deprecated • Compute API—all innovation happens here • Is the only "allowed" way to interact with Nova • Is “stateless”
  • 20. PAGE 20Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 4: Validate API Token Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova API sends HTTP request to validate API token to Keystone.
  • 21. PAGE 21Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Auth Token Usage Neutron
  • 22. PAGE 22Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Keystone /w PKI - Token Validation • User gets one-time-password on creation • User uses it to establish a key-pair • Public key is signed and stored on Keystone • From this point user uses client certificate to login • Nova API performs offline check of the validity of token using CA&Cert it has from Keystone Keystone Key generate_cms_token (meta, keystone_key)user/pass/tenant signed_cms_token signed_cms_token Nova CA&Cert from Keystone verify(signed_cms_token, Cafile,certfile)
  • 23. PAGE 23Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 4: Validate API Token - Sucess Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Keystone validates API token and sends HTTP response with token acceptance/rejection info.
  • 24. PAGE 24Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 5: Process API Request • Validate request parameters: • Typographical errors are verified on code level • Cloud-related parameters are validated via database requests • If the request cannot be processed: • Throw an exception • If the request can be processed: • Save initial state to the database
  • 25. PAGE 25Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Database Nova Database stores current state of all objects in compute cluster.
  • 26. PAGE 26Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Database • In theory, can be any relational database • Most of the deployments are done with MySQL or PostgreSQL • Nova API talks to database via SQLAlchemy (python ORM (Object Relational Mapper)) • Database HA should be done via external tools: • Galera • Multi-Master replication Model for MySQL (MMM)
  • 27. PAGE 27Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 5: Process API Request Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova API parses request to python object model and validates it by fetching data from Nova DB. If request is valid, it saves initial db entry about VM to the database.
  • 28. PAGE 28Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 6: Process API Request • Validate request parameters • Typographical errors are verified on code level. • Cloud-related parameters are validated via database requests. • If request cannot be processed: • Throw an exception. • If request can be processed: • Save initial state to the database. • Send message with next actions to Message Queue (MQ)
  • 29. PAGE 29Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Message Queue Message Queue is a unified way for collaboration between sub- components.
  • 30. PAGE 30Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Messaging Process Example • OpenStack uses two modes: • rpc.cast—don't wait for result (fire and forget) •—wait for result (when there is something to return) Ex. Nova API Ex. Nova Scheduler
  • 31. PAGE 31Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved OpenStack Messaging Notes • Uses multiple queues within single RabbitMQ instance. • Used by services to build machine state • Each compute node has a queue • Message traffic is not intensive. • Doesn't send broadcast messages. • For example: monitoring uses API polling • HA should be configured separately. • For example: mirrored queues not handled by OpenStack
  • 32. PAGE 32Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Step 6: Publish Provisioning Request Nova API makes rpc.cast to Scheduler. It publishes a short message to scheduler queue with VM info. Request has been validated, but no action has been taken yet, i.e. which host, IP address, etc.
  • 33. PAGE 33Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 7: Pick up Provisioning Request Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Scheduler picks up the message from MQ.
  • 34. PAGE 34Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler Nova Scheduler is a daemon, which determines, on which compute host the request should run. • Only provisioning time component—not like VMware’s Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) • Typically co-located with the Cloud Controller
  • 35. PAGE 35Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Available Schedulers Scheduler Description Behavior Chance Picks a host that is up Random Filter Picks the best-suited host which satisfies selected filter(s) Custom Prioritisation
  • 36. PAGE 36Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filtering Affinity, Anti-affinity, etc. Eliminate inapplicable hosts
  • 37. PAGE 37Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • All Hosts • AllHostsFilter • All the available hosts, even non-active • ComputeFilter • All hosts that are operational and enabled • Based on Host statically configured properties • SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter • Host within the specified IP range • --hint build_near_host_ip=<1st IP in range> --hint cidr=<subnet size> • AvailabilityZoneFilter • Hosts that are in the desired Availability Zone • --availability-zone <availability-zone>
  • 38. PAGE 38Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • Based on already running individual VMs • SameHostFilter • Same host as another instance in a set of instances • --hint same_host=<VM ID> • DifferentHostFilter • Different host from a set of instances • --hint different_host=<VM ID> • Collocate/Distribute group of VMs • GroupAffinityFilter • Each instance in a group is on the same host • --hint group=<group name> • GroupAntiAffinityFilter • Each instance in a group is on a different host • --hint group=<group name>
  • 39. PAGE 39Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • Based on flavor used (“nova-manage instance_type list”) • ComputeCapabilitiesFilter • Hosts with properties that match flavor extra specs (“nova hypervisor-show <host name>”) • AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter • Hosts from host aggregates with properties that match flavor extra specs ( “nova aggregate-details <aggregate ID>”) • TrustedFilter • Hosts with integrity obtained from the Attestation service (Intel TXT) that matches flavor extra specs (“nova hypervisor-show <host name>”) • Based on Project (Tenant) • AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation • Hosts from host aggregates with filter_tenant_id property value containing the Project (tenant) ID
  • 40. PAGE 40Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • Based on Host resources left • CoreFilter • Hosts with sufficient CPU cores left, uses global cpu_allocation_ratio setting to overcommit (16.0 by default) • RamFilter • Hosts with sufficient RAM left, uses global ram_allocation_ratio setting to overcommit (1.5 by default) • DiskFilter • Hosts with sufficient disk space left for root and ephemeral storage, uses global disk_allocation_ratio setting to overcommit (1.0 by default) • AggregateCoreFilter • Same as CoreFilter but uses cpu_allocation_ratio set for Host Aggregate • AggregateRAMFilter • Same as RAMFilter but uses ram_allocation_ratio set for Host Aggregate
  • 41. PAGE 41Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • Based on Host load • IoOpsFilter • Hosts with less than max_io_ops_per_host concurrent I/O operations (8 by default) • NumInstancesFilter • Hosts with less than max_instances_per_host instances (50 by default) • Based on image used • ImagePropertiesFilter • Hosts that can support the specified image properties: architecture, hypervisor type and virtual machine mode (hypervisor ABI) • IsolatedHostsFilter • Specific set of images and a specific set of hosts (from nova.conf)
  • 42. PAGE 42Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Filters • Scheduling history • RetryFilter • Hosts that haven’t been attempted for scheduling purposes • Custom • JsonFilter • Hosts that pass a custom filter constructed by passing a scheduler hint in JSON format • Supported operators: =, <, >, in, <=, >=, not, or, and • Supported variables: $free_ram_mb, $free_disk_mb, $total_usable_ram_mb, $vcpus_total, $vcpus_used • --hint query='[">=","$free_ram_mb",1024]‘ • Inherit from nova.scheduler.driver.Scheduler • Override schedule_prep_resize and schedule_run_instance methods
  • 43. PAGE 43Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Weighting RAM, CPU, etc. Integer values
  • 44. PAGE 44Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Scheduler: Weights • Weigher - host property of integer type • Every weigher can have multiplier for it • weight = sum(weigher_i * multiplier_i) • The only currently available RamWeigher: • Spread VMs across hosts evenly • ram_weight_multiplier=1.0 • Stack VMs on the hosts (fill-up) • ram_weight_multiplier=-1.0
  • 45. PAGE 45Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 8a: Schedule Provisioning Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Scheduler fetches information about the whole cluster from database, filters, selects compute node and updates DB with its ID
  • 46. PAGE 46Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 8b: Provision Scheduled Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Scheduler publishes message to the compute queue (based on host ID) to trigger VM provisioning
  • 47. PAGE 47Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Step 9a: Start VM Provisioning Nova Compute gets message from MQ
  • 48. PAGE 48Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute Nova Compute is a worker daemon, which primarily creates and terminates VMs via Hypervisor API.
  • 49. PAGE 49Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute Drivers Nova Compute XCP VM VM VMWare Power VM VM VM libvirt KVM VM VM Xen VM VM Qemu VM VM LXC Cont ainer Cont ainer Allows multiple hypervisor types per cloud. Libvirt / KVM is most commonly used in deployment Maintained by Microsoft Maintained by IBM Bare Metal Docker Contain er Contain er XenAPI Naitive support comes in IcehousePXETilera Somewhat experimental Maintained by Citrix HyperV VM VM ESXi VM VM vSphere VM VM
  • 50. PAGE 50Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute Notes • Functionality provided by drivers is not 100% similar. • Exact "run_instance" flow depends on the driver implementation. • Most features are developed and tested on KVM.
  • 51. PAGE 51Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute • Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database – step 9 • Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex) to allocate networking information – step 10 • Queries Cinder to allocate volume information (optional step for persistent data) – step 11 • Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12- 14 • Passes all information about VM (in a single message) to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an instance – step 15
  • 52. PAGE 52Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Step 9b: Start VM Provisioning Nova Compute makes to Nova Conductor for information on VM from DB
  • 53. PAGE 53Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Conductor The Nova Conductor service is key to completing no-db-compute
  • 54. PAGE 54Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Conductor Notes • Eliminites remote DB access (security) • Horizontal scalability: spawn multiple worker threads operating in parallel (performance) • Hides DB implementation/schema from the Nova Compute (upgrades) • Possible offloading of long-running operations from other services, not just Nova Compute • Beneficial for operations that cross multiple compute nodes (migration, resizes) controller node DB nova-conductor compute node nova-compute
  • 55. PAGE 55Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute • Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database – step 9 • Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex) to allocate networking information – step 10 • Queries Cinder to allocate volume information (optional step for persistent data) – step 11 • Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12- 14 • Passes all information about VM (in a single message) to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an instance – step 15
  • 56. PAGE 56Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Networking (Neutron) network-as-a-service
  • 57. PAGE 57Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Neutron Notes • Provides a flexible API (POST / GET) for service providers or their tenants to manage OpenStack network topologies. • Create networks, associate VMs, set routers, etc. • Presents a logical API and a corresponding plug-in architecture that separates the description of network connectivity from its implementation. • In Icehouse, one can still choose to stay with nova- network (Essex approach) or to go with Neutron.
  • 58. PAGE 58Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 10: Configure Network Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute makes a call to Neutron API to provision network for the instance
  • 59. PAGE 59Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 10: Configure Network (Continued) Neutron configures IP, gateway, DNS name, L2 connectivity, etc. Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent
  • 60. PAGE 60Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute • Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database – step 9 • Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex) to allocate networking information – step 10 • Queries Cinder to allocate volume information (optional step for persistent data) – step 11 • Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12- 14 • Passes all information about VM (in a single message) to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an instance – step 15
  • 61. PAGE 61Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Open Stack Storage Concepts • Ephemeral storage: • Persists until VM is terminated • Accessible from within VM as local file system • Used to run operating system and/or scratch space • Managed by Nova • Block storage: • Persists until specifically deleted by user • Accessible from within VM as a block device (e.g. /dev/vdc) • Used to add additional persistent storage to VM and/or run operating system • Managed by Cinder • Object storage: • Persists until specifically deleted by user • Accessible from anywhere • Used to add store files, including VM images • Managed by Swift
  • 62. PAGE 62Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) block storage as-a-service
  • 63. PAGE 63Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Cinder Resources • Volume: • Is a persistent R/W block storage device • Can be attached to VMs as secondary storage • Can be root store to boot VMs • Can be attached only to one instance at a time • Keeps its state independent of an instance • Snapshot: • Is a read-only point in time copy of a volume • Can then be used to create a new volume • Backup: • An archived copy of a volume
  • 64. PAGE 64Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Cinder Cinder Architecture Cinder DB Queue Cinder Volume Backend Storage Devices Scheduler Cinder API Cinder CLI NovaHorizon HTTP AMQP SQL 3rd-party Cinder Backup Object Storage
  • 65. PAGE 65Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Cinder Volume Driver • iSCSI: • Dell EqualLogic • EMC VMAX/VNX • Hitach HDS • HP 3PAR (StoreServ) • HP / Lefthand SAN (StoreVirtual) • Huawei T/Dorado/HVS • IBM Storwize family/SVC/XIV • LVM (Reference Implementation) • Nexenta • NetApp • SolidFire • VMware VMDK • Windows Server 2012 • Zadara • GlusterFS NFS (volumes as sparse files) • IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) (volumes as sparse files): • GPFS NSD • ATA over Ethernet (AoE): • Coraid • Fibre Channel: • NetApp • HP 3PAR (StoreServ) • Huawei T/Dorad/HVS • IBM Storwize family/SVC/XIV • VMware VMDK • NFS (volumes as sparse files): • NFS • Nexenta • NetApp • VMware VMDK • Zadara • XenAPI Storage Manager • RADOS Block Devices (RBD): • Ceph • Shared SAS: • VMware VMDK • Scale Out File System (SOFS) (volumes as sparse files): • Scality • VirtIO (Local raw storage) (volumes as sparse files)
  • 66. PAGE 66Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Cinder Backup Drivers • Swift • Ceph • IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
  • 67. PAGE 67Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Cinder Notes • Functionality provided by drivers is not 100% similar. • Exact volume provisioning and attachment flow depends on driver implementation and Hypervisor used. • Most features are developed and tested with LVM over ISCSI and KVM.
  • 68. PAGE 68Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 11: Request Volume Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent It is assumed a volume is already created. Nova Compute contacts Cinder to get volume data. Can also attach volumes after VM is built.
  • 69. PAGE 69Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 11: Request volume (Continued) Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute sets up the host mount if needed & instructs the Hypervisor to use vol. as a new block device
  • 70. PAGE 70Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute • Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database – step 9 • Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex) to allocate networking information – step 10 • Queries Cinder to allocate volume information (optional step for persistent data) – step 11 • Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12- 14 • Passes all information about VM (in a single message) to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an instance – step 15
  • 71. PAGE 71Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved The OpenStack Image Service (Glance) Glance provides services for discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images.
  • 72. PAGE 72Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Definition of Image • Copy of the entire contents of a storage device, for example: • hard drive • DVD/CD • other storage media • Includes all the partition information, boot sectors, the file allocation table, operating system installation and application software.
  • 73. PAGE 73Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Custom Image Creation Steps • Get Operating System installation ISO • Create VM (qemu-img create) • Install Operating System • Start VM with ISO connected as CD-ROM • Connect to VM via VNC console or SPICE • Install Operating System as you normally do • Install and configure cloud-init (Linux) or cloudbase-init (Windows) • Install virtIO drivers (Windows only) • Prepare and cleanup the image • Remove the MAC address details, etc, with virt-sysprep (Linux) or sysprep.exe (Windows) • Install any additional applications (OpenSSH, Apache, MySQL, etc.) • Convert image to a different format if desired (qemu-img convert)
  • 74. PAGE 74Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Glance • Provides Images-as-a-Service. • Can use multiple back-ends for image storage. • Can store the same image in multiple locations. • Supports multiple image formats.
  • 75. PAGE 75Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Glance API Glance CLI NovaHorizon Glance Glance Architecture HTTP AMQP SQL 3rd-party Glance Registry Glance DB Store Adapter Swift Cinder File System Amazon S3 HTTP GridFS Sheepdog Ceph (RBD)
  • 76. PAGE 76Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Glance Notes • Functionality provided by backends is not 100% similar. • Exact Glance capabilities available depend on the backend and Hypervisor used. • Most of the features are developed and tested with the file system or Swift.
  • 77. PAGE 77Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Glance Disk Formats Disk Format Description raw an unstructured (unrestricted) disk image format vhd VHD disk format, a common disk format used by virtual machine monitors from VMWare, Xen, Microsoft, VirtualBox, and others vmdk Another common disk format supported by many common virtual machine monitors vdi disk format supported by VirtualBox virtual machine monitor and the QEMU emulator iso archive format for the data contents of an optical disc (e.g. CDROM) qcow2 disk format supported by the QEMU emulator that can expand dynamically and supports Copy on Write aki indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon kernel image ari indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon ramdisk image ami indicates what is stored in Glance is an Amazon machine image
  • 78. PAGE 78Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 12: Request VM Image from Glance Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute requests VM image from Glance via Image ID
  • 79. PAGE 79Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 13: Get Image URI from Glance Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent If image with given image ID can be found - return URI – HTTP Get URI
  • 80. PAGE 80Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 14: Direct Image File Copy Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute can download image using URI, given by Glance, directly from Swif
  • 81. PAGE 81Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 14 alternative: Image Copy through Glance Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent To leaverage Glance Server caching mechanism and additional access restriction, the Image copy can go through Glance
  • 82. PAGE 82Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Nova Compute • Asks Nova Conductor for VM info from database – step 9 • Queries Neutron (previously Nova-Network in Essex) to allocate networking information – step 10 • Queries Cinder to allocate volume information (optional step for persistent data) – step 11 • Fetches VM image (base OS) from Glance – steps 12- 14 • Passes all information about VM (in a single message) to Hypervisor and Hypervisor (KVM / Xen) creates an instance – step 15
  • 83. PAGE 83Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 15: Start VM Rendering via Hypervisor In case of KVM / libvirtd this is a single XML VM config file Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute creates a command to Hypervisor and delegates VM rendering to Hypervisor.
  • 84. PAGE 84Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 16: VM is UP Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Nova Compute sends a message to Nova Conductor to update DB with VM state
  • 85. PAGE 85Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Step 17: User is Happy Nova Nova DB Queue Nova API Scheduler Conductor UI: Horizon or CLI Swift Object Store Proxy Server Keystone KeystoneAPI Keystone DB Glance Glance API Glance Registry Glance DB Neutron Neutron DB Queue Neutron API Scheduler Plugin/Agent Compute NodeCompute Node Network VM Hypervisor nova- compute Network Node DHCP/IPAM Router/GW Block Storage NodeStorage Cinder Cinder API Scheduler Cinder Backup Cinder DB Queue Cinder Vol Ceilometer Ceilometer API Collector Agent Horizon polls Nova API for VM status and power state, which is taken from Database.
  • 86. PAGE 86Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved OpenStack Architecture Recap • Users log into Horizon and initiate a VM create • Keystone authorizes • Nova initiates provisioning and saves state to DB • Nova Scheduler finds appropriate host • Neutron configures networking • Cinder provides block device • Image URI is looked up through Glance • Image is retrieved via Swift • VM is rendered by Hypervisor
  • 87. PAGE 87Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Questions?
  • 88. PAGE 88Copyright © 2014 Mirantis, Inc. All rights reserved Thank You!