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Service Mesh
| ©2020 F52
About Speaker
- 10 years working with distributed systems.
- Long time NGINX user, joined NGINX team early 2020
Ravi Vagadia - Solutions Engineer, F5 (NGINX BU)
| ©2020 F53
• Modern Application Overview
• What is a Service Mesh?
• What does a Service Mesh solve?
• When do you need it?
| ©2020 F54
Modern Application Overview

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| ©2020 F55
Kubernetes becoming platform
for developing, testing and
running applications
Traditional CI/CD products being retrofitted
to run on Kubernetes
Emergenceof Kubernetes-native CI/CD
tools for defining and running pipelines on
Kubernetes using native Kubernetes
Portability makes this particularly attractive
Kubernetes in production is
growing rapidly
NGINX Survey: about half of customers use
Kubernetes in production
CNCF 2019 survey: 84% use containers in
What we see in the market
Adoption of managed and
commercial Kubernetes platforms
We see rapid adoption of OpenShiftand
Rancher in the private cloud space
EKS and GKE adoption in public cloud
Actively using
in Production
or using in
NGINX User Survey 2018, 2019
Who is using Microservices in Production?
| ©2020 F57
ModernApps Require a ModernArchitecture
From Monolithic ... ... to Dynamic
Three-tier, J2EE-style architectures
Complex protocols (HTML, SOAP)
Persistent deployments
Fixed, static Infrastructure
Big-bang releases
Silo’ed teams (Dev, Test, Ops)
Lightweight (REST, gRPC, GraphQL)
Containers, VMs, Functions
Infrastructure as Code
Continuous delivery
DevOps Culture
| ©2020 F58
Operating a distributed application is hard
Static, Predictable Monolith: Dynamic, Distributed App:
Fast, reliable function calls
Local debugging
Local profiling
Calendared, big-bang upgrades
‘Integration hell’ contained in dev
Slow, unreliable API calls
Distributed fault finding
Distributed tracing
In-place dynamic updates
‘Continuous integration’ live in prod
More things can go wrong, it’s harder to find the faults, everything happens live

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This document discusses cloud-native application development. It describes how DevOps practices like continuous delivery and microservices allow for faster, higher quality software development. It introduces a cloud native maturity model and discusses how a platform with the right abstractions can help organizations adopt cloud native patterns. The document outlines Pivotal's platform capabilities and services and how they can help organizations transform applications to be cloud native and achieve outcomes like speed, stability, scalability and security. Real-world examples of organizations adopting cloud native practices are also provided.

cloud native
| ©2020 F59
What’s In A Service Mesh!
| ©2020 F510
What Is A Service Mesh?
Service mesh aims to improve application
traffic control, observability and security for
distributed systems.
- The New Stack
| ©2020 F511
L7 Logic (Ingress)
L3-L4 Networking
L3 – L7 Network
Management ==
Service Mesh
An Overly Simplified Picture
| ©2020 F512
What Is A Service Mesh?
• A service mesh adds L7 traffic management & security:
• sidecar deployment
• policy management
• application availability/health,
• Service mesh isn’t just one “thing”, it’s a lot of managed and dependent
• Takes over where K8s networking stops (service/pod IP endpoints)
• “Traffic management for containers”

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Four considerations when monitoring microservices
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| ©2020 F513
What DoesA Service Mesh Do?
Service Mesh controls communications between pods and external apps
Secure Traffic
End-to-end encryption (Mutual TLS / mTLS), ACLs
Manage All Service Traffic
Load Balance, Circuit breaker, B|G, Rate Limiting…
Injection and sidecar management, K8s API integration
Measure Traffic
Generate transaction traces and real-time monitoring
| ©2020 F514
What Is A Sidecar?
A Sidecar is a containerized service that another containerized service
depends on for some function: “Helper Containers”
• Not just networking, can be used for any separationof process:API GW, logging, data mining, etc.
In our world, a Sidecar would be a reverse proxy that sits beside an
application service container (in the same pod) and provides all inbound and
outbound network routing to that application container
App Pod
| ©2020 F515
HowAre Sidecars Deployed?
Separate Container In The App Pod
• The separate container is attached to the app service container in a pod
• Networking in the app container is altered via a policy from the mesh that tells the app “You can only talk to
your sidecar for network access.”
• Policy and architecture are defined and orchestrated via the control plane,managed with a combo of
ConfigMap and control plane.
• A Service Mesh takes care of auto-associating the sidecar with the app container in the same pod via
Sidecar Injection
App Pod
| ©2020 F516
Use Cases – Securing InternalTraffic (mTLS)
Pod A Pod B
Pod A Pod B
Traffic Flow Without Service Mesh:
Traffic Flow With Service Mesh:

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| ©2020 F517
Use Cases – Control Traffic Flow
Target-v1 Target-v2
0% 100%
| ©2020 F518
Use Cases – Telemetry | Tracing
Pod A
Pod B Pod C
| ©2020 F519
Service Mesh Policies
© 2017 F5 Networks
Network Policy
• Serviceto servicerouting
• Serviceavailability
• Servicediscovery
Access Policy
• IP allow/deny
• Allow/Deny
Security Policy
• SSL/mTLSTermination
• DDoS
| ©2020 F520
NSM Service Mesh
The “Data Plane” Service Mesh

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| ©2020 F521
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
| ©2020 F522
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
| ©2020 F523
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
NGINX Service Mesh control plane
Topology Policies
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… InventoryCLI / API
| ©2020 F524
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory

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Data Plane Matters! A Deep Dive and Demo on NGINX Service Mesh
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On-Demand Link: About the Webinar Join us for a special launch webinar as we introduce you to NGINX Service Mesh, our new offering as part of the NGINX product suite. In this webinar, you’ll learn about using NGINX Plus and NGINX Controller as part of your microservices journey, why your organization may need a service mesh to improve performance and reliability of your applications, and how NGINX Service Mesh can help you meet these needs. Our presenter(s) will also provide a demonstration of NGINX Service Mesh, giving you an insight into the new experience that awaits you and your team.

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| ©2020 F525
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing
| ©2020 F526
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing
| ©2020 F527
What is the NGINX Service Mesh?
Data Plane
East/West traffic
Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal
NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies
Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing
NGINX Controller
Centralized management
Service Mesh connector Integrations
| ©2020 F528
NSM Components
• NSM runs within a K8s cluster
• Securely manages ingress/egress
traffic to external services
• Can be deployed in any K8s cluster

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Get the Most Out of Kubernetes with NGINX
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Get the Most Out of Kubernetes with NGINX

On-demand Link About the Webinar Many enterprises are adopting Kubernetes at breakneck speed as part of their DevOps‑centric digital transformation initiative. And yet the rise of DevOps in no way reduces the role of NetOps teams, who still have responsibility for the operation of the entire platform and its enterprise-wide application services. NetOps’s control of these global‑scale services is still vital to deploying stable and secure aps. In fact, where both NetOps and DevOps have an interest in an application service such as ADC or WAF, we often see duplication of that service. This is not an inefficiency, but rather reflects the differing needs and goals of the parties as they each make use of that service. In this webinar we explore the benefits of duplicating application services inside Kubernetes and look at some well‑established practices for deploying services such as WAF for applications that are running in Kubernetes, including trade‑offs between different options and the criteria that matter most to help you make the best decisions. Our presenters will also provide a demo of how to use NGINX Ingress Controller to provision NGINX App Protect in Red Hat OpenShift.

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This document discusses using a service mesh to implement zero trust security in Kubernetes environments. It begins by explaining what problems a service mesh addresses in Kubernetes networking and then discusses how a service mesh can provide network policies, mutual TLS encryption between services, role-based access control, and other features to enforce zero trust principles. The document emphasizes that a service mesh allows fine-grained control of inter-service traffic and centralized management of microservices connections in a way that supports strong authentication of identities and authorization of access.

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| ©2020 F529
NSM Features
| ©2020 F530
• Zero-trust model
• mTLS enforcement
• Service identity
• Access control CRDs
• Access control via mTLS
• Single source of truth for network (K8s) and identity
• Ingress mTLS
• Egress opt-in allowlist
| ©2020 F531
Integrated N/S Ingress/Egress
• NGINX Plus for sidecars and KIC
• Ingress traffic treated as S2S service
• Full integration with Spire identity and
SSL key store
• mTLS for ingress into NSM
• Egress name service support
| ©2020 F532
Traffic Management
• Full support for microservice traffic models
− Circuit Breaker
− Blue/Green
− Canary
− Weighted distribution
• Rate shaping and QoS/priority queueing
• Container-based load balancing
• Dynamic service availability
• SSL keepalive for performance

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Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX
Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINXControl Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX
Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX

On-Demand Recording About the Webinar Join our resident Kubernetes and modern apps experts in a discussion of the challenges of Kubernetes traffic management in today’s technology landscape. While Kubernetes Ingress gets most of the attention, how you handle egress traffic is just as important. Egress isn’t just about traffic leaving a cluster, either, but also concerns traffic among managed and unmanaged services within the cluster. We demo a solution using NGINX Service Mesh and NGINX Ingress Controller to control egress from the cluster and between NGINX Service Mesh and unmanaged services. Whether you’re new to modern application architectures, or looking to improve your current microservices deployment, this webinar is for you. Speakers: Amir Rawdat Technical Marketing Engineer F5 Faisal Memon Software Engineer F5

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Securing Kubernetes Clusters with NGINX Plus Ingress Controller & NAP
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Securing Kubernetes Clusters with NGINX Plus Ingress Controller & NAP

This presentation covers: * The NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes * NGINX Plus to up-level your KIC Architecture * NGINX App Protect for securing your Kubernetes services * Demo of both working in tandem to set: * Kubernetes routing policy with NGINX KIC * Granular, Per-App and Per-Service Security Policy with NGINX App Protect

| ©2020 F533
Lightweight andAgile
• Control plane designed to
optimize NGINX Plus data plane
• Standards-based: SPIFFE, SMI-
• Single CLI for management of all
mesh services
• CI/CD pipeline’able for
orchestrated deployment and
policy management
| ©2020 F534
| ©2020 F535
A reality check…
Service Mesh technology addresses one specific set of problems
It’s not a magic bullet that makes all applications ‘better’
There are many other, well-proven ways to address the same problems
Service Mesh technology is very complex ever-evolving
Cost of operating a mesh in production can be high, and there can be many
| ©2020 F536
WhenAm I Ready For A Service Mesh?
✓ You have a mature, fully-automated CI/CD pipeline (GitOps-enabled)
✓ You are fully invested in microservices and using Kubernetes
✓ You are deploying frequently to production (at least once per day)
✓ You have a zero-trust production environment (so need mTLS)
✓ You need/want additional visibility of container traffic interaction

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F5 and HashiCorp Multi-Cloud
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This document discusses how F5 and HashiCorp can help with multi-cloud application delivery and management. It highlights challenges like maintaining security and performance across clouds. It presents the F5 and HashiCorp product suites that provide automation, infrastructure as code, service discovery, and secrets management. These solutions help improve consistency, reduce friction between teams, and enable self-service provisioning through declarative APIs and templates.

Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX
Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINXControl Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX
Control Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Together with NGINX

Join our resident Kubernetes and modern apps experts in a discussion of the challenges of Kubernetes traffic management in today’s technology landscape. While Kubernetes Ingress gets most of the attention, how you handle egress traffic is just as important. Egress isn’t just about traffic leaving a cluster, either, but also concerns traffic among managed and unmanaged services within the cluster. We demo a solution using NGINX Service Mesh and NGINX Ingress Controller to control egress from the cluster and between NGINX Service Mesh and unmanaged services. Whether you’re new to modern application architectures, or looking to improve your current microservices deployment, this webinar is for you. Join this webinar to learn: * Solutions to common challenges when managing traffic in Kubernetes * How to control both ingress and egress in a single configuration * Which solutions from NGINX can best serve your needs, depending on your requirements * About NGINX Service Mesh and NGINX Ingress Controller with live demos

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This document discusses Cisco SD-WAN and its ability to deliver intent-based networking to branches and the WAN. It begins by noting the business challenges of traditional network architectures in supporting modern needs around mobility, cloud applications, and security. It then introduces Cisco SD-WAN as a software-defined solution that provides automated, predictive, and business-intent driven networking through centralized control, application-aware policies, hybrid WAN transport, and integrated security and analytics capabilities. Key components of the Cisco SD-WAN architecture are also summarized, including the data, control, management, and orchestration planes.

cisco connect toronto 2018
| ©2020 F537
• Flexible Traffic Management
• Secure Internal Communication
• In-depth monitoring and distributed tracing
• NGINX Service Mesh is available as free
download,check this link for more info : NGINX
Service Mesh
Download NGINX Service Mesh
| ©2020 F538
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?

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Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?

  • 2. | ©2020 F52 About Speaker - 10 years working with distributed systems. - Long time NGINX user, joined NGINX team early 2020 Ravi Vagadia - Solutions Engineer, F5 (NGINX BU) @ravirdv
  • 3. | ©2020 F53 Agenda • Modern Application Overview • What is a Service Mesh? • What does a Service Mesh solve? • When do you need it?
  • 4. | ©2020 F54 Modern Application Overview
  • 5. | ©2020 F55 Kubernetes becoming platform for developing, testing and running applications Traditional CI/CD products being retrofitted to run on Kubernetes Emergenceof Kubernetes-native CI/CD tools for defining and running pipelines on Kubernetes using native Kubernetes constructs Portability makes this particularly attractive Kubernetes in production is growing rapidly NGINX Survey: about half of customers use Kubernetes in production CNCF 2019 survey: 84% use containers in production What we see in the market KUBERNETES-CENTRIC PERSPECTIVE SOURCE: INFORMATIONEXAMPLE Adoption of managed and commercial Kubernetes platforms We see rapid adoption of OpenShiftand Rancher in the private cloud space EKS and GKE adoption in public cloud
  • 6. 42% Actively using Microservices in Production 37% Investigating or using in pre-production NGINX User Survey 2018, 2019 Who is using Microservices in Production?
  • 7. | ©2020 F57 ModernApps Require a ModernArchitecture From Monolithic ... ... to Dynamic Three-tier, J2EE-style architectures Complex protocols (HTML, SOAP) Persistent deployments Fixed, static Infrastructure Big-bang releases Silo’ed teams (Dev, Test, Ops) Microservices Lightweight (REST, gRPC, GraphQL) Containers, VMs, Functions Infrastructure as Code Continuous delivery DevOps Culture
  • 8. | ©2020 F58 Operating a distributed application is hard Static, Predictable Monolith: Dynamic, Distributed App: Fast, reliable function calls Local debugging Local profiling Calendared, big-bang upgrades ‘Integration hell’ contained in dev Slow, unreliable API calls Distributed fault finding Distributed tracing In-place dynamic updates ‘Continuous integration’ live in prod More things can go wrong, it’s harder to find the faults, everything happens live
  • 9. | ©2020 F59 What’s In A Service Mesh!
  • 10. | ©2020 F510 WHAT’S MISSING IN K8S AND WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT AND NEED FROM A MESH? What Is A Service Mesh? Service mesh aims to improve application traffic control, observability and security for distributed systems. - The New Stack
  • 11. | ©2020 F511 L7 Logic (Ingress) L3-L4 Networking L3 – L7 Network Management == Service Mesh An Overly Simplified Picture
  • 12. | ©2020 F512 WHAT’S MISSING IN K8S AND WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT AND NEED FROM A MESH? What Is A Service Mesh? • A service mesh adds L7 traffic management & security: • sidecar deployment • policy management • application availability/health, • Service mesh isn’t just one “thing”, it’s a lot of managed and dependent components • Takes over where K8s networking stops (service/pod IP endpoints) • “Traffic management for containers”
  • 13. | ©2020 F513 What DoesA Service Mesh Do? Service Mesh controls communications between pods and external apps Secure Traffic End-to-end encryption (Mutual TLS / mTLS), ACLs Manage All Service Traffic Load Balance, Circuit breaker, B|G, Rate Limiting… Orchestration Injection and sidecar management, K8s API integration Measure Traffic Generate transaction traces and real-time monitoring
  • 14. | ©2020 F514 What Is A Sidecar? A Sidecar is a containerized service that another containerized service depends on for some function: “Helper Containers” • Not just networking, can be used for any separationof process:API GW, logging, data mining, etc. In our world, a Sidecar would be a reverse proxy that sits beside an application service container (in the same pod) and provides all inbound and outbound network routing to that application container App Pod
  • 15. | ©2020 F515 HowAre Sidecars Deployed? Separate Container In The App Pod • The separate container is attached to the app service container in a pod • Networking in the app container is altered via a policy from the mesh that tells the app “You can only talk to your sidecar for network access.” • Policy and architecture are defined and orchestrated via the control plane,managed with a combo of ConfigMap and control plane. • A Service Mesh takes care of auto-associating the sidecar with the app container in the same pod via Sidecar Injection App Pod
  • 16. | ©2020 F516 Use Cases – Securing InternalTraffic (mTLS) Pod A Pod B Pod A Pod B NSM Traffic Flow Without Service Mesh: Traffic Flow With Service Mesh:
  • 17. | ©2020 F517 Use Cases – Control Traffic Flow Target-svc Target-v1 Target-v2 0% 100%
  • 18. | ©2020 F518 Use Cases – Telemetry | Tracing Pod A Pod B Pod C
  • 19. | ©2020 F519 Service Mesh Policies © 2017 F5 Networks Network Policy • Serviceto servicerouting • Serviceavailability • Servicediscovery Access Policy • IP allow/deny • Allow/Deny • JWT Security Policy • SSL/mTLSTermination • DDoS • WAF E F THE MOST IMPORTANT (AND DIFFICULT) PART
  • 20. | ©2020 F520 NSM Service Mesh The “Data Plane” Service Mesh
  • 21. | ©2020 F521 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory
  • 22. | ©2020 F522 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC
  • 23. | ©2020 F523 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal NGINX Service Mesh control plane SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC Topology Policies Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… InventoryCLI / API $>_
  • 24. | ©2020 F524 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory SPIRE SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC CLI / API $>_
  • 25. | ©2020 F525 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC CLI / API $>_
  • 26. | ©2020 F526 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC CLI / API $>_ NGINX Ingress NGINX Egress
  • 27. | ©2020 F527 What is the NGINX Service Mesh? Data Plane East/West traffic Control Plane Management Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes VMware AWS Bare Metal NGINX Service Mesh control plane Topology Policies Conf DbKubernetes Service Registry Inventory VMware, AWS… Inventory SPIRE Grafana OpenTracing NGINX Controller Centralized management Service Mesh connector Integrations SVC SVCSVCSVCSVC SVC CLI / API $>_ NGINX Ingress NGINX Egress
  • 28. | ©2020 F528 NSM Components • NSM runs within a K8s cluster • Securely manages ingress/egress traffic to external services • Can be deployed in any K8s cluster platform
  • 29. | ©2020 F529 NSM Features
  • 30. | ©2020 F530 Security • Zero-trust model • mTLS enforcement • Service identity • Access control CRDs • Access control via mTLS • Single source of truth for network (K8s) and identity (Spire) • Ingress mTLS • Egress opt-in allowlist SVC
  • 31. | ©2020 F531 Integrated N/S Ingress/Egress • NGINX Plus for sidecars and KIC • Ingress traffic treated as S2S service traffic • Full integration with Spire identity and SSL key store • mTLS for ingress into NSM • Egress name service support
  • 32. | ©2020 F532 Traffic Management • Full support for microservice traffic models − Circuit Breaker − Blue/Green − Canary − Weighted distribution • Rate shaping and QoS/priority queueing • Container-based load balancing • Dynamic service availability • SSL keepalive for performance SVC
  • 33. | ©2020 F533 Lightweight andAgile • Control plane designed to optimize NGINX Plus data plane • Standards-based: SPIFFE, SMI- spec • Single CLI for management of all mesh services • CI/CD pipeline’able for orchestrated deployment and policy management
  • 35. | ©2020 F535 A reality check… Service Mesh technology addresses one specific set of problems It’s not a magic bullet that makes all applications ‘better’ There are many other, well-proven ways to address the same problems Service Mesh technology is very complex ever-evolving Cost of operating a mesh in production can be high, and there can be many risks
  • 36. | ©2020 F536 WhenAm I Ready For A Service Mesh? ✓ You have a mature, fully-automated CI/CD pipeline (GitOps-enabled) ✓ You are fully invested in microservices and using Kubernetes ✓ You are deploying frequently to production (at least once per day) ✓ You have a zero-trust production environment (so need mTLS) ✓ You need/want additional visibility of container traffic interaction
  • 37. | ©2020 F537 • Flexible Traffic Management • Secure Internal Communication • In-depth monitoring and distributed tracing • NGINX Service Mesh is available as free download,check this link for more info : NGINX Service Mesh CONFIDENTIAL Download NGINX Service Mesh