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Ken Owens
CTO Cisco Intercloud Services
How Cisco Migrated from
MapReduce Jobs to Spark
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public

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CWIN17 london becoming cloud native part 2 - guy martin docker
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CWIN17 london becoming cloud native part 2 - guy martin docker

This document discusses how organizations can become cloud native by embracing the full opportunity from cloud. It identifies six key steps: 1) delivering business visible and impactful benefits, 2) technical solutions that deliver the business case, 3) empowering a dedicated cloud services team, 4) creating a cloud service vending machine, 5) establishing a blueprint for integrating cloud into existing IT, and 6) implementing automated application and infrastructure pipelines. It then discusses how Docker can help organizations modernize traditional applications and build a secure software supply chain through containerization.

Edge Orchestration & Federated Kubernetes Clusters - Open Networking Summit 2018
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Edge Orchestration & Federated Kubernetes Clusters - Open Networking Summit 2018

Shay Naeh, Senior Architect in the Cloudify CTO Office's talk from Open Networking Summit Europe 2018. Talking open source edge networking, federated Kubernetes and cloud native stacks - and how to truly achieve an open edge stack.

open sourceedgeedge computing
WSO2Con ASIA 2016: WSO2 Cloud Strategy Update
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WSO2Con ASIA 2016: WSO2 Cloud Strategy Update

Cloud is a style of computing where scalable and elastic IT-related capabilities are provided as a service using Internet technologies. WSO2 delivers one of the best Public Cloud, Managed Cloud and Private Cloud offerings with world renowned WSO2 middleware platform. WSO2 middleware stack is built from ground up with an open architecture for supporting cloud native features such as multi-tenancy, cluster discovery, artifact distribution, dynamic load balancing, autoscaling & monitoring to be able to run on any PaaS. WSO2 is now innovating on delivering a lightweight, ultra fast Gateway and a Microservices Framework for providing unprecedented agility and scalability in the cloud with Docker and Kubernetes. In this session Imesh will walk you through WSO2 Cloud strategy on delivering heterogeneous PaaS offerings, managed and public cloud platforms for building on-premise, public and hybrid cloud solutions.

by WSO2
wso2con asia 2016dockerpaas
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Source: IDC 7
New devices
every week
in Cloud DCs
by 2018
of data per person
by 2020
Mobile apps
in 2015
Data created
by IoE devices
v. end-user
The Uber Trend: Exponential Rise in Connectivity
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Exponential Trend
Linear Trend
Disruptive Stress
Knee of Curve
Exponential Growth Drives Opportunities
Peter Diamandis: BOLD

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Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...
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Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...

With the growing adoption of Kubernetes, organizations want to take advantage of containerized Microsoft SQL Server 2019 to optimize transactional performance and accelerate time-to-insights from their business-critical data. However, as enterprises embrace hybrid cloud strategy, they need to consider several aspects based on the performance, cost and data protection requirements for running enterprise-grade SQL Server databases. In this webinar, we will compare and contrast various cloud-native platforms for SQL Server that would help CIOs, DevOps engineers, database administrators and applications architects to determine the most suitable platform that fits their business needs. Join us as we explore some exciting results from a recent performance benchmark study conducted by McKnight Consulting Group, an independent consulting firm, to compare the performance of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on the best possible configurations of the following Kubernetes platforms: Diamanti Enterprise Kubernetes Platform Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Topics will include: Platform considerations and requirements for running Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance comparison and analysis of running SQL Server on various platform Best practices for running containerized SQL Server databases in Kubernetes environment

Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog
Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with DatadogMonitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog
Monitoring Your AWS EKS Environment with Datadog

Join Datadog for a webinar on monitoring Kubernetes with a focus on Amazon EKS. You'll learn how to get the most out of Datadog's intuitive platform and EKS's unique capabilities, including: How to monitor metrics, logs and traces from your EKS environment How to test the usability of your environment with features such as adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring How to find and fix user-facing issues with synthetic monitoring features like adaptive Browser Tests and globally available Real User Monitoring

Orchestrating stateful applications with PKS and Portworx
Orchestrating stateful applications with PKS and PortworxOrchestrating stateful applications with PKS and Portworx
Orchestrating stateful applications with PKS and Portworx

This document provides an overview of Portworx, including: 1. Portworx is a leader in providing stateful container orchestration that works across any cloud or scheduler. 2. It has an experienced team and investors, with headquarters in Los Altos, CA and 70 employees globally. 3. Portworx allows applications to run across different infrastructure types and clouds with a portable cloud stack that provides high availability, replication, security and data mobility features.

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
When Products Become Cloud-enabled, They Become
10X More Valuable
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
PaaS IaaS
A Broader Perspective than Hybrid Cloud Is Required…
Data Center Cloud Edge / IoT
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Hyperscale applications serving several
thousands of users very quickly
Traditional enterprise applications
IoE and increasing connectivity driving the need
for such workloads
Hadoop, Mobile back-ends, Gaming, Social
Small (~10%), yet rapidly growing
percentage of applications in the Cloud
ERP, CRM, Applications that leverage
traditional databases
Majority of applications being run
for/by Enterprises today
CIOs Need to Embrace Both Traditional
and Hyperscale Application Deployment
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
PaaS IaaS
Application Portability and Interoperability Is the Key
ERP, Financial, Client/Server,
CRM, email, …
Cloud Native
IoT, BigData,Analytics,
Gaming, ...
Data Center Cloud Edge / IoT

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This document summarizes Scott Johnston's keynote at a Docker event. It discusses Docker's modernization journey program which helps customers modernize traditional applications through partnerships. It provides examples of modernization projects with the MTA program that reduced costs by 50% while improving portability, agility and security. The keynote outlines Docker's incremental approach and working with customers and partners at their own pace on their modernization journey.

Building Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service
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Building Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service

This document provides an overview of building cloud-native applications using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It discusses key concepts like containers, Docker, container registries, Kubernetes, and AKS. It also covers modern application architecture principles and 12-factor applications. Additionally, it defines common Kubernetes objects like pods, services, deployments and explains how to secure applications and monitor clusters deployed to AKS. The document recommends getting started with AKS by deploying sample applications from Azure DevOps to an AKS cluster created in the Azure portal or with the Azure CLI.

VietOpenStack meetup 7th Kilo overview
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The document discusses the OpenStack Kilo release from the OpenStack Foundation. Some key points: - Kilo aimed to create a stable core platform for interoperability and integrating new technologies. - It focused on defining stable core services and saw key growth in integrated projects like Ironic for bare-metal provisioning. - Major components like Nova, Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Neutron, Ceilometer, and Horizon received new features, improvements, and bug fixes related to areas like performance, security, manageability and advanced networking services. - The discussion section raises questions about factors that would motivate upgrading to Kilo like improved stability, performance and flexibility, and challenges that may come with

openstackopen sourcecommunity
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Source: Gartner, Lydia Leong
of CIOs currently
have a second
fast/agile mode
of operation
Nonlinear Mode
Accept Instability
Bimodal IT Is the New Normal
Source: Gartner, Lydia Leong
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Web-scale Architecture
API-Driven Automation
Open, Secure, Compliant,
Hybrid IT
IP Based
Open Standards
World of Isolated Clouds
Individual custom-built clouds
without consistent APIs
Connected for application
acceleration with Open APIs
The Intercloud
Islands of Isolated
PC LAN Networks (1990s)
Multiple LANs using
a multitude of protocols
The Internet
Connected using industry-
standard IP protocol
We Must Connect the Clouds
Use Case: Customer
Interaction Analytics
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Omni-Channel Customer Journeys
& Chat
Open Trouble
Trouble Ticket
Close Trouble
Trouble Ticket
Read Support
View Design
View Tech
Bug Search FAQs
Interaction Touch points
Case Resolution
Software Upgrade
The customers’ interaction with Cisco across multiple touch points to get the desired business

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Cloud to Edge
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Cloud to Edge

Edge can be divided into the Device Edge and the Infrastructure Edge. This presentation discusses how to leverage the Infrastructure edge in modern software architecture.

infrastructureedgecloud computing
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The value of Machine Learning researching malware is as important as the human experience. This presentation outlines why Data Driven Security is more effective than traditional research methodologies, as it combines data, human experience and logic made by machines to define the verdict. The audience is exposed to the background, why logic created by Machine Learning algorithms is defined ‘optimal’, in the sense of a mathematical reflection of the data and labels collected over time.

Cloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed Service
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Cloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed Service

You can’t have cloud-native applications without a modern approach to databases and backing services. Data professionals are looking for ways to transform how databases are provisioned and managed. In this webinar, we’ll cover practical strategies you can employ to deliver improved business agility at the data layer. We’ll discuss the impact that microservices are having in the enterprise, and what this means for MySQL and other popular databases. Join us and learn the answers to these common questions: ● How can you meet the operational challenge of scaling the number of MySQL database instances and managing the fleet? ● Adding to this scale challenge, how can your MySQL instances maintain availability in a world where the underlying IT infrastructure is ephemeral? ● How can you secure data in motion? ● How can you enable self-service while maintaining control and governance? We’ll cover these topics and share how enterprises like yours are delivering greater outcomes with our Pivotal Platform managed MySQL. Now you can scale without fear of failure. Presenters: Judy Wang, Product Management Jagdish Mirani, Product Marketing

cloud nativeclouddatabase
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
• Software Upgrades
• Bug Inquiry
• Software Inquiry
• Trouble Ticket Lifecycle
• Device Troubleshooting
• New Registration
• Contract Renewal
• Customer Interest
• Customer Experience
• Resource Forecasting
• Security and
Customer Journeys Behavioral Insights
• Boost Self Service
• Real-time Content
Optimization &
• Context Based
Predictive Alerts
• Implicit Personalization
Customer Interaction Analytics
From Journey to Outcome…
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Server Logs
Customer Interaction Analytics
Big Data Platform
Synthesize customer journey maps into behavioral insights.
Call Center
Build Model
Real-time Processing
Batch Analytics
Insight Services
Pig ES
AWS and CIS Intercloud
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
AWS Platform
Component Cloud::
(Near Real-
30 6 5
m3.2xlarge c3.xlarge m3.xlarge
8/VM 4/VM 4/VM
Disk 1.5 TB/VM 1.5 TB/VM 1.5 TB/VM

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Bringing Cloud Native Innovation to the Enterprise
Bringing Cloud Native Innovation to the EnterpriseBringing Cloud Native Innovation to the Enterprise
Bringing Cloud Native Innovation to the Enterprise

As businesses strive to innovate while aiming to reduce risk, IT has become more critical to the success of the business than ever before. In this session, Nick Barcet, Senior Director of Product Management for OpenStack at Red Hat, explains the importance of an IT evolution to modernize data center infrastructure through a culture, process, and technology transformation. Learn what’s driving customer success around OpenStack and how Red Hat is collaborating within the community to provide businesses with the modernized infrastructure they need

ocataenterprisecloud computing
Tectonic Summit 2016: Betting on Kubernetes
Tectonic Summit 2016: Betting on KubernetesTectonic Summit 2016: Betting on Kubernetes
Tectonic Summit 2016: Betting on Kubernetes

DigitalOcean transitioned from inconsistent deployment tools to using Kubernetes for container orchestration. This improved their ability to deploy new services from hours to minutes. They customized Kubernetes by focusing on stateless services, declarative deployments, and abstracting operational concerns. They created "docc" to simplify Kubernetes usage. It allows describing applications and infrastructure through manifests. Docc helped deploy 50 applications in 6 months and powered an internal hackathon. Lessons included keeping up with Kubernetes' rapid changes and automating cluster management. They will invest in service meshes, network policies, and secure secret storage.

kubernetestectonic summit 2016
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KubeCon China Kubernetes IoT and Edge Working Group session - survey of Kubernetes distributions and open source tools

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Case for Cisco Intercloud Services for Analytics…
 Cisco Security and Compliance requirements
• Workloads that deal with personally identifiable data and Cisco
confidential content cannot be uploaded to AWS. Cisco internal cloud
solution is a better fit.
 Customer journey beyond the enterprise
• Applications are hosted on AWS
• Partner systems hosted on AWS and other cloud providers
Presence in AWS and other cloud services required to support these
scenarios for end-end customer journey insights.
 Data virtualization integrated in the CIS Analytics Stack
• Connect data from multiple clouds and multiple big data platforms
 Integrated visualization toolset
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
CIS Analytics Platform
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
CIS Analytics Platform Requirements
Infra Provisioning
Deploy a virtual private cloud (VPC) on CIS with compute, storage and memory requirements comparable to the current
production system.
Icehouse OpenStack with Neutron, Nova, and Swift installed.
Big Data Ecosystem
Cloudera’s Hadoop distribution version CDH 5.1.3., ELK Stack, Apache Kafka and Apache Storm.
Data virtualization & Cloud Integration
Access to data services and data stores via Cisco Data Virtualization
Runtime Services
Foundational PaaS capabilities including SLAs for uptime, performance, latency, data retention, issue escalation and
support priorities, issue resolution, problem management, deployment process, patch management.
API Services
Provide both fine-grained and coarse-grained access to the all service layers of the CIS Analytics Platform. In the hybrid cloud
model it must support interoperability across platform service providers and promote the cloud concepts of extensibility and
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
AWS to CIS Migration – Success Criteria
 Successful synthesis of customer interaction data
 Successful automation of the end-end data process pipeline
 Build behavioral insight services
 Access to data and services via data discovery and visualization tools
 Meet the performance, scale and platform stability requirements
 Successful deployment of CiscoDV on CIS
 Connect HDFS and Hive DS with CiscoDV via Hive and Impala
 Build and expose insight services for consumption by limited users

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Deploying NGINX in Cloud Native Kubernetes
Deploying NGINX in Cloud Native KubernetesDeploying NGINX in Cloud Native Kubernetes
Deploying NGINX in Cloud Native Kubernetes

Using cloud-native application services is easy, it “just works”. Many customers choose them without giving it a second thought. However, these app services vary from cloud to cloud, with differing levels of quality and numbers of features making visibility and control inconsistent across clouds. And then there is cost…it’s hard to know what your deployment is going to cost until after it’s been built. Often the services must be compiled in a piecemeal fashion and many products carry bloated code that increases costs. Finally, security is often an afterthought. Moreover, SecOps teams struggle to keep up with the breakneck app release cadence that has become typical. Often they are seen as DevOps viewing them as a major constraint on the ability to deliver software quickly. In this workshop, we showcase the NGINX solutions for cloud native Kubernetes that will allow you to: - Reduce tool sprawl and provide a standard set of services - Control costs with lightweight and easy solutions - Bring teams together with automation and self‑service capabilities

Cloud Native Security: New Approach for a New Reality
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Cloud Native Security: New Approach for a New Reality

Tsvi Korren, VP of Product Strategy at Aqua Security CISSP, has been an IT security professional for over 25 years. In previous positions at DEC and CA Inc., he consulted with various industry verticals on the process and organizational aspects of security. As the VP of Product Strategy at Aqua, he is tasked with delivering commercial and open source solutions that make Cloud Native workloads the most secure, compliant and resilient application delivery platform.

DEVNET-1166 Open SDN Controller APIs
DEVNET-1166	Open SDN Controller APIsDEVNET-1166	Open SDN Controller APIs
DEVNET-1166 Open SDN Controller APIs

The document discusses Cisco's Hadoop as a service offering on their Intercloud platform. Some key points: - Cisco provides managed Hadoop, including Cloudera's distribution, on optimized instances with local storage and object storage. This offers a scalable, reliable, and secure environment for Hadoop workloads. - Use cases discussed include predictive maintenance using IoT data and analyzing customer journeys across multiple channels. - A pilot test showed Cisco's platform could process over 100 million records from production data across various Hadoop jobs. - Cisco also discusses their data virtualization product CiscoDV, which can integrate data across on-premises, cloud sources on Cisco and AWS. -

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
AWS and CIS Data Node Sizing Comparison
Hadoop Cluster for Batch and Query Analytics
Node Service AWS Instance Type vCPU Mem Storage
Number of
Data Nodes
Data Nodes/
Node Master m3.2xlarge 8 30 2x80 GB 30
Each hadoop data node has 1500GB of EBS
available for HDFS storage
AWS Sizing
CCS Sizing
Node Service CCS Instance Type vCPU Mem Storage
Number of
Data Nodes
Data Nodes/
Node Master GP-2XLarge 8 32 50 35
Each hadoop data node has 1500GB of EBS
available for HDFS storage
Less than AWS sizing (Storage)
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Pilot Test Data
• Test performed on one day’s production data
• Total no. of records processed – 110,852,667
• Total data size – 32GB
• Total no. of M/R jobs in the data pipeline – 17
• Two test cycles
• Cycle 1: Heterogeneous CCS nodes (vCPUs, storage, memory)
• Cycle 2: Homogeneous CCS nodes
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
CIS Performance of Batch Analytics – Limited Test
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Test Details by M/R job
Job Name CCS 12
CCS 18
CCS 24
CCS 30
CCS 18
CCS 24
CCS 30
CCS 35
New_cleanse 249 176 143 117 82 67 55 51
Process_private_ip 27 14 11 10 7 5 6 6
join_web_and_ip_data 142 95 76 61 49 40 34 29
combine_ip_decorated_files 26 14 11 10 9 7 8 7
filterBotEntries 34 19 15 13 10 8 7 7
sessionize 71 64 69 62 60 63 15 13
firstActivitiesFilter 26 15 13 10 9 8 6 6
allOtherActivitiesFilter 29 18 13 13 11 9 7 6
matchFirstActivities 21 13 11 13 13 11 8 8
buildActivities 27 15 12 10 7 6 9 9
filterBUG 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterSEA 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterTCO 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterTDV 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterWDV 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterMOD 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
filterTOOL 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4

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Cisco at VMworld 2015 - Cisco UCS as the Foundation for Software-Defined Data...
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Cisco at VMworld 2015 - Cisco UCS as the Foundation for Software-Defined Data...

IT is in the midst of a dramatic shift to the mobile-cloud era, one in which IT services can be consumed on-demand across the enterprise and in hybrid and public clouds. Tjerk Bijlsma will share the latest Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) innovations that can help you shape your Software-Defined Data Center, radically simplifying IT while delivering services at the speed of today's business. During this session you will learn about: Cisco's comprehensive architectural approach to enable next wave of IT convergence that includes VMware vSAN and comprehensive vRealize integration as part of the SDDC. Innovations in Cisco Data Center portfolio including Cisco UCS and Nexus integrations with VMware solutions. Solutions for virtualized environments for Converged and Hyper Converged systems including FlexPod, VersaStack, Vblock, vSAN, Simplivity, StorMagic and more.

cisco at vmworld 2015ciscocisco ucs
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center

The document discusses Cisco's unified computing system (UCS) and how it provides a flexible, integrated intelligent infrastructure for data centers. It highlights key benefits of UCS such as simplified management, reduced costs, ability to evolve with business needs, and optimized performance for virtualization. UCS combines computing, networking, management, and storage access into a single integrated architecture to reduce complexity and improve agility.

Building The Right Network
Building The Right NetworkBuilding The Right Network
Building The Right Network

Joe Onisick, Principal Engineer, Cisco discusses building the right network and understanding different overlay approaches at Cisco Connect Toronto 2015.

joe onisickprincipal engineernexus
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
PoC: Analytics with Spark on CIS
Existing code
 Made in Ruby with Wukong to run on Hadoop
 A history of changes and modifications
 Script-based, steps communicate via intermediary files
 Revise, rethink and reimplement with Spark on CIS
 Open for advanced cloud analytics
 Improve maintainability by moving away from aging Ruby on Hadoop
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
private web
(cookie, time)
match 1st
(IP, UA, time)
build actions merge
session PSV
add to hivebug tool
first, others, bots
happens here
 Pre-process log records (‘cleanse’)
 Extract HTTP sessions (‘sessionize’)
 Extract user actions, such as ‘search’, ‘download
patch’, ‘open manual’, ‘open a bug’
Ruby: Scripts with temp files
 Each box on the figure is a script in a separate file
 They pipe Gb of data as input and output
 Random matching of nodes to data for sessionizing
 Lots of redundant shuffling
Ruby Flow
global sort in time
global group by IP
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
private web
(cookie, time)
match 1st
(IP, UA, time)
build actions merge
session PSV
add to hivebug tool
first, others, bots
happens here
 Same flow, but each box is a Java or Scala function
No intermediate temp files
 Steps are chained by Spark, often without any need for
intermediate data
 If still needed, the data is stored in memory and local
disk as much as possible
Local computation
 Cleansing is computed on nodes local to data blocks
(same as Ruby)
 Sessions are built per IP
 On separate nodes each handling a single IP range
 One copied to the node on partition the data remains
Spark Flow
global partition by IP
local sort in time
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
 Volumes
 Logs of a single day: 52 Gb
 Total of 110 mil records
 Where 53 mil records are kept after pre-filtering
 Producing over 1 mil user actions
 Cluster of 30 nodes
 Ruby
 Runtime 140 min
 Spark
 Runtime 7 min (20 times faster )
Runtime comparison

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Cisco Connect Halifax 2018 Cisco dna - deeper dive
Cisco Connect Halifax 2018   Cisco dna - deeper diveCisco Connect Halifax 2018   Cisco dna - deeper dive
Cisco Connect Halifax 2018 Cisco dna - deeper dive

This document provides a summary of a session on Cisco's Digital Network Architecture. The session discusses how Cisco's latest advances in programmable ASIC hardware and software-defined technologies are driving innovations in their Catalyst 9000 switches and solutions like Encrypted Traffic Analytics and Software-Defined Access. It outlines how the session will provide insight into Cisco's ASIC design process and the capabilities of their latest switching silicon. The session aims to show Cisco's evolution from application-specific integrated circuits to advanced graphical user interfaces that enable customers to more quickly innovate and reduce costs with solutions enabled by their Digital Network Architecture.

cisco connect halifax 2018
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centreApplication Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre

Mike Herbet, Principal Engineer, Cisco, Dave Cole, Consulting Systems Engineer, Cisco, Sean Comrie, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco focused on the application centric infrastructure (ACI) at Cisco Connect Toronto.

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Presentation data center transformation cisco’s virtualization and cloud jo...
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Presentation data center transformation cisco’s virtualization and cloud jo...

The document discusses Cisco's journey towards virtualization and cloud computing. It describes Cisco's global data center strategy, which includes building a new world-class data center in Allen, Texas and developing a cloud strategy and services called CITEIS. CITEIS provides infrastructure as a service using Cisco UCS, Nexus switches, and other Cisco technologies to enable automated, self-service provisioning and elastic infrastructure capacity.

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
 Extracting sessions means sort in time and group by IP
 Ruby:
 sorting in time and per-IP grouping is performed across the whole cluster (very bad, lots of IO)
 Spark is good at dealing with partitions:
 per-IP groups are placed on different machines (partitions)
 global sort in time is replaced by many local per-IP sorts done on machines responsible for
extracting sessions for specific groups of IP addressed
 Other improvements
 Avoid redundant temp files, redundant (de)-serialization of objects (comes with Java/Scala), stages
keep data in memory when possible (comes with Spark)
 Cache results of user agent resolution that are heavy on regular expressions
CiscoDV on CIS
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Data Virtualization for Intercloud Analytics
Customer Benefits
 Discover data beyond the enterprise: Virtual integration that combines traditional
enterprise data, Big Data stores on CIS and AWS, cloud data from SaaS providers and,
Cisco Customers and Partners
 Seamless interoperability offers easy access to data across distributed data sources
in the intercloud analytics platform
 Universal data governance maximizes enforcement of data security rules
 Analytics Data Hubs: Deployment flexibility to build hybrid/virtual sandboxes that
enable nimble data discovery and rapid data analytics to support multiple LOBs
 Deliver data to any number of analytics tools.
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Use Case 1: Get Case Interactions
Use Case Description # of cases opened by company X that
are currently open. (other variations
would include cases by company,
trends etc.)
CiscoDV Value CiscoDV enforces data security rules to
restrict access on the intercloud
platform to customer sensitive data.
Data Sources SalesForce
Intercloud Solution CIS CiscoDV service can access the
“sanitized” version of CSOne data
through JDBC from RIDES(SWTG
CiscoDV) API.
Connection Type DV on hybrid cloud  Enterprise data

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Cisco Virtualized Multi-tenant Data Center solution (VMDC) is an architectural approach to IT which delivers a Cloud Ready Infrastructure. The architecture encompasses multiple systems and functions defining a standard framework for an IT organization. Standardization allows the organization to achieve operational efficiencies, reduce risk and achieve cost reductions while offering a consistent platform for business.

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DevOps tools became very popular with the adoption of public cloud, but Operational teams now realize that their benefits can be extended to enterprise data centers. In reality, cloud native tools can help bridge public clouds and private data centers by enabling a common framework to manage applications and their underlying infrastructure components. In this session you’ll learn about the latest Cisco ACI integrations with Hashicorp Terraform and Consul to deliver a powerful solution for end-to-end on-prem and cloud infrastructure deployments.

ciscocisco acihashicorp terraform
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The document discusses Cisco's Software Defined Access (SDA) and intent-based networking solutions. It highlights how SDA and the Cisco DNA Center simplify network design, provisioning, policy implementation and assurance through automation and analytics. Traditional networks are complex to manage and secure, while SDA provides a more flexible, software-driven approach through centralized management and segmentation based on user identity rather than network topology.

Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Use Case 2: Get Customer Journey
Use Case Description Customer interactions on the web
pertaining to bug search and case
submission process. Foundational data
can be used to explore trends and feed
into content recommendation models
CiscoDV Value Direct access to Data on CIS Intercloud Analytics
Data Sources SAS Analytics
Intercloud Solution By direct network access to the Impala
Server, the CIS CiscoDV server
connects to the Impala Service in
Hadoop also on CIS as a Data Source.
SQL Queries configured in CiscoDV
execute Impala queries
Connection Type DV on hybrid cloud  VPC Big Data
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
Use Case 3: Get Bug Interactions
Use Case
Another foundational data service that provides
a breakdown of customer exposure or interest
in bugs. The service can be refined further to
look at trends specific to a company or a
product for further analytics.
CiscoDV Value Real-time data federation that accesses
extremely large data in CIS Intercloud Analytics
platform and join that with Bug Data accessed
via departmental CiscoDV instance (RIDES)
Data Sources SASA Analytics and QDDTS via RIDES
By building on the access to the Impala Server,
the DV server can join the Bug Data from the
Enterprise Data Stores with the HDFS data to
provide a federated view.
DV on hybrid cloud  VPC Big Data platform
and Enterprise data store
Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public
CiscoDV on Intercloud Analytics Platform (CIS)
Scenario 1
CIS Cisco DV to Cisco
Enterprise Data Store
Scenario 2
CIS CiscoDV to Impala and
Hive on CIS Intercloud
Analytics Platform
Scenario 3
CIS Cisco DV to Hive on AWS
Big Data Cluster
Scenario 3
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This document provides an overview and summary of Cisco's Data Center networking and storage solutions, with a focus on the new Cisco MDS 9710 Director. Some key points: - Cisco offers a multi-protocol portfolio including Fibre Channel, FCoE, and IP networking solutions to address growing data and connectivity demands in modern data centers. - The Cisco MDS 9710 is the newest storage director that provides the highest scalability, availability, and investment protection in the industry for large scale data centers. - It supports up to 384 line-rate 16Gbps Fibre Channel ports or 48-port 10GbE FCoE modules in a single chassis. This provides 3 times the performance of competing

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Cisco Connect Toronto 2018 sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...
Cisco Connect Toronto 2018   sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...Cisco Connect Toronto 2018   sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...
Cisco Connect Toronto 2018 sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...

This document discusses Cisco SD-WAN and its ability to deliver intent-based networking to branches and the WAN. It begins by noting the business challenges of traditional network architectures in supporting modern needs around mobility, cloud applications, and security. It then introduces Cisco SD-WAN as a software-defined solution that provides automated, predictive, and business-intent driven networking through centralized control, application-aware policies, hybrid WAN transport, and integrated security and analytics capabilities. Key components of the Cisco SD-WAN architecture are also summarized, including the data, control, management, and orchestration planes.

cisco connect toronto 2018

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StampedeCon 2015 Keynote

  • 1. Ken Owens CTO Cisco Intercloud Services 07/15/15 How Cisco Migrated from MapReduce Jobs to Spark Jobs 1
  • 2. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Introduction
  • 3. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Introduction
  • 4. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Introduction
  • 5. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Introduction
  • 6. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Introduction
  • 7. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Source: IDC 7 30M New devices connected every week 78% Workloads processed in Cloud DCs by 2018 5TB+ of data per person by 2020 180B Mobile apps downloaded in 2015 277X Data created by IoE devices v. end-user The Uber Trend: Exponential Rise in Connectivity
  • 8. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Exponential Trend Linear Trend Disruptive Stress /Opportunity Knee of Curve Exponential Growth Drives Opportunities Peter Diamandis: BOLD
  • 9. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public When Products Become Cloud-enabled, They Become 10X More Valuable $23.19 $249.00 $18.01 $199.00 $5.99 $59.99
  • 10. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public SaaS PaaS IaaS A Broader Perspective than Hybrid Cloud Is Required… Data Center Cloud Edge / IoT
  • 11. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Hyperscale applications serving several thousands of users very quickly Traditional enterprise applications IoE and increasing connectivity driving the need for such workloads Hadoop, Mobile back-ends, Gaming, Social Small (~10%), yet rapidly growing percentage of applications in the Cloud ERP, CRM, Applications that leverage traditional databases Majority of applications being run for/by Enterprises today CIOs Need to Embrace Both Traditional and Hyperscale Application Deployment
  • 12. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public SaaS PaaS IaaS Application Portability and Interoperability Is the Key Traditional Applications ERP, Financial, Client/Server, CRM, email, … Cloud Native Applications IoT, BigData,Analytics, Gaming, ... Data Center Cloud Edge / IoT
  • 13. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Source: Gartner, Lydia Leong of CIOs currently have a second fast/agile mode of operation 45% Traditional Mode Requires Reliability (ITIL, CMMI, COBIT) Nonlinear Mode Accept Instability (DevOps, automation, reusable) Systems of Differentiation Systems of Innovation Systems of Record Change Governance Bimodal IT Is the New Normal Source: Gartner, Lydia Leong
  • 14. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Intercloud The Intercloud Web-scale Architecture API-Driven Automation Open, Secure, Compliant, Hybrid IT Internet The Internet IP Based Open Standards World of Isolated Clouds (2000s) Individual custom-built clouds without consistent APIs Connected for application acceleration with Open APIs The Intercloud Intercloud Islands of Isolated PC LAN Networks (1990s) Multiple LANs using a multitude of protocols The Internet Connected using industry- standard IP protocol We Must Connect the Clouds
  • 16. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Omni-Channel Customer Journeys Server Logs Social & Chat Mobile Event Streams Call Center S/W Download Open Trouble Ticket Assign Engineer Update Trouble Ticket Close Trouble Ticket Resolve Trouble Ticket Read Support Documents View Design Documents View Tech Documents New Registration Bug Search FAQs Contract Details Product Details Device Coverage Interaction Touch points Channels Journey Case Resolution Software Upgrade The customers’ interaction with Cisco across multiple touch points to get the desired business outcome.
  • 17. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public • Software Upgrades • Bug Inquiry • Software Inquiry • Trouble Ticket Lifecycle • Device Troubleshooting • New Registration • Contract Renewal • Customer Interest Analytics • Customer Experience Analytics • Resource Forecasting • Security and Compliance Customer Journeys Behavioral Insights • Boost Self Service • Real-time Content Optimization & Recommendation • Context Based Predictive Alerts • Implicit Personalization Impact Customer Interaction Analytics From Journey to Outcome…
  • 18. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Server Logs Customer Interaction Analytics Big Data Platform Synthesize customer journey maps into behavioral insights. Call Center Mobility Social Event Streams Data Sources Data Ingestion CiscoDV Kafka Redis ETL Analytics Model Build Model Activity Refinement Activity Synthesis Synthesized Insights Real-time Processing Batch Analytics Insight Services CiscoDV Interact ImpalaHive Pig ES Zoomdata,Platfora
  • 19. AWS and CIS Intercloud Solution
  • 20. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public AWS Platform Component Cloud:: Hadoop (Batch Analytics) Cloud:: Queries (Interactive Queries) Cloud:: Streams (Near Real- time Analytics) Virtual Machines 30 6 5 AWS Instance Sizing m3.2xlarge c3.xlarge m3.xlarge Virtual Cores 8/VM 4/VM 4/VM RAM 30GB/VM 7.5GB/VM 15GB/VM Disk 1.5 TB/VM 1.5 TB/VM 1.5 TB/VM
  • 21. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Case for Cisco Intercloud Services for Analytics…  Cisco Security and Compliance requirements • Workloads that deal with personally identifiable data and Cisco confidential content cannot be uploaded to AWS. Cisco internal cloud solution is a better fit.  Customer journey beyond the enterprise • Applications are hosted on AWS • Partner systems hosted on AWS and other cloud providers Presence in AWS and other cloud services required to support these scenarios for end-end customer journey insights.  Data virtualization integrated in the CIS Analytics Stack • Connect data from multiple clouds and multiple big data platforms  Integrated visualization toolset
  • 22. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public CIS Analytics Platform
  • 23. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public CIS Analytics Platform Requirements Infra Provisioning Deploy a virtual private cloud (VPC) on CIS with compute, storage and memory requirements comparable to the current production system. OpenStack Icehouse OpenStack with Neutron, Nova, and Swift installed. Big Data Ecosystem Cloudera’s Hadoop distribution version CDH 5.1.3., ELK Stack, Apache Kafka and Apache Storm. Data virtualization & Cloud Integration Access to data services and data stores via Cisco Data Virtualization Runtime Services Foundational PaaS capabilities including SLAs for uptime, performance, latency, data retention, issue escalation and support priorities, issue resolution, problem management, deployment process, patch management. API Services Provide both fine-grained and coarse-grained access to the all service layers of the CIS Analytics Platform. In the hybrid cloud model it must support interoperability across platform service providers and promote the cloud concepts of extensibility and flexibility.
  • 24. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public AWS to CIS Migration – Success Criteria  Successful synthesis of customer interaction data  Successful automation of the end-end data process pipeline  Build behavioral insight services  Access to data and services via data discovery and visualization tools  Meet the performance, scale and platform stability requirements  Successful deployment of CiscoDV on CIS  Connect HDFS and Hive DS with CiscoDV via Hive and Impala  Build and expose insight services for consumption by limited users
  • 25. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public AWS and CIS Data Node Sizing Comparison Hadoop Cluster for Batch and Query Analytics Node Service AWS Instance Type vCPU Mem Storage Number of Data Nodes Comments Data Nodes/ Node Master m3.2xlarge 8 30 2x80 GB 30 Each hadoop data node has 1500GB of EBS available for HDFS storage AWS Sizing CCS Sizing Node Service CCS Instance Type vCPU Mem Storage Number of Data Nodes Comments Data Nodes/ Node Master GP-2XLarge 8 32 50 35 Each hadoop data node has 1500GB of EBS available for HDFS storage Less than AWS sizing (Storage)
  • 26. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Pilot Test Data • Test performed on one day’s production data • Total no. of records processed – 110,852,667 • Total data size – 32GB • Total no. of M/R jobs in the data pipeline – 17 • Two test cycles • Cycle 1: Heterogeneous CCS nodes (vCPUs, storage, memory) • Cycle 2: Homogeneous CCS nodes
  • 27. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public CIS Performance of Batch Analytics – Limited Test
  • 28. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Test Details by M/R job Job Name CCS 12 nodes: cycle1 CCS 18 nodes: cycle1 CCS 24 nodes: cycle1 CCS 30 nodes: cycle1 CCS 18 nodes: cycle2 CCS 24 nodes: cycle2 CCS 30 nodes: cycle2 CCS 35 nodes: cycle2 New_cleanse 249 176 143 117 82 67 55 51 Process_private_ip 27 14 11 10 7 5 6 6 join_web_and_ip_data 142 95 76 61 49 40 34 29 combine_ip_decorated_files 26 14 11 10 9 7 8 7 filterBotEntries 34 19 15 13 10 8 7 7 sessionize 71 64 69 62 60 63 15 13 firstActivitiesFilter 26 15 13 10 9 8 6 6 allOtherActivitiesFilter 29 18 13 13 11 9 7 6 matchFirstActivities 21 13 11 13 13 11 8 8 buildActivities 27 15 12 10 7 6 9 9 filterBUG 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterSEA 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterTCO 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterTDV 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterWDV 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterMOD 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4 filterTOOL 8 5 3 2 3 3 4 4
  • 29. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public PoC: Analytics with Spark on CIS Existing code  Made in Ruby with Wukong to run on Hadoop  A history of changes and modifications  Script-based, steps communicate via intermediary files Goal  Revise, rethink and reimplement with Spark on CIS  Open for advanced cloud analytics  Improve maintainability by moving away from aging Ruby on Hadoop
  • 30. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Sessionize Cleanse logs cleanse private web decorate sessionize (cookie, time) sessioned match 1st (IP, UA, time) build actions merge session PSV add to hivebug tool first, others, bots 1..7 onlyBots first others private Main computation happens here cleansed  Pre-process log records (‘cleanse’)  Extract HTTP sessions (‘sessionize’)  Extract user actions, such as ‘search’, ‘download patch’, ‘open manual’, ‘open a bug’ Ruby: Scripts with temp files  Each box on the figure is a script in a separate file  They pipe Gb of data as input and output  Random matching of nodes to data for sessionizing  Lots of redundant shuffling Ruby Flow global sort in time global group by IP
  • 31. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Sessionize Cleanse logs cleanse private web decorate sessionize (cookie, time) sessioned match 1st (IP, UA, time) build actions merge session PSV add to hivebug tool first, others, bots 1..7 onlyBots first others private Main computation happens here cleansed  Same flow, but each box is a Java or Scala function No intermediate temp files  Steps are chained by Spark, often without any need for intermediate data  If still needed, the data is stored in memory and local disk as much as possible Local computation  Cleansing is computed on nodes local to data blocks (same as Ruby)  Sessions are built per IP  On separate nodes each handling a single IP range  One copied to the node on partition the data remains local Spark Flow global partition by IP local sort in time
  • 32. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public  Volumes  Logs of a single day: 52 Gb  Total of 110 mil records  Where 53 mil records are kept after pre-filtering  Producing over 1 mil user actions  Cluster of 30 nodes  Ruby  Runtime 140 min  Spark  Runtime 7 min (20 times faster ) Runtime comparison
  • 33. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public  Extracting sessions means sort in time and group by IP  Ruby:  sorting in time and per-IP grouping is performed across the whole cluster (very bad, lots of IO)  Spark is good at dealing with partitions:  per-IP groups are placed on different machines (partitions)  global sort in time is replaced by many local per-IP sorts done on machines responsible for extracting sessions for specific groups of IP addressed  Other improvements  Avoid redundant temp files, redundant (de)-serialization of objects (comes with Java/Scala), stages keep data in memory when possible (comes with Spark)  Cache results of user agent resolution that are heavy on regular expressions Why?
  • 35. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Data Virtualization for Intercloud Analytics Customer Benefits  Discover data beyond the enterprise: Virtual integration that combines traditional enterprise data, Big Data stores on CIS and AWS, cloud data from SaaS providers and, Cisco Customers and Partners  Seamless interoperability offers easy access to data across distributed data sources in the intercloud analytics platform  Universal data governance maximizes enforcement of data security rules  Analytics Data Hubs: Deployment flexibility to build hybrid/virtual sandboxes that enable nimble data discovery and rapid data analytics to support multiple LOBs  Deliver data to any number of analytics tools.
  • 36. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Use Case 1: Get Case Interactions Use Case Description # of cases opened by company X that are currently open. (other variations would include cases by company, trends etc.) CiscoDV Value CiscoDV enforces data security rules to restrict access on the intercloud platform to customer sensitive data. Data Sources SalesForce Intercloud Solution CIS CiscoDV service can access the “sanitized” version of CSOne data through JDBC from RIDES(SWTG CiscoDV) API. Connection Type DV on hybrid cloud  Enterprise data store
  • 37. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Use Case 2: Get Customer Journey Use Case Description Customer interactions on the web pertaining to bug search and case submission process. Foundational data can be used to explore trends and feed into content recommendation models CiscoDV Value Direct access to Data on CIS Intercloud Analytics Platform Data Sources SAS Analytics Intercloud Solution By direct network access to the Impala Server, the CIS CiscoDV server connects to the Impala Service in Hadoop also on CIS as a Data Source. SQL Queries configured in CiscoDV execute Impala queries Connection Type DV on hybrid cloud  VPC Big Data platform
  • 38. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public Use Case 3: Get Bug Interactions Use Case Description Another foundational data service that provides a breakdown of customer exposure or interest in bugs. The service can be refined further to look at trends specific to a company or a product for further analytics. CiscoDV Value Real-time data federation that accesses extremely large data in CIS Intercloud Analytics platform and join that with Bug Data accessed via departmental CiscoDV instance (RIDES) Data Sources SASA Analytics and QDDTS via RIDES Intercloud Solution By building on the access to the Impala Server, the DV server can join the Bug Data from the Enterprise Data Stores with the HDFS data to provide a federated view. Connection Type DV on hybrid cloud  VPC Big Data platform and Enterprise data store
  • 39. Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID Cisco Public CiscoDV on Intercloud Analytics Platform (CIS) Scenario 1 CIS Cisco DV to Cisco Enterprise Data Store Scenario 2 CIS CiscoDV to Impala and Hive on CIS Intercloud Analytics Platform Scenario 3 CIS Cisco DV to Hive on AWS Big Data Cluster Scenario1 Scenario 3

Editor's Notes

  1. FABIO – a few items from Pankaj and Liz Monday: Per the John Chambers slides I sent you Monday night, please be sure to fully address digitization in the opener, so Pankaj can connect to John’s opening remarks. Set the stage here for what the digital transformation is and why it dries IoE and cloud. Explain where we came from, where we are today – exponential growth and a magnitude of changes still to come. Please see new VNI, to see if there are any newer/better stats re the Data Center. Pankaj feels the top 3 data points are ok in this slide, but perhaps we could find better ones for the bottom 2 data points? Maybe uplevel them a bit? ------------------------------------------------------- The world is changing. The digital transformation is turning traditional business models on their heads. We are seeing unprecedented growth in the explosion of devices and mobile apps and in data utilization. IoE – IoE devices create 277 times the data that the end user is creating. But only a fraction of it ever reaches the data center. A Boeing 787 for example, generates 40 TB of data per every hour of flight time. But only 0.5 TB is ultimately transmitted to the data center. Mobility: In 2014, global mobile data traffic grew 1.7x or 69%… In 2014 alone, 77B+ mobile apps downloaded… by 2015 180B apps (233% increase) Internet… IDC predicts by 2017, there will be 3.6 billion global Internet users… More than 1/2 the world population Big Data… By 2020 there will be more than 5,000 GB of data for every person on Earth These massive changes are putting tremendous stress on the data center. The traditional data center model has to evolve in order to meet demand today and into the future.
  2. We know how to fix this We’re going to do for cloud what we did for data. You couldn’t move data between the networks – they weren’t connected. Cisco unified those worlds The world of cloud today is a world of isolated clouds. There’s no workload or data portability. “Amazon is hotel California – you can never leave, and that data is staying there” Our vision is to connect all these clouds together into the Intercloud - whether private, public , or hybrid through technology and innovation Intercloud is going to connect these clouds together in the same way we connected data together. No one cloud model or single cloud approach, such as the massively scalable clouds from Amazon, Google or Microsoft will win alone in this space