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IBM Cloud / © 2018 IBM Corporation
A service mesh for microservices at scale
Yong Feng – ICP STSM
1. Microservices Architecture
▸The Problem Space & Challenges
▸What Is It?
▸Architecture Overview
3. Demo
An engineering approach focused on decomposing an
application into single function modules with well defined
interfaces which are independently deployed and operated
by a small team who owns the entire lifecycle of the
Improved delivery velocity in
exchange for increased operational
Containers and Kubernetes are
great enablers to these design
goals: clean packaging, rapid
deployment, consistency, reliability &
This is the reality of microservices
implementation at scale.
Kubernetes and containers in of
themselves does not address these
complexity challenges
Hailo microservices
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Kubernetes Architecture
 Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes Architecture

In this session, we will discuss the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. we will go through all the master and worker components of a kubernetes cluster. We will also discuss the basic terminology of Kubernetes cluster such as Pods, Deployments, Service etc. We will also cover networking inside Kuberneets. In the end, we will discuss options available for the setup of a Kubernetes cluster.

kubernetesconatinerizationcontainer- orchestration
Kubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and PrometheusKubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and Prometheus

Prometheus was recently accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, making it the second project after Kubernetes to be given their blessing and acknowledging that Prometheus and Kubernetes make an awesome combination. In this talk we'll cover common patterns for running Prometheus on Kubernetes, how to monitor services on Kubernetes, and some cool tips and hacks to ensure you get the most out of your Prometheus + Kubernetes deployment.

Intro to Knative
Intro to KnativeIntro to Knative
Intro to Knative

Knative builds on Kubernetes and Istio to provide "PaaS-like abstractions" that raise the level of abstraction for specifying, running, and modifying applications. Knative includes building blocks like Knative Serving for autoscaling container workloads to zero, Knative Eventing for composing event-driven services, Knative Build for building containers from source, and Knative Pipelines for abstracting CI/CD pipelines. While Knative can run any type of container, its building blocks help enable serverless-style functions by allowing compute resources to scale to zero and be driven by event loads.

cloud nativeknativeserverless
• Applications aren’t running in green-field environments
• Challenges in the network in between the Services
• Network layer is hard to manage
• Tooling is nascent
Things to
• Security
• Canary deployments
• A/B testing
• Circuit breaking
• Rate limiting
• Fault injection
• Tracing
• Monitoring
• Many more….
It’s doable, but…
It will require a lot of coding
Service Mesh
A dedicated infrastructure layer for managing service-
to-service communication to make it manageable,
visible and controlled
A Control Plane & Network Overlay in between the

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From Monolithic to Microservices
From Monolithic to Microservices From Monolithic to Microservices
From Monolithic to Microservices

This document discusses the transition from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture. It begins by outlining challenges with monolithic systems like long development cycles and difficulties scaling. It then defines microservices as loosely coupled services that have bounded contexts. The document provides examples of how to evolve a monolith to microservices by starting with existing services and gradually decomposing the monolith. It acknowledges challenges in distributed systems and eventual consistency that come with microservices. Overall, the document presents microservices as enabling faster innovation, increased agility and delighted customers compared to monolithic systems.

Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh ArchitecturesComparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures

Learn the differences between Envoy, Istio, Conduit, Linkerd and other service meshes and their components. Watch the recording including demo at:

service meshenvoyistio
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic ArchitectureMicroservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture

This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

A service mesh designed to connect, manage and
secure micro services.
Using Open Source & Open Standards
(Joint project between IBM, Google, Lyft & others)
With Zero Application Code Changes
Traffic management
▸A/B tests, Canary Releases, Red/Black deployments, Circuit Breaker,
Fault Injection
▸Dependancies and traffic, Distributed Tracing, Performance metrics
▸Enterprise access policy, Security policy, Certification
Proxy: Based on Envoy, mediates inbound and outbound traffic for all Istio-managed services.
Pilot: Configures Istio deployments and propagate configuration to the other components of the system.
Mixer: Responsible for policy decisions and aggregating telemetry data from the other components in the
system using a flexible plugin architecture.
Citadel: Secures the service-to-service communication and provides a key management system to manage
keys and certificates.
Data Plane: Composed of a set of
intelligent proxies (Envoy) deployed as
sidecars. These proxies mediate and
control all network communication
between microservices along with Mixer,
a general-purpose policy and telemetry
Control Plane: Manages and configures
the proxies to route traffic. Additionally,
the control plane configures Mixers to
enforce policies and collect telemetry.
Cited from
• L7 proxy and communication
• Written in C++11
• Pluggable architecture (L3 and
• HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and gRPC
• Health checking
• L7 routing
• Advanced loadbalancer
• Dynamic configuration
• Metrics and tracing
• Battle tested at Lyft

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Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering is the practice of building and operating a common platform as a product for technology teams. In this session, we will talk about why and when we need a platform. How to build Platform Engineering and demo. Jirayut Nimsaeng Founder & CEO Opsta (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Youtube Record: Dev Mountain Tech Festival 2022 @ Khaoyai March 19, 2022

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Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!
Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!
Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!

Microservices and containers are now influencing application design and deployment patterns. Sixty percent of all new applications will use cloud-enabled continuous delivery microservice architectures and containers. Service discovery, registration, and routing are fundamental tenets of microservices. Kubernetes provides a platform for running microservices. Kubernetes can be used to automate the deployment of Microservices and leverage features such as Kube-DNS, Config Maps, and Ingress service for managing those microservices. This configuration works fine for deployments up to a certain size. However, with complex deployments consisting of a large fleet of microservices, additional features are required to augment Kubernetes.

Istio a service mesh
Istio   a service meshIstio   a service mesh
Istio a service mesh

Istio is an open platform for providing a service mesh on Kubernetes clusters. It consists of three main components: Envoy proxies that mediate service-to-service communication, Pilot that configures the proxies, and Mixer that enforces policies and collects telemetry data. Istio injects Envoy sidecar proxies into applications so they can provide features like load balancing, authentication, failure recovery, and observability without requiring code changes. This provides a way to manage microservices that is more robust and flexible than using an API gateway alone.

• Ingress
• Gateway: configures a load balancer (one or multiple FQDN) for HTTP/TCP
traffic at the edge of the mesh
• Inside mesh
• VirtualService: defines the rules that control how requests for a service (one
or multiple FQDN) are routed.
• DestinationRule: configures the set of policies (a set of instances) to be
applied to a request after VirtualService routing has occurred
• Egress
• ServiceEntry: commonly used to enable requests to services outside of an
Istio service mesh
• Maintain platform-agnostic
model of services in the
• Platform-specific adapter
implement platform specific
• Service discovery
• Ingress resource
• Rule definition
• Push configuration to Envoy
and apply without restarts
• Route to specific
version of service
• Route based on
request attribute
• …
Three versions of the service of reviews
• Route to existing version of
• Route part of the request to
new version of service
• Route all the request to the
new version of service
Three versions of the service of reviews

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AWS App Mesh (Service Mesh Magic)- AWS Container Day 2019 Barcelona

In this session, learn about how AWS App Mesh can help give you end-to-end visibility and manage traffic routing to ensure high availability for your microservice. We will cover what the need for a service mesh, capabilities of App Mesh, and show you a demo.

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An overview of the Kubernetes architecture
An overview of the Kubernetes architectureAn overview of the Kubernetes architecture
An overview of the Kubernetes architecture

This talk provides a 101 introdution to Kubernetes from a user point of view. Aimed at service providers, it was presented at the GPN Annual Meeting 2019.

Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SREMicroservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE

Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Testing Strategies for Microservices based Apps. Security Best Practices. Kanban, DevOps, and SRE. Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer - Circuit Breaker - Let-it-Crash Pattern Software Design Patterns - Hexagonal Architecture - Domain Driven Design - Event Sourcing and CQRS - Functional Reactive Programming

Cited from
• Collect metrics and logs emitted by
Envoys without instrumenting apps
• Provide a uniform abstraction
between application and infra
• Adapters in the Mixer normalize and
forward to backends (monitoring,
billing …)
• Trace flow of requests across
• Mixer is stateless with caching and
• Instrumentation
• Transport or agent
• Collector
• Storage
• API and UI
Zipkin has been replaced by Jaeger in Istio 0.8 and newer version
Application is required to collect and propagate the following headers from
the incoming request to any outgoing requests
• x-request-id
• x-b3-traceid
• x-b3-spanid
• x-b3-parentspanid
• x-b3-sampled
• x-b3-flags
• x-ot-span-context
• Generation of instances (in this example, metric values) from Istio attributes
• Creation of handlers (configured Mixer adapters) capable of processing generated
• Dispatch of instances to handlers according to a set of rules

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GitOps is IaC done right
GitOps is IaC done rightGitOps is IaC done right
GitOps is IaC done right

這次在 twMVC #40 的分享,延續九月於 iThome Cloud Edge Summit 2020 談過的 GitOps 內容,再更多補充了 IaC 的內容。 以下是原公布的講題簡介: 延續 DevOps、IaC、K8S⋯⋯等熱潮,下一個被人們熱烈討論的技術實踐會是什麼?在新一波浮出水面的關鍵字中,GitOps 會不會是下一個明日之星? 嚴格檢視 GitOps,它並不是一個全新的概念,而是延續在 DevOps + IaC + CI/CD 之上的技術實踐。在這場演講中,將會分享 GitOps 與 IaC 的愛恨情仇,原來 GitOps 的出現,其實是為了讓 IaC 能做得盡善盡美?

Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document summarizes an upcoming presentation on architecting microservices on AWS. The presentation will: - Review microservices architecture and how it differs from monolithic and service-oriented architectures. - Cover key microservices design principles like independent deployment of services that communicate via APIs and using the right tools for each job. - Provide example design patterns for implementing microservices on AWS using services like EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway and more. - Include a demo of microservices on AWS. - Conclude with a question and answer session.

cloud computingkd-singhaws pop-up loft san francisco
Why Microservice
Why Microservice Why Microservice
Why Microservice

A proper Microservice is designed for fast failure. Like other architectural style, microservices bring costs and benefits. Some development teams have found microservices architectural style to be a superior approach to a monolithic architecture. Other teams have found them to be a productivity-sapping burden. This material start with the basic what and why microservice, follow with the Felix example and the the successful strategies to develop microservice application.

devopsagilemicroservice architect
Need a management service to
• Secure microservices and their communication without instrumenting apps
• ID management
• Key/cert management
• Access control
• Key management system
• Automate key and certificate
generation for service account
• Distribute key/certs as kuberentes
• Rotate keys/certs periodically
• Revoke key/certs when required
• Self-signed (root) CA vs user
defined (root) CA
• Identity management
• Identify service by service account
in SPIFFE format
• Generate the config with proper information of key/certs and
secure naming information, and then pass to envoy
• Access control between
• Rule based by defining “Rule”
with “match”, “handler” and
• RBAC based by defining
“ServiceRole” with “action”,
and defining
“ServiceRoleBinding” with
“subject” and “roleRef”

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

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Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019
Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019
Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019

It's been two years since we introduced the Istio project to the Triangle Kubernetes Meetup group. This presentation will be a brief re-introduction of the Istio project, and a summary of the updates to the Istio project since its 1.0 release.

• Inject sidecar by leveraging MutatingAdmissionWebhook
• Manage policy and configuration by leveraging Custom Resource Definitions
• Identify account by leveraging Service Account and Secret
• Identify service by leveraging Service Discovery
• 1 vCPU per peak thousand requests per second for the sidecar(s) with access
logging (which is on by default) and 0.5 without, fluentd on the node is a big
contributor to that cost as it captures and uploads logs.
• Assuming typical cache hit ratio (>80%) for mixer checks: 0.5 vCPU per peak
thousand requests per second for the mixer pods.
• Latency cost/overhead is approximately 10 millisecond for service-to-service (2
proxies involved, mixer telemetry and checks) as of 0.7.1, we expect to bring
this down to a low single digit ms.
• mTLS costs are negligible on AES-NI (aes in /proc/cpuinfo) capable hardware
in terms of both CPU and latency.
‣ Web
‣ Twitter: @Istiomesh
‣ Github:
‣ Community Doc:
‣ Traffic management using Istio:
‣ Resiliency and fault-tolerance using Istio:
‣ Reliable application roll out and operations using Istio:
28IBM Cloud / © 2018 IBM Corporation

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Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18
Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18
Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18

This presentation was made by Mangesh Patankar (Developer Advocate - IBM Cloud) as part of Container Conference 2018: "How do we make microservices resilient and fault-tolerant? How do we enforce policy decisions, such as fine-grained access control and rate limits? How do we enable timeouts/retries, health checks, etc.? A service-mesh architecture attempts to resolve these issues by extracting the common resiliency features needed by a microservices framework away from the applications and frameworks and into the platform itself. Istio provides an easy way to create this service mesh."

service mesh

The document discusses Predix Cloud deployment models including DevOps, BizOps, Asset Services, Data Services, Analytics, Security, and User Account and Authentication (UAA). Key points include that Predix Cloud provides a scalable cloud infrastructure, supports industrial data and regulatory compliance, and uses software defined infrastructure. It also discusses Continuous Delivery pipelines, subscription and utility billing models, REST APIs and graph databases for asset services, and various data stores and ingestion methods. Security features like UAA and an access control service are highlighted.

ge predix
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...

Stefano discusses how to augment service mesh functionality with API management capabilities, so you can create an end-to-end solution for your entire business functionality — from microservices, to APIs, to end-user applications.

by WSO2
api managementservice meshmicroservices

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ISTIO Deep Dive

  • 1. IBM Cloud / © 2018 IBM Corporation ISTIO A service mesh for microservices at scale Yong Feng – ICP STSM
  • 2. 1. Microservices Architecture ▸The Problem Space & Challenges 2. ISTIO ▸What Is It? ▸Architecture Overview 3. Demo AGENDA
  • 3. An engineering approach focused on decomposing an application into single function modules with well defined interfaces which are independently deployed and operated by a small team who owns the entire lifecycle of the service. UI DB DB DB Micro service Micro service Micro service Micro service Micro service MICROSERVICES ARCHITECTURE
  • 4. Improved delivery velocity in exchange for increased operational complexity. Containers and Kubernetes are great enablers to these design goals: clean packaging, rapid deployment, consistency, reliability & scalability This is the reality of microservices implementation at scale. Kubernetes and containers in of themselves does not address these complexity challenges Hailo microservices Cited from a-microservice-world-a714992d2841 THE TRADE OFF
  • 5. • Applications aren’t running in green-field environments • Challenges in the network in between the Services • Network layer is hard to manage • Tooling is nascent MICROSERVICES ARE HARD
  • 6. Things to consider • Security • Canary deployments • A/B testing • Circuit breaking • Rate limiting • Fault injection • Tracing • Monitoring • Many more….
  • 7. It’s doable, but… It will require a lot of coding
  • 8. Service Mesh A dedicated infrastructure layer for managing service- to-service communication to make it manageable, visible and controlled A Control Plane & Network Overlay in between the Services
  • 9. Istio A service mesh designed to connect, manage and secure micro services. Using Open Source & Open Standards (Joint project between IBM, Google, Lyft & others) With Zero Application Code Changes
  • 10. Traffic management ▸A/B tests, Canary Releases, Red/Black deployments, Circuit Breaker, Fault Injection Observability ▸Dependancies and traffic, Distributed Tracing, Performance metrics Security ▸Enterprise access policy, Security policy, Certification management MAIN FEATURES
  • 11. Proxy: Based on Envoy, mediates inbound and outbound traffic for all Istio-managed services. Pilot: Configures Istio deployments and propagate configuration to the other components of the system. Mixer: Responsible for policy decisions and aggregating telemetry data from the other components in the system using a flexible plugin architecture. Citadel: Secures the service-to-service communication and provides a key management system to manage keys and certificates. Data Plane: Composed of a set of intelligent proxies (Envoy) deployed as sidecars. These proxies mediate and control all network communication between microservices along with Mixer, a general-purpose policy and telemetry hub. Control Plane: Manages and configures the proxies to route traffic. Additionally, the control plane configures Mixers to enforce policies and collect telemetry. ISTIO CONCEPTS
  • 12. Cited from • L7 proxy and communication bus • Written in C++11 • Pluggable architecture (L3 and L7) • HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and gRPC • Health checking • L7 routing • Advanced loadbalancer • Dynamic configuration • Metrics and tracing • Battle tested at Lyft ENVOY SIDE CAR TECHNOLOGY OF CHOICE
  • 13. • Ingress • Gateway: configures a load balancer (one or multiple FQDN) for HTTP/TCP traffic at the edge of the mesh • Inside mesh • VirtualService: defines the rules that control how requests for a service (one or multiple FQDN) are routed. • DestinationRule: configures the set of policies (a set of instances) to be applied to a request after VirtualService routing has occurred • Egress • ServiceEntry: commonly used to enable requests to services outside of an Istio service mesh ROUTING CONTROL
  • 14. • Maintain platform-agnostic model of services in the mesh • Platform-specific adapter implement platform specific logic • Service discovery • Ingress resource • Rule definition • Push configuration to Envoy and apply without restarts TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT - PILOT
  • 15. • Route to specific version of service • Route based on request attribute • … Three versions of the service of reviews TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT REQUEST ROUTE (DEMO)
  • 16. • Route to existing version of service • Route part of the request to new version of service • Route all the request to the new version of service Three versions of the service of reviews TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC SHIFT (DEMO)
  • 17. Cited from • Collect metrics and logs emitted by Envoys without instrumenting apps • Provide a uniform abstraction between application and infra backend • Adapters in the Mixer normalize and forward to backends (monitoring, billing …) • Trace flow of requests across services • Mixer is stateless with caching and buffering OBSERVABILITY - MIXER
  • 18. • Instrumentation • Transport or agent • Collector • Storage • API and UI OBSERVABILITY TRACING WITH ZIPKIN AND JAEGER
  • 19. Zipkin has been replaced by Jaeger in Istio 0.8 and newer version Application is required to collect and propagate the following headers from the incoming request to any outgoing requests • x-request-id • x-b3-traceid • x-b3-spanid • x-b3-parentspanid • x-b3-sampled • x-b3-flags • x-ot-span-context OBSERVABILITY TRACING WITH ZIPKIN AND JAEGER (DEMO)
  • 20. • Generation of instances (in this example, metric values) from Istio attributes • Creation of handlers (configured Mixer adapters) capable of processing generated instances • Dispatch of instances to handlers according to a set of rules OBSERVABILITY METRICS WITH MIXER + PROMETHEUS (DEMO)
  • 21. Need a management service to • Secure microservices and their communication without instrumenting apps • ID management • Key/cert management • Access control SECURITY
  • 22. • Key management system • Automate key and certificate generation for service account • Distribute key/certs as kuberentes secret • Rotate keys/certs periodically • Revoke key/certs when required • Self-signed (root) CA vs user defined (root) CA • Identity management • Identify service by service account in SPIFFE format “spiffe://<domain>/ns/<namespace>/sa/<serviceaccount >” SECURITY CERT MANAGEMENT - CITADEL
  • 23. • Generate the config with proper information of key/certs and secure naming information, and then pass to envoy SECURITY ID MANAGEMENT - PILOT
  • 24. • Access control between services • Rule based by defining “Rule” with “match”, “handler” and “instance” • RBAC based by defining “ServiceRole” with “action”, and defining “ServiceRoleBinding” with “subject” and “roleRef” SECURITY ACCESS CONTROL - PILOT
  • 25. • Inject sidecar by leveraging MutatingAdmissionWebhook • Manage policy and configuration by leveraging Custom Resource Definitions • Identify account by leveraging Service Account and Secret • Identify service by leveraging Service Discovery KUBERNETES INTEGRATION
  • 26. • 1 vCPU per peak thousand requests per second for the sidecar(s) with access logging (which is on by default) and 0.5 without, fluentd on the node is a big contributor to that cost as it captures and uploads logs. • Assuming typical cache hit ratio (>80%) for mixer checks: 0.5 vCPU per peak thousand requests per second for the mixer pods. • Latency cost/overhead is approximately 10 millisecond for service-to-service (2 proxies involved, mixer telemetry and checks) as of 0.7.1, we expect to bring this down to a low single digit ms. • mTLS costs are negligible on AES-NI (aes in /proc/cpuinfo) capable hardware in terms of both CPU and latency. PERFORMANCE AND SCALABILITY
  • 27. ‣ Web ‣ Twitter: @Istiomesh ‣ Github: ‣ Community Doc: ‣ Traffic management using Istio: ‣ Resiliency and fault-tolerance using Istio: ‣ Reliable application roll out and operations using Istio: USEFUL LINKS
  • 28. 28IBM Cloud / © 2018 IBM Corporation

Editor's Notes

  1. Thing to keep in mind It’s not about technology. It’s about people, processes and culture
  2. Docker
  3. IBM’s Amalgam8 project is a unified service mesh that provides a traffic routing fabric with a programmable control plane to help internal and enterprise customers with A/B testing, canary releases, and to systematically test the resilience of services against failures. Google’s Service Control provides a service mesh with a control plane that focuses on enforcing policies such as ACLs, rate limits, and authentication in addition to gathering telemetry data from various services and proxies. Lyft developed the Envoy proxy to aid its microservices journey, which brought the company from a monolithic app to a production system spanning 10,000 or more VMs handling 100 or more microservices.
  4. ISTIO delivers the needed functions for inflight changes, improved resiliency and policy enforcement.
  5. ISTIO delivers the needed functions for inflight changes, improved resiliency and policy enforcement.
  6. Inbound: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-port ${ISTIO_PROXY_PORT} Outbound: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j REDIRECT ! -s \ --to-port ${ISTIO_PROXY_PORT} -m owner '!' --uid-owner ${ISTIO_PROXY_UID}
  8. ISTIO delivers the needed functions for inflight changes, improved resiliency and policy enforcement.
  11. Mixer collects metrics emitted by Envoys Adapters in the Mixer normalize and forward to backends (monitoring, billing …) Metrics backend can be swapped at runtime Mixer is stateless with caching and buffering Mixer as an intermediation layer allows operators to have fine-grained control over all interactions
  13. mixer/pkg/runtime/dispatcher/ pkg/tracing
  14. Citadel: Key management system Automate key and certificate generation for service account Distribute key/certs as kuberentes secret Rotate keys/certs periodically Revoke key/certs when required Self-signed (root) CA vs user defined (root) CA Identity management Identify service by service account in SPIFFE format “spiffe://<domain>/ns/<namespace>/sa/<serviceaccount>” Pilot: Generate the config with proper information of key/certs and secure naming information, and then pass to envoy Access control between services Rule based by defining “Rule” with “match”, “handler” and “instance” RBAC based by defining “ServiceRole” with “action”, and defining “ServiceRoleBinding” with “subject” and “roleRef”