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Supercharging tutorials
with WebAssembly
Robert Aboukhalil
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
WebAssembly Containers
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Future of Web Apps: Google Gears
Future of Web Apps: Google GearsFuture of Web Apps: Google Gears
Future of Web Apps: Google Gears

Dion Almaer's talk on Google Gears and taking your apps offline, given at the Future of Web Apps conference 2007.

by dion
Nodejs - A quick tour (v6)
Nodejs - A quick tour (v6)Nodejs - A quick tour (v6)
Nodejs - A quick tour (v6)

This document provides an overview and introduction to Node.js. It discusses that Node.js is a platform for building scalable network applications using JavaScript and uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js allows building web servers, networking tools and real-time applications easily and efficiently by handling concurrent connections without threads. Some popular frameworks and modules built on Node.js are also mentioned such as Express.js, Socket.IO and over 1600 modules in the npm registry.

nodejs javascript js
Why Nodejs Guilin Shanghai
Why Nodejs Guilin ShanghaiWhy Nodejs Guilin Shanghai
Why Nodejs Guilin Shanghai

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. The document discusses why Node.js uses an asynchronous and non-blocking model, why JavaScript was chosen as the language, and why the V8 engine is fast. It also explains why Node.js is threadless and memory efficient. Finally, it notes that the Node.js community is very active and creative.

What is WebAssembly?
• Compilation target for C/C++/Rust/…
char * hello() {
return "All Things Open";
(table 0 anyfunc)
(memory $0 1)
(data (i32.const 16) "All Things Open00")
(export "memory" (memory $0))
(export "hello" (func $hello))
(func $hello (; 0 ;) (result i32)
(i32.const 16)
WebAssembly Text (WAT)
💻 Code Reuse
Google Earth
⚡ Performance
TensorFlow.js 1Password
Cloudflare, Fastly
📦 Portability
Wasmtime, Wasmer
Node, Deno Wasm3

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Why Node.js
Why Node.jsWhy Node.js
Why Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. The document discusses why Node.js uses an asynchronous and non-blocking model, why JavaScript was chosen as the language, and why the V8 engine is fast. It also explains why Node.js is threadless and memory efficient. Finally, it notes that the Node.js community is very active and creative.

Embulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader
Embulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loaderEmbulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader
Embulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader

The document discusses Embulk, an open-source parallel bulk data loader that uses plugins. Embulk loads records from various sources ("A") to various targets ("B") using plugins for different source and target types. This makes the painful process of data integration more relaxed. Embulk executes in parallel, validates data, handles errors, behaves deterministically, and allows for idempotent retries of bulk loads.

NodeJS for Beginner
NodeJS for BeginnerNodeJS for Beginner
NodeJS for Beginner

This document provides an introduction to NodeJS for beginners. It discusses what NodeJS is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, and how to set up NodeJS. It also covers global objects, modules, asynchronous vs synchronous code, core NodeJS modules like filesystem and events, and how to create a basic "Hello World" NodeJS application.

non blocking i/ojavascriptv8 engine
How to get started
Compile C/C++ → WebAssembly
gcc → emcc
g++ → em++
ar → emar
make → emmake
cmake → emcmake
configure → emconfigure
$ emcc seqtk.c 
-o seqtk.wasm 
$ gcc seqtk.c 
-o seqtk 
./seqtk fqchk data.fastq Module.callMain(["fqchk", "data.fastq"])
# Compile grep to WebAssembly
$ ./bootstrap
$ sed -i 's|if ${gl_cv_func_sleep_works+:} false|if true|g' configure
$ sed -i 's|if ${ac_cv_search_nanosleep+:} false|if true|g' configure
$ sed -i 's|if ${gl_cv_func_nanosleep+:} false|if true|g' configure
$ sed -i 's/getprogname ()/"grep"/g' src/grep.c
$ emconfigure ./configure --disable-nls
$ emmake make all -k 
-s ENVIRONMENT="web,worker"
It's not always that easy…
Speaking of which…

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Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

Presentation on how Meetup tackles web performance. Given on: - Nov 17th, 2009 for the NY Web Performance Group ( - Jan 26th, 2010 for NYC Tech Talks Meetup Group (

Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

1. Meetup discussed optimizing the performance of their event details page by externalizing scripts, moving scripts to the bottom of the page, reducing requests, lazy loading scripts, and using event delegation. 2. These changes reduced the page load time by 27% from 6.321 seconds to 4.643 seconds and reduced javascript requests by 50%. 3. Meetup also optimized static content serving by versioning, compressing, caching resources and using a CDN to improve performance further.

Introduction to REST API with Node.js
Introduction to REST API with Node.jsIntroduction to REST API with Node.js
Introduction to REST API with Node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js and Mongoose. It discusses that Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine for building fast and scalable network applications. It then summarizes key aspects of Node.js like its architecture, core modules, use of packages, and creating simple modules. It also introduces Express as a web framework and Mongoose as an ORM for MongoDB, summarizing their basic usage and schemas.

Tools for data-intensive apps
• Use WebWorkers to run JS/WebAssembly in separate threads
• Shared memory with SharedArrayBuffer
• SIMD = Single Instruction Multiple Data
• Support for 128-bit SIMD
• Example: Add 32-bit integers
32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer
32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer
Test drive
Source: WebAssembly and SIMD: A match made in the browser
WebAssembly without SIMD
WebAssembly + SIMD

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Retrofitting Continuous Delivery
Retrofitting Continuous Delivery Retrofitting Continuous Delivery
Retrofitting Continuous Delivery

This document describes Alan's journey to implement continuous delivery practices at Betterment through a DevOps transformation in three phases: Phase 1 focused on fixing issues with their initial infrastructure including slow builds, lack of automation, and fragile deployments. Phase 2 added practices like infrastructure as code and continuous integration to automate workflows. Phase 3 aims to scale innovation by having product teams adopt DevOps practices from the start so new features are delivered continuously without slowing down development. The transformation progressed from fixing problems to empowering teams to move fast through automated delivery pipelines.

node.js: Javascript's in your backend
node.js: Javascript's in your backendnode.js: Javascript's in your backend
node.js: Javascript's in your backend

The document is a presentation about Node.js, a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It discusses how Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it particularly suited for real-time web applications and I/O-intensive applications compared to traditional threaded server models. It provides examples of Node.js features like asynchronous I/O, event loops, modules and the npm package manager.

Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013
Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013
Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013

The document summarizes a hands-on web performance workshop. It discusses tools and techniques that will be covered, including live analysis of websites. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and suggest sites to test. Various tools for performance testing like PhantomJS, Phantomas, and WebPageTest are introduced. The workshop also discusses integrating performance tests with TAP and Jenkins. Additional topics include processing performance data in R, looking at live sites, issues like unnecessary repainting, and lessons learned in web performance optimization.

web performance
When not to use WebAssembly
When not to use WebAssembly
Too little or too much computation (in the browser)
Frontend UI
long running
Sweet Spot: audio/video processing, gaming, simulations, playgrounds, etc.
When not to use WebAssembly
Pre-compiled tools are available
When not to use WebAssembly
Trying to replace containers
Sweet Spot: safely running user-provided code, serverless functions

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Intro to node and mongodb 1
Intro to node and mongodb   1Intro to node and mongodb   1
Intro to node and mongodb 1

This document introduces Node.js and provides an overview of its key features and use cases. Some main points: - Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows building scalable network applications easily. It is not a web framework but you can build web frameworks with Node.js modules. - Node.js is well-suited for building web servers, TCP servers, command line tools, and anything involving high I/O due to its non-blocking I/O model. It has over 15,000 modules and an active community for support. - Common use cases include building JSON APIs, single page apps, leveraging existing Unix tools via child processes, streaming

node.js mongodb
Advanced iOS Build Mechanics, Sebastien Pouliot
Advanced iOS Build Mechanics, Sebastien PouliotAdvanced iOS Build Mechanics, Sebastien Pouliot
Advanced iOS Build Mechanics, Sebastien Pouliot

The document discusses techniques for improving iOS application build performance and reducing executable size in Xamarin applications. It recommends measuring build times, optimizing for the iOS simulator by avoiding rebuilds and file copying, and optimizing for iOS devices by partially linking assemblies, using the LinkerSafe attribute, and leveraging SmartLink and automatic bindings optimizations. Building configurations and deployment tradeoffs are also covered.

evolve 2013xamarin
Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet
Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yetServer Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet
Server Side JavaScript - You ain't seen nothing yet

This document discusses using JavaScript on the server side with Node.js and the YUI framework. It begins by explaining why server-side JavaScript is useful and discusses JavaScript runtimes like V8, SpiderMonkey, and Rhino. It then covers Node.js, CommonJS frameworks, and how to use YUI modules on the server by enabling YUI's module loader. Examples are provided for accessing remote data, rendering HTML on the server, and implementing progressive enhancement.

Learn more @
PerfMatters 2019 WasmSF Meetup 2019 Crossing the Wasm Chasm
Share feedback in the EventMobi app

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Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly

  • 5. What is WebAssembly? • Compilation target for C/C++/Rust/… WebAssembly HTML CSS JavaScript char * hello() { return "All Things Open"; } (module (table 0 anyfunc) (memory $0 1) (data (i32.const 16) "All Things Open00") (export "memory" (memory $0)) (export "hello" (func $hello)) (func $hello (; 0 ;) (result i32) (i32.const 16) ) ) WebAssembly Text (WAT) 🖥 Browser
  • 9. How to get started Compile C/C++ → WebAssembly gcc → emcc g++ → em++ ar → emar make → emmake cmake → emcmake configure → emconfigure
  • 10. Emscripten $ emcc seqtk.c -o seqtk.wasm -O2 -lm -s USE_ZLIB=1 $ gcc seqtk.c -o seqtk -O2 -lm –lz ./seqtk fqchk data.fastq Module.callMain(["fqchk", "data.fastq"])
  • 11. # Compile grep to WebAssembly $ ./bootstrap $ sed -i 's|if ${gl_cv_func_sleep_works+:} false|if true|g' configure $ sed -i 's|if ${ac_cv_search_nanosleep+:} false|if true|g' configure $ sed -i 's|if ${gl_cv_func_nanosleep+:} false|if true|g' configure $ sed -i 's/getprogname ()/"grep"/g' src/grep.c $ emconfigure ./configure --disable-nls $ emmake make all -k CC=emcc WERROR_CFLAGS="" EXEEXT=.js CFLAGS="-O2 -s USE_ZLIB=1 -s INVOKE_RUN=0 -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["callMain","FS","WORKERFS"] -s MODULARIZE=1 -s ENVIRONMENT="web,worker" -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0" -lworkerfs.js It's not always that easy…
  • 14. Threads • Use WebWorkers to run JS/WebAssembly in separate threads • Shared memory with SharedArrayBuffer
  • 15. SIMD • SIMD = Single Instruction Multiple Data • Support for 128-bit SIMD • Example: Add 32-bit integers 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer 32-bit integer
  • 16. Test drive Source: WebAssembly and SIMD: A match made in the browser WebAssembly without SIMD WebAssembly + SIMD Native
  • 17. When not to use WebAssembly
  • 18. When not to use WebAssembly Too little or too much computation (in the browser) Frontend UI High-CPU, high-RAM, long running analysis Sweet Spot: audio/video processing, gaming, simulations, playgrounds, etc.
  • 19. When not to use WebAssembly Pre-compiled tools are available biowasm ffmpeg.wasm
  • 20. When not to use WebAssembly Trying to replace containers Sweet Spot: safely running user-provided code, serverless functions
  • 21. Learn more @ PerfMatters 2019 WasmSF Meetup 2019 Crossing the Wasm Chasm Share feedback in the EventMobi app