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Total ReDoS: The dangers
of regex in JavaScript
Phil Nash
Developer Advocate for Sonar
Phil Nash
Motivation: ReDoS

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How to Write & Deploy a Smart Contract
How to Write & Deploy a Smart ContractHow to Write & Deploy a Smart Contract
How to Write & Deploy a Smart Contract

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Anastasia Lalamentik - Kaleido Title: How to Write & Deploy a Smart Contract Abstract: In this talk, Anastasia Lalamentik, Full Stack Engineer at Kaleido, will walk through how Ethereum smart contracts work and go over related concepts like gas fees, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), the block explorer, and the Solidity programming language. This is vital to anyone who wants to build a blockchain app and is a great introduction to blockchain technology for newcomers to the space. By the end of the talk, attendees will better understand how to: - Write a simple smart contract - Deploy their smart contract to an Ethereum test network through the latest tools like Hardhat and the MetaMask wallet - Test interactions with their deployed smart contract and ensure that everything is working properly Additionally, participants will get to interact with Anastasia's deployed smart contract at the end of the talk. Anastasia’s past talks have attracted and have been attended by a diverse group of participants with a range of experience in the space. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
 Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Paul Brebner - Instaclustr (by Spot by NetApp) Title: Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Abstract: In this talk we’ll build a Drone delivery application, and then use it to do some Machine Learning “on the fly”. In the 1st part of the talk, we'll build a real-time Drone Delivery demonstration application using a combination of two open-source technologies: Uber’s Cadence (for stateful, scheduled, long-running workflows), and Apache Kafka (for fast streaming data). With up to 2,000 (simulated) drones and deliveries in progress at once this application generates a vast flow of spatio-temporal data. In the 2nd part of the talk, we'll use this platform to explore Machine Learning (ML) over streaming and drifting Kafka data with TensorFlow to try and predict which shops will be busy in advance. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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DEI Challenges and Success
DEI Challenges and SuccessDEI Challenges and Success
DEI Challenges and Success

Presented at the All Things Open 2023 Inclusion and Diversity in Open Source Event Presented by Efraim Marquez-Arreaza - Red Hat Title: DEI Challenges and Success Abstract: In today's world, many companies and organizations have Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) communities. Red Hat Unidos is a DEI community focused on advocating for the Hispanic/Latine community. In this talk, we would like to share our challenges and success during the past 4-years and plans for the future. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Jamie Zawinski
Some people, when confronted with a
problem, think "I know, I'll use regular
Now they have two problems.
Backtracking and
Catastrophic Backtracking

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Scaling Web Applications with Background
Scaling Web Applications with BackgroundScaling Web Applications with Background
Scaling Web Applications with Background

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Lydia Cupery - HubSpot Title: Scaling Web Applications with Background Jobs: Takeaways from Generating a Huge PDF Abstract: Do you need to perform time-consuming or CPU-intensive processes in your web application but are concerned about performance? That’s where background jobs come in. By offloading resource-intensive tasks to separate worker processes, you can improve the scalability of your web application. In this talk, I'll share my experience of using background jobs to scale our web application. I'll discuss the challenges my team faced that led us to adopt background jobs. Then, I'll share practical tips on how to design background jobs for CPU-intensive or time-consuming processes, such as generating huge PDFs and batch emailing. I'll wrap up by going over the performance and cost tradeoffs of background jobs. I'll use Typescript, Express, and Heroku as examples in this talk, but the concepts and best practices that I'll share are applicable to other languages and tools. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssemblySupercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Robert Aboukhalil - CZI Title: Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly Abstract: is a free platform that features interactive command-line tutorials for bioinformatics. This talk is a deep-dive into how was built, with a focus on how WebAssembly enabled bringing command-line tools like awk and grep to the web. Although these tools were originally written in C/C++, they all run directly in the browser, thanks to WebAssembly! And since the computations run on each user's computer, this makes the application highly scalable and cost-effective. Along the way, I'll discuss how WebAssembly works and how to get started using it in your own applications. The talk will also cover more advanced WebAssembly features such as threads and SIMD, and will end with a discussion of WebAssembly's benefits and pitfalls (it's a powerful technology, but it's not always the right tool!). Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks
Using SQL to Find Needles in HaystacksUsing SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks
Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by K.S. Bhaskar - YottaDB LLC Title: Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks Abstract: Database journal files capture every update to a database. A database of a few hundred GB can generate GBs worth of journal files every minute at busy times. Troubleshooting and forensices, especially of rare and intermittent problems, such as which process made what update and when, is an exercise of finding needles in haystacks. A similar problem exists with syslogs. A solution is to load the journal files and syslogs into a database, and use SQL to query the database. Bhaskar will present and demonstrate this with a 100% FOSS stack. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Backtrack Overflow
/ /
Backtrack Overflow

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Configuration Security as a Game of Pursuit Intercept
Configuration Security as a Game of Pursuit InterceptConfiguration Security as a Game of Pursuit Intercept
Configuration Security as a Game of Pursuit Intercept

The document discusses configuration security as a game of pursuit-evasion and intercept. It was presented by Wes Widner, Principal Engineer at Automox. The document includes a JSON policy snippet with an ID, statement, actions, effects, resources, and principal allowing the GetObject action on all objects in an S3 bucket for all principals. It has page numbers at the bottom indicating it is from a larger presentation.

all things openato2023open source
Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program
Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship ProgramScaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program
Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Carol Huang & Mike Fix - Stripe Title: Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program Abstract: ​​We already know this: the open-source ecosystem needs further monetary investment from the companies that benefit most from it. Likewise, companies say they want to participate in these initiatives, but find it hard to dedicate resources to open source funding when there isn’t a clear ROI. This talk discusses how the Open Source Program Office at Stripe built a scalable, sustainable open source sponsorship model that aligns internal company incentives with those of open source maintainers and the community at large. We go over the unique “platformization” of our OSPO that allowed us to create multiple funding models, such as BYOB (Bring Your Own Budget), and share lessons learned from this experience as well as other OSPOs. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source
Build Developer Experience Teams for Open SourceBuild Developer Experience Teams for Open Source
Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Arundeep Nagaraj - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Title: Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source Abstract: Open Source has become the default strategy for many IT organizations and Enterprises. However, the constant challenge with Open Source leaders of these organizations has been - How is my product's developer experience? Is this the right metric to track? How can I scale my team to support our products better? How can I add automation to scale redundant workflows? If my product involves working with developers, how can I scale to the complexity of the requests and reduce Engineering bandwidth? The challenges within support of open source products continues to magnify depending on the end user persona whether they are consumers or contributors to your product. Consumers utilize your product, SDK's and API's and are blocked with using it or run into issues, whereas contributors are advanced users of your software that understands the codebase to provide a meaningful contribution back to the product. The answer to the above is to look at Open Source support as a first-class citizen of your corporate support strategy. To employ the right level of developer focused support as opposed to traditional infrastructure based support is key to scale to the amount of developers using your product. Supporting customers in the open involves more than pure support - building customer / developer experiences (DX) in the open (across platforms and communities) that pivots over the ability of your product's users or developers to be focused on the end-to-end value add. This helps with your active developer growth and retention of users. Key Takeaways: - IT leaders of Open Source will learn to employ strategies to build a DX team that engages on multiple platforms - Work on identifying accurate metrics for product and organization - Innovate on platforms such as Discord to build a bot and a dashboard - Ability to leverage customer feedback and iterate over the customer success flywheel - Distinguish between DX and Developer Advocacy (DA) Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Backtrack Overflow
/a+$/.test("aaaaab") // => false
Backtrack Overflow
"aaaaab" => 22 steps
"aaaaaab" => 29 steps
"aaaaaaab" => 37 steps
20,000 characters => 200,000,000 steps
34 minute outage
const parts = header.trim().split(/s*,s*/);
for (const part of parts) {
const [k, v] = part.split(/s*=s*/, 2);
cc[k] = v === undefined ? true : v.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');

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Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam
Deploying Models at Scale with Apache BeamDeploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam
Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Danny McCormick - Google Title: Deploying Models at Scale with Apache Beam Abstract: Apache Beam is an open source tool for building distributed scalable data pipelines. This talk will explore how Beam can be used to perform common machine learning tasks, with a heavy focus on running inference at scale. The talk will include a demo component showing how Beam can be used to deploy and update models efficiently on both CPUs and GPUs for inference workloads. An attendee can expect to leave this talk with a high level understanding of Beam, the challenges of deploying models at scale, and the ability to use Beam to easily parallelize their inference workloads. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Sudo – Giving access while staying in control
Sudo – Giving access while staying in controlSudo – Giving access while staying in control
Sudo – Giving access while staying in control

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Peter Czanik - One Identity Title: Sudo – Giving access while staying in control Abstract: Sudo is used by millions to control and log administrator access to systems, but using the default configuration only, there are plenty of blind spots. Using the latest features in sudo let you watch some previously blind spots and control access to them. Here are four major new features, which arrived since the 1.9.0 release, allowing you see your blind spots: - configuring a working directory or chroot within sudo often makes full shell access redundant - JSON-formatted logs give you more details on events and are easier to act on - relays in sudo_logsrvd make session recording collection more secure and reliable - you can log and control sub-commands executed by the command run through sudo Let us take a closer look at each of these. Previously, there were quite a few situations where you had to give users full shell access through sudo. Typical examples include when you need to run a command from a given directory, or running commands in a chroot environment. You can now configure the working directory or the chroot directory and give access only to the command the user really needs. Logging is a central role of sudo, to see who did what on the system. Using JSON-formatted log messages gives you even more information about events. What is even more: structured logs are easier to act on. Setting up alerting for suspicious events is much easier when you have a single parser to configure for any kind of sudo logs. You can collect sudo logs not only by local syslog, but also by using sudo_logsrvd, the same application used to collect session recordings. Speaking of session recordings: instead of using a single central server, you can now have multiple levels of sudo_logsrvd relays between the client and the final destination. This allows session collection even if the central server is unavailable, providing you with additional security. It also makes your network configuration simpler. Finally, you can log sub-commands executed from the command started through sudo. You can see commands started from a shell. No more unnoticed shell access from text editors. Best of all: you can also intercept sub-commands. These are just a few of the most prominent features helping you to watch and control previous blind spots on your systems. See these and other possibilities in action in some live demos during our presentation. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications
Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML ApplicationsFortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications
Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Christine Abernathy - F5, Inc. Title: Fortifying the Future: Tackling Security Challenges in AI/ML Applications Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications continue to surge, it is crucial to be aware of and address the security risks associated with these technologies. In this talk, Christine will explore AI/ML failure modes, threats, and mitigation strategies. She will guide you through the fundamentals of ML models then introduce you to key security challenges such as adversarial attacks, data poisoning, model inversion, model stealing, and membership inference attacks, using real-world examples to demonstrate their potential impact. Christine will also discuss privacy and ethical considerations in ML, touching upon techniques like federated learning and shedding light on the current regulatory landscape surrounding security risks. If you are developing AI/ML applications or incorporating AI/ML components into your technology stack, check out this talk. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of the current AI/ML security landscape and a toolkit to help you address these risks, enabling you to build safer, more secure, and privacy-aware applications. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openopen sourceato2023
How to fix it
Limit the regular expression
...or limit the size of the string
Avoid regular expressions
const parts = header.trim().split(/,/);
for (const part of parts) {
const [k, v] = part.split(/=/, 2);
cc[k.trim()] = v === undefined ? true : v.trim().replace(/^"|"$/g, '')

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Securing Cloud Resources Deployed with Control Planes on Kubernetes using Gov...
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Securing Cloud Resources Deployed with Control Planes on Kubernetes using Gov...

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Carlos Santana - AWS Title: Securing Cloud Resources Deployed with Control Planes on Kubernetes using Governance and Policy as Code Abstract: Are you concerned about the security of your cloud resources deployed on Kubernetes? Are you struggling to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements while managing your cloud infrastructure? If yes, then this talk is for you! We will discuss how to secure cloud resources deployed with Crossplane on Kubernetes using Governance and Policy as Code. We will explore how to leverage Governance and Policy as Code tools like Rego, Kyverno, and OPA to ensure security and compliance. By the end of this talk, you will have a better understanding of the challenges associated with securing cloud resources deployed with Crossplane or ACK on Kubernetes, the importance of Governance and Policy as Code in ensuring security and compliance, and why it is critical to use open source and open standards in these technologies. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Building AlmaLinux OS without RHEL sources code
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by benny Vasquez - AlmaLinux OS Foundation Title: Building AlmaLinux OS without RHEL sources code Abstract: AlmaLinux OS has historically been built to be an exact copy of RHEL, using RHEL's provided resources. With RedHat's shift away from sharing the full building blocks on, the AlmaLinux team has been hard at work to find a new, reliable path forward. Come hear about what we've been doing since June, and what we're planning for the future. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023benny vasquez
Open Source evaluation: A comprehensive guide on what you are using
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Open Source evaluation: A comprehensive guide on what you are using

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Viral Chhasatia & Karan Marjara - Amazon Title: Open Source evaluation: A comprehensive guide on what you are using Abstract: What happens if an open source package your service relies on changes direction or shuts down? This talk provides a step-by-step approach that enables users to thoroughly assess open source software risks and rewards before making a final decision to use it in your product or service. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
/ /

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System Design on Easy Mode
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Loren Sands-Ramshaw - Temporal Title: System Design on Easy Mode Abstract: You know those system design questions you get when interviewing for senior or staff eng roles? I love them. And while I won't solve them all for you, I will teach you an easy way to solve a large class of them. I'll take you through a whirlwind of distributed systems patterns like event-driven architecture, choreography & orchestration, task queues, sagas, circuit breakers, and transactional outboxes, and I'll explain how each is either trivial or unnecessary to implement when we use a new programming primitive called durable execution. We're used to working with volatile execution—the process running our code could die at any time, perhaps due to a crash or pod rotation—and it turns out that has a large impact on how we program and design systems. But what if we had functions that couldn't fail and could run forever? It might sound like magic, but it's not. It's durable execution, and it's a huge DX improvement in reliable backend programming. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
Introduction to GitHub Copilot
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Introduction to GitHub Copilot

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Brent Laster - SAS and Tech Skills Transformations LLC Title: Introduction to GitHub Copilot Abstract: Learn about the future of coding with this presentation, "Introduction to GitHub Copilot." Join author, speaker, and DevOps director Brent Laster as we discuss the GitHub coding assistant that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to augment your development activities. In this session, we'll delve into the core features of GitHub Copilot, explaining what it is, and learning about its ability to generate code snippets, autocompletions, and even entire functions across a variety of programming languages. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

all things openato2023open source
DealBook of Ukraine: 2024 edition
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One of:
“)” “;”
group #1
white space
any character any character “=” any character
27 minutes of

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Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyActive Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Active Inference is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Not so much to say

Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
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Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides

If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

Superhuman and Zod
beaten by emails
/ @[^@]*/
/^ [A-Z0-9_+-]@.../i
([A-Z0-9_+-]+ )*
How to fix it

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx
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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

patentspatent applicationpatent prosecution
Refactor nested qualifiers
Avoid overlaps!
Overlapping disjunctions: (a|ab)+
Consecutive patterns: .*.*
Hidden consecutive patterns: .*=?.*
Refactor overlaps
(.+.) ([^.]+.)
Refactor overlaps
/("[^"]*"| )*@([^@]*)/
=> /("[^"]*"| )*@([^@]*)/
Atomic groups
Are not a feature in JavaScript.

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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

pigging solutionsprocess piggingproduct transfers
The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing
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Fake atomic groups
/^ localhost$/
(?= )
((.+.)*) 1
Avoid regular expressions
node-fetch replaced
if (/^(.+.)*localhost$/.test( {
if ( === 'localhost' ||'.localhost')) {
Use a different engine
Discovering ReDoS issues

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Thank you

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