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Deep dive into
Kubernetes Networking
Sreenivas Makam
Partner Engineer @Google Cloud
@Container conference, 3rd Aug 2018
● Single pod networking
● Pod to pod Networking(East-West traffic)
● Service discovery and load balancing
● External access(North-South traffic)
● Network policy
● Istio service mesh
● Multi-cluster and hybrid cloud
● Best practises
● Small group of tightly-coupled
● Every pod has a unique IP
● Share same namespace and
● Share same lifecycle
● Use cases for multi-container pods -
Sidecars, proxies/adapters
Example: File puller & web server
Single Pod Networking

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Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive

Cilium is open source software for providing and transparently securing network connectivity and load balancing between application workloads such as application containers or processes. Cilium operates at Layer 3/4 to provide traditional networking and security services as well as Layer 7 to protect and secure use of modern application protocols such as HTTP, gRPC and Kafka. The foundation of Cilium is the new Linux kernel technology BPF which supports the dynamic insertion of BPF bytecode into the Linux kernel at various integration points. This presentation reveals the secrets of Kubernetes networking and gives you a deep dive into Cilium and why it is awesome!

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Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...

** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopskubernetesdevops edureka

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, a container orchestration system. It begins with background on Docker containers and orchestration tools prior to Kubernetes. It then covers key Kubernetes concepts including pods, labels, replication controllers, and services. Pods are the basic deployable unit in Kubernetes, while replication controllers ensure a specified number of pods are running. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. The document demonstrates how Kubernetes can be used to scale, upgrade, and rollback deployments through replication controllers and services.

Communication across pods in different nodes
Kubernetes supports different networking approaches to do pod networking
Plugins can be added using CNI
Type/Features L2 L3 Overlay Cloud
Summary Pods
using L2
Pod traffic is
routed in underlay
Pod traffic is
encapsulated and uses
underlay for reachability
Pod traffic is routed
in cloud virtual
L2 arp, broadcast Routing protocol
like BGP
VXLAN Pre-programmed
fabric using
controller(eg: GKE)
Encapsulation No double
No double
Double encapsulation No double
Examples Calico Flannel, Weave GKE, ACS, EKS
L2 approach
L3 approach
Overlay approach

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Presented as part of Container Conference 2018: Deep dive into Kubernetes networking "Container networking is pretty complex and Kubernetes has taken a unique approach to solve container networking challenges. Both simplicity and scalability have been key design principles of Kubernetes networking. This session will illustrate kubernetes networking concepts with examples and demos. Best practises and considerations for deploying container networks in production using Kubernetes will be covered. This session will also go into latest developments in Kubernetes networking like Network policy and Service policy using Istio."

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Kubernetes - introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It coordinates activities across a cluster of machines by defining basic building blocks like pods (which contain containers), replication controllers (which ensure a specified number of pods are running), and services (which define logical groups of pods). Kubernetes provides tools for running applications locally on a single node as well as managing resources in the cluster, including creating, deleting, viewing, and updating resources from configuration files.

kubernetestechnologysoftware development
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation SlidesKubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.

developmentprocesskubernetes concepts and architecture
● A service is a group of endpoints (usually pods)
grouped by selector
● Services provide a stable VIP (except Headless)
● VIP automatically routes to backend pods
● VIP to backend pod mapping is managed by
kube-proxy, implemented using iptables
Virtual IP
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: productpage
app: productpage
type: ClusterIP
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
● Service Discovery achieved by SkyDNS
● SkyDNS runs as a pod in the cluster
Service communication
● Service IP is accessible only from within the cluster
● Type “ClusterIP” is used for internal communication within the cluster
● Traffic sent to Service IP gets load balanced to pods that belong to service IP
● Source NAT is used for pods to communicate to external world
● IPtables are used extensively for load balancing and NAT
● Nodeport, Network load balancer and Ingress controller are service types for
external world to reach services inside the cluster.
Service external reachability options
Feature Nodeport Load balancer Ingress
Summary Service is exposed
using a reserved port in
all nodes of
Typically implemented
as network load
Typically implemented
as http load balancer
IP address Node IP is used for
external communication
Each service needs to
have own external IP
Many services can
share same external IP,
uses path based demux
Use Case Demo purposes L3 services L7 services
Examples GKE Network load
GKE http load balancer,
nginx, Istio

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An overview of the Kubernetes architecture
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An overview of the Kubernetes architecture

This talk provides a 101 introdution to Kubernetes from a user point of view. Aimed at service providers, it was presented at the GPN Annual Meeting 2019.

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Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

Kubernetes a comprehensive overview
Kubernetes   a comprehensive overviewKubernetes   a comprehensive overview
Kubernetes a comprehensive overview

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Its main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run the applications. It uses labels to identify pods and services and selectors to group related pods. Common concepts include deployments for updating apps, services for network access, persistent volumes for storage, and roles/bindings for access control. The deployment process involves the API server, controllers, scheduler and kubelet to reconcile the desired state and place pods on nodes from images while providing discovery and load balancing.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: productpage
app: productpage
type: NodePort
- port: 30000
targetPort: 9080
app: productpage
Load balancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: productpage
app: productpage
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
targetPort: 9080
app: productpage
Ingress apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: gateway
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080
- host:
- path: /productpage
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080
- path: /login
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080
- path: /*
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080
Network control policy
Controls communication between Pods and Services
● Traffic is by default allowed without network policy
● Kubernetes network policies are allow policies, there is no deny policy
● Empty pod selector selects all pods
● Ingress and egress rules are available to control traffic
● Traffic is allowed if atleast 1 policy allows traffic
● Network plugins like Calico, Weavenet support network policies. GKE uses

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Those are the slides that were used to give an introduction to Kubernetes at the Nardoz Berlin Meetup on the 2018-06-28.

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A basic introductory slide set on Kubernetes: What does Kubernetes do, what does Kubernetes not do, which terms are used (Containers, Pods, Services, Replica Sets, Deployments, etc...) and how basic interaction with a Kubernetes cluster is done.

Introduction to kubernetes
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Introduction to kubernetes

This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It first reviews what Docker is and its features like isolation and compatibility across platforms. It then explains that container orchestration is needed to manage thousands of containers across a cluster, ensure efficient resource use, and automate container lifecycles. Kubernetes is recommended because it is actively developed by major companies, makes scheduling and managing workloads easy through features like rolling updates, and has many extensions available.

Network control policy example1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: hello-allow-from-product
- Ingress
app: reviews
- from:
- podSelector:
app: productpage
Product Reviews
Details Ratings
Network control policy example2
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: hello-allow-from-product
- Ingress
app: reviews
ingress: []
Product Reviews
Details Ratings
Book review App
Istio is an open framework for connecting,
securing, managing and monitoring
Traffic control Observability Fault-injectionSecurity Hybrid cloud
What is Istio?
What can Istio do?

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OpenShift cloud technology high-level overview given at the Athens Area Software Developer Meet-up in Athens, Georgia, January 2014.

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An in depth overview of Kubernetes and it's various components. NOTE: This is a fixed version of a previous presentation (a draft was uploaded with some errors)


This document provides an overview of OpenShift Container Platform. It describes OpenShift's architecture including containers, pods, services, routes and the master control plane. It also covers key OpenShift features like self-service administration, automation, security, logging, monitoring, networking and integration with external services.

Istio Architecture
Traffic transparently proxied —
unaware of proxies
Pilot Mixer
Discovery & config
data to proxies
TLS certs
to proxies
Policy checks,
Istio Control Plane
Book review App(with Istio)
Compare Network control policy with Istio
Use- cases:
● 1 cluster serving as DR for another cluster
● CI/CD between Dev and production clusters
● Global load balancing across multiple clusters
● Ability for 1 cluster to consume services from another cluster
● Common control plane across clusters
● Service discovery across clusters
● Load balancing traffic across replicas in different clusters
● Common policy management across clusters - RBAC, Quota etc

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Incredibly powerful and flexible, Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) is an essential tool to effectively manage production clusters. Yet many Ops and DevOps engineers are still facing barriers to efficiently use it at scale. These include a steep learning curve, YAML-based configuration, lack of standardized best practices, and the general complexity of this functionality at large -- it truly can be somewhat overwhelming. During this meetup Oleg, CTO at Kublr, will discuss Kubernetes RBAC concepts and objects. He'll explore different use cases ranging from simple permission management for in-cluster application accounts to integrations with external identity providers for SSO and enterprise user access management. Leveraging the Kublr Platform, Oleg will demonstrate how it simplifies the management of access and RBAC rules in a cloud native environment while staying vendor-independent and compatible with any Kubernetes distribution.

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Unique course notes for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) for each section of the exam. Designed to be engaging and used as a reference in the future for kubernetes concepts.

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Multi-cluster Kubernetes Networking- Patterns, Projects and Guidelines

Talk presented at Kubernetes Community Day, New York, May 2024. Technical summary of Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Networking architectures with focus on 4 key topics. 1) Key patterns for Multi-cluster architectures 2) Architectural comparison of several OSS/ CNCF projects to address these patterns 3) Evolution trends for the APIs of these projects 4) Some design recommendations & guidelines for adopting/ deploying these solutions.

kubernetesnetworkingcilium multi-cluster mesh
Multicluster/Hybrid cloud use cases
S1 S2 S1 S2
Disaster Recovery
S1 S2 S1 S2
Dev/Prod setup
S1 S2 S1 S2
Load balance across regions
Region1 Region2
S1 S2 S1 S2
Cloud bursting
Consume services across cluster
Multi-cluster deployment options
● Kubernetes Federated cluster
○ Have a single Kubernetes control plane that spans multiple clusters
○ Controlled using Kubefed
○ Service discovery works across clusters
● Istio Multicluster
○ Istio control plane that spans across multiple clusters
○ Kubernetes control plane limited to single cluster
○ Service discovery works across clusters
�� Istio ingress takes care of load balancing external traffic across clusters
● Managed service from cloud providers (eg: GCP Cloud services platform)
GCP Hybrid cloud Kubernetes solution
Kubernetes Networking - Best practises
● Use namespaces for multi-tenancy
● Use Ingress rather than Load balancer to expose
services. This is to preserve resources
● Do not expose cluster to outside world if its not needed
● Create security policies like IAM, RBAC, Network control
in the beginning rather than later
● Put emphasis on resource control including quotas,
priorities/preemption etc

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This document discusses building a SDN solution for deploying web application stacks in Docker containers. It proposes developing a wSDN network plugin driver for Docker's libnetwork that implements the Docker plugin API and network driver protocol. This would allow wSDN to manage container networking and provide features like multi-host networking, IP address management, and tenant isolation across multiple data centers. It also discusses Docker's existing networking limitations and outlines requirements for a SDN solution to address Docker's needs for large web application deployments in a multi-tenant environment.

Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf
Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdfMeetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf
Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf

The document provides an overview of the Kubernetes Gateway API, which enables robust traffic management in Kubernetes clusters. It describes key concepts like GatewayClasses, Gateways, and Routes that make up the Gateway API model. The API allows infrastructure providers to implement ingress controllers, cluster operators to manage traffic, and application developers to define routing rules in a standardized way. It aims to improve on the Ingress resource and support multiple protocols like HTTP, TLS, and TCP in an integrated manner. There are now over a dozen implementations of the Gateway API by popular API gateways and service meshes.

Kubernetes basics and hands on exercise
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Kubernetes basics and hands on exercise

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts including architecture, fundamental objects like pods and services, and demonstrations. It begins with an agenda then covers Kubernetes architecture including the master node, worker nodes, and control loop. It describes core objects like pods, replica sets, deployments, services, and labels/selectors. The document demonstrates deploying and accessing the guestbook application using these objects. It concludes with asking for questions and describing goals for educational meetups on cloud native technologies.

kubernetes objectskubernetes podsreplication controllers
Demo code and instructions:
● The Ins and Outs of Kubernetes and GKE networking presentation
● Understanding Kubernetes Networking
● Kubernetes networking concepts
● Enforcing network policies with Kubernetes
● Building hybrid clouds with Istio
● Kubernetes Nodeport vs Loadbalancer vs Ingress
Some pictures used were borrowed from above blog posts

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Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking

  • 1. Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking Sreenivas Makam Partner Engineer @Google Cloud @Container conference, 3rd Aug 2018
  • 2. Agenda ● Single pod networking ● Pod to pod Networking(East-West traffic) ● Service discovery and load balancing ● External access(North-South traffic) ● Network policy ● Istio service mesh ● Multi-cluster and hybrid cloud ● Best practises
  • 3. Pods ● Small group of tightly-coupled containers ● Every pod has a unique IP ● Share same namespace and volume ● Share same lifecycle ● Use cases for multi-container pods - Sidecars, proxies/adapters Example: File puller & web server Consumers Content Manager File Puller Web Server Volume Pod
  • 5. Communication across pods in different nodes Kubernetes supports different networking approaches to do pod networking Plugins can be added using CNI Type/Features L2 L3 Overlay Cloud Summary Pods communicate using L2 Pod traffic is routed in underlay network Pod traffic is encapsulated and uses underlay for reachability Pod traffic is routed in cloud virtual network Underlying technology L2 arp, broadcast Routing protocol like BGP VXLAN Pre-programmed fabric using controller(eg: GKE) Encapsulation No double encapsulation No double encapsulation Double encapsulation No double encapsulation Examples Calico Flannel, Weave GKE, ACS, EKS
  • 9. Services ● A service is a group of endpoints (usually pods) grouped by selector ● Services provide a stable VIP (except Headless) ● VIP automatically routes to backend pods ● VIP to backend pod mapping is managed by kube-proxy, implemented using iptables Client Virtual IP apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: productpage spec: selector: app: productpage type: ClusterIP ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8080 protocol: TCP
  • 10. DNS ● Service Discovery achieved by SkyDNS ● SkyDNS runs as a pod in the cluster apiserverwatch etcd kube2skyskyDNS
  • 11. Service communication ● Service IP is accessible only from within the cluster ● Type “ClusterIP” is used for internal communication within the cluster ● Traffic sent to Service IP gets load balanced to pods that belong to service IP ● Source NAT is used for pods to communicate to external world ● IPtables are used extensively for load balancing and NAT ● Nodeport, Network load balancer and Ingress controller are service types for external world to reach services inside the cluster.
  • 12. Service external reachability options Feature Nodeport Load balancer Ingress Summary Service is exposed using a reserved port in all nodes of cluster(Default: 32000-32767) Typically implemented as network load balancer Typically implemented as http load balancer IP address Node IP is used for external communication Each service needs to have own external IP Many services can share same external IP, uses path based demux Use Case Demo purposes L3 services L7 services Examples GKE Network load balancer GKE http load balancer, nginx, Istio
  • 13. Nodeport apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: productpage labels: app: productpage spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 30000 targetPort: 9080 selector: app: productpage
  • 14. Load balancer apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: productpage labels: app: productpage spec: type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 9080 selector: app: productpage
  • 15. Ingress apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: gateway spec: backend: serviceName: productpage servicePort: 9080 rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /productpage backend: serviceName: productpage servicePort: 9080 - path: /login backend: serviceName: productpage servicePort: 9080 - path: /* backend: serviceName: productpage servicePort: 9080
  • 16. Network control policy Controls communication between Pods and Services ● Traffic is by default allowed without network policy ● Kubernetes network policies are allow policies, there is no deny policy ● Empty pod selector selects all pods ● Ingress and egress rules are available to control traffic ● Traffic is allowed if atleast 1 policy allows traffic ● Network plugins like Calico, Weavenet support network policies. GKE uses calico
  • 17. Network control policy example1 kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: hello-allow-from-product spec: policyTypes: - Ingress podSelector: matchLabels: app: reviews ingress: - from: - podSelector: matchLabels: app: productpage Product Reviews Details Ratings
  • 18. Network control policy example2 kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: hello-allow-from-product spec: policyTypes: - Ingress podSelector: matchLabels: app: reviews ingress: [] Product Reviews Details Ratings
  • 20. Istio is an open framework for connecting, securing, managing and monitoring services Traffic control Observability Fault-injectionSecurity Hybrid cloud What is Istio? What can Istio do?
  • 21. Istio Architecture Traffic transparently proxied — unaware of proxies Pilot Mixer Discovery & config data to proxies TLS certs to proxies Policy checks, telemetry Proxy Frontend Proxy Payments Citadel Istio Control Plane
  • 23. Compare Network control policy with Istio
  • 24. Multi-cluster Use- cases: ● 1 cluster serving as DR for another cluster ● CI/CD between Dev and production clusters ● Global load balancing across multiple clusters ● Ability for 1 cluster to consume services from another cluster Requirements: ● Common control plane across clusters ● Service discovery across clusters ● Load balancing traffic across replicas in different clusters ● Common policy management across clusters - RBAC, Quota etc
  • 25. Multicluster/Hybrid cloud use cases S1 S2 S1 S2 Disaster Recovery S1 S2 S1 S2 Dev/Prod setup CI/CD S1 S2 S1 S2 Load balance across regions LB Region1 Region2 S1 S2 S1 S2 Cloud bursting Consume services across cluster S4 S3
  • 26. Multi-cluster deployment options ● Kubernetes Federated cluster ○ Have a single Kubernetes control plane that spans multiple clusters ○ Controlled using Kubefed ○ Service discovery works across clusters ● Istio Multicluster ○ Istio control plane that spans across multiple clusters ○ Kubernetes control plane limited to single cluster ○ Service discovery works across clusters ○ Istio ingress takes care of load balancing external traffic across clusters ● Managed service from cloud providers (eg: GCP Cloud services platform)
  • 27. GCP Hybrid cloud Kubernetes solution
  • 28. Kubernetes Networking - Best practises ● Use namespaces for multi-tenancy ● Use Ingress rather than Load balancer to expose services. This is to preserve resources ● Do not expose cluster to outside world if its not needed ● Create security policies like IAM, RBAC, Network control in the beginning rather than later ● Put emphasis on resource control including quotas, priorities/preemption etc
  • 29. Demo Demo code and instructions:
  • 30. References ● The Ins and Outs of Kubernetes and GKE networking presentation ● Understanding Kubernetes Networking ● Kubernetes networking concepts ● Enforcing network policies with Kubernetes ● Building hybrid clouds with Istio ● Kubernetes Nodeport vs Loadbalancer vs Ingress ● Note: Some pictures used were borrowed from above blog posts