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Container Network Interface:
Network plugins for Kubernetes
and beyond
Eugene Yakubovich
Kubernetes networking model
- IP per pod
- Pods in the cluster can be addressed by their IP
How to network containers together?
- Cloud provider integration
How to network containers together?
Open vSwitch
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This document provides an overview and agenda for a Docker networking deep dive presentation. The presentation covers key concepts in Docker networking including libnetwork, the Container Networking Model (CNM), multi-host networking capabilities, service discovery, load balancing, and new features in Docker 1.12 like routing mesh and secured control/data planes. The agenda demonstrates Docker networking use cases like default bridge networks, user-defined bridge networks, and overlay networks. It also covers networking drivers, Docker 1.12 swarm mode networking functionality, and how concepts like routing mesh and load balancing work.

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Red Hat OpenStack 17 저자직강+스터디그룹_1주차
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Red Hat OpenStack 17 저자직강+스터디그룹_1주차

2023년 4월 6일에 진행한 "레드햇 오픈스택 17 저자 직강 + 스터디 그룹" 1주차 세션 슬라이드입니다.

#오픈스택한국커뮤니티#레드햇 오픈스택 17#저자직강
오픈스택 멀티노드 설치 후기
오픈스택 멀티노드 설치 후기오픈스택 멀티노드 설치 후기
오픈스택 멀티노드 설치 후기

오픈스택 멀티노드 설치 후기입니다.

How to allocate IP addresses?
- From a fixed block on a host
- IPAM system backed by SQL database
- SDN assigned: e.g. Weave
How do you mix and match?
(macvlan | ipvlan) + (DHCP | host-local)
Order matters!
- macvlan + DHCP
○ Create macvlan device
○ Use the device to DHCP
○ Configure device with allocated IP
- Routed + IPAM
○ Ask IPAM for an IP
○ Create veth and routes on host and/or fabric
○ Configure device with allocated IP
Container Runtime (e.g. k8s)
veth macvlan ipvlan OVS
Container Networking Interface (CNI)

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eBPF - Observability In Deep
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In the Cloud Native community, eBPF is gaining popularity, which can often be the best solution for solving different challenges with deep observability of system. Currently, eBPF is being embraced by major players. Mydbops co-Founder, Kabilesh P.R (MySQL and Mongo Consultant) illustrates on debugging linux issues with eBPF. A brief about BPF & eBPF, BPF internals and the tools in actions for faster resolution.

CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes
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IT Automation with Ansible
IT Automation with AnsibleIT Automation with Ansible
IT Automation with Ansible

This document provides an overview of IT automation using Ansible. It discusses using Ansible to automate tasks across multiple servers like installing packages and copying files without needing to login to each server individually. It also covers Ansible concepts like playbooks, variables, modules, and vault for securely storing passwords. Playbooks allow defining automation jobs as code that can be run on multiple servers simultaneously in a consistent and repeatable way.

- Container can join multiple networks
- Network described by JSON config
- Plugin supports two commands
- Add container to the network
- Remove container from the network
User configures a network
$ cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf
"name": "mynet",
"type": "bridge",
"ipam": {
"type": "host-local",
"subnet": ""
CNI: Step 1
Container runtime creates network namespace
and gives it a named handle
$ cd /var/lib/cni
$ touch myns
$ unshare -n mount --bind /proc/self/ns/net myns
CNI: Step 2
Container runtime invokes the CNI plugin
$ export CNI_NETNS=/var/lib/cni/myns
$ export CNI_CONTAINERID=5248e9f8-3c91-11e5-...
$ export CNI_IFNAME=eth0
$ $CNI_PATH/bridge </etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf

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DoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDK
DoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDKDoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDK
DoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDK

The document compares eBPF, XDP and DPDK for packet inspection. It describes the speaker's experience using these tools to build a virtual machine that can handle 10Gbps of traffic and drop packets to mitigate DDoS attacks. It details how eBPF and XDP were able to achieve higher packet drop rates than iptables or a custom module. While DPDK could drop traffic at line rate, it required specialized hardware and expertise. Ultimately, XDP provided the best balance of performance, driver support and programmability using eBPF to drop millions of packets per second.

eBPF - Rethinking the Linux Kernel
eBPF - Rethinking the Linux KerneleBPF - Rethinking the Linux Kernel
eBPF - Rethinking the Linux Kernel

The Linux kernel is undergoing the most fundamental architecture evolution in history and is becoming a microkernel. Why is the Linux kernel evolving into a microkernel? The potentially biggest fundamental change ever happening to the Linux kernel. This talk covers how companies like Facebook and Google use BPF to patch 0-day exploits, how BPF will change the way features are added to the kernel forever, and how BPF is introducing a new type of application deployment method for the Linux kernel.

Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
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Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

CNI: Step 3
Inside the bridge plugin (1):
$ brctl addbr mynet
$ ip link add veth123 type veth peer name $CNI_IFNAME
$ brctl addif mynet veth123
$ ip link set $CNI_IFNAME netns $CNI_IFNAME
$ ip link set veth123 up
CNI: Step 3
Inside the bridge plugin (2):
$ IPAM_PLUGIN=host-local # from network conf
"ip4": {
"ip": "",
"gateway": ""
CNI: Step 3
Inside the bridge plugin (3):
# switch to container namespace
$ ip addr add dev $CNI_IFNAME
# Finally, print IPAM result JSON to stdout
Kubernetes + CNI + Docker
- Kubernetes has its own network plugins
- CNI "driver" is a k8s network plugin
- Future: make CNI native plugin system

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Using eBPF for High-Performance Networking in Cilium
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The Cilium project is a popular networking solution for Kubernetes, based on eBPF. This talk uses eBPF code and demos to explore the basics of how Cilium makes network connections, and manipulates packets so that they can avoid traversing the kernel's built-in networking stack. You'll see how eBPF enables high-performance networking as well as deep network observability and security.

high throughput and low latencyp99p99 conf
Faster packet processing in Linux: XDP
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Faster packet processing in Linux: XDP

SOSCON 2019.10.17 What are the methods for packet processing on Linux? And how fast are each packet processing methods? In this presentation, we will learn how to handle packets on Linux (User space, socket filter, netfilter, tc), and compare performance with analysis of where each packet processing is done in the network stack (hook point). Also, we will discuss packet processing using XDP, an in-kernel fast-path recently added to the Linux kernel. eXpress Data Path (XDP) is a high-performance programmable network data-path within the Linux kernel. The XDP is located at the lowest level of access through SW in the network stack, the point at which driver receives the packet. By using the eBPF infrastructure at this hook point, the network stack can be expanded without modifying the kernel. Daniel T. Lee (Hoyeon Lee) @danieltimlee Daniel T. Lee currently works as Software Engineer at Kosslab and contributing to Linux kernel BPF project. He has interest in cloud, Linux networking, and tracing technologies, and likes to analyze the kernel's internal using BPF technology.

Kubernetes + CNI + Docker
- k8s starts "pause" container to create netns
- k8s invokes its plugin (CNI driver)
- k8s CNI driver executes a CNI plugin
- CNI plugin joins "pause" container to network
- Pod containers use "pause" container netns
Kubernetes + rkt
- rkt natively supports CNI
- Kubernetes delegates to rkt to invoke CNI
Get involved!
Want to work on upstream Kubernetes or
distributed systems infrastructure?
CoreOS San Francisco is hiring.
Work at CoreOS

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Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called Pods. ReplicaSets ensure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. Key components include Pods, Services for enabling network access to applications, and Deployments to update Pods and manage releases.

BPF: Tracing and more
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BPF: Tracing and more

Video: . Talk for 2017 (LCA2017) by Brendan Gregg, about Linux enhanced BPF (eBPF). Abstract: A world of new capabilities is emerging for the Linux 4.x series, thanks to enhancements that have been included in Linux for to Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF): an in-kernel virtual machine that can execute user space-defined programs. It is finding uses for security auditing and enforcement, enhancing networking (including eXpress Data Path), and performance observability and troubleshooting. Many new open source tools that have been written in the past 12 months for performance analysis that use BPF. Tracing superpowers have finally arrived for Linux! For its use with tracing, BPF provides the programmable capabilities to the existing tracing frameworks: kprobes, uprobes, and tracepoints. In particular, BPF allows timestamps to be recorded and compared from custom events, allowing latency to be studied in many new places: kernel and application internals. It also allows data to be efficiently summarized in-kernel, including as histograms. This has allowed dozens of new observability tools to be developed so far, including measuring latency distributions for file system I/O and run queue latency, printing details of storage device I/O and TCP retransmits, investigating blocked stack traces and memory leaks, and a whole lot more. This talk will summarize BPF capabilities and use cases so far, and then focus on its use to enhance Linux tracing, especially with the open source bcc collection. bcc includes BPF versions of old classics, and many new tools, including execsnoop, opensnoop, funcccount, ext4slower, and more (many of which I developed). Perhaps you'd like to develop new tools, or use the existing tools to find performance wins large and small, especially when instrumenting areas that previously had zero visibility. I'll also summarize how we intend to use these new capabilities to enhance systems analysis at Netflix.

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Container Network Interface: Network Plugins for Kubernetes and beyond

  • 1. Container Network Interface: Network plugins for Kubernetes and beyond Eugene Yakubovich @eyakubovich
  • 2. Kubernetes networking model - IP per pod - Pods in the cluster can be addressed by their IP
  • 3. How to network containers together? - Cloud provider integration - AWS - GCE
  • 4. How to network containers together? linux-bridge macvlan ipvlan Open vSwitch Weave Project Calico flannel
  • 5. How to allocate IP addresses? - From a fixed block on a host - DHCP - IPAM system backed by SQL database - SDN assigned: e.g. Weave
  • 6. How do you mix and match? (macvlan | ipvlan) + (DHCP | host-local)
  • 7. Order matters! - macvlan + DHCP ○ Create macvlan device ○ Use the device to DHCP ○ Configure device with allocated IP - Routed + IPAM ○ Ask IPAM for an IP ○ Create veth and routes on host and/or fabric ○ Configure device with allocated IP
  • 8. Container Runtime (e.g. k8s) veth macvlan ipvlan OVS Container Networking Interface (CNI)
  • 9. CNI - Container can join multiple networks - Network described by JSON config - Plugin supports two commands - Add container to the network - Remove container from the network
  • 10. User configures a network $ cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf { "name": "mynet", "type": "bridge", "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "" } }
  • 11. CNI: Step 1 Container runtime creates network namespace and gives it a named handle $ cd /var/lib/cni $ touch myns $ unshare -n mount --bind /proc/self/ns/net myns
  • 12. CNI: Step 2 Container runtime invokes the CNI plugin $ export CNI_COMMAND=ADD $ export CNI_NETNS=/var/lib/cni/myns $ export CNI_CONTAINERID=5248e9f8-3c91-11e5-... $ export CNI_IFNAME=eth0 $ $CNI_PATH/bridge </etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf
  • 13. CNI: Step 3 Inside the bridge plugin (1): $ brctl addbr mynet $ ip link add veth123 type veth peer name $CNI_IFNAME $ brctl addif mynet veth123 $ ip link set $CNI_IFNAME netns $CNI_IFNAME $ ip link set veth123 up
  • 14. CNI: Step 3 Inside the bridge plugin (2): $ IPAM_PLUGIN=host-local # from network conf $ echo $IPAM_PLUGIN { "ip4": { "ip": "", "gateway": "" } }
  • 15. CNI: Step 3 Inside the bridge plugin (3): # switch to container namespace $ ip addr add dev $CNI_IFNAME # Finally, print IPAM result JSON to stdout
  • 16. Kubernetes + CNI + Docker - Kubernetes has its own network plugins - CNI "driver" is a k8s network plugin - Future: make CNI native plugin system
  • 17. Kubernetes + CNI + Docker - k8s starts "pause" container to create netns - k8s invokes its plugin (CNI driver) - k8s CNI driver executes a CNI plugin - CNI plugin joins "pause" container to network - Pod containers use "pause" container netns
  • 18. Kubernetes + rkt - rkt natively supports CNI - Kubernetes delegates to rkt to invoke CNI plugins
  • 20. Want to work on upstream Kubernetes or distributed systems infrastructure? CoreOS San Francisco is hiring. Work at CoreOS