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Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kubernetes
using KubeVirt
This is not a product pitch, this is R&D.
There be dragons!
● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters.
● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters.
=> OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc.

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Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...

** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopskubernetesdevops edureka
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory GuideKubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide
Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide

Kubernetes is an open-source tool for managing containerized workloads and services. It allows for deploying, maintaining, and scaling applications across clusters of servers. Kubernetes operates at the container level to automate tasks like deployment, availability, and load balancing. It uses a master-slave architecture with a master node controlling multiple worker nodes that host application pods, which are groups of containers that share resources. Kubernetes provides benefits like self-healing, high availability, simplified maintenance, and automatic scaling of containerized applications.

kubernetesdockercloud computing
Deploying your first application with Kubernetes
Deploying your first application with KubernetesDeploying your first application with Kubernetes
Deploying your first application with Kubernetes

Find out how to deploy your first application with Kubernetes on the OVH cloud, and direct questions to the team responsible for our upcoming Kubernetes as-a-Service solution.

ovhstackkubernetesovh cloud
● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters.
=> OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc.
● I need a way to provide strict isolation of application containers.
● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters.
=> OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc.
● I need a way to provide strict isolation of application containers.
=> Katacontainers, Clear Containers, Hyper RunV, gVisor
Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are
becoming the standard for new applications.
Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are
becoming the standard for new applications.
Virtualized Workloads are not going anywhere fast! Business reasons (cost, time to
market) and technical reasons (older/different operating system)

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쿠버네티스 ( Kubernetes ) 소개 자료
쿠버네티스 ( Kubernetes ) 소개 자료쿠버네티스 ( Kubernetes ) 소개 자료
쿠버네티스 ( Kubernetes ) 소개 자료

source : Kubernetes는 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션(Containerized Application)의 배포, 확장 그리고 관리를 할 수 있는 오픈 소스 컨테이너 오케스트레이션 시스템입니다. 쿠버네티스는 구글 엔지니어들이 개발하고 설계한 플랫폼으로서 사내에서 이용하던 컨테이너 클러스터 관리 도구인 “Borg”의 아이디어를 바탕으로 만들어진 오픈소스 소프트웨어입니다. 구글은 쿠버네티스의 원천이 되는 Borg를 수년 동안 개발하고 운영하면서 축적된 경험을 바탕으로 쿠버네티스를 오픈소스 프로젝트로 만들어 었습니다.

OpenShift Virtualization- Technical Overview.pdf
OpenShift Virtualization- Technical Overview.pdfOpenShift Virtualization- Technical Overview.pdf
OpenShift Virtualization- Technical Overview.pdf

OpenShift Virtualization allows running virtual machines as containers managed by Kubernetes. It uses KVM with QEMU and libvirt to run virtual machines inside containers. Virtual machines are scheduled and managed like pods through Kubernetes APIs and can access container networking and storage. Templates can be used to simplify virtual machine creation and configuration. Virtual machines can be imported, viewed, managed, and deleted through the OpenShift console and CLI like other Kubernetes resources. Metrics on virtual machine resources usage are also collected.

What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...

***** Kubernetes Certification Training: ***** ​ This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. Need for Kubernetes 2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not 3. How does Kubernetes work? 4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go 5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopsedurekakubernetes edureka
Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are
becoming the standard for new applications.
Virtualized Workloads are not going anywhere fast! Business reasons (cost, time to
market) and technical reasons (older/different operating system)
How can we bring these two worlds closer together?
Technology enabling Kubernetes as a unified platform for building, modifying, and deploying
applications residing in both containers and virtual machines in a common, shared
Add virtual machines as you know them to your Kubernetes projects!
● Drops directly into existing Kubernetes Clusters
○ Implemented as a CustomResourceDefinition
● Extends Kubernetes so VMs can be scheduled alongside Containers
● Takes as K8S-native an approach as possible
○ Placement, Quotas, Metrics, Monitoring, etc.
○ Pod networking
○ K8S or Cinder storage
● Use cases?
Operating System
Physical Machine
VM Pod

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Introduction to kubernetes
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Introduction to kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called Pods. ReplicaSets ensure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. Key components include Pods, Services for enabling network access to applications, and Deployments to update Pods and manage releases.

Kubernetes Introduction
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Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

Kubernetes Networking
Kubernetes NetworkingKubernetes Networking
Kubernetes Networking

The document discusses Kubernetes networking. It describes how Kubernetes networking allows pods to have routable IPs and communicate without NAT, unlike Docker networking which uses NAT. It covers how services provide stable virtual IPs to access pods, and how kube-proxy implements services by configuring iptables on nodes. It also discusses the DNS integration using SkyDNS and Ingress for layer 7 routing of HTTP traffic. Finally, it briefly mentions network plugins and how Kubernetes is designed to be open and customizable.

Resultant virtual machines are able to run side by side directly on the same OpenShift nodes
as application containers.

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An Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to KubernetesAn Introduction to Kubernetes
An Introduction to Kubernetes

Traditional virtualization technologies have been used by cloud infrastructure providers for many years in providing isolated environments for hosting applications. These technologies make use of full-blown operating system images for creating virtual machines (VMs). According to this architecture, each VM needs its own guest operating system to run application processes. More recently, with the introduction of the Docker project, the Linux Container (LXC) virtualization technology became popular and attracted the attention. Unlike VMs, containers do not need a dedicated guest operating system for providing OS-level isolation, rather they can provide the same level of isolation on top of a single operating system instance. An enterprise application may need to run a server cluster to handle high request volumes. Running an entire server cluster on Docker containers, on a single Docker host could introduce the risk of single point of failure. Google started a project called Kubernetes to solve this problem. Kubernetes provides a cluster of Docker hosts for managing Docker containers in a clustered environment. It provides an API on top of Docker API for managing docker containers on multiple Docker hosts with many more features.

iaaskubernetescloud computing
An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers Powerpoint Presenta...
An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers Powerpoint Presenta...An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers Powerpoint Presenta...
An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers Powerpoint Presenta...

Introducing An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Present the need for the containers in an organization with the help of a readily available PPT slideshow. Discuss container architecture, use cases details to make your presentation elaborative. Showcase the features, architecture, installation roadmap, and the 30-60-90 day plan in Kubernetes with the help of modern-designed PPT infographics. Familiarize your viewers with the various components of Kubernetes with the help of content-ready Kubernetes Docker PPT visuals. Make full use of high-quality icons to make your presentation attention-grabbing and meaningful. Compare and contrast Kubernetes with docker swarm based on various parameters with the help of this attention-grabbing PPT slideshow. Elaborate on Kubelet, Kubectl, and Kubeadm with the help of labeled diagrams. Showcase the networking model of Kubernetes, security measures, and the development process with this easy-to-use docker Architecture PowerPoint template. Therefore, hit the download button now to grab this amazing presentation.

developmentprocessan architectural deep dive with kubernetes and con
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17

This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.

● KubeVirt focuses on enabling traditional/existing virtual machine
workloads on Kubernetes.
● Katacontainers focuses on enabling hardware-assisted virtualization for
application container workloads on Kubernetes.
● gVisor another approach to isolation of application container workloads on
KubeVirt (Kubernetes and Cloud Native Toronto)
● kubectl
● minikube
$ minikube start --vm-driver kvm2 
--network-plugin cni 
--kubernetes-version v1.10.0
$ export VERSION=v0.5.1-alpha.1
$ kubectl create -f$VERSION/ku

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Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...

This document discusses upgrading an Openstack network to SDN with Tungsten Fabric. It evaluates three solutions: 1) using the same database across regions, 2) hot-swapping Open vSwitch and virtual routers, and 3) using an ML2 plugin. The recommended solution is #3 as it provides minimum downtime. Key steps include installing the OpenContrail driver, synchronizing network resources between Openstack and Tungsten, and live migrating VMs. Topology 2 is also recommended as it requires minimum changes. The upgrade migrated 80 VMs and 16 compute nodes to the SDN network without downtime. Issues discussed include synchronizing resources and migrating VMs between Open vSwitch and virtual routers.


Kubespray and Ansible can be used to automate the installation of Kubernetes in a production-ready environment. Kubespray provides tools to configure highly available Kubernetes clusters across multiple Linux distributions. Ansible is an IT automation tool that can deploy software and configure systems. The document then provides a 6 step guide for installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu using kubeadm, including installing Docker, kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl, disabling swap, configuring system parameters, initializing the cluster with kubeadm, and joining nodes. It also briefly explains Kubernetes architecture including the master node, worker nodes, addons, CNI, CRI, CSI and key concepts like pods, deployments, networking,

Introduction to Kubernetes
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Introduction to Kubernetes

Soft Introduction to Google's framework for taming containers in the cloud. For devs and architects that they just enter the world of cloud, microservices and containers

kind: VirtualMachine
name: testvm
- type: spice
- type: pty
Typical Pod commands:
● kubectl create -f mypodspec.yaml
● kubectl delete mypod
● kubectl exec mypod -it /bin/bash
Typical VirtualMachine commands:
● kubectl create -f myvmspec.yaml
● kubectl delete testvm
● virtctl start testvm
● virtctl console testvm
● virtctl vnc testvm
● Website:
● GitHub:
● Mailing List:
● IRC:
○ #kubevirt on
You can also catch us later this next week at OpenStack Summit Vancouver!
We Want to Hear From You!
Provide your input on your
infrastructure and use cases
Take this survey

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Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
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Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview

An in depth overview of Kubernetes and it's various components. NOTE: This is a fixed version of a previous presentation (a draft was uploaded with some errors)

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Architecture Overview: Kubernetes with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1Architecture Overview: Kubernetes with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
Architecture Overview: Kubernetes with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1

2015/03/12 ver1.0 published. 2015/03/26 ver1.1 fixed: flannel's tunnel type to VXLAN. 2015/04/03 ver1.2 fixed: Flannel's mechanism for VXLAN processing.

OpenStackTO: Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kuber...
OpenStackTO: Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kuber...OpenStackTO: Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kuber...
OpenStackTO: Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kuber...

KubeVirt is intended to provide a convergence point for the data center of the future using Kubernetes as an infrastructure fabric for both application container and virtual machine workloads. Using a unified management approach simplifies deployments, allows for better resource utilization, and supports different workloads in a more optimal way. This session will outline how the Kubevirt project seeks to achieve this while using the extensible nature of Kubernetes in a way that provides a developer workflow that is as consistent as possible with the same patterns used for working with application containers.


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KubeVirt (Kubernetes and Cloud Native Toronto)

  • 1. KubeVirt Friendly coexistence of Virtual Machines and Containers on Kubernetes using KubeVirt
  • 2. DISCLAIMER This is not a product pitch, this is R&D. There be dragons!
  • 3. THE STORY SO FAR... ● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters. ...FOR VIRTUALIZATION IN A CONTAINERIZED WORLD
  • 4. THE STORY SO FAR... ● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters. => OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc. ...FOR VIRTUALIZATION IN A CONTAINERIZED WORLD
  • 5. THE STORY SO FAR... ● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters. => OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc. ● I need a way to provide strict isolation of application containers. ...FOR VIRTUALIZATION IN A CONTAINERIZED WORLD
  • 6. THE STORY SO FAR... ● I need a place to install, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters. => OpenStack, oVirt, VMware, AWS, GCE, Azure, etc. ● I need a way to provide strict isolation of application containers. => Katacontainers, Clear Containers, Hyper RunV, gVisor ...FOR VIRTUALIZATION IN A CONTAINERIZED WORLD
  • 7. WHAT ABOUT EXISTING WORKLOADS? CONTAINER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ORCHESTRATION Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are becoming the standard for new applications.
  • 8. WHAT ABOUT EXISTING WORKLOADS? CONTAINER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ORCHESTRATION Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are becoming the standard for new applications. VIRTUALIZED WORKLOADS Virtualized Workloads are not going anywhere fast! Business reasons (cost, time to market) and technical reasons (older/different operating system)
  • 9. WHAT ABOUT EXISTING WORKLOADS? CONTAINER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ORCHESTRATION Container Application and Kubernetes orchestration as provided by OpenShift are becoming the standard for new applications. VIRTUALIZED WORKLOADS Virtualized Workloads are not going anywhere fast! Business reasons (cost, time to market) and technical reasons (older/different operating system) CONVERGING INFRASTRUCTURE How can we bring these two worlds closer together?
  • 11. WHAT IS KUBEVIRT? Technology enabling Kubernetes as a unified platform for building, modifying, and deploying applications residing in both containers and virtual machines in a common, shared environment. Add virtual machines as you know them to your Kubernetes projects!
  • 12. WHAT IS KUBEVIRT? ● Drops directly into existing Kubernetes Clusters ○ Implemented as a CustomResourceDefinition ● Extends Kubernetes so VMs can be scheduled alongside Containers ● Takes as K8S-native an approach as possible ○ Placement, Quotas, Metrics, Monitoring, etc. ○ Pod networking ○ K8S or Cinder storage ● Use cases? Operating System Kubernetes Physical Machine VM Pod Regular Pod
  • 16. CONTAINER TOGETHER AT LAST VIRTUAL MACHINE ENTERPRISE CONTAINER HOST PHYSICAL MACHINE CONTAINER Resultant virtual machines are able to run side by side directly on the same OpenShift nodes as application containers. {Pods
  • 17. ● KubeVirt focuses on enabling traditional/existing virtual machine workloads on Kubernetes. ● Katacontainers focuses on enabling hardware-assisted virtualization for application container workloads on Kubernetes. ● gVisor another approach to isolation of application container workloads on Docker/Kubernetes.
  • 20. $ minikube start --vm-driver kvm2 --network-plugin cni --kubernetes-version v1.10.0 $ export VERSION=v0.5.1-alpha.1 $ kubectl create -f$VERSION/ku bevirt.yaml
  • 22. TYPICAL WORKFLOW kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: testvm spec: domain: devices: graphics: - type: spice consoles: - type: pty In case of ERR_DEMO_NO_WORKIE Typical Pod commands: ● kubectl create -f mypodspec.yaml ● kubectl delete mypod ● kubectl exec mypod -it /bin/bash Typical VirtualMachine commands: ● kubectl create -f myvmspec.yaml ● kubectl delete testvm ● virtctl start testvm ● virtctl console testvm ● virtctl vnc testvm
  • 23. INTERESTED IN COLLABORATING? KubeVirt ● Website: ○ ● GitHub: ○ ● Mailing List: ○!forum/kubevirt-dev ● IRC: ○ #kubevirt on You can also catch us later this next week at OpenStack Summit Vancouver!
  • 24. We Want to Hear From You! Provide your input on your infrastructure and use cases Take this survey