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Sudo – Giving access while staying in control
Peter Czanik
Open Source Evangelist
One Identity
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
Sudo: Giving
access while
staying in control
• Working at the Budapest office of One Identity
(formerly known as Balabit)
• syslog-ng & sudo upstream
• Helping in RPM and FreeBSD packaging
• Blogger and speaker
About me
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• What is sudo?
• Some lesser-known features
• What’s new?
• JSON-formatted logging
• Relays
• Chroot, working directory
• Logging sub-commands
• Masking passwords
• Getting more precise information
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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Kyle Young presents on SSH tricks and configuration tips. He discusses the history and uses of SSH, how to securely connect to SSH servers by verifying fingerprints, and ways to lock down SSH servers and clients through configuration files like sshd_config and ssh_config. He also shares some useful SSH client-side one-liners.

Linux Hardening - Made Easy
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Linux Hardening - Made Easy

The document discusses hardening Linux servers against security threats. It begins by introducing the speaker and explaining the importance of hardening systems assuming an attacker has gained access. It then provides recommendations for various hardening techniques including: updating systems, removing unnecessary packages and users, securing SSH access, configuring firewalls and remote logging, auditing systems, and restricting access to things like temporary directories and compilers. The document is a guide that walks through steps to harden a Linux server across several areas.

SSH: Seguranca no Acesso Remoto
SSH: Seguranca no Acesso RemotoSSH: Seguranca no Acesso Remoto
SSH: Seguranca no Acesso Remoto

Apresentação na Pós-Graduação em Segurança da Informação: - Sniffer de senhas em plain text; - Ataque de brute-force no SSH; - Proteção: Firewall, IPS e/ou TCP Wrappers; - Segurança básica no sshd_config; - Chaves RSA/DSA para acesso remoto; - SSH buscando chaves no LDAP; - Porque previnir o acesso: Fork Bomb

- Is sudo a prefix for administrative commands?
- Yes, but also a lot more:
• Control and log access
• Record and play back terminal input and output
• Modular: extend with your own code, now even in
• It even has humor!
What is sudo?
• Default config
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
• (Almost) all permissions to the wheel group
• Still useful:
• Controls access
• No shared password
• You see who did what
A basic /etc/sudoers
• Recording the terminal
• Playback
• Difficult to modify (not cleartext)
• Saved locally, therefore easy to delete with
unlimited access
• Sudo 1.9: central session recording using sudo_logsrvd
Session recording
• Propagates in real-time
• Can’t be modified locally
• Many limitations (aliases, etc.)
LDAP for central management

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This document provides an overview of setting up an ultimate UNIX development environment with custom shell functions, package managers, terminal multiplexers, monitoring tools, and shell customizations. It discusses using Homebrew and apt to manage packages, configuring Tmux and custom scripts, monitoring tools like Htop, iftop and Glances, colorizing tools like ccze and grc, shell enhancements like Oh My Zsh, and utilities like Z and ZLE line editor functions.

• Extending sudo using Python
• Using the same APIs as C plugins
• API:
• Python plugin documentation:
• No development environment or compilation needed
Python support
• Accessing input and output from user sessions
• Python example:
IO logs API
• Fun, but not always politically correct :)
Defaults insults
czanik@linux-mewy:~> sudo ls
[sudo] password for root:
Hold it up to the light --- not a brain in sight!
[sudo] password for root:
My pet ferret can type better than you!
[sudo] password for root:
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
• Until now I talked about sudo <= 1.9.0 (most
“enterprise” & “LTS” distros)
• Since late 2020 most distros changed to 1.9.0 or
• Current version is 1.9.14
• Some 1.9.15 features mentioned at the end:
coming soon ☺
• Sudo installers:
Sudo versions

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What’s new in Sudo 1.8?
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Sudo 1.8 introduces a modular plugin architecture that allows third-party plugins to implement custom security policies and logging. The new architecture includes policy plugins that determine access control and I/O log plugins that record sessions. Sudo's design allows existing functionality and configurations to remain unchanged while gaining extensibility.

10 Tips for AIX Security
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aixpassword policysecurity software
• Introduced in sudo 1.9.4
• Traditionally plain-text logs with minimal information
• Feature introduced due to old syslog constraints
• Nov 18 12:31:33 centos7sudo sudo[30666]: czanik : 3
incorrect password attempts ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ;
USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
• Nov 18 12:31:43 centos7sudo sudo[30670]: czanik :
TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ;
• Nov 18 12:31:49 centos7sudo sudo[30670]: czanik : command
rejected by I/O plugin ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ;
USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
JSON-formatted logs
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• JSON-formatted logs have more information in a structured format
Defaults log_format=json
Nov 18 12:40:30 centos7sudo sudo[30891]:
@cee:{"reject":{"reason":"command rejected by I/O
11,"iso8601":"20201118114030Z","localtime":"Nov 18
500349,"iso8601":"20201118114020Z","localtime":"Nov 18
JSON-formatted logs
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Use jq or similar to make logs more human readable on the terminal:
"sudo": {
"accept": {
"uuid": "616bc9efcf-b239-469d-60ee-deb5af8ce6",
"server_time": {
"seconds": 1643374700,
"nanoseconds": 222446715,
"iso8601": "20220128125820Z",
"localtime": "Jan 28 13:58:20"
"submituser": "czanik",
JSON-formatted logs
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Logging:
• Syslog
• Audit plugin API – reachable also from Python for custom
• Sudo 1.9.4 added logging to sudo_logsrvd
Defaults log_servers=
Logging to sudo_logsrvd
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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8 steps to protect your cisco router
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The document provides 8 steps to secure a Cisco router by restricting access, disabling unused services, encrypting passwords, and logging activities. These simple steps include controlling access to ports, restricting telnet access, blocking spoof packets, restricting SNMP, encrypting passwords, disabling services like HTTP, adding security options, and configuring logging to a remote server. Proper configuration following these steps can significantly increase router security based on nmap scans showing all ports filtered after securing the device.

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The document discusses automating the deployment of FreeBSD and PC-BSD systems using pc-thinclient utility. It describes using PXE to boot clients over the network and install operating systems from a server. Key steps include setting up the server with DHCP, ports tree and installation files. Customizations like disk layout, packages and scripts allow automating varied installations for multiple clients from a centralized management point. Tips provided optimize the process like using ZFS, SSD and tmpfs for improved scalability.

• Sudo_logsrvd sends logs to syslog
• “HOST” field shows where logs are coming from
Nov 18 12:40:16 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik : 3 incorrect
password attempts ; HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ;
PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Nov 18 12:40:23 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik :
HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root
; TSID=00000A ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Nov 18 12:40:30 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik : command
rejected by I/O plugin ; HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ;
PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
• JSON formatting available
Logging to sudo_logsrvd
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Sudo_logsrvd collects session recordings to a central
• Originally all sudo clients sent recordings directly
• Sudo version 1.9.7 introduced relay mode
• You can have multiple levels of relays to structure your
Using sudo_logsrvd in relay mode
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Collect recordings even when central server is
unavailable (maintenance or network problem)
• Have a single network connection through the firewall
instead of granting each host access
• Run it on a gateway host to relay from networks
without direct Internet access, like AWS private
Why relay mode?
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Configuring the client or the central server is the same
• On the relay:
• Where to forward
• In case of unreliable networks, store first (default: false)
relay_host =
store_first = true
• TLS encryption available
Configuring relay mode
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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• Previously, full root shell access was needed to start an
application from a user-inaccessible directory
• Full root access easily gained using chroot
• Starting with sudo 1.9.3, both can be configured from
Using chroot and cwd
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• The chroot command needs root privileges
• Using with sudo, it is still possible to sudo chroot /
• Chroot support must be explicitly enabled in sudoers
Using chroot
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• If directory is not restricted in sudoers:
Defaults:%wheel runchroot=*
• sudo --chroot / -s can do the same ☺
• But at least it is nicely logged:
Sep 24 15:58:55 centos7sudo sudo[8149]: czanik :
TTY=pts/0 ; CHROOT=/ ; PWD=/home/czanik ;
USER=root ; TSID=00001G ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Using chroot
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Directory can be restricted in sudoers:
Defaults:%wheel runchroot=/var/lib/mock/epel7-
• If chroot or a given directory is not allowed, it is logged:
Sep 25 08:43:32 centos7sudo sudo[2640]: czanik : user
not allowed to change root directory to
/an/interesting/directory ; TTY=pts/0 ;
CHROOT=/an/interesting/directory ; PWD=/home/czanik ;
USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Using chroot
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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all things openopen sourceato2024
• Before sudo 1.9.8, only session recording helped in
case of shell or editor access
• Watching recordings is boring and time consuming
• 1.9.8 introduced:
• Logging
• Intercepting
• Works in most cases (does not work for built-in
commands, etc.)
Logging and intercepting sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Enable with:
Defaults log_subcmds
• Turn on JSON formatting:
Defaults log_format=json
Logging sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
I Unnamed (Modified) Row 14 Col 1
czplaptop:/home/czanik # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
czplaptop:/home/czanik # ls /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/
apache ewmm logmatic snmptrap
cee fortigate mbox solaris
checkpoint graphite netskope sudo
cim graylog2 nodejs sumologic
cisco iptables osquery syslogconf
collectd junos pacct system
default-network-drivers linux-audit paloalto telegram
discord loadbalancer rewrite websense
elasticsearch loggly slack windowseventlog
czplaptop:/home/czanik # exit
Logging sub-commands: editor screenshot
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Log without logging subcommands:
Aug 30 13:03:00 czplaptop sudo[10150]: Czanik :
TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/Czanik ; USER=root ;
Logging sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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all things openopen sourceato2023
•Logs when logging subcommands:
Aug 30 13:13:14 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/joe
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/sh -c /bin/bash
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/readlink
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dircolors -b
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/sed -r
Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tty
Aug 30 13:13:42 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/id
Aug 30 13:13:56 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/ls -A -N --color=none -T
0 /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/
Logging sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Log with JSON formatting:
Aug 30 13:29:28 czplaptop sudo[11740]:
3,"iso8601":"20210830112928Z","localtime":"Aug 30
"iso8601":"20210830112925Z","localtime":"Aug 30
Logging sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Can prevent applications from running
• Enabling is a two-step process in sudoers
Defaults intercept
• And the actual rule:
czanik ALL = (ALL) ALL, !/usr/bin/who
Intercepting sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Even if running a shell with full root access:
czanik@czplaptop:~> sudo -s
czplaptop:/home/czanik # who
Sorry, user czanik is not allowed to execute
'/usr/bin/who' as root on czplaptop.
bash: /usr/bin/who: Permission denied
Intercepting sub-commands
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential

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all things openopen sourceato2023
• Visibility is not always good
• Session recordings can include passwords
Hiding passwords in recordings
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Recordings are saved under /var/log/sudo-io/
• No sudo tool to display input
• Files are compressed
zless /var/log/sudo-io/00/00/01/ttyin
passwd bla^Mblabla^Mblabla^M^D
Hiding passwords in recordings
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• In /etc/sudoers:
Defaults !log_passwords
• Passwords are masked in session recordings:
passwd bla^M********^M********^M^D
Hiding passwords in recordings
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• The list pseudo-command allows regular users to list
other user’s privileges
• Audit without full admin access
• Introduced in sudo version 1.9.13
bla ALL=(ALL) list
Listing privileges

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 Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Paul Brebner - Instaclustr (by Spot by NetApp) Title: Spinning Your Drones with Cadence Workflows, Apache Kafka and TensorFlow Abstract: In this talk we’ll build a Drone delivery application, and then use it to do some Machine Learning “on the fly”. In the 1st part of the talk, we'll build a real-time Drone Delivery demonstration application using a combination of two open-source technologies: Uber’s Cadence (for stateful, scheduled, long-running workflows), and Apache Kafka (for fast streaming data). With up to 2,000 (simulated) drones and deliveries in progress at once this application generates a vast flow of spatio-temporal data. In the 2nd part of the talk, we'll use this platform to explore Machine Learning (ML) over streaming and drifting Kafka data with TensorFlow to try and predict which shops will be busy in advance. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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DEI Challenges and Success
DEI Challenges and SuccessDEI Challenges and Success
DEI Challenges and Success

Presented at the All Things Open 2023 Inclusion and Diversity in Open Source Event Presented by Efraim Marquez-Arreaza - Red Hat Title: DEI Challenges and Success Abstract: In today's world, many companies and organizations have Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) communities. Red Hat Unidos is a DEI community focused on advocating for the Hispanic/Latine community. In this talk, we would like to share our challenges and success during the past 4-years and plans for the future. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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bla@czplaptop:~> sudo -l
bla's password:
Matching Defaults entries for bla on czplaptop:
!insults, ignore_iolog_errors, log_output, log_input
User bla may run the following commands on czplaptop:
(ALL) list
bla@czplaptop:~> sudo -U czanik -l
Matching Defaults entries for czanik on czplaptop:
!insults, ignore_iolog_errors, log_output, log_input
User czanik may run the following commands on czplaptop:
List privileges
• The long list (-ll) option now also prints the file name
• Arrives in sudo version 1.9.15
List privileges
leap154b:~ # sudo -U mytest -ll
Matching Defaults entries for mytest on leap154b:
always_set_home, secure_path=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin, env_reset,
User mytest may run the following commands on leap154b:
Sudoers entry: /etc/sudoers
RunAsUsers: ALL
Sudoers entry: /etc/sudoers.d/foo
RunAsUsers: root
List privileges
• The file name and line number for the rule in the
SOURCE filed of JSON-formatted logs
• Arrives in sudo version 1.9.15

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Scaling Web Applications with Background
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Scaling Web Applications with Background

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Lydia Cupery - HubSpot Title: Scaling Web Applications with Background Jobs: Takeaways from Generating a Huge PDF Abstract: Do you need to perform time-consuming or CPU-intensive processes in your web application but are concerned about performance? That’s where background jobs come in. By offloading resource-intensive tasks to separate worker processes, you can improve the scalability of your web application. In this talk, I'll share my experience of using background jobs to scale our web application. I'll discuss the challenges my team faced that led us to adopt background jobs. Then, I'll share practical tips on how to design background jobs for CPU-intensive or time-consuming processes, such as generating huge PDFs and batch emailing. I'll wrap up by going over the performance and cost tradeoffs of background jobs. I'll use Typescript, Express, and Heroku as examples in this talk, but the concepts and best practices that I'll share are applicable to other languages and tools. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssemblySupercharging tutorials with WebAssembly
Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Robert Aboukhalil - CZI Title: Supercharging tutorials with WebAssembly Abstract: is a free platform that features interactive command-line tutorials for bioinformatics. This talk is a deep-dive into how was built, with a focus on how WebAssembly enabled bringing command-line tools like awk and grep to the web. Although these tools were originally written in C/C++, they all run directly in the browser, thanks to WebAssembly! And since the computations run on each user's computer, this makes the application highly scalable and cost-effective. Along the way, I'll discuss how WebAssembly works and how to get started using it in your own applications. The talk will also cover more advanced WebAssembly features such as threads and SIMD, and will end with a discussion of WebAssembly's benefits and pitfalls (it's a powerful technology, but it's not always the right tool!). Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks
Using SQL to Find Needles in HaystacksUsing SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks
Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by K.S. Bhaskar - YottaDB LLC Title: Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks Abstract: Database journal files capture every update to a database. A database of a few hundred GB can generate GBs worth of journal files every minute at busy times. Troubleshooting and forensices, especially of rare and intermittent problems, such as which process made what update and when, is an exercise of finding needles in haystacks. A similar problem exists with syslogs. A solution is to load the journal files and syslogs into a database, and use SQL to query the database. Bhaskar will present and demonstrate this with a 100% FOSS stack. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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• Recent versions of sudo let you see and control a lot
more activities:
• More detailed, easier to use log messages
• Log sessions through relays
• Less need for root shells: chroot & cwd support
• Track and intercept sub-commands
• Password masking in logs
• Listing privileges
Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
• Sudo website:
• My email:
• Twitter: @Pczanik
Sudo – Giving access while staying in control
Sudo – Giving access while staying in control

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Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Carol Huang & Mike Fix - Stripe Title: Scaling an Open Source Sponsorship Program Abstract: ​​We already know this: the open-source ecosystem needs further monetary investment from the companies that benefit most from it. Likewise, companies say they want to participate in these initiatives, but find it hard to dedicate resources to open source funding when there isn’t a clear ROI. This talk discusses how the Open Source Program Office at Stripe built a scalable, sustainable open source sponsorship model that aligns internal company incentives with those of open source maintainers and the community at large. We go over the unique “platformization” of our OSPO that allowed us to create multiple funding models, such as BYOB (Bring Your Own Budget), and share lessons learned from this experience as well as other OSPOs. Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source
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Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source

Presented at All Things Open 2023 Presented by Arundeep Nagaraj - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Title: Build Developer Experience Teams for Open Source Abstract: Open Source has become the default strategy for many IT organizations and Enterprises. However, the constant challenge with Open Source leaders of these organizations has been - How is my product's developer experience? Is this the right metric to track? How can I scale my team to support our products better? How can I add automation to scale redundant workflows? If my product involves working with developers, how can I scale to the complexity of the requests and reduce Engineering bandwidth? The challenges within support of open source products continues to magnify depending on the end user persona whether they are consumers or contributors to your product. Consumers utilize your product, SDK's and API's and are blocked with using it or run into issues, whereas contributors are advanced users of your software that understands the codebase to provide a meaningful contribution back to the product. The answer to the above is to look at Open Source support as a first-class citizen of your corporate support strategy. To employ the right level of developer focused support as opposed to traditional infrastructure based support is key to scale to the amount of developers using your product. Supporting customers in the open involves more than pure support - building customer / developer experiences (DX) in the open (across platforms and communities) that pivots over the ability of your product's users or developers to be focused on the end-to-end value add. This helps with your active developer growth and retention of users. Key Takeaways: - IT leaders of Open Source will learn to employ strategies to build a DX team that engages on multiple platforms - Work on identifying accurate metrics for product and organization - Innovate on platforms such as Discord to build a bot and a dashboard - Ability to leverage customer feedback and iterate over the customer success flywheel - Distinguish between DX and Developer Advocacy (DA) Find more info about All Things Open: On the web: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Mastodon: Threads: 2023 conference:

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Sudo – Giving access while staying in control

  • 2. Peter Czanik Open Source Evangelist One Identity @PCzanik Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential Sudo: Giving access while staying in control
  • 3. • Working at the Budapest office of One Identity (formerly known as Balabit) • syslog-ng & sudo upstream • Helping in RPM and FreeBSD packaging • Blogger and speaker About me Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 4. • What is sudo? • Some lesser-known features • What’s new? • JSON-formatted logging • Relays • Chroot, working directory • Logging sub-commands • Masking passwords • Getting more precise information Overview Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 5. - Is sudo a prefix for administrative commands? - Yes, but also a lot more: • Control and log access • Record and play back terminal input and output • Modular: extend with your own code, now even in Python • It even has humor! What is sudo?
  • 6. • Default config %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL • (Almost) all permissions to the wheel group • Still useful: • Controls access • No shared password • You see who did what A basic /etc/sudoers
  • 7. • Recording the terminal • Playback • Difficult to modify (not cleartext) • Saved locally, therefore easy to delete with unlimited access • Sudo 1.9: central session recording using sudo_logsrvd Session recording
  • 8. • Propagates in real-time • Can’t be modified locally • Many limitations (aliases, etc.) LDAP for central management
  • 9. • Extending sudo using Python • Using the same APIs as C plugins • API: • Python plugin documentation: • No development environment or compilation needed Python support
  • 10. • Accessing input and output from user sessions • Python example: IO logs API
  • 11. • Fun, but not always politically correct :) Defaults insults czanik@linux-mewy:~> sudo ls [sudo] password for root: Hold it up to the light --- not a brain in sight! [sudo] password for root: My pet ferret can type better than you! [sudo] password for root: sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts czanik@linux-mewy:~> Insults
  • 12. • Until now I talked about sudo <= 1.9.0 (most “enterprise” & “LTS” distros) • Since late 2020 most distros changed to 1.9.0 or later • Current version is 1.9.14 • Some 1.9.15 features mentioned at the end: coming soon ☺ • Sudo installers: Sudo versions
  • 13. • Introduced in sudo 1.9.4 • Traditionally plain-text logs with minimal information • Feature introduced due to old syslog constraints • Nov 18 12:31:33 centos7sudo sudo[30666]: czanik : 3 incorrect password attempts ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash • Nov 18 12:31:43 centos7sudo sudo[30670]: czanik : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash • Nov 18 12:31:49 centos7sudo sudo[30670]: czanik : command rejected by I/O plugin ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash JSON-formatted logs Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 14. • JSON-formatted logs have more information in a structured format Defaults log_format=json Nov 18 12:40:30 centos7sudo sudo[30891]: @cee:{"reject":{"reason":"command rejected by I/O plugin","server_time":{"seconds":1605699630,"nanoseconds":9332939 11,"iso8601":"20201118114030Z","localtime":"Nov 18 11:40:30"},"submit_time":{"seconds":1605699620,"nanoseconds":130 500349,"iso8601":"20201118114020Z","localtime":"Nov 18 11:40:20"},"submituser":"czanik","command":"/bin/bash","runuser":"ro ot","runcwd":"/home/czanik","ttyname":"/dev/pts/0","submithost":"cent os7sudo.localdomain","submitcwd":"/home/czanik","runuid":0,"columns" :118,"lines":60,"runargv":["/bin/bash"]}} JSON-formatted logs Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 15. • Use jq or similar to make logs more human readable on the terminal: { "sudo": { "accept": { "uuid": "616bc9efcf-b239-469d-60ee-deb5af8ce6", "server_time": { "seconds": 1643374700, "nanoseconds": 222446715, "iso8601": "20220128125820Z", "localtime": "Jan 28 13:58:20" }, "submituser": "czanik", […] JSON-formatted logs Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 16. • Logging: • Syslog • Audit plugin API – reachable also from Python for custom logging • Sudo 1.9.4 added logging to sudo_logsrvd Defaults log_servers= Logging to sudo_logsrvd Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 17. • Sudo_logsrvd sends logs to syslog • “HOST” field shows where logs are coming from Nov 18 12:40:16 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik : 3 incorrect password attempts ; HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash Nov 18 12:40:23 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik : HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; TSID=00000A ; COMMAND=/bin/bash Nov 18 12:40:30 centos8splunk.localdomain sudo[21028]: czanik : command rejected by I/O plugin ; HOST=centos7sudo.localdomain ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash • JSON formatting available Logging to sudo_logsrvd Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 18. • Sudo_logsrvd collects session recordings to a central location • Originally all sudo clients sent recordings directly • Sudo version 1.9.7 introduced relay mode • You can have multiple levels of relays to structure your network Using sudo_logsrvd in relay mode Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 19. • Collect recordings even when central server is unavailable (maintenance or network problem) • Have a single network connection through the firewall instead of granting each host access • Run it on a gateway host to relay from networks without direct Internet access, like AWS private networks Why relay mode? Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 20. • Configuring the client or the central server is the same • On the relay: • Where to forward • In case of unreliable networks, store first (default: false) relay_host = store_first = true • TLS encryption available Configuring relay mode Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 21. • Previously, full root shell access was needed to start an application from a user-inaccessible directory • Full root access easily gained using chroot • Starting with sudo 1.9.3, both can be configured from /etc/sudoers Using chroot and cwd Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 22. • The chroot command needs root privileges • Using with sudo, it is still possible to sudo chroot / • Chroot support must be explicitly enabled in sudoers Using chroot Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 23. • If directory is not restricted in sudoers: Defaults:%wheel runchroot=* • sudo --chroot / -s can do the same ☺ • But at least it is nicely logged: Sep 24 15:58:55 centos7sudo sudo[8149]: czanik : TTY=pts/0 ; CHROOT=/ ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; TSID=00001G ; COMMAND=/bin/bash Using chroot Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 24. • Directory can be restricted in sudoers: Defaults:%wheel runchroot=/var/lib/mock/epel7- x86_64/root • If chroot or a given directory is not allowed, it is logged: Sep 25 08:43:32 centos7sudo sudo[2640]: czanik : user not allowed to change root directory to /an/interesting/directory ; TTY=pts/0 ; CHROOT=/an/interesting/directory ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash Using chroot Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 25. • Before sudo 1.9.8, only session recording helped in case of shell or editor access • Watching recordings is boring and time consuming • 1.9.8 introduced: • Logging • Intercepting • Works in most cases (does not work for built-in commands, etc.) Logging and intercepting sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 26. • Enable with: Defaults log_subcmds • Turn on JSON formatting: Defaults log_format=json Logging sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 27. I Unnamed (Modified) Row 14 Col 1 czplaptop:/home/czanik # id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) czplaptop:/home/czanik # ls /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/ apache ewmm logmatic snmptrap cee fortigate mbox solaris checkpoint graphite netskope sudo cim graylog2 nodejs sumologic cisco iptables osquery syslogconf collectd junos pacct system default-network-drivers linux-audit paloalto telegram discord loadbalancer rewrite websense elasticsearch loggly slack windowseventlog czplaptop:/home/czanik # exit Logging sub-commands: editor screenshot Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 28. • Log without logging subcommands: Aug 30 13:03:00 czplaptop sudo[10150]: Czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/Czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/joe Logging sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 29. •Logs when logging subcommands: Aug 30 13:13:14 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/joe Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/sh -c /bin/bash Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/readlink /proc/10889/exe Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS […] Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/sed -r s@/*:|([^]):@1n@g;H;x;s@/n@n@ Aug 30 13:13:37 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tty Aug 30 13:13:42 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/id Aug 30 13:13:56 czplaptop sudo[10874]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/ls -A -N --color=none -T 0 /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/ Logging sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 30. • Log with JSON formatting: Aug 30 13:29:28 czplaptop sudo[11740]: @cee:{"sudo":{"accept":{"uuid":"18f25b2438-0c44-ddaf-a264- c70998d319","server_time":{"seconds":1630322968,"nanoseconds":12453428 3,"iso8601":"20210830112928Z","localtime":"Aug 30 11:29:28"},"submit_time":{"seconds":1630322965,"nanoseconds":357407987, "iso8601":"20210830112925Z","localtime":"Aug 30 11:29:25"},"submituser":"czanik","command":"/usr/bin/joe","runuser":"root","r uncwd":"/home/czanik","ttyname":"/dev/pts/1","submithost":"czplaptop","subm itcwd":"/home/czanik","runuid":0,"columns":80,"lines":24,"runargv":["joe","/et c/issue"],"runenv":["LANG=en_US.UTF- 8","COLORTERM=truecolor","TERM=xterm- 256color","MAIL=/var/mail/root","PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local /bin:/usr/local/sbin","LOGNAME=root","USER=root","HOME=/root","SHELL=/bin /bash","SUDO_COMMAND=/usr/bin/joe /etc/issue","SUDO_USER=czanik","SUDO_UID=1000","SUDO_GID=100"]}}} Logging sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 31. • Can prevent applications from running • Enabling is a two-step process in sudoers Defaults intercept • And the actual rule: czanik ALL = (ALL) ALL, !/usr/bin/who Intercepting sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 32. • Even if running a shell with full root access: czanik@czplaptop:~> sudo -s czplaptop:/home/czanik # who Sorry, user czanik is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/who' as root on czplaptop. bash: /usr/bin/who: Permission denied Intercepting sub-commands Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 33. • Visibility is not always good • Session recordings can include passwords Hiding passwords in recordings Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 34. • Recordings are saved under /var/log/sudo-io/ • No sudo tool to display input • Files are compressed zless /var/log/sudo-io/00/00/01/ttyin passwd bla^Mblabla^Mblabla^M^D Hiding passwords in recordings Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 35. • In /etc/sudoers: Defaults !log_passwords • Passwords are masked in session recordings: passwd bla^M********^M********^M^D Hiding passwords in recordings Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 36. • The list pseudo-command allows regular users to list other user’s privileges • Audit without full admin access • Introduced in sudo version 1.9.13 bla ALL=(ALL) list Listing privileges
  • 37. bla@czplaptop:~> sudo -l bla's password: Matching Defaults entries for bla on czplaptop: always_set_home, secure_path=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin, env_reset, env_keep="LANG LC_ADDRESS LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_TELEPHONE LC_ATIME LC_ALL LANGUAGE LINGUAS XDG_SESSION_COOKIE", !insults, ignore_iolog_errors, log_output, log_input User bla may run the following commands on czplaptop: (ALL) list bla@czplaptop:~> sudo -U czanik -l Matching Defaults entries for czanik on czplaptop: always_set_home, secure_path=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin, env_reset, env_keep="LANG LC_ADDRESS LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_TELEPHONE LC_ATIME LC_ALL LANGUAGE LINGUAS XDG_SESSION_COOKIE", !insults, ignore_iolog_errors, log_output, log_input User czanik may run the following commands on czplaptop: (ALL) ALL List privileges
  • 38. • The long list (-ll) option now also prints the file name • Arrives in sudo version 1.9.15 List privileges
  • 39. leap154b:~ # sudo -U mytest -ll Matching Defaults entries for mytest on leap154b: always_set_home, secure_path=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin, env_reset, env_keep="LANG LC_ADDRESS LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_NAME LC_NUMERIC LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE LC_TIME LC_ALL LANGUAGE LINGUAS XDG_SESSION_COOKIE", insults, targetpw User mytest may run the following commands on leap154b: Sudoers entry: /etc/sudoers RunAsUsers: ALL Commands: ALL Sudoers entry: /etc/sudoers.d/foo RunAsUsers: root Commands: ALL List privileges
  • 40. • The file name and line number for the rule in the SOURCE filed of JSON-formatted logs • Arrives in sudo version 1.9.15 "source":"/etc/sudoers:66:23" "source":"/etc/sudoers.d/foo:1:15" SOURCE in JSON logs
  • 41. • Recent versions of sudo let you see and control a lot more activities: • More detailed, easier to use log messages • Log sessions through relays • Less need for root shells: chroot & cwd support • Track and intercept sub-commands • Password masking in logs • Listing privileges Summary Security Starts Here | One Identity - Restricted - Confidential
  • 42. • Sudo website: • My email: • Twitter: @Pczanik Questions?