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Delivery on K8S
with GitOps
Pham Quang Minh
Viet OpenInfra Meetup #23
January 11, 2020
About me
• Pham Quang Minh
• DevOps Leader at
• Interested in:
• Architecture
• Micro-services and
Distributed system
• Data driven culture
 GitOps: What / Why?
 Helm manager: FluxCD vs ArgoCD
 Intergrate CI and ArgoCD
 Experience
 Best practices
 Scaling ArgoCD
 Micro-ing the monolith
GitOps CI/CD for K8S
What / Why?

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Designing a complete ci cd pipeline using argo events, workflow and cd products
Designing a complete ci cd pipeline using argo events, workflow and cd productsDesigning a complete ci cd pipeline using argo events, workflow and cd products
Designing a complete ci cd pipeline using argo events, workflow and cd products Presented at Cloud and AI DevFest GDG Montreal on September 27, 2019. Are you looking to get more flexibility out of your CICD platform? Interested how GitOps fits into the mix? Learn how Argo CD, Workflows, and Events can be combined to craft custom CICD flows. All while staying Kubernetes native, enabling you to leverage existing observability tooling.

GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...
GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...
GitOps - Modern best practices for high velocity app dev using cloud native t...

Alexis Richardson, Weaveworks CEO, recently presented this slide deck at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon event. He covers GitOps - modern best practices for developing apps faster using cloud native tools.

cloud nativesoftware developmentgitops
Gitops Hands On
Gitops Hands OnGitops Hands On
Gitops Hands On

These are the slides for a talk/workshop delivered to the Cloud Native Wales user group (@CloudNativeWal) on 2019-01-10. In these slides, we go over some principles of gitops and a hands on session to apply these to manage a microservice. You can find out more about GitOps online

Infrastructure as Code
Old-fashioned pipeline - CIOps
 Deployment script, chart,… in project repo
 Pipeline triggered by any change
 Hard to manage
 Security
Entering GitOps
 Use Git as the Source of Truth
 Manifest
 Configuration
 State
 Declarative specification
 Reliable
 Observable
Entering GitOps

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GitOps - Operation By Pull Request
GitOps - Operation By Pull RequestGitOps - Operation By Pull Request
GitOps - Operation By Pull Request

Presentation given at Cloud Native Copenhagen, Cloud Native Aalborg, and Cloud Native Aarhus in December 2020

Argocd up and running
Argocd up and runningArgocd up and running
Argocd up and running

This document discusses setting up ArgoCD, an open source tool for continuous delivery for Kubernetes applications, including building and testing source code, deploying Docker images to a registry, and using ArgoCD to apply configuration definitions and deploy applications. It also provides links to additional posts and GitHub projects about using Kustomize and secrets management with ArgoCD.

A GitOps Kubernetes Native CICD Solution with Argo Events, Workflows, and CD
A GitOps Kubernetes Native CICD Solution with Argo Events, Workflows, and CDA GitOps Kubernetes Native CICD Solution with Argo Events, Workflows, and CD
A GitOps Kubernetes Native CICD Solution with Argo Events, Workflows, and CD

Presented at Kubernetes and Cloud Native meetup in Toronto on December 4, 2019 See for a video recording of a similar talk. Are you looking to get more flexibility out of your CICD platform? Interested how GitOps fits into the mix? Learn how Argo CD, Workflows, and Events can be combined to craft custom CICD flows. All while staying Kubernetes native, enabling you to leverage existing observability tooling.

Helm manager:
Weave Flux vs ArgoCD
Continuous Delivery Battle
 GitOps Flow
 Helm manager
 K8S native
 Fast intergration
 Flexible
 Production ready
 Simple “enough”
Weave Flux

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Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD
Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCDGitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD
Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD

This document discusses improving the developer experience through GitOps and ArgoCD. It recommends building developer self-service tools for cloud resources and Kubernetes to reduce frustration. Example GitLab CI/CD pipelines are shown that handle releases, deployments to ECR, and patching apps in an ArgoCD repository to sync changes. The goal is to create faster feedback loops through Git operations and automation to motivate developers.

Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps Workshop
Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps WorkshopIntro to Kubernetes & GitOps Workshop
Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps Workshop

For this info-packed and hands-on workshop we cover: 📍 Introduction to Kubernetes & GitOps talk: We cover the most popular path that has brought success to many users already - GitOps as a natural evolution of Kubernetes. We'll give an overview of how you can benefit from Kubernetes and GitOps: greater security, reliability, velocity and more. Importantly, we cover definitions and principles standardized by the CNCF's OpenGitOps group and what it means for you. 📍 Get Started with GitOps: You'll have GitOps up and running in about 30 mins using our free and open source tools! We'll give a brief vision of where you want to be with those security, reliability, and velocity benefits, and then we'll support you while go through the getting started steps. During the workshop, you'll also experience in action and see demos for: - an opinionated repo structure to minimize decision fatigue - disaster recovery using GitOps - Helm charts example - Multi-cluster example - all with free and open source tools mostly in the CNCF (eg. Flux and Helm). If you have questions before or after the workshop, talk to us at #weave-gitops (If you need to invite yourself to the Slack, visit

gitopsweave gitops coreweave gitops
The journey to GitOps
The journey to GitOpsThe journey to GitOps
The journey to GitOps

How to automate much of the process of Kubernetes releases and deployments by using git as a source of truth.

Weave Flux vs ArgoCD
Weave Flux
 Interval
 Repo – based
 Docker registry monitor
 Auto commit state
 Cloud / Third party UI
 One repo, one cluster
 Interval + webhook
 Application – based
 Git manifest monitor
 Manual commit state
 Built-in UI
 Multiple repo, multiple
 SSO, RBAC,...
Cool, heh?
And we choose...
CI + ArgoCD

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GitOps is the best modern practice for CD with Kubernetes

Evolution of infrastructure as code, a framework that can drastically improve deployment speed and development efficiency. Youtube version:

Speeding up your team with GitOps
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Speeding up your team with GitOps

Slides of talk given at London Study of Enterprise Agile Meetup in June 2019. We go over GitOps and how it affects delivery speed in software development and release.

gitopsweaveworksweave flux
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?

Slides from Talk ( If you’re interested in learning more about Cloud Native Computing or are already in the Kubernetes community you may have heard the term GitOps. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s so much more! The benefits of GitOps are real – they bring you security, reliability, velocity and more! And the project that started it all was Flux – a CNCF Incubating project developed and later donated by Weaveworks (the GitOps company who coined the term). Pinky will share from personal experience why GitOps has been an essential part of achieving a best-in-class delivery and platform team. Pinky will give a brief overview of definitions, CNCF-based principles, and Flux’s capabilities: multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, (multi-everything!), for apps and infra, and more. Pinky will cover a little of Flux’s microservices architecture and how the various components deliver this robust, secure, and trusted open source solution. Through the components of the Flux project, users today are enjoying compatibility with Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Prometheus, and more as well as with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Join us for this informative session and get all of your GitOps questions answered by an end user in the community! Speaker: Priyanka (aka “Pinky”) is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks. She has worked on a multitude of topics including front end development, UI automation for testing and API development. Previously she was a software developer at State Farm where she was on the delivery engineering team working on GitOps enablement. She was instrumental in the multi-tenancy migration to utilize Flux for an internal Kubernetes offering. Outside of work, Priyanka enjoys hanging out with her husband and two rescue dogs as well as traveling around the globe.

gitopsgit opscontinuous delivery
Who is missing?
Helm chart design
Helm chart design
Simple updater

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GitOps 101 Presentation.pdf
GitOps 101 Presentation.pdfGitOps 101 Presentation.pdf
GitOps 101 Presentation.pdf

This document provides an overview of GitOps and summarizes a training session on the topic. The session covered Kubernetes and Git basics, the motivation and model for GitOps, an example of GitOps in action using Flux on a training environment, progressive delivery techniques like Flagger, and challenges with GitOps adoption. The goals were to explain what GitOps is, understand benefits, gain hands-on experience, and decide if it's right for a team/project. GitOps aims to use Git as the single source of truth for infrastructure and automate deployments by reconciling production with the code repository.

DevOps Fest 2020. Дмитрий Кудрявцев. Реализация GitOps на Kubernetes. ArgoCD
DevOps Fest 2020. Дмитрий Кудрявцев. Реализация GitOps на Kubernetes. ArgoCDDevOps Fest 2020. Дмитрий Кудрявцев. Реализация GitOps на Kubernetes. ArgoCD
DevOps Fest 2020. Дмитрий Кудрявцев. Реализация GitOps на Kubernetes. ArgoCD

The document discusses GitOps and ArgoCD for managing Kubernetes applications. It defines GitOps as storing the desired state of systems in Git repositories and using continuous delivery tools to ensure the live systems match that state. ArgoCD is introduced as a GitOps tool that monitors applications and ensures the running state matches the target state defined in Git. Key features of ArgoCD include a web UI, automated deployments, support for different config formats, and rollback capabilities. The document provides an example of using Kustomize to customize Kubernetes resources through overlays.

GitOps: Git come unica fonte di verità per applicazioni e infrastruttura
GitOps: Git come unica fonte di verità per applicazioni e infrastrutturaGitOps: Git come unica fonte di verità per applicazioni e infrastruttura
GitOps: Git come unica fonte di verità per applicazioni e infrastruttura

GitOps è un nuovo metodo di CD che utilizza Git come unica fonte di verità per le applicazioni e per l'infrastruttura (declarative infrastructure / infrastructure as code), fornendo sia il controllo delle revisioni che il controllo delle modifiche. In questo talk vedremo i concetti alla base di CI/CD, ovvero Continuous Integration e Continuous Deployment (o anche Continuous Delivery), pratiche nello sviluppo software che permettono ai team di creare dei progetti collaborativi in modo rapido, efficiente e idealmente con meno errori. Infine vedremo come implementare un flusso di lavoro GitOps usando Github actions e ArgoCD.

GitlabCI example
 Base webhook
 Full example with script, chart,…
Best practices
 Health check is VERY important
 Separated code & deployment
 1 branch - 1 environment
 Secret management: Vault, Bitnami
Sealed secret,…
 Tag docker image with commit SHA.
Eg: dev-v1-abcdxyz

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This document discusses GitOps, an operational framework that uses version control and CI/CD practices to automate infrastructure provisioning. It defines GitOps as using a Git repository as the single source of truth for infrastructure definitions, with merge requests used to approve all infrastructure updates. These updates are then automated through continuous integration and delivery workflows. The document also introduces Argo CD as a GitOps tool that uses declarative specifications to accelerate application deployment and lifecycle management on Kubernetes through a pull-based model where the agent on the cluster pulls the desired application state from Git.

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Intro to GitOps & Flux.pdf
Intro to GitOps & Flux.pdfIntro to GitOps & Flux.pdf
Intro to GitOps & Flux.pdf

The document provides an introduction to GitOps and Flux. It discusses what GitOps is, how it utilizes version control as a single source of truth for continuous delivery. It then summarizes what Flux is and its key components like the source, kustomize, helm and notification controllers. The document highlights benefits of Flux like reducing developer burden and being extensible. It also briefly mentions new Flux features like OCI support and related tools like the terraform controller, flamingo and Weave GitOps.

Continuous Lifecycle London 2018 Event Keynote
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Continuous Lifecycle London 2018 Event Keynote

Today it’s all about delivering velocity without compromising on quality, yet it’s becoming increasingly difficult for organisations to keep up with the challenges of current release management and traditional operations. The demand for developers to own the end-to-end delivery, including operational ownership, is increasing. A “you build it, you own it” development process requires tools that developers know and understand. So I’d like to introduce “GitOps”- an agile software lifecycle for modern applications. In this session, I will discuss these industry challenges, including current CICD trends and how they’re converging with operations and monitoring. I’ll also illustrate the GitOps model, identify best practices and tools to use, and explain how you can benefit from adopting this methodology inherited from best practices going back 10-15 years.

CI/CD bottle-neck
Scaling ArgoCD
 Many applications may cause
“Unknown state”
 ~10 applications per argocd-repo-
Micro-ing the monolith
 Use same chart, same values file
 Clone “Application” manifest with
different name
 Config routing to 2 “Service”
 Happy micro-servicing
What next?
 Meet their children: GitOps Engine

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DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOpsDevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps
DevNation Tech Talk: Getting GitOps

In 2022 we heard your GitOps questions at meetups and gatherings, big stages and local panels and one question was often top of mind: how do I get started? The benefits of GitOps are calling your name, but getting started isn’t that straightforward. Red Hat is excited to kick off 2023 with a DevNation TechTalk, focused on GitOps to help you sift through your questions. At DevNation you’ll hear from passionate GitOps practitioners about the pitfalls to avoid and hurdles to jump while kicking off or evolving your GitOps practices. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps or early in their practice development within a cloud native environment. During this live session you’ll learn: Upcoming updates and key milestones in the ArgoCD roadmap and how Red Hat will support them How to simplify the delivery GitOps across multi-cloud environments GitOps best practices from experts at: PostNord Strålfors: Filip Jansson Arbetsförmedlingen: Misho Kmetovski & Richard Hermansson Swiss Railways (SBB): Manuel Wallrapp & Thomas Bruederli Plus stick around for an “Ask me Anything” segment to ask any outstanding questions live.

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Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp
Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorpEmpowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp
Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp

Companies digitally transforming themselves into modern, software-defined businesses are building their foundation on cloud native solutions like GitLab and Hashicorp. Together, GitLab, Terraform, and Vault are empowering organizations to be more iterative, flexible, and secure. Join us in this session to learn more about how GitLab and Hashicorp are lowering the barrier of entry into industrializing the application development and delivery process across the entire application lifecycle.

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Travelio Tech Talks 2022 presentation The recommended workflow for implementing GitOps with Kubernetes manifests is known as trunk-based development. This method defines one branch as the "trunk" and carries out development on each environment in a different short-lived branch. When development is complete for that environment, the developer creates a pull request for the branch to the trunk. Developers can also create a fork to work on an environment, and then create a branch to merge the fork into the trunk. Once the proper approvals are done, the pull request (or the branch from the fork) gets merged into the trunk. The branch for that feature is deleted, keeping your branches to a minimum. Trunk-based development trades branches for directories. You can think of the trunk as a "main" or primary branch. production and prod are popular names for the trunk branch. Trunk-based development came about to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery by supplying a development model focused on the fast delivery of changes to applications. But this model also works for GitOps repositories because it keeps things simple and more in tune with how Kustomize and Helm work. When you record deltas between environments, you can clearly see what changes will be merged into the trunk. You won’t have to cherry-pick nearly as often, and you’ll have the confidence that what is in your Git repository is what is actually going into your environment. This is what you want in a GitOps workflow.

Interested? Join us!
Telegram: minhpq

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Vietnam Open Infrastructure User Group
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Vietnam Open Infrastructure User Group
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Vietnam Open Infrastructure User Group
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Vietnam Open Infrastructure User Group
Room 2 - 2 - Giang Thiên Phú - Kinh nghiệm tối ưu mongodb với database hơn 10...
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Room 3 - 2 - Trần Tuấn Anh - Defending Software Supply Chain Security in Bank...
Room 3 - 7 - Nguyễn Như Phúc Huy - Vitastor: a fast and simple Ceph-like bloc...
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Room 3 - 7 - Nguyễn Như Phúc Huy - Vitastor: a fast and simple Ceph-like bloc...
Room 3 - 1 - Nguyễn Xuân Trường Lâm - Zero touch on-premise storage infrastru...
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Room 1 - 2 - Nguyễn Văn Thắng & Dzung Nguyen - Proxmox VE và ZFS over iscsi
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Room 1 - 6 - Trần Quốc Sang - Autoscaling for multi cloud platform based on S...
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Room 1 - 3 - Lê Anh Tuấn - Build a High Performance Identification at GHTK wi...
Room 1 - 3 - Lê Anh Tuấn - Build a High Performance Identification at GHTK wi...Room 1 - 3 - Lê Anh Tuấn - Build a High Performance Identification at GHTK wi...
Room 1 - 3 - Lê Anh Tuấn - Build a High Performance Identification at GHTK wi...
Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
Room 1 - 5 - Thủy Đặng - Load balancing k8s services on baremetal with Cilium...
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Room 1 - 5 - Thủy Đặng - Load balancing k8s services on baremetal with Cilium...
Room 1 - 4 - Phạm Tường Chiến & Trần Văn Thắng - Deliver managed Kubernetes C...
Room 1 - 4 - Phạm Tường Chiến & Trần Văn Thắng - Deliver managed Kubernetes C...Room 1 - 4 - Phạm Tường Chiến & Trần Văn Thắng - Deliver managed Kubernetes C...
Room 1 - 4 - Phạm Tường Chiến & Trần Văn Thắng - Deliver managed Kubernetes C...
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