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Why We Need a Service Mesh
Framework-agnostic policy approach
for cloud-native microservices
Service Mesh @Lara Camp Myanmar - 02 Sep,2023

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Build CICD Pipeline for Container Presentation Slides
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Build CICD Pipeline for Container Presentation Slides

At AWS re:Invent, we have launched support for blue/green deployments for services hosted using AWS Fargate and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). Blue/green deployments help you minimize downtime during application updates. They allow you to launch a new version of your application alongside the old version and test the new version before you reroute traffic to it. You can also monitor the deployment process and, if there is an issue, quickly roll back. In this workshop, you will create a new service in AWS Fargate that uses AWS CodeDeploy to manage the deployments, testing, and traffic cutover for you.

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
Introduction of kubernetes rancher
Introduction of kubernetes rancherIntroduction of kubernetes rancher
Introduction of kubernetes rancher

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes and Rancher through a presentation given at a Rancher Meetup. It includes: 1. An introduction to market trends in Kubernetes adoption by major cloud providers. 2. An overview of Kubernetes architecture and components. 3. An introduction to Rancher and how it differs from previous versions in using Kubernetes as its core architecture. 4. Details on running a hands-on demo of deploying Kubernetes clusters and applications using Rancher.

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At Containers & Cloud Native Roadhow in Milan and Rome, Italy, we discussed and demonstrated CI/CD Pipelines with OpenShift Container Platform. - OpenShift 3.9 - Jenkins - Jenkins Pipeline - Maven Pipeline (Groovy) - Blue-Green, Canary Deployments

Data Link
DC Routing
DC Switches
Logical Routing
Logical Switching
Physical Appliances Virtual FormFactor
DC Observability
Home Lab
Home Lab

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Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive
Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep DiveKubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive
Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive

Cilium is open source software for providing and transparently securing network connectivity and load balancing between application workloads such as application containers or processes. Cilium operates at Layer 3/4 to provide traditional networking and security services as well as Layer 7 to protect and secure use of modern application protocols such as HTTP, gRPC and Kafka. The foundation of Cilium is the new Linux kernel technology BPF which supports the dynamic insertion of BPF bytecode into the Linux kernel at various integration points. This presentation reveals the secrets of Kubernetes networking and gives you a deep dive into Cilium and why it is awesome!

How Kubernetes helps Devops
How Kubernetes helps DevopsHow Kubernetes helps Devops
How Kubernetes helps Devops

This deck covers Kubernetes abstractions, design patterns, integrations and extensions. These features simplifies Devops.

Using eBPF for High-Performance Networking in Cilium
Using eBPF for High-Performance Networking in CiliumUsing eBPF for High-Performance Networking in Cilium
Using eBPF for High-Performance Networking in Cilium

The Cilium project is a popular networking solution for Kubernetes, based on eBPF. This talk uses eBPF code and demos to explore the basics of how Cilium makes network connections, and manipulates packets so that they can avoid traversing the kernel's built-in networking stack. You'll see how eBPF enables high-performance networking as well as deep network observability and security.

high throughput and low latencyp99p99 conf
Business Drivers for Application Modernization
Reduce Costs
/ Shift Capex
to Opex
Access to
Increase flexibility
and Capacity
of Infrastructure
Increase Velocity of
Reduce Risk
Monolithic Microservices
The Way We Build Applications
Built on
Large Teams
Built on
Agile Teams
Challenges with Microservices
● How to observe interactions among
● How to secure service to service
● How to manage transient failures?
● How to control traffic?
Life without ServiceMesh `vs` Life with ServiceMesh
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Multiple Tasks
- Multiple Frameworks
- Language Specific
- Poor Dev Experience
- 100s of Manual Steps
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Focus on Biz Logic
- Developer Productivity
Managed by
- Automated Workflow
- Deploy Consistent
Infrastructure Layer
- Eliminate Language
Specific Libraries
- Consistent Security &
Observability across LOBs
Before Service Mesh After Service Mesh
Microservice App Microservice App

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GitOps and ArgoCD
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GitOps and ArgoCD

- What is GitOps? - GitOps Operation Model - Why we need GitOps? - GitOps Principles? - What is ArgoCD? - Demo...

OpenShift Overview
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OpenShift Overview

OpenShift cloud technology high-level overview given at the Athens Area Software Developer Meet-up in Athens, Georgia, January 2014.

Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD
Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCDKubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD
Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD

A brief dissertation about using GitOps paradigm to operate an application on multiple Kubernetes environments thanks to GitHub, ArgoCD and Kustomize. A talk about this matters has been taken at the event #CloudConf2020

Online Boutique Microservices Demo
Application Networking Challenges
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Timeouts
● Retry / Budgets
● Circuit breaking
● Tracing, observability
● Secure transport
● Extension
Application Networking
Application Networking

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GitOps on Kubernetes with Carvel
GitOps on Kubernetes with CarvelGitOps on Kubernetes with Carvel
GitOps on Kubernetes with Carvel

Carvel is an open source tool suite you can use to build, configure and deploy apps to Kubernetes. In this presentation, check out how to leverage Carvel to apply a GitOps strategy on Kubernetes. This deck was used as part of a meetup organized by Programmez, a french magazine, on May 10th, 2022. Here are some live demos to better understand the value of Carvel with GitOps: get the source code at

Cloud-native Application Development on OCI
Cloud-native Application Development on OCICloud-native Application Development on OCI
Cloud-native Application Development on OCI

Presentation delivered at DOAG 2022 Abstract: Building applications in a Cloud-native way is the new normal, since the world is hybrid nowadays. Cloud-native applications are flexible, scalable and portable from On-prem environment to any Cloud platform as well as between different Cloud-vendor platforms without changing the actual implementation. This session will look at the key characteristics of Cloud-native applications and what this means for enterprises. In this session, I'll also give an overview on OCI and the provided Cloud-native apps development platform. In addition, I'll demo developing and running Cloud-native apps in OCI and will introduce the relevant Services.

cloud-nativeoracle cloudoracle
GitOps with ArgoCD
GitOps with ArgoCDGitOps with ArgoCD
GitOps with ArgoCD

At the spring 2019 Kubernetes and Cloud Native Meetup in Montreal, Jean-Philippe Belanger from Upgrade presented 'GitOps with ArgoCD.'

Application Networking
Data Plane & Control Plane
Business Drivers for Adopting Istio
Why Envoy for Service Mesh Data Plane
● Neutral Foundation (CNCF)
● Large, diverse, vibrant community
● Built ground up for dynamic services
● Dynamic configuration, driven by API
● Highly extensible
● L7 filters (HTTP/1, HTTP/2, gRPC,
redis, mysql, Kafka, etc)
● Deep signals telemetry out of the box
● Versatile deployment options

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Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop
Introduction to Kubernetes WorkshopIntroduction to Kubernetes Workshop
Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop

A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes. This slide deck serves as the lecture portion of a full-day Workshop covering the architecture, concepts and components of Kubernetes. For the interactive portion, please see the tutorials here:

Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17

This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.

Open shift 4 infra deep dive
Open shift 4    infra deep diveOpen shift 4    infra deep dive
Open shift 4 infra deep dive

The document provides an overview of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, including: - OpenShift provides a fully automated Kubernetes container platform for any infrastructure. - It offers integrated services like monitoring, logging, routing, and a container registry out of the box. - The architecture runs everything in pods on worker nodes, with masters managing the control plane using Kubernetes APIs and OpenShift services. - Key concepts include pods, services, routes, projects, configs and secrets that enable application deployment and management.

Istio - Open Source Service Mesh
Istio Launched
Data Plane
7 New Community Releases
1000s Production Users
~ 1000 Community Contributors
Case Studies
Istio Service Mesh Architecture
Use Cases

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Are you still keep your credential in your code? This session will show you how to do secrets management in best practices with Hashicorp Vault with a demo on Kubernetes Jirayut Nimsaeng Founder & CEO Opsta (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Youtube Record: TD Tech - Open House: The Technology Playground @ Sathorn Square October 29, 2022

The Power of GitOps with Flux & GitOps Toolkit
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The Power of GitOps with Flux & GitOps Toolkit

GitOps Days Community Special Watch the video here: New to GitOps or been a long-time Flux user? We'll walk you through the benefits of GitOps and then demo it in action with a sneak peak into the next gen Flux and GitOps Toolkit! * Automation! * Visibility! * Reconciliation! * Powerful use of Prometheus and Grafana! * GitOps for Helm! For Flux users, Flux v1 is decoupled into Flux v2 and GitOps Toolkit. We'll demo how this decoupling gives you more control over how you can do GitOps and with fewer steps! Join Leigh Capili and Tamao Nakahara as they show you GitOps in action with Flux and GitOps Toolkit. Note to our Flux community that Flux v2 and the GitOps Toolkit is in development and Flux v1 is in maintenance mode. These talks and upcoming guides will give you the most up-to-date info and steps to migrate once we reach feature parity and start the migration process. We are dedicated to the smoothest experience possible for our Flux community, so please join us if you'd like early access and to give us feedback for the migration process. We are really excited by the improvements and want to take this opportunity to show you what the GitOps Toolkit is all about, walk you through the guides and get your feedback! For more info, see Here's our latest blog post on Flux v2 and GitOps Toolkit updates:

kubernetescloud nativegitops
Istio Service Mesh for Developers and Platform Engineers
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Istio Service Mesh for Developers and Platform Engineers

Istio Service Mesh for Developers and Platform Engineers (Presented at Singapore k8s user group 23-May-2023)

Secure Networking - Server Side TLS
Secure Networking - mTLS
Too Much Trust !!!
Zero Trust

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The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh
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The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh

This document discusses the current and future state of service mesh. It provides an overview of, including its leadership team members and growth. It then discusses key functions of service meshes like Istio including traffic control and policy enforcement. The document outlines considerations for extending the data plane, such as with GraphQL and eBPF. It argues that optimizing the data plane is an area of ongoing innovation and discusses tradeoffs between different data plane architectures.

istioebpfservice mesh
The Future of Service Mesh
The Future of Service MeshThe Future of Service Mesh
The Future of Service Mesh

Presented at Spacewalk 2023 Presented by Christian Posta, Title: The Future of Service Mesh Abstract: Service mesh is a powerful way to solve cross-cutting application-networking concerns, such as load balancing, service resilience, observability, and security. Adopting a mesh for your services can save hundreds of hours of developer time and reduce the burden placed on operations. In this talk we'll explore some common use cases for service mesh, look at some case studies, and then dig into innovation happening in this space such as "sidecar-less" service mesh.

all things openato2023open source
Cisco Connect 2018 Thailand - Enabling the next gen data center transformatio...
Cisco Connect 2018 Thailand - Enabling the next gen data center transformatio...Cisco Connect 2018 Thailand - Enabling the next gen data center transformatio...
Cisco Connect 2018 Thailand - Enabling the next gen data center transformatio...

Patomphon Vimolket introduces Cisco's vision for enabling next-generation data center transformations through software-defined technologies. The document discusses challenges like evolving threats, manual operations, and digital disruption. It presents Cisco's data center reference architecture and portfolio including Cisco CloudCenter, Nexus, UCS, HyperFlex, ACI, Intersight, and security solutions like Tetration and AppDynamics. These provide application visibility, infrastructure optimization, and security to help businesses adapt to challenges like multicloud, microservices, and more dynamic environments.
Network Security in Kubernetes
Default State
Desired State
“Zero Trust Security”
DIY … Whoops !
○ 81% of companies experienced a certificate-related outage in the
past two years
○ 65% are concerned about the increased workload and risk of outages
caused by shorter SSL/TLS certificate lifespans.
○ Human error was a major contributing factor in 95% of breaches
Istio to the Rescue !
Resiliency - There will be Failures
Common Mitigations
● Waiting indefinitely is bad
● Trying again is good
● Degrade gracefully when services are

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Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service MeshManaging microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh

Developing and managing hundreds (or maybe thousands) of microservices at scale is a challenge for both development and operations teams. We have seen over the last years the appearance of new frameworks dedicated to deliver ‘Cloud Native’ applications by providing a set of (out of box) building blocks. Most of these frameworks integrate microservices concerns at the code level. Recently, we have seen the emerging of a new pattern known as sidecar or proxy promoting to push all these common concerns outside of the business code and provides them on the edge by integrate a new layer to the underlying platform called Service Mesh. Istio is one of the leading Service Mesh implementing sidecar pattern. We will go during the presentation throw the core concepts behind Istio, the capabilities that provides to manage, secure and observe microservices and how it gives a new breath for both developers and operations. The presentation will be guided by a sequence of demo exposing Istio capabilities.

kubernetescloud nativeservice mesh
Istio Service Mesh
Istio Service MeshIstio Service Mesh
Istio Service Mesh

As more applications are being developed as a set of microservices, containers and platforms such as Kubernetes make many things much easier, but still leave untouched many operational issues such as traffic management and visibility, service authentication, security and policy. Istio, is a new service mesh that attempts to address many of these. We will discuss the architecture of Istio and the benefits it may offer to new microservice-based systems in a multicloud world.

cloud computingkubernetesistio
Building The Right Network
Building The Right NetworkBuilding The Right Network
Building The Right Network

Joe Onisick, Principal Engineer, Cisco discusses building the right network and understanding different overlay approaches at Cisco Connect Toronto 2015.

joe onisickprincipal engineernexus
Timeout - Don’t wait Indefinitely
Retry - Trying Again is Good
Circuit Breaker - Degrade gracefully
Observability - Insights for Competitive Advantage
Building a Uniform Approach
● Understand traffic patterns
● Determine service health
● Anticipate outages
● Detect dangerous activity
● Audit access

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Migrate a on-prem platform to the public cloud with Java - SpringBoot and PCF
Migrate a on-prem platform to the public cloud with Java - SpringBoot and PCFMigrate a on-prem platform to the public cloud with Java - SpringBoot and PCF
Migrate a on-prem platform to the public cloud with Java - SpringBoot and PCF

This describes a story about a couple of teams that started their migration to the public cloud so the platform becomes available for ~300 teams. War stories, their journey, bloopers and their choices all shared.

Cisco Connect Toronto 2018 sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...
Cisco Connect Toronto 2018   sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...Cisco Connect Toronto 2018   sd-wan - delivering intent-based networking to t...
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This document discusses Cisco SD-WAN and its ability to deliver intent-based networking to branches and the WAN. It begins by noting the business challenges of traditional network architectures in supporting modern needs around mobility, cloud applications, and security. It then introduces Cisco SD-WAN as a software-defined solution that provides automated, predictive, and business-intent driven networking through centralized control, application-aware policies, hybrid WAN transport, and integrated security and analytics capabilities. Key components of the Cisco SD-WAN architecture are also summarized, including the data, control, management, and orchestration planes.

cisco connect toronto 2018
Cis sem sdn
Cis sem sdnCis sem sdn
Cis sem sdn

SDN is an approach that decouples the control plane from the data plane in a network, allowing for centralized control and programmability. This document introduces SDN and network programmability, covering what SDN is and is not, the genesis of SDN, use cases solved by SDN, an overview of OpenFlow, Cisco's SDN solutions including ACI, network overlays, and network controllers. It also discusses the impact of SDN on IT service management.

Observability - Metrics and Access Logging
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
inbound|8000|| default
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
inbound|8000|| default
[2020-11-25T21:26:18.409Z] "GET /status/418 HTTP/1.1" 418 - via_upstream
- "-" 0 135 3 1 "-" "curl/7.73.0-DEV"
"84961386-6d84-929d-98bd-c5aee93b5c88" "httpbin:8000" ""
inbound|8000|| default
Business Drivers for Adopting Istio
Life without ServiceMesh `vs` Life with ServiceMesh
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Multiple Tasks
- Multiple Frameworks
- Language Specific
- Poor Dev Experience
- 100s of Manual Steps
Business Logic
Security Logic
Traffic Management Logic
Golden Metrics/
Observability Logic
Resiliency Logic
Managed by
- Focus on Biz Logic
- Developer Productivity
Managed by
- Automated Workflow
- Deploy Consistent
Infrastructure Layer
- Eliminate Language
Specific Libraries
- Consistent Security &
Observability across LOBs
Before Service Mesh After Service Mesh
Microservice App Microservice App

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Cloud-Native Application Debugging with Envoy and Service Mesh
Cloud-Native Application Debugging with Envoy and Service MeshCloud-Native Application Debugging with Envoy and Service Mesh
Cloud-Native Application Debugging with Envoy and Service Mesh

Microservices have been great for accelerating the software innovation and delivery, but they also present new challenges, especially as abstractions and automated orchestration at every layer make pinpointing the issue seem like walking around a maze with a blindfold. Existing tools weren’t designed for distributed environments, and the new tools need to consider how to leverage these abstraction layers to better observe, test, and troubleshoot issues. Christian Posta walks you through Envoy Proxy and service mesh architecture for L7 data plane, the key features in Envoy that can help in debugging and troubleshooting, chaos engineering as a testing methodology for microservices, how to approach a testing and debugging framework for microservices, and new open source tools that address these areas. You’ll explore a workflow to discover and resolve microservices issues, including injecting experiments for stress testing the applications, gathering requests in flight, recording and replaying them, and debugging them step by step without affecting production traffic.

envoyenvoy proxyservice mesh
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center
L'azienda è più agile? Tutto merito del Data Center

The document discusses Cisco's unified computing system (UCS) and how it provides a flexible, integrated intelligent infrastructure for data centers. It highlights key benefits of UCS such as simplified management, reduced costs, ability to evolve with business needs, and optimized performance for virtualization. UCS combines computing, networking, management, and storage access into a single integrated architecture to reduce complexity and improve agility.

Leveraging the strength of OSGi to deliver a convergent IoT Ecosystem - O Log...
Leveraging the strength of OSGi to deliver a convergent IoT Ecosystem - O Log...Leveraging the strength of OSGi to deliver a convergent IoT Ecosystem - O Log...
Leveraging the strength of OSGi to deliver a convergent IoT Ecosystem - O Log...

The “internet of things” is the next revolutionary wave following profound changes brought to us by Personal Computers (connecting places) and Mobile Phones (connecting people on the go). This third wave heralds the beginning of the new era of pervasive connectivity, embedded intelligence, and application convergence. It will be the world where smart things will communicate among themselves and with us enabling greener, more efficient, and at the same time more comfortable environment. This talk will present a platform and products designed to serve the new markets enabled by the Internet of Things, with a particular focus on the value of the OSGi framework enabling convergence of Home Automation, Smart Energy, Electric Vehicle Charging, and e-health on a single remotely manageable platform. It will also provide insights on how the platform was developed leveraging the extensibility offered by the OSGi framework and ProSyst’s modular architecture. The built-in OSGi stack provides Java-level abstraction of the network interfaces and Smart Energy Profile 2.0 stack as well as cloud integration features such as web server, web services and standards-based remote management. The OSGi framework is the key enabler of the product lifecycle and remote application management mandatory for service provider driven deployments. The Smart Energy 2.0 standard is a key element of the future smart grid. And the work presented in this talk describes the first platform integrating the SEP 2.0 protocol stack with an OSGi based middleware. The OSGi based solution also provides higher level of device security through the use of secure element. The UDK-21 is build around a System-on-Chip STreamPlug (ST2100), the solution features a fully integrated HomePlug PHY/MAC and Analog Front End combined with the ARM926EJ-S processor and a rich set of interfaces. A demo showing Smart Energy Profile 2.0 use cases will outline these features. The demo will show how web based applications can interact with the OSGi stack on the already publicly available UDK-21 based gateway to control remote devices, such as a thermostat or an electric load. The access to SEP 2.0 devices will be done by the means of JSON-RPC based APIs, independent of the underlying device protocol, hence highlighting the benefits of a generic protocol agnostic architecture from the application standpoint. Other examples of the products that can be built around UDK-21 include Electric Vehicle Charger, Smart Meter, and a Basement Sensor Hub.

osgiosgi devconosgi devcon 2014
Istio Deployment (Sidecar Architecture)
Istio Ambient Mesh (Sidecar-less Architecture)
A recent, open source contribution to the Istio project,
that defines a new sidecar-less data plane.
Istio Deployment (Sidecar-less Architecture)
Something to think about …

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[Rakuten TechConf2014] [C-5] Ichiba Architecture on ExaLogic
[Rakuten TechConf2014] [C-5] Ichiba Architecture on ExaLogic[Rakuten TechConf2014] [C-5] Ichiba Architecture on ExaLogic
[Rakuten TechConf2014] [C-5] Ichiba Architecture on ExaLogic

Rakuten Technology Conference 2014 "Ichiba Architecture on ExaLogic" Euncheol Kweon, Ryu Watanabe (Rakuten)

20151207 - iot strategy
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20151207 - iot strategy

This document discusses strategies for IoT development. It proposes three levels of architecture - short, mid, and long term - to develop an IoT kernel and services. It also examines Advantech's IoT products and architectures, including their WebAccess SCADA system and WISE-Cloud platform. Challenges in IoT solutions are identified around connectivity, costs, reliability and time to market. Two proof-of-concept projects are proposed using edge cloud services and Modbus TCP.

21st Docker Switzerland Meetup - ISTIO
21st Docker Switzerland Meetup - ISTIO21st Docker Switzerland Meetup - ISTIO
21st Docker Switzerland Meetup - ISTIO

The document discusses Istio, an open source service mesh that provides traffic management, resilience, and security for microservices applications. It begins with an overview of microservices and common challenges in managing microservices applications. It then introduces Istio and its components that address these challenges, such as intelligent routing, policy enforcement, and telemetry collection. Specific Istio features like traffic control, splitting, and mirroring are demonstrated. Finally, it provides instructions for getting started with Istio and links for additional information.
Something to think about …
● the Istio Ingress Gateway doesn’t provide the capabilities of an enterprise API
● It’s complex to use and to manage, especially in a multi-cloud context
● mTLS across the clusters
● Lifecycle management for control planes and istio gateways
● Global Observability (centralized metrics and access logging)
● Long term support
Something to think about …
Learn More …
Thanks for attending!
Founding Partner @

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Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centreApplication Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre

Mike Herbet, Principal Engineer, Cisco, Dave Cole, Consulting Systems Engineer, Cisco, Sean Comrie, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco focused on the application centric infrastructure (ACI) at Cisco Connect Toronto.

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Sprekers: Stijn Van den Enden & Stijn Wijndaele (ACA IT-Solutions) DevOps is gericht op het tot stand brengen van een cultuur binnen organisaties waardoor het ontwikkelen, valideren en releasen van software sneller, meer betrouwbaar en frequenter kan verlopen. Om dit te realiseren staan het automatiseren van het 'software delivery process' en de bijhorende infrastructurele veranderingen centraal. Door de opkomst van 'Microservice Architecture' neemt het belang hiervan nog verder toe. In deze avondconferentie werd, na een korte toelichting over DevOps, nagegaan wat Docker en de Cloud kunnen betekenen voor uw business, en hoe zij als enablers kunnen dienen voor het tot stand brengen van een DevOps-cultuur. Het container-landschap waarvan tools zoals Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, ...een belangrijk onderdeel vormen, wordt toegelicht en er wordt ingegaan op de wijze waarop deze tools aangewend kunnen worden om 'development' en 'operations' efficiënt te laten samenwerken.

cloudcloud computingdocker
Docker and Cloud - Enables for DevOps - by ACA-IT
Docker and Cloud - Enables for DevOps - by ACA-ITDocker and Cloud - Enables for DevOps - by ACA-IT
Docker and Cloud - Enables for DevOps - by ACA-IT

DevOps is gericht op het tot stand brengen van een cultuur binnen organisaties waardoor het ontwikkelen, valideren en releasen van software sneller, meer betrouwbaar en frequenter kan verlopen. Om dit te realiseren staan het automatiseren van het 'software delivery process' en de bijhorende infrastructurele veranderingen centraal. Door de opkomst van 'Microservice Architecture' neemt het belang hiervan nog verder toe.


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