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Multi-tenant Kubernetes
observability with Prometheus
robusta-dev Natan Yellin aantn
Natan Yellin,
$ whoami
Co-founder of
Multi-cluster Kubernetes observability
Add-on to Prometheus
Substack newsletter: Why this Kubernetes thing?
Natan Yellin aantn
How should I gather
Prometheus metrics from
all my tenants?
Natan Yellin aantn
Natan Yellin aantn
Virtual clusters (e.g. capsule, kamaji, vcluster)
1. Many Kubernetes tenants
2. Tenants need some form of isolation
3. We want to monitor with Prometheus

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Introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It includes key components like Pods, Services, ReplicationControllers, and a master node for managing the cluster. The master maintains state using etcd and schedules containers on worker nodes, while nodes run the kubelet daemon to manage Pods and their containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like replication, rollouts, and health checking through its API objects.

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Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Requests/Limits for Cost-Efficiency and Latenc...

Kubernetes has the concept of resource requests and limits. Pods get scheduled on the nodes based on their requests and optionally limited in how much of the resource they can consume. Understanding and optimizing resource requests/limits is crucial both for reducing resource "slack" and ensuring application performance/low-latency. This talk shows our approach to monitoring and optimizing Kubernetes resources for 80+ clusters to achieve cost-efficiency and reducing impact for latency-critical applications. All shown tools are Open Source and can be applied to most Kubernetes deployments.

kubernetesresourcescloud computing
What should I use?
Natan Yellin aantn
In the beginning there was one
Natan Yellin aantn
In the beginning there was one
Natan Yellin aantn
No security isolation/RBAC
No performance isolation
If tenants are clusters, discovery is
"One team broke Prometheus for
everyone else"
Then there were many
Natan Yellin aantn

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Then there were many
Natan Yellin aantn
Security isolation
Performance isolation
No unified queries
No unified management
More resources?
Major Disadvantage:
Minor Disadvantages:
"If you break it, it only breaks for your
product line."
What we want
Natan Yellin aantn
Query all Prometheuses at once
What else we want?
Natan Yellin aantn
Long term storage of metrics
Three approaches
Natan Yellin aantn

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Quarkus k8s
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This document introduces Quarkus, an open source Java framework for building container-native microservices. Quarkus uses GraalVM to compile Java code ahead-of-time, resulting in applications that are up to 10x smaller and 100x faster to start than traditional Java applications. It is optimized for Kubernetes and serverless workloads. Quarkus achieves these benefits through ahead-of-time compilation using GraalVM, which analyzes code statically and removes unused classes and code to generate efficient native executables.

Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus
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Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus

Presented at GDG Devfest Ukraine 2018. Prometheus has become the defacto monitoring system for cloud native applications, with systems like Kubernetes and Etcd natively exposing Prometheus metrics. In this talk Tom will explore all the moving part for a working Prometheus-on-Kubernetes monitoring system, including kube-state-metrics, node-exporter, cAdvisor and Grafana. You will learn about the various methods for getting to a working setup: the manual approach, using CoreOS’s Prometheus Operator, or using Prometheus Ksonnet Mixin. Tom will also share some little tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Prometheus monitoring, including the common pitfalls and what you should be alerting on.

LINE's Private Cloud - Meet Cloud Native World
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This document discusses LINE's private cloud platform Verda and two new services: Verda Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) and Verda Event Handler. Verda KaaS provides managed Kubernetes clusters to developers. It is built using Rancher and aims to simplify Kubernetes usage. Verda Event Handler aims to improve automation by defining operations as functions that are triggered by events. It will utilize Knative to provide a functions-as-a-service platform and improve visibility, operability, and maintenance of automation scripts. The status and future plans of these new services are also outlined.

Solve it outside Prometheus
Natan Yellin aantn
Solve it outside Prometheus
Natan Yellin aantn
Doesn't touch Prometheus itself
Delegates problem to other tool
Queries need to address one
Prometheus at a time
Key advantages:
Key disadvantage:
Multiple + Centralized (take 1)
Natan Yellin aantn
Multiple + central (take 1)
Natan Yellin aantn
Reuses existing Prometheus
Federated can do roll-up
Federated can selectively scrape
With roll-up/selective you can't
actually query all Prometheuses
Key advantages:
Key disadvantages:

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** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

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Handle Large Messages In Apache Kafka
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Like many other messaging systems, Kafka has put limit on the maximum message size. User will fail to produce a message if it is too large. This limit makes a lot of sense and people usually send to Kafka a reference link which refers to a large message stored somewhere else. However, in some scenarios, it would be good to be able to send messages through Kafka without external storage. At LinkedIn, we have a few use cases that can benefit from such feature. This talk covers our solution to send large message through Kafka without additional storage.

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This talk shares experiences from deploying and tuning Flink steam processing applications for very large scale. We share lessons learned from users, contributors, and our own experiments about running demanding streaming jobs at scale. The talk will explain what aspects currently render a job as particularly demanding, show how to configure and tune a large scale Flink job, and outline what the Flink community is working on to make the out-of-the-box for experience as smooth as possible. We will, for example, dive into - analyzing and tuning checkpointing - selecting and configuring state backends - understanding common bottlenecks - understanding and configuring network parameters

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Natan Yellin aantn
Disclaimer: Thanos has lots of options, I'm simplifying a little
Multiple + central (take 2)
Natan Yellin aantn
Multiple Prometheuses + central Prometheus (take 2)
Natan Yellin aantn
Super scalable!
Reuses existing Prometheus
Very common solution, lots of tooling
No RBAC built-in
Key advantages:
Key disadvantages:
"Most mature option" - most people
One Prometheus to Rule them All
Natan Yellin aantn

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Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architectureKubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architecture

Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications and services. It includes a master node that runs control plane components like the API server, scheduler, and controller manager. Worker nodes run the kubelet service and pods. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers. Labels are used to identify and select pods. Replication controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services define a logical set of pods and associated policy for access. They are exposed via cluster IP addresses or externally using load balancers.

Introduction to kubernetes
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Introduction to kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called Pods. ReplicaSets ensure that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time. Key components include Pods, Services for enabling network access to applications, and Deployments to update Pods and manage releases.

Linking Metrics to Logs using Loki
Linking Metrics to Logs using LokiLinking Metrics to Logs using Loki
Linking Metrics to Logs using Loki

Grafana Loki is a newly developed logs aggregation system that integrated very nicely with Grafana dashboard to link metrics with logs or just use logs as a separate panel. It is open-source and has a growing community.

One Prometheus to Rule them All
Natan Yellin aantn
Grafana Mimir
Grafana Mimir
Natan Yellin aantn
Native multi-tenancy!
Backed by Grafana
Key advantages:
Key disadvantages:
Other useful tools
Natan Yellin aantn
Add prom-label-proxy to Thanos
(and others) to enforce RBAC
Thank you!
Natan Yellin aantn
A special thank you to Shalom Cohen and Evgeny Uklist + Racoons team for
providing inputs

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This document discusses strategies for applying test-driven development (TDD) to Apache Cassandra projects. It notes that Cassandra's distributed and resource-intensive nature can make it difficult to integrate with TDD. Initially, the author embedded Cassandra in tests, but this led to slow test runs. Alternative tools like Cassandra Unit and the Cassandra Maven plugin were explored. The author ultimately recommends separating unit and integration tests, using the Cassandra Maven plugin without fixtures, and running tests in parallel to better apply TDD principles to Cassandra.

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Natan Yellin aantn

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Prometheus Multi Tenancy

  • 1. Multi-tenant Kubernetes observability with Prometheus robusta-dev Natan Yellin aantn Natan Yellin,
  • 2. $ whoami Co-founder of Multi-cluster Kubernetes observability Add-on to Prometheus Substack newsletter: Why this Kubernetes thing? Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 3. How should I gather Prometheus metrics from all my tenants? Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 4. Assumptions Natan Yellin aantn Clusters Namespaces Virtual clusters (e.g. capsule, kamaji, vcluster) etc... 1. Many Kubernetes tenants 2. Tenants need some form of isolation 3. We want to monitor with Prometheus robusta-dev
  • 5. What should I use? Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 6. In the beginning there was one Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 7. In the beginning there was one Natan Yellin aantn Simple No security isolation/RBAC No performance isolation If tenants are clusters, discovery is annoying Advantages: Disadvantages: "One team broke Prometheus for everyone else" robusta-dev
  • 8. Then there were many Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 9. Then there were many Natan Yellin aantn Simple Security isolation Performance isolation Scalable? No unified queries No unified management More resources? Advantages: Major Disadvantage: Minor Disadvantages: "If you break it, it only breaks for your product line." robusta-dev
  • 10. What we want Natan Yellin aantn Isolation Scalability Decentralized: Query all Prometheuses at once Centralized: robusta-dev
  • 11. What else we want? Natan Yellin aantn Scalability Long term storage of metrics 1. 2. robusta-dev
  • 12. Three approaches Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 13. Solve it outside Prometheus Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 14. Solve it outside Prometheus Natan Yellin aantn Doesn't touch Prometheus itself Delegates problem to other tool Queries need to address one Prometheus at a time Key advantages: Key disadvantage: robusta-dev
  • 15. Multiple + Centralized (take 1) Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 16. Multiple + central (take 1) Natan Yellin aantn Reuses existing Prometheus Federated can do roll-up Federated can selectively scrape With roll-up/selective you can't actually query all Prometheuses Scaling Key advantages: Key disadvantages: robusta-dev
  • 17. Natan Yellin aantn Disclaimer: Thanos has lots of options, I'm simplifying a little robusta-dev
  • 18. Multiple + central (take 2) Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 19. Multiple Prometheuses + central Prometheus (take 2) Natan Yellin aantn Super scalable! Reuses existing Prometheus Very common solution, lots of tooling No RBAC built-in Key advantages: Key disadvantages: "Most mature option" - most people robusta-dev
  • 20. One Prometheus to Rule them All Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev
  • 21. One Prometheus to Rule them All Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev Cortex Grafana Mimir VictoriaMetrics TimescaleDB M3DB Options: ...
  • 22. Grafana Mimir Natan Yellin aantn robusta-dev Native multi-tenancy! Backed by Grafana Complexity Key advantages: Key disadvantages:
  • 23. Other useful tools Natan Yellin aantn Add prom-label-proxy to Thanos (and others) to enforce RBAC robusta-dev
  • 24. Thank you! Natan Yellin aantn A special thank you to Shalom Cohen and Evgeny Uklist + Racoons team for providing inputs robusta-dev