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The Zen of High Performance
Messaging with NATS
Waldemar Quevedo / @wallyqs
Strange Loop 2016
Waldemar Quevedo /
Software Developer at in SF
Development of the Apcera Platform
Past: PaaS DevOps at Rakuten in Tokyo
NATS client maintainer (Ruby, Python)
What is NATS
Design from NATS
Building systems with NATS
What is NATS?

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A New Way of Thinking | NATS 2.0 & Connectivity
A New Way of Thinking | NATS 2.0 & ConnectivityA New Way of Thinking | NATS 2.0 & Connectivity
A New Way of Thinking | NATS 2.0 & Connectivity

NATS 2.0 is the largest feature release since the original code base for the server was released. NATS 2.0 was created to allow a new way of thinking about NATS as a shared utility, solving problems at scale through distributed security, multi-tenancy, larger networks, and secure sharing of data. In this presentation, Derek discusses the motives behind the newest features of NATS and how to leverage them to reduce total cost of ownership, decrease time to value, support extremely large scale deployments, and decentralize security to create secure and easy to manage modern distributed systems.

iotdistributed systemssecure
[OpenStack] 공개 소프트웨어 오픈스택 입문 & 파헤치기
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- Video Playlist:

Deploy Secure and Scalable Services Across Kubernetes Clusters with NATS
Deploy Secure and Scalable Services Across Kubernetes Clusters with NATSDeploy Secure and Scalable Services Across Kubernetes Clusters with NATS
Deploy Secure and Scalable Services Across Kubernetes Clusters with NATS

Services and Streams are the cornerstones of any modern distributed architecture. Communications and observability of modern systems have become just as important as the deployment of the components themselves. In this talk maintainers of the NATS projectwill create a service using NATS as the communication technology. They will show how NATS allows a service application to utilize cutting edge security with the ability to scale up and down, across multiple Kubernetes clusters and cloud deployments. This will be completely observable, with no code changes from the demo code base to global deployment. NATS allows cutting edge modern systems to be built without the additional complexity of load balancers, proxies or sidecars. NATS allows radically easy yet secure deployments across multiple k8s clusters, in any cloud or on-premise environment.

High Performance Messaging System
Created by
First written in in 2010
Originally built for Cloud Foundry
Rewritten in in 2012
Better performance
Open Source, MIT License
Derek Collison
Small binary → Lightweight Docker image
No deployment dependencies ✌
Acts as an always available dial-tone

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single byte message
Around 10M messages/second
From 's awesome blog@tyler_treat
NATS = Performance + Simplicity
Design from NATS

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nginx plusreverse proxynginx
Design constrained to keep it as operationally simple and
reliable as possible while still being both performant and
Simplicity Matters!
Simplicity buys you opportunity.
ー Rich Hickey, Cognitect
Concise feature set (pure pub/sub)
No built-in persistence of messages
No exactly-once-delivery promises either
Those concerns are simpli ed away from NATS

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What could be the fastest,
simplest and most reliable
way of writing and reading
to a socket to communicate
with N nodes?
TCP/IP based
Plain text protocol
Pure pub/sub
re and forget
at most once

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This document discusses NATS, an open-source messaging system. It provides an overview of NATS' features including performance, simplicity, security, availability and support for cloud-native applications. It also summarizes the growth of the NATS community and ecosystem. Key features of the latest NATS 2 releases are highlighted such as JetStream for streaming and messaging, subject mapping capabilities and an administrative CLI tool. Finally, the document outlines different architectural patterns supported by NATS including single server, clustered, superclustered and edge-focused deployments.

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Connecting to the public demo server…
telnet 4222
INFO {"tls_required":false,"max_payload":1048576,...}
Optionally giving a name to the client
connect {"name":"nats-strangeloop-client"}
Pinging the server, we should get a pong back

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Waldemar Quevedo, Senior Software Engineer at Apcera NATS is a high-performance messaging system optimized for simplicity, reliability and low latency which can be a lightweight solution for the internal communication of your distributed system. In this talk, we will cover its core feature set as well as how to develop and assemble NATS-based microservices using the latest Docker tooling such as Compose and Swarm mode. You can learn more about NATS at

golangiotmessaging queue
Not following ping/pong interval, results in server
disconnecting us.
INFO {"auth_required":false,"max_payload":1048576,...}
-ERR 'Stale Connection'
Connection closed by foreign host.
Subscribe to the hellosubject identifying it with the
arbitrary number 10
sub hello 10
Publishing on hellosubject a payload of 5 bytes
sub hello 10
pub hello 5
Message received!
telnet 4222
sub hello 10
pub hello 5
MSG hello 10 5
Payload is opaque to the server!
It is just bytes, but could be json, msgpack, etc…

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NATS + Docker meetup talk Oct - 2016
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NATS is a high-performance messaging system that is lightweight, simple to use, and scalable. It provides features like request-reply patterns, subject-based routing with wildcards, distribution queues for load balancing, clustering for high availability, and auto discovery of cluster topology. The NATS Docker image is small and lightweight, making it easy to deploy NATS in Docker containers. Examples demonstrated how to run a single NATS node or create a clustered NATS setup using Docker Compose or Docker Swarm for development and production environments.

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NATS: Simple, Secure and Scalable Messaging For the Cloud Native Era
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The majority of middleware and messaging systems in use were built in a time that did not have the concept of scale and real-time data that developers operate in today. With the rise of Cloud Native and Microservices architectures as a design principle and the emphasis on simplicity, speed, and flexibility that come with it, developers need a messaging protocol to match. Enter NATS. NATS is a remarkably lightweight messaging protocol, and extremely flexible and resilient. It is just a few MB in size, and can scale to publish tens of millions of message from a single server.

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NATS is a simple, high performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications. It provides a basic publish-subscribe messaging protocol along with durable message queues through NATS Streaming. NATS is lightweight, fast, and scalable. It handles over 11 million messages per second and provides predictable performance and resilience through features like cluster support and protection against slow consumers.

messagingopen sourcedevelopers
is also pure pub/sub
How can we send a request and expect a response back
with pure pub/sub?
Initially, client making the request creates a subscription
with a string:unique identi er
SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2
NATS clients libraries have helpers for generating these:
// => _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw
Then it expresses in the topic:limited interest
SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2
tells the server to unsubscribe from subscription with sid=2
after getting 1 message

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NATS: Simple, Secure, and Scalable Messaging for the Cloud Native Era
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NATS: Simple, Secure, and Scalable Messaging for the Cloud Native Era

NATS is a simple, high performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications. It provides a basic publish-subscribe messaging protocol along with multiple language clients. NATS Streaming builds upon NATS to provide additional capabilities like at-least-once delivery and durability. Both projects are widely used in production and have large, active developer communities supporting a variety of client libraries.

ato2017all things openopen source
KubeConEU - NATS Deep Dive
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KubeConEU - NATS Deep Dive

NATS is a high performance messaging server and also one of the latest additions to the CNCF. In this talk, we will make a deep dive to the internals of the project covering its design, protocol, clustering implementation, security and authorization features that make it an attractive solution for microservices and low latency applications.

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access pointserverwireless
Then the request is published to a subject (help), tagging it
with the ephemeral inbox just for the request to happen:
SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2
PUB help _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6
Then i there is another subscriber connected and
interested in the helpsubject, it will receive a message
with that inbox:
# Another client interested in the help subject
SUB help 90
# Receives from server a message
MSG help 90 _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6
# Can use that inbox to reply back
PUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 11
I can help!
Finally, i the client which sent the request is still connected
and interested, it will be receiving that message:
SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2
PUB help _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6
MSG _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 11
I can help!
Simple Protocol == Simple Clients

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VyOS now supports VXLAN interfaces which allow multiple L2 segments to be multiplexed over a single physical network. VXLAN uses encapsulation to transport Ethernet frames over IP. The VNI field in VXLAN headers maps frames to different L2 segments. VyOS VXLAN interfaces can be configured and used like physical interfaces for routing, bridging, and protocols like OSPF. However, attributes like the VNI and multicast group cannot be changed after interface creation without deleting and recreating the interface.

by upaa
Given the protocol is simple, NATS clients libraries
tend to have a very small footprint as well.
require 'nats/client'
NATS.start do |nc|
nc.subscribe("hello") do |msg|
puts "[Received] #{msg}"
nc.publish("hello", "world")
nc, err := nats.Connect()
// ...
nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){
fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data)
nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world"))

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Of the variedtypes of IPC, sockets arout and awaythe foremostcommon..pdf
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Of the variedtypes of IPC, sockets arout and awaythe foremostcommon. On any given platform, there arprobably to be differenttypes of IPC that arquicker, except for cross-platform communication, sockets arregardingthe sole game in city. They were fancied in Berkeley as a part of the BSD flavor of UNIX operating system. They unfold like inferno withthe web. With sensible reason — the mixture of sockets with INET makes reprehensionabsolute machines round the world incrediblystraightforward (at least compared to different schemes). Creating a Socket Roughly speaking, once you clicked on the link that brought you to the current page, your browser did one thingjust like the following: #create Associate in Nursing INET, STREAMing socket s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #now connect withthe net server on port eighty # - the traditionalcommunications protocol port s.connect((\"\", 80)) When the connect completes, the socket s may beaccustomedsend outa call for participation for the text of the page. a similar socket canbrowse the reply, so be destroyed. That’s right, destroyed. shopper sockets arunremarkablysolely used for one exchange (or atiny low set of sequent exchanges). What happens within thenet server may be a bit additionalcomplicated. First, the net server creates a “server socket”: #create Associate in Nursing INET, STREAMing socket serversocket = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #bind the socket to a public host, # and a widely known port serversocket.bind((socket.gethostname(), 80)) #become a server socket serversocket.listen(5) A couple things to notice: we tend to used socket.gethostname() in order that the socket would be visible to the surface world. If we tend to had used s.bind((\'localhost\', 80)) or s.bind((\'\', 80)) we\'d still have a “server” socket, however one that was solely visible insidea similar machine. s.bind((\'\', 80)) specifies that the socket isaccessible by any address the machine happens to own. A second issue to note: low range ports arsometimes reserved for “well known” services (HTTP, SNMP etc). If you’re kidding, use a pleasant high range (4 digits). Finally, the argument to pay attention tells the socket library that we wish it to queue as several as five connect requests (the traditional max) before refusing outside connections. If the remainder of the code is written properly,that ought to be masses. Now that we\'ve got a “server” socket, listening on port eighty, we will enter the mainloop of the net server: while 1: #accept connections from outside (clientsocket, address) = serversocket.accept() #now do one thing with the clientsocket #in this case, we\'ll fakethis can be a rib server ct = client_thread(clientsocket) There’s trulythree general ways thatduring which this loop might work - dispatching a thread to handle clientsocket, producea replacementmethod to handle clientsocket, or structure this app to use non-blocking socke.

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Razor is an open source provisioning tool that was originally developed by EMC and Puppet Labs. It can discover hardware, select images to deploy, and provision nodes using model-based provisioning. The demo showed setting up a Razor appliance, adding images, models, policies, and brokers. It then deployed an OpenStack all-in-one environment to a new VM using Razor and Chef. The OpenStack cookbook walkthrough explained the roles, environments, and cookbooks used to deploy and configure OpenStack components using Chef.

NATS for Rubyists - Tokyo Rubyist Meetup
NATS for Rubyists - Tokyo Rubyist MeetupNATS for Rubyists - Tokyo Rubyist Meetup
NATS for Rubyists - Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

NATS is a high performance messaging system that was originally created as part of CloudFoundry but since then it has grown its own ecosystem and community around it, and also recently included as part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Similar to Ruby, one of the goals from NATS is to make building messaging based applications as simple and reliable as possible. In this talk, we will cover why NATS might be interesting to consider for your next project and share some of the lessons learned so far from maintaining the Ruby clients from NATS.

C C# Java
Python NGINX Spring
Node.js Elixir Rust
Lua Erlang PHP
Haskell Scala Perl
Many thanks to the community!
Note: Most clients have asynchronous behavior
nc, err := nats.Connect()
// ...
nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){
fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i ++ {
nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world"))
// No guarantees of having sent the bytes yet!
// They may still just be in the flushing queue.
In order to guarantee that the published messages have
been processed by the server, we can do an extra
ping/pong to con rm they were consumed:
nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){
fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i ++ {
nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world"))
// Do a PING/PONG roundtrip with the server.
SUB hello 1rnPUB hello 5rnworldrn..PINGrn
Then ush the bu er and wait for PONGfrom server
Worst way of measuring NATS performance
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
msg := []byte("hi")
nc.Subscribe("hello", func(_ *nats.Msg) {})
for i := 0; i < 100000000; i++ {
nc.Publish("hello", msg)

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The NATS Go client is the canonical implementation of a client for the NATS Messaging System, and from the beginning it was designed for high performance. In this talk, we will cover its APIs and dissect how the client internal engine works to get the most out of Go to achieve maximum throughput.

nats messaging performance golang networking
Writing Networking Clients in Go - GopherCon 2017 talk
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Writing Networking Clients in Go - GopherCon 2017 talk

Talk by Wally Quevedo at GopherCon 2017 on writing networking clients in Go, based on our experience with Go on the NATS team. The full talk is available on YouTube:

cloud computingnetworkinggolang
OSCON: Building Cloud Native Apps with NATS
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OSCON: Building Cloud Native Apps with NATS

NATS is a mature, high-performance publish/subscribe messaging system that is a hosted project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). NATS has a goal of connecting services in the simplest, most secure and reliable way possible, and cloud native applications built using NATS inherit much of that simplicity and become easier to operate, benefiting from the performance and resiliency characteristics from the server. Waldemar Quevedo walks you through how to build an application using NATS and how to set up, deploy, and operate a NATS cluster on top of Kubernetes. You’ll learn core NATS features like publish/subscribe, load-balanced queue subscribers, request/response, and handing connection events and examine NATS cluster setup and client application failover, graceful NATS server shutdown and NATS server configuration reload, and graceful client shutdown with NATS Drain mode. You’ll also learn how to secure a NATS cluster with Transport Layer Security (TLS) and secure streams and services with permissions, account isolation and NATS keys (NKEYS) (ed25519 based), and decentralized permissions via JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

The client is a slow consumer since it is not consuming the
messages which the server is sending fast enough.
Whenever the server cannot ush bytes to a client fast
enough, it will disconnect the client from the system as
this consuming pace could a ect the whole service and rest
of the clients.
NATS Server is protecting itself
NATS = Performance + Simplicity + Resiliency
Subject routing with wildcards
Distribution queue groups for balancing
Cluster mode for high availability
Auto discovery of topology
Secure TLS connections with certi cates
/varzmonitoring endpoint
used by nats-top

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Wildcards: *
SUB foo.*.bar 90
MSG 90 2
e.g. subscribe to all NATS requests being made on the demo
telnet 4222
INFO {"auth_required":false,"version":"0.9.4",...}
MSG _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 99 11
I can help!
Full wildcard: >
SUB hello.> 90
MSG 90 2
Subscribe to all subjects and see whole tra c going
through the server:
telnet 4222
INFO {"auth_required":false,"version":"0.9.4",...}
sub > 1
Clients are not allowed to publish on _SYSfor example:
-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Publish to ""'
Can customize disallowing pub/sub on certain subjects via
server con g too:
authorization {
admin = { publish = ">", subscribe = ">" }
requestor = {
publish = ["", ""]
subscribe = "_INBOX.*"
users = [
{user: alice, password: foo, permissions: $admin}
{user: bob, password: bar, permissions: $requestor}

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How to build a Kubernetes networking solution from scratchHow to build a Kubernetes networking solution from scratch
How to build a Kubernetes networking solution from scratch

Presented by: Antonin Bas & Jianjun Shen, VMware Presented at All Things Open 2020 Abstract: For the non-initiated, Kubernetes (K8s) networking can be a bit like dark magic. Many clusters have requirements beyond what the default network plugin, kubenet, can provide and require the use of a third-party Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin. But what exactly is the role of these plugins, how do they differ from each other and how does the choice of one affect your cluster? In this talk, Antonin and Jianjun will describe how a group of developers was able to build a CNI plugin - an open source project called Antrea - from scratch and bring it to production in a matter of months. This velocity was achieved by leveraging existing open-source technologies extensively: Open vSwitch, a well-established programmable virtual switch for the data plane, and the K8s libraries for the control plane. Antonin and Jianjun will explain the responsibilities of a CNI plugin in the context of K8s and will walk the audience through the steps required to create one. They will show how Antrea integrates with the rest of the cloud-native ecosystem (e.g. dashboards such as Octant and Prometheus) to provide insight into the network and ensure that K8s networking is not just dark magic anymore.

all things openopen sourceato2020
RethinkConn 2022!
RethinkConn 2022!RethinkConn 2022!
RethinkConn 2022!

Learn how simple it can be to build adaptive and scalable cloud-to-edge systems. Powered By OpenSource

NATS Connect Live | Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS & NATS
NATS Connect Live | Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS & NATSNATS Connect Live | Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS & NATS
NATS Connect Live | Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS & NATS

This document discusses serverless computing with Kubernetes using PLONK (Prometheus, Linux/Linkerd, OpenFaaS, NATS, and Kubernetes) and OpenFaaS. It introduces PLONK and its components, describes how to install the PLONK stack on Kubernetes with or without TLS, explains how to create asynchronous functions with NATS, and discusses future work integrating NATS further for event-driven architectures using queues and JetStream.

Building systems with NATS
Service A needs to talk to services B and C
Horizontally scaled…
Just use HTTP everywhere?
Use some form of point to point RPC?
What about service discovery and load balancing?
What if sub ms latency performance is required?

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NATS Connect Live!

Synadia/NATS Team Presentations for NATS Connect Live on April 16, 2020. To see the recorded event, go to our NATS YouTube Channel

NATS Connect Live | SwimOS & NATS
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NATS Connect Live | SwimOS & NATS

SwimOS is an Apache 2.0 licensed runtime platform that makes it easy to build stateful, distributed, data-driven applications. SwimOS is a stateful real-time stream processor that auto-scales apps from real-world event data, building a stateful graph from the data on-the-fly. SwimOS subscribes to event streams from real-world things, creates a stateful web agent for each data source, and links related agents to form an intelligent stream processing graph where the agents continuously compute on incoming data and share insights in real-time.

NATS Connect Live | Pub/Sub on the Power Grid
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NATS Connect Live | Pub/Sub on the Power Grid

Dwayne Bradley is a technology development manager at Duke Energy who is working on new approaches to the power grid. He discusses how Duke Energy is adopting new standards like OpenFMB and using message-oriented middleware like NATS to enable distributed intelligence on the grid. This includes deploying OpenFMB nodes with NATS at a microgrid test site in Mount Holly, North Carolina to allow different components like solar panels and batteries to communicate and exchange operational schedules.

publish/subscribe based low latency mechanism for
communicating with 1 to 1, 1 to N nodes
An established TCP connection to a server
A dial tone
Using NATS for internal communication
Avoid SPOF on NATS by assembling a full mesh cluster

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This document discusses using bearer JWT tokens for authorization in distributed systems without a central authority. It motivates this approach by describing requirements for decentralization, privacy, and reducing complexity. It then explains how bearer tokens work by containing a signature, claims about permissions, and how verification is done to apply permissions to ephemeral users. Finally it discusses some caveats, examples of usage, and resources for further information.

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NATS Connect Live | NATS as a Service Mesh

The document discusses using NATS as a service mesh. It describes how NATS can provide service discovery, security, metrics, tracing, load balancing and routing control similarly to other service meshes. While NATS can inherently perform some service mesh functions through pub/sub and request/reply patterns, it may not replace a full-featured service mesh like Istio and additional capabilities like circuit breaking would need to be implemented. Other resources are recommended to learn more about building a NATS service mesh and its capabilities.

NATS Connect Live | Resgate
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NATS Connect Live | Resgate is a platform for building REST and real-time APIs using NATS that provides features like real-time access, access control, caching of queries that update in real time, and an active community. It was presented by Samuel Jirénius of Rescore who provided contact information and pointed to the website for more information.

Clients reconnect logic is triggered
Connecting to a NATS cluster of 2 nodes explicitly
srvs := "nats://,nats://"
nc, _ := nats.Connect(srvs)
Bonus: Cluster topology can be discovered dynamically too!
We can start with a single node…

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NATS is used to build a scalable, location-independent, and resilient augmented reality platform. NATS topics and subjects are used to distribute messages about avatars, props, and world state changes across devices and locations. Messages are serialized using MessagePack for fast serialization and to define the protocol. NATS is integrated into Unity using a services class to connect and publish/subscribe to handle messages asynchronously.

KubeCon NA 2019 Keynote | NATS - Past, Present, and the Future
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A brief history of the NATS project, where it is today, how it fits into cloud-native architecture, and where it's going in the near future.

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Decoupling Distributed Systems from IP Networks Take a trip with Derek Collison into the history of distributed systems, the good and the bad, and now how to move forward.

Then have new nodes join the cluster…
As new nodes join, server announces INFOto clients.
Clients auto recon gure to be aware of new nodes.
Clients auto recon gure to be aware of new nodes.

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Soam Vasani of Platform9 shares how makes use of NATS and Kubernetes for Serverless workflows

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NATS vs HTTP for Interservice Communication

Presentation from a talk given by Diogo Monteiro (@diogogmt) at a recent NATS Meetup in Toronto. The talk covered why NATS is a simple, fast method for microservices communication, and provides some latency benchmarks from Diogo's design of a solution using NATS. You can learn more about NATS at

Using NATS for Control Flow in Distributed Systems
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Using NATS for Control Flow in Distributed Systems

This talk is by Andy Stone, VP Engineering at Bridgevine - it explains how Bridgevine use NATS for distributed systems communication (and why).

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Now fully connected!
On failure, clients reconnect to an available node.
For announcing liveness, services could publish heartbeats

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NATS was created by Derek Collison, founder and CEO of Apcera, who has spent 20+ years designing, building, and using publish-subscribe messaging systems. Unlike traditional enterprise messaging systems, NATS has an always-on dial tone that does whatever it takes to remain available. Learn how end users are building modern, reliable and scalable cloud and distributed systems with NATS. Talk given by David Williams, Principal, Williams & Garcia You can learn more about NATS at

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Simple Solutions for Complex Problems - Boulder Meetup

At the NATS June Meetup in Boulder, CO, Tyler Treat of Workiva gives and updated talk on how to embrace simplicity to solve complex infrastructure problems, and how shares more information on how Workiva uses NATS for microservices communication. You can learn more about NATS at

open sourcemicroservicesbig data
Actor Patterns and NATS - Boulder Meetup
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Actor Patterns and NATS - Boulder Meetup

At the NATS June Meetup in Boulder, CO, Steven Osborne and Charlie Strawn of Workiva present the Actor Model concept their team are using, and some of the work they are doing to connect NATS and Akka. You can learn more about NATS at

open sourcesoftwaresoftware development
Heartbeats can help too for discovering services via
wildcard subscriptions.
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// SUB service.*.heartbeats 1rn
nc.Subscribe("service.*.heartbeats", func(m *nats.Msg) {
// Heartbeat from service received
Balance work among nodes randomly
Balance work among nodes randomly
Balance work among nodes randomly

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NATS & Docker Meetup in Toronto - August 2016 Implementing Microservices with NATS, Diogo Monteiro -How Aytra uses NATS -Benefits of using NATS for inter service communication -Lessons learned adopting NATS -Overview of Houston NATS library -Demo of Aytra You can learn more about NATS at

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How Greta uses NATS to revolutionize data distribution on the Internet
How Greta uses NATS to revolutionize data distribution on the Internet How Greta uses NATS to revolutionize data distribution on the Internet
How Greta uses NATS to revolutionize data distribution on the Internet

Dennis Mårtensson is the CTO and co-founder of Greta, a Swedish startup that wants to change the way content is delivered on the internet. Greta has developed a technology for peer-to-peer content delivery over webRTC and are using NATS to create rapid webRTC signaling. You can learn more about NATS at You can learn more about Greta at

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How Clarifai uses NATS and Kubernetes for Machine Learning
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How Clarifai uses NATS and Kubernetes for Machine Learning

Clarifai ( is a machine learning company which aims to make artificial intelligence accessible to the entire world. Their platform allows users to tap into powerful machine learning algorithms while abstracting away the technical minutiae of how the algorithms work and the infrastructure scaling problems of building AI applications from scratch. Clarifai has moved to a highly available Kubernetes ( based architecture, which also required a simple, scalable messaging layer. NATS ( was selected by the Clarifai team for a variety of reasons. The video of the talk that accompanies these slides is available at:

machine learningopen sourcenats
Service A workers subscribe to service.Aand create
workersdistribution queue group for balancing the work.
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// SUB service.A workers 1rn
nc.QueueSubscribe("service.A", "workers",
func(m *nats.Msg) {
nc.Publish(m.Reply, []byte("hi!"))
Note: NATS does not assume the audience!
All interested subscribers receive the message
Service A communicating with fastest node from Service B

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Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

postgresqlsnowflakepostgres to snowflake
Service A communicating with fastest node from Service B
NATS requests were designed exactly for this
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
t := 250*time.Millisecond
// Request sets to AutoUnsubscribe after 1 response
msg, err := nc.Request("service.B", []byte("help"), t)
if err == nil {
// => sure!
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
nc.Subscribe("service.B", func(m *nats.Msg) {
nc.Publish(m.Reply, []byte("sure!"))
Note: Making a request involves establishing a client
t := 250*time.Millisecond
_, err := nc.Request("service.A", []byte("help"), t)
// => nats: timeout
This needs special handling!
NATS is re and forget, reason for which a client times out
could be many things:
No one was connected at that time
service unavailable
Service is actually still processing the request
service took too long
Service was processing the request but crashed
service error

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Browse the slides from our recent webinar hosted by Divine Odazie, our tech evangelist.

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Our world runs on software. It governs all major aspects of our life. It is an enabler for research and innovation, and is critical for business competitivity. Traditional software engineering techniques have achieved high effectiveness, but still may fall short on delivering software at the accelerated pace and with the increasing quality that future scenarios will require. To attack this issue, some software paradigms raise the automation of software development via higher levels of abstraction through domain-specific languages (e.g., in model-driven engineering) and empowering non-professional developers with the possibility to build their own software (e.g., in low-code development approaches). In a software-demanding world, this is an attractive possibility, and perhaps -- paraphrasing Andy Warhol -- "in the future, everyone will be a developer for 15 minutes". However, to make this possible, methods are required to tweak languages to their context of use (crucial given the diversity of backgrounds and purposes), and the assistance to developers throughout the development process (especially critical for non-professionals). In this keynote talk at ICSOFT'2024 I presented enabling techniques for this vision, supporting the creation of families of domain-specific languages, their adaptation to the usage context; and the augmentation of low-code environments with assistants and recommender systems to guide developers (professional or not) in the development process.

softwaremodel-driven engineeringdomain-specific languages
Each service node could have its own inbox
A request is sent to service.Bto get a single response,
which will then reply with its own inbox, (no payload
If there is not a fast reply before client times out, then
most likely the service is unavailable for us at that time.
If there is a response, then use that inbox in a request
SUB _INBOX.123available 90
PUB _INBOX.123available _INBOX.456helpplease...
NATS is a simple, fast and reliable solution for the internal
communication of a distributed system.
It chooses simplicity and reliability over guaranteed
Though this does not necessarily mean that guarantees of a
system are constrained due to NATS!
We can always build strong guarantees on top, but
we can't always remove them from below.
Tyler Treat, Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Replayability can be better than guaranteed delivery
Idempotency can be better than exactly once delivery
Commutativity can be better than ordered delivery
Related NATS project: NATS Streaming

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/ @nats_io
Play with the demo site!
telnet 4222

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The Zen of High Performance Messaging with NATS

  • 1.   The Zen of High Performance Messaging with NATS Waldemar Quevedo / @wallyqs Strange Loop 2016
  • 2. ABOUT Waldemar Quevedo / Software Developer at in SF Development of the Apcera Platform Past: PaaS DevOps at Rakuten in Tokyo NATS client maintainer (Ruby, Python) @wallyqs Apcera
  • 3. ABOUT THIS TALK What is NATS Design from NATS Building systems with NATS
  • 5. NATS High Performance Messaging System Created by First written in in 2010 Originally built for Cloud Foundry Rewritten in in 2012 Better performance Open Source, MIT License Derek Collison Ruby Go
  • 6. THANKS GO TEAM Small binary → Lightweight Docker image No deployment dependencies ✌
  • 7. Acts as an always available dial-tone
  • 9. single byte message Around 10M messages/second
  • 10. MUCH BETTER BENCHMARK From 's awesome blog@tyler_treat (2014)
  • 11. NATS = Performance + Simplicity
  • 13. NATS Design constrained to keep it as operationally simple and reliable as possible while still being both performant and scalable.
  • 15. Simplicity buys you opportunity. ー Rich Hickey, Cognitect Link:
  • 16. LESS IS BETTER Concise feature set (pure pub/sub) No built-in persistence of messages No exactly-once-delivery promises either Those concerns are simpli ed away from NATS
  • 18. What could be the fastest, simplest and most reliable way of writing and reading to a socket to communicate with N nodes?
  • 19. DESIGN TCP/IP based Plain text protocol Pure pub/sub re and forget at most once
  • 22. Connecting to the public demo server… telnet 4222 INFO {"tls_required":false,"max_payload":1048576,...}
  • 23. Optionally giving a name to the client connect {"name":"nats-strangeloop-client"} +OK
  • 24. Pinging the server, we should get a pong back ping PONG
  • 25. Not following ping/pong interval, results in server disconnecting us. INFO {"auth_required":false,"max_payload":1048576,...} PING PING -ERR 'Stale Connection' Connection closed by foreign host.
  • 26. Subscribe to the hellosubject identifying it with the arbitrary number 10 sub hello 10 +OK
  • 27. Publishing on hellosubject a payload of 5 bytes sub hello 10 +OK pub hello 5 world
  • 28. Message received! telnet 4222 sub hello 10 +OK pub hello 5 world MSG hello 10 5 world Payload is opaque to the server! It is just bytes, but could be json, msgpack, etc…
  • 30. PROBLEM How can we send a request and expect a response back with pure pub/sub?
  • 31. NATS REQUESTS Initially, client making the request creates a subscription with a string:unique identi er SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 +OK NATS clients libraries have helpers for generating these: nats.NewInbox() // => _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw
  • 32. NATS REQUESTS Then it expresses in the topic:limited interest SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 UNSUB 2 1 tells the server to unsubscribe from subscription with sid=2 after getting 1 message
  • 33. NATS REQUESTS Then the request is published to a subject (help), tagging it with the ephemeral inbox just for the request to happen: SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 UNSUB 2 1 PUB help _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6 please
  • 34. NATS REQUESTS Then i there is another subscriber connected and interested in the helpsubject, it will receive a message with that inbox: # Another client interested in the help subject SUB help 90 # Receives from server a message MSG help 90 _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6 please # Can use that inbox to reply back PUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 11 I can help!
  • 35. NATS REQUESTS Finally, i the client which sent the request is still connected and interested, it will be receiving that message: SUB _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 UNSUB 2 1 PUB help _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 6 please MSG _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 2 11 I can help!
  • 36. Simple Protocol == Simple Clients
  • 37. Given the protocol is simple, NATS clients libraries tend to have a very small footprint as well.
  • 39. RUBY require 'nats/client' NATS.start do |nc| nc.subscribe("hello") do |msg| puts "[Received] #{msg}" end nc.publish("hello", "world") end
  • 40. GO nc, err := nats.Connect() // ... nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){ fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data) }) nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world"))
  • 41. MANY MORE AVAILABLE C C# Java Python NGINX Spring Node.js Elixir Rust Lua Erlang PHP Haskell Scala Perl Many thanks to the community!
  • 42. ASYNCHRONOUS IO Note: Most clients have asynchronous behavior nc, err := nats.Connect() // ... nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){ fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data) }) for i := 0; i < 1000; i ++ { nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world")) } // No guarantees of having sent the bytes yet! // They may still just be in the flushing queue.
  • 43. ASYNCHRONOUS IO In order to guarantee that the published messages have been processed by the server, we can do an extra ping/pong to con rm they were consumed: nc.Subscribe("hello", func(m *nats.Msg){ fmt.Printf("[Received] %s", m.Data) }) for i := 0; i < 1000; i ++ { nc.Publish("hello", []byte("world")) } // Do a PING/PONG roundtrip with the server. nc.Flush() SUB hello 1rnPUB hello 5rnworldrn..PINGrn Then ush the bu er and wait for PONGfrom server
  • 44. ASYNCHRONOUS IO Worst way of measuring NATS performance nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL) msg := []byte("hi") nc.Subscribe("hello", func(_ *nats.Msg) {}) for i := 0; i < 100000000; i++ { nc.Publish("hello", msg) }
  • 45.  
  • 46. The client is a slow consumer since it is not consuming the messages which the server is sending fast enough. Whenever the server cannot ush bytes to a client fast enough, it will disconnect the client from the system as this consuming pace could a ect the whole service and rest of the clients. NATS Server is protecting itself
  • 47. NATS = Performance + Simplicity + Resiliency
  • 48. ALSO INCLUDED Subject routing with wildcards Authorization Distribution queue groups for balancing Cluster mode for high availability Auto discovery of topology Secure TLS connections with certi cates /varzmonitoring endpoint used by nats-top
  • 49. SUBJECTS ROUTING Wildcards: * SUB foo.*.bar 90 PUB 2 hi MSG 90 2 hi e.g. subscribe to all NATS requests being made on the demo site: telnet 4222 INFO {"auth_required":false,"version":"0.9.4",...} SUB _INBOX.* 99 MSG _INBOX.ioL1Ws5aZZf5fyeF6sAdjw 99 11 I can help!
  • 50. SUBJECTS ROUTING Full wildcard: > SUB hello.> 90 PUB 2 hi MSG 90 2 hi Subscribe to all subjects and see whole tra c going through the server: telnet 4222 INFO {"auth_required":false,"version":"0.9.4",...} sub > 1 +OK
  • 51. SUBJECTS AUTHORIZATION Clients are not allowed to publish on _SYSfor example: PUB 2 hi -ERR 'Permissions Violation for Publish to ""'
  • 52. SUBJECTS AUTHORIZATION Can customize disallowing pub/sub on certain subjects via server con g too: authorization { admin = { publish = ">", subscribe = ">" } requestor = { publish = ["", ""] subscribe = "_INBOX.*" } users = [ {user: alice, password: foo, permissions: $admin} {user: bob, password: bar, permissions: $requestor} ] }
  • 54. FAMILIAR SCENARIO Service A needs to talk to services B and C
  • 56. COMMUNICATING WITHIN A DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM Just use HTTP everywhere? Use some form of point to point RPC? What about service discovery and load balancing? What if sub ms latency performance is required?
  • 57.  
  • 58. WHAT NATS GIVES US publish/subscribe based low latency mechanism for communicating with 1 to 1, 1 to N nodes An established TCP connection to a server A dial tone
  • 59. COMMUNICATING THROUGH NATS Using NATS for internal communication
  • 60. HA WITH NATS CLUSTER Avoid SPOF on NATS by assembling a full mesh cluster
  • 61. HA WITH NATS CLUSTER Clients reconnect logic is triggered
  • 62. HA WITH NATS CLUSTER Connecting to a NATS cluster of 2 nodes explicitly srvs := "nats://,nats://" nc, _ := nats.Connect(srvs) Bonus: Cluster topology can be discovered dynamically too!
  • 64. We can start with a single node…
  • 65. Then have new nodes join the cluster…
  • 66. As new nodes join, server announces INFOto clients.
  • 67. Clients auto recon gure to be aware of new nodes.
  • 68. Clients auto recon gure to be aware of new nodes.
  • 70. On failure, clients reconnect to an available node.
  • 72. HEARTBEATS For announcing liveness, services could publish heartbeats
  • 73. HEARTBEATS → DISCOVERY Heartbeats can help too for discovering services via wildcard subscriptions. nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL) // SUB service.*.heartbeats 1rn nc.Subscribe("service.*.heartbeats", func(m *nats.Msg) { // Heartbeat from service received })
  • 74. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES Balance work among nodes randomly
  • 75. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES Balance work among nodes randomly
  • 76. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES Balance work among nodes randomly
  • 77. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES Service A workers subscribe to service.Aand create workersdistribution queue group for balancing the work. nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL) // SUB service.A workers 1rn nc.QueueSubscribe("service.A", "workers", func(m *nats.Msg) { nc.Publish(m.Reply, []byte("hi!")) })
  • 78. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES Note: NATS does not assume the audience!
  • 79. DISTRIBUTION QUEUES All interested subscribers receive the message
  • 80. LOWEST LATENCY RESPONSE Service A communicating with fastest node from Service B
  • 81. LOWEST LATENCY RESPONSE Service A communicating with fastest node from Service B
  • 82. LOWEST LATENCY RESPONSE NATS requests were designed exactly for this nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL) t := 250*time.Millisecond // Request sets to AutoUnsubscribe after 1 response msg, err := nc.Request("service.B", []byte("help"), t) if err == nil { fmt.Println(string(msg.Data)) // => sure! } nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL) nc.Subscribe("service.B", func(m *nats.Msg) { nc.Publish(m.Reply, []byte("sure!")) })
  • 83. UNDERSTANDING NATS TIMEOUT Note: Making a request involves establishing a client timeout. t := 250*time.Millisecond _, err := nc.Request("service.A", []byte("help"), t) fmt.Println(err) // => nats: timeout This needs special handling!
  • 84. UNDERSTANDING NATS TIMEOUT NATS is re and forget, reason for which a client times out could be many things: No one was connected at that time service unavailable Service is actually still processing the request service took too long Service was processing the request but crashed service error
  • 85. CONFIRM AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE NODE WITH REQUEST Each service node could have its own inbox A request is sent to service.Bto get a single response, which will then reply with its own inbox, (no payload needed). If there is not a fast reply before client times out, then most likely the service is unavailable for us at that time. If there is a response, then use that inbox in a request SUB _INBOX.123available 90 PUB _INBOX.123available _INBOX.456helpplease...
  • 87. NATS is a simple, fast and reliable solution for the internal communication of a distributed system. It chooses simplicity and reliability over guaranteed delivery. Though this does not necessarily mean that guarantees of a system are constrained due to NATS! →
  • 88. We can always build strong guarantees on top, but we can't always remove them from below. Tyler Treat, Simple Solutions to Complex Problems Replayability can be better than guaranteed delivery Idempotency can be better than exactly once delivery Commutativity can be better than ordered delivery Related NATS project: NATS Streaming
  • 89. REFERENCES High Performance Systems in Go (Gophercon 2014) Derek Collison ( ) Dissecting Message Queues (2014) Tyler Treat ( ) Simplicity Matters (RailsConf 2012) Rich Hickey ( ) Simple Solutions for Complex Problems (2016) Tyler Treat ( ) End To End Argument (1984) J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed and D.D. Clark ( ) link link link link link
  • 90. THANKS! / @nats_io Play with the demo site! telnet 4222