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Kubernetes Architecture
Janakiram MSV
Analyst | Advisor | Architect
Janakiram & Associates
Google Developer Expert
The Kubernetes Webinar Series
● Monthly webinar focused on helping you get started with Kubernetes
● Delivered by the experts from the container ecosystem
● Each webinar introduces a concept to accelerate your learning
● No specific prerequisites
○ Basic understanding of Docker will help
● All attendees will get $100 Google Cloud Platform Credits
● Win free annual and monthly subscriptions of MAPT eBook library
● The recording of this webinar will be available at
● A closer look at Kubernetes cluster
● Master components
● Node components
● Pods
● Labels & Selectors
● Replication Controllers
● Services
Kubernetes Architecture
Node 1API
Node 2
Node n
Node 3

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Kubernetes - introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It coordinates activities across a cluster of machines by defining basic building blocks like pods (which contain containers), replication controllers (which ensure a specified number of pods are running), and services (which define logical groups of pods). Kubernetes provides tools for running applications locally on a single node as well as managing resources in the cluster, including creating, deleting, viewing, and updating resources from configuration files.

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Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation SlidesKubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.

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Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

Kubernetes Master
API Server Scheduler Controller
Kubernetes Node
Docker kubelet
AddonsDNS UI
A Simple Containerized Application
Web App
Kubernetes Pod
● Group of one or more containers that are always co-located,
co-scheduled, and run in a shared context
● Containers in the same pod have the same hostname
● Each pod is isolated by
○ Process ID (PID) namespace
○ Network namespace
○ Interprocess Communication (IPC) namespace
○ Unix Time Sharing (UTS) namespace
● Alternative to a VM with multiple processes

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Those are the slides that were used to give an introduction to Kubernetes at the Nardoz Berlin Meetup on the 2018-06-28.

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Introduction to Docker Compose

This document introduces Docker Compose, which allows defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It discusses that Docker Compose uses a YAML file to configure and run multi-service Docker apps. The 3 steps are to define services in a Dockerfile, define the app configuration in a Compose file, and run the containers with a single command. It also covers topics like networking, environment variables, and installing Docker Compose. Hands-on labs are provided to learn Compose through examples like WordPress.

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Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop
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Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop

A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes. This slide deck serves as the lecture portion of a full-day Workshop covering the architecture, concepts and components of Kubernetes. For the interactive portion, please see the tutorials here:

Labels & Selectors
● Key/value pairs associated with Kubernetes objects
● Used to organize and select subsets of objects
● Attached to objects at creation time but modified at any time.
● Labels are the essential glue to associate one API object with other
○ Replication Controller -> Pods
○ Service -> Pods
○ Pods -> Nodes
Deploying a Pod
Pod Definition
roxyDocker kubelet
Web Pod
DB Pod
Pod Definition
● An abstraction to define a logical set of Pods bound by a policy by to
access them
● Services are exposed through internal and external endpoints
● Services can also point to non-Kubernetes endpoints through a
● Supports TCP and UDP
● Interfaces with kube-proxy to manipulate iptables
● Service can be exposed internal or external to the cluster
Exposing Services
DB PodWeb
Client Node

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Kubernetes Introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager that was originally developed by Google. It was created as a rewrite of Google's internal Borg system using Go. Kubernetes aims to provide a declarative deployment and management of containerized applications and services. It facilitates both automatic bin packing as well as self-healing of applications. Some key features include horizontal pod autoscaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and application lifecycle management.

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Kubernetes 101 for Beginners

This presentation covers how app deployment model evolved from bare metal servers to Kubernetes World. In addition to theoretical information, you will find free KATACODA workshops url to perform practices to understand the details of the each topics.

Evolution of containers to kubernetes
Evolution of containers to kubernetesEvolution of containers to kubernetes
Evolution of containers to kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google based on years of experience running production workloads at scale. Kubernetes groups containers into logical units called pods and handles tasks like scheduling, health checking, scaling and rollbacks. The main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run application containers scheduled by the master.

kubernetes basicskubernetes introductionvit devfest 2018
Creating Pods & Services
Python Web App & Redis DB
Replication Controller
● Ensures that a Pod or homogeneous set of Pods are always up and
● Always maintains desired number of Pods
○ If there are excess Pods, they get killed
○ New pods are launched when they fail, get deleted, or terminated
● Creating a replication controller with a count of 1 ensures that a Pod is
always available
● Replication Controller and Pods are associated through Labels
roxyDocker kubelet
Scaling Pods with Replication Controller
RC Definition
DB Pod
Scaling Pods with Replication Controller

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Kubernetes Webinar - Using ConfigMaps & Secrets Kubernetes Webinar - Using ConfigMaps & Secrets
Kubernetes Webinar - Using ConfigMaps & Secrets

Many applications require configuration using some combination of configuration files, command line arguments, and environment variables. ConfigMaps in Kubernetes provide mechanisms to inject containers with configuration data while keeping them portable. Secrets decouple sensitive content from the pods using a volume plug-in. This webinar will discuss the use cases and scenarios for using ConfigMaps and Secrets.

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Introduction talk from Alejandro Galue about Kubernetes and how to run OpenNMS services on Kubernetes based platforms.

opennmsnetwork monitoringmonitoring
Introduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetesIntroduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetes

This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It first reviews what Docker is and its features like isolation and compatibility across platforms. It then explains that container orchestration is needed to manage thousands of containers across a cluster, ensure efficient resource use, and automate container lifecycles. Kubernetes is recommended because it is actively developed by major companies, makes scheduling and managing workloads easy through features like rolling updates, and has many extensions available.

● Kubernetes Master runs the API, Scheduler and Controller services
● Each Node is responsible for running one or more Pods
● Pods are the unit of deployment in Kubernetes
● Labels associate one Kubernetes object with the other
● Replication Controller ensures high availability of Pods
● Services expose Pods to internal and external consumers
Upcoming Webinar
A Closer Look at Kubernetes Pods
9 AM PST, 26th October
This session will discuss the best practices of creating,
deploying, and managing Pods. We will take a closer look at
the storage and networking architecture of containers
running in the same Pod.
Register at for the upcoming webinars
Thank You!
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Kubernetes architecture

  • 1. Kubernetes Architecture Janakiram MSV Analyst | Advisor | Architect Janakiram & Associates Google Developer Expert
  • 2. Announcing The Kubernetes Webinar Series ● Monthly webinar focused on helping you get started with Kubernetes ● Delivered by the experts from the container ecosystem ● Each webinar introduces a concept to accelerate your learning ● No specific prerequisites ○ Basic understanding of Docker will help ● All attendees will get $100 Google Cloud Platform Credits ● Win free annual and monthly subscriptions of MAPT eBook library ● The recording of this webinar will be available at
  • 3. Objectives ● A closer look at Kubernetes cluster ● Master components ● Node components ● Pods ● Labels & Selectors ● Replication Controllers ● Services
  • 5. Kubernetes Master API Server Scheduler Controller etcd API UI CLI
  • 7. A Simple Containerized Application Python Web App Redis Database Client
  • 8. Kubernetes Pod ● Group of one or more containers that are always co-located, co-scheduled, and run in a shared context ● Containers in the same pod have the same hostname ● Each pod is isolated by ○ Process ID (PID) namespace ○ Network namespace ○ Interprocess Communication (IPC) namespace ○ Unix Time Sharing (UTS) namespace ● Alternative to a VM with multiple processes
  • 9. Labels & Selectors ● Key/value pairs associated with Kubernetes objects ● Used to organize and select subsets of objects ● Attached to objects at creation time but modified at any time. ● Labels are the essential glue to associate one API object with other ○ Replication Controller -> Pods ○ Service -> Pods ○ Pods -> Nodes
  • 10. Deploying a Pod Pod Definition Master kube-p roxyDocker kubelet Supervisord fluentd Web Pod Node DB Pod Pod Definition Python Redis
  • 11. Services ● An abstraction to define a logical set of Pods bound by a policy by to access them ● Services are exposed through internal and external endpoints ● Services can also point to non-Kubernetes endpoints through a Virtual-IP-Bridge ● Supports TCP and UDP ● Interfaces with kube-proxy to manipulate iptables ● Service can be exposed internal or external to the cluster
  • 13. Demo Creating Pods & Services Python Web App & Redis DB
  • 14. Replication Controller ● Ensures that a Pod or homogeneous set of Pods are always up and available ● Always maintains desired number of Pods ○ If there are excess Pods, they get killed ○ New pods are launched when they fail, get deleted, or terminated ● Creating a replication controller with a count of 1 ensures that a Pod is always available ● Replication Controller and Pods are associated through Labels
  • 15. kube-p roxyDocker kubelet Supervisord fluentd Web Pod 1 Scaling Pods with Replication Controller RC Definition Master Node Web Pod 2 Web Pod 3 3 DB Pod
  • 16. Demo Scaling Pods with Replication Controller
  • 17. Summary ● Kubernetes Master runs the API, Scheduler and Controller services ● Each Node is responsible for running one or more Pods ● Pods are the unit of deployment in Kubernetes ● Labels associate one Kubernetes object with the other ● Replication Controller ensures high availability of Pods ● Services expose Pods to internal and external consumers
  • 18. Upcoming Webinar A Closer Look at Kubernetes Pods 9 AM PST, 26th October This session will discuss the best practices of creating, deploying, and managing Pods. We will take a closer look at the storage and networking architecture of containers running in the same Pod. Register at for the upcoming webinars
  • 19. Thank You! Send your Feedback / Questions / Comments